#M A S T E R C L A S S
Chloe Boucher is one of Ireland’s most successful vloggers which means
she knows a thing or two about looking good in front of the camera.
So grab your notebook and pen for this exclusive selfie seminar
What do you get Insta Duo Contour Insta Fix & Matte, My Top Tip
when you combine Stick in Light, €8.95, €5.95, Rimmel
one of Ireland’s most Rimmel The flash of the
successful influencers Insta Duo Contour camera can wash
with our favourite loWvee! Stick in Medium, €8.95, out your makeup.
brand? The new Insta Rimmel Usually, once I feel
I’m finished my
collection from Rimmel, that’s makeup I’ll take a
what! Chloe Boucher has picture with the
teamed up with the cosmetics flash and then I can
giant to help launch its new see the areas that
range, designed specifically for might need the
the selfie generation - which extra product or
means it’s designed specifically extra definition.
for us! There’s tonnes of
options available and each
product will make a massive
difference to your selfie game.
I Love loWvee!
I love multi-use products Insta Conceal & Correct Palette,
and equally love setting €7.95, Rimmel
my makeup as I find it
makes a huge difference Insta Conceal & Contour Palette,
to the finish and how €7.95, Rimmel
long it lasts. I use the
My Must Haves Fix & Go Spray during
application to set my
I’m terrible for bringing a face and also throughout
full face of makeup with me the day to keep my skin
everywhere I go! However, refreshed. My top tip?
you’ll always find me with Keep it in the fridge
the Insta Range Matte so when you spray it
Powder to keep shine at on your face it’s extra
bay; I love the Kate Moss refreshing on the skin!
Sculpting Palette, I use it
as bronzer and eyeshadow
and it’s so handy and so
small it fits in any bag; and
Rimmel’s Kate Moss Nude
Lipstick in No 40.
Insta Fix & Go Spray, Selfie Advice
€9.50, Rimmel
It’s all about lighting
and angles! Natural
lighting is by far the
best, but not direct
sunlight... trust me!
I have a ring-light
at home, which is
great for an aul selfie,
however Lumee
cases or smartphone
ring-lights are also
good. As for angles, I
always hold my phone
slightly higher than my