FdSc Logistics Management
The FdSc in Logistics Management is a Work • The FdSc is recognised professionally and
Based Distance Learning (WBDL) degree academically
which aims to bridge the gap between
learning at work and learning at university. • One-to-one tutor advice and expert guidance
throughout the programme
The FdSc Logistics Management degree is open
to all suitably qualified personnel. Underpinned • Final year of a foundation degree designed
by extensive research and development, this to be typically completed within 18 months,
foundation degree programme provides formal successful completion offers progression to
accreditation of approved prior learning and the BSc (Hons) Logistics Management.
experience against the first year of a foundation
degree. This means that students undertake Programme Features
a final year of study, comprising four core
modules, graduating with an FdSc in Logistics • Tailored course – These programmes are
Management. specifically designed with work based and
distance learning students in mind
• Minimal disruption – Distance learning is
1. Developing Academic Writing & Associated Skills conducted almost entirely off- campus with
2. Developing as a Leader and Manager no requirement to visit the University
3. Advanced Logistics and Supply Chain
• Tangible benefits – Student work has been
Management utilised by employers to realise measurable
4. Work Based Logistics Project operational improvements, budgetary
savings, and to drive improvements in policy
Overview and strategy
• All of our awards are studied via our Virtual • Staff development – The WBD Learning
Learning Environment (VLE) so as long programmes are designed to equip students
as you have access to a reliable internet with skills, understanding and knowledge,
connection, you should be able to study which can be applied directly to the work
regardless of where you are in the world. environment.
Employees HowYou Are Assessed
As prospective students will already be employed, benefits The assessments are designed to address the learning
of the degree may include: outcomes of each module, utilising a range of assessment
methods including essays, portfolios, reflective logs and
• Academic recognition for learning already achieved reports. There are opportunities for formative feedback
• Individual learning programmes focussed on job- to aid learning and prepare students for submission of
assessments throughout the programme.
relevant learning
• Direct access to specialist expertise to support work- Course duration
based projects and extend the scope of activities Typically, students take 18 months to complete their
• Immediate opportunities to apply theory in practice studies. However, flexibility is a key feature, so students
• Improved performance and the ability to respond to may formally interrupt their studies for a period of up to
two years to accommodate personal circumstances, work
change commitments.
Staff development also has recognised benefits for
organisations, which may include:
• Improved performance and competitive edge
• Increased motivation, confidence and creativity of the
• Immediate benefits from availability of expertise and
advice on work-based projects
• Customised programmes to suit the organisation
FdSc Logistics Developing Developing as Advanced Work Based
Management Academic Writing a Leader and Logistics and Logistics
Supply Chain Project
& Associated Manager Management
For further information and to make
an application please contact:
Work Based Distance Learning Team
[email protected]
+44 (0) 1522 835514
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this leaflet at the time of going to print. For the most up-to-date programme information,
please visit our website at www.lincoln.ac.uk. If there is any inconsistency between the information in this leaflet and the information on our website, the information on our
website should be taken as correct. Please refer to our website for the latest information about the course you are applying for before making an application. Please visit
www.lincoln.ac.uk/terms for full terms and conditions.