The celebrity make-up artist on
contouring, This Morning and
the importance of cleansing
1. Do you remember the first 7. What items are always in your “I would always
time you wore make-up? make-up bag? cleanse my skin,
I was 13 and I bought Rimmel Concealer, mascara, eyelash no matter how
cover up stick to conceal my curlers – lip balm, there is always many drinks I’d
teenage spots. four of those. had that evening”
2. Which beauty icon inspires 8. What’s your absolute hero think all of this led to my career make-up allow to absorb then
you in your look, and why? beauty product? in make-up artistry I used to ask prime the lips use a sharpened lip
Sophia Loren – that feline eye. Nivea Double Effect Eye Makeup for make-up sets for Christmas pencil to line and define the shape
Classic, elegant beauty. One of her Remover, it works like a dream. and birthdays. I would also look at of the lips. Opt for a blue tone red
famous quotes is, “Nothing makes celebrities and think I want to do to make your teeth look whiter,
a woman more beautiful than the 9. Are you a budget buy girl or a their make-up. apply one layer, blot and reapply.
belief that she is beautiful.” splurge, splurge, splurge?
Both! I have some great products 13. Do you have a secret tip? 17. If you could give one piece of
3. Whose make-up would you from high street store Kiko – For dewy skin flushed cheeks, beauty advice what would it be?
most like to do, and why? eyebrow pencils, lips glosses and mix some of your favourite Invest some time into finding the
J-Lo – those cheekbones! I have lots of luxe products from powder blush with some correct skincare for you and get
Tom Ford, Armani, Chanel, Laura moisturiser and apply to the into a routine of using it.
4. What’s been your biggest Mercier, Marc Jacobs beauty. I mix apples of the cheeks.
beauty mistake? and match, it’s like fashion. 18. Would you ever go to bed in
Letting my sister pluck my 14. What are the most common full make-up?
eyebrows as a teenager, they took 10. Where do you get your beauty mistakes? No! My friends used to laugh at
forever to grow back. Be warned inspiration from? Crazy contouring, foundation me on teenage holidays as I would
about overplucking brows. My client’s face. When I look at that is too dark/orange and thick always cleanse my skin no matter
my client I know exactly what will drawn on brows that look make how many drinks I’d had.
5. What’s been the favourite suit their features and the look I’m them look angry.
project you’ve ever worked on? going to create. I incorporate the 19. What looks do you think will
I love my job and many of the style of their outfit using iconic 15. Are there any products you be big this winter?
people I work with so it’s very trends and add a little twist to think you can economise on? Winter calls for berry lips with a
hard to pick just one, being able bring out their personality and Mascara – I have one from high play on texture and I still think
to express my creativity on jobs is tailor the look to their features. street store Kiko called Volume there will be a big focus on skin.
exciting and work trips in the sun I take inspiration from colour, Eyes that I absolutely love.
are always fun. seasons and the catwalk trends. 20. What are you working on?
16. What’s the key to getting is Morning, celebrity, fashion
6. How do you keep your skin in 11. What look would you like to the perfect red lip?
tiptop shape? see disappear forever? Buff away dry skin with a Nivea and beauty editorials, no week
I drink water and lemon to Crazy contouring. Micellar wipe, hydrate with a is ever the same for me, so I look
hydrate and flush out my balm, whilst doing the rest of your forward to seeing what exciting
toxins, cleanse thoroughly and 12. What inspired you to become new work comes my way.
moisturise always. I absolutely a make-up artist?
love an overnight hydrating I loved art as a child, I used to
mask, it intensely hydrates and paint for hours and I loved seeing
revives my skin whilst I sleep and playing with colour, whether
so I wake up looking a lot more it be paint, playdoh or gardening
youthful in the morning. pretty flowers with my Nan. I