Red Butterfly, an Irish/Argentinian label based Cuddledry’s very practical
in Co Clare, offers traditional hand-smocked hooded towels are handy when
clothing for kids. Their range includes smocked dealing with wriggly babies
bubble rompers, dresses and two-piece shirt and and toddlers at bath time. The
pants suits. Each item is individually crafted double-layered towels, complete
but they’re machine washable too – handy! with hood and super cute ears, are made from organic cotton
and eco-friendly bamboo. The
BAGS OF FUN new Cuddlepaw snow leopard
print sees £1 (approx. €1.27)
Baby sleeping bags go mobile thanks to from each sale go towards
Slumbersac’s sleeping bags…with feet! World Wildlife Fund animal
Perfect for toddlers, the sleep bags are conservation projects. Approx.
used as normal at night but have openings €44.50 from
for feet so in the
morning children can Timeless Toys
stand up and walk
around safely, while Entrepreneur Haran Yaffe is
still staying cosy. Made following in his family’s footsteps. His
from soft 100 per cent father, Roni owned a small toy company
muslin, there are four called Yael’s Wooden Toys in the 1980s
pretty prints available (the family lived in Ireland for a time
and they come in four when Roni opened a factory outside
sizes, 12 months to four Dublin). Some 30 years on Haran, now a
years. From €25.99. father himself, is hoping to bring the blocks to life. Teaming up with his dad they’ve launched
a Kickstarter campaign to fund Ollie’s Wooden
Mum & Baby Blocks (named after Haran’s daughter). The
toys are made from high quality oak and
NEWS colourful interlocking plastic pegs and are
ingenious in their simplicity – the only limit is a
What’s hot on shelf for BABY TALK child’s imagination.
mums and mums-to-be.
Single dad, Matthew
MAKING DAD Carroll decided to
document his daughter
So, you’re doing everything to maximise Morgan’s best and
your fertility, but how about Dad? funniest comments
According to nutritional therapist Sarah when she was between
Brereton, men should assess their the ages of three and
nutritional makeup six months ahead of five. The title of the
baby-making, with things like essential subsequent book, Can
fats, zinc, Vitamin C and antioxidants I Sit On Your Lap While
all contributing to a boost in hormone You’re Pooping?, is an
production and better sperm motility and account of the sort of
health. Foods to cut out include coffee, bonkers and hilarious
alcohol and sugar, while cheese, cabbage, things kids come out
eggs and oily fish should all feature on the with and also the love
shopping list. Brereton between a dad and his
also recommends daughter.
a supplement like Can I Sit On Your Lap
Cleanmarine Krill Oil For While You’re Pooping?
Men (€21.99/60). “It’s by Matthew Carroll
an easy and safe route (€10.99), published by
for men who want to Abrams Image
ensure they are in tip-top
Under Pressure GET MOVING
The State exams are looming and all It’s essential that babies have
across Ireland students – and parents – uninhibited movement and a
are nervously wondering whether they sagging nappy can hinder their
are doing enough to ensure the best freedom to walk, move and
possible grades in June. With competition jump around. “Feeling physically
for college places at an all time high, it’s free and uninhibited whilst
vital that Leaving Certificate students, in being supported and safe is
particular, are using their remaining study an important part of a baby’s
time in an effective manner. exploration of the world and
physical development,” explains
Luke Saunders of Studyclix says the key developmental expert, Dr Ellie
thing is not to panic, even if, for some, Cannon. In a study conducted
the mock exams did not go so well. “One by Pampers more than three
of the best ways you can do this is by quarters of mums said a heavy,
constantly testing yourself with past exam wet nappy weighs their baby down
questions. Studyclix makes this really easy and inhibits their movement. The
by using the marking schemes in each latest nappy innovation from
topic,” he says. Pampers, Premium Protection
Active Fit features Magical Pods;
Eimear Dineen, a University of absorbing channels that help
Limerick applied languages student from to distribute wetness evenly.
Ballyvourney, Co Cork, agrees. She sat According to Pampers, the nappy
her Leaving Cert last year. “The mocks
were a complete wakeup call,” she says. stays up to two times drier
“I found the study overwhelming and was and doesn’t sag like the
not absorbing anything.” Dineen’s biology next leading brand,
teacher put her on to “The meaning baby is free
easy breakdown of exam topics and user- to get moving!
friendly pages saved me a lot of study
time and helped me focus.
“I also found the discussion forums
helpful with blogs on study tips, managing
time and minding yourself. There’s plenty
of time to turn things around.”
Ever second guess yourself when it comes Next’s collection of
to judging your child’s wellbeing? Of cute and colourful LITTLE FARMERS
course you do. That’s what parenting is pumps are perfect
all about. Which is why we just love when for little feet on the If you have a budding farmer or wildlife
something scientific can be put in front go in warmer months. lover in your life, take them along to
of us. Nurofen’s #FeverFighters campaign Available in a variety Airfield Estate, Dublin for the young
is taking the guess-work out of caring for of colours, prints and farmers classes this May. Suitable
your sick baby, with a new app which has textures, prices for for 8-11 year olds, kids can get their
a routine feeding planner, medical diary, those pictured start hands dirty learning how to care for
vaccination calendar and a late night at €17.50. the estate’s animals and get the inside
pharmacy locator. track on farm life. Located in Dundrum,
Airfield is a working farm, gardens and
DID YOU KNOW…New research undertaken by Calpol shows what aspirations are heritage centre. The Young Farmers
Classes run on 7 May from 10am
topping the list for Irish kids. When asked what they want to be when they grow up, top of the to 12pm and again on 2 July and 17
chart was professional sports star, followed closely by teacher, doctor and video game designer. September. Tickets €15/members
Charlotte Olympia For Kids – four words that will send any Children’s fashion
style maven with a tot to dress into a tizzy. We’ve already designer Leigh
adore the retro ‘Kitty’, ‘Tutti Frutti’ and ‘Web’ shoes and Tucker on the
accessories. Now there are just-for-kids versions at Melijoe new Leigh
as part of Olympia’s Incy Collection (as in, Wincy Spider). Tucker Willow
If mommy-and-me style tickles your fancy, the Kiss Me spring summer
tennis shoes and Kitty ballerina flats are available up to size collection for
eight alongside the collection at Dunnes Stores.
Here’s what you
You’re never too young to be stylish.
“Our occasion dresses do PRINTED
really well. We try not to PICKS
make them too prissy, so
they’re cotton and you can 1
stick them in your washing 2
machine. I don’t want
people to feel like you can’t
just throw them on with a
pair of trainers if you take
the kids to the park.”
Tights can be as much a fashion “I have three girls – aged 4
statement as they are functional four, five and nine and
and the Braveling tights and they are all different in
leggings range at Mira Mira their styles. One is a little
certainly make for outfit talking tomboy, one is a little
points in the playground. Made princess and the nine-
from a super soft cotton mix they year-old is trying to find
come in an assortment of fabulous her style. They’re in our
designs and colours for both boys shoots all the time. They’re
and girls from €24.95 – ideal for the biggest critics because
kids who like to stand out from the they’ll say, ‘It’s itchy’ or
mini fash-pack. ‘I don’t want to wear that,
nobody will wear that.’’’
A good night’s sleep for your little COMFORT IS KEY 5
one means a good night’s sleep for
you. So comfortable, breathable “With our trousers, they’re
pyjamas can nip night-waking in woven cotton at the front
the bud. Sense Organics does a and a tracksuit bottom at
minimalist but cute, unisex range the back, and that makes
of premium 100 per cent organic a big difference to their
cotton pyjamas that are not only comfort. They’re elastic
cosy but produced to be socially and pull-ons, so no fiddling with
environmentally friendly, from seed buttons.”
to seam. Available on
BOYS CAN WEAR 1 Stripe top (€5.95) @
PRINT TOO Mango 2 Paisley shirt
“We try to make the (€12) @ Monsoon
clothes edgier for the boys 3 Floral mac (€29.50)
but comfortable: Ditsy, @ Next 4 Short jeans
meadow prints on the (€18) @ Monsoon 5 Dress
floral shirts and cute (€25) by Leigh Tucker
bow ties.” Willow @ Dunnes Stores
Princess dresses with reams of tulle are Enter supermodel Jourdan Dunn with her
not exactly conducive to play, which is childrenswear collection for M&S. Aptly
why we’re loving the range of practical named Lil’ LonDunn, the range celebrates
and pretty jumpsuits from Next for her love of her hometown, London and
tots right up to pre-teens which start takes inspiration from the main man in her
at €22. From darker prints (that won’t life – her six-year-old son Riley, though
show grass stains easily) to head-to-toe
denim, these all-in-ones leave plenty of there is something from
room to romp. the 22-piece collection
for both boys and
PERFECT PAIRS girls aged five to 16.
Upbeat and super-
Eschew the usual babygro gift for a new arrival cute, it’s cool for
and instead spring for an adorable pair of kids and sweet
leather shoes (€24.75) from Annabeljames. enough for, complete with gift bag. Sweet motifs parents to love
feature everything from kitties, dachshunds too.
and sailboats, and are handmade from
extremely soft leather which allows your tot’s DOWN
feet to breathe, and more importantly grow BY THE
without constriction. Non-slip soles with BOARDWALK
gently elasticated ankles mean they are easy
to put on without pinching, but little hands will There’s a distinctly Santa-
have more difficulty pulling them off. Available Monica So-Cal vibe to Mango’s
in three sizes from 0-18 months. kids’ collection this summer
and it has us dreaming of cool
ice-cream and warm sunny
days. The style note is skater
cool – think knee-high socks,
open shirts, turned-up shorts
and plenty of light, brightly-
coloured layers.
The �rst
Forget bouncing back, it’s time to reclaim the fourth BBEIRFTOHRE THE
trimester and nourish new motherhood the way our
ancestors did. Heng Ou, author of The First Forty Likely, you’ve been following your
Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New own protocol of healthy eating since
Mother gives us a quick lesson in healing and some you discovered you were pregnant. It’s
recipes to fortify during the early days. never too late to fortify yourself even
more, especially to get empowered
“After the rigorous The first 40 days is a period of for birth and recovery. Try out new
and demanding time unlike any other. It is a short foods now, while you still have the
act of birth, it was season of life that follows the headspace and energy to notice what
considered critically delivery of your child – an almost you like best and how it makes you
necessary for the six-week-long period that arrives feel – information you’ll draw on later
whole family – and after many weeks of pregnancy and who to make quick choices about what
for society at large knows how many hours of labour – in which you need to feel warm and sated. In
– that a woman be you recover from birth, your baby unfurls particular:
given the first 40 slowly into the world of bright lights and • If you aren’t already including
days to heal and rest” sounds, and together you devote yourselves to
forging your relationship outside the womb. bone broths in your diet, start now.
Extracted from The In other times, and in other places around the One of the most healing foods on
First Forty Days world, a postpartum period of healing and the planet, these will fortify you
(€20.99) by Heng Ou adjustment was expected and allowed. After for childbirth, and the collagen
with Amely Greeven the rigorous and demanding act of birth, it supports healthy skin – great for
and Marisa Belger, was considered critically necessary for the your stretching belly and your post-
published by Stewart, whole family – and for society at large – that delivery recovery.
Tabori & Chang. a woman be given the first 40 days to heal • Smoothies (served at room
Available 26 April. and rest. temperature) and soups are a terrific
way to take in lots of good nutrition
For the first 40 days – or sometimes the first in liquid form – ideal for a stomach
30 or 21, depending on the culture – a new that is increasingly short on space,
mother stayed secluded from the busy stream thanks to baby’s growing body.
of life, tucked indoors with her infant at her • A raspberry leaf infusion, sipped
side. She received special meals to rebuild throughout the day, is one of
energy, replenish lost nutrients, and help the very best things you can do
her body produce breast milk. She followed to prepare for labour, as it helps
traditional practices of keeping rested and to tone the uterus and supports
warm to prevent exhaustion and depletion. reproductive function. Drinking a
nettle infusion will deliver energy as
well as iron.
• Start to make a gradual shift away
from consuming ice-cold drinks and
overly chilled foods. Instead, sip on
room temperature or warm water.
POST-PARTUM RECIPES for the First Forty Days
Serves 2-3
Serves 6 Makes 1 dozen
This is a smoothie that’s as hearty as a soup
Drinking this soup when cocooned in your and its combo of magic plant ingredients has Pillowy and lovely, coconut haystacks are
little nest will
feel like getting a hug from become our special sauce – so addictive I soft and yielding—the food equivalent of a
mother nature. Combine burdock root, always guzzle the leftovers from the blender contented sigh—and because they’re full of
mushrooms, seaweed, and salty miso paste pitcher. Adjust the type of greens depending protein from the egg whites and healthy fat
in a pot, and you get a fortifying balance of on your digestion, as kale can cause gas if from the coconut, you get well fed while you
land and sea. Fresh burdock root is famed for you’re not used to it. Parsley adds a fresh, revel in their bliss. For an extra and unique
its purifying and immune-boosting effects grassy flavour,
but for those unaccustomed fragrance and heart-opening element, add a
and can be found at health food stores and to green smoothies, it might be too strong a few drops of rose water to these treats; it’s a
Asian markets. taste to start with. perfect pairing with the vanilla.
1-inch (2.5-cm) knob of fresh ginger,
1–2 handfuls of kale leaves or spinach 6 large egg whites (save the yolks for custard
peeled and sliced into matchsticks leaves or mayo)
(baby kale is delicious if you can find it)
1 cup (60g) matchsticks of fresh unpeeled 1/2 tsp sea salt
burdock (if fresh is not available, you can use 2 cups (480 ml) coconut water
1/2 cup (about 80g) dried burdock) 1/2 cup (120ml) honey
1 tbsp almond or sunflower seed butter or
1 cup (115g) cubes of unpeeled daikon peanut butter 41/2 cups (385g) shredded unsweetened
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into cubes 1/2 a fresh or frozen banana
2 or 3 drops rose water (optional)
2 whole scallions, white ends cut off and 1/4 cup (9g) parsley leaves
discarded Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a
1 tbsp black sesame seeds
1 cup (70g) sliced white or (60g) cremini 1baking sheet with coconut oil or butter.
mushrooms 1 tbsp maca powder (optional) In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg
1 strip of kombu (helps with digestion and 1 tbsp spirulina powder (optional) 2whites and salt until stiff peaks form. Gently
1/2 tbsp bee pollen (optional) mix in the honey, vanilla, shredded coconut, and
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tsps organic miso of rose water, if using, until just combined. Don’t
choice 1Strip the kale leaves from the stems
(not necessary if using baby kale), and 3overmix or you’ll deflate the egg whites.
1In a medium stockpot, bring 7 cups discard the stems. Blend all the ingredients Drop tablespoons of the batter onto the
(1.7 L) water to a rolling boil. Add the in a blender until well combined. Drink greased baking sheet, pulling the tops up a
ginger, burdock, daikon, carrots, scallions, bit when you lift the spoon away to form a tiny,
mushrooms, kombu, and sesame oil, reduce 2immediately. rounded mountain peak (like a chocolate kiss)
heat to low, and simmer, covered, for 40 TIP: The optional tonic powders will add
the crowning touch: Malty maca helps 4each time.
2minutes. Remove from heat. stabilise hormones and provide energy while Bake for 8 minutes and check. If the
Spoon out some of the hot broth into a bee pollen infuses you with folic acid and B haystacks are not turning slightly golden
small bowl, stir in the miso paste, and let vitamins—it’s an energy tonic in traditional yet, leave them in the oven for another 4
Chinese medicine. Start with tiny doses and minutes. Most likely total bake time will be 10
3it dissolve. see how your body likes it. to 12 minutes. Remove the haystacks from
When the rest of the broth has cooled
a the oven when they’re just a bit golden on the
bit and the steam has subsided, after outside and still soft inside.
Let cool on the pan
about 5 minutes, stir the miso broth back or on a wire rack
for 3 to 5 minutes. Serve warm
or at room temperature.
4into the pot.
This is a great soup to drink throughout
the day as needed. Pour the desired
amount of soup into a smaller pot and reheat
it on the lowest setting, without letting it
come to a boil (that will destroy the enzymes
in the miso). Soup can be stored in the fridge
up to 5 days.
Getting a good night’s sleep is the holy grail of every working parent,
but how do you break the bad habits of a little lifetime? Parent coach
Aoife Lee has some answers.
For a parent or child, we all know DAYTIME ROUTINE THINGS THAT GO BUMP
what it feels like to get that full Having a good daytime routine, IN THE NIGHT
night’s sleep: We are bright, well encouraging predictable mealtimes, naps
rested and full of energy and ready and outside playtime if possible helps If you have a tiny visitor during the night,
to take on the day. For our children, they children feel more secure and to know explore during the daytime what it is that’s
are content, full of beans and are ready for what to expect. As night-time approaches upsetting them most. Bad dreams are
action! try and create a sense of calm, avoid busy common for all ages but smaller children in
cartoons, loud music and rough and particular find it hard to determine between
Often with young children, we can tumble play. what’s real and what’s fantasy. Reassure
experience nights of broken or interrupted your child that they are okay while staying
sleep. Whether it’s a baby needing a feed,
a toddler wanting to sleep in your bed, with them as they
bad dreams or an early riser – it can be
exhausting and difficult trying to function settle back to sleep.
at work the next day.
“Whether it’s a baby needing a feed, a Likewise, if they
When we are working we want to be simply just want to
able to give our children what they need
to make them happy and comfortable toddler wanting to sleep in your bed, be cosy in beside
while also keeping it together so we can bad dreams or an early riser – it can be you. However,
focus on our day’s work. With a plan of sleep is a priority
action, consistency and perseverance there
is so much that we can do to help both exhausting and difficult trying to function” for everyone.
ourselves and our child to settle and sleep Returning them
more contently.
to their own bed,
SLEEP HABITS taking the same
If we want to encourage sleep in small BEDTIME ROUTINES approach each time
babies and young children we first need to will be a big help. Some families are happy
look for the signals of them feeling tired Creating a predictable and consistent to have extra time to cuddle, but if it’s
or sleepy and then act on it. When young
babies are tired they often appear agitated, bedtime routine from when your child something you want to change then a plan
rubbing their eyes, yawning or crying. is a small baby is a great way to start. is necessary.
For the toddler or the older child, it’s the I always encourage a visual picture
same but tiredness can also be judged on sequence that you can place up on your EARLY RISERS
behaviour as they can be more irritable.
Small children are not good judges of how wall near their bedroom to allow your A particular challenge with an early riser or a
tired they are so often they will keep going
until they hit that wall. Babies and young child to see what is happening next – child prone to night-time waking is that pre-
children can become over-tired and can pyjamas, hands, face and teeth, story schoolers can’t tell the time and don’t know
have that second wind. As a result they
will fight it and have difficulty settling and time, cuddle and time to settle to sleep. If when it’s morning. Often for the parent it’s
going to sleep. Looking for a good rule of you also work outside the home, bedtime easier to allow them into their bed if it means
thumb? The recommended time for a child might be the time that you chat about two more hours of sleep! Whatever the
to be asleep in bed is 8pm. the day. If you find your child becomes approach you decide to take it’s important
overwhelmed with questions, try and ask that you decide on a plan of action, be
them what their favourite part of the day consistent and persevere!
was in crèche or school. They are more Aoife Lee is a Parent Coach for Giraffe
likely to share if it’s an open question. Childcare.