In this extract from Yes I Can! author Robin Nixon
explores the power of self-belief
B elief is a very powerful COMPARE FAMOUS managing people but I will be even
thing. Everything you BANKRUPTS better
know and do is built n Management is easy because it is
on beliefs. How do you Consider Donald Trump who has what I want to do
view yourself, relative encountered bankruptcy a number of times. n I am an excellent manager and will
to other people? Do you feel you are He is now one of America’s biggest, richest become a superb manager
more successful? Less? About average? and most powerful property tycoons. Then
Are you happier? Do you think you there’s Larry King, the former talk show Fill that sheet of paper right up with big,
are smarter? More hard-working? host who filed for bankruptcy in 1960 (and bold statements. Describe everything
Whatever answers come to mind, then again in 1978), yet he bounced back about the change that you wish to make.
they are your beliefs. And they are each time. History is scattered with the Write about how you are already capable
strong; as strong to you as if they were names of people who failed but refused to of this change, and that the change is easy
immutable facts. You have probably take “No” for an answer. People who and achievable. And as you write each
derived these beliefs over many years include Walt Disney, Henry Ford and many, word believe it. You are writing a note to
of saying things like “Oh, I could many more. So let me ask you again: Do yourself. Be honest and believe what you
never learn to program a computer” or you feel there’s something in life you want write and have faith that it’s true – because
“Cooking? I could never do that”, and to do but simply don’t believe you can it is.Finally you must sign that piece of
so on. And after a while it becomes achieve it? Maybe you want to be paper. Sign it as if you’re writing a very
true – at least, in your mind it does. financially independent. Or perhaps you important letter to the most important
are afraid of public speaking. Then again, person you know. Because, after all, you are
Do you ever wonder why you run maybe you are looking for a partner in life, – you’re writing to yourself. So write that
up against stumbling blocks in life and or perhaps you just don’t feel confident signature like it’s the biggest deal you have
turn away from them? It’s because you enough at work. Choose something you yet signed.
think they are insurmountable and want to get done or something you want to
you don’t believe you can overcome overcome. Don’t be too general or think of READ YOUR STATEMENTS
them. One by one, you’ve created more than one thing. Choose a single, EVERY DAY
roadblocks all around you, controlling specific change you would like to make
what you can and can’t do, forcing such as “I want to be earning more money Stick the piece of paper up somewhere
your destiny. by the end of next month,” and then where you will read it every day (and
practice the following exercise: hopefully many times a day), because each
I know people who have never time you read it you will further affirm
learned to drive a car because WRITE THIS your beliefs until they become intentions
experiences put them off when they and then they become reality. If possible,
were younger and they decided they Get a pen and sheet of paper then write read the statements out loud to ensure you
would never be able to learn. I also down all the following goals one at a time, don’t skip any. If you are concerned about
know of others stuck in low paid then sign it. You may replace these with other people reading your statements then
manual jobs because they never went your own set of affirmations as long as you put the paper in your desk drawer where
to college, and believe they are too fill the page. you can see it every time you get out your
old to do something about it now. stapler. Or tape it inside the bathroom
And I know still others who turned n I can and I will become a better cabinet door so you can read it while you
down job promotions or opportunities manager at work shave or clean your teeth – you’ll find
because they felt they couldn’t succeed somewhere suitable. But find somewhere
and were afraid of looking bad. n Management is what I am you must, as you need to keep reading and
meant to do rereading the statements you have made.
If I reflect on it, I think for every And that’s it: The first step towards making
couple of dozen or so people I know, n I am fully capable of managing a positive and real change is to believe that
probably only one of them won’t argue people well the change can happen. As you go through
their limitations and is prepared to life from now onwards you will be
“give it a go” when presented with n I will be an excellent listener astonished at the opportunities that you’ll
something like a new opportunity. n People will agree with what I say encounter to make the change you now
Some people I know have tried in desire. Keep a watchful eye out for them
the past and failed and have then because I make good sense and take full advantage.
eventually given up trying, and that’s n People will trust me because This is an edited extract taken from Yes I
a real shame because nearly all the Can! by Robin Nixon, published by
self-made, successful and famous I trust them Capstone, £12.99, approx. E16.15
people you’ve heard of have overcome n People will like me because I
tremendous setbacks to get where
they are. like them
n I will manage people well because
managing needs to be done and
I am good at it
n In fact I am already good at
The accepted wisdom is that happy people make better bosses.
Fidelma McGuirk of believes it does more: By
keeping colleagues close you’ll bring clients closer
O ur clients’ fees pay our From Monday to Friday, I spend
salaries but it is our more time talking to colleagues and
colleagues that drive the clients than to my own children. That’s
service delivery. Even in the way of life. It’s the way of life for
these times of recession, my colleagues. So, it’s important that
with labour market shortages, it’s more they feel they are coming to a positive
important than ever to keep colleagues place where they can work well and
close. Across global markets, all companies equally important that they go home
need to fight harder to retain clients and positive that they did a good job each
ensure good service delivery for them. day. Happy coming in, happy going
So having the right colleagues happy and home.
enthusiastic in their roles, with a clear
plan, is the lifeblood of company stability There are some vital ingredients that
and growth. make and break a work environment
– clear achievable Key Performance
It may sound obvious but sometimes the Indicators, positive energy, positive
simple approaches get lost in developing pressure to secure that client and
strategies for hiring and retaining great deliver well, scope for each person to
talent. We try and keep it simple. Within have a personal impact in their role,, our strategy is to hire people channels to have and share ideas and
who share our values, ensure they know most importantly of all – recognition.
what to do and when to do it, and provide Most people are happy to feel at the
an environment in which they are happy end of the day that they did a good
and engaged to do that work. day’s work, but everyone loves hearing
it from colleagues and managers. You
The ‘hard’ compensation elements will never lose by recognising someone
of salary and bonuses are, of course, to their peers and to your director
fundamentals. However the ‘softer’ peers for a job well done. They float
benefits like health insurance, pension, home and have increased determination
corporate discount programmes, the next day.
flexible work practices, maternity leave
engagement programmes, social budget Within we have
and family events broaden the trust base many channels for idea generation,
between our colleagues and our company. idea harnessing and job-well-done
These benefits increase peace of mind for recognition. I am sure there are more
the individual and contribute heavily to that we haven’t set up yet but as long as
their personal security in their role – all of we listen to the voice of our colleagues
which has a knock-on positive impact on and our clients, I think we are on the
their personal family life. right path.
Fidelma McGuirk is Chief Executive
Officer of Fidelma drives the
business development of non-resident and
tax recovery services across global markets.