Grab 2017 by the balls
We are nothing if not you a shitload of money. If it using your time for self- career path can be tricky and
predictable and as every isn’t ticking any of these boxes, promotional purposes.” Davina points out that it is vital to
new year rolls around, it could be time for a re-think. We know the type of help you need.
spoke to personal strategy coach If your aim is to become a “If you need technical advice
we plan and promise and raise a Davina Greene about how to prep departmental or project manager, - more to do with a particular
glass - or several - to the awesome for the next move. then it may well be that your career path and the changing skills,
human being we will have people skills need honing. If the qualifications and connections
transformed into within 12 short Up-skill aim is to avoid people management that are needed to stay ahead of
months. But just as predictably, and move further in more of a the pack – then a mentor is most
we fail to open that pension According to Davina, the first technical specialist direction, then likely what you need, someone
account, we plod on in the same
dead-end job, we still get taxis decision to make is whether it who is (or was) on a job track
instead of getting up for the bus is your soft or hard skills that you’re interested in, but a few
and we still talk about travelling require the most immediate steps ahead of you and capable
in a wistful tone as we pack our attention. To find out, chat with of helping you design a road
miserable lunch to eat al desko. the relevant decision-maker, map. If the advice you need is
So, why don’t we just do it? usually your immediate manager. behavioural - that your resilience,
“There’s not much point in getting communication, leadership,
Well without getting all 'new qualified in something you or implementation skills need
year new you' preachy, if you want think is relevant, telling your improvement - then you may
this year to be different, then it’s employer afterwards, and being need a coach. Be clear about what
time to start making changes. They met with an indifferent shrug," you are looking for or you’ll end
don’t have to be big ones, and you says Davina. up getting nowhere.”
don’t have to make them all at She recommends contacting the
once - let’s not frighten ourselves Make sure that a qualification International Coach Federation,
back to the gin before we begin! is necessary. “If it’s a Association for Coaching (AC),
Instead identify two or three professional requirement, fine, or European Mentoring and
things you would like to achieve if it’s your own paranoia/self- Coaching Council (EMCC). “Make
over the next few years, like esteem issue, think about it. sure that they hold a recognised
getting a promotion say, or buying There could be a better way of qualification in coaching. It is a
a house, and then come up with a very specific skill; it is not a ‘nice,
plan to get you there. From there exploratory chat.’”
work towards mini challenges
that will lead you to your Retrain
overall goal, and you might find
that once you tick the smaller items If you don’t like what you do,
off the list, you can take on more all the chats in the world won’t
challenging tasks in a more change that fact so retraining
positive manner. may be the answer. However,
Davina has a few words of warning
Huh? Well, if you want to run before jacking it in. “If you are
away for six months, set up a contemplating a career change
savings account, look at areas
you can pull back on and set "Well, without getting all 'new year
yourself an end date, all the while new you' preachy, if you want this
planning an itinerary to keep you year to be different, then it's time
excited. See, it’s not nearly as to start making changes"
scary when you break it down.
We promise. So where to start? By perhaps a further course is needed. because you are running away
deciding what you want to change. Davina suggests speaking with the from something, be very careful.
people who hold the roles to which Speed and stress combined can
CAREER CLINIC. you aspire. “Make it known that lead to bad choices. If you are
you are interested, make it known contemplating a career change
Hate your job and get the Monday that you are willing to learn. In because you feel you are being
blues every single week? Then it’s other words, start ‘opening the drawn towards something, then
either time for a change or you door’ as early as possible through this is a moment when you have
need to figure out how to make enthusiasm and relevant alliances.” a real opportunity to engage with
your profession work for you. your passions in life.”
After all, we spend on average Guidance
40 hours a week at work and Grab a pen and paper because
more time with our colleagues Identifying the right kind of this calls for some soul-searching.
than our other half so you person to help you along your “What’s your vision? Can you talk
should be relatively happy.
In fact, your job should be
either something you love
doing, a stepping stone to the job
of your dreams or at least paying
an up-an-down pattern. Don’t
forget the other one. If you do
find something worrying, don’t
panic: Your menstrual cycle,
pregnancy, breast-feeding and
menopause can all cause changes
in your boobs, but a visit to your
GP will put your mind at ease.
Lookit, you are a strong,
independent woman and you
do you like no-one else: you
are adamant pink hair suits
you, you won’t be told to wear
a jacket and you will damn well
take that young fella home if
the mood takes you. So why
are you letting money ruin your
mojo? You have no savings. Not a
cent. And unlike Carrie Bradshaw
in terms of having a purpose is the first step. “For long-term "No-one will look after you as well
of some kind? Are there values nutrition that you can maintain, as you should look after yourself.
that you hold that you haven’t include plenty of lean proteins Make 2017 the year you take care
been able to integrate into your such as chicken, red meat and of yourself, inside and out"
working life and live on a day-to- fish in your diet, some healthy
day basis? Are there patterns in fats such as nuts, olive or coconut with the girls because every year who liked her money where she
your past activities that hint at oil, ample carbohydrates like 2,600 women in Ireland will be could see it, a closet full of ASOS
any preferred future direction? sweet potatoes and wholegrain diagnosed with breast cancer and does not a investment make.
There’s so much scope for rice, and plenty of fruit and veg.” 660 of those will die. According to At the very least, a thoroughly
exploration and such exploration Opt for nutrient dense foods like Newstalk’s Alive and Kicking’s Dr modern miss should know that
can, in itself, cause a real shift eggs, chicken and broccoli and Ciara Kelly, maintaining a healthy what comes in every month
in perspective and clarity.” avoid calorie dense foods like body weight and drinking alcohol should be equal to or more than doughnuts and chocolate. Good in moderation will help to reduce what goes out. But we reckon
habits now can offset the risk of the risk of breast cancer but you can do better. You can have
BODY BUSTERS. lifestyle related conditions like, regular checks are part and financial goals: clearing your
osteoporosis or diabetes later. parcel of being a grown up and by debt, opening a savings account
The truth is no-one will look becoming familiar with yours, you and creating a pension. You can
after you as well as you should Training days will quickly spot any changes. do it. We believe in you and we
look after yourself, inside and will show you the way.
out. Make 2017 the year you take Words from the wise: “You don’t To perform a self-check, stand
care of yourself. Brian Cash of have to be crushing two-hour in front of a mirror with your Bills, bills, bills
Dublin Fit Club feels that good gym sessions to keep fit and arms by your side. If your boobs
health goes beyond numbers. active.” Thank Christ for that. aren’t their usual shape, size Trying to save when you are up to
"Before you start stressing about According to Brian, some form of and colour or if you notice any your ears in bills is pointless so
kilos on the scales, try to shift exercise - whether it’s swimming, dimpling, puckering or bulging, the first thing to do is to clear or
your mindset to improving your cycling or hiking - three or redness, soreness or swelling, or if consolidate your debts. No matter
health first. Healthy fitness and four times a week is a great your nipple has become inverted, what your debt, if you opt to only
lifestyle habits will result in a shift way to look after your body. If you should speak to your doctor. pay the minimum amount each
in body composition, improved you are in a gym, include yoga, Check your nipples for discharge month it will take you 11 years
performance at work and generally weights or resistance training or by pulling gently on the end of to clear the card. Call us crazy,
feeling a lot better about yourself.” interval training in your routine. them. A bloody or clear fluid may call us foolish, but the reason warrant a call to your GP. is that interest on a credit card
Eat better, could be as high as 20%. For reals.
Women’s health Raise your arms and look for the So the first thing to do is clear
feel better same signs. You should also feel that. Switch to a lower rate with
There’s little point slogging away for any lumps under your arm and your provider or transfer your
Brian believes understanding what at the gym if you don’t look after above or below your collarbone. balance to a new provider with
you are putting in your mouth the rest of your health. It’s time Keeping one arm raised, press a short term zero balance which
to get up close and personal gently along your breast in
will give you a headstart clearing
your debt. Permanent tsb offers
zero per cent fixed interest on
balances for the first six months.
Alternatively, take out a cheaper
loan from a bank or credit union
and clear your card. If you don’t
trust yourself with it, shred it.
By consolidating your debt into a
lower rate loan, you will pay less
interest over the short term.
You may want to hide under the
paper mountain that arrives every
month, but it’s important not
to ignore your bills: poor credit
history will haunt you when you
go looking for a mortgage or a
loan. Get in touch with the state-
run Money Advice and Budgeting
Service for help.
Savings 101
Now that your debt mountain has
been conquered, you have lots of
lovely money to spend on shoes
and other shiny things, right?
Wrong. This is where the hard
graft begins. It’s savings time. Karl
Deeter of Irish Mortgage Brokers
has some tough love. “Open a
separate account and put money
into it by standing order right after
your payday so that you learn to
live on your income after savings
rather than seeing it as being a
chunk of money taken out of your
bank later in the month. Ideally
don’t get online access to it or a
card: the harder it is to withdraw
the money the less likely you
are to be tempted to tap into it.
Saving is hard to do. The two
biggest challenges are getting
started and sticking to the plan.”
Pension panic
Little strikes fear in the hearts of
20-somethings quite like the word
pension. Warring women cease
their snipping, hierarchies are put
on hold and sisters unite to know
who has a pension, how much they
put into it, but most importantly
how the hell to set one up.
Something is better than
nothing, says Karl. “A PRSA is
a cheap way to start and the
standard ones have regulated
fees so you don’t get ripped off.
Regarding how much you set
aside, the rule is ‘more is better’
but that has to be limited by what
is realistic. If you start younger
it will be much easier because of
how compounding tends to work
over time, so starting early is the
The Great Escape
Life is too short to have bad relationships.
Ditch those energy vampires STAT.
Sob sisters, guilt trippers, drama queens: toxic
relationships can come in many shapes and forms,
from pals to parents to workmates. Energy vampires,
determined to drag you into their tailspin, leave you
stressed, mentally exhausted and upset. It’s time to pull a
Buffy on it and call time on these Negative Nellies.
The first step is to know what you’re looking for.
Avoiding their calls, muting their posts or dreading spending
time with them are clear signs you are not in a happy place.
When you do meet, do you feel unwell before or after? This
is your body physically reacting to that person. Is it all about
them and their drama? Skimming these people can take
time and in cases of family, can be nigh on impossible but
there are tactics to minimise their effect on your life.
Block them on social media. This closes off any
opportunity for snarky tweets or manipulative tags.
Don’t engage. It’s difficult to argue with someone who
won’t argue back. Keep your cool and don’t be sucked into
their drama.
Keep your distance. If it's a friend, simply decide to
stop seeing them. When it's a co-worker, try to have
activities ready for your lunch break to create space
between you. Cutting a family member out of your life can
be more difficult. Think about the ramifications for you and
other relatives. If it isn’t possible, practice self care such as
meditation to mentally bolster yourself before seeing them.
That way the snide remarks will just slide off.
number one rule.” "If your energy levels are low and instead of half-listening with
When it comes to expert advice, your energy fuel tank is empty one eye on the phone. For
how can you give anything quality rest, it’s so important to
in this area it tends to pay for to others?" incorporate some digital
itself. “I’m a huge believer in downtime into your life.”
going to a broker for independent get to where you want to be and studies estimating that people
advice. Brokers can also you’re still not happy? Life is all check their phone 150 times a Me, me, me
manipulate prices in ways that about balance and a healthy body day (and the rest, says you). But
direct sellers from insurance and successful life won’t be worth a period away from the constant “Most of my clients feel guilty
companies can’t typically do much without mental wellness. barrage of information and about focusing on themselves,
and this gives them an edge a We spoke to Ellen Shilling, a life aggression that is social media they feel that they are being
lot of people don’t know about.” coach specialising in mindfulness is vital for peace of mind. “My selfish, but if your energy and healing, about toxic mother has a box in her hall and levels are low and your energy
relationships, avoiding digital everyone who enters the house fuel tank is empty how can
MIND MATTERS. overload and the importance of must place their phone in it. you give anything to others?
me-time. After much objection, everyone How can you be a good mother,
What if everything is on track now loves being free of their friend or co-worker, if you’re
but you still feel shite? If the Digital downtime phone, even just for a few hours. exhausted? Fill up your tank
idea of seeing friends, leaving Now we feel that people are regularly by incorporating some
the house or even getting dressed We are connected almost every participating in conversations daily self-care practices, such has
is getting on top of you then it minute of our working day with taking a walk, having a facial or
might be time to spend some time
on yourself. Rushing to climb
the career ladder and beat the
biological clock is all well and
good, but what happens when you
doing something absorbing like
colouring or knitting.”
5-minute fix
Meditation is an easy way to take
care of your mental health and
can take just five minutes a day.
“If you’re looking to improve your
life, make some changes or even
cultivate a better relationship
with yourself, then meditate. If
you want to combat stress, deal
with difficult people in work and
cope with life, then meditate.
People ask me every day what I
would most recommend as a tool
for life and to all of them I always
answer: meditation.”
Forget about pensions, the real hot
topic among all our mates is fertility.
If you’re surrounded by a gaggle of
brooding hens all trying to get
"We are the first generation to Actively trying Not now
have degrees and careers but
the simple fact remains that our If you’re not using birth control and Want a kid but not for another few
ovaries have yet to catch up..." are actively trying to get pregnant, years? Then here’s a reality check,
the time to seek medical advice is not all contraceptives affect
pregnant it can be very easy to Is Make Love to You, it’s a modern after six months, especially if you’re your fertility. There’s a terrible
either become misinformed or bury rock classic. No matter what age at the older end of the spectrum, urban myth that once you reach
your head deep, deep down in the you decide to look into freezing, which when it comes to fertility is a certain age it takes up to 18
sand. We suggest neither. If you’re the truth remains that sometimes 30. Don’t shoot us we didn’t make months to regulate your cycle once
trying to get pregnant, there are by the time fertility becomes an the rules! At this stage you can get you stop taking a contraceptive.
some things you need to consider, issue you’re not working with tests done on your eggs and your Gillian Darling from Dublin’s Well
while if you’re on the other end your best eggs. So, maybe it’s partner’s sperm and either find out Woman Centre says: “There are
of that scale it’s time to brush up time to have the conversation what the problem is or go away many safe methods of contraception
on your info and realise that not with yourself and/or your partner relieved with a new lease of life. If besides condoms suitable for all age
everything signals the end of before it becomes a serious issue. there are problems with either one, groups, so it is advisable to discuss
the road for your egg reserve. the first thing is try not to panic. all options with your doctor. The
If you’re in your late 20s pill and other methods can be used
We’re not here to scaremonger, or early 30s and kids are on Some things are easily solved after 30 years of age. The method
but the fact remains that after the the horizon, eventually, is through simple life hacks while if most suitable will depend on your
age of 30 it becomes more difficult egg freezing the best way to you end up going down the IVF or medical history and perhaps your
to get pregnant, with eggs safeguard against infertility? It’s medical route, try not to Google. family history.”
depleting again at 35 and 40. We not suitable for everyone and isn’t Things vary from couple to couple
know, it makes for grim reading, always successful but it is a viable so what may have worked for Sarah Meanwhile, there are several
but don’t get ratty with Mother option. Look, we never said these from 3rd Year won’t necessarily LARC (long acting reversible
Nature, get informed about your chats would be comfortable, but be right for you. It is absolutely contractives) available that can
choices. they are incredibly important. possible to have a baby over the be removed without impacting on
age of 35 and being frightened by long-term fertility. If you’ve been
Tick tock tick tock We are the first generation the neighbours, health articles taking the pill since you were 16,
to have degrees and careers but and your pals is not going to help it may be time to have a chat with
Seriously broody but missing the the simple fact remains that our either your fertility or your mental your doctor about your options
all-important sperm? Well you ovaries have yet to catch up with health. Listen to the experts and plans. After all, Nick Carter no
can either channel a Heart song, our choices. If egg freezing buys and make choices based on their longer sets your heart aflutter so
go out and trap a man, or you us another few years to buy the recommendations. Information is Yasmin may no longer be the best
can look into freezing your eggs house or travel the world then it’s power after all. contraceptive option.
– and by the by All I Wanna Do 100% worth a look at.