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Published by Prasanth Dendukuri, 2020-03-30 15:38:44

Solubility Proj

Solubility Project (1)



By Prasanth Dendukuri

What/Where? #1- COFFEE Characteristics

- I found this in my - Coffee is an unsaturated
house. My mom solution. We know this
prepared this because when sugar and
solution. instant coffee mix(the
solutes) are added to
- The Solvent is water(the solvent) , the
water solutes dissolve in the
solvent and make a
- The Solutes are uniform solution. Such
instant powdered solutions in which more
coffee mix, and solute can be dissolved are
sugar called as unsaturated


What type of Solvents? #1- COFFEE How was this Solution
- Sugar is a Covalent solute
because the molecule Sugar - First, a cup of water was

C12 H22 O11 shares covalent heated for a minute in a
bonds, where electrons are microwave. Then, 2
shared between atoms, thus spoons of instant coffee
making it a covalent solute. powder was added to a

- Caffeine(instant coffee different empty mug.

powder) chemical formula is Then the powder was
C8H10N4O2. All the elements dissolved with a
that make up caffeine are tablespoon of cold water
non-metals, so there are Then, the hot water was
covalent bonds between poured into the mug with
them, thus making caffeine a coffee and 2 spoons of
covalent solute

Uses? sugar was poured into
This solution is used to drink to relieve stress, or the mug, and stirred till
simply savor. the color was uniform.


#2 - Salt + Water -> Salt Water Solution

What/Where Characteristics

- I found this in - This is an unsaturated
my house. I solution. I know this
prepared this because I can keep adding
solution. salt, which is the solute,
and it will still dissolve.
- The Solvent is Saturated solutions are
water solutions where no more
solute can be added, and if
- The Solute is solute is added, the solute
salt. will not properly dissolve.

#2 - Salt + Water -> Salt Water Solution

What type of Solvent? How was it made +

- The solvent, salt is an ionic uses
solute. This is because salt,
NaCl is an ionic compound. - This was made using a
It is an ionic compound tablespoon of table salt
because two element ionic and stirring it in one
compounds are made of a cup of water till the salt
metal and a non-metal. They was completely
are neutral compounds, dissolved.
made of ions(Na and Cl in
this case). The loss or gain - Sometimes, salt water
from one atom matches the is used to gargle so it
loss or gain of the other, so can relieve pain in one’s
one atom essentially mouth
'donates' an electron to the
other atom it pairs up with.

What/Where? Vinegar Charecteristics
How was it made?
“ - This is an unsaturated
- I found this in my house solution. Vinegar is an
near the cleaning supplies unsaturated solution of
acetic acid in water,
- The Solvent is water meaning acetic acid will
still “dissolve” when
- The Solute is acetic acid. added.

- Vinegar is made through the 6
fermentation of ethanol alcohol.
Any ingredient containing
ethanol may be used to make
vinegar, including distilled grain
alcohol, wine, champagne, beer,
cider and more.Bacteria are
used to ferment (or break down)
the ethanol into byproducts
including acetic acid.

What type of solute? Vinegar

- Acetic acid is a “ What is it used for?
covalent solute. It’s Vinegar can be used
chemical formula is for cleaning
CH3COOH. Carbon,
Hydrogen, and 7
Oxygen are all
meaning they all
form covalent bonds
with each other,
thus making acetic
acid a covalent

What/Where? HONEY
Solutes & Solvents
- I found this in my Charecteristics
- Honey is a
- The solutes are supersaturated
fructose and sucrose. solution, meaning it
contains more sugar
- The Solvent is water than would normally
dissolve at that
temperature. That’s
why it eventually gets
all crystally — over
time, sugar comes out
of the solution.


What type of solute? HONEY How is it made?

- Sucrose is a covalent Uses - Honey starts as flower nectar
solute. Sucrose is made collected by bees, which gets
of carbon, hydrogen and broken down into simple sugars
oxygen which all are stored inside the honeycomb.
non-metals, and so The design of the honeycomb
forming a covalent and constant fanning of the
compound. bees' wings causes
evaporation, creating sweet
- Fructose is also a liquid honey. Beekeepers
covalent solute, also harvest it by collecting the
made of hydrogen, honeycomb frames and
oxygen and carbon, all scraping off the wax cap that
non-metals, forming a bees make to seal off honey in
covalent compound. each cell.

- Honey is used as a sweetener for

food, or can be used in medicine.


What/Where? Bleach + Water Solution
How was it made?

- I found this in my house Charecteristics
part of the cleaning
supplies. (Clorox bleach). “ - This is a unsaturated
The solvent is water and solution because more
the solute is bleach. bleach can be added into

- Caustic soda is produced as a water and it will still
concentrated 50% solution, dissolve.

and the solution is diluted with
water to create a new 25%

solution. Chlorine and the new
caustic soda solution is

reacted, which creates sodium
hypochlorite. The chlorine is

circulated through the caustic 10
soda. The final product is

Bleach + Water Solution

What type of solute? Uses

- Bleach is an ionic solute “ - Bleach is used to
meaning that there are disinfect, and clean
transfer of ions and surfaces. Bleach should
bleach is a neutral not be used alone, but
compound at the atomic should be diluted with
level. The chemical water. Bleach can also be
formula for bleach is used to remove stains on
NaClO. There is an Na clothes and surfaces, or
atom, which is a metal, remove mold.
meaning that if it is an
ionic compound, Na has 11
to bond with nonmetals,
which it did, because Cl
and O or non-metals.

Sugar + Water solution

What/Where? Characteristics

- I prepared this in - This sugar water solution is
my house. unsaturated because
currently more sugar can
- The Solvent is be added and it will still
water dissolve. However, a
saturated sugar water
- The Solute is sugar. solution can be made. That
is when the water can no
longer dissolve sugar
because there is too much
sugar dissolved in the
water already.


Sugar + Water solution

What type of How was it made?

solvent? - It was made by stirring 3
tablespoons of sugar into a
- Sugar is a Covalent cup of water.
solute because the
molecule Sugar C12 Uses?
H22 O11 shares
covalent bonds, - Sugar water can be used
where electrons are to drink to savour, or to
shared between sometimes reduce pain.
atoms, thus making it
a covalent solute.



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