The Winners
Smart, inspiring, and generally quite brilliant:
meet this year's award winners
Fashion & Beauty
Pamela Laird
Beauty Innovation Beauty Industry
Pamela Laird Aimee Connolly
While most people would be content with running One woman power house Aimee is a highly sought-
a successful business and being the nail tech on- after makeup artist, teaches her own classes and
call to Ireland’s most well-know faces, Pam always courses, and has now launched her own makeup
had her eye on bigger things. Her brand Moxi Loves brand. A TV regular, she had built her career to such
catapulted her into the big time when it launched heights that the next natural step was launching
last year, going into Penneys just a few months her own products; first up was her Sculpted and
after launch. So successful was the product that Shader set. Her brand took off immediately and
Pam was in the enviable position of being able Aimee now splits her time between media work,
to turn down an investment offer in her business teaching and looking after her brand. The judges
from Dragons' Den - another practically unheard of loved how she took an already successful career as
coup. It was clear to the judges that Pam is going a makeup artist and turned it into a multifaceted
places and we can’t wait to see where it takes her. business. Something we can all aspire to!
Fashion Industry
Caoimhe Hill
Making it as a fashion designer isn’t the easiest of
career choices, but Caoimhe Hill is already well on
her way. As an NCAD final year Fashion Design
student she was recently chosen as the winner of
the River Island Busary, winning €3,500 and a three-
month paid internship at River Island’s design studio
in London. The highly sought-after bursary provides
the winning graduate with an invaluable first step
into the tough and challenging commercial fashion
world. Past winners have seen their designs sold in
River Island stores worldwide. The judges loved that
her talent and drive has proven so successful, even
before she’s completed her studies.
Fashion Innovation ”IT’S ABOUT Style Icon of The Year
Aisling Duff Louise O’Reilly
Having completed her BA in Fashion Design and ABOUT As an award-winning blogger, plus size advocate
History of Art & Design at NCAD last year, designer and one of Ireland’s top models, it’s safe to say
Aisling Duff has embarked on a career as a knitwear THEMSELVES” Louise is killing it at the moment. We’re big fans
designer. Her designs are cool, contemporary and Louise O’Reilly of her ‘fashion is for everyone’ approach and it
exactly what’s needed to breathe new life into the would seem you all agree too. Her glamorous take
industry. Well on her way to success, she’s already on everyday dressing has won her hoards of fans
been nominated as one of DFF’s Ones To Watch. who reach out to her for style advice she’s more
The judges loved her ability to take something so than happy to dole out, replying to each person
traditional and tied to our culture and turn it into individually. Our judges loved in inclusive attitude
something fresh, interesting and covetable. in what is often an exclusive industry.
Social Contribution & Activism
úna-minh kavanagh
Social Activist Political Contribution
Úna-Minh Kavanagh Maeve O’Rourke
She’s been spat on, assaulted and shouted at, and The Magdalene Laundries are one of the most
earlier this year, Úna-Minh Kavanagh decided she’d shameful aspects of Irish history, and one young
had enough. Born in Vietnam but adopted by a Irish woman decided to take action. Upon
Kerry woman at six weeks of age, this Gaeilgeoir graduating with a Master's from Harvard University
challenged our perception of Irishness with a Maeve O’Rourke started to work, on a pro-bono
hashtag. Úna encouraged Irish people of all colours basis, with the Justice for Magdalenes campaign,
and backgrounds to use #WeAreIrish in an effort bringing a case before the Irish Human Rights
to show that a modern Irish person is defined by Commission, the UN Committee against Torture
more than the colour of their skin. This resulted and UN Human Rights Council on behalf of the
in a collage going viral on social media and Úna- survivors’ advocacy group. Maeve’s commitment
Minh’s campaign to help educate the nation on the to achieving justice for this group is awe inspiring.
diverse nature of Irish society yielded real results.
Thought Changer
Joanne O'Riordan
She challenged Enda Kenny on the campaign
trail about disability cuts, addressed the UN’s
International Telecommunication Union on the
use of technology, and is the subject of the
documentary No Limbs No Limits. One of only seven
people in the world with Tetra-amelia syndrome,
Cork woman Joanne O’Riordan has never let
her disability hold her back and has become an
advocate for others living with disabilities. She has
challenged our perceptions of life with a disability
and continues to be an example to everyone to live
happy, independent and fulfilled lives.
Trail Blazer ”LIFE IS FRAGILE Charitable Contribution
Orla Tinsley BUT CAN BE F a d h i l a H a jj i
Twelve years ago she began campaigning for CALCULATED AND Dubliner Fadhila Hajji never saw her love of soccer
the rights of cystic fibrosis patients; seven years POWERFUL” and her choice to wear a headscarf as being at odds
ago she received the Armark Healthcare award with each other, even though FIFA banned Muslim
for Excellence in Advocacy; three years ago she Orla Tinsley women from wearing headscarves on the pitch
won a scholarship to Columbia University; and until 2014. A member of Sports Against Racism in
last year she was instrumental in overturning the Ireland (SARI), she and her brother created Diverse
Government’s decision not to fund cystic fibrosis City FC, a female, Muslim football team where girls
drug Orkambi. For over a decade Orla Tinsley has can wear the hijab without judgement. Fadhila
shown that one person can make a huge difference has been instrumental in drawing attention to the
- inspiring all those that come into contact with her. importance of interculturalism in sports in Ireland.
Tech & Innovation
Jennifer Hourihane
Tech Founder Commercial Innovation
Emerald de Leeuw Jennifer Hourihane
She’s an internationally recognised data protection Think Hailo for the law industry, and you’re getting
specialist, a lecturer at the Law Society of Ireland, to grips with Oathello, the brainchild of Jennifer
Harvard Law certified in intellectual property and Hourihane. Frustrated with the outdated booking
founder of EuroComply, a software solution that system clients had to navigate in order to get
allows companies to implement and understand documents witnessed and notified, Jennifer felt
the mandatory changes of the European General there had to be an easier way. She developed a
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Emerald mobile platform that enables users to see available
impressed our judges with her commitment and solictors and notaries in real time, with an instant
dedication to her field, as well as the commercial payment platform making everything easier.
nous which enabled her to recogise a gap in A clever way to meet a need within the law and
the market and found a software that’s already business sectors, we loved Jennifer’s ability to
become indispensable. bring together several ideas to form one solution.
Tech Innovation
Ailbhe Keane
Inspired by her younger sister, Isabel, Ailbhe
Keane set up Izzy Wheels while in art college in
order to provide a platform for wheelchair users
who wanted to express their individuality through
personalised spoke guards. In collaboration with
some of Ireland’s foremost designers and artists,
including Maser and Sonny Ross, Izzy Wheels
has created a range of colourful and playful
spoke guards. We loved Ailbhe’s enthusiasm and
commitment to inclusivity which, when combined
with her business acumen and a real understanding
of the technological issues involved, resulted in a
successful and innovative company.
Ciara Clancy Lorna McGinn
A trained physiotherapist and former dancer, Ciara BEING With a passion for all things digital and a
Clancy worked with Parkinson’s patients for several commitment to brand storytelling, Lorna McGinn
years before developing her company, Beats UNCOMFORTABLE” is the woman behind Mediabrands Society, an
Medical, based on a sound wave treatment that Lorna McGinn exciting brand expansion from IPG Mediabrands
enables patients to regain mobility. Beats Medical which launched earlier this year. Having cut her
then went on to develop an app which provides teeth in the traditional world of print media,
individually tailored therapies via your mobile in Lorna has mastered the ability to use traditional
40 countries. Her commitment to empowering journalistic values in an ever-changing digital
those living with Parkinson’s and making a very setting and, in doing so, is leading the charge for
real difference to their lives impressed our judges. one of Ireland’s biggest agencies.
Business & Finance
Entrepreneur Start Up E Commerce
F i o n a E d w a r d s M u rp h y Katie McGloin Paula O’Connor
If bees are our future, then the woman behind Tapping into the need for gender inclusivity, Everybody knows they need to take a step back
ApisProtect is playing a huge hand in their survival. Donegal teenage Katie McGloin beat off 320 from their mobile phone, yet only a few of us
Fiona Edwards Murphy founded ApisProtect while other entrants to win the coveted Foróige Young actually do so. Step forward Paula O’Connor, who
doing her doctoral research into the application of Entrepreneur of the Year award for her range founded Z-Charge, a nifty device made from fire
sensors and networking in honey bee hives. What of gender neutral clothes, KT Clothing. Entirely retardant material which allows users to safely
that resulted in is a company that uses unique different from unisex clothes, KT Clothing has no charge phones and other devices by their beds.
technology to help beekeepers prevent losses gender assigned to any of its designs and each Paula then joined forces with MyVolts, an online
and increase productivity in their hives. Awarded item can be worn in a number of different styles platform selling tech-related products, bringing
a 2016 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, depending on the individual's preference. As well the Z-Charge to the masses. It was one of the first
it was Fiona’s clever and truly original use of her as producing quality products, KT Clothing is products to be funded through Irish Kickstarter,
academic product that impressed our judges. meeting a need in modern society. and the inventiveness of both the Z-Charge and
the use of the retail model impressed our judges.
Game Changer Commercial Innovation Food
Caroline Foran Aoibheann O'Daly Aoife Noonan
Every now and then somebody comes along who Along with her sisters Emer and Kate, Aoibheann Pastry chef Aoife Noonan is making waves among
challenges perceptions. Caroline Foran is such a founded the 3D printing company Love & Robots the foodies of Dublin as Executive Pastry Chef
person. In 2016 she co-launched a new interiors back in 2012. Formerly known as FabAllThings, the across five of the capital’s biggest restaurants.
website, Gaff Interiors, which this year led to business uses high precision printers to create a She has just finished a teaching residency at the
her filming a pilot series for RTE Player. She also range of personalised gifts including jewellery and Dublin Cookery School and recently won the
published her first book, Owning It: Your Bullshit fashion accessories. Aoibheann is involved in every Valrhona Patisserie Championship. Aoife cut her
Free Guide To Living With Anxiety and helps to aspect of the company, which won the ESB Spark teeth at the two Michelin starred Patrick Guilbaud
raise awareness of mental health in Ireland. Caroline of Genius Award in 2014, but focuses more so on before moving to John Farrell’s restaurant empire,
is working on her second book and has shown how the retail and marketing side of things. We love the including 777, Super Miss Sue, Dillinger’s, The
the days of being defined by one career are over. Butcher’s Grill and Luna.
distruptive nature of this business.
Art & Entertainment
E i l i s B a r r e tt
Sport Art Comedy
Karen Duggan Lisa Mchugo Aoife Dooley
Karen Duggan made waves this year as a midfield/ With a degree in visual communications from While you may not be on first name terms with
defence player for the ROI Women’s International NCAD, and now working and living in Dublin, Aoife Dooley, you will probably be familiar with her
Football Team and was named Senior Women’s graphic designer and illustrator Lisa is somewhat creation, Your One Nikita. Northside native Aoife
International Player of the Year for 2017. While her of a creative genius. By day, she works a graphic conceived the idea for Nikita when spending time
talent is not up for question, it was her and her designer at Chupi jewellery - working alongside a with her boyfriend’s cousins and turned astute
teammates' campaign for equal rights within the talented team of people to create what is some of observations into the much-loved illustrations. Their
FAI that got our attention. She spoke publicly about the prettiest packaging and print in town, as well popularity is due in part to the fact that everyone
the ill-treatment of women players and the bias as doing their digital design and graphics. By night, knows a hun like Nikita, and loves them for it. Her
toward the male team. It made headlines across she is an illustrator - creating prints and greeting first book, How To Be Massive was published by Gill
the world and resulted in their demands being met. cards based on fairy-tales and pop culture themes. Books in December 2016. Aoife has since turned
We were awed by her bravery, standing up for such Lisa is also often commissioned for custom portraits her hand to stand up and the judges loved how she
an important issue in the face of criticism. of individuals and couples. The judged loved her has turned a small idea into a thriving career.
unique style and passion for creativity.
Literature ”EVERYONE Film
E i l i s B a rr e tt Róisín O’Donovan
Seventeen year old Eilis Barrett's first novel, Oasis USE THEIR You may recognise her as cast regular Niamh Reid
was published in March 2016 and details the in TV3 drama Red Rock, but with a CV boasting
survival of mankind against a deadly virus. The VOICE” credits like Love Rosie and indie film Waking The
follow up, Genesis is set to be released later this Witch it’s safe to say Róisín has her eye on the
year. Eilis is home-schooled, giving her enough Aoife Dooley big time. Originally studying event management,
time to work on her writing and focus on the Róisín dropped out to pursue her passion and it’s
subjects that interest her (she taught herself to paying off. She's set her sights on New York, hoping
play the piano and has earned a brown belt in to snag a role on Broadway soon. The judges loved
karate). We don’t know what to expect from Eilis her drive and ambition and are looking forward to
in years to come, but no doubt it will blow us away. seeing where her career takes her.
Art & Entertainment
Bláthnaid Treacy
Music Theatre Television Presenter
Faye O’Rourke Stephanie Pressier Bláthnaid Treacy
Making the brave choice to forego college in the When you’re hailed as the voice of a generation Gracing our screens since the tender age of three
pursuit of her dream to be a full time musician, Little it can be hard to live up to, but there’s no fear of as the daughter of Biddy and Miley in Glenroe,
Green Cars' Faye O’Rourke has made that dream a that with Stephanie Preissner. Ticking all the boxes it’s safe to say Bláthnaid has earned her stripes
reality. After forming in 2008, the band has toured from scriptwriting to acting and theatre to writing, in TV land. Starting her adult career behind the
extensively and even appeared on US talkshow everything she touches turns to gold. From her camera in TG4, and then moving on to RTE2 show
Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Faye’s stadium- spot-on observations in Can’t Cope, Won’t Cope TwoTube, and more recently to presenting duties
filling vocals have garnered hoards of fans and to her RTE player show, How To Adult, it would on Dancing With The Stars spinoff, Can’t Stop
the band’s sophomore album, Ephemera, released seem everything she touches turns to comedy Dancing, Bláthnaid has really come into her own.
last year, saw the band reach a level of success not gold. While her first theatre show, Solpadine is my We love that her career has been built on good old-
seen by many. The Irish Times described it as 'one Boyfriend caught our attention, it's her directorial fashioned hard work. She’s taken her time, worked
of the most harmonious you’ll likely hear all year', efforts in 2016's Fringe Hit The Humours of Bandon hard and is now enjoying the fruits of her hard-
due in no part to Faye’s unique voice and vision. by Mags McAuliffe that's set to make massive waves earned labour. We think that’s pretty inspirational!
on the theatre scene, especially as this month the
Radio show is taking part in the Edinburgh Fringe festival. Rising Star
We love her voice, her talent and her commitment
Teresanne O’Reilly to trying new mediums of communication. D o i r e a n n G a rr i h y
Teresanne started her career at Waterford’s Beat ”IT NEVER In one year, Doireann Garrihy has gone from a radio
102-103’s as part of the Beat Fleet promo team, OCCURRED TO ME contrib and Roadwatch broadcaster to Snapchat
slowing working her way up to an on-air role. From sensation and co-host of The Zoo Crew on Spin
there she moved to Dublin’s Spin 1038, and then to THAT BEING 1038FM. Her spot-on impressions and ability to
Today FM, where she presented the breakfast show. FEMALE COULD poke fun at everyone, especially herself, impressed
In 2015 she returned to Waterford to not only co- HOLD ME BACK” our judges to the extent that we had to create an
present the breakfast show on WLR FM but to also award just for her. Our Rising Star award recognises
take on the role of Assistant Programme Director. Teresanne O’Reilly somebody whose star is rising with such speed it’s
The judges were impressed with her hard work and hard to keep up. We predict even greater things for
proven results in a male dominated industry. Doireann over the twelve months!
Campaign & Judges's Choice
Campaign of the Year Judges' Choice
T h e R e p e a l P r o j e ct Irish Senior Women’s Football Team
It started, as these things generally do, with a small idea and an urge to The conversation about the lack of support for women's sport compared to
make a difference. It has since become the most solidifying Irish political that of men's is nothing new, it's been on going for years and while strides
movement in decades. The Repeal Project gave a face and a voice to the have been made, the disparity between the two remains - despite the same
abortion conversation in Ireland, it took the whispered conversation about level of commitment and dedicated being required no matter what your
the 8th Amendment from the halls of Leinster House and back bedrooms of gender. Which is why we love the fact that earlier this year, 14 members of
frightened women to the streets of Ireland, to colleges around the country the Irish senior women’s football team made a stand for women athletes
and workplaces and homes up and down our small isle. It gave young everywhere when they stood up to the FAI and held a press conference to
Irish women and men a reason to get motivated and a forum in which to discuss their treatment in comparison to that of their male counterparts.
voice their anger and rage over this country’s The women raised concerns over payments for
treatment of reproductive rights. Demonstrations loss of earnings, conditions within the squad and
were organised, articles written and debates had. “THIS IS MY the general treatment of the players, including
Being politicised became cool. MICRO inadequate changing facilities for some matches -
with reports stating that the team were expected
The simple black and white jumper emblazoned to change clothes in airport toilets so their
with REPEAL enabled women and men to show
tracksuits could be reused by younger teams. The
their support for the project in a straightforward CONTRIBUTION women, with representatives from the PFAI, spoke
and non-confrontational way. The brainchild of
TO A MOVEMENT to the press after failing to have their concerns
Anna Cosgrave, all money raised was donated to SPANNING addressed by the FAI in a timely fashion, with some
the Abortion Rights Campaign. And it grew, pop issues ongoing for over two years. Threatening to
up stores were organised, the jumpers sold out
walk away from an upcoming friendly game with
within hours, and from there Anna joined forces DECADES” Slovakia and refusing to attend training until their
with women such as Tara Flynn, Sarah Maria
concerns were addressed, the women showed us
Griffin, Michali Dawn Hyams and dozens of others The Repeal Project all that valuing your own worth, taking gender out
to spread the word of Repeal, and so We Face This
of ability and standing up for what is right may
Land was born. Written by Griffin, the video is the
be difficult but it is always a necessity. While the
work of Dave Tynan and featured women such as
concerns have since been addressed, the stand
Charlene McKenna, Seana Kerslake, Róisín Ingle, ”WE ARE FIGHTING these women, including Emma Byrne, Karen
Senator Lynne Ruane, Jordanne Jones and others FOR THE FUTURE Duggan, Áine O’Gorman, Claire Shine, Niamh
reading out the poem while wearing the jumpers. Fahey, Jetta Berril, Ruesha Littlejohn, Niamh Reid-
A short and powerful video, it provided OF WOMEN’S Burke, Katie McCabe, Julieanne Russell, Megan
INTERNATIONAL Campbell, Diana Caldwell, Stephanie Roche and
yet another talking point, became another Louise Quinn, took impressed our judges in no
conversation starter, and provided another way to FOOTBALL. small way. Standing up for yourself is never easy,
raise awareness of the issue at hand. especially not on a national level when there are
For our judges, this decision was an easy one, not dozens of outlets ready to dispute your claims,
because we had an agenda to push, but because but their commitment to being treated fairly can
any campaign that can mobilise young women like THIS ISN’T
this deserves to be honoured. This is an example ABOUT US” be held up as a lesson to us all. Our judges were
impressed by the fact that not only did these ladies
of ordinary people working together to achieve Irish Senior Woman’s change their own conditions for the better, but
extraordinary things and make a lasting change to
our country. No matter what your personal belief, they shone a light on women athletes everywhere -
which can only benefit us all.
that deserves to be honoured. F o o tb a l l T e a m