this handy guide to staying safe
We’ve all seen it, at the “Ninety per cent
first glimpse of sun
our streets and parks cover and cause skin of days in Ireland can also be indicated
are filled with men damage,” says Kevin
and women soaking up the rays.
It is vitally important to ensure O’Hagan, Cancer between April and by the letters ‘UVA’ in
that while you enjoy the good Prevention Manager a circle which indicates
weather you’re keeping your
skin safe. According to the Irish with the Irish Cancer that it meets the EU
Cancer Society skin cancer is the standard. In the EU, all
most common type in Ireland September have UVSociety which has
with 984 melanoma cases and partnered up with La levels high enough to sold sunscreens should
9,791 skin cancers diagnosed in Roche-Posay for its be labelled with a ‘UVA
2013. We chatted to a number of
skincare experts to find out what Save Your Skin sun cause skin damage” logo’ which states that
you absolutely need to know. campaign. the UVA protection
is one-third of the
Common mistakes Beauty Therapist
It seems our weather is one of Nuala Woulfe says that protection against UVB.
the main reasons that we can
make mistakes when it comes often we don’t choose Sunscreens with higher
to protecting ourselves. We
erroneously tend to think that wisely when it comes protected but aren’t. “The idea factors don’t provide much
the sun here isn’t as harmful as it
might be abroad. to product. “We all need to use [is] that moisturiser or make-up more protection against UVB
“The unpredictability a broad spectrum SPF to protect with an SPF of 15 or 20 is enough radiation. For example, an SPF15
of the Irish climate and
underestimating the power of against UVA/ UVB rays. A typical to protect the skin all day. Many sunscreen filters out 93 per cent
the Irish sun to damage the skin
is a common mistake people SPF only protects against UVB. It cosmetic ranges have a low SPF of UVB radiation, while an SPF30
make when it comes to sun
care. Ninety per cent of days is important to protect areas that contained within their cream sunscreen filters out 96 per cent.”
in Ireland between April and
September have UV levels high are being exposed all the time and foundations, however, this Brownyn Conway, Nuxe
enough to cause skin damage.
We need to be mindful that even that face, neck, chest and hands.” is not to be considered adequate Training Manager advises, “SPF
though the weather could be
cloudy, 40 per cent of UV can Vanity can also play a part, protection. Most will apply their 50 on the face, neck and décolleté
still penetrate through cloud
Marine Dumas, Head of Product moisturiser at 7am or 8am, how and SPF 30 on the body. Lifestyle
Development for Sun Care at will that last all day?” factors have more of an impact on
Pierre Fabre creators of Avène Which SPF? ageing than genes.”
says that phrases they often hear
include, “I don’t need to apply Kevin says, “We recommend Application
sunscreen because my skin is buying sunscreens with Sun The key here it to be generous
already tanned…” Protection Factor of at least 30 and apply product thoroughly
Virginie Vuillaume, skincare (UVB protection) or higher for to clean and dry skin at least 20
expert and owner of Virginie children and a high star rating minutes before you are going into
Claire says that people also with at least four stars (UVA the sun for the first time.
may think they are adequately protection). UVA protection Kevin says to apply, “Around
“Most sunscreens have a shelf Spray or slatherSuonnsavvy
life of 2-3 years, but ensure BE SUN SAFE WITH THESE PRODUCTS
your sunscreen has not expired
before you use it.” Marine also €15 Sensitive SPF €38 High Protection €54.50 High €30 Continuous
says that once opened there are Spray SPF 20
two teaspoonfuls of sunscreen if recommended timeframes in 50 Mist from Phyt’Solaire SPF 40 Protection Sun Oil
you’re just covering your head, which you should use up the from P20
arms and neck. Around two product. “After having opened Ambre Solaire from Phyt’s SPF 50 from Guinot
tablespoonfuls if you’re covering the product, it ensures you
your entire body, while wearing proper protection up to the €30 Sun Sensi €10 Bariesun €19.50 Anthelios €82 Mineral Eye UV
a swimming costume.” number of months you see on protective anti ageing Lip Stick SPF 30 XL Anti Shine SPF Defense SPF 30from
the pack [in the small logo with a
Dr Murad, dermatologist number inside] (example: 12 M = face cream SPF 30 from Uriage 50+ from SkinCeuticals
and founder of Murad skincare 12 months).” from Payot La Roche-Posay
says applying well in advance,
“allows the product to be Damage €52 City Skin Age €28 Mineral €35.50 Sun Shield €20.99 Solaire
properly absorbed, allowing Defense Broad Sunscreen Fluid for SPF 30 from Anti-Age SPF 50
for any volatiles to evaporate Despite our best efforts it can from Eau Thermale
and create a uniform film.” He happen that we end up exposed Spectrum SPF 50 face SPF 30 Janssen Cosmetics
also adds, “If you’re using a to more sun than we’d like. from Murad from Clinique Avène
spray, apply until an even sheen Kevin says. “If you notice your
appears on the skin.” skin becoming pink or red, €19 Ideal Soleil €29 RAD €19.50 SPF 30 €5.50 Soltan
you should come out of the sun Anti-Blemishes Antioxidant Sun Crème for Moisturising
Ensure that everywhere is and cover up to help stop any SPF 30 from Vichy Sunscream sensitive skin from
covered says Jennifer Rock, the more damage from happening. from Environ A ersun
Skincare Nerd, she says people Putting on more sunscreen Eucerin from Boots
often “apply SPF around the won’t help or let you safely stay
face forgetting the ears, lips and out in the sun.”
scalp. Interestingly, the ears and
lips are becoming increasingly To reduce the discomfort
common areas for cancer.” Nuala says, “A good quality aloe
vera gel or natural yogurt from
Alicia Haynes, Training the fridge helps to sooth your
Development Manager, Guinot skin when burnt. SkinCeuticals
advises, “For the face, use a do a very nice Phytocorrective
patting motion to apply your mask which contains botanical
sun care as it provides better ingredients such as cucumber
coverage.” and thyme along with dipeptides
which reduces the temperature
Reapplication is as important. of the skin by up to 40 per cent
Nuala advises, “In the sun on application – use from the
reapply every two hours or fridge for added comfort.”
more regularly if exercising or
swimming.” Marine advises Alicia advises, “Keep the skin
to keep an eye on the time slathered in soothing after sun
and activity, “Try to reapply products and be gentle with
your sunscreen frequently to your skin care regime. Avoid
maintain protection, especially exfoliating until the sensitivity
after swimming, sweating or subsides, otherwise this will
towel drying.” heighten the discomfort.”
Use it up Jennifer says, “Avoid oil or
petroleum based products,
A lot of people might not know which trap the heat or make the
that sun cream can expire and burn worse.”
you should find that date on the
tube or container. Kevin advises, Kevin says that while getting
burnt isn’t advisable, it should
be a warning to kick start you
thinking about being better at
being sun safe in the future.
“Getting sunburnt doesn’t
mean you will definitely
develop skin cancer. But getting
sunburnt a lot does mean you
have a higher risk of the disease.
So if you have had sunburn in
the past, it’s a good idea to think
about what more you can do to
protect your skin next time.”