1. Penang Curry
3. Sour Dough
5. Chilli con Carne
7. Chicken Satay
9. Teriyaki Marinade
11. Curried Cauliflower Soup
13. Roasted Carrots, chilli, chick peas with Tahini dressing
15. Quinoa with mushrooms, feta and dill
17. Chermoula aubergine with quinoa and yoghurt
19. Roasted butternut squash, red onion, Tahini and Za’atar
21. Stuffed courgettes with oregano and pine nut salsa
23. Courgette and crispy bacon carbonara
25. Dad’s Thai coconut chicken and peanut soup with noodles
27. Nanny Mo’s chicken curry
29. Meat Ragu and pasta
Ingredients 15ml (1 tbsp) fish sauce.
7 Kaffir lime leaves - 3 torn into pieces
Rice or Noodles to serve. discarding the stems, and 4 shredded.
1 big red chilli - sliced lengthways.
1 tin coconut milk - keep 30mls (2
tablespoons) aside for garnish.
1-2 tbsp Penang curry paste 15g Thai basil leaves (although
(careful, it’s spicy!). optional, it gives the curry a delicious
40g (2 tbsp) palm sugar. anisee flavour).
30ml (2 tbsp) soy sauce. Vegetables/protein of your choice.
1.Put some water on to boil for your
rice/noodles, and cook as per
2. Put half the coconut milk into a wok
and fry for 3-5 mins, stirring
continuously, until the coconut oil
begins to separate out.
3. Then add the curry paste and fry for
1-2 mins, until you get the aroma of the
4. Add the vegetables and/or protein
until half cooked.
5. Then add the rest of the thick
coconut milk and bring to the boil.
6. Simmer and add the palm sugar until
it melts.
7. Then add the soy sauce, fish sauce
and lime leaf pieces.
8. Add half the basil leaves.
9. Turn off the heat and serve garnished
with the shredded lime leaves, red
chillies, coconut milk and the remaining
basil leaves.
You can turn this into a soup by adding more coconut milk or for a lighter version some chicken stock.
300g rye flour.
237ml milk.
1 tsp lemon juice.
1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda.
1 ½ tbsp. salt.
1. Preheat the oven at 200C.
2. Mix the bicarbonade of soda, the salt
and the flour.
Sieve it twice and mix well.
3. Make a well in the centre and add the
milk and lemon, mix it lightly (DO NOT
overwork the dough, lumps are ok).
4. After putting some flour on the work
surface, kneed the bread gently (again,
don’t over-kneed) into a round (roughly
15-20cm diameter).
5. Carve a cross on top. Bake it on a
baking sheet in the oven for about
Ingredients 1 tsp ground coriander.
1 cinnamon stick.
Olive oil. 1kg mince beef.
2 onions, finely chopped. 250ml red wine.
2 crushed garlic cloves. 2x400g tinned plum tomatoes (or a
2 finely chopped celery sticks. mixture of plum tomatoes and passata)
100g finely chopped chorizo sausage 3-4 tbsp tomato puree.
(add more or less to taste, the rest can 4 tbsp Worcester sauce.
be frozen). 3 beef stock cubes, crumbled.
2 finely chopped red chillies. 1 or 2 tins of chilli kidney beans.
1 tsp paprika. 2 squares of extra dark chocolate.
1tsp ground cumin.
Method 5. About 30mins before serving add:
1 or 2 tins of chilli kidney beans
1. Add the following ingredients to a 2 squares of extra dark chocolate
heavy based pot. NB: Serve with rice, fajitas, nachos with
Olive oil. some sour cream, limes and grated
2 onions, finely chopped. cheese
2 crushed garlic cloves.
2 finely chopped celery sticks.
100g finely chopped chorizo sausage
(add more or less to taste, the rest can
be frozen).
2 finely chopped red chillies.
2. Once everything is glazed (not
browned), add the spices:
1 tsp paprika
1tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 cinnamon stick
3. Now add1kg mince beef.
4. Once the meat is browned, add:
250ml red wine (wait for this to
evaporate before adding the rest).
2x400g tinned plum tomatoes (or a
mixture of plum tomatoes and passata)
3-4 tbsp tomato puree.
4 tbsp Worcester sauce.
3 beef stock cubes, crumbled.
2 tbsp coconut oil.
INGREDIENTS MARINADE ½ small onion, finely chopped.
(for chicken or prawns) 2 chilies, finely chopped.
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped. 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped.
1 chilli, finely chopped. 150g peanut butter (doesn’t matter if
3 tbsp of soy sauce. smooth or not).
2 tbsp coconut oil (use olive oil as an 1 tsp palm sugar.
alternative). 200ml of coconut milk (half a can).
1 tsp palm sugar. 1 tbsp fish sauce.
600g chicken cut in 2-3cm cubes or 1tbsp soy sauce.
prawns . some lime juice (taste as you go along).
Method PS You can add more coconut milk and
turn this into a stir fry dish, even a soup
1. Marinate the chicken or prawns if you add some chicken stock in water.
overnight or at least 4hrs, covered with
cling film.
2. Soak some wooden skewers in water
if you use skewers (this will prevent
them from burning in the oven).
P3. reheat the oven at 180 degrees.
4. Put the chicken/prawns on the
skewers and cook in the oven for
%mins before turning them over for
another 5-10mins (less time for prawns
and for chicken just check it is no
longer pink).
5. Meanwhile, make the satay sauce:
1. Glaze the garlic, onion and chilli in
coconut oil (or olive oil if you don’t
have coconut oil) Don’t brown it, just
2. Add the PB, the palm sugar, some
lime juice and the coconut milk (be
careful not to burn this, just warm)
3. Add the coconut milk (you can add
more or less until the consistency is
4. Serve the satay sticks with the satay
sauce drizzled over it or on the side and
add rice if desired.
(chicken/prawns/tofu/quorn pieces)
2cm root ginger, finely chopped.
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped.
3tbsp soy sauce.
2 tbsp maple syrup.
2 tbsp mirin (rice wine).
drizzle of olive oil.
1. Mix all the marinade ingredients and
marinate your chicken/prawns/tofu/
quorn pieces for at least 20mins (the
longer the better).
2. Cook the chicken/prawns/tofu/quorn
pieces before adding any vegetables.
3. Bear in mind the teriyaki sauce
thickens the longer you cook it.
PS. Very tasty when combined with rice
or salad.
Ingredients 4tbsp chopped coriander, tender stems
and all.
50g dried onion flakes. 2 hot chillies, sliced, seeds and all.
2tbsp vegetable oil. Finely grated zest of 1 lime.
50g butter. Sea salt and cayenne pepper.
1 onion, diced.
2 garlic cloves, grated.
11/2tbsp curry powder.
2 chicken or vegetable stock cube.
1 large cauliflower (about 800g),
broken into florets.
200ml coconut cream or coconut milk.
200g cream cheese.
1. In a large saucepan, melt the butter
over a medium to low heat, sweat
gently, stirring from time to time, for 10
- 15 minutes until soft. Sprinkle on the
curry powder and cook for another 2 - 3
2. Pour in roughly 1ltr of water and
crumble in two stock cubes. Bring to
the boil and add the cauliflower florets.
Turn the heat down to a simmer and
cook until the cauliflower is very soft.
3. Stir in the coconut cream/milk and
the cream cheese until fully combined.
4. Blitz with a stick blender. If have time
pass the soup through a sieve into a
clean pan at this point - this will give the
soup an unbelievably silky and
delicacies texture. Warm gently and
season to taste with salt and cayenne
5. Ladle the soup into warm bowls and
scattered over the onion flakes,
chopped coriander, chopped chilli and
the lime zest.
Ingredients TAHINI SAUCE
4 tbsp Tahini(stir the jar well before
1 tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed. measuring).
olive oil or use sesame ½ clove garlic, crushed.
oil.conservatively. 1/2 to 1 lemon juice and zest.
1 tsp cumin. Olive oil.
½ tsp chilli powder.
1 tsp smoked paprika.
1 kg carrots.
2 tsp runny honey.
2 tbsp parsley chopped.
1. Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C.
Put the chickpeas into a bowl with a
slug of olive oil, cumin, chilli powder,
smoked paprika and some salt. Stir,
then tip the lot into a shallow roasting
tin. Bake for 40 minutes, shaking the tin
every now and then until the chickpeas
are crisp.
2. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and
halve them lengthways, roll them in a
little oil and the honey and season well.
Lay in a roasting tin in an even layer and
put them on a shelf under the
chickpeas, then roast for 30 minutes, or
until tender.
3. To make the sauce, mix the tahini
with the garlic, lemon zest and juice, 1
tbsp olive oil and enough water to
make it spoonable.
4. Tip the carrots onto a platter, sprinkle
on the parsley, spoon over some tahini
sauce and scatter with chickpeas.
Ingredients 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar.
10g dill, roughly chopped (doesn’t
1/2 cup quinoa. freeze will).
Salt and black pepper. 60g feta, broken into 1-2cm pieces
Olive oil. 1 tsp chilli flakes.
1 onion, peeled and finely sliced.
1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed.
1 tsp cumin seeds.
400g mixed mushrooms, cut into 4- to
5mm-thick slices (or torn, if wild).
2 tbsp picked thyme leaves (any left
overs can be frozen, stork and
Method until warmed through, then take the
pan off the heat.
1. Rinse the quinoa well, put it in a small 5. Spoon the quinoa and mushrooms
saucepan and dry cook/fry for a minute
or so, then add 1 cup of water and 1/2 on to a large platter (or two plates),
stock cube, bring to boil, once it starts sprinkle over the remaining feta,
boiling, lower heat to a simmer and onion, dill and chilli, drizzle with the
cover with a lid and leave it to simmer final teaspoon of oil and serve.
for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes take
off the heat, leave the lid on and stand
for a minimum of 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, heat two tablespoons of Note: However many cups of quinoa
oil in a large sauté pan on a medium- you cook you need double the amount
high flame, then fry the onion and garlic of water.
for seven to eight minutes, until soft
and caramelised. Add half the cumin,
fry for a minute or two, until dark
golden brown, then transfer to a plate
or bowl.
3. Pour another two tablespoons of oil
into the same pan, turn the heat to
high, and fry the mushrooms and a
third of a teaspoon of salt for six to
seven minutes, stirring often, until the
mushrooms brown and soften. Add the
thyme and remaining cumin, and fry,
stirring continuously, for a minute, then
pour in the balsamic vinegar and cook
for 30 seconds: it should reduce to
practically nothing.
4. Stir in the quinoa, half the onion, half
the dill, half the feta and half the chilli,
Ingredients 1 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
1 cloves garlic, crushed 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
1 teaspoons ground cumin Salt
1 teaspoons ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon chili flakes
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 tablespoons finely chopped
preserved lemon
Olive oil.
1 medium aubergine.
1/2 cup fine quinoa.
2 teaspoons coriander chopped, plus
extra to finish
2 teaspoons mint, chopped
2tbsp sliced almonds, toasted
2 spring onions, chopped
Method over some yogurt, sprinkle with cilantro
and finish with a drizzle of oil.
1. Preheat oven to 180C degrees.
2. To make the chermoula, mix together
in a small bowl the garlic, cumin,
coriander, chili, paprika, preserved
lemon, a good splash of olive oil, and
1/2 teaspoon salt.
3. Cut the aubergine in half lengthwise.
Score the flesh of each half with deep,
diagonal crisscross cuts, making sure
not to pierce the skin. Spoon the
chermoula over each half, spreading it
evenly, and place the aubergine halves
on a baking sheet, cut side up. Put in
the oven and roast for 40 minutes, or
until the aubergine are completely soft.
4. Meanwhile, prepare the quinoa (cf
prepare the quinoa same as the
Mushroom, feta and dill as recipe
5. Add the herbs, almonds, spring
onions, lemon juice and a pinch of salt
and stir to combine. Taste and add
more salt if necessary.
6. Serve the aubergine warm or at room
temperature. Place 1/2 aubergine, cut
side up, on each individual plate.
Spoon the quinoa on top, allowing
some to fall from both sides. Spoon
Ingredients 1½ tbsp lemon juice.
Zest of 1 lemon.
1 large butternut squash (around 3 to 4 tbsp water.
1.1kg), cut into 2cm x 6cm wedges like 1 small garlic clove, crushed.
a melon. 30g pine nuts.
2 to 3 red onions, cut into 3cm wedges 1 tbsp za'atar.
Olive oil. 1 tbsp roughly chopped parsley.
Maldon sea salt and black pepper
3½ tbsp tahini.
1. Heat the oven to to 220C. Put the
squash and onions in a large bowl, add
three tablespoons of oil, a teaspoon of
salt and some black pepper, and toss
well. Spread, skin down, on a baking
sheet and roast for 40 minutes until the
vegetables have taken on some colour
and are cooked through. Keep an eye
on the onions: they may cook faster
than the squash, so may need to be
removed earlier. Remove from the oven
and leave to cool.
2. Put the tahini in a small bowl with the
lemon juice, lemon zest, water, garlic
and a quarter-teaspoon of salt. Whisk to
the consistency of honey, adding more
water or tahini as necessary.
3. Pour the remaining oil into a small
frying pan on a medium-low heat. Dry
roast the pine nuts, be careful as they
burn quickly. Add half a teaspoon of
salt, cook for two minutes, stirring, until
the nuts are golden brown, then tip the
nuts and oil into a small bowl.
4. To serve, spread the vegetables on a
platter and drizzle over the sauce.
Scatter the pine nuts and oil on top,
followed by the za'atar and parsley.
some yogurt, sprinkle with cilantro and
finish with a drizzle of oil.
Ingredients Salt
50g cherry tomatoes, quartered
2 medium courgettes cut in half 1 lemon – zest finely grated, to get 2
lengthways. tsp, and juiced, to get 1 tbsp
½ garlic clove, peeled and crushed 4 tbsp finely chopped oregano leaves
1 large egg, beaten. (freezes really well)
40g pecorino, finely grated or 20g pine nuts, lightly toasted
parmesan cheese 3 tbsp olive oil
40g fresh breadcrumbs
Method and add the oregano and pine nuts in
the bowl.
1. Heat the oven to its highest setting. 6. Once the courgettes are cooked, let
Using a dessert spoon, scoop out the them cool a little before serving, with
courgette flesh, but not all of it: you the salsa drizzled over the top.
want 1cm of flesh left all around the
sides, so the courgettes hold their
shape. You’ll end up with four courgette
2. Transfer the flesh onto kitchen towel
and squeeze out as much liquid as you
can: you should be left with about 100g
flesh. Put this in a bowl and mix in the
garlic, egg, pecorino (or parmesan),
breadcrumbs and a quarter-teaspoon
of salt. Crush the tomatoes with your
hands, then stir into the courgette
3. In a second bowl, mix the lemon
zest, oregano and pine nuts. Stir half of
this into the courgette mixture and save
the rest for the salsa.
4. Lay the hollowed courgettes cut side
up on a medium oven tray lined with
baking paper. Drizzle a tablespoon of
oil over the top and season with salt.
Spoon the courgette filling into the
hollows, and bake for 15 to 20 minutes,
until the filling is set and golden-brown.
5. While the courgettes are baking,
make the salsa. Mix the lemon juice,
two tablespoons of oil, season with salt
3 medium courgettes.
200g penne.
2 large free-range egg yolks.
35 ml single cream.
1 small handful of Parmesan cheese.
Olive oil.
4 slices of higher-welfare back bacon
1 small bunch of fresh thyme.
Method everything a stir, so the courgettes
become coated with all the lovely
1. Put a large pan of salted water on to bacon-flavoured oil, and fry until they
boil. start to turn lightly golden and have
2. Halve and then quarter any larger softened slightly.
courgettes lengthways and slice the 7. It’s very important to get this next bit
courgettes at an angle into pieces right or your carbonara could end up
roughly the same size and shape as the ruined. You need to work quickly. When
penne. Smaller courgettes can simply the pasta is cooked, drain it, reserving
be sliced finely. a little of the cooking water.
3. Your water will now be boiling, so Immediately, toss the pasta in the pan
add the penne to the pan and cook with the courgettes, bacon and lovely
according to the packet instructions. flavours, then remove from the heat
4. To make your creamy carbonara and add a ladleful of the reserved
sauce, separate the eggs and put the cooking water and your creamy sauce.
yolks into a bowl (saving the whites for Stir together quickly. (No more cooking
another recipe). Add the cream and now, otherwise you’ll scramble the
grate in half the Parmesan, and mix eggs.)
together with a fork. Season lightly with 8. While you’re tossing the pasta and
sea salt and black pepper, and put to sauce, grate in the rest of the Parmesan
one side. and add a little more of the cooking
5. Heat a very large frying pan and add water if needed, to give you a silky and
a good splash of olive oil. Cut the shiny sauce. Taste quickly for
pancetta or bacon into chunky lardons seasoning.
or strips and fry until dark brown and
6. Add the courgette slices and 2 big
pinches of black pepper, not just to
season but to give it a bit of a kick.
Pick, chop and sprinkle in the thyme
leaves (reserving any flowers), give
Ingredients Crunchy peanut butter.
400ml Coconut milk (maybe worth
Noodles to serve. buying an extra can.
Spring onions 1 bunch. Chicken/prawns/tofu.
Garlic finely chopped. Sweetcorn.
Green Thai curry paste. Mange tout.
Coriander. Salted peanuts crushed.
Chicken stock.
Method Finish off by sprinkling chopped
1. Use a wok or saucepan. Brown the
chicken then put to one side. Chop half
the spring onions and gently fry with
the Thai Green paste. Then a minute
later add the finely chopped garlic.
2. Boil a kettle and make 400ml of stock
and leave to one side. Chop the
coriander stalks. Add this to the paste.
3. Stir in the coconut milk and simmer
Then gradually add the chicken stock,
adding as much as you like but bear in
mind the more you add the thinner it
becomes. If the soup is very spicy then
you could add another can of coconut
milk or cream to thicken.
4. After a few minutes put the chicken
back in and also stir in three large table
spoons of peanut butter. Leave to
simmer for five minutes or so.
5. Next if you want sweetcorn then pop
a tin in now, followed by mange tout.
Return to simmer for three minutes.
6. Finally place the noodles into a
saucepan of hot water as instructed on
the packet. Drain and put in a bowl,
pour the Thai soup over, add the rest of
the chopped spring onions, then the
crush peanuts and sprinkle on top.
Ingredients 4 tbsp of tomato paste.
Red chilli.
1 Onion chopped. 1 small tin of new potatoes.
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped. Fresh chopped mango.
2 Chicken breast. 400ml tin of chopped tomatoes.
Season. Corn flower to thicken.
1 tin of chopped tomatoes. Coriander.
400ml of stock (chicken or vegetable. Mango Chutney.
5 tbsp of mild curry powder. Popadoms.
Method 8. If you want rice then start cooking/
1. Use a large saucepan. Brown the 9. Serve the curry on top of the rice,
onion and garlic on a low heat. Then add heaps of chopped coriander if you
add the chicken breast and lightly like it and use the rest of the chutney
brown - not too much at all, then for the popadoms.
remove the chicken to one side. Slice
the chicken into bite sized pieces.
2. Boil a kettle and make 400ml of stock
and leave to one side. Chop the
coriander stalks.
3. Add the curry powder and the
tomato paste with the onion, this will
look very dry. Mix with a spoon. Add
the chopped coriander stalks.
4. Then add 200ml of the chicken stock
and stir. Bring to the boil, then simmer.
5. Add the tin of tomatoes. Stir in. Wait
for five minutes and then add 5 tbsp of
mango chutney. After another five
minutes or so add the chicken. Season
to taste. At this point you may want to
add some cornflower to thicken the
sauce. Don’t forget, one tbsp of corn
flower mixed with half a cup of water
should be enough.
6. Add the potatoes and fresh mango.
7. Simmer for another ten minutes or
so, check the chicken is cooked, try not
to over cook as the chicken will be dry.
Ingredients Tomato puree.
250ml white wine (one of those very
3 medium courgettes. small bottles) although I buy a cheap
350g minced beef large one and use half of it because I
350g minced pork - but you can just cook for a long time.
stick with the beef. 4 slices of higher-welfare back bacon
1 celery stalk (you can chop up the rest Full fat milk small bottle.
and freeze in individual bags. FOR 2 PEOPLE
1 onion..
2 carrots.
4 garlic cloves finely chopped.
1. Use a large saucepan. Fry the onion,
carrot, celery and garlic in a pan with
olive oil and small amount of butter.
DON’T BROWN just glaze. About 10
minutes maybe 15.
2. Add meat and brown. Dislodge any
sticky bits at the bottom of the pot.
3. Add the tomato puree, possibly the
whole tube plus you could add a small
tin of tomato. Cook for about 30
minutes on a very low heat, just to
caramelise everything.
4. Add the milk, then cook for a further
4 to 5 minutes until the milk has
5. Add the white wine (250ml) and cook
until it evaporates.
6. Add 1 beef stock cube, then put the
lid on and simmer very low for an hour,
checking every now and then and
adding a little white wine if needed.
7. Add parmesan at the end and serve
with tagliatelle.