John O’Beirne, Head of Mortgages at
Bank of Ireland, on what the bank is
looking for and why they want to help you
“Come and talk to us, that’s Buy and sell it
the first thing to do. We did
lots of research last year and Carole Ross, Branch Manager and Associate
found that people are really Director of Sherry FitzGerald in Templeogue
excited about finding a house
and to go about the home- to show your savings habits IF YOU’RE BUYING A HOUSE IF YOU’RE SELLING A HOUSE
buying process. But when towards the deposit or your REMEMBER THE UNCHANGEABLES BRIGHT AND AIRY
it comes to the mortgage, savings habit plus your rent,
it’s like a visit to the dentist. shows that you’re able to I always tell people to focus on In terms of presenting your house
We have a Getting Mortgage pay the mortgage. We have the unchangeables; location, you’ll want to create the best feeling
Ready plan, we give people our MortgageSaver Account, accommodation and orientation, so make it look fresh. If it needs to
guidance and we’re really which will give you 10 per which is the way the back garden be repainted, repaint it and go for
happy to talk to you.” cent back of what you’ve faces. A house might need work but a light colour. Don’t have any bold
saved once you drawn down it could be in the correct location colours unless it’s super trendy and
THINK ABOUT THE the mortgage. If you know and have the right accommodation. has been designed by an interior
FOLLOWING: the house you want to buy is You have to establish what’s designer. Keep it neutral and clutter
› Do you know what budget €200,000 and you know that important to you. free.
you need €20,000 or €30,000
you’re looking for? as a deposit; how much have A BLANK CANVAS CREATE DIMENSION
› Have you got a plan put in you got saved? What’s your Once the furniture is removed from Leave furniture that gives
plan to get the rest? a house it can sometimes be quite proportion to a room and remove
place to start building up plain, so try not to get caught up in furniture that clutters it. Present
savings for the deposit? We like to understand the other people’s décor. Instead look each room as it should be presented.
› Can you show us this in your way you’re earning money, at things like the quality of the For example in a bedroom, leave
finances? so that we can make sure the kitchen, because it could actually be a bed and lockers or if a single
level of mortgage you’re going quite cheap but you’re so caught up bedroom is being used as an office,
WE’RE TRYING TO to get is one that you will be in everything else that’s around the change it back to a bedroom. A lot
UNDERSTAND TWO comfortable with. We tend house, you might not notice. of people aren’t very spatially aware
MAIN THINGS: to focus on fixed rates to give and might not be able to see that a
1. CAN YOU AFFORD A people certainty. We look at KEEP AN OPEN MIND bed would fit into the room unless
MORTGAGE? what you have coming in and I would say 99 per cent of people they can clearly see it.
Lots of people rent today and how much of that are you that I deal with end up buying a
that can be more expensive paying out to make sure you house that was above their budget, CHARACTER IS CHARMING
than paying a mortgage. We have enough money to live on. in a different location or was I wouldn’t completely de-personalise
will look at this because if We don’t want people being actually nothing like what they it either because it’s good to leave
you’re able to pay your rent, overstretched. Even after described to me in the first place and a bit of personality in the house.
then you will be able to pay people take out a mortgage we what they were looking for. Having things like some toys in a
your mortgage. give them the option to take children’s bedroom is absolutely fine.
a payment break, if you have PLAN AHEAD
2. THE DEPOSIT a baby or if you need to do up What is the long-term plan for the DOT THE Is AND CROSS THE Ts
We know this is one of the the house and we also have house? You need to establish how Have all the relevant documentation
challenges for first time flexibility within things like long you’re going to be in it for. Is in place, like a Certificate Of
buyers in particular. Research fixed mortgages. it a two-year move or a ten-year Compliance or title documents from
showed us that 83 per cent of move? Think about the future and the bank, so that when an agent
first time buyers are currently future-proofing yourself because finds a buyer it will speed your
renting and half of them have things can change in your life over process up in terms of going from
children, so if you’ve got all the years. sale agreed to signed contract.
this rent going out saving
for a deposit can be a bit of
a challenge. Again it’s just
“We’re here to help you get a “People will make their mind up in the
mortgage; that’s our business” first ten seconds they walk into a house”
Interiors special
INVESTING AGAIN OR BUYING shineotCahmDorecueWhmnTsemhaoidntemoefImrorerefernoolEthasradoantsrldited,aaty
Public Relations and Communications Manager with, Martin Clancy, says you need to know your budget
BUYING A SECOND HOME hub. We have a directory of estate agents
› “ e main thing to consider is how much can and you might be able to find one in the
you afford? en work out how much you can particular area that you are looking for.”
actually borrow. e reality is, all mortgage THE AVERAGE PRICE FOR A 4-BED
applications are dealt with on a case-by-case BUNGALOW IN:
basis, so the bank may be in a position to lend
more or less, you’ll have to work that out with Kerry - €212,000 obviously have feet on the ground so they’ll
your bank.” Mayo - €175,000 understand the property trends in the area
› “If you’ve already bought a property you
Wexford - €229,000 and if the properties are going up or down in
will understand the process of being given Waterford - €240,000 value.”
Approval and Principal; this is how much the BUYING A HOLIDAY HOME › “Be aware of local taxes, evaluation fees and
bank is prepared to give you in principal. at
legal fees. Solicitor fees can very from country
should give you a good gague as to where you Number of properties for sale in Irish ‘holiday to country as well.”
can start searching and the price ranges you home’ locations › “If you’re purchasing a property abroad
can start searching in. Generally it lasts six Kerry – Just under 2,000 you will need to deal with a solicitor in that
months so you have time to try and find the Mayo – Just under 2,000 country but it’s best to consult with your
property that you’re looking for.” Wexford – Slightly over 1,000 own solicitor in Ireland first, to get their
› “You will have to pay for things like valuation Waterford – Just over 700
knowledge on the area that you’re thinking
fees, legal fees, stamp duty and surveyor THINKING OF BUYING A PROPERTY ABROAD? of buying in. ey can give you some insight
fees. You also need home insurance and you › “Buying a property is a huge investment, about expected taxes, charges and fees on
might need mortgage protection insurance. buying properties abroad.”
Be aware of the local property tax in the area so always view the property before you
that you’re buying in. ese should all be actually buy it. It’s good to visit the area and “ e overall cost won’t
considered when you’re thinking of buying the location, especially if you’re thinking of be what the property is
the property.” buying abroad. Speaking to estate agents is currently advertised for”
› “Once you’ve decided on the location, a good the best way to understand what the local
idea would be to go on the estate agent market in that particular area is like. ey
By Michelle Newman Decorating But then for more speciality stuff like tiling, ACCESSORISE
on a Budget you would want to be fairly confident in what
you’re doing to do that.” “I think cushions are brilliant and they’re
Architect, designer and MD a great way to give a room a new lease of
of Optimise Design, Denise PLAY IT SAFE life. Artwork is a really fun thing to do; you
O’Connor has a wealth of “ e trick is sticking to a neutral backdrop for can get pretty inexpensive prints online
experience when it comes your colour scheme. at way, you can easily and if you give them a frame, those things
to bringing homes to life add in extras and change certain things if you can make a massive difference. Mirrors are
like a particular trend. It’s very easy to change brilliant because they let in light and can
PRIORITISE the whole scheme just by swapping out the make a room feel bigger.”
“If your budget is very tight prioritise the accessories.”
most important thing you need to do and ROOKIE MISTAKES
invest in that. ink abut what will give you SPEND OR SPLURGE? › “Sometimes it can actually be more cost
the biggest return and improve the quality of “A sofa for instance, is something you’re
your life.” probably going to have for a while so it effective to replace a seat or couch rather
needs to be comfortable. It’s really important than re-upholstering an old one.”
DIY to sit on the sofa, rather than just ordering › “Unless you’re very experienced weigh up
“Is there anything you can do yourself? I one online that looks good because you the amount of time you will be putting into
think anybody could have a go at painting could be very disappointed. It’s worth DIY projects versus paying a tradesperson
and that would be one you could tackle. choosing good quality curtains because to do it.”
again, they’re probably not something › “Less is more. People feel like they have
you’re going to change very often, so it’s to get everything finished at once which
worth investing and paying a bit more for can feel a little bit overdone. Homes evolve
them.” overtime and it’s nice to add bits and
pieces as you go, which makes more sense
financially as well.”
Claire Price and Elaine
Regan of House/EDIT,
Ireland’s shopable interiors
website, have some great
advice for anyone living In
rented accommodation
“Living in rental accommodation can this can make a space appear bigger. Pull invest in a statement piece just because By Michelle Newman
sometimes be a bit soul destroying with furniture away from the walls and play with you are in a rental, like the sofa of your
magnolia walls, dull furniture and a lack of layouts. If space permits, add a kitchen trolley dreams for example. Whether that’s a classic
individual flare. There is always the fear that island with bar stools, add storage benches Chesterfield, a mid-century Danish three-
if you invest in your temporary property in beside windows styled with cushions for a seater or the ultimate deep-seated lounger,
order to make it a home, you are throwing window-seat appeal, add a narrow console it’s always worth remembering that sofas are
your money down the drain. Months can table behind the sofa and style. Not only do portable.”
pass by as you are paralysed by indecision these ideas aid in de-cluttering your home,
while weighing up the financial risks against when your items are placed beautifully this 8. COVER UP
having a beautiful home,” says Claire. can really add the individuality your rental “Rugs are the perfect solution to cover up
home needs.” unsightly imperfections whilst adding life
“You shouldn’t have to put stamping your to a space. The same applies for curtains. In
individual personality onto interiors on 4. PAINT PERFECT many rentals, blinds appear to be the one-
hold, just because you are renting,” says “There is no better transformative tool than stop solution for window treatments and can
Elaine. “There are a number of ways to paint – possibly the best way of changing a feel a little sterile. Ready-made drapes are a
add personality, style and charm, much of rental while adding personality. Embrace relatively inexpensive way of softening stark
which can be taken with you if you decide to smaller spaces by using darker hues like deep spaces and give you the opportunity to add
move on. Here we let you in on our interiors charcoal greys, opulent dark navy and moody colour and pattern.”
insiders’ secrets on how to turn your rental greens. You will find the darker hues will add
into the home you have always wanted.” depth and create more intimate, less awkward 9. WONDER WALLS
spaces.” “Providing you leave the walls in good
1. SWAP OUT condition when you leave, most landlords
“To make your home feel a little more you, 5. BEAUTIFUL BEDDING won’t object to you fixing artwork and prints
change out furniture and fixtures. This is fine “Bedding is a great way to instantly transform to the walls. If you prefer not to take that risk,
once you store them away safely, knowing a bedroom that is lacking in personality. a great alternative would be to lean oversized
they will be needed to be put back in place Invest in quality bedding and try to introduce mirrors or artwork up against walls. Try
again and make sure to take photographs as throws and scatter cushions while mixing-up hanging a rug as artwork, leaning framed
you go. Change out doorknobs for a vintage patterns, texture and colour.” prints on mantle pieces and layering artwork
style, swap out the bed for that deep-buttoned carefully on existing shelving.”
Parisian boudoir, substitute a boring coffee 6. FUNKY FURNITURE
table for a funky Ottoman version. Switch out “Console tables, drink trolleys and side tables 10. PERSONALITY STAMP
that tired tablecloth for a cool dining table- are all items that you can invest in, while “It can be easy to forget the small things that
set, styled all year round.” having the peace of mind that you can take make rental properties feel like home. We
them with you if you leave your rental home. always emphasise the importance of finishing
2. LIGHT UP Flea markets are the perfect place to find a space with beautifully-framed personal
“A good lighting scheme has the power to original hidden gems that are sure to add photos, scented candles, flowers, books and
bring any rental home to life and the best character to your place.” lots of foliage. Throws over the arm of the sofa
news is, there’s no DIY required. Also, if you and a select number of scatter cushions, all
decide to move on, you can take the lighting 7. MAKING A STATEMENT communicate the feeling of home, rather than
with you. Invest in floor lamps, table lamps “There is no rule to say that you cannot a temporary abode.” WW
and feature pendants. Lighting from lamps
is a softer, more elegant way of creating
ambience and helps to create a homely feel.”
“You can add functional storage to your
rental with freestanding units, such as tall
bookshelves, console tables, closed shoes
racks and benches. Items with taller legs
means they are further from the floor and