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Published by Harmonia Norah, 2017-07-17 04:09:22



Food news

Let’s Split Spice like a pro

Like the sound of an You can discover the secrets of spice from top chef
orange and vanilla Sunil Ghai this autumn. The acclaimed chef at
Pickle, Dublin is hosting one masterclass a month
sparkling drink but with (September 12 and October 10 are the next dates) to
no sugar? We do. Step share his expansive knowledge on how to use spice
to your greatest advantage when cooking Indian
forward Club Zero Super food. Priced at €100 this includes a one hour class
Split which offers just beginning at 4pm followed by dinner from 5pm to
that as a new summer 7pm. To book call Pickle on 01 555 7755

thirst quencher. On sale A FOND FAREWELL
now for a limited period We were saddened to hear of

it’s priced from €1.29. the recent death of film critic

Do you Barry Norman. As well as being
like Piña
coladas? a wonderful critic he also had a

Of course you do. The foodie talent. We are huge fans
lovely people at new bar
The Hops in Drogheda of his spiced pickled onions which
have shared a fail-
safe recipe with us for he created using an old Victorian
making your own exotic
cocktail at home. family recipe – apparently he
Serves 1
Mine’s a G&B never once bought pickled onions,
YOU NEED instead made his own. The recipe
25 ml Bacardi
25 ml Malibu We love the G&B has now been passed to his
75 ml pineapple juice concept at Dublin daughters and production of these
15 ml cream blow-dry bar Dry & special onions – they are really
Fly. You can settle delicious – will continue.
METHOD in and enjoy the Available at Tesco and online
Pour all ingredients into
a shaker. pampering of a blow
Crush ice in a blender.
Add the crushed ice to dry while enjoying
the shaker.
Shake with vigour. a complimentary
Serve in a hurricane
glass and garnish with a Glendalough Distillery
wedge of pineapple.
See Chuckles and gin and tonic priced
for more details a cocktail
HIGH from just €18. It’s open
For just €15 you can enjoy SPIRITS
a complimentary cocktail from 7am seven days a
and a night of comedy at the Well done to
Teeling Distillery, Dublin Aldi, three week, meaning great
on July 19. Kicking off at of their
6.30pm, John Colleary and savvy priced hair and a tipple were
Totally Wired will take to the spirits were
stage with Steve Cummins as recognized never easier to obtain.
MC. Yes it will be a barrel of at the
laughs… (Sorry.) International See www.dryandfly.
See Spirits
for more details Challenge com for more details
2017. Their
Did you know? Chevalier Mini review
Cognac VS Tea for you
By the end of next (€19.29) was I’m a big fan of afternoon tea, so
By Louise Finn year Nestle cereals has awarded a when the chance arose to taste the
committed to reducing Gold award latest offering from the Clayton
the sugar content in its and their Hotel Leopardstown, I was excited.
range by a further ten per Old Hopking Exquisitely displayed on a grey slate,
cent. That’s around 225 White Rum this is the perfect tea for two. The
million fewer teaspoons (€12.69) macarons are light and crispy (as they
of sugar, which can only and Tamova should be), and the selection of sweet
be good news for those Vodka treats is divine. I really loved the
aiming to eat well. (€12.99) balance between sweet and savoury
both picked on the slate. The emphasis is given to
up a Silver. scones and sandwiches and the sweet treats are small but big
Sample their in flavour and sweetness, meaning you can enjoy the entire
winning taste slate without feeling over-full, which can sometimes happen.
in store now. Teamed with a glass of crisp bubbly, this is perfect for tea with
your mum, daughter or friends. Highly recommended.
Priced at €29.95 for two people this is served daily.
See for more details


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