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We aim to make learning about insects a fun and interactive experience. From creating your imaginary insect to embarking on backyard bug hunts, each activity is designed to spark curiosity and appreciation for the micro wonders around us.

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Published by Dr. Chiam Sun May, 2024-03-05 22:43:39

KOLEKSI PLANET PEA-PLE SIRI 33: EXPLORE Unleashing the Micro Wonders “A Journey into the Enchanting Realm of Insects”

We aim to make learning about insects a fun and interactive experience. From creating your imaginary insect to embarking on backyard bug hunts, each activity is designed to spark curiosity and appreciation for the micro wonders around us.

Keywords: Insect

“ A J O U R N E Y I N T O T H E E N C H A N T I N G R E A L M O F I N S E C T S ” EXPLORE Unleashing the Micro Wonders KOLEKSI PLANET PEA-PLE SIRI 33: M U H A M M A D A Z R I E B I N M A D A L I N U R U L A K M A B I N T I I S M A I L E R N N A S H A R R I N A P O S I D I N G E L Z I R R E A E L M I R I C Q U E A A N A K R I C K Y C H I A M S U N M A Y , P H D L O W K E E S U N T A N C H O C H I E W A I N O N B T H A D I M

“ A J O U R N E Y I N T O T H E E N C H A N T I N G R E A L M O F I N S E C T S ” EXPLORE Unleashing the Micro Wonders

INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU MALAYSIA KAMPUS KENT, PETI SURAT 2, 89207 TUARAN, SABAH Hak Cipta © Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia Kampus Kent 2024 Cetakan Pertama 2024 Hak cipta terpelihara. Tidak dibenarkan mengeluarkan atau ulang mana-mana bahagian kandungan, ilustrasi dan jadual dalam kandungan buku ini dalam apa juga bentuk dan dengan apa juga sama ada secara elektronik, fotokopi mekanik, rakaman atau cara lain sebelum mendapat izin bertulis daripada Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia Kampus Kent. KOLEKSI PLANET PEA-PLE SIRI 33: EXPLORE Unleashing the Micro Wonders “A Journey into the Enchanting Realm of Insects” MUHAMMAD AZRIE BIN MADALI NURUL AKMA BINTI ISMAIL ERNNA SHARRINA POSIDING ELZIRREA ELMIRICQUEA ANAK RICKY CHIAM SUN MAY, PHD LOW KEE SUN TAN CHO CHIEW AINON BT HADIM elSBN: 978-967-0008-93-6 Semua Grafik, foto dan reka bentuk hadapan dikreditkan kepada

Welcome to "Explore: Unleashing The Micro Wonders by Planet Pea-ple"! In the pages ahead, we invite young adventurers to dive into the fascinating world of insects. These tiny marvels play crucial roles in our ecosystems, and this book is your ticket to discovering their diversity. Through engaging activities, we aim to make learning about insects a fun and interactive experience. From creating your imaginary insect to embarking on backyard bug hunts, each activity is designed to spark curiosity and appreciation for the micro wonders around us. Join us on this journey as we celebrate the incredible world of insects and encourage you to become a part of Planet Pea-ple, where exploration knows no bounds. Let the adventure begins! PREFACE

We would like to express our gratitude to the significant people who provided us with vital support in completing this folio project. First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our lecturers, Dr. Chiam Sun May, Mdm Ainon bt Hadim, Mr. Tan Cho Chiew, and Mdm. Low Kee Sun, for their guidance and encouragement. We would especially like to thank the Sabah Forestry Department for permitting us to use their images and data in this activity book. A wreath of gratitude to the instructors for helping us with this folio and for their guidance. Don't forget the comrades-in-arms who work hard to complete their respective projects. Lastly, we would want to express our gratitude to everyone that has supported us directly or indirectly during this endeavour. APPRECIATION RECIATION

Moth Atlas Moth Emperor Moth Jade Hawk Moth Wasp-Like Moth Geometrid Moth Activities Mix and Match Moth Tells a Tale Beetle Fun Facts Rhinoceros Beetle Dung Beetle Activities DIY Jigsaw Puzzle Colour your Ladybug Card Match Game Lanternfly Activities Counting Buggy Life Cycle Lanternfly Pop-up Lanternfly Mantidfly Activities Word Search Label the Mantidfly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Over 20,000 butterfly species worldwide with diverse sizes, colors, and patterns. Adult butterflies feed on nectar using a proboscis, as they do not have mouths for biting. Butterfly lifespan is short, typically a few weeks, varying by species. DIVE INTO 1

The pattern on the front end of its wings resembles a snake's head, serving as camouflage from predators. The male Atlas moth has antennae that resemble brushes. ATLAS MOTH Attacus atlas The world's largest moth has a wingspan reaching up to 28 cm when fully opened. 2

EMPEROR MOTH Antheraea helferi Typically, this species inhabits lowland regions within tropical forests. One of the largest moths in the world. Their upper wings display patterns resembling eyes. 3

This moth is one of the main pests of the Laran tree, Neolamarckia cadomba JADE HAWK MOTH Neolamarckia cadamba Frequently seen in secondary forests and forest plantations in Malaysia. This moth has a shape like a fighter jet with an interesting pattern 4

WASP-LIKE MOTH genus Amata The moths are drawn to light sources and can be active during the day, especially in the early evening. The butterfly's resemblance to a stinger could serve as a camouflage strategy to deter predators. But, they don’t sting. The abdomen of this butterfly has black and orange stripes like a stinger. Then, the wings are black with orange spots 5

GEOMETRID MOTH genus Plutodes The butterfly is quite small, with each wing spanning approximately 3 cm horizontally. These butterflies display geometric shapes and patterns on their wings when they are at rest. The butterfly's wings display a bright golden yellow color with brown spots adorning the edges of each wing. 6

MIX MATCH Geometrid Moth Wasp-like Moth Jade Hawk Moth Atlas Moth Emperor Moth Instruction: Match the moths’ name with the correct pictures 7

MOTH Instructions: Begin by reading a book of moths. Highlight key aspects such as the life cycle, different species, and unique behaviors. 1. Discuss the elements of story such as characters, setting, plot, and resolution. 2. You may brainstorm on your own, or maybe with your peers or parents to get ideas on your moth’s storylines. 3. In your brainstorming, you may decide your moth’s name, colors, patterns, any unique features or abilities, develop settings, and build plots. 4. Lastly, you may write your ‘Moth Tells A Tale’ in a next blank page and draw your own moths. 5. TELLs A TALE 8

MOTH TELLs A TALE You may write your ‘Moth Tells a Tale’ in the provided space. 9

MOTH TELLs A TALE Draw and color your Moth in the space provided below. 10

have thick and hard wings have different antenna shapes according to the group of the beetle They live in different ecosystems, like in wood, soil and even water. EXPLORE ABOUT BEETLE 11

FUN FACTS ABOUT BEETLE The beetle belongs to the Coleoptera order and is the largest group of insects in the world. The lifespan of an adult beetle is estimated to be 200 days. Some can spray a noxious chemical from their abdomen to deter predators, while others mimic the appearance of more dangerous species to avoid being eaten. Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in British Columbia found that beetles were capable of flying 30–110 km per day in densities of up to 18,600 beetles per hectare some sources suggest a lifespan of Coconut rhinoceros beetle around 80 to 200 days The Bombardier beetle's spray contains chemicals called benzoquinones The Mountain Pine Beetle E X P L O R E : U N L E A S H I N G T H E M I C R O W O N D E R S 12

RHINOCEROS BEETLE O R Y C T E S R H I N O C E R O S E X P L O R E : U N L E A S H I N G T H E M I C R O W O N D E R S CHALCOSOMA MOELLENKAMPI T H R E E H O R N E D B E E T L E This beetle is classified as a Rhinoceros beetle because they have a large size. They are a major pest for palm plants so as to be able to slow down the growth rate the plant. C. moellenkampi is an endemic species that can only be found in Borneo. XYLOTRUPES GIDEON H O R N E D B E E T L E Xylotrupes gideon is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines Xylotrupes gideon play an important role in the decomposition process by breaking down dead wood and organic matter, thus contributing to nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. 13

DUNG BEETLE The black colour of the beetle will darken when it is dead. Catharsius dayacus is the largest Dung Beetle in Borneo. the naming of Catharsius dayacus was likely intended to honor the Dayak tribe of Borneo C A T H A R S I U S D A Y A C U S E X P L O R E : U N L E A S H I N G T H E M I C R O W O N D E R S C a t h a r s i u s d a y a c u s p o s s e s s e s r e m a r k a b l e n a v i g a t i o n s k i l l s . T h e y u s e t h e s u n , m o o n , a n d e v e n t h e M i l k y W a y t o n a v i g a t e , e n s u r i n g t h a t t h e y r o l l t h e i r d u n g b a l l s i n a s t r a i g h t l i n e a w a y f r o m t h e d u n g p i l e 14

diypuzzleJIGSAW D E C O R A T E Y O U R P U Z Z L E W I T H Y O U R F A V O R I T E B E E T L E . T H E N C U T O U T Y O U R P U Z Z L E A N D H A V E A F R I E N D S O L V E I T ! 15

The ladybug Coccinellidae LADYBUG LIFE CYCLE OF A ADULT LADYBUG EGGS LARVA PUPA Ladybugs belong to the family Coccinellidae and the order Coleoptera. Their scientific name is Coccinellidae, with over 5,000 species worldwide. Ladybugs use their bright coloration as a warning to potential predators that they taste bad or are toxic. When threatened, they can secrete a foul-tasting fluid from their leg joints, deterring predators from eating them. Life Cycle: Ladybugs undergo complete metamorphosis, including egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. The larvae, often called "ladybug nymphs," resemble tiny black and orange alligators and also feed on aphids FACTS: COLOUR YOUR LADYBUG 16

1.Cut all the card (next page) 2.Shuffle the deck of cards thoroughly. Lay all the cards face down in a grid pattern, arranging them in rows and columns. 3. Gameplay: The first player begins by flipping over any two cards in the grid, one at a time, so that all players can see them. 1. If the two cards match (i.e., they have the same rank and suit), the player keeps the pair of cards and gets another turn to flip over two more cards. 2. If the two cards do not match, the player flips them back face down in their original positions, and it becomes the next player's turn. 3. Players take turns in this manner, flipping over two cards at a time and trying to remember the locations of previously revealed cards. 4. 5.The game continues until all pairs of cards have been matched. 6.The player with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins. CARD MATCH Game 17

bark beetle ladybird weevil ground beetle bark beetle ladybird weevil ground beetle 18

longhorn beetle click beetle potato beetle jewel beetle firefly stag beetle scarab beetle checkered beetle 19

longhorn beetle click beetle potato beetle jewel beetle firefly stag beetle scarab beetle checkered beetle 20

Lanternfly belong to the order Hemiptera. They have remarkable colour variations. Many people have the misconception that these insects emit light or resources. Unlike fireflies, these insects do not possess any distinctive characteristics that allow them to emit light. The light source bouncing on its wings while flying causes it as if emitting light from its body. This type of insect is commonly found on trees with smooth bark, including durian, langsat, duku, and rambutan. When it senses the presence of an impending threat, it possesses a high reflex response and will jump quickly from one tree to another. 21

Instruction : Mark ( ) on your correct answer 1 4 3 6 7 8 7 4 2 10 6 5 8 16 18 15 12 10 22

L IF E C Y C L L I E F E C Y C L L I E F E C Y C L L I E F E C Y C L E LA N T E R N F L Y T E R N F L Y EGG MASS NYM PH EARLY STAGE NYMPH LATE STAGE ADULT IN FLIGHT ADULT IN REST Instruction : Cut the diagram below and paste it in the correct answer column 23

STEP 1: Unleash your imagination lanterfly by giving it vibrant colors STEP 2: Cut out the image based on the dotted line STEP 3: Fold a piece of A4 paper into half and make 2 cuts in the center of the paper that are 1-inch long STEP 4: Use your fingers to gently push the tab section up towards you STEP 5: Open the card with the tab and apply a little glue to the bottom of the tab. Attach the image on the glued area STEP 6: Decorate your pop-up card with ribbon, glitter, stickers, stamps, or any scrapbooking materials! P o p - Up ! P o p - Up ! P o p - Up ! p - Up ! LA N T E R N F L Y T E R N F L Y 24

Mantidflies belong to the Neuroptera order and the Mantispidae family. "Neuroptera" derives from Latin and means net wing. A mantispid resembles a mantis due to the hooks on its front legs, which it uses to capture prey like small insects. Despite this, it possesses netted wings and large eyes akin to flies. Similarly, the Mantidfly is adept at camouflage. Many flies found hovering in Malaysian tropical forests resemble bees or stingers. Mantidflies have wing patterns like some moths, helping them hide and catch prey easily. 25

Instruction : Colour or circle the right word. Mantidfly Neuroptera Mantispidae Predator Mimicry Larva Camouflage Insect Prey Wings 26

ACTIVITY 2 Eyes, Antennae, Mandibles, Thorax, Forewings, Hindwings, Hind Legs, Fore Legs, Abdomen, Head 27





“ A J O U R N E Y I N T O T H E E N C H A N T I N G R E A L M O F I N S E C T S ”

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