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Plus, we love cake so there’s of what life really
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Here you’ll get even more competitions than in the
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Welcome to
another edition
of Woman’s Way
1It might be 7 13 17 20 26 32 38 44
27 33 39 45
chilly outside, 40 46
41 47
but this issue is 48
42 49
packed full of 43
winter warmers, PG41
delicious treats
and wonderful drinks to make you yell
‘Cheers!’ with gusto throughout the
festive season (and beyond).
2 8 14 18 21ere’s something so lovely about
cooking during the winter months and I
do hope that you find a host of things to
delight and inspire you in these pages.
Please do check out our special ‘New
Year’ section (page 76) which offers you
a new recipe to try in every month of 22 28 34
3 892019 and our hearty eats section (page PG13 PG19
66) – I’ll definitely be trying some of 29 35
those recipes myself. And, of course, no
magazine would be complete without PG 29
some decadent desserts. You can check
those out on page 28. PARTY BITES DRIN3K0S 36
Wishing you a very cosy winter, 13 Long island
15 235 White chocolate berry
a wonderful Christmas and a truly mountains
Fig and feta pies
4 A10 mybeautiful New Year. 6 Smoked haddock
Our beautiful cover image is Covercroquettes
extracted from Neven Maguire’s Star7 Brioche and red fruit
Perfect Irish Christmas by Neven
Maguire (Gill Books, €17.99). swirls
8 Pudding dipping fritters
5 11Photography by Joanne Murphy.
Make this stunning trifle for 24Pilaf-stuffed tomatoes
yourself by turning to page 32.
9 Danish dreams
10 Baked camembert
WIN! WIN! WIN! iced tea
Royal bellini
SEE PAGE 95 FOR A PG7 Pink tequila fizz
CHANCE TO W12IN A 14 Pink panther cocktail
Winter wonderland
€700WORTH 16 25 31 37Mulled wine
15 L’amour de Nöel
Naked peach
16 Bloody Mary
Royal silver bullet
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2018 Volume 8 Issue 1 HARMONIA LTD.
Rosemount House, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14, Ireland
Editor: Amy Wall Email: [email protected]
Deputy Editor: Michelle Newman Email: [email protected] Tel: +353 (0)1 240 5300 Fax: +353 (0)1 661 9757
Art Director: Áine Duffy ISSN 1393-5402
SALES & ADMINISTRATION: © 2014 Harmonia Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
Publisher: Norah Casey stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
Advertising Manager: Noelle Kelly Email: [email protected] mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the
Subscriptions: [email protected] publishers. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors in advertisements,
articles, photographs or illustrations.
19 Roast goose 29 Black forest gateau 41 Peanut butter cheesecake
Mashed potatoes Apple plate pie Espresso vegan brownies
20 Salmon wellington 30 Damson chocolate fondant 42 Vegan meatballs
21 Creamed Brussels sprouts 31 Vegan pudding 43 Shepherdless pie
Goats’ cheese Éclair roll Five-bean chilli and
22 Pan seared scallops with 32 Vera’s sherry trifle corn bread
33 Chocolate cake
samphire 34 White chocolate tart PG41
23 Roast pork lion 35 Crème brûlée two ways
24 Roast duck with Bramley 36 Vacherin
37 Saffron layer cake
apple sauce 38 Fried doughnut
25 Apple, cranberry and
sausage terrine 39 Christmas snowman
Vegan roasties
26 Turkey with stuffing cake
27 Ginger spiced vegetables
in a pastry lattice
PG45 PG34
45 Mock fish finger butties 53 Leek and potato crème 59 Little chocolate pots 67 Chicken and orzo
Matcha omelette Pea and bacon Carrot cake cookies rat-a-tat bake
46 Grilled cheese and 54 Spicy red lentil 61 Sunflower butter fudge
sauerkraut toastie Spiced parsnip Cocoa and almond 68 Harissa lamb stew
energy balls 69 Petend paella
47 Pisto manchego 55 Italian wedding
Ex-benedict 56 Cucumber 62 Spanish beach churros Ruby chard korma
57 Roasted butternut squash 63 Peanut butter jelly bread 70 Beef and stout pies
48 Fluffy berry pancakes 64 Courgette cheese pies
49 Spinach fritters and sweet potato 65 Picnic pies Pork bacon and
50 Matcha scrambled eggs Vegetable broth mushroom stew
Peri peri tacos 72 Lemongrass chicken
Roasted butternut squash 73 Cavolo nero filo pie
waffles PG59 Easy chicken curry
74 Self-love stew
77 Raw pad thai 89 Chickpea tikka
Cauliflower buffalo wings masala
Wheaten bread
78 Ribollita
79 Pea, feta and brown butter 90 Chickpea and
almond stew
80 Mexican bean burgers with 91 Potato, rye and
caraway bread
avocado and salsa
81 Fresh orange cake 92 Sea bass en papillote
82 Rhubarb and strawberry Monkfish and fennel
tart 93 Lemon and garlic
83 Bakewell tart chicken
84 Cauliflower mac and
94 Acai bowl
cheese Tandoori cod
85 Roasted pumpkin and burgers
pancetta risotto PG94
86 Homemade gnocchi
87 Norwegian butter cookies
and receive
51 issues plus
for only ₣81.10
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Free issue offer open to new subscribers only with postal delivery to Irish addresses only. Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of first subscription issue.
Price includes P&P and are correct at time of going to press. If the magazine order changes frequency per annum, we will honour the number of issues paid for,
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Celebrate in style with
party food that’s made
20 m4in5s EASY
YOU WILL NEED 50g ground
100g golden 3 medium eggs
caster sugar 350g white
½ tsp fine sea salt chocolate
Zest of 1 lemon 125g lingonberries
120g butter or red currants
200g desiccated
150g sesame
seeds 6 1h+r
METHOD Extracted from: Honey & Co. At Home:
› Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas YOU WILL NEED Middle-Easter Recipes from Our
For the dough Kitchen by Sarit Packer and Itamar
Mark 6. Put the sugar, salt, lemon zest 300g flour Srulovich (Pavilion Books, €31.52)
and butter into a saucepan and melt 1 tsp sugar
over a medium heat. Set aside. 1 tsp salt with a dough hook if you wish). Cover
› Pour the coconut on to a large tray ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper the bowl with a cloth or cling film, set
lined with baking paper and place in 1 tbsp nigella seeds in a warm place and allow the dough to
the oven for 5 minutes, or until well- A pinch of cayenne pepper double in size. It will take about an hour
toasted. When the coconut is ready, 15g dried active yeast in a warm room, slightly longer if it’s
take out of the oven and pour into a 1 tsp honey cold.
large bowl with the sesame seeds and 150g natural yoghurt › Make the filling by crumbling the feta
ground almonds. Mix together well, For the filling into a small bowl and mixing with the
then pour in the melted butter and 100g feta yoghurt, oregano and sumac to create a
mix again. Add the eggs, then stir ½ tsp dried oregano paste.
until combined. Leave to cool slightly. ½ tsp sumac (you can substitute with the zest › For the topping, slice the green chilli
› Line a baking tray with baking paper. of 1 lemon) into rounds, place in a small dish and
Form the mixture into 20 small For the toppings cover with the olive oil. Cut the figs into
pyramids and set on the lined tray. 1 green chilli 4-5 slices.
Place in the oven and bake for 20-25 3 tbsp olive oil › Once the dough has proved, divide it
minutes, or until slightly golden on 6-8 figs (depending on size) into six evenly-sized lumps. Roughly
the peaks and firm to the touch. 1 small bag of baby spinach, washed stretch each piece into an oval
› Remove from the oven and leave to Salt and freshly ground black pepper boat-shape measuring around 20cm x
cool on a wire rack while melting the A few sprigs of fresh thyme or a pinch of 8cm wide. Put a tablespoon of the feta
chocolate. Break up the chocolate dried oregano filling on each, spreading it over the
and put into a small heatproof bowl centre. Add a handful of baby spinach,
over a saucepan of simmering water, METHOD then slices of fig. Top with the chilli
ensuring the bottom of the bowl › Place the flour, sugar, salt, black pepper, slices and the oil, using it all up. Season
doesn’t touch the water. Leave to with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with
melt, stirring occasionally. Once the nigella seeds and cayenne pepper in a some leaves from the sprigs of thyme or
chocolate has melted, dip the cakes large mixing bowl. Dissolve the yeast dried oregano.
into it and top each one with 3-4 in 100ml of water and stir in the honey, › Pinch the sides of the dough up around
berries of your choice. then add this and the yoghurt to the dry the edges, then pinch each end of the
ingredients. Knead together to form a oval into a point to create a pie boat.
Extracted from: The Little Swedish nice, supple dough (you can use a mixer Leave to prove again and, while you are
Kitchen by Rachel Khoo (Michael waiting, heat your oven to 220°C/425°F/
Joseph, €28) Gas Mark 7. Bake for 10-12 minutes until
golden. Serve warm.
PARTY SMOKED METHOD flour, another with the eggs and the
HADDOCK, milk, and lastly one for the breadcrumbs.
CHIVE AND › In a large pan cook your potatoes in cold › Start with the flour, roll the croquettes in it,
MUSTARD salted water that you slowly bring to the then roll them in the egg and milk mixture
CROQUETTES boil. Try not to overcook as they will end and then the breadcrumbs. e theory is
with leek and up water logged, making the croquettes the flour will stick to the croquette, the
potato broth hard to work with. egg and milk stick to the flour and the
breadcrumbs to the egg and milk.
16 h1r EASY › Once cooked, drain the potatoes and › You are now ready to cook. You could
allow to ‘steam out’ for a few minutes. deep fry until golden, or shallow fry
YOU WILL NEED en place them back into the pot and making sure you keep them moving, or
put it back onto the stove on a low heat to you could spray them with a little oil and
For the croquettes dry them out. bake them in a hot oven at 180˚C/350˚F/
500g potatoes, Gas Mark 4.
peeled and cut › Now add the butter and the wholegrain
into quarters mustard, then mash. You can use a FOR THE LEEK AND POTATO BROTH
25g butter traditional potato masher, but you will get
50g wholegrain a much better result with a potato ricer. › Melt the butter in a deep pan, add the
mustard leek and onion and cook without colour
300g smoked › Take the haddock and have a feel for for a few minutes, stirring occasionally
haddock, pale bones. You sometimes find them running with a wooden spatula. Add the potatoes
smoked is best down the middle or at the sides at the and the smoked haddock milk.
¼ pack of top. Place the haddock into a pan with
chives, chopped the milk and slowly bring to the boil. › Bring to the boil and simmer until all the
100g plain flour, Once the milk has come to the boil turn ingredients are tender. Try not to cook
seasoned off the heat. Save the cooking liquor. for too long as you want the potatoes to
2 eggs, beaten keep their shape.
with some milk › Before everything gets cold mix the fish
100g panko into the potato mash, add the chives and › Bring back to a simmer and finish with
breadcrumbs check for seasoning. the double cream, mustard and a drizzle
500ml milk of white truffle oil and chopped chives
› Shape the mixture into a long sausage and split between your dishes. To serve,
For the broth shape and cut to croquette size. You are top with the haddock croquettes.
100g white of now ready to coat in breadcrumbs.
leek, sliced and
diced › You need three bowls: one with seasoned
½ onion, finely
chopped Extracted from: Kitchen Essentials: The Joy of Home Cooking by Gary Maclean
400g potatoes, (Black and White Publishing, €24)
peeled and
diced into 1-2cm
50g butter
50g double
¼ pack of
chives, chopped
50g wholegrain
Smoked haddock
milk, as saved
White truffle oil
with ricotta glaze
10 h3r+s EASY
Sunflower oil, for greasing the tin
For the brioche swirls
60ml lukewarm milk
60g granulated sugar
2¼ tsp active dry yeast
350g all-purpose flour, plus plenty for dusting
¼ tsp salt
3 eggs, beaten
125g butter, at room temperature, cubed
100g light brown sugar
300g frozen red fruit, preferably a mix
For the ricotta glaze
3-4 tbsp ricotta
About 200g confectioners’ sugar, sifted
› In a bowl, beat the milk together with the granulated sugar
and yeast and let stand for 7 minutes, until the mixture starts
foaming. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Form an
indentation in the middle. Pour in the yeast mixture and the
beaten eggs, then gently combine into a smooth dough.
› Remove from the bowl and knead for 5 minutes on a floured
countertop until supple and soft. Add 2 cubes of butter and
continue kneading until they are incorporated into the dough.
Repeat until all the butter has been used and the dough has
become shiny and elastic, dusting the countertop with flour as
you work and using a bench knife or spatula to scrape up the
dough as needed - it may take a while to incorporate all that
butter, but be persistent. Place the ball in a greased bowl, cover
with plastic wrap, and allow to rise for 90 minutes.
› Again briefly knead the dough. Roll out on a lightly floured
countertop into a 40cm x 60cm rectangle. Sprinkle with the
brown sugar and frozen fruit. Now, roll up from a short side
into a short, thick log. Wrap in plastic wrap. Place the roll in
the freezer for 15 minutes to firm up, which will make slicing it
easier later on.
› Remove the plastic wrap. Using a sharp knife, cut the log into
10 even slices. Place them on parchment paper–lined baking
sheets, a little apart (they are still rising). Cover loosely with
plastic wrap and allow to continue rising for 30 minutes
in a warm, draft-free spot. If you’d like to make these the
evening before, let them rise overnight in the fridge on the
baking sheets.
› Allow brioches that were stored in the fridge 30-45 minutes
to reach room temperature before you proceed. Meanwhile,
preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Uncover the
brioches and bake for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown. Let
cool for a few minutes.
› For the glaze, whisk the ricotta in a bowl and add confectioners’
sugar until you get a thick glaze with the consistency of whole
milk yogurt. Drizzle over the buns. Let stand briefly to set the
glaze, then serve warm or at room temperature.
Extracted from: Home Made Christmas by Yvette Van Boven
(Abrams, €32.99)
Apple chutney
for dipping
4 m2i0ns YOU WILL NEED currants, toasted pine
EASY 50g pine nuts nuts, half the dill and a
1 medium onion, finely chopped pinch of salt and gently
YOU WILL NEED For the crumb ½ tsp allspice mix. Add the basmati rice
200g breadcrumbs 35g currants, soaked and stir well, then add
For the filling 100g porridge oats 25g fresh dill, chopped 750ml of water. Bring to the
300g black pudding 50g flour 300g wholegrain basmati rice boil, reduce the heat and
1 apple, peeled and grated 3 eggs, beaten 8 medium sized tomatoes cook the rice for the time
40g butter 1 litre vegetable oil, for frying Salt indicated on the packet.
6 leaves of fresh sage › Meanwhile, cut the tops
METHOD off the tomatoes and scoop
METHOD › Soak the basmati rice for at out the seeds and core.
› Preheat the oven to 170°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3. To make the Once the pilaf is cooked,
least 30 minutes, then rinse fill the tomatoes with the
black pudding filling, simply place all the ingredients in a and drain. Preheat the oven rice mixture. Place the
blender and blend until combined. Then shape into round, to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. tomatoes on a baking tray
bite-sized shapes. › Heat a frying pan over a and cook in the oven for
› Next, mix the breadcrumbs and porridge oats together. Roll medium heat, add the pine 15-20 minutes. Scatter the
each dipper in the flour and then the beaten egg. Then finely nuts and toast until golden remaining dill over the
coat them in the breadcrumb and porridge oat mix. brown. Set aside. tomatoes to serve.
› Heat the oil in a deep fat fryer or deep pot to 170°C/325°F/Gas › To make the pilaf, cook
Mark 3. Fry the puddings until golden in colour. Place on a the chopped onion with Extracted from: Vegan
tray and cook in the oven for 5 minutes. a splash of water in a in 7 by Rita Serano (Kyle
medium-sized pan over Books, €23.79)
Extracted from: Brian McDermott’s Donegal Table by Brian a medium heat until soft,
McDermott (O’Brien, €19.99) adding a little more water
if needed. Add the allspice,
18 1h+r
YOU WILL NEED 100g icing sugar, sifted, mixed
with 3-4 tsp lemon juice
450g strong white bread flour For the lemon crème pâtissière
4 tbsp caster sugar 125ml whole milk
1½ tsp salt 1 large egg yolk
½ tsp fast-action dried yeast 2 tbsp caster sugar
1 large egg ½ tsp vanilla paste
80ml chilled water 1½ tbsp cornflour
100ml whole milk 2 tbsp lemon curd
225g unsalted butter, chilled Other equipment
1 egg, beaten 2 baking sheets lined with
2 tbsp apricot jam, loosened baking paper
with a splash of water
› Place the flour, sugar, salt and yeast into the bowl of a stand mixer
fitted with a dough hook. Add the egg, water and milk. Mix on a
slow speed until combined, then increase the speed and mix for 5
minutes to form a dough.
› Tip the dough onto a lightly floured worktop and shape into a disc.
Wrap in cling film and chill for 1 hour, then unwrap and roll it out
into a 1cm-thick rectangle, measuring 45cm x 20cm.
› Flatten the butter into a 30cm x 18cm rectangle, then lay it on the
dough so it covers the bottom two-thirds.
› Fold down the dough to cover one-third of the butter. Cut off the
exposed butter, without cutting into the dough. Place this butter on
top of the folded dough and fold the bottom half of the dough up.
Squeeze the dough edges to seal. Wrap in cling film and chill for at
least 1 hour to firm up.
› Place the dough, short side facing you, on a lightly floured
worktop. Roll into a 45cm x 20cm rectangle. Fold one third of
the dough up and the top third down. Chill for 1 hour. Repeat
twice more, chilling between folds. After the final fold, chill the
dough overnight.
› Make the crème pâtissière. Heat the milk until it just boils. In a
bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar, vanilla paste and cornflour,
then pour in the hot milk and whisk. Transfer to the milk pan and
place over a low heat. Whisk until the mixture just begins to boil
and thicken. Transfer to a bowl, fold in the lemon curd, then cover
the surface with cling film.
› Roll out the pastry to 7mm thick and cut it into 18 squares of
8cm. Make diagonal cuts 2.5cm from the corners of each square.
Place the squares onto the baking sheets. Gather every second
point of dough to the centre of each square, and press down to
make a hollow. Cover the sheets loosely with cling film and leave
to prove for 2 hours, or until doubled in size.
› Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Put 1 teaspoon of lemon
crème pâtissière into the hollow of each pastry. Brush the dough
with beaten egg, then bake for 15–20 minutes, until golden.
› While still warm, brush the pastries with the warmed apricot jam.
Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Drizzle the cooled pastries with
lemony icing sugar to finish.
Extracted from: The Great British Bake Off: Get Baking For
Friends and Family by The Bake Off Team (Sphere, €28)
granary, rosemary and hazelnut
crumb and red onion chutney
4 1h+r ½ stick of cinnamon,
EASY broken up
Square of muslin and string
YOU WILL NEED to make spice bag
For the chutney For the Camembert
3 medium red onions 1 Camembert cheese, in
1 red chilli, finely chopped wooden box
50g sultanas 75g hazelnuts
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 sprigs rosemary, picked
50g light brown sugar and chopped
1 tbsp quality oil 8 slices granary bread
100ml red wine vinegar 1 shallot, finely diced
50ml port 20g butter
2 bay leaves
1 tsp coriander seeds
METHOD starts to crackle, then add the cut bread and cook until the bread
FOR THE RED ONION CHUTNEY starts to crisp up. You need to control the heat of the pan very
› Your first job is to peel and halve the onions through the carefully so you don’t burn the butter.
› Top the Camembert with some of the hazelnut crumb and then
root. Then slice the onion by cutting with the grain. Try to place into the oven. At first you won’t actually notice anything
avoid the rainbow cut as the onion breaks down too much happen. What you want to achieve is a slow process of melting
if you do this. the cheese from within.
› Heat the oil in a large pan on a low heat. Now add the › Every now and then give the cheese a little wobble and you will
onions, chilli, garlic, sultanas and bay leaves and cook start to see that the cheese is melting. After about 15-20 minutes
gently for 20 minutes stirring occasionally. in the oven it will be perfect.
› Make a spice bag using a small square of muslin and a piece › Serve with your toasted soldiers and red onion chutney.
of string. Wrap up all spices, tie tight and add to the pan.
› Once the onions are cooked and translucent, add the sugar, Extracted from: Kitchen Essentials: The Joy of Home Cooking by
vinegar and port and stir well. Then simmer on a low heat Gary Maclean, as before
for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally until the chutney
is thick, dark and sticky. Remove the spice bag.
› You can use the chutney straight away, or store in a
sterilised jar. An old jam jar is perfect for this.
› Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Remove
your Camembert from its packaging, then place it back into
the wooden box after removing the plastic wrapper.
› Take 2 slices of the bread and place into a food processor to
blitz into breadcrumbs.
› Place your hazelnuts on a tray and put them into the oven
at 160˚C/325°F/Gas Mark 3 for 6-8 minutes. When you take
them from the oven pour them onto a clean tea towel, close
up the fabric to make a little bag and rub the hazelnuts
together. This will remove the skins from the nuts. Add the
nuts to the bread in the processor and break them down.
› Along with a little of the butter sweat down the chopped
shallot in a pan, then add some chopped rosemary,
breadcrumbs and nuts. Carefully cook this mixture in the
pan until you start to achieve a little colour. Remove from
the heat. Make bread ‘soldiers’ by cutting the remaining 6
slices of bread into the required shape.
› In a frying pan add the rest of your butter and a little
chopped rosemary. Heat the pan slowly until the butter
Win Leading Irish convenience store Centra has launched a new own-
brand product range called ‘Inspired by Centra’, which includes
A Centra hamper worth over €100 over 100 quality products and is available now in all 454 stores
Inspired by Centra aims to bring a little bit of luxury to
your day and helps inspire everyday moments. Whatever the
occasion, Centra is giving you more time to make the most of
The Inspired by Centra product range has been carefully
chosen and specially developed to excite and enhance the
convenience shopping experience. The range includes everything
to cover you from morning to night, including fresh juices,
salads, pizzas, lunch and dinner meats, snacks and sweet treats.
One lucky winner will receive a deluxe Inspired by Centra
hamper worth over €100 which will be filled with a selection of
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To be in with a chance of winning this fabulous hamper,
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True or false: There are over 100 new products in the Inspired by
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WIN! Russell Hobbs kitchen Russell Hobbs are delighted to introduce their brand new kitchen
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Combining advanced features with unique style, this range
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The gradual blend of copper colour creates a blue ombré effect, an
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The eclipse four-slice toaster features six options of variable
browning control meeting all the family’s toasting preferences. The
eclipse copper toaster offers up to 55 per cent faster toasting and
includes four extra wide slots to allow for a variety of items such as
crumpets and tea cakes.
The eclipse kettle features quite boil technology making it easier
for you to unwind without the typical loud sound of a boiling
kettle, along with a rapid 45-second boil for your morning cuppa
as you master the morning rush.
One lucky winner will receive an Eclipse toaster and kettle set
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What is the name of the brand new Russell Hobbs kitchen range?
The Russell Hobbs range is available
from independent electrical retailers
make you say
& be merry
ICED TEA 1 m5in
1 m5ins
120ml Royal Flush Real
30ml gin 10ml real peach syrup
30ml vodka Edible flower garnish
30ml light rum
30ml tequila METHOD
30ml freshly › Pour the kombucha
squeezed lemon juice
30ml orange liqueur into the glass. Add
A splash of cola the peach syrup. Stir
Extras and finish with an
A highball glass edible flower.
Lemon and lime
slices Extracted from: Real
A bar spoon Kombucha Royal
Flush, €2.75 (approx.),
METHOD available from
› Pour the ingredients
into a chilled glass filled
with ice cubes. Stir
with the spoon and add
the citrus slices. Serve
with a straw.
Extracted from: The Big Book
of Gin by Dan Jones (Hardie
Grant, €25.20)
PINK TEQUILA FIZZ If you’re a fan
1 m5ins of Margaritas and other
EASY tequila-based drinks, this
one’s for you. Taking inspiration
from the Paloma, one of the most
YOU WILL NEED METHOD popular cocktails in Mexico, the
› Shake 45ml Pink Tequila Fizz combines fresh
45ml tequila pomegranate and hibiscus bitters
15ml pink grapefruit juice tequila, 15ml pink
15ml lime juice grapefruit juice, to create a floral but zingy
15ml sugar syrup 15ml lime juice, 15ml refresher.
3 drops hibiscus bitters sugar syrup, 3 drops
The crushed seeds of ½ hibiscus bitters and the
pomegranate crushed seeds of ½ pomegranate
Rosé champagne over ice.
Extras › Strain the mixture into a highball Extracted from: Let’s
Rim the glass with salt for glass filled with ice. Get Fizzical by Pippa
an extra kick › Top with rosé champagne. Guy (DK, €12.90)
PINK PANTHER Extracted from: Chef WINTER
1 m5ins 1 m5ins
25ml Beefeater pink gin 35.5ml brandy
20ml apricot liquor 50ml Baileys
10ml lychee syrup 25ml fresh cream
Sprig of rosemary 25ml popcorn syrup (available
Drop of crème de cassis in specialist off licences)
METHOD Martini glass
› Shake all ingredients in a Some melted dark chocolate,
for garnish
Boston shaker with ice. Strain Grated nutmeg, for garnish
into a tumbler glass. Garnish
with an orange, rosemary or METHOD
a sprig of rosemary dropped › Chill the Martini glass with ice.
inside the cocktail. Drizzle › Fill a shaker with ice. Pour all
Crème de Cassis on top.
ingredients into the shaker and
shake for 20 seconds.
› Pour melted dark chocolate onto
the rim of the glass. Strain the
drink into the glass and finish with
some grated nutmeg.
Extracted from: Sure Bar at
the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel in
1 m4in5s Extracted from: Jenny Bristow,
› Roughly cut up the oranges and place in a
1.7 litres water
225g granulated sugar saucepan with all the other ingredients, except
2-3 cinnamon sticks for the red wine. Heat gently until the sugar has
3 oranges dissolved, then bring to the boil, simmer for 30
10-12 cloves minutes and strain. The syrup can be made up
2 bottles red wine to this stage and then stored in the fridge until
1 apple and orange to serve required.
› To serve, return the syrup to the pan, bring to
boiling point, add the wine and slice of apple and
orange and serve.
Coupe glass
1 m1i0ns Peach slices
EASY Rosemary sprigs
1 large roasted or very ripe peach
1 tsp light brown sugar › Chop the peach in half and
15ml freshly squeezed lime juice remove the stone. Roast until
60ml gin soft.
A pinch of lime zest
15ml rosemary-infused syrup › Purée the roasted peach, sugar
Lemonade, to top and lime juice in a blender, then
sieve (to remove large lumps).
› Shake the gin, peach purée,
lime zest and syrup over ice in a
cocktail shaker, then pour into
the chilled glass. Top up with
chilled lemonade and garnish
with peach slices and rosemary.
Extracted from: The Big Book
of Gin by Dan Jones, as before
1 m5ins
50ml Bombay Sapphire
25ml Parfait d’Amour Liqueur
75ml berry tea
25ml spiced syrup
25ml egg white
A champagne saucer
Dried strawberries
› Chill a champagne saucer
with ice.
› Pour all ingredients into
a shaker. Dry shake for
20 seconds. Add ice and
shake again for 20 seconds.
Strain into the chilled
glass. Add preferred
garnishes (recommended:
dried strawberries)
Extracted from: Sure Bar
at the Radisson Blu Royal
Hotel in Dublin, as before
DRINKS BLOODY MARY Extracted from: Time:
A Year and a Day in the
8 m1i0ns Kitchen by Gill Meller
EASY (Quadrille, €29.99)
1 tsp sweet smoked paprika › To make the Bloody Mary,
2-3 tsp Tabasco whisk the smoked paprika,
3 tsp Worcestershire sauce Tabasco, Worcestershire
2 tsp sherry vinegar sauce, vinegar, sugar,
2 tsp soft brown sugar celery salt and black pepper
1 tsp celery salt, plus extra together in a large jug. Pour
to serve over the vodka and tomato
½ tsp freshly ground black juice and stir well.
pepper, plus extra to serve
350ml horseradish vodka, › Divide the Bloody Mary
chilled (see box) equally between clean
About 1 litre good quality glasses, then dress each one
tomato juice, chilled with a celery stick, a sprig
Sticks of leafy, tender celery of thyme, a pinch of celery
Thyme sprigs salt and a twist of black
pepper. Serve at once.
1 m5ins Extracted from: Let’s HOW TO: HORSERADISH
EASY Get Fizzical by Pippa VODKA
Guy, as before
30ml gin METHOD 1 horseradish root
15ml Kümmel › Shake 30ml gin, 15ml 2 thyme sprigs
15ml lemon juice 1 tbsp runny honey
Champagne, to top Kümmel and 15ml of 1 litre good quality vodka
Extras lemon juice over ice.
Silver leaf or edible silver › Strain the mixture into a METHOD
glitter for a sparkly finish martini glass. Top with › To flavour the vodka, peel the horseradish root,
then slice it carefully with a very sharp knife into
long, thin lengths.
› Place the horseradish and sprigs of thyme
into a clean, 1 litre glass bottle. In a small bowl
combine the honey with a splash of vodka and
stir to dissolve. Pour this into the bottle with
the horseradish and thyme and top up with the
remaining vodka Leave the bottle in a dark place
for the vodka to infuse for 3-5 days.
› When you’re ready, pass the vodka through a sieve,
discarding the horseradish and thyme sprigs.
Return the flavoured vodka to the bottle and seal.
It’ll be good for many months.
Party Time
Celebrate in style this festive season
€5.99, Pink
Flamingo €6, Christmas
glass, Spirit tumbler,
€9.99, Glass
shaker with €18, Make Your
metal top, Own Neon Light,
Oliver Bonas
€39 (approx.), Pallo €20.93, Pink
Champagne saucers Flamingo
(set of 4), Oliver party lights,
Bonas, available Rex London
November €125, Top
hat cooler,
€40, Wine Culinary
cooler, M&S Concepts
@ www.
€34, Metallic champagne flutes €14.89, Lick- €3.99, Rose gold
(set of 4), Next a-Bubble edible wine glass, TK
drink bubbles,
€21 (approx.), Shot Maxx
glasses (set of 4),
€4, Unicorn
Next cup, Flying
€31, Cocktail
Shaker, Pretty
Useful Tools @
€17.09, Prosecco Pong,
The Essential
eats for the
Main Eventbigday
GOOSE with honey and
clove sauce
8 1h+r Neven says:
“Although turkey
YOU WILL NEED certainly leaves plenty
for leftovers, for a smaller
1 x 4.5kg oven-ready goose family gathering a roast
1 quantity stuffing
3 tbsp clear honey goose is a special treat
For the honey and clove sauce that’s not to be missed. Just
225ml goose stock or beef stock
4 tbsp clear honey remember that you will
2 tbsp light brown sugar need to order it
in advance.”
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
2 tsp whole cloves
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
› Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark with celeriac and apple
7. Remove any surplus fat from the cavity 6 h1r
of the goose and spoon the stuffing loosely EASY
into the neck end, then fold over the skin
and secure the underside with two skewers. YOU WILL NEED › Drain well (celeriac especially contains a lot
Tie the bird in a neat shape with string, then 500g celeriac, peeled and cubed of liquid). Mash everything - I like to first
sprinkle with salt and put on a large wire 500g mealy potatoes, peeled and cubed mash the celeriac so that I can drain the
rack set in a roasting tin. Roast in the oven 2 apples (Cortland or Braeburn), peeled liquid some more, and then I proceed with
for 30 minutes. and cubed the rest. You can also use a potato ricer.
› Take the goose out of the oven and pour Sea salt and freshly ground black
off any excess fat. Reduce the oven pepper › Season the purée with salt, pepper, and
temperature to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. A pinch of freshly grated nutmeg nutmeg. Fold in the butter and parsley and
Remove the wire rack and put the goose 3 tbsp butter serve, or if you wish to serve it later, let
back in the tin and roast for another hour, 1 tbsp minced fresh flat-leaf parsley, the purée cool completely and keep in the
again pouring off any excess fat after 30 plus some extra for garnish fridge. Use an ice cream scoop to form balls
minutes. Take the goose out of the oven 2 tbsp dry breadcrumbs and place them in a buttered oven dish.
and pour off any last excess fat, then brush Cover until ready to reheat.
all over with the honey. Roast for a final 30 TO PREPARE
minutes, until the juices run clear when the › Bring a pan of water to a boil. Add some METHOD
thickest part of the leg is pierced. A digital › Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas
thermometer pushed into the breast should salt once the water boils and then the
read 65-70°C. Transfer to a platter and leave celeriac and after 15 minutes add the Mark 4. Sprinkle the potato balls with the
to rest for 20 minutes, covered loosely with potatoes and apples. Cook for another breadcrumbs mixed with parsley, salt, and
tin foil. 20 minutes, until everything is tender. pepper. Bake them for about 20 minutes,
› Meanwhile, to make the sauce, put all the until golden brown.
ingredients in a small pan. Bring to the
boil, then reduce the heat and simmer Extracted from: Home Made Christmas by Yvette Van Boven (Abrams, €32.99)
for 5 minutes, until thickened to a sauce
consistency that coats the back of a spoon.
Season and pass through a fine sieve into a
clean pan to reheat gently.
› Carve the goose, stirring any juices into the
sauce. Put on warmed plates with some of
the stuffing and spoon a little of the honey
and clove sauce over.
Extracted from: Neven Maguire’s Perfect
Irish Christmas by Neven Maguire (Gill
Books, €17.99)
CHRISTMAS SALMON METHOD rolling pin into a 30cm square, about the
WELLINGTON thickness of a €1 coin. Pat the salmon fillets
› First prepare the spinach and watercress dry and season them with salt and pepper,
4 h1r for the filling. Rinse the spinach and then place one fillet in the centre of the
MEDIUM watercress well and shake dry. Spear pastry. Spread the salmon and watercress
the garlic clove with a fork. Heat a mixture over, then top with the remaining
YOU WILL NEED well-seasoned sauté or frying pan over a salmon fillet.
100g spinach, thick central stalks medium-high heat, then add a splash of › You now want to completely enclose the
removed oil. When it is hot, add the spinach and fillets in pastry. Use both hands to carefully
100g watercress sprigs watercress with just the water clinging to lift the pastry and fold inwards to meet
1 garlic clove, peeled but left whole the leaves, season with salt and toss with at the top, so both ends just overlap. Trim
Olive oil the garlic clove until the spinach is just off any excess pastry to avoid a layer of
1 shallot, finely chopped wilted. Tip into a sieve and squeeze out unbaked pastry. Brush the edges and
30g cream cheese the excess water, then transfer to a bowl press together firmly to seal. Brush the
2 tsp chopped dill and set aside. pastry on both short ends with beaten egg
1½ tbsp creamed horseradish and press together, again cutting off the
300g puff pastry, thawed if frozen › Wipe out the pan and reheat over a excess pastry. You want about a 0.5cm gap
Plain white flour for dusting medium-high heat, then add another between the edge of the salmon parcel and
2 salmon fillets, about 250g each, splash of oil. Add the shallot with a pinch the pastry seals.
skinned and pin bones removed of salt and sauté for 1 minute before adding › Carefully transfer the salmon parcel to
1 free-range medium egg, beaten the spinach and watercress and mixing the prepared baking sheet, seam side
Sea salt and freshly cracked together. Remove the pan from the heat, down. Brush the pastry all over with
black pepper transfer the spinach mixture to a bowl and the beaten egg and chill for at least 20
leave cool completely. minutes. When you are ready to bake,
Tim says: preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas
“You can get this › When the spinach is cool, stir in the cream Mark 6. Place the baking sheet in the oven
dish prepared in cheese, dill and horseradish and adjust the and bake the salmon wellington for 35
advance, allowing you to seasoning, if necessary. Line a baking sheet minutes or until golden brown. Leave to
relax and enjoy the evening with greaseproof paper and set aside. Make rest for 5 minutes before slicing.
as much as your guests, room in your fridge for the baking sheet.
all you have to do is bake Extracted from: Tom Kitchin’s Fish and
and then carve › Roll out the puff pastry on a very lightly Shellfish by Tom Kitchin (Absolute Press,
floured surface with a lightly floured €36.40)
the salmon.”
Neven says:
“This is a great
vegetarian starter.
It’s worth seeking out
a good quality Irish
goats’ cheese such
as Corleggy or
CRISPY GOATS’ CHEESE with roasted beetroot,
cranberries, watercress and carmelised walnuts
4 1h+r
CREAMED BRUSSELS YOU WILL NEED tray lined with parchment paper for at
SPROUTS with bacon least 30 minutes (or overnight is fine) to
lardons and toasted almonds 50g fresh white breadcrumbs firm up.
2 tbsp fresh flat leaf parsley, finely chopped › To roast the beetroot, preheat the oven
6 m1i5ns 2 tsp toasted pine nuts, finely chopped to 220˚C/425˚F/Gas Mark 7. Put the
EASY 2 tsp sesame seeds beetroot in a roasting tin with the thyme
2 eggs and drizzle over the balsamic vinegar
YOU WILL NEED 50g plain flour and oil. Season, then cover with tin foil
1 bag of brussels sprouts (approximately 450g) 4 x 4cm thick slices of goats’ cheese (from a and roast in the oven for 1 hour, until the
25g butter log with a 7½ cm diameter) beets can be pierced easily with a knife.
110g bacon lardons, preferably smoked Groundnut oil, for deep frying Leave to cool, then cut into quarters and
75g flaked almonds, lightly toasted 100g fresh watercress toss back into the cooking juices.
250ml cream 50g dried cranberries › To caramelise the walnuts, melt
Seasoning Juice of ½ a lemon the butter in a frying pan set over a
For the roasted beetroot medium-high heat. Add the walnuts
METHOD 675g small beetroot, scrubbed and and toss to coat, then drizzle over the
› Trim the brussels sprouts, taking off the tops trimmed (each about 75g) maple syrup and stir for 1-2 minutes,
2 sprigs of fresh thyme until caramelised. Spread on a piece of
rough outer leaves and then thinly slice 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar parchment paper to cool.
them with a sharp knife or preferably put 2 tbsp rapeseed oil, plus extra for › Reduce the oven temperature to
them through the food processor. the dressing 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Heat the
› Meanwhile in a large pan or wok melt the For the caramelised walnuts groundnut oil in a deep-sided pan or
butter and quickly fry the bacon lardons 2 tbsp butter deep fat fryer to 180°C/350°F and cook
until cooked sufficiently. Add the sprouts 100g walnut halves the coated goats’ cheese for 3 minutes,
and toss around in the pan making sure 2 tbsp maple syrup until crisp and golden brown. Drain
that they are well coated and then pour in Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper well, then put on a baking sheet lined
the cream and allow the sprouts to cook in with non-stick baking paper and bake
the cream for approximately 6-8 minutes, METHOD in the oven for another 3-4 minutes to
until softened. › Put the breadcrumbs in a shallow dish completely beat through.
› Season with a little salt and pepper and then › Meanwhile, arrange the watercress on
scatter in the almonds. Serve immediately. and mix with the parsley, nuts, sesame plates with the cranberries and lightly
seeds and seasoning. Beat the eggs in a dress with rapeseed oil and some lemon
Extracted from: Edward Hayden, separate dish and season lightly. Put the juice. Scatter the roasted beetroot on flour on a plate and season. top with the caramelised walnuts and
› Lightly coat the goats’ cheese in the finish each one with a piece of crispy
seasoned flour, then dip into the beaten goats’ cheese.
egg, shaking off any excess. Finally, coat
in the breadcrumb mixture. Chill on a
Extracted from: Neven Maguire’s Perfect Irish Christmas by Neven Maguire, as before
samphire, thyme-infused potato
crisps and Hollandaise sauce
6 m3i0ns
YOU WILL NEED or lemon juice
2 dsp boiling water, if
For the thyme-infused required
potato crisps Ground white pepper
2 potatoes, cut into very For the pan seared
thin circles scallops
50g butter, melted 25g butter
Fresh thyme 18 scallops (I like to
Sea salt remove the orange roe
For the Hollandaise sauce but that’s a personal
11g butter, melted fully choice)
3 large egg yolks 100g samphire
1 tsp white wine vinegar
› Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Slightly
overlap the potatoes and arrange them into square shapes
(approximately 3in squared) onto the parchment paper.
Brush lightly with melted butter and then sprinkle with
some thyme and sea salt. Bake at 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 5
for approximately 12 minutes. Allow to sit for a few minutes
when they come out of the oven to fully set.
› For the Hollandaise, fill a large saucepan of water and keep
it on a very gentle simmer. Begin by fully melting the butter
and then removing it from the heat, keep it warm but not
bubbling (lukewarm is fine). Choose a large spotlessly clean
bowl (either glass or stainless steel) and put the egg yolks in
there with the white wine vinegar or lemon juice.
› Place the bowl over the simmering water and continue
to whisk at all times until the egg yolks become light and
creamy in both colour and consistency. You need to be very
careful at this stage because the line between creamy and
scrambled is indeed very fine. Pour in the melted butter very
slowly while continuing to whisk at all times. It’s a bit of a
balancing act at this stage because you will need to take the
bowl on and off the saucepan whilst whisking in the butter,
but do persevere as the end result is worth it all.
› If after adding all the butter, the sauce is still a little thick
for your liking, whisk in the boiling water. Season to taste. I
find it best to store the sauce for up to 1 hour in a china teapot
kept near the cooker.
› Heat a large pan and add the butter until bubbling. Lay the
scallops out flat on a plate or chopping board. Season the
scallops with a little sauce and black pepper. Toss them into
the pan and cook for 1 minute on either side on a very hot
pan until golden brown. Add in a little more butter now to
get a nice glaze. Add the samphire at this stage also. Allow to
sit for a further moment and prepare to serve.
› Rest the scallops and samphire on the potato crisp squares
on a warmed plate and drizzle the plate with a little of the
Hollandaise sauce. Serve immediately.
Extracted from: Edward Hayden, as before
10 onvigehr-t EASY
1 skin-on pork lion
960ml canola oil or sunflower oil,
plus more for rubbing
Kosher salt and freshly ground
black pepper
3 tbsp garlic powder
Extracted from: Matty METHOD
Matheson: A Cookbook
› With a box cutter, score the skin of the pork
by Matty Matheson loin straight across as thinly as possible all
(Abrams, €32.51) the way down the loin, not too deep - you
want to just score the skin, not the fat. Air-
dry the pork overnight in your refrigerator.
› e next day, preheat the oven to
230°C/450°F/Gas Mark 8. Place the pork loin
on a rack set on a baking sheet. Rub with
oil, salt and the garlic powder. Roast in the
oven. You want it to get golden brown fast,
about 15 minutes, then turn the heat down
to 150°C/300°F/Gas Mark 2 and cook until
a thermometer inserted into the thickest
part of the meat reads 57°C/135°F, about 1
hour. Remove from the oven and let rest,
25-30 minutes.
› In a Dutch oven, heat the oil to 175°C/350°F/
Gas Mark 4. Place the rested pork loin (on
the rack) over the Dutch oven. Now, what
you’re going to do is dangerous, so be very
careful: ladle the hot oil over the skin until
it is fully converted into a perfect pork rind.
It will crackle away and turn into the most
beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. is is
what makes this dish so perfect—the rested
pork loin and the super-crunchy crispy
skin. Slice into half-inch sized (12 mm)
pieces and season with salt and pepper.
ROAST DUCK with Bramley apple
sauce and red cabbage
YOU WILL NEED 1 tbsp sage, freshly chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground
1 x 1.8kg free range duck black pepper
For the stock For the braised red cabbage
Neck and giblets from the duck 225g red cabbage (Red Drummond
1 onion, quartered if possible)
1 carrot, sliced 225g cooking apples, such as
Bouquet garni made of Bramley seedling
parsley stalks ½ tbsp wine vinegar
Small celery stick 60ml water
Sprig of thyme ½ level tsp salt
2-3 pepper corns 1 heaped tbsp granulated sugar
Salt and freshly ground For the Bramley apple sauce
black pepper 450g Bramley seedling cooking
For the sage and onion stuffing apples
45g salted butter 1-2 dsp water approx.
75g onion, finely chopped 50g sugar
100g soft white breadcrumbs
METHOD remove any damaged outer leaves
› Brining the duck in advance of from the cabbage. Examine and
cooking can enhance the flavour clean it if necessary. Cut into
considerably. The day before quarters, remove the core and slice
cooking, brine the duck – mix 105g the cabbage finely across the grain.
salt with 1.2 litres of water and pop Put the vinegar, water, salt and
the bird into the brine. Cover and sugar into a cast-iron casserole or
leave overnight. stainless steel saucepan. Add the
› You’ll need some stock to make cabbage and bring it to the boil.
a flavoursome gravy so use the › Meanwhile, peel and core the
giblets. To make the stock, put the apples and cut into quarters. Lay
neck, gizzard, heart and any other them on top of the cabbage, cover
trimmings from the duck into a and continue to cook gently for
saucepan with the onion, carrot 30-50 minutes until the cabbage
and bouquet garni. Cover with cold is tender. Do not overcook or the
water and add the peppercorns colour and flavour will be ruined.
but no salt. Bring slowly to the boil Season to taste and add more sugar
and simmer for 2-3 hours. This will if necessary.
make a delicious stock which will › To make the Bramley apple sauce,
be the basis of the gravy. peel, quarter and core the apples,
› Meanwhile, singe the duck if cut the pieces in two and put in a
necessary and make the stuffing. small stainless steel or cast-iron
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/ saucepan with water and sugar.
Gas Mark 4. Cover and cook over a low heat.
› To make the stuffing, melt the As soon as the apple has broken
butter then add the onion and down, beat into a purée, stir and
sweat over a gentle heat for 5-10 taste for sweetness.
minutes until soft but not coloured, › When the duck is cooked, remove
add the breadcrumbs and sage. to a serving dish and leave to rest
Season with salt and freshly ground while you make the gravy. De-
pepper to taste. Unless you plan to grease the cooking juices (keep
cook the duck immediately, leave the precious duck fat for roast
the stuffing to cool completely. or sauté potatoes). Add the stock
› Season the cavity of the duck with to the juices in the roasting pan,
Extracted from: Simply salt and freshly ground pepper and bring to the boil, taste and season if
Delicious: The Classic
Collection by Darina spoon in the cold stuffing. Truss the necessary. Strain the gravy into a
Allen (Kyle Books, €25)
duck loosely. Roast in the oven for sauceboat and serve with the duck
about 1½ hours. alongside the braised red cabbage
› For the braised red cabbage, and Bramley apple sauce.
6 h2rs Edward
EASY says: “This is
a nice alternative to
YOU WILL NEED stuffing the entire bird.
The bacon lends great flavour
75g butter
1 small onion, diced to the terrine and because
75g fresh cranberries of the cooked sausage meat
4 tbsp of chopped mixed it cuts quite well after it has
herbs, parsley, sage, been sufficiently rested. Play
thyme etc. around with the flavourings
1 cooking apple, grated or
finely chopped to find your preferred
200g fresh white breadcrumbs
250g sausage meat (approx. 10-12
14-16 rashers of streaky bacon, approx.
› Heat the butter in a medium-sized saucepan
6 m5i5ns
and gently fry off the diced onion for 4-5 EASY
minutes until it has softened but yet not
coloured. At this stage add in the cranberries YOU WILL NEED › Tip the parboiled potatoes into a colander
and the chopped mixed herbs and immediately
turn off the heat. Allow this mixture to cool. 1kg floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper, to drain, then return them to the
› You must be particularly careful about this
stage, particularly if you are preparing the peeled saucepan to steam dry for a few minutes
terrine in advance because this is a critical
stage when it comes to food poisoning. Add 4 tbsp plain flour, or a gluten free flour before sprinkling over the flour.
this ‘buttery onion’ mixture to a large mixing
bowl and add in the grated apple, breadcrumbs 4 tbsp rapeseed oil › Place the lid back on the saucepan and
and sausage meat. Season with salt and pepper.
› Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/ 4 tbsp coconut oil give the pan a good shake for 30 seconds.
Gas Mark 4. Select a 2lb loaf tin and line it
with the rashers of streaky bacon, making 1 tsp sea salt This creates the rough edges on the
sure that there is a on overhang of the bacon
at both sides so as to close in and encase the 1 tsp cracked black pepper potatoes which is key to getting nice
terrine at a later stage. Push the stuffing into
the bacon-lined loaf tin and then encase the 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary crispy roasties.
stuffing with the bacon overhang. Bake in the
oven for 1¼ hours, and then check to make 3 shallots, peeled and quartered › Pour the oils into a deep-sided, non-stick,
sure it is cooked by inserting a knife into the
centre. The juices should be clear and the knife 4 garlic cloves metal baking tray and set on your hob
should feel hot.
› Sometimes it is nice at this stage to invert the METHOD over a very low heat. Add the potatoes
terrine onto a baking tray to crisp it all up before it gets hot and allow the potatoes to
around the edges. Slice and serve alongside the
moist turkey. › First up, preheat your oven to colour a little bit, turning them often, for
Extracted from: Edward Hayden, as before 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Cut your around 3 minutes. Season the potatoes,
potatoes into similar-sized pieces, pop and add the rosemary, shallots and garlic
them into a large saucepan filled with to the tray.
water and add a pinch of salt. Cover the › Once they are lightly golden, transfer the
saucepan and place it over a high heat. tray to the oven for 35 minutes, or until
› Bring to the boil and cook for 4-5 minutes, the potatoes are crispy and golden.
or until the potatoes just start to soften on I usually turn my roasties half way
the outsides. through cooking.
Extracted from: Vegan Christmas by Gaz Oakley (Quadrille, €21)
with sage and onion stuffing
CHRISTMAS 12 h4rs Edward says:
EASY “You just can’t beat
the traditional Christmas
YOU WILL NEED Seasoning turkey. Everyone’s perspective
For the turkey is different with regard to the
For the stuffing 4.5kg turkey stuffing but I think it is fine to stuff
75g butter 6 rashers bacon the actual bird. However, I would
1 medium onion, diced Additional ingredients remind you to ensure that the
1 cooking apple, grated 75g softened butter turkey is completely cold before
or finely chopped 1 tbsp of chopped mixed you stuff the bird (unless you
3 tbsp chopped parsley herbs, parsley, sage, are cooking the turkey
1 tbsp chopped sage thyme etc.
350g fresh white 1 glass white wine immediately).”
› Heat the butter in a medium sized saucepan and
gently fry off the diced onion and apple for 4-5
minutes until it has softened but yet not coloured. At
this stage add in the chopped parsley and sage and
immediately turn off the heat. Allow this mixture
to cool. Add this ‘buttery onion’ mixture to a large
mixing bowl and add in the breadcrumbs Season with
salt and pepper.
› Preheat the oven to 200˚C/400˚F/Gas Mark 6. Using
some cold, damp kitchen paper, wipe out the cavity
of the turkey. Line the cavity with baking parchment
and loosely pack the stuffing into the bird. Now weigh
the turkey again, once it has been stuffed to get a true
estimation of the cooking time.
› Put the turkey onto a large roasting tray. Mix the
remaining butter and the mixed herbs together.
› Gently manoeuvre your hand under the skin of the
turkey and spread the softened herb butter on the
flesh, trying to get it spread evenly over the breasts.
Lay the streaky rashers of bacon across the buttered
turkey breasts to protect the meat and prevent it from
drying out.
› Place a long piece of tin foil in the roasting tray facing
north to south, with another long piece going from
east to west. Place the turkey in the middle of this,
pour the wine on top and tent the tin foil around
the turkey to cover it. This will allow the turkey to
partially steam during the cooking process, thus
resulting in a wonderfully moist bird. Put the turkey
into the oven at this stage to begin cooking.
› After the first hour reduce the temperature to
150˚C/300˚F/Gas Mark 2. Allocate 20 minutes per
pound and then an additional 20-30 minutes in the
oven. In total it should take about 3½-4 hours. When a
skewer is inserted into the meat nearest the bone (i.e.
the leg) the juices should run completely clear and the
leg, when pulled, should feel loose and ready to fall
away. I normally peel back the tin foil for the last hour
of the cooking process to allow it to brown up. Allow
the meat to rest when it comes out of the oven and
carve as required.
Extracted from: Edward Hayden, as before
VEGETABLES IN A says: “Vegetarians
PASTRY LATTICE at Christmas often
appear to be the poor
6 30 relation but with this
mins recipe they will be well
YOU WILL NEED strips. Dice the ginger, of the egg and milk
1½ mixed peppers, sliced thinly garlic and chillies together. beaten together. Once the
1 carrot › Heat a large wok with a vegetables have cooled,
½ courgette little sunflower oil. Add place along the centre of
6 mushrooms the garlic, ginger and the roll of pastry.
1 red onion chillies and cook over a › Using a sharp knife cut
2.5cm root ginger low heat to allow the oil some diagonal incisions
2 garlic cloves to become infused with along the edge of the
½ red chilli, very finely diced their flavour. remaining pastry and
3 tbsp sweet chilli relish › Next add the thinly sliced wrap over the vegetables
1 roll puff pastry vegetables and allow to in a criss-cross fashion.
Sunflower oil cook for 3-4 minutes on a › Brush some more egg
For the glaze high heat until they are all wash lightly over the top of
1 egg nicely glazed. the pastry to help achieve
2 tbsp milk › Add the sweet chilli relish a golden brown effect.
and immediately turn › Bake for approximately 20
METHOD off the heat and transfer minutes, until the pastry
› Preheat the oven to the vegetable stir-fry to a is well-risen and golden
clean bowl. brown. Serve with a large
190°C/375°F/Gas Mark › Unroll the puff pastry salad and a little additional
5. Thinly slice all the and brush with a mixture chilli relish.
vegetables into long thin
Extracted from: Edward Hayden, as before
DESSERTS DDesesliecriotsus
Decadent treats
to wow family
and friends
YOU WILL NEED 4 tbsp kirsch/cherry brandy/ rum 61
(optional) hr
For the cakes 4 tbsp maple syrup EASY
400g white flour For the coconut cream
40g cacao powder 2 x 400ml tins of full-fat coconut YOU WILL NEED For the filling
2 tsp baking powder milk 2 large cooking apples,
½ tsp salt 1 tbsp maple syrup 275g plain flour peeled, cored and sliced
400ml maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp icing sugar 4 tbsp caster sugar
125ml rice milk/milk of choice For the topping 140g unsalted butter, 1 cinnamon stick
300ml vegetable oil 50g dark chocolate chilled and diced 2 eating apples, peeled, cored
1 tbsp vanilla extract 100g fresh cherries (if none 3-4 tbsp chilled water and thinly sliced
For the jam/kirsch syrup available, use another tin of black 1 egg, beaten 2 tbsp semolina
1 x 450g tin black cherries, stoned cherries, for garnish) 2 tsp caster sugar
2 tbsp cornflour
› Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Line two 23cm spring form tins › Put the flour and icing sugar in a large bowl and mix
with baking parchment. to combine. Add the butter and use your fingertips
› In a large bowl, sieve the flour, cacao, baking powder and salt to avoid any to rub it in until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.
Add the water, a couple of teaspoons at a time,
lumps and mix. In a separate bowl mix the wet ingredients – the maple mixing between each addition, until you’ve added
syrup, rice milk, vegetable oil and vanilla. just enough to bring the pastry together. Gently
› Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, pour in the wet ingredients knead the pastry into a ball, then wrap it in cling film
and mix – it should result in a wet brownie batter that is super tasty. and chill for 30 minutes to rest.
› Divide the cake batter between the two prepared tins and bake in the › Meanwhile, make the filling. Place the cooking apple
preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. Test to see if the cake bases are slices in a pan along with the caster sugar, cinnamon
cooked by inserting a knife or fork into the middle – it should come out stick and 3 tablespoons of water. Cook, stirring
clean, but if there is cake batter sticking to it, it needs more time in the occasionally, over a medium heat, until the apples
oven. Repeat until the knife/fork comes out clean. Remove from the begin to fall but still hold their shape. Transfer the
oven and leave to cool completely. apples to a clean bowl, discarding the cinnamon stick
› While the cakes are in the oven, start the cherry jam and coconut cream. and allow to cool.
› Drain the tinned cherries, ensuring you keep all the syrup. In a blender, › Heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Remove
blend half the drained cherries from the can with 120ml of the cherry the pastry from the fridge and divide into 2 pieces,
syrup from the tin, 2 tablespoons of cornflour, 2 tablespoons of kirsch/ roughly two-thirds and one-third . Place the larger
cherry brandy/rum and 4 tablespoons of maple syrup to make a cherry piece on a lightly floured worktop and roll out to
jam. Blend untill smooth, then pour into a saucepan, bring to the boil and 2-3mm thick. Use this pastry sheet to line the base
let it reduce for 10 minutes, until it becomes jam-like. Pour into a bowl of a 24cm pie plate, then roll out the smaller pastry to
and leave to cool and thicken. 2-3mm thick to form the pie lid.
› Now make the cream. Open both tins of coconut milk and scoop off the › Sprinkle the semolina over the pastry base. Mix the
coconut cream from the top, leaving the water behind. Put the cream into a sliced eating apples with the cooled apple filling and
mixing bowl and whisk together with the maple syrup and vanilla extract. tip the apple mixture onto the pie base, spreading it out
Set aside until you are ready to assemble your gâteau. evenly leaving a ring of pastry around the edge.
› Mix 4 tablespoons of the cherry syrup from the tin with the remaining › Brush the edges of the pie with beaten egg, then
2 tablespoons of kirsch in a jug. Lightly pierce the two cake bases with a cover with the lid. Crimp the edges using the tines
skewer, then pour the cherry/kirsch liquid evenly over the top of both of a fork to press down on the pastry rim, then trim
cakes. Leave them to cool fully. away any excess. Brush the top of the pie with more
› Once fully cooled, spread the cherry jam on top of one of the cakes. Next, beaten egg, then sprinkle with the 2 teaspoons of
layer on the rest of the tinned cherries and lastly spread over half the caster sugar. Make 3 small slits in the top of the pie
coconut cream. to let the steam out.
› Carefully place the second cake on top and cover with the remaining › Bake the pie for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown.
coconut cream. With a microplane grater or fine grater, grate some chocolate Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 15 minutes
on top. Decorate with cherries and enjoy this wonderful cake. before serving.
Extracted from: The Happy Pear: Recipes for Happiness by David and Extracted from: The Great British Bake Off: Get Baking For
Stephen Flynn (Penguin Ireland, €26.60) Friends and Family by The Bake Off Team (Sphere, €28)
DESSERTS 6 1 hr METHOD to the freezer until hard.
EASY › While the damson filling is freezing,
› Brush six dariole or pudding moulds
YOU WILL NEED evenly with softened butter. Place on a melt the butter and chocolate together
For the damson filling baking tray and chill the moulds for 10 in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of
300g damsons minutes in the fridge, until the butter simmering water (make sure the bottom of
2 tbsp (heaped) caster has set. Once set, brush them again with the bowl doesn’t touch the water), stirring
sugar softened butter and dust the insides with regularly. While the chocolate is melting,
For the chocolate fondant the cocoa powder, tapping out any excess whisk the whole eggs, egg yolks and sugar
250g unsalted butter, powder that hasn’t stuck. Chill the moulds in a stand mixer, fitted with the whisk
plus extra softened butter again until required. attachment on high speed until pale, light,
for greasing fluffy and quadrupled in size.
3 tbsp cocoa powder, plus › To make the damson filling, put the › Transfer the mixture to a bowl and gently
extra for dusting damsons and 100ml water in a medium, fold the melted butter and chocolate
250g dark chocolate (60 heavy-based saucepan and bring to the mixture through the eggs. Once fully
per cent cocoa solids), boil over a medium heat. Reduce the heat incorporated, sift in the flour and fold
broken into pieces to a simmer and cook the fruit for through again. Put the fondant mixture in
5 eggs, plus 5 egg yolks 10-12 minutes. Strain the cooked damsons the fridge for 10 minutes and preheat the
125g caster sugar through a fine sieve into a clean, oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.
100g plain flour heavy-based saucepan, pushing as much › Keeping the moulds on the tray, pour
of the pulp as you can through the sieve, 50-60g of the chilled fondant mixture
Extracted from: Rogan: The using the back of a spoon or ladle. Discard into the bottom of each chilled mould,
Cookbook by Simon Rogan the damson stones. gently add one frozen damson cube and
(Harper Collins, €42) cover each cube with 50-60g of fondant
› Add the sugar to the damson juice and mixture. Bake the fondants for 12-13
cook over a low-medium heat for minutes, then remove from the oven and
15-20 minutes until the mixture has the allow to sit in the mould for 2 minutes,
consistency of jam. Remove from the heat before turning out on to plates.
and allow to cool slightly.
› Divide the damson mixture between six
holes in a 20ml ice-cube tray and transfer
6 1h+r
6 5h+r MEDIUM
YOU WILL NEED 1 tsp ground cinnamon YOU WILL NEED and keep going to roll up the tea towel
½ tsp sea salt avoid any lumps. inside the pastry too.
100g sultanas 75g demerara or coconut For the choux pastry The mixture should Leave for 20 minutes
100g dried mixed peel sugar 200ml water look smooth and be to cool.
100g chopped dates 2 tbsp black treacle 85g unsalted butter, plus coming away from › To make the éclair
50g dried cherries (molasses) extra the sides of the pan roll filling, whip the
25g crystallised ginger, 1 Braeburn apple, grated for greasing as you mix it. cream to soft peaks
chopped 115g vegan spread, plus 1 tbsp caster sugar › Take off the heat. with the icing sugar
120ml rum or brandy extra for greasing A pinch of salt Add the eggs a little and vanilla bean
Juice of 1 orange 45g breadcrumbs 115g plain flour, sifted at a time, mixing paste.
Zest and juice of 1 lemon 95g plain flour 3 medium eggs, beaten after each addition. › For the ganache,
1 bay leaf ½ tsp baking powder For the filling The mixture will chop the dark
1 tsp ground nutmeg 300ml whipping cream look like it is chocolate and put it
1 tsp ground mixed spice 2 tbsp icing sugar separating, but keep into a bowl. Warm
1 tsp vanilla bean paste mixing and it will the cream in a small
METHOD 4 tbsp salted caramel come together.Keep pan, being careful
For the ganache going until all the not to let it boil. As
› The day before, put the dried fruit plus the alcohol, 200g dark chocolate eggs are used and soon as it just begins
orange and lemon juice and the bay leaf into a large 100ml double cream the dough is smooth. to come to the boil,
bowl. Stir well to mix, cover and leave for at least 100g milk chocolate, › Pour the mixture take it off the heat
12 hours to plump up. shaved into the centre of the and pour it onto the
prepared tray. Using chocolate. Mix well
› The next day, grease a 1 litre pudding bowl with METHOD an offset spatula or until the chocolate
vegan spread, then line the base with a circle of › Preheat the oven the back of a spoon, has melted
greaseproof paper to ensure the pudding comes spread the mixture completely.
out once cooked. to 200°C/400°F/ into a rectangle › Unroll the pastry
Gas Mark 6. Lightly shape, roughly 20cm and spread the
› Remove the bay leaf from the fruit. Add the lemon grease a baking x 30cm. Wet your cream all over.
zest, spices, salt, sugar, treacle and apple and mix. tray and line it with fingers and pat down Drizzle over the
Stir in the vegan spread and breadcrumbs. Sift in baking paper. any peaks that may salted caramel.
the flour and baking powder and fold in. Spoon the › To make the pastry, have formed, then Re-roll the pastry,
mixture into the pudding bowl, leaving a 2.5cm put the water, butter, pop it into the oven starting from the
gap at the top. Cover with greaseproof paper, then sugar and salt into a for 30 minutes. shorter end as
a sheet of foil and tie with cook’s string. pan on a medium- › Have a clean tea before (this time
high heat. Just towel ready for don’t wrap up the
› Put an upturned ramekin in the bottom of barely bring to the when you take out tea towel).
a saucepan. Sit the pudding on top, then pour in boil so the sugar and the pastry. Take it › Put the roll on a
boiling water half way up the sides of the pudding. butter dissolve. Once out of the oven and serving plate and
Cover and simmer over they have dissolved, turn it out on to the spread the ganache
a low heat for 5 hours, topping up the water when turn the heat down tea towel. Roll up on top. Sprinkle over
needed. Lift the pudding out and leave to cool. You and drop the flour the pastry from the the shavings of milk
can store it for up to a month before serving. in quickly in one go. shorter end, using chocolate and leave
Stir straight away the tea towel to in the fridge when
› To serve, steam again in the same way for 30 help – being sure to you are not eating it.
minutes. Add 2 shots of vegan-friendly brandy to a
saucepan and heat over a low heat for 2 minutes.
› Light the brandy with a match, then carefully pour
over the pudding for that festive flame.
Extracted from: Vegan Christmas by Gaz Oakley Extracted from: Nadiya’s Family Favourites by Nadiya Hussain
(Quadrille, €21) (Michael Joseph, €28)
Neven Maguire’s
6 h1r Perfect Irish
EASY Christmas by Neven
Maguire (Gill Books,
200g Madeira cake, broken into pieces
300ml cream
Toasted flaked almonds, to decorate
Pomegranate seeds, to decorate
Spun sugar, to decorate (optional)
For the custard
300ml milk
100ml cream
½ vanilla pod, split in half lengthways
and seeds scraped out
5 egg yolks
4 tbsp caster sugar
2 tsp cornflour
For the fruit
100ml sweet sherry
100g caster sugar
½ vanilla pod, split in half lengthways
and seeds scraped out
1 x 500g bag of frozen fruits of the forest
› To make the custard, put the milk, cream and
vanilla pod and seeds in a heavy-based pan set
over a gentle heat and cook until it nearly reaches
the boil – but don’t allow to boil. Meanwhile, put
the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a large bowl
and whisk together until pale and thickened.
› Remove the hot milk and cream mixture from
the heat and slowly whisk it into the egg mixture
through a fine sieve until smooth. Discard the
vanilla pod, pour back into the pan, then set over
a gentle heat. Cook, without allowing it to boil,
until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon,
stirring continuously. Remove from the heat and
leave to cool, covered with a piece of cling film
pressed directly on the surface of the custard to
prevent a skin from forming on top.
› Meanwhile, prepare the fruit. Put the sherry in
a large pan with the sugar and vanilla seeds and
bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for
4-5 minutes, until syrupy, stirring occasionally.
Stir in the frozen fruits of the forest and set aside
until cooled, stirring occasionally. The fruits
should defrost naturally in the hot syrup but still
hold their shape.
› Scatter the Madeira cake over the base of a 1.5 litre
glass serving bowl. Spoon over the fruit and cover
with the cooled custard. Chill for 1 hour, until the
custard sets a little firmer, or up to 24 hours is fine.
› When ready to serve, whip the cream in a bowl until
you have achieved soft peaks. Put spoonfuls on top
of the custard, then gently spread with a palette
knife or the back of a spoon to cover the custard
completely (or you can use a piping bag). Sprinkle
over the toasted flaked almonds and pomegranate
seeds and decorate with some spun sugar if liked,
then place straight on the table to serve.
8-10 h1r METHOD doesn’t move, then spread the top with a little more
frosting. Cover with more frosting, then top with
EASY › Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Line the remaining cake, flipping it over so that the
two 20cm non-stick cake tins with non-stick flat side of the cake is now at the top, giving a good
YOU WILL NEED baking paper. Cream the sugar and butter together flat base for the frosting.
in a large bowl with a wooden spoon (or using an › Lightly press the cake layers together, then use
350g light electric mixer) until light and fluffy. a palette knife to spread the remaining frosting
muscovado sugar evenly over the top and sides of the cake so that the
200g butter, softened › Add the vanilla seeds or extract along with the sides are nice and straight and the top is flat. I like to
Seeds of ½ vanilla coffee essence (if using) and 2 of the eggs, then beat do a thin layer first, which is called the crumb layer.
pod or like mad again. Add another 2 eggs and continue to If you have room in your freezer, place the cake in
½ tsp vanilla extract beat. e mixture may look less than perfect at this the freezer for 10 minutes for the layer to firm up.
1 tbsp coffee essence, stage, but keep going and it will come good. Add › Take the cake out of the freezer and add another,
(optional) the last 2 eggs and beat well again. thicker layer of frosting. Have a good play around
6 eggs, at room with the knife so that the frosting is really
temperature › Sift together the flour, cocoa powder and baking smooth. Sometimes it helps to run the palette
300g self-raising powder. Using a large metal spoon, fold the dry knife under the warm tap and then carry on
flour ingredients into the creamed mixture in alternate smoothing the frosting. Leave to set a little while
50g good quality batches with the crème fraîche. Mix well between you make the ganache drizzle.
cocoa powder each addition, scraping down the sides of the bowl › Heat the cream in a pan but don’t boil it. You want
½ tsp baking powder with a rubber spatula. it to be just steaming. Take the pan off the heat
200g crème fraîche, and add the chocolate, leaving it to melt for a few
at room temperature › Using the spatula, divide the batter evenly between minutes. Stir the chocolate gently and let it cool
For the chocolate the prepared tins, smoothing down the tops. Bake down a little.
frosting in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until the cakes are › Pour the chocolate ganache over the cake so that it
100g plain chocolate, springy to the touch and a skewer inserted into drizzles in a nice smooth layer all over the top and
broken into squares the middle of each one of them comes out clean. comes nicely down the sides of the cake. Leave to
350g icing sugar, Cool for 5 minutes in the tins, then turn out onto a set at room temperature for at least
sifted wire rack and leave to cool fully. e cakes must be 1 hour or overnight is fine. Serve with a flourish.
175g butter, softened completely cool before you ice them, otherwise the
2 tbsp cream icing will melt. Extracted from: Neven Maguire’s Home
Economics for Life by Neven Maguire (Gill
For the chocolate › When the cakes have cooled down completely, Books, €22.99)
ganache make the chocolate frosting. Melt the chocolate in a
150ml cream heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water,
150g plain chocolate, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch
broken into squares the water. Leave to cool a little, then mix with the
rest of the chocolate frosting ingredients.
› Place one of the cakes on a plate or cake stand
with a blob of frosting underneath so that the cake
12 h1r
YOU WILL NEED 300g good quality
white chocolate
200g pecans 1 tsp vanilla
200g hazelnuts extract
175g unsalted 1 tsp ground
butter, melted cardamom
2 pinches sea salt 250g raspberries
250g mascarpone
100ml double
› Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas
Mark 4. Spread both the pecans and
hazelnuts out on a baking tray and
roast for about 15 minutes until nicely
golden. Remove and set aside to cool.
› Place half the nuts in a food prossessor
and blitz to a fine powder, then put
into a bowl. Blitz the rest of the nuts
to a rough crumb, then mix with
the powdered nuts. Add the melted
butter and a pinch of sea salt and stir
to combine. Tip the mixture into a
23cm loose-bottomed tart tin and
press firmly up the sides and into the
bottom of the tin. You want the base to
be crunchy and quite thin, rather than
a thick crust. Chill in the fridge while
you get on with the filling.
› Put the mascarpone, double cream,
white chocolate, vanilla and
cardamom into a pan and warm over a
low heat, stirring all the time to let the
chocolate melt, then add a pinch of salt
and remove from the heat.
› Pour the chocolate mixture into the
base. Return to the fridge and leave to
set for about 1 hour.
› Put the raspberries into a sieve
suspended over a bowl. Use a spoon
to press the raspberries through
the sieve, leaving the seeds behind
in the sieve. Once done, take the
nearly-set tart out of the fridge and
use a teaspoon to dot blobs of the
raspberry purée over the tart. Turn
the teaspoon over and drag the dots a
little to create a pretty, swirled effect.
Return to the fridge for another 2
hours to set completely.
Extracted from: A Love of Eating: Recipes
from Tart London by Lucy Carr-Ellison
and Jemima Jones (Square Peg, €35)
4+ 1h+r
565ml double cream
100g caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
6 egg yolks
A sprinkle of caster sugar, to finish
› Preheat your oven to 150°C/300°F/Gas
Mark 2. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise
and place into a thick-bottomed pot
with the cream and slowly heat up.
› Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together
until the yolks lighten.
› Now add half of the warm cream to the
egg yolk mix stirring with a wire whisk
as you go, and then pour this mixture
into the rest of the cream. Place in little
ramekins or a dish and then put onto a
shallow tray. If you’re using little dishes,
you’ll need about six for this recipe.
Carefully fill the tray with water.
› Place the tray into the oven for 30-40
minutes until the puddings have set.
Once cool, put into the fridge until they
are needed.
› To create the topping, sprinkle a thin
layer of caster sugar on top of the
set brûlée. You now have a couple of
options on how to melt it. I like to use a
blowtorch. Or you can use a brûlée iron
if you have one or place under a very
hot grill.
› Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and
place into a thick-bottomed pot with
the cream and slowly heat up. Whisk
the egg yolks and sugar together until
the yolks lighten.
› As the cream comes to the boil add half
the boiling cream to the egg yolk mix.
en pour this mixture into the rest of
the cream and put back onto the stove.
› You now have to be very careful.
Keep stirring the mix until it starts
to thicken. You will notice it start to
resemble thin custard.
› Once it coats the back of the spoon pour
the mixture into a large jug or bowl.
is instantly stops the cooking.
› Pour this mixture into your ramekins or
dish. Once it’s cool put into the fridge to
set. To glaze see step above.
Extracted from: Kitchen Essentials: The Joy of
Home Cooking by Gary Maclean (Black and
White Publishing, €24)
8 1h+r
YOU WILL NEED METHOD trim them to fit into the 20cm tin.
3 large egg whites Place one meringue disc in the
¼ tsp cream of tartar › Heat the oven to 160°C/325°F/ base of the tin.
175g caster sugar Gas Mark 3. First, make the › Cover the meringue base with
1kg vanilla ice cream meringue. Whisk the egg whites half the vanilla ice cream, then
500g raspberry in a stand mixer with the cream cover the vanilla ice cream with
sorbet of tartar until they form soft all the raspberry sorbet, in an
250ml double cream, peaks. Add the caster sugar one even layer. Use the remaining
whipped tablespoon at a time, making sure vanilla ice cream to cover the
1 tsp vanilla paste the sugar is fully incorporated raspberry sorbet forming a third
About 80g before adding the next spoonful. layer. Top this with the other
raspberries, to Once you have used up all the meringue disc. Place the vacherin
decorate sugar, whisk until the meringue in the freezer for at least
Extras is thick, glossy and forms stiff 1 hour.
2 baking sheets lined peaks. › Remove the vacherin from the
with baking paper freezer 20 minutes before serving.
drawn with 2 x 20cm › Using the 20cm circles on the To help free the vacherin from the
circles baking paper as a guide, spread tin, wrap a hot cloth around the
20cm spring form tin half the meringue on each sheet sides for a few minutes. Transfer
of baking paper, to form two to a serving plate.
Extracted from: The circles. Smooth each surface with › To finish, mix the whipped
Great British Bake a palette knife and place the trays cream with the vanilla
Off: Get Baking For in the oven to bake the meringues paste, then spread or pipe
Friends and Family for 1 hour, until crisp. Turn off the the flavoured cream over the
by The Bake Off oven, and without opening the uppermost meringue. Decorate
Team, as before oven door, leave the meringues to with raspberries and serve
cool in the oven for 1 hour. straightaway.
› Once cooled, remove the
meringues from the oven and
8 h1r
YOU WILL NEED decorate (optional)
For the marzipan
50g butter buttercream
100ml milk 73g marzipan (at least
A pinch of ground 50 per cent almonds),
saffron grated
4 eggs 300g icing sugar
325g caster sugar 150g butter, softened
300g plain flour A few tbsp milk,
2 tsp baking powder (optional)
1 tsp vanilla sugar or Freshly squeezed lemon
extract juice, (optional)
½ tsp salt Extras
50g Greek yoghurt, or 3 x 18cm round cake tins
Frosted redcurrants, to
Extracted from: METHOD
Christmas: Recipes › Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.
and Traditions from Grease and line three 18cm diameter round
Scandinavia by Brontë cake pans. You can use larger cake pans, but
Aurell (Ryland, Peters your cake will be wider and not as tall. Melt
and Small, €23.79) the butter in a saucepan, add the milk and
saffron and set aside to infuse.
› Whisk the eggs and sugar together until thick
and fluffy. Mix the dry ingredients together,
then sift into the sugar mixture and fold in. Add
the yogurt and the saffron milk to the mixture
and fold again until fully incorporated.
› Pour the batter into the prepared pans, dividing
it evenly, and bake in the preheated oven for
around 12-14 minutes or until a skewer inserted
into the centre comes out clean. Saffron is quite
drying, so take care not to over-bake. Every
oven varies, so keep an eye on the cakes. Leave
the layers to cool in the pans while you make
the buttercream. Add a few tablespoons of
boiling water to the marzipan and mix it with
a fork to melt it slightly (this avoids lumps of
marzipan in the buttercream). Using an electric
beater, in a bowl mix the sugar and butter on
high speed and add the marzipan. You may
need to add a bit of milk, too. Beat and allow
to fluff up for several minutes on high speed. If
you feel it is too sweet, add a few drops of lemon
juice or similar.
› Remove the cakes from the pans and peel off the
paper. Place the first layer of cake on the serving
plate, then add a layer of the buttercream.
Repeat until you have used all three layers. You
can leave the cake naked and just decorate the
top with the remaining buttercream or you
can use the buttercream to give a light coating
all around the sides, as shown here, for a very
frosty-looking cake. I like to decorate it with
frosted redcurrants for that festive snowy look.
YOU WILL NEED For the cream filling
320ml coconut cream
For the doughnut 1 shot Baileys Almande or
profiteroles vegan liqueur, (optional)
120ml almond milk 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
5 tbsp vegan spread 2 tbsp icing sugar
250g plain flour, plus extra For the chocolate sauce
for dusting 300ml almond milk
2 tsp baking powder 3 tbsp agave nectar
Pinch of sea salt 100g dairy-free dark
50g icing sugar chocolate, finely chopped
1.5 litre vegetable oil, for For the sugar string
frying 200g caster sugar
38 WOMAN’S WAY COOKBOOK | WINTER 2018 › First up, make the doughnut profiteroles. Put the
milk and vegan spread in a small saucepan over
a low heat to melt and mix together. Combine all
the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, then pour
in the melted spread and milk and mix with a
spatula until it forms a wet dough. Lightly flour
your hands and your work surface. Pick up around
2 tablespoons of dough at a time and roll it in your
hands to form neat balls.
› Line a baking tray with kitchen paper and preheat a
deep-fat fryer to 170°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3 or half fill
a large saucepan with the vegetable oil and set over
a medium heat. Test if it’s hot enough by carefully
dropping in a little piece of dough – if it bubbles and
floats to the surface, the oil is ready.
› Fry 3-4 balls at a time for 3-4 minutes, or until
golden brown. You may need to flip them over half
way through cooking. When cooked, lift them out
of the oil using a slotted spoon, gently shaking off
excess oil, and transfer the profiteroles straight onto
the lined tray and set aside to cool.
› To make the whipped cream, put all the ingredients
in a mixing bowl and whisk together until thick and
creamy. Set aside until you’re ready to serve.
› To make the chocolate sauce, pour the milk and
agave nectar into a saucepan and place over a
low heat to warm gradually. Meanwhile, tip the
chopped chocolate into a mixing bowl. When the
milk is piping hot, pour it over the chocolate, stir
until smooth and the chocolate has melted.
› Cut the profiteroles in half lengthways. Pipe or
spoon generous amounts of the cream onto the
bottom halves and stick the tops back on.
› Before serving, melt the caster sugar in a heavy-
based pan until golden. Stack your profiteroles
on a serving plate then drizzle over the chocolate
sauce. Finally, using a spoon, spin the melted
sugar around the stack. Be extremely careful as
the sugar will be hot.
Extracted from: Vegan Christmas by Gaz Oakley,
as before
10 1h+r EASY
YOU WILL NEED To decorate
75g desiccated coconut
175g butter, softened, plus 400g marzipan
extra for greasing A few drops of red food
175g caster sugar colouring
3 eggs A few drops of black food
225g self-raising flour colouring
2 tbsp milk Icing sugar, for dusting
For the buttercream A small handful of
225g icing sugar, sifted sultanas
75g butter, softened 1 glacé cherry
2 tbsp milk
› Preheat the oven to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3.
Grease one 200ml metal or Pyrex pudding basin
and one 600ml metal or Pyrex pudding basin
with butter.
› Using a hand-held electric mixer, beat the
butter and sugar together until they are soft and
fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then fold in
the flour. Stir in the milk to make a cake batter
with a soft consistency.
› Put one-quarter of the cake batter into the small
greased pudding basin and put the rest into the
large one. Put the cakes in the oven and bake the
smaller one for 40 minutes, until golden brown
and a skewer pushed right into the centre comes
out clean. The larger cake will take about 1 hour
and 10 minutes.
› To make the buttercream, whisk all the
ingredients together until you have a smooth
icing. Cover with cling film and set aside at room
temperature until needed.
› Leave the cakes to cool in the basins, then turn
out onto a clean board. Cut a thin slice from the
side of each basin cake to make a flat base. Cut a
similar slice from the opposite side of the larger
cake. If you want to ensure that the cake is going
to be really secure while you decorate it, use a
20cm wooden skewer to make a hole in the head
and body, then position it so that it holds the body
and head together securely.
› Put a small amount of the buttercream on a
25cm round cake board and use the rest to coat
the snowman completely. Gently rough it up
with a knife, then dust with the coconut, gently
brushing away any excess.
› Colour one-quarter of the marzipan with the
red food colouring and roll it out on a clean work
surface lightly dusted with icing sugar. Using a
small sharp knife, cut into a scarf that can be tied
around the snowman’s neck. Colour the rest of
the marzipan with the black food colouring and
shape it into a hat and two eyes. Use the glacé
cherry for a nose. This will keep well for up to two
days if stored in a cool, dark place before serving.
Extracted from: Neven Maguire’s Perfect Irish
Christmas by Neven Maguire, as before
Tasty ideas for special diets
8 1h+r FREE
YOU WILL NEED 125g icing sugar EGG &
150ml double cream DAIRY
300g gluten free For the topping FREE
digestive-type 100g dark
biscuits chocolate, 70 per
150g unsalted cent cocoa solids,
butter, melted finely chopped
1 x 340g jar of 100ml double cream
gluten free crunchy Extras
peanut butter 25cm non-stick
280g cream cheese spring form cake tin
2 tsp vanilla bean
› In a food processor, blitz the biscuits to a
fine crumb. Combine the biscuit crumbs 25 30 EASY METHOD
with the melted butter, then use the mins
mixture to line the bottom and halfway up › Heat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Sift
the sides of the tin. Place in the fridge for YOU WILL NEED the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder
30-40 minutes until set and hard. into a mixing bowl and then stir in the salt
50g cocoa powder and sugar.
› Put the peanut butter, cream cheese, vanilla 175g plain white flour (or white spelt)
bean paste and icing sugar into a food 1 tsp baking powder › Gently whisk the oil and warm coffee or water
processor and whizz until fully combined. ¼ tsp sea salt flakes in a measuring jug, then whisk in the vinegar.
Alternatively you can use an electric hand 175g golden caster sugar Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl with the
whisk for this. 125ml light olive oil or sunflower oil dry ingredients and stir well until thoroughly
150ml warm coffee or water combined. Add the chocolate chips or chopped
› In a separate large bowl, whisk the double 1½ tbsp cider vinegar chocolate and stir until evenly distributed.
cream until soft peaks appear. Take a 100g dark chocolate chips or chopped
tablespoon of the peanut butter mixture dark chocolate › Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin,
and, using a spatula, gently fold into the 50g pecan or walnut halves spreading it evenly, and making sure the
cream, trying to retain as much air in the Icing sugar, for dusting (optional) corners are properly filled. Scatter the nuts
mix as possible. Repeat until all of the Extras over the top, then bake for 25 minutes, or until
peanut butter mixture is incorporated into 20.5cm square brownie tin or shallow a skewer inserted at a mid-point between the
the cream. square cake tin, oiled and base lined sides and the centre of the brownie comes
with baking paper out just clean (you’re aiming for a squidgy
› Add the mix on top of the crumbed biscuit brownie, rather than a dry one).
base, being careful not to disturb the sides.
Place in the fridge and chill for 2–3 hours › Remove from the oven, place the tin on a wire
until set. You can freeze this now or keep it rack and leave the brownie to cool completely
covered in the fridge for up to 48 hours. before cutting it into 16 squares in the tin. Dust
with icing sugar before serving, if you wish.
› For the topping, place the chocolate in a
large bowl. Heat the cream in a pan until
just boiling, then pour over the chocolate
and whisk until the chocolate is melted and
the mixture is smooth.
› Take the cheesecake straight from
the fridge and pour over the ganache,
working from the centre outwards.
Return to the fridge for 30 minutes or until
the chocolate is set.
› Remove the cheesecake from the tin – you
will probably need to carefully run a knife
around the edge of the cake – and serve.
Extracted from: Hassle Free Gluten Free by Extracted from: e Great British Bake Off by e Bake Off Team, as before
Jane Devonshire (Absolute Press, €26.50)
4 m3i0ns
› Preheat the oven to 140°C/275°F/Gas Mark 1. Line a baking tray with
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp filtered water non-stick baking paper. First put the chia seeds and water in a small
2 shallots, chopped bowl and set aside for about 10 minutes to allow the seeds to gel. Blend
100g walnuts all the meatball ingredients, including the soaked chia seeds, in a food
30g uncooked sweet potato processor until a thick, chunky dough is formed. Roll into balls about
25g oyster mushrooms the size of a ping pong ball. Put on the lined baking tray and bake in the
15g nutritional yeast oven for 15 minutes.
To serve › Heat up the tomato sauce in a large frying pan set over a medium heat.
Some tomato sauce Add the baked meatballs and simmer gently for a few minutes to bring
Courgetti or spaghetti it all together.
A handful of pine nuts › Serve in warmed shallow bowls over courgetti or spaghetti. Top with
A handful of chopped fresh pine nuts, fresh parsley and a drizzle of truffle oil, or your best extra
flat-leaf parsley virgin olive oil.
A drizzle of truffle oil or good
quality extra virgin olive oil Extracted from: Vegan-ish by Holly White (Gill Books, €22.99)
with lentils
6 1h+r
walnuts (optional)
1 vegan stock cube 300g frozen petit pois 4 1h+r Extracted from: Deliciously Ella The Plant-Based
Olive oil, for frying or peas EASY Cookbook by Ella Mills (Hodder and Stoughton, €25)
100g button 1 dsp miso paste
mushrooms, quartered Sea salt and freshly YOU WILL NEED baking tin with baking parchment.
3 large carrots, ground black pepper Place three-quarters of the sweetcorn
chopped For the mash topping For the corn bread in a food processor and pulse until
2 medium onions, 1kg potatoes, peeled 750g drained tinned sweetcorn smooth. Once smooth, mix together
chopped and diced 450ml almond milk with the rest of the sweetcorn kernels.
3 garlic cloves, minced 1 garlic clove, minced 150ml sunflower, rapeseed or vegetable oil › Place all the dry ingredients in a
200g dried black or 250ml unsweetened 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar large mixing bowl and stir well.
green lentils, or 2 x plant-based milk 25g coriander, chopped Once mixed, add the almond milk,
400g tins of green or 1 tbsp olive oil, plus 1 x 400g tin of black beans, drained oil and apple cider vinegar and give
black lentils drained extra for drizzling and rinsed everything another really good stir
and rinsed 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 2 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped until well combined. Next, add the
1 x 400g tin of chopped (optional) 1 tbsp sea salt flakes coriander, black beans, chilli, salt,
tomatoes Pinch of pepper pepper and sweetcorn, giving it all one
For the dry ingredients final mix.
METHOD 60g plain flour or gluten free flour › Once the mixture has come together,
› First dissolve the stock cube in 250ml of just- 20g rice flour pour into the lined baking tin and bake
400g polenta in the oven for 50-55 minutes until
boiled water. Set aside. Heat a little olive oil in 1 tbsp corn flour golden and cooked through. To test
a frying pan set over a medium heat. Add the 1 tsp baking powder if it is cooked, insert a knife into the
mushrooms, carrots, onions and garlic and 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda corn bread, it should come out clean. If
sauté for 8 minutes, until they are beginning to For the chilli not, place back in the oven for 5 more
soften. Add the lentils, tinned tomates, walnuts Olive oil minutes to cook through.
(if using) and stock and simmer for 20 minutes. 1 onion, chopped › While the corn bread is baking,
› Meanwhile, steam or boil the potatoes for 1 celery stalk, finely chopped prepare the chilli. Place a large
about 20 minutes until soft. Drain and place 2 garlic cloves, chopped saucepan over a medium heat and add
in a large bowl with the garlic, milk, olive oil 1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped a drizzle of olive oil, the onion, celery,
and nutritional yeast (if using). Mash until 1 tsp dried rosemary garlic and a pinch of salt and cook until
smooth with a potato masher or use a hand- 1 tsp dried thyme soft, about 5-10 minutes.
held blender. 3 tbsp tomato purée › Now add the chilli, rosemary, thyme
› Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 2 x 400g tins of mixed beans and tomato purée and cook for another
4. To finish the filling, stir in the frozen peas 1 x 400g tin of tomatoes 5 minutes. Add the beans, tomatoes,
and miso paste. Taste it at this stage to ensure 1 tbsp maple syrup 150ml water, maple syrup and some
you’re happy with the flavour and season with To serve pepper and bring to the boil, then
salt and pepper if you think it needs it. 2 red chillies, sliced lower the heat and leave to simmer
› Pour the filling into a baking dish. Top with the Handful of sliced spring onions for 25-30 minutes, at which point it
mash and add a drizzle of olive oil. Bake in the should have a thick consistency.
oven for 30 minutes. For the last 3 minutes, put METHOD › When you are ready to serve, sprinkle
it under the grill to crisp up the mash topping. › Start by making the corn bread. the chillies and spring onion over the
It will be piping hot, so allow it to sit for at least top and enjoy with the corn bread.
10 minutes before serving on warmed plates. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/
Gas Mark 6. Line a deep 35cm x 25cm
Extracted from: Vegan-ish by Holly White,
as before
BRUNCH Beautiful
Dishes worth
EASY This is simply chickpea water – the liquid 4 tbsp vegan mayonnaise
from a can of chickpeas that has taken 1 tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped
YOU WILL NEED 120g plain flour on some of the protein from the chickpeas ½ tbsp capers, drained and finely
½ tsp sea salt and forms an egg-white-like substitute. chopped
1 x 410g can heart ½ tsp ground white Some cooks use it to make meringue but 2 gherkins/pickles, finely diced
of palm, drained, pepper it’s highly unstable and you have to add
rinsed and roughly 8 tbsp aquafaba an excessive amount of sugar to cover METHOD
chopped reduction (see box) the flavour of the chickpeas. However, › Prepare the tartare sauce by mixing
½ tsp celery seeds 120ml olive oil, for it does make an excellent ingredient in
1 tbsp celery leaves, shallow frying savoury food. The best aquafaba is where together all the ingredients in a
finely chopped To serve the water is drained and then boiled small bowl. Cover and set aside in
¼ tsp finely chopped 4 thick slices of until it is reduced by half. The reduced the fridge.
nori seaweed white bread liquid should then be chilled, where it will
½ tsp sea salt 4 generous tbsp become quite gelatinous.
1 tsp tapioca starch tartare sauce (see
(available in health box) MATCHA OMELETTE
food stores) Handful of rocket with goats' cheese and herbs
2-3 slices of seeded leaves
METHOD 2 m2i0ns
› In a small bowl, mix together the chopped
heart of palm, celery seeds, leaves, YOU WILL NEED
seaweed, salt and tapioca starch. Set aside 4 eggs
for 30 minutes. 1 tbsp natural yoghurt
1 tsp matcha powder
› Using a food processor, blitz the seeded Zest of ½ lime
bread to make a rough crumb. You can also Pinch of sea salt
use a hand grater to do this, on the largest 10g unsalted butter
tooth. Set aside on a plate. On another plate, 1 tsp olive oil
add the flour, salt and pepper and mix well. 50g soft goats’ cheese
Put the aquafaba into a shallow bowl. Small handful of finely chopped herbs (use a
mixture of basil, dill and chives)
› Using your hands, take a small handful of
the chopped palm mixture and shape into METHOD
a small sausage or goujon. Dip into the flour › Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk
and then into the aquafaba. Then roll in the
breadcrumbs and lay on greaseproof paper with the yoghurt, matcha powder, lime
ready for frying. Repeat with the remaining zest and salt.
palm mixture to make 5-6 fingers. Cover › Place a non-stick frying pan over a very
the tray with cling film and place in the high heat.
fridge to set for an hour or so. › When it’s really hot, add the butter and
oil, and when the butter starts foaming,
› Put the olive oil into a large frying pan over add the egg mixture.
a medium-high heat. Drop a breadcrumb › Let the sides fluff up, pulling the edges
in the oil and if it sizzles without burning in with a rubber spatula to allow some of
the oil is ready. Gently lay half of the fingers the uncooked egg to run into the spaces.
into the hot oil and fry gently for 8-10 Dot the goats’ cheese across the omelette
minutes, turning once. Once crispy and and scatter over the herbs.
golden, drain on paper towels to remove › When it is mostly cooked (the centre
any excess oil. You can keep the fingers should still be a little runny), fold in half
warm and crispy in a low oven while you and slide out of the pan.
complete the next batch. › Divide into two and serve immediately.
› Butter the bread if you like and slather one Extracted from: The Matcha Cookbook:
side of each slice generously with tartare Discover the Health Benefits and uses
sauce. Lay half of the ‘fish’ fingers on top of Matcha with 50 Delicious Recipes
of two slices of bread and then some rocket (Aster, €14)
leaves. Top each with another thick slice of
buttered bread and serve. WOMAN’S WAY COOKBOOK | WINTER 2018
Extracted from: Vegan Mock Meat
Revolution by Jackie Kearney (Ryland
Peters and Small, €23.79)
BRUNCH GRILLED HOW TO MAKE the water as possible. Continue to do this
CHEESE AND BEETROOT AND RED for 5 minutes and then, when ready, mix
SAUERKRAUT in the caraway seeds.
TOASTIE CABBAGE SAUERKRAUT › Pack the cabbage tightly into a large,
open-necked jar, using your fist or the
1 m1i0ns YOU WILL NEED end of a rolling pin to pack it down. When
EASY 1 small red cabbage all the cabbage is packed into the jar,
1 small beetroot, coarsely grated you should have enough cabbage brine
YOU WILL NEED 1 tbsp sea salt to cover the top of the shredded cabbage
2 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp caraway seeds by about 2cm. If necessary, you can use
1 tsp fresh dill some of the brine that is left in the bowl
½ tsp maple syrup METHOD to top this level up. Make sure that all the
2 slices of good quality › Carefully remove 2 of the outer leaves cabbage is submerged below the level of
crusty bread the brine - you don’t want to leave any
50g vegan cheddar from the cabbage and keep to one side. straggly bits.
cheese (or non-vegan) Use a mandolin, a food processor or a › Fold 1 or 2 of the large outer leaves you
70g beetroot and red large, sharp knife to finely shred the removed earlier and pack them into the
cabbage sauerkraut remaining cabbage. top of the jar to help keep the shredded
(see box) › Mix the shredded cabbage and beetroot cabbage submerged under the brine.
2 tsp vegan butter (or well in a large mixing bowl with the salt Put the lid on the jar loosely and leave
non-vegan) to distribute the salt evenly throughout somewhere dark at room temperature for
the cabbage. Leave to sweat and go limp at least 5 days.
METHOD for 1 hour. › After 5 days, carefully remove the top
› In a bowl, mix › By now you should be able to see that the cabbage leaf and taste a little of the
cabbage has released some water. You sauerkraut to see if it is ready – it should
the mustard with might want to wear rubber gloves for the have a sour taste. You can leave the
the dill and maple next stage, to prevent your hands from sauerkraut to ferment from anywhere
syrup, then spread staining. Using your hands, squeeze and between 2-6 weeks, depending on how
this mixture on massage the cabbage (using some force) to sour you like it. Once fermented, it will
one side of each reduce the volume and release as much of keep for months in the fridge.
piece of bread.
Layer the cheese
and sauerkraut
onto one slice, then
put the remaining
slice of bread on top
and squash down
› Heat the butter in
a frying pan over a
medium heat, add
the sandwich and
cook on both sides
until it’s golden
brown and the
cheese is melted.
Extracted from: Feed
Me Vegan: For All
Occasions by Lucy
Watson (Sphere, €23)
1 m1i5ns YOU WILL NEED and bring to a simmer, cooking for 1-2
EASY For the Hollandaise minutes.
360ml unsweetened vegan/non-dairy › Turn down the heat to the lowest
YOU WILL NEED sliced into half moons milk (preferably almond) setting, then add the lemon juice, salt,
10 cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp vegan egg substitute mayonnaise and chilli powder. Whisk
Olive oil, for frying halved 3 tbsp vegan margarine well. The sauce should be slightly thick
1 small onion, sliced 2 eggs 1 tbsp flour and pourable. Add more mayonnaise
into half rings A few fresh basil 3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice to thicken (or more milk to thin)
½ red pepper, or flat-leaf parsley 1 tsp sea salt slightly if needed.
deseeded and sliced leaves (or a pinch of 2 tbsp vegan mayonnaise › Whisk together all the omelette
into strips dried oregano) ¼ tsp chilli powder ingredients, except the oil, in a small
4 slices of serrano Salt and freshly For the omelette bowl. Check the seasoning and add
ham or chorizo, ground pepper, 175g chickpea flour more salt as needed. Leave to stand
chopped to season ½ tsp baking powder for 5-10 minutes until it starts to
½ courgette, cut in Bread, to serve ¼ tsp ground turmeric bubble slightly.
half lengthways and Large pinch of black salt › Place a small frying pan on a medium-
½ tsp ground white pepper high heat. Add a little vegetable oil
METHOD 200ml water and pour a small amount of batter into
Vegetable oil, for frying the centre of the pan. You can place
› Heat a small splash of olive oil in a frying To serve a metal ring in the pan to shape the
pan, add the onion and a pinch of salt and 2 English muffins, sliced and lightly toasted omelette to the size of the muffin, or
fry for 2 minutes over a high heat until Handful of baby spinach leaves simply pour the batter slowly into the
the onion begins to brown. 4 meat-free smoky bacon rashers, or use a centre until the desired size is reached.
thickly sliced beef tomato › Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, until
› Add the pepper and fry for 2 minutes 1 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and thickly cooked through and firm. Set aside
more. Add the ham or chorizo and fry for sliced (optional) on a baking sheet in a low oven while
another minute. Add the courgette and Handful of freshly chopped chives finishing the other omelettes.
fry for 2 more minutes. Add the tomatoes (optional) › For each serving, place half a muffin
and fry for another 2 minutes. on the plate and top with several
METHOD spinach leaves and a rasher of vegan
› Make 2 depressions in the vegetable › Prepare the Hollandaise by whisking bacon or a thick slice of beef tomato.
mixture and break in the eggs, then Then place the omelette round on
cook for 2-3 minutes until the eggs are together the milk and vegan egg top. Pour over a generous covering of
set, covering the pan for the last 30 substitute. In a small pan, add the Hollandaise sauce. Place a couple of
seconds. Sprinkle over a little more salt margarine and flour and place on a slices of avocado on top and scatter
if necessary, and a generous amount of low heat. Stir well to make a roux (a with a few fresh chives if you like.
freshly ground pepper, and finish with base for sauces), then start slowing
one of the herbs. adding the milk mixture. Continue Extracted from: Vegan Mock Meat
whisking while adding all the liquid Revolution by Jackie Kearney, as before
› Serve immediately with some kind of
rustic bread, or just use whatever bread
you’ve got on hand.
Extracted from: Solo Food by Janneke
Vreugdenhil (HQ, €23.79)
BRUNCH 2 30 METHOD an airy, perfect reaction.
mins › When the batter is rested, remove
EASY › First pop the butter in a
microwave-proof dish and melt for it from the fridge, tip in the berries,
YOU WILL NEED a few seconds. Set to one side, and and give it a quick stir.
2 tsp butter work quickly. › Grab a frying pan, preferably a
150g plain flour non-stick one, and brush it with
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda › Pour the flour, bicarbonate of soda a little oil. Bring it to a high heat
1 tbsp granulated sugar and sugar into a bowl and mix for a minute to warm the pan
80ml milk well to combine. Make a well (a big through, but don’t let the oil start
2 medium or large eggs wide dent) in the middle of the dry smoking, so watch it. Reduce the
100g frozen berries ingredients and pour in the milk heat to medium, and dollop in some
Oil, for greasing and melted butter. Crack in the pancake mixture. e first one is
Golden syrup or honey, to serve eggs and mix it all together to make always the worst - a snack for the
your pancake mix. hard-working chef is my rule!
Extracted from: Cooking On › Cook for 1 minute and then, using a
A Bootstrap by Jack Monroe › Now let it rest for half an hour. is spatula, gently turn it over. Repeat
(Bluebird, €22.40) is important and helps create the until all of the pancake batter is
lightest, fluffiest pancakes. e used up, and serve in a stack, hot,
best place to rest it is in the fridge, with something runny and sweet.
as science dictates that cold batter
meeting hot oil is the optimum for