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Published by Summer Stone, 2017-05-24 12:34:54

Curriculum Extravaganza Booklet

Curriculum Extravaganza Booklet

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Region 7 Treasure M ap

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Buccaneer’s Journey 3

8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Keynote Presentation
Dave Burgess - Oak Room

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Lunch Provided - Jason’s Deli
Door Prizes & CIA Eclipse Video
Cedar Rooms

12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Afternoon Breakout Sessions

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Captain of the Ship

Dave Burgess - Keynote Speaker

Dave Burgess is the New York Times Best-Selling author of
Teach Like a PIRATE, co-author of P is for PIRATE, and the
president of Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. which delivers
powerful, inspirational, and innovative books, keynotes, and
professional development.
His presentations are a unique blend of outrageously
energetic performance art and magic, mixed with an
inspirational message of how and why to become more
passionate in the classroom. All techniques and methods are
modeled and fully explained so as to leave no doubt about
how to apply the methods in the real-world. Participants will
leave with a tool-box full of dynamic presentational ideas
that they can immediately use to improve their lessons.

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Ahoy, Me Hearties! 5

Keynote Message

Join New York Times Best-Selling author Dave Burgess for a high-energy,
entertaining, and inspirational program that will transform the way you

look at your role as an educator. Learn how to dramatically increase student
engagement, design wildly creative lessons, and build a course that is a
life-changing experience for your students.

Using a unique combination of magic and humor, he will reignite your passion
for the education profession and show you exactly how to make school an
amazing place that has students wanting to knock down the walls to get in.

Teach Like a PIRATE has sparked a full-scale revolution in the educational
world and has inspired teachers from all over the globe to achieve new levels
of excellence in their schools and classrooms. This program is your chance to

experience the one-of-a-kind presentational style of unbelievable intensity
and outrageous energy that has transfixed audiences at packed venues
across the nation.

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Yo, Ho, Ho - Breakout Sessions

Birch Room Ready to Engage!

Jane Tarr Ready to Engage! Join me as we explore a provided resource that has TEKS based classroom
ready activities. These tasks will be problem-solving, manipulative, and vocabulary based.
Region 7 ESC Math Specialist
They are also for students from at-risk to gifted & talented. When school begins, you will have
[email protected] activities that engage your students for grades 2,3 & 4 Math TEKS.

Cedar A Room MS Science Stations

Tera Collins Use “Science Cut-Ups” in stations to energize your class as students learn some of the most
difficult concepts. Students will be engaged in self-paced activities that will allow the teacher to
Region 7 ESC Curriculum Coordinator
work in small groups to reteach, review or extend the learning. Concepts from each category
[email protected] will be addressed in this session. Teachers will take home everything needed to set up
10 stations that are ready to go tomorrow.
Cedar B Room
Shadows & Light
Rhonda Lemon
Participants will investigate shadows and light using hands-on centers while we explore the
Region 7 ESC Early Childhood Specialist benefits of cross curricular teaching strategies. As we experiment with shadows and light, we
will develop large and small group curricular activities to motivate students and build interest.
[email protected]
Our centers and activities will include Literacy, Math, ELD, Social Studies and Fine Arts
guidelines. Participants will leave with ideas and resources to take and use in the classroom.

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Yo, Ho, Ho - Breakout Sessions

Cedar C Room OH What Treasures We Can Calculate

Sherry Morton Do we actually find all the treasures that our calculators will allow us to reveal? We use the
calculators daily and yet there is so much more we can do with them. Come and find some of
Region 7 ESC Math Specialist the hidden treasures in the TI 84. At the end of the session, you will get to take a treasure of

[email protected] your own home to immediately spark student engagement and inquiry.

Cypress Room Mapmaker

Cheri Hood Can your students evaluate the different types of historical and geographical information they
need by studying maps? Do they know what latitude and longitude means - or the difference
Region 7 ESC Social Studies Specialist between a political and physical map, a population map, a conquest map or a treasure map?

[email protected] Join us in this hands-on session as we explore and create maps and strategies you can
use with your students.
Dogwood Room
Space Odyssey
Paul Eyler
Learn how to take abstract space topics to concrete understanding with highly engaging and
Region 7 ESC Elementary Science/Social Studies Specialist super simple activities that any 3rd - 8th grade student can do. Participants will receive a class
set of Eclipse Glasses (for the August 21st solar eclipse), an inflatable solar system set, and will
[email protected] make their own moon phase model set. Participants will also experience a planetarium show.

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Yo, Ho, Ho - Breakout Sessions

Elm Room The Writer’s Craft

Dee Jordan Have you heard the phrase, “Read Like a Writer and Write Like a Reader”? Are you wanting to
make the reading-writing connection and incorporate mentor texts into your instruction?
Region 7 ESC ELA Specialist How do we get kids to engage with the text? Join us as we journey into the writer’s craft,
noticing the writer’s Craft Moves, and designing instruction that encourages students
[email protected] to ask themselves, “How did the writer do that?”

Lab 2 Room 6 Words

Holly Curry The six word story, inspired by Ernest Hemingway, can help students to learn how to
summarize. Pair that with a picture and students have the ability to quickly prove their
Region 7 ESC Digital Learning Specialist
learning. Use two different picture creating tools and it’s even quicker. Come learn
[email protected] some new tools to get your students summarizing and creating.

Maple Room Primary Coding

Donna Ashby During this session, we will explore the exciting world of coding for primary students using
hands-on technology that encourages interactive and dynamic learning across the disciplines.
Region 7 ESC Gifted/Talented Specialist Discover how an iPad and the Osmo educational system can be used in tandem to encourage
dynamic and enthusiastic learning in primary students K - 3 AND leave with your own Osmo!
[email protected]

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Yo, Ho, Ho - Breakout Sessions

Pecan Room Game Time! MS Math

LaTonya Whitaker Student engagement is increasingly seen as an indicator of successful classroom instruction. Experience
tells us that games can be very productive learning activities. We all know that children enjoy playing
Region 7 ESC Math Specialist games. The basic structures of some games are common to many cultures, and the procedures of

[email protected] simple games can be quickly learned through observation. Come join us as we examine and experience
the successful use of “games” in the mathematics classroom.
Pine Room
Vocabulary Adventure
Angela Venters
Vocabulary has been proven to predict academic success. This session will focus on
Region 7 ESC Elementary ELA Specialist instructional strategies to engage students with vocabulary including classroom
routines, center activities, and small groups.
[email protected]

Recording Studio Disguise Learning

Andy Adams Technology is a tool most students have no hesitation using-sometimes they even prefer it. This
session will explore digital tools which disguise learning. Often times when students are creating
Region 7 ESC Digital Learning Specialist digital content, they engage in tasks and thinking at levels far surpassing paper and pencil ones.
Come learn about resources to accomplish this and ways for students to share the learning they have
[email protected]
created. Please bring a device if you have one. If not, you may borrow ours.

Sycamore Room Student 3D Models

James Slaughter Learn how to guide students in creating hands-on 3D models to experience science.
These models will provide concrete experiences for abstract concepts that make science
Region 7 ESC MS Science Specialist comprehensible for your students as they get to touch, interact, and become part of the model.

[email protected]

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M atey’s Notes

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L and, Ho! Upcoming Sessions

Annual Social Studies Summit 2017

June 19 | Session #059452

Engage, Explore, Educate! with Keynote Speaker Caroline Castillo Crimm

Fine Arts Summit 2017: Color My World

June 26 | Session #060599
Engaging Experiences with Music, Visual Arts, and Theatre

Back to School Conference 2017

August 15 | Session #062699 | Rains
August 16 | Session #062720 | Henderson
August 21 | Session #062726 | Nacogdoches
August 22 | Session #062728 | Jacksonville

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