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Published by KAMSHA UMI BINTI KAMLUN Moe, 2021-01-12 23:40:22

Pulse 2 Students

Pulse 2 Students


4 Your exam preparation

Lesson objective 3 • Students work individually to find words

In this lesson students will: and phrases in the Model exam that give
• practise listening for key words in a them the answer to the example question in
exercise 1.
listening in order to answer multiple- • Students compare their answers in pairs.
choice questions • Check answers as a class.

Target exams 3.38 Audioscript, exercise 2

This section will prepare your students for the Man: Bees are amazing insects, and they
following external exams: help us in many different ways. For one thing,
• KET / KET for Schools listening part 3 they make honey, which we eat, but that’s not
• PET / PET for Schools listening part 2 all. Bees also do another job, which is very
• EOI listening (A2) important for the environment.

1 • Students read the example question

• They then answer questions 1–3.
• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Point out that with listening exercises like this
it is very important for students to identify the
key word or words they need to listen out for
before they listen. If they identify key words
in advance, this will make the listening task

2 3.38
• Play the CD.
• Students read and listen to the Model exam.
• Check students understand all the words in

the Model exam.
• Students answer the question in the example

question in exercise 1.
• Check the answer as a class.

Exam tip

Point out that the two wrong answers in a
multiple-choice question often contain words
that students will hear in the talk. The correct
answer to the multiple-choice question often
uses different words to express the ideas
students hear.


Your exam practice UNIT


Step 1: 3.39 Audioscript, exercise 6

4 • Students read the instructions and questions Bees are amazing insects, and they help us in
many different ways. For one thing, they make
1–5. honey, which we eat, but that’s not all. Bees also
• They work in pairs to answer the question. do another job, which is very important for the
• Check the answer as a class. environment. When they take nectar from plants
to make into honey, they take pollen from them
Step 2: too. Then as they move from plant to plant, they
leave the pollen on different plants. This helps
5 • Students work individually to identify at least new flowers, fruit and vegetables to grow.

one key word in each question. All over the world, however, bees are
• Check answers as a class. disappearing. In Britain, for example, 30 years
ago there were 50% more bees than there
Steps 3 and 4: are now. In the past, some scientists believed
that the chemicals used by farmers were the
6 3.39 problem, but now there is a new explanation.
• Students listen to the expert and choose the Some of them think that mobile phones may be
the cause.
correct answer (a, b or c) for each question.
• Play the CD again for students to check their Scientists have noticed that signals from
mobile phones can disturb bees. When people
answers. use mobile phones near bees, the bees start
• Check answers as a class. behaving differently. They don’t seem to know
which way to go and so they get lost. Mobile
Exam tip phones have been part of our lives for about 30
years – and that’s the same time in which the
Point out to students once more the number of bees has been falling. If we continue
importance of focusing on the key words that using mobile phones, who knows if these insects
they have identified. Advise students to listen will survive?
carefully for these words and for words with
a similar meaning before they answer the


Listening: Multiple-choice answers

Your exam practice

Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Step 3: Listen carefully and choose the

Exercise 4 4 Read the instructions and questions 1–5. What EXAM TIP: Listen to key words
The talk is kind of information about bees do you think you
going to will hear? As you listen, try to focus on the key word or
be about words you identified. Listen for these words
something to t Is the talk going to be about how bees make and for words with a similar meaning and think
do with the honey? before you choose your answer.
t Is it going to be about something else – possibly Step 4: Listen again and check your answers.
Exercise 5 something to do with the environment?
question 1: 4
bees, plants, Step 2: Identify key words. 5
grow 6
question 2: 5 Identify at least one key word in each question. 7
number, bees, 8
Britain Multiple-choice9
question 3: answers
mobile phones 6 3.39 Listen to an expert talking about bees. Describing
question 4: For each question choose the correct answer (a, b or c). a photo
bees, close, You will hear the information twice.
mobile phones
question 5: 1 What do bees take to plants to help them to grow?
number, bees,
decrease, a) honey b) pollen c) nectar Completing a
started, mobile table or diagram
phones 2 The number of bees in Britain has

Exercise 6 a) got b) got bigger. c) stayed the
2a smaller. same.
4b 3 Scientists think mobile phones
a)are bad for b) stop c) affect bees’

farmers. chemicals behaviour. Talking about a
prepared topic
being a


4 When bees are close to mobile phones, they

a)fly towards b) go in the c) disturb the

them. wrong phone signal.

direction. Open
5 The number of bees in Britain began to decrease …

people started using mobile phones.

a) before b) after c) at the same

time as



5UNIT External exam trainer
About the exam

Your exam preparation Describing a photo
The examiner gives you and the other candidate

one photo each. You each talk about your

Exercise 1 photo for about a minute. You talk about what

1a 1 3.40 Listen to an examiner explaining what is happening in your photo – who you can see,
the first candidate has to do. Choose the correct where the people are and what they are doing.


1 The two photos are about … EXAM TIP: Use might and maybe
a)the same subject.
b)different subjects. Use might and maybe to make guesses about
what’s happening in the photo.
2 The girl must talk about …
a)one photo. Maybe it’s a science lesson.
b)both photos. The teacher might be explaining an experiment.

2 3.41 Read and listen to Juan talking about a

photo. Which photo is he describing? Exercise 2

Juan is
photo A.



The photo shows a lesson. Maybe it’s a science lesson
because I can see science equipment on the table.
The teacher is explaining something and the pupils
are listening. I think the lesson is fun because they
look very interested in it. One pupil is looking at the
teacher. The teacher might have an answer to her



5 Your exam preparation

Lesson objective 3.40 Audioscript, exercise 1

In this lesson students will: Examiner: Now I’m going to give each of you a
• practise describing a photo photograph of people learning in different ways.
• use might and maybe to make guesses Maria, here is your photograph.
Maria: Thanks.
about what is happening in the photo Examiner: Would you show it to Mark and talk
about it please?
Target exams Maria: OK.
Examiner: Would you start now please?
This section will prepare your students for Maria: Yes.
the following external exams:
• PET / PET for Schools speaking part 3 3.41 Audioscript, exercise 2
• EOI speaking (A2)
• Trinity GESE Initial stage (grade 3) Boy: The photo shows a lesson. Maybe it’s
• Trinity ISE speaking (level 0) a science lesson because I can see science
equipment on the table. The teacher is
1 3.40 explaining something and the pupils are
• Students read the instructions explaining listening. I think the lesson is fun because they
look very interested in it. One pupil is looking at
what they need to do. the teacher. The teacher might have an answer
• Play the CD. to her question.
• Students listen and choose the correct

answers to questions 1 and 2.
• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Point out that students should use might
and maybe to make guesses about what is
happening in a photo.

2 3.41
• Play the CD.
• Students read and listen to Juan talking

about one of the photos.
• They identify which photo he is describing.
• Check answers as a class.


Your exam practice UNIT

3 • Students read the examiner’s instructions 5

carefully and look at the photos.

Exam tip

Point out to students that if they can’t think of
anything to say about the photo, they don’t
need to worry. The examiner will ask them a
question to help them start talking about the

4 • Students work in pairs.
• They look at the Useful expressions and

Useful vocabulary boxes to help them
complete their sentences.
• Student A completes the sentences about
photo A.
• Student B completes the sentences about
photo B.

5 • Student A talks about photo A to Student B

for one minute.
• Student B talks about photo B to Student A

for one minute.
• Remind students to use their sentences from

exercise 4 and the Useful expressions and
Useful vocabulary boxes to help them.
• Also remind students to ask their partner a
question to help them if they can’t think of
anything to say.
• For additional practice students could work
in pairs and describe photo B on page 114.


Speaking: Describing a photo

Your exam practice

3 Read the examiner’s instructions and look at EXAM TIP: Help in the exam
the photos.
If you can’t think of anything else to say about
Examiner’s instructions the photo, don’t worry. The examiner will ask
a question to help you.
Now I’m going to give each of you a photo.
The photo shows people doing different jobs.
Here is your photo. Show it to your partner and
discuss the photo.



a photo

Exercise 4 4 Work in pairs. Student A complete the 5 Talk about your photo for about a minute. 6 Completing a
Then listen to your partner talking about the table or diagram
students’ own sentences about photo A. Student B: complete other photo. Exercise 5
answers students’ own
the sentences about photo B. t 8IFO ZPV SF UBMLJOH, use your sentences answers
from exercise 4 and the Exam kit to help you.
1 The photo shows … 7 Talking about a
2 She’s in … t 8IFO ZPV SF MJTUFOJOH, if your partner stops prepared topic
3 She looks … talking, ask him or her a question about the 8
4 She’s probably … photo.
5 Maybe … 9

EXAM KIT: Useful expressions EXAM KIT: Useful vocabulary Open
Describing Expressing your opinion classroom lesson science
The photo shows … I (don’t) think … space boring exciting
In the photo there is / are … He / She looks … interested (in) relaxed happy
In the background there is / are … I’m not sure if …
Guessing Correcting
Maybe it’s a … sentences
He / She may / might be …
She / He’s probably …

6UNIT External exam trainer
About the exam

Your exam preparation Completing a table
You hear a conversation. You are given a table to

complete. You complete it using the information

Exercise 1 1 Look at the example question and the table. you hear. Exercise 2
Which things do you need to listen for? 1 a job title
Job 2 Look at the example question again. What type 2 a name
Example question of information do you need to complete 1–3 in the 3 a number
Name of You are going to hear a woman enquiring about table? You might need to use the same answer 4 a number
company a job. Complete the table with the relevant more than once.
Exercise 3
Number of information. a number a job title a name Yes, it is.
hours per
week Exercise 4
Number of
Salary hours per
week: 10
1) Job: 3 3.42 Read and listen to the Model exam. Is the hours
2) Name of company: information that Kirsty has completed correct? Salary: £5
3) Number of hours per week: per hour
4) Salary: 4 Listen to the Model exam again. Complete the
missing information.

EXAM TIP: Read the questions first

Before you listen, read the questions carefully.
This will help you to know what information to
listen for.

You are going to hear Kirsty making a phone call to ask for information
about a job advertisement she has seen in the newspaper. Listen and
complete the information in the table.

Job title: Dog walker
Name of company: Happy pets
Location: Birmingham
Number of days per week: 2
Number of hours per week:



6 Your exam preparation

Lesson objective 3.42 Audioscript, exercise 3

In this lesson students will: Man: Hello, Happy Pets, how can I help you?
• listen to conversations about job Kirsty: Oh hi, I'm calling to ask for more
information about the dog walker job at Happy
advertisements and complete tables Pets. I saw it advertised in the newspaper.
with missing information Man: Great, thanks for calling. Well, the job
is based in Birmingham. We need someone
Target exams to work part-time – that's two days a week. I
assume you like animals?
This section will prepare your students for the Kirsty: Yes, I love them! I've got two cats at
following external exams: home. Two days a week sounds fine. How many
• KET / KET for Schools listening part 4 hours would I have to work each day?
• PET / PET for Schools listening part 3 Man: Five hours a day – so that's ten hours per
• EOI listening (A2) week in total. Oh, and we pay £5 per hour.
Kirsty: That sounds great! How do I apply?
1 • Ask students to read the example question

and the table.
• They identify which things they need to listen

• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Tell students to read the questions very
carefully before they listen as this will help
them to know what information to listen for.

2 • Students look at the example question again.
• They decide which type of information they

need to complete 1–4 in the table in exercise
1. Highlight that they might need to use the
same answer more than once.
• Check answers as a class.

3 3.42
• Ask students to read the instructions in the

Model exam. Remind students that they
only need to check whether the information
already completed is correct.
• Play the CD.
• Students listen to the Model exam.
• Check the answer as a class.

4 • Play the CD again.
• Students listen carefully to complete the two

missing pieces of information.
• Check answers as a class.


Your exam practice UNIT

Step 1: 6

5 • Students read the instructions in Your exam 3.43 Audioscript, exercise 7

and identify who they are going to hear. Paul: Hi, I saw an advert for a sports coach
• Check the answer as a class. here at Sports Solutions on the noticeboard at
my college. Please can you give me some more
Step 2: information about the job?
Woman: Yes, of course. We need a sports coach
6 • Students read the table in Your exam. to work at our children's camp this summer. We
• They decide what type of information they need someone to work Wednesday to Friday.
Paul: So I would need to work Wednesday,
need to complete 1–6. Thursday and Friday?
• Point out to students that they might need to Woman: Yes, that's right. The camp starts at
9am and finishes at 4pm.
use the same answer more than once. Paul: And what would I have to do?
• Check answers as a class. Woman: You would need to teach children how
to play football, tennis and basketball. Are you
Steps 3 and 4: good at sports?
Paul: Yes, I love sports, especially football!
7 3.43 Woman: Great! Well, we pay £6 an hour. Would
• Students read the instructions carefully. you like to come for an interview tomorrow?
• Ask students to quickly look again at their Paul: Yes, that sounds great. Will the interview
be here, at the office?
answers from exercise 6 so they are prepared Woman: No, it's at the sports camp – it's at 23
for the type of information they are listening Queen Street. See you tomorrow at 4 o'clock!
• Play the CD.
• Students listen and complete questions 1–6.
• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Point out to students that when they read
questions where they have to complete
information they should always think about
what type of information is required: is it a
name, a date, a number or a place?


Listening: Completing a table

Your exam practice

Step 1: Understand the situation. Step 3: Listen carefully and write the answers.

Exercise 5 5 Read the instructions in Your exam. Who are you Step 4: Listen again and check your answers.
going to hear?
Paul enquiring EXAM TIP: Knowing what information
about a job Step 2: Read the questions. you need

Exercise 6 6 Now read the table in Your exam. What type of When you read the questions, think about what
information do you need to complete 1–6? You information you need to complete them. For
1 Job: a job title might need to use the same answer more than example, do you need a name, a date, a number
once. or a place?
2 Days they
need to work: responsibilities a day a number an address
a day a job title

3 Start time: a 7 3.43 You are going to hear Paul enquiring about a job advertisement he Exercise 7
number has seen on a noticeboard. Listen and complete questions 1–6.
1 Job: sports
4 Duties: coach
2 Days they
5 Salary: a
number 6need to

6 Address of work:
company: an Wednesday
address to Friday

ENQUIRING ABOUT A JOB 3 Start time: Completing a
1 Job: 9am table or diagram
2 Days they need to work:
3 Start time: 4 Duties:
4 Duties:
5 Salary: 7teach
6 Address of company:
how to play Talking about a
football, prepared topic
tennis and
5 Salary: £6
an hour

86 Address of

23 Queen




7UNIT External exam trainer
About the exam

Your exam preparation Talking about a prepared topic
Before the exam, you prepare to talk about

a topic that interests you. In the exam, you

Exercise 1 1 Look at the mind map about Javier’s chosen topic. complete a form about your topic and give it to
Can you think of one more main point about the the examiner. You have a conversation with the
Possible topic that he could discuss? examiner about your topic.
My favourite EXAM TIP: Choose an interesting topic
way to travel
Choose a subject that really interests you and
Title of topic: Holidays that you know a lot about. Try not to choose
the same subject as the other students in your
Where I’d like to My best holiday English class.
go on holiday

Main points to discuss 2 3.44 Read and listen to the first part of the Exercise 2
about my topic discussion between the examiner and Javier.
Which points from his topic form did the examiner Last year’s
Last year’s holiday ask him about? holiday

Where I’d
like to go on

So you’re going to talk to me about holidays.
Where did you go on holiday last year?

I went to the island of Mallorca.

What did you do there?

I went to the beach every day and swam in the sea. And in the
evening, I went out with my family to different restaurants.

So you had a good time? Yes, it was great.

Are there any other places
you’d really like to visit? Why?

Yes. I’d love to go to Paris! I’ve heard it’s a very beautiful city.

What would you like to do there?

I’d like to walk around, see the sights and go to the Louvre.
I love art and Paris has got some great art galleries!



7 Your exam preparation

Lesson objective 3.44 Audioscript, exercise 2

In this lesson students will: Examiner: So you’re going to talk to me about
• prepare a form about a topic they are holidays. Where did you go on holiday last year?
Javier: I went to the island of Mallorca.
going to talk about Examiner: What did you do there?
• have a conversation with a partner about Javier: I went to the beach every day and swam
in the sea. And in the evening, I went out with
their prepared topic my family to different restaurants.
Examiner: So you had a good time?
Target exams Javier: Yes, it was great.
Examiner: Are there any other places you’d
This section will prepare your students for the really like to visit? Why?
following external exams: Javier: Yes. I’d love to go to Paris! I’ve heard it’s
• EOI speaking (A2) a very beautiful city.
• Trinity GESE Elementary stage (grade 4) Examiner: What would you like to do there?
• Trinity ISE speaking (level 0) Javier: I’d like to walk around, see the sights
and go to the Louvre. I love art and Paris has got
1 • Check that students understand what a some great art galleries!

mind map is and what it helps them to do by
looking at Javier’s mind map.
• Point out that Javier has put the title of the
topic he is going to talk about at the top of
the mind map and has put Main points to
discuss about my holiday in a circle in the
middle. From here he has drawn four more
circles. In three of these he has written a
main point to discuss. Visually this is a very
helpful way for students to organize their
thoughts and prepare their topic.
• Students work in pairs and think of one more
main point that Javier could discuss.
• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Point out that it is a very good idea for
students to choose a subject that they
are interested in and know a lot about. By
doing this, they will have lots of ideas in the
preparation stage. Suggest that students
try to choose a different subject from the
subjects the other students in their class have

2 3.44
• Make sure students understand the task.
• Play the CD.
• Check answers as a class.


Your exam practice UNIT

3 • Students choose one of the three topics. 7
• Check that students understand the task.

They choose a topic which will be the title of
the topic in the mind map. They then think of
four main points that they are going to talk
about. They write one main point in each of
the four circles in the mind map.
• Students copy and complete the mind map.

Exam tip

Point out to students that it is important that
they do not learn a speech for their topic.
Instead advise students to have a clear idea
of their four main points for discussion and
to think about the kind of questions the
examiner might ask them about each main

4 • Students work in pairs.
• They look at each other’s mind maps and

write four questions that they could ask
about their partner’s topic.
• Check students’ questions as a class
feedback activity so that students can add
more questions to their list of four questions.

5 • Students work in the same pairs.
• Before they start, ask students to look at the

Useful vocabulary and Useful expressions
boxes for any language they can use.
• Students take turns to ask and answer
questions about their topics.


Speaking: Talking about a prepared topic

Your exam practice

3 Choose one of the topics. Copy and complete the 4 Work in pairs. Look at each other’s mind map and Exercise 4
mind map in Your exam for your topic. write four questions that you could ask about
your partner’s topic. Possible
t Foreign travel questions for
t My country 5 Work in the same pairs. Take turns to ask and the topic ‘My
t My favourite kind of transport answer questions about your topics. country’: How
many people
EXAM TIP: Don’t learn a speech! live there?
What is the
Don’t prepare a speech about your topic. Instead, food like in
think about the kind of questions the examiner your country?
might ask you. Then think about how you could What is the
answer the questions. weather
like in your
country? Can
you name
some places
for a tourist
to visit in your

Title of topic: … Exercise 5

students’ own

Main points to
discuss about

my topic


Talking about a
prepared topic

EXAM KIT: Useful vocabulary Exam kit: Useful expressions Open 8
go to the beach Talking about likes/dislikes
swim I (don’t) like doing / seeing / going to … Correcting
play volleyball My favourite … is … sentences
go to cafés / restaurants The best / worst thing about … is …
see the sights
go shopping Talking about wishes/ambitions
I’d like / love to do / see / go to …
Talking about past experiences
I had a (really) good time.
It was great / amazing / awful / boring.

8UNIT External exam trainer
About the exam

Exercise 1 Your exam preparation Open questions

1c 1 Look at the instructions and questions 1–3 from a You will hear someone talking about a topic. You
2b listening test. Match the questions with the type are given some questions to answer about the
3a of information you need to answer them. topic. You listen and write the answers.

Example question 2 3.45 Read and listen to the first part of the
talk in the Model exam. Are there any words you
don’t understand? Can you guess their meaning?

Listen to a talk about snowboarding. Read the 3 Write the answers to questions 1–3 of the Exercise 3
listening test in exercise 1.
questions before listening. Then listen and 1 in the
EXAM TIP: Don’t worry about words you 1960s
answer the questions. don’t know
1 When did people first start snowboarding? 2a
2 What equipment do you need to go snowboard,
snowboarding? special
3 How many styles of snowboarding are there? boots and
a warm
Type of information When listening, don’t worry if you hear some jacket
a) a number words that you don’t understand. You don’t need
b) names of things to understand every word to find the correct 3 around 10
c) a date answers.

EXAM TIP: Read the questions first

Before you listen, read the questions and try

to predict the type of information you need to
answer them. Focus on question words like who
and where.

Snowboarding is a popular extreme sport. It
started in the USA in the 1960s. Other sports
inspired snowboarding, such as skateboarding
and sledging. Now, snowboarding is popular
all around the world, and there are many
snowboarding competitions.
To try snowboarding, you need a snowboard
and some special boots. You also need a warm
jacket – it’s cold in the snow!
There are around 10 types of snowboarding.
In each type, snowboarders do different tricks.



8 Your exam preparation

Lesson objective Exam tip

In this lesson students will: Remind students that if they don’t understand
• listen to someone talking about a topic every word when they listen, they don’t need
to worry.
and answer questions about the topic They don’t need to understand every word to
find the correct answers.
Target exam
3.45 Audioscript, exercise 2
This section will prepare your students for the
following external exam: Man: Snowboarding is a popular extreme sport.
• EOI listening (A2) It started in the USA in the 1960s. Other sports
inspired snowboarding, such as skateboarding
1 • Students read the instructions and questions and sledging. Now, snowboarding is popular
all around the world, and there are many
carefully. snowboarding competitions.
• They match the questions with the type of To try snowboarding, you need a snowboard
and some special boots. You also need a warm
information needed to answer the questions. jacket – it’s cold in the snow!
There are around 10 types of snowboarding. In
Exam tip each type, snowboarders do different tricks.

Point out how important it is to read the
questions carefully before listening to
someone talking about a topic. Advise
students to predict the type of information
they need to answer each question so that
they know what to listen out for. Highlight the
importance of question words, for example
who or where indicate that students need to
listen for a person or a place.

2 3.45
• Explain to students that they are going to

read and listen to the first part of the Model
exam. They are going to identify any words
they don’t understand, and also try to guess
the meaning of these words.
• Play the CD.
• Students work in pairs to compare the words
they identified and guess their meaning.
• Check that all new words have been correctly
defined as a class.

3 • Students read the questions again from

exercise 1.
• They write the answers to the questions.
• Check answers as a class.


Your exam practice UNIT

Step 1: 8

4 • Students work in pairs. 3.46 Audioscript, exercise 6
• They read the questions in Your exam
Lindsey Jacobellis is a famous American
and check they understand them. They snowboarder. She's from the town of Stratton
then identify the question word(s) in each in Vermont, a state with lots of snow. Probably
question. because of this, Lindsey started snowboarding
• They compare answers in pairs. when she was a child. She won her first
• Check answers as a class. competition when she was just 11 years old.
Lindsey went to a special school which allowed
Step 2: her to practise snowboarding every day!

5 • Students look at questions 1–5 again in Your When she was 15 years old, she competed at
the X Games for the first time. She has now
exam. competed at the X Games many times and has
• They match the questions with the kinds of won nine medals – including seven gold ones!
She has also competed in the Winter Olympics
information the answer will be. twice.
• Point out to students that they will need to
In her free time, Lindsey enjoys watching
use the same answer more than once. films. She also likes fashion, and has got a big
• Check answers as a class. collection of shoes!

Steps 3 and 4:

6 3.46
• Play the CD.
• Students listen to the talk and answer the

• Check answers as a class.

Exam tip

Point out to students that they don’t need
to write full sentences. What is important is
that the answer gives the correct information,
which can be just words or phrases.


Listening: Open questions

Your exam practice

Exercise 4 Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Step 3: Listen carefully and write the answers.

1 Where 4 Read questions 1–5 in Your exam and check you Step 4: Listen again and check.
2 How old understand them. Find the question word(s) in
3 How many each one. EXAM TIP: Answers that might be correct
4 How many
5 What Step 2: Think about the answers. Think about the kind of answers that might
fit. Remember you don’t always need to write
Exercise 5 5 Look again at questions 1–5. Match the questions full sentences – your answers can be words or
with the kinds of information the answer will phrases.
1b be. You will need to use the same answer more
2a than once.
4d Kind of information
5c a) someone’s age
b) the name of a place
c) a hobby
d) a number

6 3.46 Listen to a talk about Lindsey Jacobellis. Read the questions Exercise 6
before listening. Then listen and answer the questions.
1 Stratton in
1 Where is Lindsey from? Vermont
2 How old was she when she won her first
2 11
competition? 37
3 How many X-Games gold medals has she got? 4 twice
4 How many times has Lindsey competed in the 5 watches

Winter Olympics? films and
5 What does Lindsey do in her free time? collects



9 Correcting

9UNIT External exam trainer
About the exam

Your exam preparation Correcting sentences
You will hear several extracts from the news.

You are given some sentences to read about

Exercise 1 1 Look at the instructions for the example question. what you hear. There is a mistake in each of
Then answer the questions. the sentences. Find the mistakes and write the
1 month correct sentences.
2 year 1 Which word in sentence 1 is wrong?

2 What is the correct word? EXAM TIP: Look for incorrect words and
Example question incorrect phrases

You will hear a news report twice. Read the The incorrect information could be a word or it Exercise 2
sentences and find the incorrect word or short could be more than one word. In some sentences,
phrase in each sentence. Write the correct you may need to correct a short phrase.
information in your notebook. Sentence 1 has
been corrected as an example. 2 3.47 Read and listen to the first news item in The answer
1 Lessons in dealing with stress will begin in UK is given in
the Model exam. Identify the part of the item that the second
secondary schools next month. year
contains the answer to the Example question in sentence: The
lessons, for
exercise 1. 13–18 year

olds, will start

3 3.48 Read and listen to the second news item in schools all
over the UK
in the Model exam. Identify the incorrect phrase next year.
in the sentence below.

Police are warning people not to use mobile Exercise 3
phones while they’re driving their car.
driving their
car crossing
the road

Students in secondary schools will soon Talking on your mobile phone can be
have lessons to help them deal with stress. dangerous – and not just when you’re driving
The lessons, for 13–18 year olds, will your car. Police in London say that more road
start in schools all over the UK next year. accidents are happening now because of
They will teach students how to deal with people who talk or send messages on their
stress, especially the stress of exams and phones while they’re crossing the road. Last
relationships. year, in London, 52 people were injured and
three were killed while they were walking
122 across busy roads. More than half of them
were using mobile phones at the time.


9 Your exam preparation

Lesson objectives 3.47 Audioscript, exercise 2

In this lesson students will: Newsreader: Students in secondary schools will
• listen to extracts from the news and soon have lessons to help them deal with stress.
The lessons, for 13–18-year-olds, will start in
identify and correct the mistakes in schools all over the UK next year. They will teach
sentences about the news extracts students how to deal with stress, especially the
stress of exams and relationships.
Target exams
3.48 Audioscript, exercise 3
This section will prepare your students for the
following external exams: Newsreader: Talking on your mobile phone can
• EOI listening (A2) be dangerous – and not just when you’re driving
your car. Police in London say that more road
1 • Students read the example question and accidents are happening now because of people
who talk or send messages on their phones
answer the questions. while they’re crossing the road. Last year, in
• Check the answer as a class. London, 52 people were injured and three were
killed while they were walking across busy
Exam tip roads. More than half of them were using mobile
phones at the time.
Point out that the incorrect information in a
sentence could be a word or it could be a
short phrase.

2 3.47
• Play the CD.
• Students read and listen to the first news

item in the Model exam.
• They identify the part of the news item that

contains the answer to the example question
in exercise 1.
• Check the answer as a class.

3 3.48
• Explain to students that they are going to

read and listen to the second news item and
identify the incorrect phrase in the sentence
• Play the CD.
• Check the answer as a class.


Your exam practice UNIT

Step 1: 9

4 • Students work in pairs. 3.49 Audioscript, exercise 7
• Students look at sentences 1–5 in Your exam
and identify what they think are the key Newsreader 1: A recent report shows that
words. people’s diets are getting worse. Scientists
• Check answers as a class. at Reading University have found that people
spend less time cooking now than they did ten
Exam tip years ago. They believe that longer working
hours are the reason.
Point out that if students identify key words
and phrases in sentences before they listen, 2
such as dates, numbers, places and actions, Newsreader 2: The singer Miley Beck has
they can then focus on those key words and cancelled her concert in London on Wednesday
listen to information that matches them. because of a mystery illness. The singer’s
doctor says she is suffering from headaches and
Step 2: stomach pains, but nobody knows why. Beck,
whose song Girl reached number one in the USA
5 3.49 last week, is in the middle of a European tour.
• Play the CD.
• Students listen to the five items in the news 3
Newsreader 1: A 16-year-old boy in Canada
report and look at sentences 1–5. had a lucky escape yesterday when a bear
• Students try to find the incorrect information nearly attacked him. Mark Owen was listening to
music on his MP3 player on his way home from
in sentences 1–5. school when a bear suddenly appeared in front
of him. The teenager turned the music up loud,
Step 3: and the bear became frightened and ran away.

6 • Students write the correct sentences in their 4
Newsreader 2: The Sutton Summer Bazaar
notebooks. will take place at Sutton School on Saturday
morning. Second-hand clothes, books and toys
Steps 4 and 5: will be on sale, and all money will go to the local
children’s hospital. Anyone who can help should
7 • Play the CD again. contact Sue Brooks on 344872.
• Students listen again carefully to check their
answers. Highlight the Exam tip box below. Newsreader 1: And the weather tomorrow will
Ask students to check their corrections and be hot and sunny, with temperatures reaching
to make sure that their corrections are the 32 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country.
same type of words as the incorrect words. So if you’re going to be outdoors, remember to
• Check answers as a class. wear a hat and some suncream!

Exam tip

Point out to students that their correction
should be the same kind of word as the
incorrect word. If the incorrect word is a
verb, then the correct word should also be
a verb. Remind students to make sure their
corrections are written correctly.


Listening: Correcting sentences

Your exam practice

Step 1: Read the sentences. EXAM TIP: Focus on key words and
Exercise 4 4 Look at sentences 1–5 in Your exam and identify
the key words. Find at least one key word in each Read the sentences first, before you listen,
1 less, sentence. and find the key words or phrases in them – for
cooking, 10 example, dates, numbers, places and actions.
years ago Step 2: Listen and focus on the key words in Then when you listen, focus on the key words and
each sentence. phrases and listen carefully for information that
2 concert, matches them.
New York, 5 Listen to the five items in the news report and
won’t take look at the sentences. Find what you think is the Step 4: Listen again and check your answers.
place incorrect information in each sentence.
Step 5: Check your corrections.
attacked, EXAM TIP: Check your corrections
teenager, 6 Write the correct sentences in your notebook.
yesterday Make sure your correction is the same kind of
word as the wrong word. For example, if the
4 Sue wrong word is a verb, make sure your correction
Brooks, is also a verb and that you have written it
344873, correctly.
help, school

5 cold,

7 3.49 You will hear a news report Exercise 7 Correcting
twice. Read sentences 1–5 and find sentences
the incorrect word or short phrase 1 People
in each sentence. spent
1 People spent less time cooking 10 less time
years ago. cooking 10
2 Miley Beck’s concert in New York years ago.
won’t take place. more
3 A dog attacked a teenager
yesterday. 2 Miley
4 Please contact Sue Brooks on Beck’s
344873 to help at the school. concert in
5 It will be cold and cloudy New York
tomorrow. won’t take
123 London

3 A dog
attacked a

4 Please


Sue Brooks
on 344873
to help at
the school

5 It will be
cold and
hot and

Pronunciation Lab

UNIT 1 » Ȫ

» Third person verb endings 1 1.31 Listen to the words. Pay attention to
the Ȫ sound. Listen again and repeat.
1 1.10 Listen and repeat the verbs. Can you
hear the different sounds? invent – inventor teach – teacher

/s/ paints cooks works dance – dancer explore – explorer
/z/ tells sings wears
́] practises wishes matches 2 1.32 Listen and write the words you hear in Exercise 2
your notebook.
2 1.11 Copy and complete the table with the 1 painter
Exercise 2 verbs in the box. Then listen and check. 1 paint / painter 4 invent / inventor 2 explorer
2 explore / explorer 5 read / reader 3 write
/s / chats, watches chats dances listens bakes 3 write / writer 6 dance / dancer 4 inventor
bakes, acts finishes rides acts draws 5 read
/z / listens,
rides, draws UNIT 3 6 dancer

/́z/ watches, /s/ /z/ ́] » 8FBL GPSNT was ZȪ] and were Zȶ
dances, 1 1.38 Listen and repeat.
finishes » Intonation in questions
1 Was he swimming?
Exercise 1 1 1.17 Listen and repeat the sentences. Do 2 No, he wasn’t. / Yes, he was.
the speakers use rising or falling intonation? 3 I wasn’t lying on my bed.
1 rising 4 They were talking to him.
2 falling 1 Is she enjoying the trip?
3 falling 2 Where are they skateboarding? 2 Listen again. Which two are weak forms? Exercise 2
4 rising 3 What are you baking?
5 rising 4 Is he playing the guitar? a) yes / no questions c) short answers a
6 falling 5 Are we swimming with sharks?
6 Why isn’t he studying? b) negative sentences d) affirmative sentences d

3 1.39 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the
weak and strong forms of was and were.

UNIT 2 1 Were you skiing? No, I wasn’t.
2 We weren’t listening to her.
Exercise 1 » Past simple endings 3 She was ice-skating. Exercise 1
4 They were riding their bikes.
1 /d/ 1 1.24 Copy the words into your notebook. 1 colder, the
2 /́G/ UNIT 4 coldest
3 /t/ Listen and repeat the past simple verbs. Write
4 /d/ » Ȫ in comparatives and superlatives 2 safer, the
5 /d/ Uhe ending [ , /d/ or ́G next to each verb. safest
1 1.51 Listen and repeat the words. Which
6 /t/ 1 enjoyed 4 played 7 chatted syllables have the Ȫ sound? 3 healthy, the
7 ́G/ 2 painted 5 listened 8 washed
8 /t/
9 /́G/ 3 finished 6 watched 9 invented

Exercise 2 2 1.25 Choose the past simple verb that 1 colder the coldest Exercise 2
sounds different. Then listen and check. 2 safer the safest unstressed
1 finished 3 healthy the healthiest
2 liked 1 posted finished expected
2 liked tidied loved 2 Complete the rule.
3 danced wished downloaded
4 asked disagreed appeared We only use the Ȫ sound in stressed / Exercise 3
5 started performed wanted
unstressed syllables. 1 Jane is

3 downloaded better at

3 1.52 Listen and write the sentences in your maths.

4 asked notebook. Underline the syllables that have the 2 Wales is

5 performed Ȫ sound. Listen and repeat. wetter than


3 Sam is the

quietest in


4 Dave is the

124 friendliest

man I know.

Pronunciation lab UNIT 3
»Weak forms: was /ZȪ]/ and were /Zȶ‫ڴ‬/
»Third person verb endings 1 1.38 Play the CD, pausing after each

1 1.10 Play the CD, pausing at the end of sentence. Students repeat the sentences
each set of verbs. Students repeat the verbs • Play the CD again. Students repeat the
chorally. words individually.
• Play the CD again. Students repeat the verbs
chorally and then individually. 2 • Play the CD again. Students identify which

2 1.11 Students copy and complete the sentences have weak forms of was and were.
• Check answers as a class.
table by putting the verbs in the box into the
correct column. 3 1.39 Play the CD, pausing after each
• Play the CD. Students listen and check their
answers. sentence. Students repeat the sentences
• Check answers as a class. chorally.
• Play the CD again. Students repeat the
»Intonation in questions sentences individually, paying attention to the
weak and strong forms of was and were.
1 1.17 Play the CD. Students listen and
repeat the questions. » /Ȫ/ in comparatives and superlatives
• Play the CD again. Students identify either
1 1.51 Play the CD, pausing after each
rising or falling intonation in each question.
• Check answers as a class. word. Students repeat the words chorally.
• Play the CD again. Students decide which
»Past simple endings words have the /Ȫ/ sound.
• Check answers as a class.
1 1.24 Students copy the words into their • Write healthy, ____, the healthiest on the

notebooks. board. Elicit the comparative healthier and
• Play the CD, pausing after each word. underline the schwa.

Students repeat the words chorally. 2 • Students complete the rule.

• Play the CD again. Students write /t/, /d/ or • Check answers as a class.
́G next to each word.
3 1.52 Play the CD, pausing after each
• Check answers as a class.
sentence. Students write each sentence in
2 1.25 Students choose the past simple their notebooks.
• Students underline the syllables with the /Ȫ/
ending in each group of three words that sound.
sounds different. • Play the CD again for students to check their
• Play the CD. Students listen and check their answers.
answers. • Check answers as a class. Point out that the
• Check answers as a class. superlative ending -est can be pronounced

» Ȫ /ȪVW/ or /́VW/.

1 1.31 Play the CD. Students listen to the • Play the CD again, pausing after each
words, paying attention to the /Ȫ/ sound. sentence for students to repeat the sentence
• Play the CD again, pausing after each word.
Students repeat the words chorally.

2 1.32 Play the CD. Students listen and

write the words they hear in their notebooks.
• Check answers as a class.


»Difficult sounds: /g/ and ǣ/ UNIT 7
Difficult sounds: /́/ and /i‫ڴ‬/
1 2.07 Play the CD, pausing for students
1 2.44 Play the CD, pausing after each set
to listen and repeat the words chorally.
• Play the CD again. Students repeat the of words for students to repeat the words
words individually. • Play the CD again, pausing as before for
students to repeat the words individually.
2 2.08 Students copy and complete the • Point out that for the longer /i‫ڴ‬/ sound the lips
are more spread, almost in a smile.
table with the words in the box.
• Play the CD. Students listen and check their 2 2.45 Play the CD, pausing after each set

answers. of words for students to write the word they
• Check answers as a class. hear in their notebooks.
• Check answers as a class.
»Short form of will: ’ll UNIT 8
»Linking words: final consonant + vowel
1 2.14 Play the CD, pausing at the end of
each sentence for students to assess what
they have heard. 1 3.10 Play the CD, pausing for students
• Check answers as a class.
to listen and repeat each sentence chorally.
2 2.15 Play the CD, pausing for students • Play the CD again, pausing as before for

to repeat the sentences chorally and students to repeat the sentences individually.
individually. • Check that students are sure about the
• Play the CD again. Students choose the
option they hear. linking sound between the final consonant
• Check answers as a class. and vowel sound in each sentence.

UNIT 6 2 3.11 Students copy the sentences into
»Difficult sounds: /w/
their notebooks.
1 2.27 Play the CD, pausing at the end of • Play the CD, pausing after each sentence for

each sentence for students to repeat it. students to write the linking lines.
• Play the CD again so that students can • Play the CD again for students to check their

repeat the sentences individually. Check that answers.
students pronounce the /w/ sound correctly. • Check answers as a class.

2 2.28 Students work in pairs and practise UNIT 9
»Intonation: expressing feelings
saying the sentences to each other. Monitor
to check they pronounce the /w/ sound 1 3.22 Play the CD, pausing for students
• Play the CD, pausing after each sentence for to repeat each sentence, A and B.
students to check their pronunciation. • Play the CD again. Students repeat the

»Difficult sounds: /V/ at the beginning of sentences again, emphasizing the rising and
falling intonation in B’s responses.
2 3.23 Play the CD, pausing for students
1 2.34 Play the CD, pausing after each
to repeat each sentence, A and B.
word for students to repeat chorally and then • Students work in pairs and take turns to
individually. If you like, get them practise the
pronunciation of words beginning with an s + be Student A and Student B. They practise
a consonant: spend, scan, Spain, etc. saying the sentences and responses. Remind
students that falling intonation is used to
2 2.35 Students practise saying the express feelings about bad news, whereas
rising intonation is used to express feelings
sentences. about good news or for a question response,
• Play the CD for them to check their eg Really?

pronunciation; at the end of each sentence
they say it individually.


Exercise 2 » Difficult sounds: /g/ and Gٕ 2 2.35 Practise saying the sentences. Then
listen and check.
ʪ/ gorilla, 1 2.07 Listen and repeat the words.
Gٕ giant Egypt energy jellyfish 1 Let’s go to the sales on Saturday.
tiger, begin, ʪ goldfish dog global pig 2 You can save money at swap shops.
egg 3 Don’t spend your money, save it!
2 2.08 Copy and complete the table with the 4 My watch is seven seconds fast.
/ǣ/ gerbil, words in the box. Then listen and check.
giant, jungle, gerbil gorilla tiger giant jungle
giraffe begin egg giraffe » Difficult sounds: ́ and L

ʪ ǣ 1 2.44 Listen and repeat the words.
́ live will ship
L leave wheel team

2 2.45 Listen and write the words you hear in

UNIT 5 your notebook. 4 grin / green Exercise 2
5 hill / heel
» Short form of will: ’ll 1 live / leaf 1 live
2 sit / seat 2 seat
1 2.14 Listen to the sentences. Can you hear 3 chip / cheap 3 cheap
the difference?
UNIT 8 4 green
1 a) Scientists will find a cure. 5 hill
b) Scientists’ll find a cure. » Linking words: final consonant +
vowel sound
2 a) People will live on other planets.
b) People’ll live on other planets. 1 3.10 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the
linking ‫ ܉‬between the final consonant and the
Exercise 2 2 2.15 Listen and repeat. Then listen again. following vowel sound.

1 Sweets’ll Which option do you hear? 1 What ‫ ܉‬are you doing?
2 How ‫ ܉‬are you today?
have 1 Sweets will have / ’ll have vitamins. 3 When ‫ ܉‬is the football match?
vitamins. 2 Computers will be / ’ll be smaller. 4 How’s ‫ ܉‬it going?
3 People will feel / ’ll feel happier.
2 Computers
will be

smaller. 4 Cars will drive / ’ll drive themselves.

3 People’ll 2 3.11 Copy the sentences into your notebook. Exercise 2
Listen and draw the linking ‫ ܉‬where you hear it.
feel happier. UNIT 6 1 What is he reading? 1 What is he
2 Who’s in the school basketball team? reading?
4 Cars’ll drive » Difficult sounds: /w/ 3 How old is she?
themselves. 4 Why are you tired? 2 Who’s in
the school
1 2.27 Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay UNIT 9 basketball
attention to the /w/ sound. team?
» Intonation: expressing feelings
1 Would you like to go shopping on Wednesday? 3 How old is
2 Would you mind taking the dog for a walk? she?
3 What are you watching?
4 Which one do you want? 4 Why are
you tired?

2 2.28 Practise saying the sentences. Then 1 3.22 Listen and repeat. B: Oh dear!
listen and check. 1 A: I’ve got a headache.

1 Why are you working? 2 A: I’ve got a part-time job. B: That’s great!
2 What are doing next weekend?
3 I wouldn’t like to walk there. 3 A: She teaches Zumba classes. B: Really?
4 Would you mind washing the car?
4 A: A snake bit me! B: Oh no!
» Difficult sounds: /s/ at the beginning 2 3.23 Listen and repeat.
of words B: Wow! That’s
1 A: I’m going to Australia. great!
1 2.34 Listen and repeat the words.
/s/ say sell see second summer 2 A: I’ve lost my mobile phone. B: Oh no!
3 A: I’ve never been skiing. B: Really?
4 A: I’ve got toothache. B: Oh dear!


workbook answer key

starter unit 4 1 Snowball’s 4 parents’ 3 1 What does ‘rubber’ mean?

Vocabulary 2 Sam’s 5 father’s 2 Can you write it on the
1 1 Easter 3 girls’
3 How do you say ‘estuche’
2 Christmas Vocabulary 6 German in English?
3 birthday 7 Russian
4 Valentine’s Day 5 1 Spanish 8 Dutch 4 How do you spell ‘school
9 Polish bag’?
2 1 New Year’s Day 2 French
3 Italian 4 1 (It means) ‘goma’.
2 carnival 4 Chinese
3 Halloween 5 Japanese 2 Yes, of course.
4 April Fool’s Day 3 (It’s) ‘pencil case’.
5 Christmas Eve Grammar 4 (It’s spelled) s-c-h-o-o-l

Grammar 1 1 Animals can’t talk. b-a-g.

3 1 New Year’s Eve is on the 2 Sharks can bite. 5 Students’ own answers
3 Children can’t drive cars.
31st December. 4 I can speak English.
2 Three Kings’ Day is on the
2 1 He hates doing homework. unit 1
6th January.
3 Valentine’s Day is on the 2 He likes eating pizza. Vocabulary 1
3 He loves listening to music.
14th February. 4 He doesn’t like waiting for 1 1 go to the gym
4 The next public holiday is
the bus. 2 go to a concert
on the … 3 play volleyball
3 1 is/isn’t 4 are 4 hang out with your friends
4 1 What do you do on 5 Is 5 surf the internet
2 aren’t 6 go shopping
Christmas Day? 3 ’m not 7 go for a run
2 When do you give
4 1 Are you a teenager? 22 c 5b
presents? 6d
3 Which day of the week do 2 Is your school bag red? 3a
3 Are your parents English? 4f
you like best? 4 Is Facebook your favourite
4 How do you celebrate your
birthday? Short answers: students’ own
5 Students’ own answers 3 1 go 4 hang
5 go for
2 do
Vocabulary 5 1 There are 3 listen to

1 body legs feet 2 There aren’t 4 1 sporty 4 shy
jeans 3 There isn’t 5 lazy
dress boots 4 There are 2 sociable
jacket sandals 5 There isn’t 3 friendly
jumper trainers
T-shirt Integrated skills 5 Students’ own answers

1 1 school 5 notebook Grammar 1

2 1 dress bag 6 board 1 1 comes 5 worries
6 passes
2 scarf 2 pencil 7 pen 2 does 7 watches
3 jacket 3 has
4 boots case 8 pencil 4 buys
5 trainers
3 rubber

4 poster

Grammar 2 Students’ own answers 2 1 Amelia doesn’t take her

3 1 its 4 your phone to school.
5 our 2 My parents don’t like heavy
2 his
3 their metal music.


3 I don’t go swimming every 2 1 drive 5 do 4 1 week 3 isn’t
morning. 6 play 4 strangers
2 tell 7 write 2 few
4 We don’t have lessons on 3 ride
Saturdays. 4 bake 5 1 She’s a writer from

3 1 Do your mum and dad 3 1 speak 6 doing Pennsylvania, USA.
7 tell 2 She usually watches DVDs
watch DVDs? 2 play 8 dance
2 Does your best friend have 3 sing 9 bake and plays computer games.
4 act 3 She wants to try parkour,
a smartphone? 5 ride
3 Do your grandparents use pottery and t’ai chi.
4 Students’ own answers 4 She’s learning new skills,
the internet?
4 Does your English teacher and how to deal with some
of her biggest fears.
wear jeans?
Grammar 2 Listening

4 1 having 5 sitting 1 1 ’s playing 03 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3
6 making
2 eating 7 chatting 2 don’t like Matt: Hello and welcome to
3 putting 3 ’s driving Nineteen, the programme that’s all
4 saying 4 Are you listening about young people. My name’s
5 start Matt and today I’m in Manchester
to find out what you do with your
5 1 The boy isn’t reading a 2 present simple: always, free time. Er … excuse me? Have
you got a moment?
book. He’s writing an never, often, once a week, Jenny: Hi, sure.
essay. sometimes, usually Matt: What’s your name?
2 The girls aren’t dancing. present continuous: at the Jenny: Jenny.
They’re watching a DVD. moment, now, today Matt: Do you do any interesting
3 The woman isn’t eating a activities, Jenny? And I don’t mean
sandwich. She’s drinking a 3 1 isn’t working surfing the internet …
cup of coffee. Jenny: Er … yeah! I like dancing.
4 The dogs aren’t sleeping. 2 takes Matt: What kind of dancing?
They’re running around. 3 ’s starting Jenny: I'm learning salsa at the
4 ’re going moment. I’m a beginner, but I enjoy
6 1 Are you doing your 5 don’t meet it – and it keeps me fit!
Matt: Great, thanks Jenny! Now,
homework? 4 1 Is Paul playing football at here’s someone carrying a
2 Is the sun shining? musical instrument. Excuse me?
3 Are your parents working? the moment? No, he isn’t. Theo: Yes?
4 Is your phone ringing? 2 Do Tom and Jenny often Matt: What are you carrying in
Short answers: students’ own that bag?
answers use their phones? Yes, they Theo: It’s a guitar.
do. Matt: Right! Do you play?
Vocabulary 2 3 Is Tessa acting in a play Theo: No, it’s my brother’s. It’s
now? Yes, she is. broken, so I’m just taking it to a
1 J HCOOKOS 4 Does David always win shop so they can fix it for him.
chess games? No, he Matt: What about you? Do you
DA I MS I O I doesn’t. play anything?
Theo: Well, not music. I play
RD ANC E BN 5 Students’ own answers football in the park sometimes!
A RWU X T L G Matt: Right. OK, thanks for talking
Reading to us, er …
W I P T PMA E Theo: Theo.
ECERACT E 1 Because she hates being Matt: Thanks, Theo. Now let’s
ask this person … Hi there, we’re
bored. interviewing people about their

U T S SDKM I 2 a pottery

BOPA I NTO b t’ai chi
c a skydive
4 skills
3 1 fears 5 subway

2 heights
3 deal with


activities. Have you got a favourite 3 1 Eleanor doesn’t go out 2 1 adventure story
Seb: Yes. Food! every Saturday night. 2 biography
Matt: What, eating? 2 My sister paints beautiful 3 comic novel
Seb: And cooking! 4 thriller
Matt: What do you like cooking? pictures. 5 romantic novel
Seb: Italian food! I’m Italian, you 3 How many languages do 6 historical novel
see. I make amazing pizzas!
Matt: Mmmm! What’s your name? you speak? 3 1 book
Seb: Seb. 4 Colin doesn’t like heavy
Matt: Thanks Seb. Now back to 2 science fiction
the studio – and I’m going to hang metal music. 3 detective
out a bit more with everyone in 5 Do your parents play a 4 travel guide
Manchester. 5 fairy
musical instrument?
11 c 3a 4 1 historical novel
4 1 Are … playing
2b 2 thriller
2 ’m watching 3 comic novel
3 are doing 4 adventure story
4 Is … riding 5 biography
5 ’s dancing
21 a 4a 6 are … leaving 5 Students’ own answers
2b 5 1 spends
3c Grammar 1
2 don’t like
31 T 4T 3 loves 1 1 said 6 slept
5J 4 finds 7 finished
2S 5 gets 2 started 8 knew
3J 6 ’s looking 3 came 9 thought
7 ’s coming 4 did
Speaking 8 doesn’t know 5 carried
9 ’s doing
4 1 What’s your name? 10 thinks 2 1 played 3 slept
11 ’s studying 4 read
2 What’s your date of birth? 2 knew
3 What’s your address? Extension
4 What’s your phone 1 are you reading 3 1 My dad bought that book
2 never buy
number? 3 think one/a week ago.
5 Have you got an email 4 have 2 Charlotte wrote a poem
5 isn’t
address? 6 her two days ago.
7 is 3 My sister celebrated her
Writing 8 don’t
9 goes birthday one/a month ago.
5 1 so 10 are going 4 I read that book two years
11 can’t
2 because 12 always go out ago.
3 because 13 are you doing
4 so 14 ’m reading 42 started 8 met
5 because didn’t have 9 taught
6 so unit 2 3 lived 10 looked
4 didn’t like 11 found
Progress check Vocabulary 1 5 didn’t have 12 came
6 ran 13 went
1 1 text messages 1 1 cookery book 7

2 concert 2 detective novel 5 1 Did Oliver have parents?
3 computer game 3 travel guide
4 friends 4 science fiction novel No, he didn’t.
5 DVD 5 fairy tale 2 Did Oliver like the
6 run
7 music workhouse? No, he didn’t.
8 internet 3 Did Oliver go to London?

2 1 bake 4 tells Yes, he did.
5 do 4 Did Nancy look after
2 play
3 rides Oliver? Yes, she did.


Vocabulary 2 3 1 There was brilliant film on loved science, so she decided to
go to university to study physics
1C I N V E N T O R P TV last night. and English instead.
2 There were some dinosaur In 1977, she saw an advert from
E X P L ORE RE O the American space program in a
D N H WMP WD C L bones in the museum. student newspaper. They wanted
A A G T I L X WU I 3 There was a Picasso to teach some women scientists
N WR I T E R H E T how to be astronauts. Sally applied
CL OKNUOT S I painting for sale on the for the training. From the thousands
E NE Z RE UORC internet. of women who applied, Sally was
RI Y QS P E OV I 4 There were some strange one of the six chosen.
S Y MB GS P R F A fashions in the past. In 1983, after years of astronaut
C OME D I A N R N training, Sally went on her first trip
4 1 Could … hear into space on the space shuttle
Challenger. At the age of 32, she
2 could walk was also the youngest American
3 Could … send astronaut to go into space. The
4 could play following year, in 1984, Sally went
5 couldn’t swim on another successful trip into
space on the Challenger shuttle.
5 Students’ own answers Sally stopped working as an
astronaut in 1987 and became a
2 1 pilot 4 painter Reading university professor. She taught
5 scientist physics at Stanford University and
2 athlete 1 four then at the University of California.
3 astronaut In 1989, she started writing books
22 d 5f about space and science for
3 1 writer 5 inventor 6e children. Her aim was to encourage
6 athlete 3a 7c children, especially girls, to be
2 musician 7 scientist 4g interested in maths and science.
3 astronaut Sally died on 23rd July, 2012, at the
4 explorer 31 a 4b age of 61.
4 1 inventor 3c

2 writer 4 1 The main character was a
3 comedian
4 politician young boy called Eragon.
5 Students’ own answers 2 He helps his people and

Grammar 2 saves them from en evil 1 2 She studied physics and
1 1 was 4 was 3 People compared him with English.
J.R.R. Tolkien. 3 She started to learn how to
2 was 5 Were 4 It had great characters and
an exciting plot. be an astronaut.
3 were 5 He writes for several hours 4 She taught physics.
every day, even at the 5 She wrote books for
2 1 Were Ponce de León and weekend.
6 To get ideas for his books. children.
Columbus explorers? Yes,
they were. Listening 21 b 3b
2 Was the island in the 4a
Atlantic Ocean? No, it 2b
3 Was the island beautiful? 05 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3 3 1 She saw the advert in a
Yes, it was.
4 Were the people Hello and welcome to Modern student newspaper.
unfriendly? No, they Heroes. Today we’re talking 2 She was 32 years old.
weren’t. about the life of a woman who 3 She taught at Stanford
5 Was Puerto Rico the was a scientist, writer and teacher,
island’s original name? No, but was most famous for being an University and the
it wasn’t. astronaut. Her name was Sally Ride University of California.
and she was the first 4 They were about space and
American woman astronaut. science.
Sally was born in Los Angeles in
1951. As a child she could play Speaking
tennis very
well, and she wanted to become 4 2 interesting 5 glad
a tennis player. However, she also
3 did you do 6 pity
4 most


Writing 4 We couldn’t go to the film 3 1 Was Tom wearing warm
because there were no
5 1 John Travolta is a famous tickets left. clothes? Yes, he was.
2 Were Tom and his family
actor, but he’s also a pilot. Extension 7 wasn’t
2 I often play CityVille and I 1 didn’t like 8 his staying in a hotel? Yes,
2 met 9 isn’t they were.
love Angry Birds too. 3 could 10 are buying 3 Was Tom swimming in the
3 I read Diary of a Wimpy Kid 11 remember pool? No, he wasn’t.
design 12 could 4 Were Tom and his brother
and my mum also read it. 4 were watching DVDs? Yes, they
4 Twilight is a novel, but 5 Jobs’ were.
6 say
there’s a film of it too. 4 1 carefully
5 I like detective novels and I unit 3
2 correct
also like historical novels. Vocabulary 1 3 heavily
4 well
Progress check 1 hailstones 5 correct

1 1 romantic novel thunder Vocabulary 2
2 cookery book heatwave 1 1 tornado
3 comic novel warm
4 travel guide damp 2 avalanche
5 detective novel dry 3 flood
cloudy 4 earthquake
2 1 musician 5 volcano
2 Across: 3 wet 5 rainy
2 comedian 2 1 flood
3 dancer 7 windy 8 snowy
4 pilot Down: 1 foggy 2 stormy 2 tornado
5 explorer 4 sunny 6 icy 3 earthquake
4 volcano
3 1 became 3 1 warm 5 hailstones 5 avalanche
6 damp
2 didn’t paint 2 thunder 7 blizzard 3 1 famine
3 sang 3 dry 8 rainy
4 didn’t go 4 sunny 2 drought
5 appeared 3 hurricane
4 Students’ own answers 4 wildfire
4 1 Did Henry Ford invent the 5 landslide
Grammar 1 6 carrying
car? No, he didn’t. 7 walking 4 2 volcano
2 Did Galileo discover 1 1 cooking 8 enjoying
9 talking 3 earthquake
Jupiter’s moons? Yes, he 2 helping 4 drought
did. 3 coming 5 landslide
3 Did Leonardo da Vinci 4 getting 6 Students’ own answers
come from Spain? No, he 5 lying
didn’t. Grammar 2
4 Did Sally Ride die in a 2 2 were walking
space shuttle accident? 1 1 were talking
No, she didn’t. 3 was working
4 weren’t carrying 2 started
5 1 James Dean was an actor. 5 were getting 3 met
6 weren’t talking 4 was sending
2 My grandparents were fans 7 was cooking 5 flew
of the Rolling Stones. 8 wasn’t helping
9 were lying 2 1 noticed, were driving
3 I wasn’t angry! 10 weren’t helping
4 Were you at the concert? 2 were watching, felt
3 began, were skiing
6 1 I couldn’t walk when I was 4 heard, was listening
5 was getting, started
six months old.
2 Mozart could write music

when he was four.
3 Serena and Venus Williams

could play tennis when
they were six.


3 1 Were you sleeping when Cerys: Anyway, one night, at Speaking 5 When
about half past 12, while we were 6 Good luck
the tornado started? sleeping, a man knocked on our 4 2 No way
2 Where were you going? door.
3 What did you do when you Jamie: Dad answered it. The man 3 exciting
said the River Elwy was flooding. 4 Why
saw the tornado? But dad didn’t think it was too
4 What were other people serious, so he didn’t wake us up. Writing
Cerys: Big mistake! Jamie Yeah!
doing? Cerys: At about 5am I woke up 5 1 One day my friend and I
5 How long did the tornado because I heard a strange sound.
I looked downstairs. Water was decided to go for a bike
last? coming in underneath the front ride in the countryside.
door and the hall was filling up with 2 We left early, and soon we
4 1 No, I wasn’t. I was taking water. were cycling past green
Jamie: Cerys shouted to mum and fields and forests.
the dog for a walk. dad, and for about an hour, we were 3 Later we stopped and had
2 I was going to the park. all running around in our pyjamas, a picnic by a river. It was
3 I held on to a tree. carrying all the furniture from beautiful!
4 They were running away downstairs up to the bedrooms. 4 Then we heard the sound
Then we waited upstairs. We of thunder and saw
and shouting. couldn’t get out, because by now lightning in the sky.
5 It lasted for about 10 the water was about two metres 5 We got back on our bikes
high. At about midday, we were quickly, but by then it was
minutes. sitting in mum and dad’s bedroom, starting to rain.
when I saw an orange lifeboat 6 We cycled home as fast as
5 Students’ own answers coming up our street. we could, but in the end we
Cerys: Because our street wasn’t a got very wet.
Reading street anymore, it was a river!
Jamie They were firefighters,
1 volcano surfing looking for people trapped inside
their houses.
21 d 4e Cerys: We waved, and they helped
5c us climb through the window into
2a the boat. And that’s how we got
3b rescued! Progress check

3 1 VS 4 VS 1 1 blizzard 4 foggy
5 IS
2 IS 6 VS 2 hailstones 5 warm
3 VS
3 lightning

4 1 They climb to the top of the 2 1 volcano 4 landslide
5 drought
volcano. 2 wildfire
2 You can stand or sit on a 3 flood

board. 3 1 quietly 4 well
3 They can travel at 80 km an 5 heavily
2 safely
hour. 3 happily
4 Ice swimming is common
1 downstairs, flooding, high, 4 1 were taking the dog for a
in Russia.
5 He / She went swimming knocked, lifeboat, river, walk.
trapped 2 was cleaning her bedroom.
with the Swimming Club. 3 was studying for a history
6 He / She swam for about 21 c 4c
5a test.
five minutes. 2b 4 met Lucy.
3a 5 were walking to Adrian’s

Listening 3 1 Their street is next to the party.

07 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3 River Elwy. 5 1 While we were driving
2 The flood happened
Cerys: My name’s Cerys and this home, we saw a strange
is my brother Jamie. We’re from St because there was a lot light in the sky.
Asaph in Wales. of rain and the River Elwy 2 When my mum met my
Jamie: Last November, there was flooded. dad, she was living in Paris.
some really stormy weather. It was 3 They carried the furniture 3 While I was getting ready
raining hard for days, and the River upstairs to stop it from for bed, I heard the noise.
Elwy got really high. There are two getting wet. 4 When the phone rang,
rivers in St Asaph – the River Elwy 4 Firefighters helped them Tessa was watching the
and the River Clywd. Our street is climb through the bedroom weather forecast.
next to the Elwy. window and into a lifeboat.


Extension 4 2 biggest Reading
1 do
2 ’re doing 3 longest 1 Because he wanted to save
3 happens 4 most expensive
4 did it happen 5 hottest the animals in Baghdad Zoo.
5 Were you living 6 oldest
6 were 21 f 5e
7 thick 5 1 Tokyo is hotter than London 6c
8 was walking 2b 7d
9 couldn’t / colder than Madrid. 3a
10 brightly Tokyo is the most expensive 4g
11 Did the smog last city.
12 died 2 Madrid is cheaper / hotter 31 T 4F
than Tokyo / London. 5F
Madrid is the hottest / 2F 6F
cheapest city. 3T

unit 4 Vocabulary 2 4 1 Many

Vocabulary 1 1 polar bear, butterfly, rhinoceros, 2 is
3 they didn’t have much food
1 1 cave 4 waterfalls owl, penguin, gorilla 4 is
5 lake 5 a lot of the
2 beach 6 with other people
3 ocean
2 1 snake 5 bee Listening
6 whale
2 Across: 3 canyon, 5 island, 2 tiger 7 crocodile 09 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3
3 giraffe
6 reef, 7 coast, 8 rivers 4 turtle Presenter: Hello and welcome
Down: 1 valley, 2 mountain, to The world we live in. Today
3 cliffs, 4 desert 3 1 penguin 4 snake my guest is Martin Jenkins from
5 whale Liverpool. Now Martin, you ran in a
2 gorilla race last year in the coldest place
3 2 Oceans 5 reef 3 bee on Earth. Can you tell me about it?
6 river Martin: Well, it’s called the Ice
3 desert 7 Australia 4 Students’ own answers Marathon and it happens every
4 beaches year in Antarctica. It’s a normal
Grammar 2 marathon, so it’s about 42 km long.
4 Students’ own answers The only difference is that you run
1 Singular countable nouns: on snow and ice!
Grammar 1 Presenter: It sounds extremely
beach, bird, city, house, difficult! How did you prepare for
1 adjective comparative superlative person, tree running in the freezing cold?
Plural countable nouns: Martin: Well, I wore two pairs of
small smaller smallest beaches, birds, cities, houses, gloves and three pairs of socks! But
people, trees the cold isn’t the biggest problem.
long longer longest Uncountable nouns: air, You get warm when you’re running,
wet wetter wettest pollution, sand, traffic, water, even when the temperature is
wildlife below zero.
easy easier easiest Presenter: So what was the
biggest problem?
old older oldest Martin: The wind. Antarctica is
one of the windiest places on Earth.
expensive more expensive most expensive 21 a 8 any The wind can blow at 300 km an
9 any hour! When you’re running against
big bigger biggest 2a 10 some wind like that, it really slows you
3a 11 an down.
good better best 4 any 12 a Presenter: I can imagine! Where
bad worse worst 5a did the race start?
6 any Martin: It started near the
2 1 wetter 4 bigger 7 some Ellsworth Mountains, several
5 more hundred kilometres from the South
2 hotter 3 1 many 3 much Pole.
3 easier expensive 4 a lot of
2 a lot of
3 1 … isn’t as old as Madonna.
4 1 many 3 many
2 … isn’t as tiring as running.
3 … isn’t as short as the 2 much 4 much

River Thames. Students’ own answers
4 … aren’t as dangerous as
5 Students’ own answers
big cities.
5 … aren’t as cold as


Presenter: Some people probably Writing 31 c 3d
think you’re crazy, running a
marathon in the snow and ice in 5 1 That is a very high 2b 4a
freezing temperatures. Why did you
do it? mountain. You write ‘spacecraft’ as one
Martin: I like a challenge! It was 2 The beaches in Greece are
also a chance to go to a place that’s word.
different from anywhere else on white and sandy.
Earth. 3 We visited an ancient stone 41 cure
Presenter: And did you finish the clone
marathon? castle yesterday. 2 genetically modified crops
Martin: Yes, I did, but I didn’t win! 4 They saw some big lions in 3 spacecraft
Presenter: Well, maybe next 4 disease
the zoo. 5
time … 5 The forest is dark and
5 Students’ own answers

Progress check Grammar 1

1 1 Beach 4 waterfall 1 1 You won’t miss the bus.

2 river 5 Islands 2 They’ll do the washing-up.
3 Mum and Dad won’t be
1 No, he didn’t. 3 mountains
21 the Ice Marathon 2 1 Owls 4 polar 4 I’ll tell you a secret.
Antarctica bears 5 He won’t finish his
2 (about) 42 km 2 turtle
3 snow, ice, very windy 3 snake 5 Whales homework.
4 the wind
5 31 healthiest 21 He’ll travel around the
better world.
31 He ran in the Ice Marathon 2 hottest 2 He won’t work in an office.
last year. 3 bigger 3 He won’t have a dog.
2 It happens every year. 4 more dangerous 4 He won’t drive a car.
3 He wore two pairs of 5 5 He’ll fall in love.
4 gloves and three pairs of
socks. 4 1 water 31 Will everyone speak the
5 Because you get warm same language? No, they
when you’re running, even 2 food 2 won’t/Yes, they will.
6 when the temperature is 3 people 3 Will people eat meat? Yes,
below zero. 4 information 4 they will.
It started near the Ellsworth 5 traffic 5 Will machines make life
Mountains, several hundred 6 Butterflies easier? Yes, they will.
kilometres from the South 7 beaches Will dinosaurs exist? No,
Pole. they won’t.
Because he likes a 51 a 5 some Will people travel around
challenge, and he wanted an 6 A lot of the world? Yes, they will.
to go to a place that’s 2 some 7 any
different from anywhere 3 many 8 much
else on Earth. 4

Speaking Extension 8c 41 Will you lend me €10? No, I
1c 9c won’t.
4 1 like to 2a 10 b 2 Will Tim have a birthday
3c 11 a 3 party? No, he won’t.
2 a nice idea 4b 12 c 4 Will we win the game? Yes,
3 a better idea 5a 13 c we will.
4 ’d rather 6b 14 b Will I like that film? Yes, you
5 sounds more fun than 7b will.

unit 5 5 Students’ own answers

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2

1 battery, cure, vaccine, clone, 1 1 gravity 4 air
disease, satellite, DNA 2 acid 5
The other letters spell: planet
3 pressure

2 1 battery 4 cure
5 clone
2 satellite
3 panels T133

2 1 air 4 1 What will you do if you Spaceflight Experience first, we’ll
have time to do the Astronaut Test
2 temperature pass your exams? after.
3 chemical reaction 2 Will we have fun if we go Rachel: OK! And after that we’ll
4 pressure go to the Space Kitchen.
5 acid on holiday? Sam: The Space Kitchen?
3 If Jane learns to drive, will Rachel: Yeah, it sounds fun –
3 2 liquid you’ll love it. They show you how
she be more independent? they make the food for astronauts,
3 gas 4 If he doesn’t have a map, and you can even taste some!
4 explosion Sam: Yuck! No thanks! Astronauts
5 jug will he find the café? only eat dried food out of packets,
6 test tube 5 Who will you go with if you
7 bubbles don’t they?
8 thermometer go to Jessica’s party? Rachel: No. Now the meals are
much better. They can eat
5 Students’ own answers spaghetti – and cake! Apparently if
we taste all the food, they’ll give us
4 1 temperature Reading a recipe for Space Station cake.
Sam: Space Station cake?
2 gravity 1 Students’ own answers Rachel: It’s what the astronauts
3 thermometer on the International Space Station
4 bubbles, gas, explosion 2 There are at least 20 Castilian eat.
5 laboratory Sam: I bet that will taste delicious.
6 acid Spanish cognates in the text: Rachel: Come on, Sam, how do
opinion, planets, habitable, you know you won’t like it if you
5 1 thermometer conditions, extreme extremely, don’t try it?
rare, atmosphere, exist, Sam: OK, OK. Come on then.
2 temperature million, variable, factors, Let’s go!
3 chemical reaction science, fiction, ocean, Saturn,
4 bubbles astronauts, decade, different,
5 test tube oxygen.
6 acid
3 1 GB 4 GB
Grammar 2 5 GB
2 MR 6 MR
3 MR

1 1 ’ll save 4 ’ll break Listening 1 The boy, Sam

2 grow 5 mix

3 ’ll be 11 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3 21 Human Spaceflight
2 1 ’ll pass Rachel: Wow, this museum is 2 Astronaut Test
amazing! Look at that spacecraft 3 Space Kitchen
2 heat over there!
3 doesn’t rain Sam: What do you want to do 31 DVD
4 won’t happen first, Rachel? simulated spacecraft flight
5 hits Rachel: How about we take the 2 eat
Astronaut Test? 3 spaghetti and cake
3 1 If you switch off your Sam: The Astronaut Test? What’s 4 instructions for making a
that? 5 Space Station cake
computer, you’ll save Rachel: It’s a test, Sam. To see
energy. if you’ve got the ability to be an Speaking 4 How about
2 The teacher will be angry astronaut. If we pass, they’ll give us 5 could
if you don’t do your a prize! 4 1 don’t 6 let’s
homework. Sam What prize?
3 If he eats a lot of chocolate, Rachel: Er … it says here … a 2 then
he won’t lose weight. DVD about the Apollo missions to 3 shall
4 If she doesn’t study the Moon.
computer science, she Sam: Oh. What’s this here … The Writing 4 In
won’t get a good job. Human Spaceflight Experience. 5 In
5 My mum will save money if Rachel: Oh yeah! It’s like going 5 1 one
she walks to work. on a journey into space. Apparently
you really feel like you’re flying a 2 other
spacecraft! 3 Maybe
Sam: Cool! Look, it’s just
over there. If we do the Human Progress check

T134 1 1 solar

2 turbines
3 batteries
4 cure
5 diseases
6 planets

2 1 air 4 clean the windows Vocabulary 2
5 make the beds
2 laboratory 1 MGA COS T O I C
3 explosion 3 1 make
4 liquid E I NXABREVO
5 test tube 2 washing-up F B O R R OWQ I L
6 thermometer 3 lay J O E T KOMP O L
7 gravity 4 pet sit PCL XRLASNE
8 acid 5 tidying UWV L O S E A I C
3 1 They won’t pass the maths 4 1 washing-up L E ND X BWE I K
test. 2 tidy H L CRME NU T I
2 What time will you call me 3 gardening
4 pet sit 2 1 pay 4 earn
tonight? 5 wash 5 spend
3 We’ll be hungry after the 2 buy
5 Students’ own answers 3 swap
4 Tom won’t finish his Grammar 1 3 1 spend 4 pay
5 swap
homework tonight. 1 2 They aren’t going to have 2 buy
5 Will Helen win the game? 3 earn
a drink. They’re going to
4 1 Will computers get smaller? have an ice cream. 4 1 earn 5 lend
3 I’m not going to spend my 6 cost
2 Will Chinese be an pocket money. I’m going to 2 borrow 7 collect
international language? save it. 3 save 8 lose
4 We aren’t going to phone 4 win
3 Will wars stop? Tim. We’re going to send
4 Will the European Union him a text message. 5 Students’ own answers
5 He isn’t going to go to bed.
exist? He’s going to watch a film. Grammar 2
Short answers: students’ own
answers 1 tomorrow, next week, one day,

5 1 play, won’t pass 2 2 Is the shop going to close this summer, soon

2 do, ’ll have soon? f 2 1 We’ll, we 4 saves,
3 ’re, ’ll order 3 Are the boys going to miss he’ll
4 won’t enjoy, rains 2 I’m, I’ll
5 loses, won’t be the bus? c 3 We’ll, you 5 I’ll, I
4 Is Lucy going to go to the
Extension 9 don’t 3 2 ’ll live 6 won’t get
1 quickly usually tell party? b 7 doesn’t
2 were 5 Are we going to arrive 3 visit
3 worst 10 will talk 4 won’t need
4 are you 11 won’t soon? d 8 visit
5 were 12 find 6 Are you going to phone me cook 9 ’ll clean
13 best 5 ’ll order
sharing 14 will talk later? a
6 began 15 many
7 their 3 2 ’s going to help 4 1 would like to eat
8 Some
3 ’m going to give 2 would like to meet
4 Are they going to go 3 would like to travel
5 ’re going to take 4 would like to visit
6 Are you going to put 5 would like to earn
7 ’s going to be
unit 6 5 1 Would Matt like to eat

Vocabulary 1 4 1 ’ll 5 ’m going sushi? Yes, he would.
to 2 Would Rebecca like to
12 f 5d 2 ’ll
3 ’ll 6 ’ll meet me tomorrow? Yes,
3a 6b 4 is going to she would.
3 Would you like to travel
4e every year when you're
older. Yes, I would.
2 1 lay the table 5 Students’ own answers

2 do the ironing
3 deliver newspapers


4 Would you like to visit us Karen: Yes, and then you 4 lay
this summer? Yes, we answer some questions about the 5 windows
would. experience afterwards. 6 gardening
John: I see. And how much do 7 tidy
5 Would they like to earn a you earn as a mystery shopper? 8 ironing
lot of money one day? Yes, Karen: Well it’s only a part-time 9 wash
they would. job, but you get between 10 and 20 10 newspapers
pounds for every shop you report
6 Students’ own answers on. You also get money to pay for
the product you buy – and you
Reading can keep it, too! You can also visit 2 1 swap 4 lend
restaurants to report on them. 5 save
1 his mother’s John: You mean earn money by 2 cost 6 earn
writing a review of the restaurant? 3 pay for
Karen: Yes. You get a free meal
21e 4c too, of course! 3 1 ’re going to go
5d John: And do you need any
2a 6b special qualifications for this kind of 2 are you going to spend
3f work? 3 ’s going to buy
Karen: Well, there’s a lot of 4 isn’t going to wash
31c 4c talking involved so you have to be 5 ’m not going to pass
5a able to communicate well. It’s also 6 Is … going to get
2b 6b important to be good at writing.
3b John: Why’s that?
Karen: Because you have to
Listening complete a long questionnaire after 4 1 ’ll
each visit.
13 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 John: I see. Well, for any of our 2 ’ll
listeners interested in becoming 3 Are...going to
John: Hello and welcome to mystery shoppers – or diners – you 4 ’ll
Money Matters, the programme can get more information online.
that tells you everything you need Now it’s time for our next song... 5 1 We’ll go to the supermarket
to know about money. Now the
problem with going shopping is that 1 the USA and the UK when we finish lunch.
we usually come home with less 2 Will you take the dog for a
money than we started with! But
believe it or not, there is actually a walk when you get home?
way to earn money while you shop! 3 When the neighbours go on
Karen, can you tell us more?
Karen: Yes, John. It sounds too holiday, Billy will pet sit for
good to be true, doesn’t it? But their cat.
mystery shopping, as it’s called, 4 Mum and Dad won’t be
is very popular in the USA and in happy when they see the
the UK, and we think it will be a broken window!
success in Europe too.
John: So what exactly does a 2 2 £20 5 questionnaire 6 1 Mum and Dad would like
mystery shopper have to do? 3 restaurants 6 writing
Karen: Well he or she – for some 4 meal to go to an expensive
reason it’s usually a she – visits restaurant.
shops, buys something, and gets 31 T 3F 2 My English teacher
information about the shops. 4T wouldn’t like to teach
John: What kind of information? 2F maths.
Karen: How polite the shop 3 I’d like to get more pocket
assistants are, if they help you with Speaking 3 giving money.
any problems or questions, that 4 buy 4 Adam wouldn’t like to have
kind of thing. 4 1 go a pet dog.
John: So you pretend to be a 5 Would you like to be
customer? 2 can I famous?
Karen: Yes. The people who work
in the shop don’t know that you’re Writing 6 his Extension 6 to collect
there to report on them. That’s why 7 They 1 aren’t 7 took
it’s called mystery shopping. 5 1 He 8 it 2 ’re 8 Their
John: So you just go to a shop 9 him 9 will do
and buy something? 2 It 10 them collecting 10 some
3 him 3 are going 11 isn’t going
4 he 12 easy
5 her to
4 largest
Progress check 5 collect

1 1 walks

2 make
3 washing-up


unit 7 5 1 been 4 gone Reading
5 been
Vocabulary 1 2 gone 1c
3 gone
1 1 horse and carriage 21 b 3d
6 Students’own answers 4a
2 ship 2c
3 the Underground
4 coach Vocabulary 2 31 F 4F
5 hot-air balloon 5F
6 caravan 1 crash, arrive, take off, land, 2F
follow, push, carry
The other letters spell: fall 4 1 Rolf and Magnus are

2 Across: 3 helicopter, 6 bicycle, 2 1 climb 5 fly Danish soldiers. They patrol
5 sail the coast of Greenland.
7 ferry 2 cross 2 There’s a lot of ice and
Down: 1 plane, 2 motorbike, 3 pull snow and it’s very cold,
4 lorry, 5 yacht −31ºC.
3 Because dogs don’t break
3 1 caravan 4 Helicopters 3 1 land 4 takes off down in the cold. If your
5 by ship 5 Follow vehicle stops, you’ll die!
2 yacht 6 bicycles 2 crash 4 They make a special noise
3 tram 3 arrive to warn them if a polar bear
is near.
4 land: horse and carriage, the 4 1 follow 4 sailed 5 He fell off the sledge and
5 arrives cut his leg badly.
underground coach, caravan, 2 flew, took 6 It’s when a bit of your skin
bicycle, motorbike, lorry off freezes and dies.
sea: ship, ferry, yacht air:
hot-air balloon, helicopter, 3 crossed
5 Students’ own answers

5 Students’ own answers Grammar 2

1 2 Have 5 Has

Grammar 1 3 Has 6 Has Listening

1 verb past participle 4 Have 15 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3

travel travelled 2a 5 d2 David: Hi, can I sit here?
ride ridden e6 Emily: Sure, go ahead. Are you
go gone b4 f3 travelling on your own?
crash crashed c1 David: No, my family’s sitting over
win won there. We’re going on holiday to
fly flown 3 2 Have you put up Paris.
break broken Emily: Oh, cool. I’m going to
buy bought 3 Have you eaten stay with my aunt in Nantes. So …
4 Has Gary phoned have you travelled on the Eurostar
5 Have they phoned before?
6 Has he remembered David: No, I’ve never been to
France! I guess you’ve been on it a lot.
2 1 has 4 has 4 1 Has a friend ever told you a Emily: Yes, I come here every
5 hasn’t summer.
2 haven’t 6 haven’t secret? David: It’s brilliant isn’t it? It’s so
3 have 2 Have your parents ever fast!
Emily: I know! It goes about 200
3 1 ’ve ridden 4 ’ve flown lived abroad? kilometres an hour. Much faster
3 Has a film ever made you than the ferry!
2 ’s won 5 ’s broken David: Wow! I’ve never crossed
cry? the Channel, but I’ve been on the
3 has crashed 4 Have your friends ever ferry to Ireland. I got seasick! Going
on a train is much nicer.
4 1 I haven’t ridden a bought you a present? Emily: I always get seasick when
5 Have you ever ridden a I sail across the Channel! I’ve flown
motorbike. to France a lot too, but I prefer the
2 He hasn’t won the Tour de camel? Eurostar.
6 Has your teacher ever
3 A plane hasn’t crashed in given you a really difficult
Russia. Short answers: students’ own
4 They haven’t flown in a hot- answers

air balloon. 5 Students’ own answers
5 She hasn’t broken a world



David: I know what you mean. Progress check unit 8
Going through airports takes a long
time. This is great – we got on the 1 1 bicycle 4 caravan Vocabulary 1
train at St Pancras station at 5 Underground
quarter to twelve, we left at twelve 2 carriage 6 yacht 1 A TCCOACHL I
o’ clock, and we’re in the tunnel 3 ship
already! WO T U KMA T C H
Emily: So have you flown to many 21 fly 5 arrive LUZNCDP F P X
countries? take off 6 carry R R S T A D I UMO
David: A few. We’ve been to 2 land 7 pull BN X R EQDOBG
Mallorca and Italy by plane, and … 3 drive
one year we went to Germany too. 4 YAZANL YQAO
Emily: And … here we are – we’re OM E R V RWOMA
out of the tunnel. Hello France! 31 ’ve taken V EWA L E I J C L
David: Wow! That was quick. How hasn’t sent QNRC I NORUB
long were we in the tunnel? 2 has run I T T E H T E AMR
Emily: Just 20 minutes, I think. 3 haven’t been
David: Next stop, Paris – Gare 4
du Nord! What time does the train
arrive? 41 Have Mum and Dad taken 2 1 loser 4 opponents
Emily: Er … at 2.15. the dog for a walk? Yes, 5 winner
David: Oh yeah, it’s one o’ clock 2 they have. 2 supporter 6 stadium
already. Do you want to get some 3 Has Anna ridden a horse? 3 champion
lunch from the buffet car? I’m really 4 No, she hasn’t.
hungry. Has Max fallen off his 3 1 play 5 go
Emily: Me too, I haven’t eaten all bicycle? Yes, he has. 6 do
morning. Let’s go! I’m Emily, by the Have you slept in a tent? 2 do 7 play
way. No, I haven’t. 3 go
David: And my name’s David! 4 play

51 We’ve never been to 4 1 team 4 loser
Scotland. 5 stadium
2 Have you ever seen a 2 captain
3 shark? 3 supporter
4 Katie has never met a
1 airports, buffet car, ferry, plane, famous person. 5 1 tournament
Has Grandma ever played
seasick, station, stop, tunnel a computer game? 2 match
3 coach
21 two hours and 15 minutes 4 race
200 5 opponent
2 St Pancras
3 Paris Extension Grammar 1 for
4 20 1 are travelling a few days
5 2 drive 1 since a long time
3 better many years
31 a 3b 4 left last week three weeks
4b 5 Did you know
2c 6 going to Christmas
7 were walking 2013
8 ever seen
Speaking 4 time 9 noisy 2 1 for 4 for
5 get 10 ’ll tell 5 since
4 1 Could 11 ’m not 2 since
12 Have 3 since
2 change
3 much

Writing 31 We’ve lived here for many
5 1 Coach journeys are a bit 2 Jack hasn’t seen his uncle
3 since 2013.
uncomfortable. 4 I haven’t eaten chocolate
2 That girl is really pretty. 5 for three weeks.
3 This map is a bit old. Isabel has been at this
4 New York is a really big city. school since Christmas.
5 It’s really warm today. My parents have been
married for a long time.


4 1 since her birthday 3 1 Have you seen Listening

2 for two hours 2 broke 17 Audioscript, exercises 1, 2 and 3
3 since 1966 3 Did Isaac win
4 for a long time 4 ’ve wanted Presenter: Welcome to
5 since January 5 ’ve lived Sports World. This is Sal
6 got Brewley. She’s only 14, but
5 1 How long has he been a she’s a British junior golfer and
4 2 ’ve had she’s just won the under-16
professional cyclist? Girls’ Tournament. Hi, Sal!
2 How long have his friends 3 happened Sal: Hi!
4 broke Presenter: A lot of people
called him ‘Wiggo’? 5 has gone think golf is a sport for older
3 How long has he supported 6 died men. Is that true?
7 lost Sal: No, things have
Liverpool Football Club? 8 stole changed! Now there are a lot
4 How long have he and 9 Did you leave of young women players.
10 ’ve just found Presenter: Why did you start
his family lived near playing? Did your parents play it?
Manchester? Sal: No, my parents don’t
play. But when I was young
Vocabulary 2 5 Students’ own answers we lived next to a golf course.
I saw other people playing,
1 put, touch, walk, meet, drop, Reading 1 so I asked my parents for
cross 1 They wear leather sandals. Presenter: How old were
you when you started playing?
2 1 spill 4 carry 21 c 5g Sal: Eight. And I’ve loved it
5 break 6f since then!
2 scratch 2e 7b Presenter: What do
3 open 3d your parents think of your
4a success?
3 1 touch 4 scratch Sal: They’re happy that I’ve
5 put 3 1 F ‘They’re from Mexico …’ found a sport that I love, but
2 drop 6 open they don’t let me play golf all
3 spill 2 T ‘… running is part of their day - I have to do my school
everyday lives.’ work too!
4 1 cross 4 drop Presenter: Do you go to a
5 pick 3 F ‘… they don’t often get normal school?
2 put injuries!’ Sal: Yes. Some junior golfers
3 touch don’t go to school, they have
4 T ‘For them, a normal tutors to teach them at home.
5 Students’ own answers marathon of 42 km is too But I’d hate that.
short!’ Presenter: Why?
Grammar 2 Sal: Because I love seeing
5 F ‘… the Leadville Run, a my friends every day!
1 infinitive past simple past participle 160 km race …’ Presenter: Is golf good
get got got 6 T ‘… a medicine man gives Sal: Definitely. Golf courses
the runners a special drink are very big and I usually walk
make made made to make them stronger …’ about ten kilometers during a
be was / were been Presenter: Wow! What are
your ambitions, Sal?
go went gone 4 1 The Tarahumara live Sal: My dream is to be on the
say said said British women’s golf team in
without electricity and the 2016 Olympics. Golf hasn’t
win won won running water. been an Olympic sport since
2 Because they live in 1904, so I’m really happy it’s
want wanted wanted an area with a lot of going to be in the 2016 games!
mountains, so running is
2 1 gone 4 been the quickest way to travel. T139
5 break 3 They don’t eat high-energy
2 won food, and they don’t wear
3 get expensive trainers.
4 They drink a special drink
from a medicine man.

11 c 3b 2 1 scratch 4 open unit 9
5 drop
2a 2 touch 6 carry Vocabulary 1
3 spill
21 T 4T 1 Across: 4 healthy, 5 depression
5F 3 1 I’ve spoken English for four
2F Down: 1 social life, 2 diet,
3T years. 3 vegetarian
2 It hasn’t rained since
3 1 Sal is from the UK. 2 1 stress
2 She does her school work. 3 I’ve had my dog for eight 2 arguments
3 She loves seeing her 3 relationship
years. 4 Bullying
friends there. 4 She hasn’t played a 5 appearance
4 It’s good exercise because
computer game since 3 1 depression
golf courses are very big January.
and Sal usually walks about 5 My football team hasn’t 2 vegetarian
10 km during a game. won a match for a month. 3 stress
5 Her dream is to be on the 6 We haven’t been to London 4 health
British women’s golf team since 2010. 5 arguments
in the 2016 Olympic
Games. 4 1 How long have you had 4 Students’ own answers

Speaking that coat? Grammar 1
I’ve just bought it.
4 1 What do you want to do 2 How long has James 1 1 should
spoken English?
tomorrow? He’s just started to learn. 2 shouldn’t
2 I’m not sure. Shall we go to 3 How long have you lived in 3 should
Santander? 4 shouldn’t
the cinema? We’ve just moved here. 5 shouldn’t
3 OK … but I don’t think 4 How long has Marta played
chess? 2 1 Should they eat lots of
there are any good films at She’s just finished her first
the moment. game! chocolate?
4 So let’s go swimming then. 5 How long have you been No, they shouldn’t.
5 Yeah, that sounds fun. here? 2 Should I lend Jim some
What time shall we meet? I’ve just arrived! money?
6 Twelve o’clock? No, you shouldn’t.
7 OK, twelve o’clock is fine. 5 1 ’s wanted 3 Should we have a party?
Where shall we meet? Yes, you / we should.
8 Do you want a lift? My 2 started 4 Should Isabel lie to her
mum can take us in the car. 3 hasn’t stopped mum?
9 No, it’s fine thanks. I’ll 4 ’s won No, she shouldn’t.
probably walk. 5 took 5 Should I eat more fruit?
10 OK. I’ll see you outside the 6 became Yes, you should.
swimming pool. 7 ’s spent
11 Great. See you tomorrow! 3 1 mustn’t

Writing Extension 2 mustn’t
1 ’ve lost 3 mustn’t
5 1 surprised 2 was walking 4 must
3 bought 5 mustn’t
2 annoyed 4 ’ve had
3 disappointed 5 always wear 4 1 mustn’t walk
4 bored 6 ’m going to
5 embarrassed 7 don’t 2 must put
6 happy 8 ’ll lose 3 mustn’t drink
9 any 4 must wear
Progress check 10 luckiest 5 mustn’t use
11 haven’t lost
1 1 supporter 4 winner 12 ’ll win 5 Students’ own answers

2 stadium 5 loser

3 coach 6 captain


Vocabulary 2 4 cough Reading Oscar: Oh yeah! ‘Check your
5 cold symptoms here’ – what’s that?
1 1 toothache 1b Alex: It’s where you put in your
problem, and it tells you what it
2 backache 21 b 4a could be and what you should do
3 headache 5c about it.
2e Oscar: OK … so should I click
2 2 bee sting 3d here, on ‘Bites and Stings’?
Alex: Yes. Now, click on your
3 eye strain 31 a 3b symptoms ...
4 sunburn 4a Oscar: Pain … swelling …
5 mosquito bite 2b redness …
6 stomach ache Alex: And then click here.
You write ‘earache’ and 4 1 Strong wine, fresh fruit and Oscar: OK. It says they could be
‘sunburn’ as one word. horsefly bites. It says that I should
vegetables are part of the put some cream on them and if
3 1 sunburn 4 cold traditional Ikarian diet. they don’t get better, go and see the
5 toothache 2 They walk everywhere doctor.
2 backache (Ikaria has a lot of Alex: Right. I really think you
3 eye strain mountains), and they do a should tell your mum and ask her
lot of gardening. to get you some cream!
4 Students’ own answers 3 It probably made lifestyle Oscar: I guess you’re right!
and diet more modern, e.g.
Grammar 2 people had more stress,
ate less healthily, used cars
1 1 ’m doing 3 happened more, got up earlier, didn’t
have an afternoon nap, etc.
2 doesn’t go 4 were sitting 4 One piece of advice is
about diet (4), and four
2 1 ’ll have pieces of advice are about 1 2 painful
lifestyle (1, 2, 3, 5).
2 ’m going to go 3 online
3 will find 4 symptoms
4 won’t get 5 click
6 swelling
3 1 taken 3 I’ve Listening 7 redness
4 has 8 horsefly
2 broke
19 Audioscript, exercises 1,2 and 3
4 2 Will you call me later? 2 1 11.30pm
Alex: Hey Oscar! You look terrible.
3 Do they always go to the What’s the matter? 2 the park
beach in the summer? Oscar: Hi Alex. It’s these 3 big
mosquito bites. They’re really 4 Oscar’s
4 How long has Miriam had painful. 5 put some cream on the
toothache? Alex: When did you get them?
Oscar: Last night with Daniel and bites
5 What were you doing at Max. We were chatting in the park
eight o’clock yesterday? until half past eleven. 31 F 4F
Alex: They’re really big and red. 5T
6 What are you going to They don’t look like mosquito bites 2F
study at university? to me. They look like … I don’t 3T
know, spots. Why don’t you show
7 How did Sam break his leg? your mum?
Oscar: I can’t! I told mum I was
5a 3 e4 going to Max’s house. She says Speaking 4 should
f6 I mustn’t go to the park at night, 5 don’t
b1 g2 because she thinks it’s not safe. If 4 1 matter 6 feel
c7 she sees these spots, she’ll know I
d5 was outside! 2 do
Alex: Well, you should do 3 painful
6 2 Yes, I will. something ... Why don’t you get
some health advice online? Writing
3 No, they don’t. Oscar: I didn’t know you could do
4 She’s had toothache for that. 5 1 ’re having
Alex: Of course you can! I know a
three days. really good website. Give me your 2 ’re staying
5 I was doing my homework. laptop. Look – here it is! 3 went
6 I’m going to study 4 was
5 I’m getting
medicine. 6 are going
7 He fell off his bike.


Progress check 2 1 his 4 her 4 Do you ever buy DVDs?
5 my Yes, I do.
1 1 relationship 2 their
3 its 5 Do your classmates watch
2 exercise a lot of films? No, they don’t.
3 diet 3 1 Jack’s hair is brown
4 depression 31 They aren’t doing urban
5 social life 2 Charles’ parents are from sports. They’re playing
6 stress London. 2 games.
3 I’m making a lot of friends.
21 sunburn 5 toothache 3 My teachers’ names are Ms I’m having a great time.
sting 6 cold Bow and Mr Jones. 4 She is studying
2 strain 7 backache 5 photography. She’s taking
3 cough 4 My friend’s eyes are lots of photos.
4 unusual. She’s got one blue We’re speaking English. We
eye and one brown one. aren’t speaking French.
I’m not chatting online at
31 Should she go on a sailing 4 1 I can do this exercise, it’s the moment.
2 No, she shouldn’t. easy. 41 Are you going to the gym
3 Should he tell his parents? 2 They can’t speak Russian. now? Yes, I am.
4 Yes, he should. 2 Are you feeling well? No,
Should they eat ice cream It’s difficult! 3 I’m not.
every day? 3 We can’t swim ten 4 Is your sister doing her
No, they shouldn’t. 5 homework? Yes, she is.
Should we drink some kilometres. It’s too far! 6 Are your classmates having
water? 4 Her sisters can bake cakes. a party? No, they aren’t.
Yes, you should. Am I wearing trainers? No,
They are delicious. I’m not.
5 She can go to the cinema. Is your friend riding a
motorbike? Yes, he / she is.
Her mum says yes.

4 1 must 4 must wear 5 1 Can Lucy dance? Yes, she

come 5 mustn’t can.
2 Can Mark and Paula speak
2 must do use
French? Yes, they can.
3 mustn’t go 3 Can Lucy speak French?

5 1 had 3 ’ll give No, she can’t. 5 1 often go 4 sends
4 known 4 Can Simon dance? Yes, 5 are feeling
2 were 5 is 2 have
eating he can. 3 is playing
5 Can Mark and Paula swim?
1 ’m going Yes, they can.

to go 6 mustn’t 6 1 They aren’t old, they’re 6 1 visit 4 bakes
2 haven’t 7 was
8 better young. 2 are telling 5 are doing
had 9 healthily 2 He´s in Bath, he isn’t here.
3 ever been 10 eat 3 I´m happy, I’m not sad. 3 am painting
4 was 11 a 4 You´re from Spain, you
5 was 12 win 7 1 They don’t often go to the
aren’t from England.
climbing cinema.
unit 1 2 My best friend plays tennis

GRammar 1 1 doesn’t wear every week.
EXERCISES 3 They are sending text
2 don’t go
3 listen messages now.
4 don’t belong 4 My dad never sings in the
5 works

starter unit unit 2

1 1 How often 4 Who 21 Does your sister chat 1 1 read 4 arrived
5 What online? Yes, she does. 5 bought
2 Why 6 How 2 Do your friends play 2 had
3 When computer games? Yes, 3 found
3 they do.
Does your uncle go to
concerts? No, he doesn’t.


2 1 My classmate didn’t write a 5 My teacher wasn’t smiling. 8 good, better, the best
6 Andy wasn’t sitting next to 9 bad, worse, the worst
book last year. 10 far, further, the furthest
2 My teacher didn’t invent a Jay.
21 faster
new computer. 3 1 Was Sophie watching TV at more intelligent
3 We didn’t send an email a 2 busier
5pm? 3 heavier
few minutes ago. 2 Were you studying 4 bigger
4 I didn’t become famous 5 worse
yesterday morning? 6
last year. 3 Was he sleeping at 6am?
4 Were John and Andrew
3 1 When did Picasso paint 31 Humans aren’t as fast as
playing tennis at 4 o’clock ostriches.
Guernica? yesterday? 2 Crocodiles aren’t as
2 Who did you see at the 5 Was it raining heavily an 3 intelligent as monkeys.
hour ago? 4 The train station isn’t as
concert? 5 busy as the bus station.
3 What did Mark Zuckerberg 4 regular regular irregular 6 Snakes aren’t as heavy as
invent? (-ly) (-ily) A penguin isn’t as big as an
4 How often did they play elephant.
Water isn’t as bad for you
football last year? as cola.

4 1 last week brightly easily well
warmly heavily
2 two weeks ago
3 yesterday 51 fell 4 were
4 last month was doing
5 last summer 2 working
had 5 woke
5 1 was 4 wasn’t 3 41 London is the biggest city
5 weren’t 4 when in the UK.
2 weren’t 6 was 6 1 while 5 while 2 We are the best students in
3 were 3 our school.
2 While The Grand Canyon is the
6 1 Was it hot yesterday? 3 When 4 most beautiful place in the
5 USA.
2 Where was Shakespeare 71 Lisa was studying in her 6 What is the most expensive
from? bedroom. city in the world?
2 We weren’t feeling tired. My cousin is the worst
3 Was he at school last 3 What were you doing singer in our family.
week? yesterday at 6pm? Kate is the most interesting
4 Were you watching TV person I know.
4 Were you tired last night? when I phoned you?
5 Why were your friends 5 You weren’t dancing in the
disco at 2am.

7 1 could speak 5 1 any 5 How much

2 couldn’t swim 2 How many 6 a
3 could ride
4 couldn’t make unit 4 3 some 7 a lot of
5 couldn’t perform
4 any

unit 3 11 heavy, heavier, the 6 1 a lot of 4 a lot of
heaviest 5 isn’t much
1 1 were playing 2 rich, richer, the richest 2 isn’t much
3 busy, busier, the busiest 3 not many
2 was watching 4 big, bigger, the biggest
3 was walking 5 dangerous, more unit 5 4 will play
4 were listening dangerous, the most 5 will eat
5 were having 6 dangerous 1 1 will leave 6 will study
intelligent, more intelligent,
21 We weren’t winning the 7 the most intelligent 2 will get
match. difficult, more difficult, the 3 will feel
2 I wasn’t feeling well. most difficult
3 My friends weren’t staying
at a campsite.
4 You weren’t walking very

2 1 will work 4 won’t fail 31 Is your brother going to play 4 We haven’t been to a big
5 will like the piano in the concert? city before.
2 won’t go 6 will be 2 Are you going to miss
3 will travel 3 school tomorrow? 5 My neighbours haven’t
4 Is Maria going to do the moved to London.
3 1 Will Tom work as a police 5 washing-up?
6 Are your parents going to 6 We haven’t visited a
officer? Yes, he will. buy a new car? museum recently.
2 Will Jess become an Are we going to earn
money this summer? 7 Linda hasn’t done very well
engineer? Yes, she will. Am I going to tidy my room? in her exam.
3 Will Fred and Julia ride a
4 1 will help 4 will 41 Has your mum ever tried fly
scooter? No, they won’t. fishing? No she hasn’t. /
They will ride a bicycle. 2 will, will 5 am not 2 Yes, she has.
4 Will Tom live in Hollywood? 3 am going to going to 3 Have you ever visited
No, he won’t. He will live in 4 Paris? Yes, I have. / No, I
London. 51 b 4a haven’t.
5 Will Fred and Julia live in 5b 5 Has your dad ever played
Paris? No, they won’t. 2a 6 video games? Yes, he has.
They will live in Hollywood. 3c / No, he hasn’t.
Have your parents ever
4 1 Our teacher will not be 6 1 would like to travel driven a horse and
carriage? Yes, they have. /
happy if we don’t do our 2 wouldn’t like to be No, they haven’t.
homework. 3 would like to work Have I ever met your
2 If the sun shines, we’ll go 4 wouldn’t like to ride cousin? Yes, you have. /
to the beach. 5 wouldn’t like to play No, you haven´t.
3 I’ll be worried if he doesn’t 6 would like to buy Have your friends ever
come home soon. stayed in New York? Yes,
4 We’ll take a plane if we go unit 7 they have. / No, they
to New York. haven’t.
5 I won’t have a good time 1 1 stop, stopped R
if my friends aren’t at the
party. 2 play, played R
3 fly, flown I
51d 4 open, opened R 5 1 ever 4 never
5 have, had I 5 ever
2a 6 choose, chosen I 2 never
3e 7 read, read I 3 ever
4c 8 travel, travelled R
5b 6 1 I have eaten all the biscuits.
2 1 My sister has promised to
unit 6 2 Have you ever swum in the
take me to the concert. sea?
1 1 ’m going to design 2 My uncle and aunt have
3 She hasn’t finished her
2 ’s going to live flown a hot-air balloon. dinner.
3 ’re going to be 3 I have met several famous
4 are going to have 4 Have you ever visited
5 ’s going to finish people. Rome?
4 We have had fish for lunch.
21 We aren’t going to meet 5 They have played this unit 8 since
outside the cinema. 1 for 2005
2 Lizzie isn’t going to phone computer game before. last week
me later. three years 6pm
3 My friends aren’t going to 3 1 My uncle hasn’t sailed a few minutes January
study Chinese. hours
4 You aren’t going to be late. around the world alone. a long time
5 I’m not going to babysit for 2 I haven’t finished this nine months
my cousins tomorrow.
3 My friend Dan hasn’t

bought a new phone.


2 1 since 3 for 3 1 My teacher uses a CD in 3 ending
4 for 4 synopsis
2 since class twice a week. 5 scene
2 Sam is listening to music at 6 sequel
3 1 How long has an had a 7 plot
the moment. 8 trilogy
headache? He’s had a 3 We aren’t working today.
headache for an hour. 4 My dad doesn’t work on 4 2 sequel
2 How long have you had
your dog? We’ve had our Monday mornings. 3 narrator
dog since August. 5 Millions of people visit 4 character
3 How long have people 5 plot
believed in fairies? People London every year. 6 special effects
have believed in fairies for 7 ending
a long time. 4 1 was sitting
4 How long have Spaniards unit 3
kept their traditions? They 2 studied
have kept their traditions 3 rang 2 1 deforestation
for many years. 4 were walking
5 How long have you been 5 have studied, started 2 genetic engineering
the captain of the team? 6 visited 3 forest fire
I’ve been the captain of the 4 toxic emissions
team since last year. 51 b 4c 5 oil spill
6 How long have Sue’s 5b 6 traffic jam
parents been married? 2a
They’ve been married for 3b 3 2 Global warming
twenty years.
6 1 is riding 3 Climate change
4 endangered animals
2 was sitting 5 forest fire
3 are getting 6 overpopulation
4 has been 7 deforestation
5 were making 8 traffic jams
6 will be 9 toxic emissions

4 2 have tried 5 was Vocabulary
6 had extension
3 have been 7 have been
4 saw

5 1 rained 5 haven’t unit 1

2 gave tried 2 1 charts unit 4

3 have taken 6 was 2 solo artist
3 album
4 didn’t come 4 tribute band 21 pyramid 5 temple
cathedral 6 art gallery
6 2 have visited 3 1 lyrics 2 market 7 palace
3 national 8 ruin
3 did (you) go 2 singles 4 park
4 went 3 singer-songwriter 4 cathedral
5 have (your aunt and uncle) 4 number one 3 1 palace 5 tomb
5 rhythm 6 market
lived 6 hit 2 pyramids
6 Did (you) have 7 tune 3 museums 4 tomb
7 have (never) had 5 ruins
unit 2
unit 9 4 2 temples
2 1 scene
1 1 shouldn’t 3 market
2 special effects
2 should 3 sound unit 5
3 should 4 lighting
4 shouldn’t 5 stage 21 the solar system
5 shouldn’t 6 character star
2 asteroid
2 1 mustn’t 3 1 stage 3 comet
4 black hole
2 must 2 narrator 5 alien
3 must 6 satellite
4 mustn’t 7
5 must


8 spacesuit 3 1 go sightseeing 4 2 fallen out 5 asked
9 spaceship 6 date
10 space station 2 check in 3 get on 7 out with
(extra words: galaxy, 3 catch a flight 4 share ... 8 in love
astronomer) 4 try local food
5 unpack a case interests
6 book a holiday
3 1 solar 5 astronomer Integrated
6 star skills
system 7 comet
2 satellites 8 black hole 4 2 go sightseeing Unit 1
3 asteroids
4 galaxy 3 take a day trip 1 1F 2 T 3T 4F 5F
4 book a holiday
4 1 spaceship 4 galaxy 5 pack (a case) 29 Audioscript, exercise 2
5 space 6 check in
2 alien 7 exchange currency Ellen: Hi Mark, how’s it going?
3 satellite station 8 souvenirs Mark: Fine. What’s new?
9 Send postcards Ellen: Listen, I’ve just seen a great
unit 6 10 try local food website – they’ve got an interesting
11 wear sun cream course.
Mark: Oh yeah? What’s it for?
2 1 wallet unit 8 Ellen: It’s for teenagers who love
music. It’s this summer.
2 receipt 2 1 support Mark: Summer? I don’t want to
3 note study in summer!
4 coin 2 get a trophy Ellen: But you love music!
5 cash machine 3 win a medal Anyway, it’s not about studying, it’s
6 credit card 4 be in a team just your kind of thing.
7 PIN 5 win, compete in a Mark: So what kind of thing is it?
8 online shopping Ellen: You learn about writing
9 window shopping championship, break a record songs and about recording studios.
10 sales 6 score a goal Mark: Really? That sounds great!
11 purse Ellen: Yeah, and you learn
12 change 3 1 beat all about using different apps
connected to music.
3 1 PIN, cash machine 2 compete in a championship Mark: Apps for music? Brilliant!
3 got a trophy I don’t know much about music
2 change 4 are in the semi-final apps.
3 coins, notes, wallet 5 scored a goal Ellen: Yeah, and not only that. I’m
4 sales 6 drew looking at the website and one of
5 window shopping 7 broke a record their tutors is a famous musician.
Mark: Oh wow! Tell me the
4 1 receipt 6 PIN 4 2 beat 4 supported website and I’ll have a look now!
5 won
2 change 7 sales 3 medals 2 1 Mark doesn’t want to study

3 online 8 purse in summer.
2 On the course you learn
shopping 9 window unit 9
about writing songs.
4 credit card shopping 3 Mark doesn’t know much

5 cash 2 b split up about music apps.
4 One of the tutors on
machine c get married
d hang out together the course is a famous
unit 7 e fall in love musician.
f fall out with
3 2 your name
21 check in 3 romantic friendships
relax on the beach 3 do you live
2 wear sun cream relationships and romantic 4 It’s 27th April 2000.
3 pack / unpack a case relationships 5 spell that for me
4 buy souvenirs 6 It’s 07789 563402.
5 exchange currency go on a date get to know 7 You’re welcome.
ask someone out someone

get together fall out with

fall in love hang out together

split up get on with

go out with someone

T146 get married share interests

unit 2 33 Audioscript, exercise 2 35 Audioscript, exercise 2

1 1 Two Danny: Hi, Sophie? Man: Hello. How can I help you?
Sophie: Yes, it’s me … how are Jim: Hi. I’d like to sign up for
2 The Viking army attacked you Danny? volunteering during the summer
York in 866. Danny: I’m OK, but ... holidays.
Sophie: You don’t sound OK. Man: Great! Do you want to help
3 Huge rats What happened? young children learn to read?
4 Teenagers and adults Danny: Well, my dad was in a car Jim: Well, it’s a nice idea, but I’d
5 By booking online accident. like to work with other teenagers.
Sophie: Oh no! That’s terrible I don’t know much about young
31 Audioscript, exercise 2 news! Is he OK? children!
Sylvia: How was Edinburgh? Did Danny: Luckily he’s fine. He had Man: OK. How about giving
you have a good time? to go to hospital because he hurt teenagers help with maths? We’ve
Jake: Yeah, I did. We went to his arm, but he’s coming home this got lots of young people who have
Edinburgh Castle and we went on a afternoon. problems understanding maths.
ghost tour. It was fun. Sophie: I’m really pleased to hear Jim: Maths? I don’t like maths …
Sylvia: Yeah? Why was it fun? he’s OK. When did it happen? I don’t mind helping teenagers with
Jake: Well, the ghost tour wasn’t Danny: Yesterday evening. problems but I don’t really want
really scary, but the actors were Sophie: Where? to give classes. Could I help with
very funny. Danny: He was driving on the M62 organizing the trips? I know a lot
Sylvia: So what did you like best? motorway … There was a blizzard about the local area.
Jake: I really liked the Castle … and a car in front of him crashed. Man: Sure, maybe that’s a better
but I enjoyed the Camera Obscura My dad’s car hit his. Luckily, my idea for you. You can help to
most. It’s a kind of big camera and dad was going very slowly. organize the trip to a theme park
you can see images of the city. It’s a Sophie: I can’t believe it, it’s awful, and there’s a trip to the local sports
great way to learn, see the city and but I’m really glad your dad is OK. centre too.
learn about its history. The guide Danny: Yes, me too. Are you busy Jim: Thanks! That sounds more
there was brilliant. He told lots of tomorrow? fun.
really good stories about Edinburgh. Sophie: No, let’s meet at the café. Man: And the volunteers go on all
Sylvia: It sounds interesting. I’m Danny: OK, see you there at 11 the trips too.
glad you enjoyed it! o’clock. Jim: Oh fantastic!
Man: Now, if you could just fill in
2 1 wasn’t 2 1 arm 3 blizzard this form for me …
4 café Jim: OK.
2 the Camera Obscura 2 evening
3 the city 2 1F 2F 3T 4F 5F
4 told lots of good stories 3 2 What happened
3 2 I’d rather
3 2 went to the Creepy Caves 3 When was that
4 can’t believe 3 How about
3 was it so much fun 5 really pleased 4 I don’t mind
4 were actors 6 Definitely 5 a better idea
5 enjoy most 6 sounds more interesting
6 were the best unit 4
7 quite scary unit 5
1 1 Next month
unit 3 1 1 environmental
2 Pick up litter, plant trees
1 1 They had to spend one and give out information 2 four
3 Anyone
night at sea. 3 They should enjoy working 4 end
2 Because there was a as part of a team

storm. 4 between 14-20 years old
3 Because the boat was

moving a lot.
4 They didn’t have anything

to eat.


37 Audioscript, exercise 2 Grandma: How much do you We’re staying out near the airport,
need? but my parents don’t want to drive
Ben: So, we’ve got to think of Charlie: Well, it’s 15 pounds and into the centre.
ideas for the science fair project. I’ve only got 11 pounds … so can I Dave: OK, why don’t your parents
Which project area shall we borrow four pounds? drive to Kingston Park? There’s a
choose? Grandma: I’ve got a better idea. big car park there, so they can
Katie: What about a new How about earning some money leave the car there.
development in technology? instead? Emma: OK. Can you tell me how
Ben: OK, good idea. Why don’t Charlie: How? to get to your house?
we think of a new app? It’s quite Grandma: I’ll pay you four pounds Dave: Sure … you take the green
easy to design apps. if you take the dogs for a walk every line and then you change onto the
Katie: That’s a brilliant idea! day this week. yellow line.
Maybe we could design an app Charlie: Fantastic! It’s a deal, Gran. Emma: Where do I change?
about places where you can eat that Grandma: Would you mind Dave: At South Gosforth. Then
are cool for young people. helping me to clean the windows you go on the yellow line to Hadrian
Ben: Yeah, or places to visit. now? Road. It’s eleven stops. I’ll meet
Katie: I know! Why don’t we Charlie: Of course not! I’ll move you at the metro station.
design an app for young people the table and then we can start. Emma: Great, thanks. So, how
in this area? It could have general much is it?
information about places to eat, 2 1 Emma’s birthday is next Dave: It’s two zones, so £2.50 for
places to go, places to do sports, your parents but you’re under 16,
places for shopping … week. so it’s only 80p.
Ben: Yeah! And people will be 2 Emma wants a bag for her Emma: OK, thanks. What time
able to add their comments about shall we meet at the metro station?
the places. Then you can read birthday. Dave: At 7.30?
everyone’s opinions. And people 3 Charlie wants to borrow £4. Emma: OK, see you on Friday!
could add their suggestions. 4 Charlie agrees to take the
Katie: Great. What shall we do 2 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F
first? Shall we make a list of places? dogs for a walk every day
Ben: Yeah, OK. Then we’ll find out this week. 3 2 Yes, please
about app design.
Katie: OK. 3 2 Would you mind 3 Where do I
4 How much is
2 1 app 4 information 3 How much does it cost 5 Yes, I am
5 list 4 Why don’t you 6 Here you are
2 brilliant 5 I’ll pay you
3 eat 6 OK, it’s a deal unit 8

32 How about unit 7 1 1T 2T 3F 4T
Yes, you’re right
3 That’s a good idea 1 1 At Pelaw. 43 Audioscript, exercise 2
4 Why don’t we Sam: Hi Jess … Listen, there’s an
5 Maybe we could 2 It’s £3.10. activity fair at the sports centre this
6 3 No, you can’t. You have to weekend. Shall we go?
Jess: What time does it start?
unit 6 change at Pelaw. Sam: It starts at 10am, but it’s on
4 Yes, you can. all day.
1 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T Jess: I’m busy in the morning, but
41 Audioscript, exercise 2 I could go in the afternoon.
39 Audioscript, exercise 2 Dave: Hello? Sam: Great! What do you
Charlie: Hi Grandma. Can I ask Emma: Hi Dave, it’s Emma here. want to see? There’s… fencing,
you a favour? How are you? a taekwondo tournament and
Grandma: Of course, Charlie. Dave: Great thanks! rollerblading with coaches. I think
What is it? Emma: Listen, we’re coming to there’s an archery competition too.
Charlie: Well, I want to buy a present Newcastle next weekend to visit my Jess: Um … Let’s go to see the
for Emma’s birthday. It’s next week. cousins. fencing and then go rollerblading.
Grandma: Yes? Dave: Oh, let’s meet up! That sounds fun!
Charlie: There’s a bag she really Emma: Yes, definitely. How about Sam: OK.
wants, but I haven’t got enough Friday night?
money. Could I borrow some money? Dave: OK, why don’t you come for
dinner? Where are you staying?
Emma: Dinner sounds great.


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