Relatively speaking
The cost of giving
Getting kids clued up about money early on literally pays dividends
Recently, the Internet went into “Forty-two per child about money – there’s a lot more to By Una Rice
meltdown with a parenting revelation cent of parents it than just dishing out cash. If you do give
from one of the music industry’s don’t believe pocket money, don’t exceed what you can
wealthiest stars, Elton John. He revealed their teenagers realistically afford. It’s okay to give just a
to a UK newspaper that although his children have a basic little, even if your child thinks it’s too little.
live an extraordinary privileged life, when understanding By all means link pocket money to age related
it comes to pocket money there is quite a of personal household or garden chores, doing well in
sensible rule in place. finance issues” school exams, or as a reward for doing neat
homework, or keeping their bedroom tidy. If
“They get £3 pocket money, but £1 is for it’s a huge area of concern too, with 9 in 10 your child wants to earn extra and is keen do
charity, £1 is for saving and £1 is for spending, parents of kids who are due to go to college jobs around the house for you, respond to his
they get three coins and put them in separate being worried about the costs. Twenty two per entrepreneurial endeavours. Budgeting and
jars. And they have to work for it – help in cent of parents say that their child will need to saving are priorities. Talk about the value of
the kitchen, help in the garden. They’ve got work to part-fund college. items when you’re out at the shops. Don’t
to learn the value of doing something and think your child is too young to understand.
earning something for themselves,” he said. So what’s a parent to do to prepare their This is how they learn.
child for the world when household budgeting
Pocket money very often presents a and finance are not routinely taught in Another revealing aspect of the survey
dilemma for parents. How often to give it, and schools? Whatever you have, whatever your is that when it comes to influencing our
specifically how much are the main issues. Do circumstances, endeavour to teach your child children about money, Irish parents know
you dish it out according to age? Or chores? about budgeting and money management, they have the greatest influence (75 per cent)
What happens when money’s tight and you which are skills he’ll have for life. Start when on their kids about cash management, while
can’t afford to stick with your weekly pocket your child is young and be directed by your celebrity influence is a very small two per
money commitment? Or what if the kids are own family circumstances and not your cent. (Sorry, Elton). But 72 per cent of parents
pestering you for more, or what their friends children’s friends. You don’t have to give also feel that schools are not doing enough to
get, or want to make an expensive purchase weekly pocket money in order to teach your educate young people on managing money.
- like those fancy new trainers – that they Subjects parents would like schools to cover
haven’t a hope to cover with the change are savings and investing for the future,
rattling around in their savings tin? Elton managing a budget and bills, the realities
John’s system works for him, but each family of debt and borrowing and understanding
is unique and finding what works for your banking system. Whatever age your child,
particular set up is key. now might be the best time to help get him or
her cash-savvy. WW
“We don’t give pocket money as such,” says
Shauna, a mum of three. ‘CLUED–IN’
“Rather, I give the kids money on an ad hoc A MONEY EDUCATION TOOL
as-they-need-it basis. They don’t really go FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS
without. When someone wants a vastly more
expensive thing we don’t just rush out and Clued-In is a resource aimed at second level
buy though. We’ll talk about it and negotiate. students which explains personal finance in a
We might say, okay, if you do some extra stuff concise, easy to follow, engaging format. The
around the garden or the house. Usually the resource helps to explore people’s relationship
desire for something is a great motivation to with money, good and bad, and looks at ways
work for the money for it.” to make smarter, more informed decisions. The
health of a person’s relationship with money is
Last year the Irish League of Credit Unions not determined by how much a person earns.
published their survey which revealed that Rather, financial health is having a conscious
73 per cent of teenagers in Ireland get pocket and sensible attitude to money that is satisfying
money on a weekly basis and €13 was the and doesn’t put an unnecessary burden on the
going rate. According to the survey, 75 per cent individual. It is about being in control. The areas
of teens save around a quarter of their pocket covered include Money and Me, Spending and
money and 82 per cent of teens have a least one Budgeting, Credit and Debit, The Role of Credit
savings account. Also, it’s mums who are more Unions and Projects. For more information visit
likely to talk to their children about money
and personal finance issues, rather than dads.
It’s also revealing that 42 per cent of parents
don’t believe their teenagers have a basic
understanding of personal finance issues. But
Parenting news
ASK Luck of Shoe me Did you know?
THE the Irish heaven 38 per cent of
EXPERT mums wish
There’s still time Totally and utterly in they could
"How to buy a suitable love with this luxe for give up house
should I T-shirt for less trainers (€19.99) cleaning duties
teach my Paddy’s Day. We from H&M. Yet again
five-year- love this T-shirt I wished they were research conducted
old to ride from Heatons made in grown-up by One4all
a bike?" that, at €6, is a sizes.
bargain. We’re How cute?
Isla Rowntree, founder of Isla sure St Patrick
Bikes, says: "Before your child LWIKEE himself would
cycles, we recommend using love it.
a balance bike to learn the CHAD VALLEY BALANCE TRAINING
fundamentals of balancing on BIKE CONGRATS TO… THE EASTER RISING 1916
two wheels. (€38.99 FROM ARGOS)
Molly’s Diary by Patricia Murphy
"After developing A brightly-coloured training bike (Poolbeg, €4.99) which topped the
proficiency with a balance with no pedals, to help children children’s bestseller list. The story of the
bike, stabilisers will be build confidence and coordination girl whose father works in the GPO and
unnecessary when beginning before progressing to bigger bikes. who searches for her brother during
to pedal. Find a large, safe, Easter week was praised by Joe Duffy
flat, open space in which to as a "beautiful story from the heart of
practice. Adjust the saddle the Rising, meticulously researched."
height so your child can place The book is being taught in classrooms
the balls of their feet on the across the country. The second book in
floor. the series, Deadly Shot, about the War of
Independence, is also selling well. Patricia
"Standing behind them, is working on a third book about the Civil
hold just under their armpits War.
but don't support the bike
itself. Push your child as YOU WILL NEED CHOCOLATE TEA CAKE By Áine Toner
they pedal and let the bike 1 Earl Grey teabag
wander. Leaning your child 110g pitted dried dates (Makes about 12 slices)
to the left or right steers the 75g wholemeal plain flour
bike and teaches them that 25g cocoa powder METHOD
leaning is essential to steer. 100g unsalted butter, very soft,
plus extra for greasing l Use the teabag to make a pot of tea, using about 150ml boil-
"Gradually your child will 2 eggs ing water and leaving it to brew for five minutes. Pour off the
learn to balance, pedal and 2 tsp baking powder tea into a measuring jug, then soak the dates in 125ml of the
steer simultaneously. Gently Pinch of ground cloves tea for at least four hours or overnight, reserving the remain-
loosen your grip, possibly Pinch of salt ing tea for the ganache.
without them realising, and 50g no-added-sugar plain dark l When the dates are softened and have absorbed most of the
enjoy watching your child chocolate, plus extra for decorating tea, preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/Gas Mark 4. Lightly
cycle unaided. grease a 22 x 11 x 7cm/1kg loaf tin with a little butter.
Recipe taken from l Place the soaked dates, and the tea they were soaking in,
"The last skill to master is Sensationally Sugar in a food processor and process until smooth. Add the flour,
setting off from stationary. Free by Susanna Booth cocoa powder, butter, eggs, baking powder, cloves and salt
Have your child put either (Hamlyn, €25) and process for three to four seconds, until everything has
pedal just past the top most combined.
part of the pedal circle. A l Scoop the cake mixture into the tin and smooth the top
solid push on the pedal will with a spatula. Bake for 30 minutes until well-risen and an
gather enough momentum to inserted skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin
enable them to raise both feet before removing and placing on a serving plate.
and begin pedalling." l Meanwhile, make the ganache. Break up the chocolate into
small pieces and place in a small saucepan with the reserved
tea over a low heat until the chocolate has melted, then stir
well. Pour into a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for 30
minutes until the mixture has set. Spread it on the cooled
cake. Use a vegetable peeler to create curls of chocolate and
sprinkle over the top of the ganache to decorate. Eat within
two to three days.
Relatively speaking
No more couch potato kids?
Research shows that kids are more sedentary today than ever, but it doesn’t
have to be that way. Here’s how to inject activity into family life this spring...
It’s a sad fact that children play outdoors a lot “Sixty-six per HOW TO GET By Una Rice
less than a generation ago, even just a few cent of teen boys THE FAMILY MOVING
years ago. More sedentary lives attributed to and 80 per cent of
‘screen time’, computers and Playstations, teen girls don’t 1.Set a good example
mean that today’s kids are really missing out get their daily If you embrace the great outdoors your
– physically and mentally. In fact, one study hour of activity” kids will follow suit. Set aside Saturday
found that 60 per cent of kids would prefer to morning or Sunday a ernoon for a
be glued to the telly or computer games than near-sighted. meandering walk. Find places local to you,
play outside. e study by Savlon and Play Yet so many kids don’t get anywhere near like a fantastic forest, that have yet to
England, found that seven out of ten mums be explored. Try to stick to the habit of
and dads didn’t play with their kids very often the hour (at least) of activity daily that experts ear-marking this as family out-and-about-
because the park was too far away. e study recommend. According to the Irish Society time. Invest in bicycles. Most towns have a
also revealed that half of all children have of Chartered Physiotherapists, 66 per cent of local club for all ages.
been stopped from climbing trees by over teen boys and 80 per cent of teen girls don’t get 2.Think about all the areas where
cautious parents. And last year a survey by their daily hour of activity. you could be active but aren’t
Aviva Health found that 20 per cent of Irish Could the kids walk to school? Drum up
families spend between four hours and ten One hour is not a lot of time, so when you enough interest and you could create a rota
hours per weekday in front of a screen and at tot up your child’s daily activity and it falls of parents to take turns keeping them safe
weekends the figure goes up to 50 per cent. short, how can you boost it easily? According on route. Could you walk them to activities
to, you don’t have to do it all at rather than take the car? Make sure they
e research also highlighted that almost once – they recommend starting slowly with get out to play a er school, whatever the
one third of families (32 per cent) never take 15-30 minute bursts of activity. And your child weather. Even jumping in puddles is fun.
part in any physical activity together. While doesn’t have to be undertaking structured Have wellies and macs to hand.
laziness has some part to play in inactivity, so sports classes either – free play is just as 3.Buy equipment for the garden
too has overscheduled lives and a reluctance to important. Just wrap them up and let them that the kids can use
impose restrictions on electronic devices. out. Encourage them to enjoy the outdoors WW Think tennis and badminton rackets, nets,
hoops, trampolines, climbing frames,
Meanwhile, research conducted by IT footballs and skipping ropes. Even good
Sligo and Early Childhood Ireland reveals old fashioned chalk has its uses – draw the
that children have low levels of engagement biggest hopscotch ever.
with nature, while playing outdoors. e 4.Author Liat Joshi also suggests a
research found that the children able to host of ways to get moving in her book
enjoy most freedom from play are from more How To Unplug Your Child (Published by
disadvantaged communities, while children Summersdale).
from more affluent families experience the One great idea is to make a stair slide.
opposite – less freedom with play, and heavier Unfold a large appliance box, lay on one
extra curricular schedules. Children from side of staircase, stu cushions/rolled up
middle class communities, according to the blankets beneath, and tape cardboard with
research, spend more time reading and on builders’ masking tape to the first step you
homework and their parents are more likely to intend to use. Ensure there’s a pile of so
be concerned that there’s not enough hours for bedding at the bottom to land. Kids can race
free play. e real benefit appears in helping cars down before sliding.
children achieve a healthy balance of indoor 5.Beat the cotton wool culture
and outdoor activities. Some parents get nervous about their child
being physically active. They worry they’ll
Physical activity has huge benefits. It keeps have an accident and hurt themselves, but,
kids trim and fit throughout childhood, within reason, it’s better to allow them to
provides an opportunity to make new take some risks than wrap them in cotton
friendships and nurture relationships, teaches wool. Are you over cautious if your child tries
kids about working as part of a team, can to do something you once did – like climb a
increase confidence and self-esteem, and tree? Supervise and direct by all means, but
provides a mental boost by helping to reduce don’t disallow your child from playing like
anxiety as well as provide an outlet for stress. you once did.
It paves the way for a healthier future as it may
help reduce the incidence of disease later on
and a study from China found a link between
outdoor play and a lower risk of becoming
ASK NEW BOOK Parenting News
THE Every Mum has Magic
Kisses by Ber Collins
“I smoke Project Mc2 Circuit Beats
and I’ve just is a new inspirational (€34.99 from
found out I’m
pregnant. I know read for mums. Dubbed Don’t think dolls can inspire children to
I’ll struggle to get into science? e Project Mc2 girls will
give up smoking, the user manual you’ve change your mind. Created to show that it’s
so would it be cool to love tech and science, there are four
safer to change always wanted for raising characters: McKeyla, who’s into literature,
to e-cigarettes ‘culinary chemist’ Adrienne, queen of
instead?” children, Ber advises and technology Bryden and finally Camryn, who’s
into construction. Like any doll set, there
Professor Judith Zelikoff, from shares her experiences as are accessories to play with and something
New York University in the that’s particularly suited to the Bryden’s out
USA, has just led a study into well as the training she uses there is this toy. Children can create their own
the effects on newborn babies electrical circuit which turns everyday objects
of their pregnant mothers in helping mums identify into musical instruments – for example, a
having smoked e-cigarettes. piece of fruit (when the wire connects to an
She says: “ e basic answer the root causes of stress and object it completes the circuit). Music is played
would be not to smoke through speakers on a cat ear headband.
anything while you’re unhappiness in the home.
pregnant or nursing or even Tronex Amazing 144+
after the baby’s born, so as Available from www. Did you know? Science Lab Electronic Kit
not to risk the immediate and and on 42% of Irish (€40 approx from
future health of your baby. kindle at
Science kits have always been a popular
“ e unborn and adults think educational toy for children, and this one,
young child represent a their mum which focuses on electronics, will be just as
sub-population who are cooks better well received as the traditional type. Suitable
particularly vulnerable to than anyone for those aged eight and over, it’s packed
the effects of toxic agents, with capabilities - 144 to be specific! You can
even more so than adults. Statistic courtesy of Whirlpool make a fan fly, create music and even make a
Our toxicological studies doorbell sound - just pop in some AA batteries
performed in the laboratory Feet first and use the accompanying wires to connect
examined the effects of the various sections. e board itself is bright
e-cigarette vapour exposure If Cinderella was real, I and flashy - perfect for catching children’s
during pregnancy, and would be trying to jam attention and, most importantly, they won’t
shortly after birth, on my non-childsized feet even realise they are learning!
gene expression changes into these cute sandals
in that portion of the brain from Zara. Available in WOMANSWAY.IE 27
responsible for problem three colours, they’re
solving, spontaneity, €19.95 and perfect for
memory, language, initiation, summer holidays and
judgement, impulse control,
and social and sexual if, just if, the weather
behaviour, as well as on later improves.
life behaviour.
that demonstrated extensive
gene changes in the brain and by Raziel Reid (Atom, €14.99)
hyperactivity in the adult
offspring of exposed mothers, is is not a book you enjoy; it’s one that slices through your
I would say it’s not safe to brain like a razor on flesh. at’s not to say it isn’t brilliant. In
vape during this critical fact, it’s bright, sharp, uncannily accurate when it comes to
developmental time.” pinning down the harsher, nastier sides of teenage behaviour,
and is also heartfelt and dotted with piercingly touching
moments that utterly wring you out. Inspired by a true story,
Raziel Reid introduces us to Jude, a “supernova” of a character
who doesn’t deign to ascribe to a
particular gender, and who every day
reimagines the world so that all the
haters are transformed into adoring
groupies and obsessed paparazzi. A
haze of drugs, fear, addiction, loss,
sex, parental failure and the agonising
desire to be loved, fogs up every page
as Jude races towards the pinnacle of
school life: the Valentine’s Day Ball.
Relatively speaking HELP REMEDY FUSSY EATING
Easy ways to
combat fussy eating * Add variety to your shopping trolley. Try
new foods and new veggies. Let the kids
Do your children turn their noses up at meals? explore the fruit and veg section and pick
what they like the look of instead of just
No matter what age your child is, it’s never too selecting apples and oranges. Supermarkets
like Lidl now sell exotic fruit. Buy a couple
late to halt pickiness... each week and let the kids try out the
various tastes.
We all want our kids to enjoy a * When weaning your baby or introducing
balanced, healthy diet, so it can be new foods, don’t take that first rejection
a stumbling block for many mums as concrete, never to be introduced
and dads to find that they have again. The idea to keep in mind is that
you are broadening your baby’s taste and
what’s commonly known as a ‘fussy eater’ texture range.
* You may not have the time to turn meals
on their hands – a child who rejects certain into a work of art, but sometimes making
some meals stand out is fun. Try a mash
foods because of the texture, colour or potato volcano with gravy ‘lava’, a mini
edible garden with broccoli trees, or an
taste, or who won’t try something new and edible face with cherry tomato cheeks and
sweetcorn curls.
healthy. In some extreme cases a child can *Don’t be a fusspot yourself. Our kids are
influenced by parental tastes and reactions. If
have a preference for a couple of foodstuffs you skip meals, turn your nose up at sprouts
and declare that certain foods are o limits
like crackers and yogurt and refuse point because of your ‘diet’, then you’re reinforcing
certain messages about food to your child.
black to try anything else. Very often parents *Worried your child is missing out? Examine
their food intake over a week, rather than
can’t find a way out of the rejection and the a day. A seven day menu plan, where you
know in advance what you’ll prepare and cook
cycle. ere are a few reasons why nipping allows you to see at a glance where your child
may be missing out nutritionally.
fussy eating in the bud as early on as possible *Let your little one help out in the kitchen.
He may well ‘hate eggs’ but when he has
is a good idea, but also it’s never too late to fun whisking them up for a delicious quiche,
or cracks a couple into a pancake mix, he’ll
convert an older fussy eater. probably change his mind.
According to the Avon Longitudinal Study
of Parents and Children, from the University
of Bristol, the pre-schoolers whose parents
considered them to be picky eaters, got less
dietary fibre in their diets and were 30 per
cent more likely to suffer from constipation
than their non-picky buddies.
Of the sample of 6,000 in the study, 10 need to increase fibre intake in the majority
per cent were picky eaters at the age of two, of children, particularly by increasing the
and this figure increased to 15 per cent by amount of veg and fruit they eat. For parents
the age of three. And guess what food group of children who are picky eaters, the best mealtimes with the same meals offered to,
but not forced on, everyone.”
was rejected the most? e beloved veggies. advice is to try a combination of approaches,
ere are lots of other simple ways to
Fussy eaters consumed only half what non- including offering small tastes of vegetables banish fussiness. For a start, drop the label.
How many times have you declared to
fussy kids ate, as well as consuming slightly on many occasions to overcome neophobia someone that your child is a ‘fussy eater’
when little ears are listening? WW
less fruit. (fear of what is new), showing a good
Interestingly, the kids who weren’t fussy example by eating vegetables themselves,
eaters, were also revealed to not and by having regular family
have enough dietary fibre in
their diets. THVEHEMGEGLLPIEOSVE 1 ‘Ribbon’ baked, make the platter of enticing cheese sauce.
A massive three quarters veggies with a perfect ‘base’ for a chopped veggies
potato peeler mini veggie pizza – including peppers, 7 You might not
didn’t get their recommended before cooking. just use the usual celery and carrots consider veggies
quota, and for the fussy eaters toppings. and put out on at supper time, but
this rose to 85 per cent. 2 Cook a plate for little a scoop of sweet
4 Make your own grazers to pick on. potato and turnip
If this concerns you as a parent, Brussels spread for toast mash with butter
and crackers by 6 Some veggies like and seasoning will
you may well be wondering how sprouts until so cooking and blending cauliflower, broccoli, fill a tummy for the
veggies. potatoes and night and is a tasty
to reverse your little fussy eater’s and blend in with courgettes are even alternative to toast
more yummy with a or bowl of cereal.
ways. After all, you can’t force feed a child. potatoes. By Una Rice
But it’s also great to see your child loving and
enjoying veg as well as other food products. 3 Aubergines,
Lead researcher of the study Dr Caroline sliced thinly and 5 Make a daily
Taylor, said: “Our research highlights the
ASK Parenting news
Shorts €7.99
Top €4.99
Flip flops €6.99
All from H&M
“My five-year-old CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE WEEK Shoes from €12
daughter has just been THE SKY GUYS Dress €26.50
diagnosed with asthma Saddle bag €15
because she o en coughs by Madeleine Rogers All from Next
and is wheezy. She’s been (Button Books, €15.99)
prescribed an inhaler, but DATE FOR YOUR DIARY
hasn’t had a lung function Aimed at children aged four to seven, April 19-20, Citywest Hotel,
test. Is this necessary the book contains five birds and all are Dubin
for a correct diagnosis of explored through rhyme, pictures and Sensational Kids charity’s
asthma?” pull-out cards to construct into 3D figures. Special Educational Needs
It’s the perfect way to share an interactive Conference & Expo is the only
Sonia Munde, head of Asthma learning experience with children. A dedicated national conference for
UK’s helpline and a nurse beautiful book that’ll appeal to adults and those working with and caring
manager at the charity, says: children alike. for children and adolescents with
“Currently there isn’t one special educational needs. e
definitive test to find out if Waffle on speaker line-up features world
your child has asthma, so class experts like Professor Tony
you shouldn’t be concerned Cuisinart WAF1U Wa e Maker Attwood, Professor Amanda
that your daughter hasn’t (€64.99 from Kirby and Dr Sidney Chu. Over
had any tests, particularly as 30 exhibitors are booked and
it’s di cult to do these with For the ultimate weekend treat, create an estimated 500 attendees are
children under six. a batch of waffles and add your own expected.
toppings - whether that’s blueberries Tickets can be booked on
“To help make a diagnosis, or thick chocolate sauce. You’ll need
your GP will ask a lot of to make up your batter and turn on
questions to get a full picture of the machine to warm it up, but that’s
your child’s life and the things the hard work all done. Simply pour
that might be causing her
symptoms. If they think it’s likely the mixture into the plates, close
she may have asthma, then they the lid and a light will glow to
would give what’s called a ‘trial tell you when your Belgian
of treatment’. This is when they breakfast is ready. When it
prescribe asthma medicines and comes to cleaning up, the
if a patient’s symptoms improve, plates are detachable and
it’s a very good indication that dishwasher safe.
they have asthma.
When I grow up YAY!
“It’s really important that you
don’t stop your daughter from When I was little, I wanted to be an Mods & Minis opened a
taking her medicines a er reading author and a journalist. Tick! But new store in Ballincollig
the recent headlines on how children in 2016 want something a Shopping Centre. e
children may be misdiagnosed. little di erent. As part of research sixth store by this Irish
If your daughter o en coughs carried out by CALPOL’s Let Kids Be owned company stocks
or has a wheeze, these are two Kids campaign, 26 per cent of those a range of clothing
symptoms of asthma and if surveyed want to be a professional to suit all ages from
they improve when she uses an sports star when they’re older, newborn to 12 years
inhaler, then it’s highly likely she followed by a teacher (22 per cent), and Diesel teen boy to
has the condition.” a doctor (18 per cent), a video game 14 years.
designer (17 per cent) and a singer
(14 per cent). Could you be raising
the next Irish megastar?
Relatively speaking
How sleep deprivation
affects your children
Grumpy? Tick. Can’t concentrate? Tick. Oversleeping at weekends?
Tick. ey’re all signs of sleep deprivation
As parents, we recognise the feelings that your child’s teacher will definitely know who the week. It’s worth enforcing some internet By Una Rice
a lack of sleep induces. A study from the stayed up too late to ‘finish a game.’ rules for all ages.
University of Leiden in the Netherlands
found that nearly 50 per cent of all CREATE A SLEEP RITUAL DON’T FORGET YOUR TEENS
parents with young kids get at least one hour
less sleep than they need. And respected Children respond to rituals and routines, so It’s not just babies and young kids whose sleep
child psychologist Professor Tanya Byron, create a simple one for bedtime. If your child patterns you should watch. Your teenager is
has warned that there is a sleep deprivation has a tendency to embark on ‘distractions’ like probably sleep deprived. Moodiness, lack of
crisis going on that’s harming children and lining up toys, getting up and down for drinks concentration and sleeping late at weekends
teenagers as they are allowed to stay up too or bathroom visits or complaining of being too are all signs. Yet telling your teen to go to
late and sleep when they want to, and this hot or too cold, try to deal with these issues bed at 10pm just may not work as teens are
affects concentration, schoolwork, mood and first so they don’t become habits. A simple biologically wired to want to go to sleep later
behaviour. routine of supper, bathroom (bath, teeth, and to lie in.
toilet) book and bed should help.
Fifteen per cent of parents feel that they’d Researchers at Stanford University found
function better in the day if only they had “Teens need up to that teens actually need up to a couple of
more sleep. But with a quarter of children a couple of hours hours more sleep than a younger sibling of
under five occupying their parents’ bed, is a more sleep than nine or ten. So it’s really worth having a chat
decent night’s sleep just a distant dream? a younger sibling with your teen about getting a full night’s
Sleep deprivation can affect almost every of nine or ten” sleep and having consistent patterns, like not
aspect of family life. But if your response is oversleeping at weekends. For teens, healthy
a short-term measure, for example to bring START ‘DOWN’ TIME sleep patterns are essential for concentration
your child into your bed at 2am in a last ditch FROM TEA TIME and alertness and to fight bad moods. Critical
attempt to get some shut-eye, it’s worth hormones are also released during sleep.
looking further along the line and seeing if you Many young kids are still engaged in
can establish some good sleep routines and stimulating activities in the evening, missing A Canadian study found an association with
boundaries that keep your child in their own out on that vital unwind time before sleep. lack of sleep in teens to increased risk of heart
bed and able to get themselves back to sleep, Some new rules might work: for example, disease later in life. It’s worth watching that
without using you as a cuddly prompt. exercise and physical activity every day (even teen diet also; the Canadian study found a
a family walk or visit to the park after school link between disturbed sleep and factors such
KNOW THE SIGNS for fresh air aids sleep), games to be unplugged as a fatty food diet, high cholesterol, and soft
OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION two hours before bedtime and replaced with a drinks. Encourage your teen to eat sleep-
warm bath, supper and a book. inducing foods in the evening, rather than fatty
Children under five have a tendency to become foods and drinks containing caffeine. WW
tearful and irritable when overtired. ey TOO WIRED FOR ZZZS
often won’t say they’re tired, but their actions
and mood speak for themselves. Children over e use of internet, mobile phones and social
five will have difficulty getting up for school, media has been accused of creating a no
may be irritable in the day and want to doze sleep zone for teens, who can clock up to six
after school, or are too tired for homework. hours of screen time a day. Research from the
Netherlands on adolescents aged between 13
Studies have revealed that although and 18 has revealed that whilst being logged
intelligence is not affected, children with on doesn’t affect the ‘quantity’ of sleep, it
a lack of sleep exhibit poor academic certainly does affect the ‘quality’ and nearly
performance. One study from Tel Aviv found 20 per cent of teens claim to have poor sleep in
that ‘even minor changes in sleep’ may have a
negative impact on concentration, attention,
memory and learning.
With the average ten-year-old having
access to five different screens at home, there
are plenty of sleep distractions. Essentially,
Parenting News
“I’ve heard
a lot about the (Makes 1)
importance of vitamin D
for children, but I’m not ON TARGET Did you
sure about supplements know?
– are there any good food HoverTech Battle
sources of vitamin D?” FX (€30 from Over 54 per cent of sixth class students
Sports nutritionist Gareth YOU WILL NEED have admitted
Nicholas says: “For most of 130g strong white flour This drone doesn’t come to speaking to a
us, there’s no substitute for a 30g malted wheat flour with camera capabilities, stranger online. is
sunny day, and when it comes 130ml of warm water but it certainly is fun. is from research by
to getting our daily dose of 50g of sourdough starter Made to be a kid’s toy, Zeeko, an Irish start-
vitamin D, it’s no di erent. The 30g dried apple we think it’s just as up company that
vitamin is produced by our body 15g malted barley entertaining for grown- works to educate
in reaction to sunlight and we 5g jumbo oats ups. The drone hovers parents to teach their
get most of our vitamin D from 5g sunflower seeds above the ground and you children to stay safe
sunlight on our skin - that’s 5g millet seeds have to shoot the targets online. Its digital
why it’s called the sunshine 5g poppy seeds on it using two blasters trend report also
vitamin. 5g sea salt and darts (supplied). In highlighted that 17
5g fresh yeast (or half that for dried yeast dissolved single player mode, you’ll per cent of children
“Vitamin D plays an into the water) need to hit the target three in first class report
important role in the body’s 30g walnuts times to get it down, and interacting with
health - it contributes to when in battle mode, you’ll strangers online.
healthy muscle function and METHOD want to be the first to Full details about
a normal functioning immune › Weigh together all of your ingredients, except for the knock it down by hitting it Zeeko and the report
system. It’s also important once. One note of caution: are available on
for helping children to absorb walnuts and malted barley, and mix together into a it’s meant to hover up
calcium which is essential to dough. to three feet above desk
build and maintain healthy › Knead your dough and add in the walnuts at the end, surface, but when we
bones and teeth. But for then leave to rest for one hour. played with it, it was
children living in the UK and › Knock back your dough before shaping as a bloomer, probably about half that.
other sunshine-deprived areas, and roll in coarsely milled malted barley (which can
there are other food and drink be “milled” with the end of a rolling pin in a heavy CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE WEEK
sources of vitamin D that we bowl or in a pestle and mortar). CONSUMED
can use as a back-up when the › Leave to rise for one hour, upside down in a proving
skies are grey. basket or bowl. Consumed by Abbie Rushton
› Pre-heat your oven and baking stone (or heavy metal (Atom, €9.99)
“Firstly, there’s oily fish tray) to 220°C.
such as salmon, sardines and › Gently turn your risen dough out onto the stone or Reviewed by Casey O’Halloran
mackerel. Salmon is a great tray and cut a deep line into the side of it with a sharp
source of vitamin D, but if your knife (also known as a long eyelash slash). is will Murder, mystery and teenage
children are reluctant to try fish, give your loaf a beautiful shape when baked. love. is page turning thriller-
fortified breakfast cereals can › Add some splashes of water to a tray in the oven come-romance novel tells
contain approximately 20 per underneath your loaf, to create steam, which will help the story of Myla whose sister
cent of their dietary reference to develop a lovely crust to your bread. was killed while they were
intake [DRI] for vitamin D, and › Bake for 25 minutes. at a beach together. Two
drinks such as Horlicks are also years later a traumatised and
fortified with the vitamin, with Recipe courtesy of e Fabulous Baker Brothers agoraphobic Myla hasn’t left
each cup containing 93 per cent her house since the murder. Until
of the DRI. Jamie comes to town. is book tackles a lot of issues
that will be important to its teenage audience, like
“Eggs are another great anorexia and anxiety attacks. I liked that the plot
choice for children, as the yolks twists dramatically more than once, it keeps the
are rich in the sunshine vitamin. reader on their toes. is is an exciting read, just
don’t read it when you’re home alone!
“Try a combination of these
alongside a healthy diet to top
up vitamin D levels if you’re
reluctant to try supplements.”