ThingsYou Need to Know
to Study in The UK
ThingsYou Need to Know to
Study in The UK
Education is important and everyone wants to have the best. There are some
countries that have the best educational system and it is people’s priority to go to
those countries and get the best education. The UK is a priority for a lot of students
when it comes to higher education. But it is important to understand that there is a
lot of competition and you have to work hard and have a great application to get UK
If you are serious about studying in the UK then you need to know all the
requirements. The best way to find out the requirements and how the application
process works you should contact UK immigration solicitors because they know
everything about the process and can guide you properly.
Types of student visa in UK
There are different types of student visas available and to
make the best decision you need to know all the available
options. Make sure that you read all the requirements and the
perks that the different types of visas have to offer.
1. If you are more than 18 years old and you are taking admission in a
short course then you are likely to be eligible for a short-term
study visa. The validity period of this visa is up to six months. The
validity can be extended for a stay. For English language courses,
the visa can be extended for about 11 months.
2. If you plan on studying for a longer period then you need to choose
an institution that has a tier4 sponsor license. You have the option
of applying for a tier 4 (child) student visa if your age is between 4
to 17. The students that are 16 or older will need to apply for a tier 4
(general) student visa.
Once you understand the requirements and perks of the
available options you will be able to make the right decision.
The Requirements
There are a lot of students from all around the world The UK student visas are given on the point-based
that are interested in taking advantage of the system. To meet the student visa requirements you
excellent educational system of the UK so there is a will need the following things.
lot of competition. To get the right visa you should
make sure that your application is perfect. Make sure 1. Passport details
that nothing is missing and you have all the right
documents. Once you get an offer on a course then 2. Recent photographs
you can also ask the course provider to give you
some guidance. You can apply for the visa up to three 3. Proof that you have an unconditional course
months in advance of the date that the course starts.
Make sure that you check the average processing offer from a licensed tier4 sponsor. It should be
times for your country so you are able to get the visa evidenced by CAS from the course provider.
in time.
4. Proof of passing a secure English language
5. Evidence of financial support in the form of a
bank statement or a letter from the sponsor