Space NK Founder Nicky Kinnaird on sibling
rivalry and fielding the future of beauty.
TYPICALLY I GET UP EARLY. My whole thing is exercise first the day is longer than it actually is! Passion and probably drive
thing in the morning, because it’s the one bit that no one can for innovation would be my strengths. WHAT GIVES ME HUGE
PLEASURE is when you come across an innovator with a nugget of
interfere with, so I’m usually up at 6.30 to go to the gym. an idea and you go through the process of helping them bring that to
MY DAYS CAN BE TOTALLY VARIED. I could be meeting existing market. You see it in store, a customer buys it... the most incredible
suppliers, talking about innovation, it could be meeting someone feeling is when you hear a customer recommending it to a complete
stranger. That it’s something she discovered and has been thrilled by.
who has a nugget of a new idea that they’re looking to bring to When you see that snowball effect moving forward, that’s something
I really feel good about. A DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE IS THE BEST
market. I could be with dermatologists, makeup artists, session THING on the planet! I like to exercise hard and more often than
not there will be some stiffness in the body. I don’t necessarily love it
stylists, you name it. But very much focused around newness, ideas while it’s happening, but the after effects are amazing. I would take a
and incubation. I’M ON A PLANE AT LEAST EVERY COUPLE OF deep tissue massage over a facial any day! PEOPLE WHO CHANGED
WEEKS. When I travel I tend to pound the pavements, see what’s SOMETHING, who really have invented new things, are inspiring
going on, get a handle on what’s selling, what are people using, to me. Some of the internet entrepreneurs that have come through
have been extraordinary. Airbnb as a concept is really interesting and
networking as widely as possible – that’s how you learn about clever. SPACE NK IS ALL ABOUT EDUCATING PEOPLE and inspiring
what’s resonating, and what’s new. AS SPACE NK GROWS AND them toward self-improvement, either at a deep down level or a
THE WORLD CHANGES, I’m looking not just at beauty as it was superficial level – whatever works for them. But it’s about opening
before. I’m looking at supplementation, nutrition, lifestyle, health their eyes to other possibilities. THE APP I USE THE MOST WHEN
I’M TRAVELLING is Citymapper. It started in NY, went to London
and fitness. That’s the direction in which customers are moving and now is available in a lot of other cities. It tells you how to get
and it interests me personally, too. I COULD PRESCRIBE THE MOST from A to B, with a choice of mode of transport. It also has goofy
INCREDIBLE SKINCARE REGIME, but if someone’s lifestyle is junky things like if you want to walk or cycle there how many calories
from a nutrition, exercise and sleep standpoint, they’re still going to you’ll burn and so forth. WONDER PL IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLE
show the effects of bad lifestyle on their face. I’VE PLAYED TENNIS NEW APP. It’s a very sophisticated, curated Youtube for women. It’s
SINCE I WAS BIG ENOUGH TO HOLD A RACQUET. I come from a beautifully presented, and has everything in lifestyle from cooking to
very competitive family background of tennis. As kids, it was always beauty to fitness. I THINK YOU’RE GOING TO SEE a lot more smart
technology in beauty, through fabrics, patches... alot more diagnostic
my brother and I against my father, who was a very good tennis with treatment. I think technology and science are going to play a
huge role in beauty – that’s the future. n
player. When that became unfair, it was singles against each other.
The new Space NK Apothecary is now open at Grafton Street,
My brother lives in LA and still whenever I travel there we’ll slot in
Dublin 2.
a game of tennis, even if it’s at six in the morning. Just to have the
Kinnaird family rivalry going! DOWNTIME IS IMPORTANT. I love to
go and see art exhibitions, galleries, go to the cinema. I also read an
awful lot. You can see how the effect
of an exhibition, or whatever, can filter
‘My weakness is down through various industries at
definitely time that moment in time. GROOMING IS
manage ment. I MORE IMPORTANT NOW than ever in
always think I terms of putting the right face forward
can do more.’ to the world. Before it was almost seen
to be indulgent to take care of yourself,
now, good grooming is the norm. MY
FATHER IS STILL THE BEST SOUNDING-board on the planet. He’s
slightly removed from the situation but he has a very good business
brain and I trust him implicitly and he gives good, solid advice. HE
WAS A CHARTERED SURVEYOR, it was a family business so we
grew up with that business mindset within the family. My weakness
is definitely time management. I always think I can do more. I think
LIFEmy working
Staying grounded while managing
the stratosphere. Some – like
Beatrice Cosgrove of Etihad Airways
– make it look easy...
T here are high fliers… years at Continental Airlines, but left to customer: consumer, travel agency,
and then there is Beatrice join an airline that was three years old colleague, business partner, and this is
Cosgrove. and had no presence in Ireland at the time. where treating others with dignity and
With almost two I admit I was both nervous and excited, respect comes into play.
decades of travel industry but it has most certainly paid off. The
expertise, she leads the last eight years working with the fastest What is the first thing you do at the start of
Etihad Airways operation in Ireland as growing airline in aviation history have
the airline’s Area General Manager for been absolutely incredible and some of my your working day? And the last?
Northern Europe – one of the few women most exciting years in my career to date.
in leadership roles in the airline industry. Before I get up I always reach for my
From early beginnings as a souvenir What has been your proudest achievement? Blackberry, closely followed by a cup of
seller (more of which below!), she studied tea! The last thing I do is double check my
at UCD and worked with Continental My two boys! Tom and Fionn, aged four diary for the following day and make sure
Airlines before joining Etihad in 2007. and three. They’re great fun and love to I have Blackberry in my bag.
get up to mischief as all little boys do.
The sky (if you’ll forgive the pun) has They teach me how important it is to have When do you feel most energised?
not proved a limit. As General Manager balance in your life. Weekends are often
for Etihad, Beatrice has overseen the spent in the aquatic centre or in the park After a good run. One of the best feelings!
expansion of the Irish operation from playing with hurleys and sliotars. Exercise is important when you are living
just four flights a week to double daily a busy life at home trying to keep up with
flights between Dublin and Abu Dhabi. By Any mantras you live by? a three and four-year-old and also manage
day, she leads a busy international team, an operation of fourteen flights a week
off-duty meanwhile, she is mum to two Take every day as it comes. Treat others from Dublin.
little boys aged three and four. Irish Tatler with dignity and respect. The early bird
Business finds out more about how she catches the worm. All of these are mantras What works for you when it comes to
makes it work. that play a part in my life.
dressing for your job?
Tell us about your first ever job? What does effective leadership mean to
My first job was in sales, selling religious Three words! Modern, simple and
souvenirs in a shop in Knock, for £8 per you? tailored. I always have my “airport shoes”
day. Before embarking on a career in the (flats) when travelling.
aviation industry, I waitressed in the US No two days in the travel industry are
for a summer, taught English in Japan and the same, so it is important to face into What do you do outside of working hours
taught business and maths in a secondary your day, always leading from the front
school in Tipperary. Tipperary being the while appreciating the strengths of your that feeds your imagination, or your soul?
home of hurling, meant this also saw me team. I never ask anyone to do anything I
refereeing a few hurling games! wouldn’t do myself. The airline industry My biggest passion is travel and seeing the
What’s the boldest career move you’ve is a people industry, everyone is your world. I’m lucky, having worked in the
made? travel industry for almost two decades, I
Joining Etihad Airways! I spent nine great have seen some of the less travelled paths
and some of the world’s most amazing
sights (if you’re looking for holiday
Beatrice Cosgrove will share further personal insights, and her tips for getting ahead, at the Irish Tatler
Academy Conference this April 30th 2015 at the Convention Centre Dublin. To book your place
at Ireland’s Women’s Leadership Conference see
BUSINESSWOMANof the month ALYSON HOGG established
premium self-tanning brand
Vita Liberata in 2003. It counts
Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Watson
and Ellie Goulding among its
fans and in April of this year the
Belfast head-quartered company
received the prestigious
Queen’s Award for Enterprise in
International Trade.
meetings or at head office. There
is always travelling of some kind
involved, usually a taxi and a train, or
a plane. I often have to take a moment
when I wake up to remember where
in the world I am. I start every day
with emails on my iPad or phone, and
then my husband, who travels most
places with me (he is my Global Sales watching Netflix. Breaking Bad was networking events and people often
think I’m being rude, which is why
Director), does the tea (or coffee if we our jetlag medicine for months. We I now tell people when I meet them!
are in a hotel…so, mostly coffee!). I were bereft when it ended! UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF
WORK/LIFE BALANCE. I give in and
USUALLY START WORK AT ABOUT I’VE BEEN GIVEN A FEW NUGGETS integrate work into my life entirely –
doing what I do, it’s actually the only
5.30AM. It’s not that I’m a workaholic, OF GOOD ADVICE. You will always way. It’s not that I define myself by my
job, I absolutely don’t. But in order to
but the business is busy and the emails have to ask for something more than accept the hours and responsibilities
required to do what I do, I don’t think
and communication with other time once – generally about seven times! of work as something different from
life. I often have to take work calls
zones continue until my eyes close Don’t get frustrated – just keep asking. during ‘personal’ time, but on the other
side I will always take a call from my
and I invariably fall asleep in bed with Also, you have to stick with it and kids during work.
my glasses on! IT SOUNDS CHEESY, keep moving forward, because if you MONEY, SUCCESS OR POWER because
none of those things are important
but the best part of my don’t, you will slip without health, and the love of friends
and family. They are a very integrated
job is seeing the delight back. MY TRAVEL set of concepts. Great ideas, creativity,
ingenuity, flexibility, positivity,
of happy customers. It ESSENTIALS generosity and joy will help you raise
money, the money will give you the
sometimes happens that KEEP MOVING ARE STRETCHY power to get things done, and when
a customer comes up to FORWARD, CLOTHES, four- you get things done success will follow.
me in amazement and wheel luggage, lots THE GLASS CEILING IS STILL
says, ‘You know this BECAUSE IF YOU of underwear, a PREVALENT BUT IT IS BEGINNING TO
product is phenomenal, it DON’T, YOU’LL cross-body bag and CRACK, and soon it will break – I’m
doesn’t smell of anything, the Skin Plumping sure of it. Simply because female talent
SLIP BACK is so critical to business success and
the younger generation of females who
or feel of anything!’ Peptide Mist and possess that talent won’t stand for
anything less. n
PERSON in my career Liberata’s Skin
has been my father. He encouraged the Respect range – especially for long haul
grit, determination and practicality that flights.
are an everyday part of my working MY STRENGTHS ARE THAT I AM
life. The most inspiring? My assistant, POSITIVE, detailed, tenacious, good
Cherith. Her belief in what can be at problem-solving, energetic and I
achieved, and her relentlessly positive am told I’m a good multi-tasker (I’m
view of the world are true motivators writing this as I walk off a plane!).
TO UNWIND I READ BOOKS on my IMPATIENT, and I can be ‘focused’ to
iPad and try to spend whatever time the exclusion of those around me. And
I can on my boat as we love sailing. I’m totally useless with faces. I need
Having time with my kids and closest to meet a person three or four times
friends is important too. Cooking our before I’m certain I know them, usually
own food is also a big luxury, as is until I hear them speak. It means I hate
WOMEN INbusiness
Irish businesswomen, blazing a trail. By Mary McFadden
Name: Grace O’ Sullivan and like anything we had done before. It Name: Gina Stafford received? “Always go with your
Ellen Weber was a great experience. We were also Business: Paul Allen Hair Stylists instincts as they will never guide you
Business: Glitz n’ Pieces approached by Lisa Cannon’s party Offering: “Paul Allen is a ladies too far wrong. Every day is a learning
Offering: “We offer a wide range of planner to provide accessories for her and gents hair salon, located in experience at work, regardless of
‘80s-themed engagement party; this Moycullen, a short distance from how many years you have been in
accessories for women at affordable was a great chance for us to make Galway City offering a range of hair business.”
our name known. We also have over care services including cut, colour, Best part about your job?
prices. Our accessories range from bags 10,000 followers on Twitter.” highlights and up-styles, in particular “Meeting inspirational people like
Looking ahead: “We want to make for bridal parties.” my business partner Tori Clews and
and jewellery to phone accessories.”“We Glitz n’ Pieces the largest fashion Progress: “Paul Allen is currently trying to build a small empire. I am
accessory store in Ireland.” celebrating 10 successful years very proud of what I have achieved
also provide a blog on our website so Go-to fashion label for work in business, which I feel is an so far!”
wear? “We both love Zara with a achievement in itself! We are Contact details: 092 556 155; facebook.
our customers can interact with us. We passion and also love model and delighted to have so many repeat com/PaulAllen1993
blogger Pippa O’ Connor’s style tips.” customers keeping our team of five
often post style advice and latest news Tip for budding entrepreneurs? stylists busy.”
“Make sure to get plenty of exercise! Looking ahead: “We want to
on the blog for our customers to see Being an entrepreneur can be tough keep in line with emerging trends
as you are always thinking 24/7 and and new styles in the hairdressing
and we offer free worldwide shipping.” we find going on a brisk walk every day industry, ensuring that we meet the
Progress: “At the age of 19, we are both relaxes us and allows us to think more demands of our customers.”
clearly.” Tip for budding entrepreneurs?
delighted with our progress within Contact details: “Take all the guidance and help you
glitznpieces. can from family and friends when
seven months of starting our business. ie; sales@ starting out, especially from those who have their own business. You’ll
We appeared on Ireland AM on TV3 and be surprised where you can get
Green dress inspiration or support from at times.”
Nationwide on RTÉ which was nothing (€49.95) @ Zara Best piece of advice you’ve ever
Name: Anne Marie Foran
Business: AM Foran PR
Offering: “AM Foran PR is an Irish PR
agency specialising in beauty, health
and lifestyle brands. We are a vibrant and
Name: Therese Rooney creative agency with a passion for brand
Business: The Bungalow
Offering: “The Bungalow is a flower and story-telling and ensuring your unique
gift shop based in Delgany, Co Wicklow.
Our floral arrangements range from the message gets the attention it deserves.”
prettiest posies to stunning bespoke
arrangements. Our creations are perfect Progress: “I have continually grown
for home, events, weddings and corporate
requirements. We carry a large range my client list with new beauty and
of unique Irish gifts ranging from hand
poured scented candles to exquisite wall lifestyle brands coming on board, many
art to delicate hand crafted jewellery.”
Progress: “We celebrated our first birthday of whom are household names. A lot
on 15 May and what an incredible year
we have had! Our floral arrangements of business has come to me directly
have created quite a buzz due to the artistic nature of our head florist Shelley
and we are delighted with the amazing feedback and repeat custom we from recommendations by clients and
have been getting. Since we started our nationwide delivery service we have
proudly sent our bouquets all over the country!” editors alike, so I am very proud of the
Looking ahead: “We are passionate about offering our customers the best
quality flowers and gifts available. We will continue to grow and develop our reputation I have built up over the years.”
brand and we’re excited about expansion plans in the near future.”
Go-to fashion label for workwear: “As I’m on my feet most of the day, Looking ahead: “I am already working on 2015 in terms of client strategy and
footwear is really important. My favourite boots at the moment are by a
Spanish label called Xti.” pitching for new business and I am really looking forward to sharing some
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Never be afraid to ask for help.”
Contact details: 01 281 2725; very exciting beauty and health launches in the months to come.”
Must-have beauty product? “For skincare, I adore SkinCeuticals
Hydrating B5 Gel which is a year-round drink of water for my skin.
In terms of makeup, Armani foundation, but I also love Chanel,
YSL and MAC. Mascara, however, is my must-have desert island
product. I happily admit to being a mascara addict!”
Best part about your job? “It does sound like a cliché,
but I love that every day is different. From strategy
meetings to beauty product launches to
pitching for new business and of course Mascara
meetings with beauty editors as I love face- Volume
to-face time.” Contact details: 086 8361999; Effet Faux
[email protected]; Cils Baby Doll (€27) by
Businesswomanof the month fiona Mckeon is CEO of Gender
Bizworld Ireland, a group of quotas are
educators and business people radical, but
who inspire and empower at the same
children to grow their future. time so was
She also works as a professional the marriaGe
development lecturer and
trainer. ban
My days are very different. I can be conveyed the passion I have for empower people. I rate money last out of
working on emails, lecturing and training something I do. I love talking to people all three of these. Hopefully the money
or talking to corporations, doing things and teaching and when they get what will come once you’re successful!
for Bizworld Ireland or visiting a school. I’m trying to say, it’s really a success. when it coMes to the glass
The variety is huge. I could be on the I love when people are as enthusiastic ceiling I don’t think we’re there yet. I
road, I could be working from home, or about something as I am, and I feel like think both genders acknowledge these
working from our base which is at the I’m getting through. I love empowering days that there’s a real lack of females in
Irish Management Institute (IMI). people through education, I love that the boardroom. I would attribute that to
i’M a doer, i love energy, I love being you can make a change with it. Female the marriage ban in the 60s. I think we’re
in front of people, talking and conveying entrepreneurship is really important to only really seeing the fruit of that now
my passion for Bizworld Ireland. Sitting me as well. as the people at senior level in a lot of
down and doing endless amounts of My work Mantra would be‘go industries are from that era. On one hand
paperwork doesn’t really thrill me. for it’. Failures are fine, you learn from I think gender quotas are quite radical
i have to Make a conscious them. I think sometimes ‘chin up’ and but at the same time, so was the marriage
decision to cut off work after ‘put your best foot forward’ are great ban. Gender quotas could be good for
a certain hour of the day, otherwise I things to rely on. Positivity is important levelling the playing field.
would be constantly looking at emails to me. I don’t think you should surround i love sheryl sandberg – I think
all evening. I think having a family helps yourself with, or listen to, too much she talks a lot of sense. I loved her book,
me to do that, because they have to be negativity. Not everything is doable but I couldn’t put it down. It’s a bit sad that
fed! Ideas mightn’t always come to you if you don’t attempt it you’ll never find you have to get someone to say all of
when you’re in the throes of work, so out. I believe in life-long learning, it’s that to make it happen, but we need a
sometimes it’s very tempting to open the never too late to up-skill – challenges are champion. When we have workshops
laptop again at eight or nine o’clock to opportunities to be creative. And manners in mixed schools, girls do take on the
put an idea down. It’s probably not will get you very far – it’s not what you leadership roles, I don’t know what
very healthy but it’s a bit of a compulsion say, it’s how you say it. happens later on. I think it’s really
at times. i rank success above all, because important to encourage women into
to unwind, i cook Meals and I enjoy it means you did a good job and you leadership roles, but we really need to
eating out. I go for walks at the weekends fulfilled your role. Power and money can start young. n
and I go to the gym twice during the have negative connotations. Power in the
week to balance that. I play golf in the right hands is okay and can be harnessed
summer, but that’s about it. Just being at in a very positive way. The power to
home, unwinding, is sometimes enough. change things is important, the power to
when things get stressful i turn
to My husband and my immediate
family. My parents are great, I rely on my
own intuition as well, I have to say.
the best piece of advice i’ve ever
received came from my family, that
education is of utmost importance. You
really can never have enough educational
training. That was instilled in me from a
young age and I took that on board.
i thought i could never
love anything other than a
blackberry and then I got an iPhone!
I can’t do without it now. I love my
laptop as it means I can bring my office
anywhere. I love Ted Talks, I think they’re
fantastic and very inspirational.
success to Me is when i have
women inbusiness
Irish businesswomen, blazing a trail. By Rebecca Brennan
UK. We have won Name: Caroline McEnery
Business: The HR Suite
numerous awards Offering: “The HR Suite provides full, outsourced
management of the HR function. Best practice
in Ireland and the UK advice and support is provided by The HR
Suite team, with strict adherence to current
since 2012 for our employment legislation. We tailor our service to
suit our clients’ specific requirements. We advise
Easy Grip Crawl Suits. and support our clients on how to deal with
all areas of HRM and actively assist our clients
Parents are giving us through the more complex situations that arise.
Progress: “Formerly known as HR & Business Solutions, the company
amazing feedback on is growing steadily with over 200 clients in Ireland, with the majority
of this growth based on referrals from existing clients. In 2013 we
the suits and doctors, expanded our services in line with our clients’ growing needs. To reflect
these developments we re-branded and became The HR suite. Our new
public health nurses services include our online training programmes. We provide a range of
comprehensive and interactive training courses which include manual
and paediatric handling and customer-care training as well as a variety of people
management training courses.”
OTs are now Black embellished Looking ahead: “Our aim for the future is to continue to provide a top class
recommending neck dress service to our clients and to grow alongside them to ensure all their business
(€55.95) @ Zara and HR needs are satisfied.”
Name: Ollwyn Moran them. They are Most inspiring read? “Shine: Using Brain Science to get the Best from Your People
Business: Creeper Crawlers by Edward Hallowell provides tips on how to achieve excellence through
Offering: “Creeper Crawlers being bought maximising employee performance. Hallowell endorses a five step process and
is a company on a mission to advocates the importance of selecting the correct person for the job, creating
support and enhance the natural as gifts also – in fact many parents are positive connections, allowing people to use their imaginations, how and when
developmental stages of infants, to challenge employees and offering rewards for success. Making the most of
not to rush them. We are absolutely emailing us to tell us that they were the your employee’s skills is great for them and for your business.”
passionate about promoting Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “My grandfather once shared
and creating healthy body and best present their little one received.” a funny quote with me: ‘Don’t tell me I’m burning the candle at both ends.
brain connections. We do this Tell me where to get more wax’. I soon discovered the truth in this when I
through fun, functional and unique Looking ahead:“We hope to extend our decided to set up my business!” Contact details: Tel; 710 2887 / 087 969 4837;
developmental products. We are
very proud of our current best-seller range of products, grow our company
which is our Easy Grip Crawl Suit
– a multi-award winning product and continue to work with the great
designed to provide just the right
amount of traction for tummy timers retailers we have been working with
and crawling babies.”
Progress: “We have secured to date, while adding more stockists in
Mothercare Ireland as a retailer
and are stocked in their stores Ireland and further afield.”
nationwide. We are also stocked in a
number of additional independent Must-have beauty product:
retailers nationwide and are in
a number of select stores in the “A good night’s sleep and drinking lots of
water – failing that, a great cleanser and
moisturiser are key. I have recently started
using Crème De La Mer products and am
loving them.”
Go-to fashion label for workwear:
“Coast and Zara – I just love these stores
– great quality, great pieces and easy to
wear. They make it easy to update your
wardrobe and stay looking professional,
feminine and on-trend.”Contact details:
Tel: 01 685 4461;;
[email protected]
Name: Annushka O’Neill Name: Anne Tuohy Go to fashion label for workwear:
Business: Vinta Definita Ltd. Business: Room Junkie “I wear dresses mostly, and pick a
Offering: “Vintage style clothing made in limited Offering: “Room Junkie offers world design that suits my personality,
class, yet affordable interior design rather than a specific label. Classic
runs and produced from high quality, exclusive services and products.” with an edge. I am loving Lennon
Progress: “Room Junkie has Courtney!”
European fabrics. The first collection was produced developed an online process, Tip for budding entrepreneurs?
combining design skills with “Don’t wait until it’s perfect, just get
from Italian and French fabrics some of which were technology, which provides out there and sell! If I had followed
affordable interior design solutions. this advice, I would have gone to the
woven exclusively for Vinta Definita.” We have also created a range of market at least a year ago.” Contact
Progress: “The business itself was set up two years online affordable, ready-to-use details: Tel: 087 686 7665; anne@
products. We have grown a loyal fan;
ago. Since the day the business was registered a base on Facebook and Twitter, who
are addicted to interior design, and
lot has been achieved. First, learning to build up a love the Room Junkie concept!”
Looking ahead: “I plan to become
fashion brand from scratch without having anyone a recognised expert in online interior
design. I also plan to create a social-
to help is a challenge in itself. To begin with it took sharing platform that will become
the go-to place for inspiration,
me about six months to find a good manufacturer photographs and tips. I will develop
Lip Colour in Baby Pink who would be willing to produce our garments. a Room Junkie app that helps people
create their own room designs, and
(€26) by Bobbi Brown Finding a pattern maker was an exceptionally also will create a series of how-to
eBooks and videos, using our ‘more
tough task too. I have come a long way from dash than cash’ philosophy.”
having a small idea in my head to having my own
brand and a collection I’m truly proud of.”
Looking ahead: “I’m certainly thinking of
branching into accessories and building a small
handbag collection for Vinta Definita.”
Must-have beauty product: “I can’t live without Bobbi Brown lipsticks!”
Best part of your job? “Freedom. Freedom of decisions. Freedom of who I
work with and how.”
Contact details: Tel: 086 362 8449; [email protected]
June 2014 IRISH TATLER 135