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Published by topanasia, 2021-09-30 21:15:58

Breakthrough Grammar & Vocabulary Book 6



Worksheets: Grammar Worksheets: Vocabulary

1 Punctuation – sentences 2 Small words in words
3 Book titles and authors 4 Homophones – same sounds
5 Apostrophes – singular and plural 6 Adjectives after link verbs
nouns 8 Adjectives in as_as
7 Punctuation in direct speech 10 Compound nouns
9 Demonstrative pronouns 12 Suffix ‘-ing’
11 Conjunctions – joining sentences 14 Suffixes ‘-ance’, ‘-ence’
13 Commas in apposition 16 Idioms
15 Colons in sentences 18 Root words
17 Nouns – concrete, abstract 20 Syllable count
19 Irregular plurals 22 Homophones (1)
21 Abstract nouns from verbs 24 Root (base) words
23 Gerunds 26 ‘-ing’, ‘-ed’ suffixes
25 Relative pronouns 28 Root words from Latin or Greek
27 Pronouns
29 Adverbs of manner ‘-ly’ 30 Root words from science and
31 Adverbs in sentences 32 Words from foreign origins

33 Adverbs – positions in sentences 34 Syllables in words
35 Adverbs – degree (intensifiers) 36 Spelling ‘-ie’, ‘-ei’ words (1)
37 Prepositions in sentences
39 Prepositions showing 38 Prefixes before words
relationships 40 ‘-our’, ‘-ure’ words
41 Prepositions puzzles 42 Similes
43 Subject-verb agreement (1) 44 Homophones (2)
45 Subject-verb agreement (2) 46 Syllables
47 Verb tense agreement 48 There, their, they’re
49 Subject-verb agreement (3) 50 Prefixes ‘anti-’, ‘co-’
51 Modals – would, should, ought, etc. 52 Prepositions – opposites
53 Modals – will, must, etc. 54 Transport
55 Adjectives – comparative and 56 Verbs in commands
superlative 58 Synonyms (1)
57 Adjectives behaving as nouns 60 Prefixes – negatives
59 Main clauses in complex 62 Definitions of words (1)
sentences 64 Similes and metaphors
61 Subordinate clauses 66 Personification
63 Clauses (1) 68 Dual spellings (1)

65 Clauses and phrases (1) 70 Proverbs – missing words

Contents i

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67 Main clauses and subordinate 72 Prefixes and their meanings
clauses 74 Suffixes
69 Verbs in conditional clauses 76 Onomatopoeia – animal
71 Conditional sentences movement
73 Main clauses 78 Replacing ‘got’ in sentences
75 Active and passive sentences (1) 80 Metaphors
77 Tenses 82 Vowels
79 Word order 84 Adjectives – suffixes
81 Active and passive sentences (2) 86 Adverbs ‘-ly’
83 Passive verbs 88 Definitions of words (2)
85 Clauses (2) 90 Dual spellings (2)
87 Conjunctions – and, but, etc. 92 Spelling – adding ‘-y’ to nouns
89 Compound conjunctions 94 Prefixes – ‘ex-’, ‘mis-’
91 Connectors and their meanings 96 Synonyms (2)
93 Proverbs 98 Synonyms – same part of speech
95 Sentence connectors 100 Proverbs and their meanings
97 Standard English 102 Origins of words (1)
99 Direct speech 104 Mnemonics
101 Punctuation – dash (–) 106 Dictionary work (1)
103 Parts of speech 108 Spelling ‘-ie’, ‘-ei’ words (2)
105 More parts of speech 110 Spelling – double consonants
107 Prefixes, suffixes and root words 112 Phrases and clauses
109 Suffixes – spelling 114 Outdated words and expressions
111 Active and passive verbs
113 Complex sentences 116 Collective nouns
118 Word attack – rhyming words
115 Compound sentences
117 Proverbs – verbs 120 Word attack – same beginning
119 Root words consonants
121 Conditional verbs 122 Abbreviation – shortening words
123 Formal language 124 Word association

125 Clauses and phrases (2) 126 Dictionary work (2)
127 Connectives (1) 128 Spelling – using a dictionary
129 Connectives (2) 130 Words misused (1)
131 Basic sentence 132 Origins of words (2)
133 Punctuation – brackets ( ) 134 Problem plurals
135 Personification 136 Dual spellings (3)
137 Subject and verb 138 Phrasal verbs (1)
139 Formal writing 140 Words misused (2)
141 Irregular nouns 142 Form nouns from adjectives
143 Metaphors 144 Problem words
145 Idioms 146 Phrasal verbs (2)
147 Common errors 148 Eponymous words
149 More common errors 150 Words misused (3)

ii Contents

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WORKSHEET Grammar - Punctuation – sentences Marks


Punctuation marks are a set of signs which help you to get the right message from
reading materials. They help to make clear the meanings of sentences. A sentence
begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
Examples: A wolf dressed himself as a sheep.
He joined a flock of sheep.

Punctuate the following sentences correctly. Write the sentences.

1. the wolf was very hungry

2. for many days he could kill and eat sheep

3. the shepherd did not find him out

4. one night the shepherd decided to kill a sheep

5. he wanted it for food

6. he took out a sheep

7. he did not know it was a wolf

8. he killed it on the spot

9. he thought the wolf was a sheep

10. it does not pay to pretend to be something else

Grammar 1

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WORKSHEET Vocabulary - Small words in words Marks


Very often there are smaller words hidden in bigger words. Look for these words to
help you to spell them.
Examples: country – count, try
soldier – so, sold, die, old

Find small words in the following words.

1. hearth

2. cupboard

3. classroom

4. computer

5. streamlet

6. neighbour

7. bakery

8. cottage

9. news-stand

10. comfortable

2 Vocabulary

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WORKSHEET Grammar - Book titles and authors Marks


You use capital letters for book titles and authors.
Examples: Common English Proverbs by A. Johnson.
The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan by Wong Kiew Kit.

Rewrite the titles of these books and their authors.

1. the sleeping beauty retold by e. f. dodd

2. better spoken english by geoffrey barnard

3. malayan jungle adventures by h. j. kitchener

4. tom brown’s school days by thomas hughes

5. robin hood retold by ronald d. k. storer

6. king solomon’s mines by h. rider haggard

7. around the world in 80 days by jules verne

8. sang kanchil at school by b. lumsden milne

9. vanity fair by w. m. thackeray

10. the talking tree and other stories by david mcrobbie

Grammar 3

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WORKSHEET Vocabulary - Homophones – same Marks


Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings,
origins or spelling.
Examples: are, ark
birth, berth

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The rose is a beautiful . (flour flower)

2. She the story well. (new knew)

3. The boats are moored at the . (quay key)

4. Tigers have large . (pause paws)

5. The police cordoned off the murder . (site sight)

6. He had a on his leg. (sore soar)

7. It’s rude to at someone. (stare stair)

8. We could see the sun’s through the clouds. (rays rai)

9. The king sat on the . (thrown throne)

10. Mr Dodd was the of the school. (principle principal)

4 Vocabulary

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WORKSHEET Grammar - Apostrophes – singular and Marks
plural nouns


You use an apostrophe (’) to show that something belongs to someone. You write (’s)
to show only one owner and (s’) to show more than one owner.
Examples: The girl’s bags. (the bags belong to one girl)
The girls’ bags. (the bags belong to more than one girl)

Write (’s) or (s’) to show ownership.

1. The handbags belong to the teachers.

2. The bicycles belong to the boys.

3. The toys belong to the children.

4. The house belongs to the Lees.

5. The tools belong to the gardener.

6. The nest belongs to the eagle.

7. The kennel belongs to my dog.

8. The utensils belong to the cook.

9. The stable belongs to the horses.

10. The howls belong to the wolf.

Grammar 5

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WORKSHEET Vocabulary - Adjectives after link verbs Marks


A link verb is a verb that is used to connect the subject of a sentence with the word or
words that tell about the subject. Many adjectives can be used after link verbs.
Examples: My parents are proud of me. (are – link verb)
She seemed happy. (seemed – link verb)

Underline the link verbs and the adjectives that follow.

1. She has become suspicious.

2. They were contented.

3. The people have remained loyal to the country.

4. She looked sad.

5. I am proud of my friend.

6. Your answers are correct.

7. He was smarter than his friend.

8. We were able to do better.

9. Smoking is bad for you.

10. They appear friendly.

6 Vocabulary

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WORKSHEET Grammar - Punctuation in Marks
direct speech


Direct speech has two clauses. One is the reporting clause containing the reporting
verb. The other is the quote, showing what someone says or has said.
Examples: (note the punctuation marks)
She said, ‘Thank you.’
‘What is your name?’ he asked.

Punctuate these direct speeches.

1. The King said we will throw away every needle in the country

2. How can we make clothes the tailors asked

3. Everyone must buy clothes in another country said the King

4. How are clothes made the Princess asked her mother

5. Her mother said tailors make them

6. What are tailors asked the Princess

7. There are no tailors in the country said the Queen

8. We go to another country to buy our clothes she said

9. I want to make some clothes the Princess said

10. No you must never do that her mother said

Grammar 7

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WORKSHEET Vocabulary - Adjectives in as_as Marks


You use an adjective to say that something is similar in some way to something else.
You use as in front of the adjectives followed by as.
Examples: This apple is as sweet as your mango.
She is as tall as her sister.

Complete the following sentences using ‘as_as’ and the adjective in

1. The new student is John. tall

2. She was her sister. clever

3. Mike is Frank. rich

4. This computer is that one. costly

5. He is not Tony. old

6. The city is not the countryside. peaceful

7. Your work is just your friend’s. important

8. The ponds are tennis courts. big

9. Her score was his. high

10. His singing was not it used to be. good

8 Vocabulary

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WORKSHEET Grammar - Demonstrative pronouns Marks


Demonstrative pronouns are ‘this (these)’, ‘that (those)’. They are used to point out
objects to which they refer. This, that refer to singular nouns. These, those refer to
plural nouns.
Examples: This is a present from my father.
These are presents from my father.
That is a book from the library.
Those are books from the library.

Complete the sentences with ‘this (these)’, ‘that (those)’.

1. She looked at the building. ‘ is awesome,’ she said.

2. He picked up the bags and said, ‘ are light.’

3. Jane finished her work. ‘ was tough,’ she said.

4. Pointing to a bus she asked, ‘Where does go?’

5. must be your friends over there.

6. ‘I’d like to buy .’ He handed a shirt to the salesgirl.

7. These are mine. over there are yours.

8. cake was delicious. I was so hungry.

9. These answers are right. Some of are wrong.

10. Have you another pen? does not write well.

Grammar 9

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WORKSHEET Vocabulary - Compound nouns Marks


A compound noun is a group of words that do the work of a noun.
Examples: She gave him a pot of lily of the valley.
He carried an address book with him.

Match the words to make compound nouns.


bus instrument

blood being

fairy tale

human box

guided sitter

musical hand

alarm clock

baby stop

old missile

letter donor

10 Vocabulary

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1 8
1. The wolf was very hungry. 1. as tall as 2. as clever as 3. as rich as
2. For many days he could kill and eat sheep. 4. as costly as 5. as old as 6. as peaceful as
3. The shepherd did not find him out. 7. as important as 8. as big as 9. as high as
4. One night the shepherd decided to kill a sheep. 10. as good as
5. He wanted it for food.
6. He took out a sheep. 9
7. He did not know it was a wolf. 1. This 2. These 3. That 4. that 5. Those
8. He killed it on the spot. 6. this 7. Those 8. That 9. those 10. This
9. He thought the wolf was a sheep.
10. It does not pay to pretend to be something else. 10
1. bus-stop 2. blood donor 3. fairy tale
2 4. human being 5. guided missile 6. musical instrument
1. hear, ear, art, earth, heart, he 7. alarm clock 8. baby sitter 9. old hand
2. cup, boar, board, oar, boa, up 10. letter box
3. class, ass, room, lass, as, roo
4. compute, put 11
5. stream, let, ream, am 1. … or he will be punished.
6. neigh, our 2. … but rude.
7. baker, bake 3. … so did Peter.
8. cot, age 4. … so she did not play well.
9. new, news, stand, and, an, tan 5. … zoo as tomorrow is a holiday.
10. comfort, fort, for, table, able, or 6. … because it was raining.
7. … although we were early.
3 8. … yet John has not come back.
1. The Sleeping Beauty retold by E.F. Dodd. 9. … although he is not shy.
2. Better Spoken English by Geoffrey Barnard. 10. … but proud.
3. Malayan Jungle Adventures by H.J. Kitchener.
4. Tom Brown’s School Days by Thomas Hughes. 12
5. Robin Hood retold by Ronald D.K. Storer. 1. teasing 2. robbing 3. talking
6. King Solomon’s Mines by H. Rider Haggard. 4. writing 5. running 6. programming
7. Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. 7. digging 8. SMSing 9. twitting
8. Sang Kanchil at School by B. Lumsden Milne. 10. slipping
9. Vanity Fair by W. M. Thackeray.
10. The Talking Tree and Other Stories by David McRobbie. 13
1. … her friend, the head boy…
4 2. His friend, a student, lives nearby.
1. flower 2. knew 3. quay 4. paws 5. site 3. Judy, the English teacher, …
6. sore 7. stare 8. rays 9. throne 10. principal 4. Mia, my little brother, …
5. My dog, Jeannie, …
5 6. Patrick, aged 48, …
1. teachers’ 2. boys’ 3. children’s 4. Lees’ 7. The burglar, quietly, left …
5. gardener’s 6. eagle’s 7. dog’s 8. cook’s 8. Suzanne, realising she was in danger, …
9. horses’ 10. wolf’s 9. Celine, the singer, …
10. Roy, the photographer, …
1. has become suspicious 2. were contented 14
3. have remained loyal 4. looked sad 1. emergence 2. reference 3. clearance
5. am proud 6. are correct 4. dependence 5. entrance 6. difference
7. was smarter 8. were able 7. guidance 8. excellence 9. appearance
9. is bad 10. appear friendly 10. acceptance
7 15
1. The King said, ‘We will throw away every needle in the 1. … country: Malays … 2. … sure of: they had …
country.’ 3. … obvious: carelessness … 4. … chapter 2: paragraph 3.
2. ‘How can we make clothes?’ the tailors asked. 5. Teacher said: ‘Please … 6. … most: money.
3. ‘Everyone must buy clothes in another country,’ said the 7. … journey: the road … 8. … fruits: cherries …
King. 9. … meal: chicken … 10. … read: The exam …
4. ‘How are clothes made?’ the Princess asked her mother.
5. Her mother said, ‘Tailors make them.’ 16
6. ‘What are tailors?’ asked the Princess. 1. (e) 2. (f) 3. (g) 4. (a) 5. (h)
7. ‘There are no tailors in the country,’ said the Queen. 6. (i) 7. (j) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (d)
8. ‘We go to another country to buy our clothes,’ she said.
9. ‘I want to make some clothes,’ the Princess said. 17
10. ‘No, you must never do that!’ her mother said. 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C)
6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (A)


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18 33
1. rob 2. sail 3. move 4. exist 5. assist 1. … is seldom absent … 2. … day soon came …
6. lock 7. detect 8. mix 9. fame 10. judge 3. … then had lunch. 4. Patients normally …
5. … have never seen … 6. Andy always …
19 7. … story before. 8. They already know …
1. feet 2. foci 3. radii 4. mice 5. teeth 9. … meeting now. 10. Anthony formerly …
6. women 7. lice 8. indices 9. geese 10. people
20 1. barbecue 2. afterwards 3. calorie
1. hap-py 2. pup-py 3. bit-ter 4. bat-ted 5. of-fice 4. defenceless 5. Fahrenheit 6. gasoline
6. pil-low 7. sad-der 8. daz-zle 9. sor-ry 10. hop-ping 7. sodium 8. strawberry 9. tournament
10. umbrella
1. thought 2. sight 3. pleasure 4. death 35
5. judgement 6. choice 7. defence 8. punishment 1. … her greatly.
9. excellence 10. service 2. …had almost finished …
3. … enjoyed myself thoroughly …
22 4. … me fully.
1. whole 2. pain 3. bored 4. bear 5. heard 5. … writes exceptionally …
6. cellar 7. medal 8. wait 9. course 10. sale 6. … players largely ignored …
7. … did extremely well …
23 8. … work so hard.
1. shopping 2. computing 3. windsurfing 9. … the very slippery …
4. Smoking 5. cheating 6. Walking 10. … dressed rather shabbily.
7. launching 8. training 9. weightlifting
10. bowling 36
1. height 2. neither 3. thief 4. conceit
24 5. vein 6. friend 7. pieces 8. ceiling
1. like 2. appoint 3. able 4. true 5. act 9. neighbour 10. eight
6. paint 7. vote 8. contract 9. mix 10. instruct
25 1. off 2. along 3. at 4. on 5. in
1. whom 2. who 3. who 4. that 5. which 6. at 7. by 8. at 9. after 10. before
6. that 7. who 8. whose 9. that 10. whose
26 1. impossible 2. misspell 3. bimonthly
1. grabbed 2. liked 3. barking 4. closed 4. disagrees 5. prewar 6. illegal
5. happened 6. changing 7. increasing 8. proving 7. irregular 8. inaccurate 9. endangers
9. breathed 10. Smoking 10. antidrug
27 39
1. … her dress 2. … he closed … 1. … punished by his … 2. … school by bus.
3. … that he would 4. … he saw me. 3. … to her. 4. … is from Austria.
5. … that he … 6. … and it bored him. 5. … ran for … 6. … interested in …
7. … approached her. 7. … work at … 8. … flew to …
8. … her friends if they wanted to go with her. 9. … book for Nigel. 10. … box to …
9. … that they wanted to sleep.
10. … when their teacher … 40
1. puncture 2. honour 3. recapture 4. labour
28 5. favour 6. denture 7. endeavour 8. adventure
1. volvo 2. pater 3. corpus 4. porto 5. decem 9. harbour 10. venture
6. dico 7. centum 8. urbs 9. venio 10. aqua
29 1. down 2. on 3. to 4. under 5. next
1. hungrily 2. automatically 3. truly 6. through 7. after 8. from 9. off 10. over
4. angrily 5. nervously 6. colourfully 42
7. terribly 8. beautifully 9. quietly
10. slowly; steadily 1. lark 2. tortoise 3. crystal 4. monkey 5. rose
6. gold 7. sieve 8. grave 9. frog 10. fish
1. (c) 2. (e) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (h) 43
6. (j) 7. (d) 8. (i) 9. (f) 10. (g) 1. swims 2. study 3. sleep 4. is 5. wants
6. likes 7. bark 8. travels 9. catch 10. has
1. nervously 2. immediately 3. yesterday 44
4. now 5. upstairs 6. outdoors 1. guilt 2. gate 3. stare 4. allowed 5. made
7. faster 8. hardest 9. silently 6. Waste 7. scent 8. pain 9. wait 10. sale
10. sleepily
32 1. comes 2. leave 3. have 4. goes 5. arrives
1. (d) 2. (f) 3. (c) 4. (h) 5. (a) 6. need 7. has 8. are 9. comes 10. eats
6. (b) 7. (j) 8. (e) 9. (i) 10. (g)


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