FORM 5 (2019)
1. Mock interview is conducted for the Form 5 students with the aims to :
(a) expose the students to real-life interview;
(b) gauge their level of knowledge about their choices of courses in universities or
career ;
(c) ensure students are clear about their goals when choosing a career.
2. From the mock interview, students would :
(a) have gained the experience attending an interview. This is to prepare them for
future scholarship interviews based on the SPM trial and SPM examination results.
(b) receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, thus enabling them to
improve themselves based on the comments by the panel of interviewers.
(a) The interview is conducted in English to keep up with the current situation
as majority of the students would apply to further their studies overseas.
(b) There are 2 parts to the interview – individual interview and group
interview. For the first part, students will be interviewed individually. For the second
part, students will discuss and present their discussion based on a topic given by the
interviewers ( See Sample Questions).
(c) Time allocated for each session is 50 minutes - 45 minutes for the interview session
and 5 minutes for the feedback session.
(d) Both individual and group interviews will be conducted by a panel of 2 interviewers.
(d) Students will enter the interview room in a group of 6.
(e) The panel of interviewers are to key in the scores for every student in the evaluation
form provided.
(a) Total score for each candidate for individual interview and group interview is 100.
(b) For group interview, candidates will be awarded individual scores according to their
(c) The final or overall score of each candidate is the sum of individual and group
interviews scores.
B 80-89 GOOD
D 40-59 WEAK
E 0-39 FAIL
Introduction (example)
I would like to welcome you to this interview session. First, I would like to
introduce to you the panel of interviewers. They are ( 1st panel’s name) and
myself (your name).
Before we begin, let me inform you about the different parts of our session today.
PART 1 - You wil be asked to give your responses individually.
PART 2 – This section is going to be in group form where all of you will be given
an issue to be discussed. You will then present your views or opinion
about the issue.
PART 3 – Feedback Session. For this section, the panel of interviewers will give
constructive feedback on the candidates’ performance.
(a) Establish rapport with the candidate.
(b) Be open-minded and show that you are receptive to the candidate’s responses.
(c) Begin with topics that the candidate is comfortable with for individual interview (refer
to resume).
(a) Engage the candidate in conversation. Candidate should be speaking
for about 80% of the interview duration .
(b) Evaluation is based on the accuracy and relevancy of the candidate’s
response to the question given and level of communication skill.
(c) Avoid putting a candidate down, opposing or arguing with the candidate
and making jokes.
(d) Ask meaningful and suitable questions that are in line with the aims of
the interview being held. Open-ended questions are encouraged.
(e) Control the situation if the candidate gets carried away.
(f) Go through the candidate’s document and give encouraging comments
(individual interview).
(g) Be sincere in giving compliments and encouraging words.
(a) Determine the duration of conversation when the interview approaches its end.
(b) Ask the candidates whether they have any questions or comments to offer.
(a) The panel of interviewers should provide constructive feedback on the candidate’s
(a) Avoid interruptions and distractions like using the handphone, going to the restroom
or talking among the interviewers during the interview.If you must, you may do so
after the candidates have left the interview room.
(b) Ask questions that require explanations and not just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Try to keep
the interview flowing like a conversation.
(c) Pose questions that enable the interviewers to see whether the candidate is suitable
for the chosen course. If it is a general knowledge question, relate it to the career
(d) Limit the time for individual candidate. However, it is up to the panel’s discretion.
(a) Questions related to candidate’s background, family, education,
courses, career choice and institutions of higher learning.
(b) Questions to determine how motivated candidates are in achieving their
(c) General knowledge questions or any other questions deemed suitable
by the panel of interviewers.
(c) Examples:
1. Tell me about yourself / Please describe yourself.
2. What are your goals in life?
3. What would you do to become successful in your career?
4. What/ who has influenced your choice of this course ?
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
6. What are your weaknesses and what measures have you taken to improve yourself?
7. Aside from a university degree, what do you hope to gain from your university
8. What are your strengths and how can they help you to succeed in your chosen field?
9. If we were to ask your friends to describe you, what would they say?
10. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
11. What is the most important thing you have learnt in this college/school?
12. What is your favourite subject and what makes you think you can excel in your chosen
degree course
13. Describe a time when you had a challenge in a team situation and how you coped with
14. Who is your role model? Why?
15. What is your definition of “success?”
16. What is your greatest achievement?
17. We know that you are a talented student; what motivates you to be a good learner?
18. Are there any questions that you wished we had asked or anything else about
yourself that you would like us to know?
19. What is your gratest strength?
20. What is your biggest weakness?
21. Are you a team player? Explain your answer.
1. The social media is driving our generation to appear perfect at any cost. Discuss.
2. What is the most prevailing problem among Malaysians in terms of attitudes? Discuss
3. Food is a fascination in Malaysia. What would be the best way to develop a healthy
eating culture among Malaysians.
4. What would be a major change that you would like to see in our government? Why?
5. Malaysian education system should undergo a paradigm shift in the teaching and
learning process. How far do you agree?
6. What would be the best way to curb the spread of fake news in Malaysia?
7. Would you work in a career field that is not related to your university degree? Why?
8. Teenagers need social skills not social networks. How far do you agree?
9. In a world where news can be reported by anyone with a cellphone, how do you decide
what is true?
10. What students study at school is not related to their lives later as adults and is thus a
waste of time. What is your view?
11. Government-sponsored students do not return to serve the country/fulfill their bond upon
completing their studies. Suggest ways to stop the loss of these talented professionals.
11. Cases of child abuse in the country have increased this past year. What are the
factors contributing to this increase?
12. Volunteerism is lacking amongst teenagers in the country. Suggest
ways to promote volunteerism among them.
13. What is your role as an individual to nurture peace within our community?
14. How can you contribute as a student in helping the homeless people?
15. How far do you think community service is important?
16. People shouldn’t be judged based on his/ her physical appearance. How far do you
17. What are the actions that you can take as a child/ student to cope with the rising living
cost in Malaysia?
18. Should the voting age be lowered?
19. Video and online games promote violence. Hence they should be abolished. Do you
20. Should social media comments be protected by free speech?
21. The driving age should be raised.
22. Malaysia should not give foreign aid to other countries. Any form of aid should be
given only to citizens of Malaysian. Do you agree? Explain.
23. Should vernacular schools in Malaysia be abolished? Why?