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Published by Emeric Caramanna, 2020-05-05 20:35:21

volos guide to waterdeep


as coinage. Much of his wares are Aurora’s Realms Shop
old or heavily used, but his prices Catalogue Counter
are very reasonable. Gelfuril is This is the Dock Ward outlet of
more than he appears. As locals the famous Faerun-wide all
will tell, he once felled a fleeing goods retail chain. Located in a
thief with a flame strike.46 nondescript tenement building
next door (to the north across a
Proprietor: Gelfuril the Trader, narrow side alley) to the Purple
the proprietor, is a soft-spoken, Palace festhall, this shop fronts
stout little man. on Slut Street.

The Rouse of Pride I was unable to learn just who
the mage on staff at this shop was.
This well-stocked perfume shop The flint-eyed order clerk would
carries exotic scents from all not even volunteer her own name,
over Faerun—from ashes of and as she stood seven feet tall and
burnt snowsnake to the musk of was more than twice as wide as
the female giant slug. The shop is me, I did not press her for details.
run by two sisters and is guard- She is flanked at the counter by
ed by trained hunting dogs of two burly men-at-arms at all times
compact build and extremely when the shop is open (dawn to
loyal temperament. dusk), but she overtops even them,
and hardly seems to need the
The House of Pride is bodyguards.48
crammed with a forest of glass
bottles of all sizes, shapes, and Taverns
hues. It is protected by a special
enchantment that prevents glass The Blue Mermaid
from breaking. The glass here
can still be vaporized or melted, A clean, well-appointed but worn
but will not shatter or fall apart.47 place, frequented by safe folk.
Good ale, bad wine, and an
Proprietresses: The two sisters utterly safe, boring atmosphere.
who run the House of Pride,
Arleeth and Ilitel Harmeth, have Proprietress: Mother Jalyth
whimsical senses of humor. The Hlommorath, a pleasant, well-
two of them always model sev- meaning, maternal sort, runs the
eral of their wares on various Blue Mermaid.49
locations on their bodies.

46Location #231 on the color map. For a shop floor plan, see Map 6 of the City System boxed set.
47Location #259 on the color map.
48Elminster reveals that the beefy order clerk is one Aglatha Shrey (her size is due to half-ogre blood),
and the mage who teleports goods into the shop is one Beradyx Halfwinter, a fat and lazy lackspell
(weak) wizard.
49Location #257 on the color map.


The Friendly Flounder extra. The food is hearty and not
over spiced. The few bottles of
This small, unassuming local wine in its cellar are far more
tavern stands on the west side of
Book Street, just across from the pricey—but many Waterdhavians
mouth of Candle Lane. It serves thrive on an affordable daily
both good and bad beer, and meal of fry at this drinking spot.
patrons can get hot buttered
blackbread and fried fish with The Friendly Flounders un-
their drinks.
spectacular fare and modest
Prices are 1 cp/tankard for structure keep it unknown to
flounder beer (the bad stuff, most visitors to Waterdeep, but it
called teethrinse by everyone), 2 is a real find for no-bother eating.
cp/tankard for best and bold ale,
and 1 sp for all-one-patron-can- Proprietor: Eaengul Skull-
eat of fish, with bread 1 cp/loat crown, who owns and runs the

Friendly Flounder, is a gentle,
balding giant of a man. He’s
reputed to have a natural talent
for seeing the auras of magical
items and enchantments.50

50 Elminster has brought us blackbread. It’s something like pumpernickel (molasses gives it the hue).


The Hanged Man half-elven, and even half-orc
wenches dance on the tables.
The Hanged Man is a gathering (Some even try to sing!) There is a
place for poets, scriveners, writ- fine of 1 sp for hitting a dancer
ers, calligraphers, and other with any hurled object. Dancers
literary folk, and is a good place willing to do more than dance
to hear a tale. The patrons tend negotiate other fees. The stand-
to smoke pipes, snore a lot, and to ing joke goes that any snake able
be hopelessly behind on everyday to sleep through all this must be
news. They also tend to be rude very, very dead.
and opinionated, but not of the
build or temperament to actually Proprietor: Alard Belaerl, the
engage in physical disputes. A proprietor, is a tall, gaunt,
surprisingly good selection of hatchet-nosed man with an
wine is available, as well as all annoying nasal voice.52
sorts of ales.
The Sleeping Wench
Proprietor: Auldenuth Or-
brymm is the proprietor. Patrons This tavern is a quieter, cheaper
who come up short on a bar tab alternative to the Sleeping Snake
are occasionally allowed to work (see above). There’s still dancing
it off by him by beating two of on the tables and the cheaper
the regulars at a tall tales contest sort of drink, but this place has a
(if they lose, they do dishes).51 better class of clientele and
background music (of the lutes
The Sleeping Snake and toots variety).

This rowdy place is roughly I still can’t picture anyone
furnished in hastily mended sleeping in here unless he were
furniture. The dockhands who deaf, but it’s quiet enough that
drink here spend a lot of time you can overhear conversations
breaking it over each others’ at nearby tables—usually talk of
heads. There are rumors that a merchant feuds, city gossip, and
fence of stolen goods can be the worsening state of the
contacted here—if you can do Realms in general.53
any business amid the howls and
hoots that ring out as human, Proprietor: Peldan Thrael, who
owns and runs the Sleeping
Wench, is middle-aged, of mid-
dling height, nondescript, and

51 Location #258 on the color map.
52Location #245 on the color map. The fence rumor is false, but allows a dockhand agent of the Red
Sashes to observe a stream of folk engaged in shady business. See page 35 of Waterdeep and the North.
53 Location #261 on the color map.


mustachioed. Overall, the type prices. A tankard as big as a
who blends well into crowds. man’s head costs 1 copper piece.
Those who like to laugh and
The Thirsty Throat brawl tend to go elsewhere. This

This tavern is as ramshackle an place is full of quiet men drink-
establishment as its name im- ing themselves into slumber with
plies. A merchant described it to a handful of coppers.
me as “a pile of wood taking its
own lazy time about falling into The washrooms are interest-
the street,” and he got it right. All
the furniture is crowded to- ing. You climb down a ladder
gether and bolted down. into a little antechamber opening
right into a harborbound sewer
“Crowded, dark, and smells of channel. Men climb down one
stale beer,” I wrote, years ago, on ladder, and ladies down an-
my first visit—and it hasn’t
changed a bit. What it does have other—and end up facing each
to offer is mediocre beer at low
other in the same room, about an
arm’s stretch apart. It’s an ideal
place for exchanging items on
the sly, dumping incriminating
things into the sewer, or even for


easily getting into Waterdeep’s furniture breakage has resulted
sewer network.54 in only wall benches and a stand-

Proprietor: Bulaedo “Fists” up elbow bar in the center of the
Ledgileer, a monstrously fat, toad- room being left. Wooden mugs
like man with forearms as big as have replaced metal, ceramic, and
the larger hams you’ll see for sale glass vessels, and the beer barrels
down the street, runs the Thirsty
Throat. His nickname comes are chained down to prevent
from his habit of knocking men their easy use as missiles.
cold with one punch.
Drinkers stand herded to-
The Bloody Fist gether like rothe in a pen, snarl-
ing and belching, and fights are
I suppose this notorious dive is a almost constant. Bullies and
good example of just how bad a angry people come here to pick
tavern can possibly be. Repeated fights, and a room upstairs is
retained for a succession of
54Location #274 on the color map.
novice priests of Tempus, who
dress broken bones and perform
minor healing magics in return


for donations to the war god. Inns
One local bard, Talashamber of
Warm Beds
the Flame Tabard, even dubbed
this place the Watching Wargod This establishment delivers just
in a sarcastic ditty about the two- what it promises—and little more.
fisted heroes of Waterdeep, and Each bed is warmed by three
the nickname has passed into heated stones placed in it before
general usage, as in: “Let’s drain a the renter retires. There is hot
few at the Wargod.” Men down water available for washing,
on their luck can be hired here, heated by the bucket beside the
but there is little else of interest.55 same giant hearth that warms
the bedstones. Rooms with one to
Proprietor: Uglukh Vorl is a four single beds are available.
half-orc who has been known to
yawn in the midst of a full-scale This inn has no stabling (most
swordfight. He defends himself patrons sell their mounts or
with a sleep-poisoned, double- stable them at a caravan stable in
bladed battle axe whose central
shaft ends in a spear blade.

55 Location #272 on the color map.


South Ward), and provides no inn. Her manner is one of upper-
food of any kind. Quiet is ex- crust, noble dignity.
pected after dark, but as long as
there’s no noise above low- The Splintered Stair
pitched voices, renters can use
their rooms for whatever pur- The entry hall of this room rises
pose they please (such as confer- up three floors, overlooked by
ences or meetings)? interior balconies linked by
elegantly spiraling stairs. Its
Proprietress: Shalath Lythryn name comes from a memorable
runs Warm Beds. She is kindly, fight between adventurers, 20
plain, middle-aged, and very, very winters ago, in which the fury of
observant. wielded blades left one stair
damaged almost beyond repair. I
The Blackstar Inn love the opulent entry hall, but . . .

This dignified, even haughty inn The stair has been replaced, but
is like a fortress on the outside, little else has been done to make
with barred windows, stone guests welcome. The large, luxuri-
walls, and a slate roof. Its lobby ous rooms are cold and dark, and
has two armed guards, and the chamber pots provide the only
four hostlers in the locked stables sanitary facilities. Rates are 1 gp/
are also armed. night for a person and mount or 5
sp/night for a person only. Extra
Fees are high (typically 1 gp per animals, and extra persons shar-
head per night, plus 1 sp per ing the same room, are 4 sp each.58
animal stabled), but in return,
guests get almost soundproof Proprietress: Shalanna Duth-
rooms (a rarity). Each room has a mere is a pale, worn-looking lady
hip-bath, a double bed, water and from Daggerford who directs
wine provided for drinking and her six daughters in running the
various pamphlets and chapbooks inn. She is a widow and is very
provided for light reading. Each tight with money.
room also has its own fireplace,
albeit with a miserly supply of The Rearing
firewood, and the patrons tend to Hippocampus
keep to themselves. A good place
to get a long sound sleep.57 This is probably the classiest inn
in Dock Ward, and is favored by
Proprietress: Asiyra Bold-
winter is the proprietress of this

56 Location #270 on the color map.
57 Location #276 on the color map.
58 Location #277 on the color map.


many caravan masters and by Hidden Blade for a short time, but
merchants who want a good, has reverted to its former owner
secure place to sleep without and favored reputation.59
announcing their arrival to
observant eyes in better wards. Proprietor: Barl Shardrin, the
proprietor, is a quiet, attentive,
Adorned with a life-sized polite man.
carved wooden hippocampus out
front, this inn offers broth and Festhalls
toast at all hours, private rooms
with canopied beds (warmer than The Mermaid’s Arms
most accommodations in Dock Inn, Tavern & Festhall
Ward, especially in winter) and
carpeted floors. It is favored by This large, fairly new establish-
many regular visitors to the city ment is adorned with rich sea-
blue draperies and takes the
who have business near the form of a series of elegant dining
harbor. It recently became a

dangerous tavern known as the

59 Location #278 on the color map. Its brief career as the Hidden Blade is mentioned in the Harpers
novel Elfshadow, by Elaine Cunningham.


lounges, in which one dines or The Purple Palace
just drinks with an attractive
host or hostess (or alone). One can This is the closest thing Waterdeep
take rooms for the night alone, or has to a Calishite silks-boudoir. Its
with someone else. Increasingly, lavender silk draperies and gauzy
hangings are heavily perfumed.
the Arms (having acquired a safe Everything is cushions, soft
reputation) is being used by carpets, music, and purple-tinted,
single gentlefolk on the prowl for spiced wine.
a night of love. In other words,
Companionship is expensive
patrons are going there to meet and (reputedly) very good. Some
each other, not to hire a host or of the most famous are Naneethil
hostess for the night. of the Sword Tattoo and Dessra
of the Dark Desires.61
The Arms is large, well-lit,
always busy, and can be quite Proprietress: The proprietress,
expensive for the works (stabling, Tathla “Flamehair” Nightstar, was
a room, meals, drinks, and com- famous as a courtesan in Calim-
panionship are all billed sepa- port 30 years ago, and is still a
great beauty. Her blood-red hair
rately). Its nature makes it ideal surrounds her like a cloak, and is
for visitors intending to use it for so long that it trails behind her
some purposes. A merchant on the ground!
could take a room there, meet a
business colleague there and eat
dinner (perhaps with attractive Dock Ward boasts the most color-
house escorts), then go elsewhere ful and dangerous alleyways and
for drinks and a play or show. courtyards in the City of Splen-
The merchant could then stagger dors. Tourists are advised to be
very sure of their personal de-
home late, knowing a comfort- fenses before walking any of these
able room awaits. by night, even if not alone.

This is an interesting trend. Arun’s Alley
The only thing I regret about the
Running east off Ward’s Way
Arms is that I’m far too apt to between Lackpurse Lane land
meet friends or business part- Belnimbra’s Street, this wide
ners in its lounges when I want
to slip up to my room unseen—or
slip out unobserved.60

Proprietress: The Arms is run
by Calathia Frost, a handsome
and winning lady with a gor-
geous, throaty voice. She keeps to

herself and does her job.

6601LLooccaattiioonn #264 on the color map.
#260 on the color map.


carters’ way services many ware- meeting place of many gangs of
houses and businesses along its street ruffians, thugs, and cultists
short length. It can be a fascinat- over the years. As such, it is
ing place to watch skilled loaders regularly patrolled by the city
and unloaders, who can throw guard and the watch—but they
and catch heavy barrels and crates of ten encounter thugs, Dragon
with speed and accuracy. Cultists, or worshippers of
Loviatar “ministering” to some
Except for those who look poor victim kidnapped from
threatening and have weapons at somewhere nearby.
the ready this is as safe as an alley
gets. Private guards belonging to There are also rumors of
the businesses and to the Fellow- something living under the
ship of Carters and Coachmen black water in the well that
guild are everywhere, vigilant comes out at night to snatch and
and armed with crossbows, clubs, feed on passersby.
and short swords.
Candle Lane
Black Wagon Alley

Running east off Book Street to Sometimes called Candle Alley,
the north of Candle Lane, this this winding way links Book
narrow way leads to a warren of Street and the Way of the Dragon.
houses of the poor, including Its name comes from its extreme
some thieves. City watch patrols gloominess (it’s overhung by tall
are often busy cutting away houses), which made bookish
tripwires and stranglewires sorts lit targets for thieves. It is
from its more easterly stretches. now heavily patrolled. The
It is named for the ghostly appari- Thirsty Throat tavern stands at
tion of a black plague wagon that its eastern end.
is sometimes seen slowly and
silently moving up the alley, Caedermon’s Walk
without horses or a driver!
Linking Shipmasters’ Hall with
Black Well Court Wharf Street, this route is named
for the ghostly ship captain who
Opening west off Book Street, often walks up it, wooden clogs
across from the end of Drakiir echoing in the mist, leaving wet
Street, this cramped courtyard is footprints in his wake.
known for its long-polluted well
(the water is black!) and as the Caerdermon was drowned in
the harbor by his mate, and rose
as a revenant to follow his killer


to Shipmasters’ Hall. A fearful way is home to many soothsayers,
wizard there blasted him to dust shady moneylenders, message
before he could slay the mate— runners, and fix-it-for-you thug
and ever since, Caerdermon’s bands. Avoid it if well-dressed or
phantom has walked this alley. carrying obvious wealth. Thieves
There are whispers that the sea are never far off.
captains ghost can slay or harm
those who block his path. Melinter’s Court

By day, this route is busy with Behind (east of) the Hanged Man
carts serving the businesses all tavern, this dark courtyard is
around. It is one of the alleys of ten full of pipe smoke, as
dominated by muscular men philosophers spill out of the
moving heavy barrels with one- tavern, tankards in hand, to
man push-dollies. continue debates begun inside.
Named for the evil mage who, a
Fishnet Alley decade or so ago, formed a gang
of thieves that met here to plan
Linking Spice Street and Dock their villainy, this courtyard
Street in a dogleg west of Wharf continues to be used from time
Street, this narrow crowded alley to time by the evil mages who
gets its name from the drying were once Melinter’s apprentices.
nets that are hung across it at
various levels from wall hooks by Melinter is dead, but at times
night or for repair by day. mages arrive at night, sleep any
patrons in the courtyard, and
Down the years, these nets meet to plan dark deeds. I
have broken the fall of many couldn’t find anyone willing to
thieves and lovers leaping from tell me very much about these
windows, or have been dropped wizards, but I did hear the names
from above by thugs to entrap Azibar of the Seven Skulls,
people passing along the alley. Felibarr Blacklance, and Onshall
Although it looks like the web- Goldcloak mentioned.
choked lair of some giant spider,
this alley is usually quite safe. Philosopher’s Court
However. . .

Manysteps Alley Better known to locals by its

Running parallel to and between derisive name, the Foolsquare,
Slut Street and the Way of the this sunny court has always been
Dragon, this long, winding back where old men, drunkards,
young thinkers, and the more


daring of the city’s wealthy Round Again Alley
intellectuals have gathered when
the weather is good to argue, Paralleling Wastrel Alley on the
flapping their jaws on a raised west, from north of Adder Lane
to Belnimbra’s Street, this narrow
dais and weathered chairs. alley doubles back on itself
Drunks sleep under both the dais (hence its name), and is the
favored testing ground of some-
and the chairs by night. one who can create magical
illusions of beholders.
Certain nameless nobles pay for
torches and a standing city watch Many Waterdhavians have
patrol to keep proceedings from seen silent, menacing eye tyrants
being interrupted by thieves, gliding along the alley eyestalks
ruffians, critics, or nightfall. Some writhing—only to fade away at
whisper that Piergeiron or Khel- the touch of hurled objects, or
upon reaching the end of the
ben Arunsun or Mirt pay for the way. What this means, and if it is
arrangements, but many nobles dangerous, is not yet known.
have been heard to say that “an
afternoon stroll to hear the fools is
better mirth than most shows
thrice the price.”


Thelten’s Alley best efforts have not yet suc-
ceeded in destroying Thelten’s
strange remnants.

Running northwest off Watch- Three Thrown Daggers
run Alley, across from the end of Alley
Drawn Sword Alley this short
way is named for the crazed Linking Blackstar Lane and
wizard who dwelt here. Through Spiderweb Alley this winding
some arcane magic, he survives way is famous for the curse cast
as a wizshade,62 and can still be here by the mage Arundoom.
encountered here or in Thelten’s Struck in the back by three
Court, which opens off this alley daggers hurled by a treacherous
apprentice, he survived to take
to the north. revenge. Once for each of his
This sometimes-seen magical eight years of apprenticeship, the
apprentice was driven by magi-
apparition may whimsically
ignore or aid folk, but more often

attacks. The Watchful Orders

62Detailed in Volume 7 of the Monstrous Compendium (the first SPELLJAMMER® Appendix).


cal fear to flee up the alley and north across itself to reach the
broad way of Fish Street. The
there face three animated dag- back way into the Thirsty Sailor,
this still-dangerous passage is a
gers that swooped out of thin air haunt of thieves, thugs, and ladies
of the evening who defend
at random points up and down themselves or fell would-be
the alley. customers with sleep-poisoned
rings or long nailsheaths. Its
The spell survives, despite the name comes from an old joke
about needing to drink two
efforts of later wizards to eradi- flasks of wine to have the cour-
cate it. Because of this, anyone age to walk down it.
using the alley must beware
three random attacks.63 Watchrun Alley

Thugs sometimes lure or chase
intended victims into the alley to
get them injured. This route is

sometimes called just Thrown
Dagger Alley.

Trollcrook Alley This northeast/southwest route
links Nelnuk’s Walk with Red-
Linking Snail Street and Slut cloak Lane and Gut Alley and
Street, this relatively open, safe
passage is today much used by gets its name from its frequent
carters—rushing wagons are its use by the city watch and the city
chief danger. Of old, it was fre- guard to hurry across this part of
quented at night by a vicious Dock Ward. Being in the path of a
gang of trolls dwelling in the running (or mounted, and charg-
city’s sewers. They slew many ing!) patrol is itself a danger—and
citizens before being hunted carters at times race each other
down. Some sages misname this along this route.
alley Troll crush Alley.
Thieves and cruel pranksters
Twoflask Alley have been known to stretch
tripwires and stranglewires
Running due west from the across this alley by night. It is
midpoint of Bitter Alley, this way common knowledge in the ward
turns south and then loops back that major gangs in this area
have hired eyes watching this

route to keep track of the city
guard and the city watch.64

63 Make three Dexterity checks. Success means a gleaming dagger flashes out of nowhere, passing
close by, and vanishes again. Failure means it strikes the victim, hilt-deep, for a chilling 4 hp of damage,
and then fades away.

64 Persistent rumors tell of crossbows waiting behind sliding wall panels along this route-large

tripod-mounted weapons firing spear-sized quarrels (one per 3 rounds, range: S5, M10, L15 damage: 2d6
vs. S- or M-sized target, 1d8 vs. L-sized target).


Appendix I:

Folk of Waterdeep

s has been said before, Lost Ships— whose unlife enchant-
the people of Water- ments are flawed). Lady Alathene
deep are Waterdeep. can turn her undead attacks and
No guide to the city is powers on and off at will, can’t be
complete without a turned, can use all magic and learn
mention of the more new spells, and maintains her unlife
colorful and influential folk who by slaying two to three living, sen-
live there and shape Waterdeep into tient beings a year through energy
what the city is. drain spells. She has few friends and
With Elminster’s help, we’ve always seeks someone she can trust.
included a “best guesses” list here of
the probable classes, levels, and ALBAERON HALEMBIC (LN hm F3).
alignments of some of the Water- Although Albaeron is grizzled and
dhavians Volo mentions. Adventur- elderly, he is a skilled helmsman and
ers be warned: Much of what is said navigator.
here may be wrong!
This list is alphabetical by first ALDAEGUTH. See Winestab.
name (or only known alias) because
so many citizens of Waterdeep lack ALEENA PALADINSTAR (LG hf W9; DEX
surnames. Only ability scores of 16 or 16, INT 18, WIS 16, CHA 16) Aleena is
greater are listed, and the standard the daughter of Piergeiron, and
Realms character statistic abbrevia- secretly apprenticed to Khelben
tions are used. “Blackstaff” Arunsun. She dwells in
the palace. She is grave, reclusive, and

AGLATHA SHREY (LN half-ogre female Aleena Paladinstar
F5; ST 18/74). Aglatha is an order
clerk for the Aurora’s Shop in Dock
Ward, and enjoys participating in
tavern brawls—her specialty is
throwing men bodily through doors,
windows, or tables.

tall, gaunt, hatchet-nosed man with a
nasal voice, Alard uses his dancers as
spies, selling information about rich
visitors to thieves.

W19; an archlich—detailed in SJR1


tall—enough so that she once wore Amasanna Vumendir
her father's armor and deceived
people into thinking him present by nobles to stay while their villas are
aping his stride and movements. being rebuilt, repaired, or simply
cleaned up after a particularly
ALLET TZUNTZIN (CG half-elf f W9; successful party.
DEX 18, IN 18, CHA 17). Allet is a half-
owner of the Misty Beard tavern in AMASANNA VUMENDIR (NG hf F0 DEX
North Ward. She is slim, lithe, and 18, INT 18, WIS 17). Amasanna is the
dark-eyed, and has many suitors. Her proprietress of Dacer’s Inn in Sea
will of steel is hidden under soft Ward. She was born to slave parents
speech. She is firmly loyal to her from Chult, who escaped from
sister, Vindara. She plans to marry Calishite slavery. This is why she has
into a noble house or found her own dusky skin and a hatred of Calishites
clan of magic-wielding half-elves, and slavers. She is agile and energetic,
someday Allet owns and wields speaks seldom, but sees and knows
many wands (see Misty Beard all. She uses hand gestures with her
footnotes for a partial selection). well-trained staff, who love her and
are utterly loyal to her.
16, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 16). Amaratha ANSILVER THE LOCKSMITH (LG hm P5
is the charming and beautiful of Gond; DEX 18, INT 18, WIS 17).
proprietress of the Jade Jug inn in Ansilver keeps his status as a priest
Castle Ward. An adventuress who of Gond secret even from other
retired when a lich’s curse destroyed clergy of Gond. He is the proprietor
her right arm (her swordarm) and of the Golden Key shop in Castle
prevented any known magic, thus Ward. Although elderly Ansilver
far, from regenerating it, she has put remains alert. He wears thick
her money into running Waterdeep’s spectacles, and has a sharp-beaked
most luxurious inn. Amaratha runs nose and a habit of always humming
the Jade Jug as the sort of place she’d to himself. Ansilver is a wealthy
like to stay in—and does, as a guest,
when it’s not full. She has a perfect
memory and makes a point of
learning the names and details that
guests want to give her, so that she
can take an interest in their doings
and make them feel important on
their next visit. This ability has made
her very useful to the city watch on
many occasions. Although her profit
margin is small, she grows steadily
wealthier, as word of mouth makes
the Jug a more popular place, despite
its prices, year after year. The Jade
Jug is already the place for visiting
nobility to stay, or for Waterdhavian


landowner, and has many holdings AULDENUTH ORBRYMM (NG hm F5
in South Ward and in the farmland [retired]) Auldemuth is a master
east of Waterdeep. forger, but is retired.

of Selune; DEX 16, INT 16, WIS 18). W9) Azibar is known for the en-
Arathka Ruell is the wife of Danda- chanted flying skulls that are always
lus Ruell, co-owner of The Old with him, darting and hovering—and
Xoblob Shop. She worships from her spitting spells at his foes.
rooftop bower and is the secret hand
of the lady in Waterdeep (as opposed BALAGHAST BRIGHTLINGAR (NG hm F8;
to the well-known priestesses of the ST 17, WIS 16, CON 16). The propri-
House of the Moon). She sponsors etor of the Pilgrims’ Rest inn in Sea
and aids many adventurers, and has Ward, Balaghast is a gruff, hard-
acted as den mother to such famous working retired mercenary. His
bands as the Company of the Caltrop manner conceals kindness and
and the Flamehurling Five. willingness to help those in need.

CHA 17). F5; ST 17, DEX 16, CON 16). Twofists,
the proprietor of the Red-Eyed Owl
ARNAGUS THE SHIPWRIGHT (LG hm F7; tavern in Castle Ward, is prone to
ST 17, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 17, WIS 17, brawling and wenching with equal
CHA 16). The wealthiest, and prob- vigor and noise. He is bluff and
ably the most skilled, shipbuilder in bristle-bearded, with long, unkempt
Waterdeep, Arnagus is a very influ- red hair. His rough voice is often
ential member of not only his guild heard calling out coarse jests to
but of trade matters throughout the tavern patrons, and his arm has a
city. He is friendly to all, but says little, deadly aim with hurled platters or
and keeps out of the public eye as tankards. He is always willing to
much as possible. His sharp gaze pitch in to a fight.
misses little, and he has been known
to report thieves, smugglers, murder- BALTHORR “THE BOLD” OLASKOS (NE hm
ers, and the like to the city watch. T8; ST 16, DEX 17, WIS 16, CHA 16).
(For shipbuilding fees and times, see Balthorr is the loud-voiced and
Waterdeep and the North.) friendly proprietor of Balthorr’s
Rare and Wonderful Treasures in
ASIYRA BOLDWINTER (LE hf P3 of Castle Ward. His “hail-fellow well-
Loviatar). Asiyra eyes all guests for met,” sincere attitudes are belied by
possible converts/targets/fellow the fact that he secretly fences stolen
devotees, but otherwise keeps her goods and is sympathetic to the
faith secret (though some have heard Shadow Thieves (the outlawed
her whip in the cellars, late at night). Thieves’ Guild).
Her outward manner is one of
upper-crust, noble dignity but like BARL SHARDRIN (CN hm F3). Barl is a
many devotees of the Mistress of quiet, attentive, polite man who can
Pain, she wears a blood-burrs belt reveal much about Waterdeep to
under her gowns that sometimes anyone who bothers to sit and talk
betrays her devotion. with him.


BELIARGE “OLD BOAR” MADUSKAR (LN Pampered Traveler inn in Castle
hm F8; ST 17, CON 16) Beliarge, Ward, is solemn, wary, and darkly
known as “Bel” to his friends, is the handsome. Brathan is the last
proprietor of the Swords’ Rest survivor of an adventuring band
tavern. This wary old warrior is slaughtered by a mage it attacked in
grizzled and stout, but still capable. a northern ruin. The mage, a horned
man in purple robes who called
BERADYX HALFWINTER (LN hm W9) A himself Zulorr Thaeran, swore he’d
fat and lazy wizard who enjoys good slay every last one of them slowly
wine, ale, and cheese, Beradyx and painfully (though that was two
pursues “spellhurling for hire” in the decades ago). Brathan is always alert
safe confines of a city. He hires out for some sign that the mage has
for only noncombat and legal found him at last and is coming to
situations. His spells are few and his torment and slay him.
Art weak, earning him the contempt
of mages like Elminster. He works as BRAUM PELAUVIR (LG hm F6; ST 17,
the transportation mage for Aurora’s DEX 16). Braum is proprietor of
Shop in Dock Ward. Pelauvir’s Counter store in South
Ward. Braum, who is tall, beefy and
BLAZIDON “ONE-EYE” (CN hm F6 jovial, has a memory decades-long
[now]; ST 16). This veteran warrior and sharp with detail. He has largely
comes out of retirement from time retired from battle.
to time, but spends most of his days
uniting—for a small fee—hireswords BRAZAUN OF BALDUR'S GATE(CN hm
with caravan masters and others F0; DEX 18, INT 18, CHA 16) Brazaun, a
wishing to hire them. By day he’s feast cook for hire of brilliant skill, is
usually to be found sitting on a stool noted for his savory pastries and
in Virgin's Square, where the fight- wine-flavored ices. His lowest fee is
ing men have learned to gather. By 100 gp/night, payable in advance-
night, he’s busy in one of the private plus, of course, the cost of the ingre-
rooms of the Bowels of the Earth dients he requires. These ingredients
tavern in Trades Ward—which he typically cost about 10 gp/guest, and
owns, although few in the city know must be laid in by his client, not by
that-or making the rounds of other the quick-tempered, dashingly
taverns and inns, looking for war- handsome Brazaun himself. Brazaun
riors who need work. One-Eye is is given to dancing and singing as he
grizzled, hairy and stout with thickly works in the kitchen. He’s a lady-
muscled forearms that brand him as chaser and tippler of legendary
a fighter from far off. He always capacity.
wears a ring of the ram and a
vampiric regeneration ring and BULAEDO“FISTS”LEDGILEER (NE hm F5;
carries at least one potion of super- ST 18/l2, CON 18; 70 hp—the maxi-
heroism and one of extra-healing. mum number possible). During
Bulaedo’s career as a warrior, he was
BRATHAN ZILMER (LGhmF5;ST16, poisoned many times, so is 40% likely
INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 16). Brathan, to be immune to any poison used on
Guildmaster of the Fellowship of him.
Innkeepers and proprietor of the


CHA 17). The Mermaid's Arms is run INT 16, WIS 16). Cheth, proprietor of
by Calathia Frost, a handsome and the Wandering Wemic inn in Sea
winning lady with a gorgeous, Ward, devotes his life to building his
throaty voice. She usually keeps to inn into a special place. He is big and
herself and does her job, but will not burly with blond hair and broad
condone any activities that she shoulders. Although he conveys an
considers evil going on in the inn. easygoing nature, he is far more alert
She keeps her favorite long sword (a than he seems, and never forgets a
long sword +2) and a suit of chain face or any debts or cheating.
mail in a cedar chest at the foot of
her bed, underneath some blankets. CHULDAN HELMSTAR (CNhmT4).
Chuldan is a sly man of many secrets.
CALLANTER ROLLINGSHOULDER (NE hm He reminds some of a fox or a
F1; ST 16, CON 17). Callanter is the weasel.
proprietor of the Sleepy Sylph tavern
in Castle Ward. He is tall, fat, and DANDALUS “FIRE-EYE” RUELL (CG hm
dresses in Calishite silken finery, F14; ST 18/02, DEX 17, INT 16, WIS 17,
with gold bells on the ends of his CON 16, CHA 16).This fat, jolly balding
huge mustache. bearded proprietor of the Old
Xoblob Shop always has bulging
CATHAL SUNSPEAR (LN hf F0; INT 17, pockets and always carries on his
WIS 16). This cultured, middle-aged person the following magic: a ring of
counter clerk of the Castle Ward free action, a ring of spell turning, a
outlet of the Aurora’s retail chain greenstone amulet, 2 potions of
was born to a wealthy family of extra-healing, an elixir of health, 2
Tethyr. Cathal is now an investor iron bands of Bilarro spheres, and 6
deeply interested in the behind-the- beads of force. He may well carry
scenes deals of guilds and noble more magic and definitely has an
families. invisible broad sword +3 somewhere
near at hand.
INT 18). Cathalishaera, the reclusive, DARION SULMEST (LN hm F0; DEX 18,
shy owner of the Jade Dancer, loves INT 17, WIS 17). While he is spokes-
to animate the famous dancing man for the Order of Cobblers &
statue for which her establishment is Corvisers, Darion is also the propri-
named, but would never dare to etor of his own very expensive, but
dance in public herself. She is a one- top-quality, shop in North Ward.
time apprentice of Kappiyan Flur- Darion is sometimes sarcastic,
mastyr who once sought adventure extremely wealthy, and handsome.
but withdrew in terror from the He is rumored to have several noble
dark magic of baatezu to a life of ladies as intimate companions and to
hiding and using her magic for small hold the ear of the Lords of Water-
things. She secretly dreams of deep. Darion is secretly a wistful
meeting a brave, loving, young would-be adventurer who always
wizard to protect her and to taste likes to hear tales of danger. He
adventure with him again. sometimes sponsors adventuring


DAUNT BUIRUNE (CN hm T13, ST 16, al,) Guild. She resides at their head-
DEX 18, INT 16). Daunt Buirune is quarters, the House of Good Spirits.
retired from thieving and is now the Sharp-tempered and sharp-witted,
proprietor of the Red Gauntlet she is quick to size up a person and
tavern. He is silent, watchful, and to smell deceit. Her hobbies are
always pleasantly wary. breeding cats and racing horses. (She
likes to be in the saddle.)
ST 17, WIS 17, CON 17). Delborggan is DOBLIN GOUNAR (CN hmT3; DEX 16,
a grizzled, one-eyed ex-adventurer. IN 16). Doblin, proprietor of Gounar’s
Formerly he was a famous hero of Tavern in Sea Ward, is a cold, self-
northern exploration who led the important, cruel and arrogant man
men of Lith through many monsters of cutting manners and an open lack
and icy perils to reach isolated of caring for others.
Snowkeep. He is a man driven to
adventuring by grief (as he says, “For EAENGUL SKULLCROWN (NG hm F4; ST
it is an ill thing—a heavy thing—for a 17, CON 18). A gentle, balding giant of
boy to be not loved by his father”), a man, Eaengul Skullcrown is
who now views the world with descended from a now-fallen noble
buoyant, if cynical, good humor. As family of Amn. He is now the propri-
the proprietor of the Riven Shield etor of the Friendly Flounder in
Shop in Trades Ward, he’s always Dock Ward. He’s reputed to have a
armed with magic items, including natural talent for seeing the auras of
(under his eyepatch) a waiting magical items and enchantments.
magical eyecusp that can spout
beams of fire when he desires EIRAKLON MARIMMATAR (LNhmF9;
(details of this item left to the DM). ST 17, DEX 17). As housemaster
(security chief) of the Gentle Mer-
DESSRA OF THE DARK DESIRES (CN hf maid in North Ward, Eiraklon
F2; DEX 16, CHA 16). oversees the daily running of the
place, but is seldom seen by patrons.
DHAUNRYL ZALIMBAR (NG hm W10; He suspects that shady money backs
INT 18). Dhaunryl Zalimbar is the tall, the Mermaid, but dares not try to
kindly, gangling and rather shy investigate. His suspicions have
service-mage of the Trades Ward arisen because there’s so much
outlet of the Aurora’s retail chain. A money passing through the Mer-
studious sort with little taste for maid, and its spending is never
danger or adventure, Dhaunryl is a questioned by anyone. Eiraklon also
collector and student of heraldic has the constant feeling of being
devices. He sketches all badges, crests, watched. Xanathar (the beholder
and escutcheons he sees in Water- crime lord of Waterdeep) wants an
deep, as well as noting down and unwitting, respectable agent doing
memorizing most of the mottoes he his best for the Mermaid, and so
encounters. Eiraklon has a free hand in hiring
and managing in order to make the
DLARNA SUONE (LN hf F2; ST 16, INT Mermaid the best possible place of its
17). Dlarna Suone is the chief guild kind. His efforts make the Mermaid
buyer and seller for the Vintners’ (et


profitable in its own right and a red face and red beard.
means of attracting into the city
wealthy folk who can then be FILIARE (LN hm F5 [now]; ST 16, INT
fleeced. 16, CHA 16). Filiare, a jovial ex-merce-
nary, is the proprietor of the Inn of
ELGUTH IRAMBLIN (CG hm F1). Elguth the Dripping Dagger in Trades Ward.
is the stableboy at the House of Good He has been known to show kind-
Spirits, and an expert guide to the ness to adventurers and mercenaries
gambling houses and festhalls of down on their luck. He is also the
Waterdeep. He is a member of the father confessor to, and sometime
Vintners’ (et al.) Guild. intimate friend of, many unhappy
noblewomen of Waterdeep.
EVETHE UNTUSK (CG half-elf f F4;
DEX 18, CHA 17). Evethe is a dancer, LADY GALINDA RAVENTREE (CN hf F0;
bartender, escort, and part-owner of DEX 16, INT 16, CHA 16). This catty
the Copper Cup. She is known for young noble is devoted to festive
her love of music, especially elven frivolity, fighting with her social
songs and human ballads about rivals, and sampling as many young
elves. men as she can entice into her reach.
Lady Galinda can briefly be seen at
FELDYN GOADOLFYN (NE hm T8; DEX this work in the novel Elfshadow.
17, INT 17). Feldyn is the nondescript-
looking, cold strategist who is the GELFURIL THE TRADER (CG hm P6 of
owner of the Old Monster Shop. He Tymora). Gelfuril is a retired priest.
has been described as a dangerous,
patient enemy. GORDRYM ZHAVALL (LNhmF4;ST16,
DEX 16, WIS 16). Gordrym is a calm,
FELIBARR BLACKLANCE (CE hm W12). expressionless man who is second
Felibarr Blacklance is the developer guild buyer (after Dlarna Suone) for
of the blacklance “blast beam” spell. the Vintners’ (et al.) Guild. He resides
He is a cruel killer. at their headquarters, The House of
Good Spirits. He is secretly a gambler
FELSTAN SPINDRIVVER (CG hm F4; ST and heavily in debt. Gordrym is a
16, INT 16). Felstan is the amiable known master blender of wines.
keeper of the Cliffwatch Inn in
North Ward. He is quick to help- GOTHMORGAN ILIBULD (CGhmF2;INT
adventurers and a great fund of free 18). Gothmorgan is the proprietor of
lore to lodgers on the talk of the city the Singing Sword tavern in Castle
and adventuring deeds. Ward. He is a likable former adven-
turer who retired when he found
FELZOUN THAR (CN dwarf m F6; ST the sword (of the tavern's name) in a
17, WIS 17, CON 18). Felzoun is the monster-haunted ruin. Gothmorgan
proprietor of Felzoun’s Folly tavern is tall and polite. While he is always
in Trades Ward. He is a loud-voiced, watchful, he is known primarily for
incredibly energetic host who is his dry humor. His wealth increases
always bustling about. He fears no daily.
one and always carries two throwing
axes under his apron. Felzoun is GULTH DJANCZO (NE hm T7; DEX 17).
bristle-bearded and balding, with a Gulth is the proprietor of the Full


Cup tavern. A nasal-voiced, coldly Hilmer
polite weasel of a man, he probably
has hidden magic items on his HILMER (LN hm F9; ST 1B/00, DEX
person for defense. 18, INT 17, CON 16, CHA 16). Hilmer is
a master armorer and proprietor of
GUTHLAKH “HANDS” IMYUR (LN hmF7; his own shop in Castle Ward. Al-
ST 1B/00, CON 16). Guthlakh stands though he is now retired, as an
more than six-and-a-half feet tall, adventurer he was known to have
with corded muscles and a battered, explored Myth Drannor and much
sword-scarred face. He is the propri- of Undermountain. He is tall with
etor of the Sailors’ Own, a dockside broad shoulders. He is known to be
tavern in Castle Ward. His demeanor just, honest, and soft-spoken. He is a
is slow and deliberate, and he seldom close friend of suspected Lords
smiles. Durnan and Laeral.

DEX 18). Hahstoz is the crooked 18, WIS 18). Hlondaglus is a short, shy
proprietor of the Golden Horn ugly little man with misshapen
Gambling House in Trades Ward. A features and one wooden leg. He is
dark-haired and complexioned, fiercely loyal to the Ruells (Arathka
habitually expressionless man, he and Dandalus).
moves with a silent grace.
ILDAR ORSABBAS (CE hm F0). Ildar, the
HALA MYRT (NE hm F5; ST 16). Hala stout, fun-loving, slightly pompous
Myrt, a fat, resentful man, spends proprietor of Orsabbas’s Fine Im-
most of his days sitting on a barstool ports in Trades Ward, is nicknamed
at the Grinning Lion tavern, as a the “Duke of Darkness” for the
contact for the fence Orlpar masked, sinister guise he wears to
Husteem. He is a wary man and nobles‘ feasts. While he is wearing
carries a capsule of dream sauce in this costume, he loves to threaten,
his hair. If he bites it, he’ll fall in-
stantly into a slumber of wild,
swirling dreams from which he can’t
be roused for ld6 days. During this
time, even magical means won’t
arouse him or enable others to learn
things by compelled questioning or

16, CHA 15). Halidara, who is the
owner of the Three Pearls Nightclub,
an exotic dancer and a shrewd
investor, lives a life of luxury and
party-going in the city’s North Ward
and partakes often and heavily of
chocolates and amberjack sherry


dance, and seduce. He goes to such Jathaliira Thindrel
feasts partly to sample the tapestries,
wines, and perfumes that he has whittler and wrestler. Jaerloon is
been known to fence—a trade that uncannily adept at striking missiles
has earned him his other nickname: out of the air or catching them
Fingers. (consider his DEX to be 21 when
dealing with missiles).
ST 17, DEX 17, CHA 16). Ilintar is a JATHALIIRA THINDREL (CN hf F0; DEX
dancer, escort, bartender, and part- 18, INT 17, CHA 16). Jathaliira is the
owner of the Copper Cup. He sees all petite, pert, and always-bustling
but says little. proprietress of the House of Purple
Silks festhall in Sea Ward. She is
ILITEL HARMETH (CG hf F1; DEX 18, sharp-tempered but passionate,
CHA 16). middle-aged, and wealthy. She has
built up a large fortune (almost a
ILMAIREN ARNSKULL (LN dwarf m F6; million gp in ready cash) by shrewd
ST 17, CON 17). Ilmairen, a fat, dark- investments in Waterdhavian
eyed dwarf, acts as a contact with his companies and by carefully purchas-
friend Jaerloon for dwarves visiting ing valuable city real estate. (The real
Waterdeep. He works from the estate’s value is close to another four
dining room of the Raging Lion inn million gp.) She has arrangements
in North Ward. He is a skilled with the Watchful Order to rescue
whittler and mimic, and has often her in the case of kidnapping and
been known to sing as sweetly as any ransom, when she calls them by
human soprano as he parodies a means of a certain magical bell that
singer’s performance. she wears in her hair. Each use of the
bell costs her 40,000 gp, but she’s only
IMMITHAR “THE GLOVE” (CN hm T6; had to use it twice. Each time she
DEX 17, INT 17, CHA 16). Immithar seized more than the fee from her
owns and runs the Blue Jack tavern would-be captor. Jathaliira can also
in Castle Ward. He is a fast-moving
and quick-witted fellow who is
known as a joker, a good strategist,
and a good judge of character and
consequences. He is also an expert
mimic. He retired from thieving, and
now invests in shipping and rental

F7; ST 16, DEX 16, CHA 16). Jaerloon,
with his friend, Ilmairen, acts as a
contact for dwarves in Waterdeep
from a base in the dining room of
the Raging Lion inn in North Ward.
He is a white-bearded, weather-faced
but kingly dwarf, who is a skilled


call on her bouncers and her friend, JHANDRIL NETH(NGhf F2; DEX 17,
Khelben Arunsun, for support and CHA 14). Jandril is a dancer, escort,
protection. bartender, and part-owner of the
Copper Cup. She is known for her
“MOTHER” JALYTH HLOMMORATH (NG frequent changes in her (rather
hf F1). Mother Hlommorath is fat, impassioned) relationships with her
bustling, and gossipy. Any secret told intimate friends, which usually end
to her is all over the city within the in tempestuous fights in which
day. many things get broken.

Janess Imristar owns and runs the INT 17, CHA 16). Jhant, a wary, sharp-
Spouting Fish tavern. She is a short, featured, fox-like, unpleasant and
mousy loud-voiced woman who is ruthless man, is officially owner of
always bustling. She is quite fearless. the Gentle Mermaid in North Ward.
He is actually a front man for the
JANNAXIL SERPENTIL (NE hm W14; INT beholder crime lord Xanathar Before
18). This cold, much-hated bookseller becoming Xanathar’s agent, Jhant
and fence is a coward born long ago was a caravan owner and money-
in rural Amn who early on discov- lender operating out of Baldur’s Gate,
ered how to make potions of longev- although it is not a well-known fact
ity— and then killed the man he in Waterdeep. Jhant runs smuggling,
learned that lore from. He’s gathered money drop, kidnapping, and goods
much magical lore over the years, reallocation errands for Xanathar,
and has summoned baatezu, trained and is seldom at the Mermaid.
and magically bound various guard-
ian creatures, and collected the KAEROVEN “SIMILES” YULUTH (NE hm
following magical items that he F8).
carries on his person or keeps near
at hand in his office: a wand of KAPPIYAN FLURMASTYR (NG hm W11;
paralyzation, a brooch of shielding, a INT 18, CHA 16). At over 90 years of
bag of dust of tracelessness, a pair of age, Kappiyan is tall, thin, and distin-
eyes of minute seeing lenses, a pair guished. He is known as Waterdeep’s
of gauntlets of ogre power, a pair of “potion wizard” and is the kindly
gauntlets of swimming and climb- tutor to a succession of female
ing, a hat of disguise, several jars of apprentices. A noted maker of
Keoghtom's ointment, a necklace of potions and periapts, Kappiyan is also
adaptation, a periapt of proof always researching the better
against poison, and a collection of an spellcasting of low-level magics. He is
unknown number of Quaal's feather moved to anger by the misuse of
tokens. Jannaxil also possesses an magic. He always wears robes, with a
unknown number of spellbooks and wand of paralyzation up one sleeve,
other magical items, hidden in a a wand of magic missiles up the
cache somewhere underground in other (in forearm sheaths), and a
Waterdeep. wand of negation down one boot. At
his belt he carries a plain, non-
JHAMBROTE HARKHARDEST (LN hm magical dagger, a light purse, and at
W9). least three potions of healing.


17, INT 18, CHA 16). Kathliira is a
famous hire cook who goes to a LEILATHA SUBRAIRA (CN hf T6; DEX
client's kitchen and whips up the 17, CHA 15). Leilatha is an escaped
food for a feast with ingredients slave from Chult who gave her
already laid in. Her sweets are Calishite masters the slip in Water-
legendary up and down the Sword deep long ago and killed them when
Coast, but Elminster and Khelben they came looking for her. Her entire
“Blackstaff” Arunsun both agree her body is covered in tattoos. She keeps
soups are her true masterpieces. her skin oiled except when creeping
They’re the best they’ve ever had on around rooftops at night to go
any world! Kathliira’s fee is always thieving.
200 gp/night. Often common folk
join purses together to hire her for a LHAERHLIN MASRAM (LN hm F8; ST
house party, whereas most hire cooks 16). Lhaerhlin is the affable but stone-
only cater to the wealthy and noble. faced proprietor of the Raging Lion
inn in North Ward. A tall, stout man
KHALOU MAZESTAR (CG hf F3; ST 16, of many secrets, he always wears a
INT 16). Khalou is the fat, talkative, ring of spell turning and a ring of
wise-cracking lady bartender of the lightning (equal to a wand of light-
Jade Dancer. She loves to talk to ning).
guests, and is known as a great
source of jokes, information on LOENE (CG hf F9 [now]; ST16, DEX
current fads and interests among the 17, CHA 16). Loene, a graceful, sensu-
young, and gossip about Waterdeep’s ous former pleasure girl, was res-
rich and noble folk—especially cued from slavery by the Company
envious talk of gems and extrava- of Crazed Venturers. She won a place
gance. in their ranks, and later became a
gambler, adventuress for hire, and
KRIIOS HALAMBAR (LN hm F0; DEX 18, the lady love of Mirt. Today she is a
INT 18). Kriios, guildmaster of the rich landlord in the city. She still
Council of Musicians, Instrument-
Makers, and Choristers, is a match-
less lutemaker and a skilled
harpmaker. He is the proprietor of
Halambar Lutes & Harps in Castle
Ward. Kriios is habitually expression-
less and has unusual, large, black-
pupiled eyes. He is a very wealthy
snob and a severe critic of musicians.
He holds himself as too exalted to
arrange music for a noble’s feast, but
is a supplier of instruments to many
musicians who must play at such
feasts to make a living.


trains warriors and can be hired as Mhair Szeltune
an adventuress for 2 gp/day. She
wears a ring of spell storing holding reputed (correctly, Elminster says) to
dispel magic, fly sending, and wall be a staff of the magi. Mhair often
of force. She has large hazel eyes, a wanders the city in the magical guise
magnificent tawny body and dark of an old crone leaning on her stick
blonde hair. She will use the sending (the staff) in order to see what
to call on the [now 14th level] mage treatment she’ll get and what’s going
Nain Keenwhistler for aid when her on when there’s no one important to
life is in peril. see. She has been known to teach
adventurers who tease or torment
LOGROS HLANDARR (LN hm W9; DEX the ugly old lady a sharp lesson.
16, INT 18 CHA 16). Logros is service- However, Mhair can be a kind, loyal
mage to the South Ward Aurora’s friend.
outlet. Arrogant and given to acting
important and mysterious, he MORATHIN “HOOKS” BELMONDER (LN
desperately wants to be part of real hm F0; ST 17, DEX 17). Morathin is a
intrigue—with a minimum of burly hearty man skilled at butchery.
danger. He is an expert, strong-stomached
judge of musculature, and the type,
THE MASKED MINSTREL (CG hf B4; age, and condition of meat. (He can
DEX 17, INT 16, CHA 17). None know tell diseased meat with 88% accuracy
the true name of this mysterious and tainted/poisoned meat 94% of
lady of the evening who frequents the time.) Morathin is Second Knife
Jesters’ Court in Castle Ward. She can of, and public contact for, the Guild
be found there on warmer evenings, of Butchers. He makes over 400 gp
playing a harp, lyre, or lute. She has a clear profit on a typical business day
pleasant singing voice, and always and is considered a very rich man.
appears masked. She entertains
clients nearby on the wooded slopes MRIL JUTHBUCK (CG half-elf f F4; INT
of Mount Waterdeep. Some say she’s a 16, CHA 16). Mril is the counter clerk
Harper agent, others that she’s
demented or some sort of spy for a
foreign realm. Her true origins, aims,
and past remain obscure.

17, INT 18, CHA 16). Lady Master of
the Order Mhair Szeltune is head of
the Watchful Order of Magists &
Protectors. A serene, efficient, petite
lady of iron will, she is an uncom-
monly good judge of character. She is
friend to Khelben “Blackstaff”
Arunsun, has long, glossy black hair,
and very, very blue eyes. She usually
carries a staff when in public—


at the South Ward Aurora’s outlet. sword, hilt uppermost, that runs
She loves drinks, jokes, and dancing, down her front from throat to
and is friendly to all. crotch. It is not actually a tatoo, but a
brand, forcibly bestowed on her by
MRORN “BLACKBRACERS” HALDUTH (LN orc slavers intending to sell her to
hm F6; ST 17,DEX17,CON17). Thayan buyers. She escaped them
Mrorn’s nickname comes from the years ago.
bracers he never removes, which are
black-hued bracers of defense AC2. NARTHINDLAR OF THE NINE SPELLS (LN
He leads the seven bouncers at the hm W12; INT 18, WIS 16, CON 16).
House of Good Spirits, and is a calm, Narthindlar is a wizard who loves
no-nonsense, untalkative man of magic concerned with growing
quiet voice and iron strength. things and has a fondness for
lemons. He installed the lemon trees
MUNZRIM MARLPAR (LN lizard man in Lemontree Alley and magically
m F6; ST 16, IN 16). Rare among his nurtures them. A shy retiring, rather
kind for his intellect and nine foot paranoid fellow, he is known as
height, this dignified, fearless indi- Narthindlar of the Nine Spells
vidual tends bar at the Misty Beard because he worked with a priest of
tavern in North Ward. Munzrim is Silvanus to develop a special contin-
sensitive and caring. He’s a keen gency spell that triggers nine precast
study of human life, and is great first level priest spells upon his
friends with a spectator named person when he is brought to 4 hp
Thoim Zalamm. Human females or less or when he speaks a secret
have begun to interest him—and he activation word. These spells are
has befriended not only his employ- bless, cure light wounds, pass
ers, but several regular patrons. without trace, protection from evil,
and sanctuary. He has used this spell
MYRMITH SPLENDON (LN hm F9 [now]; twice—once when beset by raiding
ST 18/04, WIS 16). This noted weap- orcs in the wilds and once when
ons tutor makes a good living attacked by brigands in an alley in
training all who pay his fees in the Waterdeep—so most of the city folk
expert use of weapons. Myrmith is have heard of it.
always alert, and it is said he never
sleeps and can see behind him. NLEERA TARANNATH (CG hf W10; DEX
Myrmith, who is a very strong man, 18, INT 18, CHA 16). Nleera is a Harper
is an ex-adventurer and mercenary mage who has recently begun to act
who accumulated quite a few magic as a contact for Those Who Harp by
items and gold pieces before settling impersonating one of the Tesper
down in Waterdeep. He also picked family ghosts—with the aid of the
up many powerful wizards up and ghosts themselves—during public
down the Sword Coast North as parties at the Tespergates villa in Sea
friends. Ward. She is demure, cautious, and
well armed with magic items and
NANEETHIL OF THE SWORD TATTOO (NG spells, including one that will sum-
hf T3; DEX 16, CHA 16). Naneethil is mon the city guard at full speed
famous for the tattoo of a vertical should she need them.


OLHIN SHALUT (LN hm F4; ST 16, WIS Orlpiir Hammerstar
17). Olhin Shalut, a wealthy investor
and retired adventurer, is the Harper contact and one of many sets
proprietor of the Ship’s Wheel tavern of eyes for Piergeiron.
in Sea Ward. He is old, affable, and
pompous. He always wears or carries ORLOTH THELDARIN (NG hm F0; DEX
a ring of blinking, a ring of protec- 17, INT 17, CHA 17). Orloth is the
tion +3 a rod of lordly might, an iron counter clerk for the Sea Ward outlet
bands of Bilarro sphere, and a short of the Aurora’s retail chain. He is a
sword of quickness (+2). He also man of effeminate manners (tem-
owns other magic items, which he pered with tact and courtesy) who
will use when expecting trouble. has superb taste and the knack of
recalling colors precisely even when
ONGAMAR TATHLOON (LN hm F9; ST seen only once and long ago.
18/00, CON 17). Ongamar tends bar in
the Bowels of the Earth tavern and is ORLPAR HUSTEEM (CE hm T4; DEX 17,
the friend and confidant of the INT 17). Orlpar is the bored, thrill-
owner, Blazidon One-Eye. He is even- seeking, cunning younger brother of
tempered, bald, and incredibly Orbos, head of the Husteem noble
muscular He wears two gold ear- family. From his house on Golden
rings—an earring of spell turning, Serpent Street, he operates as a fence,
which functions as the magical ring dealing largely in spices, scents,
of the same name, and an earring of wines, and various potions, but
protection +3 which also functions occasionally in large and unique
as the ring of the same name. thefts. Unbeknownst to almost
everyone in Waterdeep, Orlpar has
ONSHALL GOLDCLOAK (LE hm W11). connections to the beholder Xana-
Onshall works with tanar’ri. He is thar, who has given him a small
known for always working revenge death tyrant (an undead beholder,
on those who deal him even the missing several of its eyes) to defend
slightest of setbacks. his vaults, which have sewer tunnel

18/04). Orblaer is fat and wears a full

WIS 17). Orgula is the counter clerk
of the Trades Ward outlet of the
Aurora’s Realms Shop catalogue
retail chain. She is a stout, middle-
aged motherly sort, whose easy
manner and encyclopedic knowl-
edge of the Realms—and of Aurora’s
stock—have made her famous among
patrons. She never forgets a face and
has a perfect memory for details of
dress and description. She serves as a


connections to areas used by Xana- mercenaries, and guards himself
thar’s organization. Orlpar probably with magical dusts and poisonous
also has a hired mage and magic gases. He has become partially or
items to defend himself with. wholly immune to many. He is the
proprietor of Phalantar’s Philtres &
ORLPIIR HAMMERSTAR (LGhmF2). A Components shop in Castle Ward.
onetime city guardsman, Orlpiir is Phalantar always smiles gently and
now proprietor of the Grey Serpent moves smoothly and quietly.
inn in Trades Ward. Orlpiir is a man
with dwarven blood in his remote PHANDALUE TARINTHIL (NG hf F0;
past (hence the family name), but he CHA 17). Phandalue is the breathtak-
himself is almost seven feet tall. He is ingly beautiful counter clerk of the
thin and austere, with a cultured North Ward Aurora’s outlet. Despite
voice and a beaky nose. Orlpiir is her sharp tongue and short toler-
very rich. He always wears a ring of ance for fools, she is constantly
spell turning, which is his only pursued by half the young noble
magical treasure. males of Waterdeep.

WIS 16). Osbrin is the fat, very short, 16). Quendever Ilistrym owns and
red-faced proprietor of Selchoun’s operates the Unicorn's Horn inn in
Sundries Shop in Sea Ward. He Trades Ward. A haughty effete, very
always seems out of breath, but has a rich man of Amnian descent and
rolling gait and an energetic, cheer- noble airs, he likes to gamble and
ful nature. puts on disguises to go tavern
crawling in Dock Ward for excite-
PELDAN THRAEL (LN hm F2). Peldan is ment. He is indolent and unskilled,
middle-aged, of middling height, but exceedingly handsome and well-
nondescript, and mustachioed. mannered.
Overall, he is the type who blends
well into crowds. QUIRTAN ONDEVER (CN hm W10; INT
18). Quirtan is the service-mage of the
PERENDEL WINTAMER (NG hm W6; North Ward Aurora’s outlet. He is
DEX 16, INT 18). Perendel is the secretly a timid fan of adventurers
proprietor of the Smiling Siren and high-living nobles, and he always
theater and nightclub in Castle Ward. acts mysterious and sinister, as if at
He is a slim, young, intense lover of the heart of all intrigue in Water-
the arts, and the bearer of a dapper deep. This manner amuses many, but
thin mustache. Perendel dreams of also gets him invited to a lot of
meeting and marrying a beautiful parties. To an adventurer, Quirtan is
female bard. He is hopelessly smitten useful only as a source of informa-
with the Simbul, whom he saw once tion overheard at such feasts.
from afar. She was using spells to
blast a band of orcs to so much REETHA (CG hf F9; ST 18/04, CON 16).
smoking meat. A barbarian of gentle humor with
an impish derision for cultured ways
PHALANTAR ORIVAN (NE hm T7; DEX and snobbery, Reetha has a love of
18, INT 16). Phalantar is a rich man wrestling with men as large and as
who sponsors adventurers and


strong as herself, particularly SELCHAROON NRIM (LN hm W6, INT
adventurers. 17). Selcharron is the bouncer at the
Jade Dancer. An alert, grimly serious
RELCHOZ HRIIAT (CN hm F1; INT 17, man who has gone bald young, but
WIS 16, CHA 16). Relchoz is the short, retains a ratty red beard, Secharoon
jolly, gluttonous proprietor of Hriiat is proud of his large, ornate (and
Fine Pastries in North Ward. He is the enchanted—just what they do, he
public contact for the Bakers’ Guild keeps secret) golden earrings. When
and—though most Waterdhavians on duty, he wears a ring of invisibil-
would be astonished to learn it—one ity and a ring of jumping and wields
of the wealthiest investors in the city a wand of paralyzation.
who has a share in almost a fifth of
all current nonguild-exclusive SHABRA THE BEGGAR QUEEN(CG hf P7).
business concerns. Shabra was once a priestess of
Tymora—until she grew too cautious.
RUUFDEIDEL “ROOVE” RESSATAR (CE hm She’s still a 7th—level priestess because
T6; DEX 17, WIS 17). Ruufdeidel is a Tymora still remembers her youth-
short, imp-like man who is always ful adventuring exploits fondly.
smiling and is good at hiding, moving Shabra will fight or attempt any-
silently, and passing unnoticed. thing dangerous only in an emer-
Roove is one of the best eavesdrop- gency and has now 54 winters. The
pers in Waterdeep, and can usually disarrangement that a specially
be found for hire in Mouse Alley. enchanted invisible mace +4 hang-
ing at her belt causes is concealed by
SABBAR (CE hm W17?). Elminster a ragged half-cloak.
has no idea if this infamous wizard is
still alive or not. He had learned the SHALANNA DUTHMERE (LN hf F1).
means to travel the planes when he Shalanna Duthmere is a pale, worn-
disappeared, and his sanity was not looking lady from Daggerford who
then what most folk would call directs her six daughters in running
stable, either. He is probably dead, but the inn. She is a widow and is very
may yet reappear. tight with money. She secretly
dreams that a dashing, handsome
SAERGHON “THE MAGNIFTCENT”ALIR (LN adventurer will ride in someday and
hm W10). Saerghon the Magnificent make her happy for the rest of her
is the service-mage for the Sea Ward days. The beauty of her teen-aged
outlet of Aurora’s. A pompous man daughters makes it more likely that
of airs and flourishes, Saerghon any dashing heroes will go for them
hasn’t mastered half the magic he instead.
owns, and depends for his safety on
the rings of spell turning and spell SHALARA MALARKKIN (CG hf W2; DEX
storing that he wears. (The ring of 16, INT 18, CHA 16). Shalar is the 16-
spell storing contains: invisibility year-old current apprentice of
fly, Evard's black tentacles, wizard Kappiyan Flurmastyr. She is an
eye, and feeblemind). Along with earnest and emotional lass who
these two rings, Saerghon wears keeps house for Kappiyan and wears
many other sparkling begemmed breeches, boots, tunic, and a periapt
rings, so that every finger is adorned.


Shyrrhr deep to which she comes only in
magical disguise. Her nickname
of protection +1 (equal in effects to a comes from spells she’s developed
magical ring of protection). that allow her to duplicate many
dragon powers, so that lesser mages
SHALATH LYTHRYN (LN hf F1). Shalath have sworn she had an invisible
is kindly plain, middle-aged, and very; dragon present to aid her. Elminster
very observant. doesn’t know what she’s up to these
days. She has been known to send
SHALRIN MERAEDOS (LN hm F6 [now]; warnings and information to local
ST 16, INT 18, WIS 16). Shalrin, Gentle- Harpers from time to time.
man Keeper of the Solemn Order of
Recognized Furriers & Woolmen, is SHRYNDALLA “WERE-EYE” GHAULDUTH
the careful, observant, soft-spoken (CG hf W16).
proprietor of Maerados Fine Furs.
The fur half-cloak he always wears SHULMEIRA GONDALIM (CG hf F0; DEX
conceals twin shoulder-sheathed 17, INT 17). Shulmeira Gondalim is
swords of dancing that fly back to the proprietress of Gondalim’s inn in
him when he calls them. He is Trades Ward, and the granddaughter
known to use other protective of its founder. She is young, short,
magics and is rumored to have slim, and plain, but charming. She
recently begun a stellar adventuring runs the inn with quiet expertise.
career in Undermountain and the
Realms Below. He will not speak of SHYRRHR (NG hf F0; DEX 16, CHA 16).
such matters. Shyrrhr is a lady of the court who
works for Piergeiron chaperoning-
SHARRA OF THE INVISIBLE DRAGON(CG and spying on-diplomats and other
hf W21?). This wizardess dwells important visitors. She was born in
somewhere in the North, but is Deepingdale, but is now ranked as a
rumored to have an abode in Water- noble in Waterdeep. A tall, perceptive
woman with green eyes and long,
straight bronze-hued hair, Shyrrhr is
elegant, kind, soft-spoken, and can
drink great amounts without
becoming intoxicated. She is also
very learned about elven customs.

CON 16). The stolid innkeeper of the
House of Good Spirits, Simon is a
member of the Vintners’ (et al.) Guild,
and a timid, but capable, fighter.

SMILES. See Kaeroven.

[now]: Illusionist; DEX 18, INT 18).
This tall, aristocratic, and sneering
man is a master jeweler, Guildmaster


of the Jewellers’ Guild, and the bespectacled, and always calm
proprietor of Halazar’s Fine Gems in proprietor of Thentavva’s Boots in
Sea Ward. He speaks softly and is Trades Ward, is a contact for the
always watchful. Stromquil is no mysterious Red Sashes (detailed on
doubt involved in smuggling and page 35 of FR1 Waterdeep and the
probably an agent for the Shadow North). He is armed with a set of iron
Thieves (the outlawed Thieves’ Guild). bands of Bilarro.

hf F4/T5;DEX18,INT18,CHA16). ST 16, DEX 16, CHA 16). Tiirlon is a
Flamehair Nightstar is one of the dancer, escort, bartender, and part-
shrewdest investors in Waterdeep owner of the Copper Cup. A digni-
today and a friend to good-aligned fied fellow Tiirlong is a skilled piper
adventurers (as a retired adventurer and harpist, and very tall for his
herself). race—almost seven feet.

17, INT 16, WIS 18, CHA 16). Mother DEX 17, CON 16). A tall, withdrawn,
Tathlorn is the proprietress of dignified man who dresses richly
Mother Tathlorn’s House of Pleasure but smells of the stables, Torst is a
and Healing in Castle Ward. She is lover of horses, who—unbeknownst
old, stout, charming skilled at to Volo—fences stolen horses and
massage, and perceptive of her harness. He is the proprietor of the
customers’ needs. She is a wise old Gentle Rest inn in Trades Ward.
lady who enjoys the company of folk
and hearing about them—though she UGLUKH VORL (LE half-orc m F6).
never passes on what she hears. Treat Uglukh’s double axe as a
halberd. If hit by it, a character must
THOIM ZALAMM (LN spectator). successfully save vs. poison or fall
Stranded in Faerun by long-ago
magic, this calm individual enter- “Mother” Tathlorn
tains itself by observing life in
Waterdeep, while taking care to
avoid surprising adventurers and
wizards who might attack it out of
hand. The spectator likes to help
adventurers, as their activities
furnish it with much entertainment.

17, INT 16). Thumir is the rat-faced
proprietor of Nueth’s Fine Nets shop
in South Ward. (Nueth has been dead
for a dozen years.) He is alert and has
a sarcastic tongue.

18, INT 17). Thurve, the balding,


asleep in 1-4 rounds. This slumber tions “down below”—in other words,
lasts for 2-5 turns despite any with Skullport.
physical stimuli applied.
ULSCALEEZ ANBERSYR (NE hm F9; ST DEX 17, INT 18, CHA 16). Vindara is
17, WIS 17). Ulscaleer is a retired sea the half-owner of the Misty Beard
captain and pirate who is now tavern in North Ward. She is slim,
owner and keeper of the Fiery lithe, sarcastic, and quick to spurn
Flagon in Sea Ward. Fat, old, and would-be suitors. She plans to make
weather-beaten, he seems to know herself a mage of great might and a
every sailor who enters the place. He power in Waterdeep, or failing that,
is the owner of a not-so-secret to build and head a half-elven
connection to subterranean Skull- community perhaps in nearby
port and a busy sponsor of smug- Ardeepforest. She owns and wields
glers. many wands (see the Misty Beard
footnotes for a partial selection). She
ULTHLO RELAJATYR (LN hm F7; ST 17, is firmly loyal to her sister, Allet.
DEX 17, WIS 17). Ulthlo is the floor
manager and deputy security chief. VIVAELIA SUNDER(CN hf T6; DEX 17,
of the Gentle Mermaid in North CHA 15). Vivaelia is a dancer, escort,
Ward, and the second-in-command to bartender, and part-owner of the
Eiraklon Marimmatar. Ulthlo is Copper Cup. She is well known for
dedicated to making the Mermaid a her coldly planned revenges and
safe, relaxed, wonderful place to visit. investment acumen.
He is a careful, courteous man who’s
always thinking several steps ahead VOLOTHAMP GEDDARM (CG hm W5;
in any situation of potential danger. INT 18, CON 17). Volothamp, or Volo,
He is quite skilled at anticipating the as he is more commonly called, is the
tactics and attacks of skilled thieves author of this guide and of Volo's
and adventurers who use magic, Guide to All Things Magical, a
accomplices, or the like. He directs a suppressed work. He was born in a
staff of bouncers, some of whom bog somewhere in Faerun. He is
look deceptively like charming widely traveled, learned in rare or
waitresses or escorts not suited for strange spells of low to middling
or used to any sort of fight. power (those he can cast), and is
believed to have devised several
UNGER FARSHAL (NE hm F6; ST 17). minor but interesting spells con-
Unger is the bald, close-mouthed, cerned with the recording and
sinister proprietor of the Grinning snooping out of information. Volo is
Lion tavern in North Ward. He also a sage, with primary expertise in
knows, tolerates, and says nothing of the spells and doings of human
criminal activities in the ward wizardkind and a secondary exper-
(which keep him in profits). Unger tise (now occupying most of his
has been known to conceal much- energy and study) in the geography
wanted goods and folk for a short and lore of the known human
time in exchange for exhorbitant realms of Faerun. Volo must conceal
fees, and to have smuggling connec- his identity from certain wizards


Volothamp Geddarm WELVREENE THALMIT (CN hf F2, ST 16,
DEX 18, CHA 16). Welvreene, propri-
whose spells he recently revealed—in etress of the Crawling Spider tavern
the FORGOTTEN REALMS®Adven- in Castle Ward, is a romantic who
tures sourcebook—or part company loves adventurers. She is petite, with
with his head (after he’s spent “most a low purring, raw voice and allur-
of eternity as a dung beetle crushed ing dark eyes. Danger is the spice she
under a rock at the bottom of a seeks, and she has been known to
cesspool," to quote the (smiling) mage seek out the company of known
Snilloc). thieves, slavers, maniacs, lycan-
thropes, and killers.
proprietor of the Dragon’s Head WHISTLEWINK (CN hm W24?).
tavern in Castle Ward, Vorn is a fast, Elminster does not know this mage’s
efficient, and considerate host who true name or powers, but believes
also happens to be short, ugly, and him to be part human and part
stubble-faced. Vorn knows most of Arcane, and a veteran traveler of
Waterdeep’s officials, visiting diplo- many planes and worlds. He is
mats, and their servants and agents eccentric, giggling and old, with a
by face and name. long, white beard. He wields many
magic items and sells both major and
WAESDEL UTHRUND (NE hm T3; DEX minor magics. In Faerun, his shop
16, INT 17). Waendel is the beady-eyed, has been known to appear atop the
always watchful proprietor of the Earthspur mountain on the Dragon-
Galloping Minotaur Inn in North isle, in the Sea of Fallen Stars, and
Ward. A sardonic and grasping near Tashluta, as well as in Water-
individual, he is a noted hard blade deep. The shop is seldom seen, and
(merciless) moneylender who Elminster believes Whistlewink’s
secretly backs smuggling slaving more concerned with events on
kidnapping’ and thieving deals up other worlds.
and down the Sword Coast.
WINESTAB (CE hm T6). Winestab is a
thief who has at least two psionic
wild talents: the psychometabolic
devotions catfall and displacement.

INT 18, CHA 16). Xanatrar is the
service-mage of the Castle Ward
Aurora’s chain outlet. A handsome
man with an eye for ladies, he is
known for his excellent singing. He is
a regular at nobles’ feasts.

15, WIS 15). Xandos is manager of the
Three Pearls Nightclub and is known
as “the Dandy” around the city for his


pompous manner. He has a good ZALANTHESS-DAUGHTER-OF-ZALANTHAR
sense of humor and feel for current (NG hf B4; DEX 14, INT 14, CHA 16).
public taste. Zalanthess is the house bard of the
Three Pearls Nightclub. She is a
YAEREENE ILBAERETH (CG elven f W9; skilled singer and harpist, and hails
DEX 18, INT 18, WIS 16, CHA 16). from Neverwinter.
Yaereene is the proprietress of the
Elfstone Tavern in Castle Ward. She is ZARONRAR [OR ZORONDAR, he uses
tall, charming and regal, with silvery both] “THE NIMBLE” RIAUTAR (LN hm F6
eyes. She is always armed with a ring [now]; ST 16, DEX 18, CHA 16).
of shooting stars and a wand of Zarondar has a weapon specializa-
magic missiles, and always accompa- tion in light crossbow. He is propri-
nied by a blue-green (old) faerie etor of Riautar’s Weaponry shop in
dragon named Pyrith (see Volume 3 Trades Ward, and a scowling, always
of the Monstrous Compendium), wary man. He says little, but is
who sits on her shoulder It will use nevertheless the public contact for
its spells to protect her and the the Fellowship of Bowyers and
tavern. Fletchers.

18, CHA 16). Yululee is a dancer escort, shaww, CG hf W9; DEX 17, INT 18).
bartender, and part-owner of the Zobia is the quiet, but alert, propri-
Copper Cup. She grew up as a etress of A Maiden's Tears tavern in
Lantannan orphan child, stealing on North Ward. Her shy manner
the streets of Waterdeep. She stole conceals a fearless nature and a
the deed for the land on which the curiosity about all her guests. She’s
Cup now stands from the home of a been known to magically eavesdrop.
merchant as he was being killed, She is a friend to the city watch and
downstairs, by another band of the Lords. She’s always armed with at
thieves. She acts simple and wide- least two wands, and two rings as
eyed, but is not, having the eyes and well, but what powers these have is
reactions of a hawk and the memory not reliably known.
of a grudge-holding goddess.
YUTH SAMMARDOUN (LN hm T7; DEX DEX 18, INT 18, WIS 16). Zygarth is the
16, INT 16). Yuth is middle-aged and proprietor of Saern’s Fine Swords
retired from thieving, but with the shop in Trades Ward. He has ac-
hair on his head (only) turned quired the ability to determine with
prematurely snow white. He is the 96% accuracy the age, quality, and
proprietor of Maerghoun’s Inn in condition of steel at a glance. He is
Sea Ward. A cynical, cunning man 76% likely to realize that a blade
who prides himself on his extreme carries a magical dweomer merely
discretion, Yuth is involved in by looking at it. He is tall, gaunt,
smuggling and in keeping many smiling, and unassuming. Few know
many secrets, including hiding he is a warrior, as his nickname was
certain valuable items until they are bestowed by a noble in jest.


Appendix II:

Index of Places

The abbreviations in parentheses Kulzar’s Alley (SeaW) ................................ 68
following each entry represent the Lathin’s Cut (TW) ................... ................... . 130
ward the location is found in. Lemontree Alley (CW) ................... .......... 43
Lhoril’s Alley (CW) ...................................... 44
Abbreviation Ward Manycats Alley (NW) .......................... .... 101
Manysteps Alley (DW) .......... ................ 210
(CW) Castle Ward Melinter's Court (DW) .......................... 210
(SeaW) Mhaer’s Alley (TW) ............................ ....... 131
Sea Ward Moarinskoar Alley (Sea W) .................. 68
Moonstar Alley (Sea W) .......... ............. ..... 69
(NW) North Ward Mouse Alley (SW) ................................... ..... 165
Pharra’s Alley (SeaW) ...............................
(TW) Trades Ward Philosopher’s Court (DW) ................. 210
Prayer Alley (SeaW) ............. ............ . .... 71
(SW) South Ward Prowl, The (CW) .............................. .............. 45
Dock Ward Quaff Alley (TW) ............... ......................... 131
(DW) Quill Alley (TW) ........................................... 131
Reach, The (CW) ...... .................... .................. 46
Alleys Rednose Alley (SW) .................................. 166
Roguerun Alley (SeaW) .......................... 71
Arun’s Alley (DW) .... ..... ........ ....... .. . 208 Rook Alley (SeaW) ............ ............................ 72
Asmagh’s Alley (CW) ................................. 37 Round Again Alley (DW) .................. .211
Atkiss Alley (TW) .................. ...................... 129 Ruid’s Stroll (SW) ............................ ............ 166
Black Dog Alley (NW) ........... ................. 100 Runer’s Alley (Sea W) ........... ................... ... 73
Black Wagon Alley (DW) ................... 209 Sabbar’s Alley (SeaW) ............................... 74
Black Well Court (DW) ........................ 209 Satchel Alley (SeaW) .................................. 74
Blackhorn Alley (TW) ........................... 129 Seawind Alley (SeaW) ........... ................... 75
Blacklock Alley (SW) ............................... 163 Sethma’s Court (SW) ......................... ....... 167
Blue Alley—See Unique Sights Sevenlamps Cut (CW) ............................... 47
Brindul Alley (TW) ................................... 129 Shadows Alley (CW) . .................................. 47
Buckle Alley (CW) ................. ........................ 38 Shank Alley (SeaW) ................ ..................... 75
Caedermon’s Walk (DW) ................... 209 Sharra’s Flight (SeaW) .............................. 76
Candle Lane (DW) ..................................... 209 Shattercrock Alley (NW) .................... 102
Cat Alley, a.k.a. Cats Alley (CW). ..... .39 Skulkway, The (SeaW) ............................ 77
Cat’s Tail, The (CW) ..................... .............. 40 Sniff Alley (SeaW) ...................................... ... 78
Catchthief Alley (NW) .................. ......... 100 Spendthrift Alley (TW) ...................... ..131
Chelor’s Alley (TW) .................................. 130 Spoils Alley (TW) ...................... ................... 131
Cloaksweep Alley (SeaW) ..................... 66 Stabbed Sailor Alley (NW)................ .102
Dark Alley (TW) ............ .............................. 130 Theln Lane (TW) .................... .................... 132
Deloun Alley (TW) ..................... ............... 130 Thelten’s Alley (DW) ........................... .... 212
Duir’s Alley (CW) .............. ............... .............. 41 Three Thrown Daggers
Elsambul’s Lane (CW) ...... ........................ 41
Fishnet Alley (DW) .............. ..................... 210 Alley (DW) ...................................................2. 12
Forcebar, The (SW) ............. .................... 164 Trollcrook Alley (DW) ...................... .... 213
Ghostwalk, The (SeaW) .......... ................ 66
Gondwatch Lane (SeaW) ...................... 67
Howling Cat Court (CW) ....................... 42
Hunters’ Alley (TW) ...................... .......... 130
Ilisar’s Alley (SW) ......................... ............... 165
Jesters’ Court (CW) .......... ............................ 43


Trollskull Alley (NW) ............................. 103 Cliffwatch, The (NW) .............................. 97
Tsarnen Alley (TW) ..................... ... ....... 132 Copper Cup, The (DW) ........................ 197
Tuckpurse Alley (TW) . ... ......... . ..... 133 Dacer’s Inn (SeaW) ......................................6. 1
Turnback Court (CW) ............................. 48 Galloping Minotaur, The (NW).....98
Twoflask Alley (DW) ............................. 213 Gentle Rest, The (TW) ....................... 126
Urcandle Alley (TW) ............................... 133 Gondalim’s (TW) ......................................... 127
Wagonslide Alley (SeaW) ..................... 79 Grey Serpent, The (TW). ................... .128
Watch Alley (NW) ...................................... 103 House of Good Spirits,
Watchrun Alley (DW) ........................... 213
Zeldan’s Alley (CW) ..................................... 49 The (SW) .....................................................1. 52
Inn of the Dripping Dagger,
The (TW) .....................................................1..11
Blushing Mermaid, The (DW) .....193 Jade Jug, The (CW) ....................................3. 1
Copper Cup, The (DW) ............. ........ ... 197 Maerghoun’s Inn (SeaW) ..................... .62
Gentle Mermaid, The (NW) .. . . . . . . . . . ..83 Mermaid’s Arms, The (DW) ......... .207
Hanging Lantern, The (DW) ........ .171 Pampered Traveler, The (CW) ......32
House of Purple Silks, Pilgrims’ Rest (SeaW) ................................63
Raging Lion, The (NW) ........................... 98
The (SeaW) ............................... . .................. 64 Rearing Hippocampus,
Jade Dancer, The (SW) ........................ 155
Mermaid’s Arms, The (DW) ......... .207 The (DW) ......................................................206
Mother Tathlorn’s House of Ship’s Prow, The (DW) ......................... 190
Splintered Stair, The (DW)............. .206
Pleasure and Healing (CW) .......... .34 Unicorn’s Horn, The (TW) ........... .128
Purple Palace, The (DW) .................. .208 Wandering Wemic, The (SeaW) ..64
Smiling Siren Nightclub Warm Reds (DW) ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 205

& Theater, The (CW) ........................... 36 Landmarks

Gambling Houses Castle Ward Landmarks ......................... 7
Sea Ward Landmarks ............................. 52
Gentle Mermaid, The (NW) .............. .83 North Ward Landmarks ..................... .81
Golden Horn Trades Ward Landmarks ................ 105
South Ward Landmarks ................... 135
Gambling House, The (TW)......120 Dock Ward Landmarks ..................... 170

Homes Nightclubs

Dragon Tower of Maaril (SeaW) .54 Smiling Siren Nightclub
Hawkwinter House (NW) .................... 87 & Theater, The (CW) ........................... 36
House of Loene (CW) ............................. 13
House of Roaringhorn, Three Pearls Nightclub (DW) .......184

The High (NW) ....................... ... ............... 93 Shops
House of Shyrrhr (CW) ........ .. .............. 14
Kappiyan Flurmastyr’s Aurora’s Realms Shop “High Road”
Catalogue Counter (TW)............... 120
House (SW) .................................................1.. 38
Mhair’s Tower (TW) ............................... 106 Aurora’s Realms Shop
Naingate (SeaW) ............................................5. 4 “Singing Dolphin” Catalogue
Piergieron’s Palace (C W) .. .. .................... 8
Snookery, The (TW) ............................... 118 Counter (SeaW) ....................................... 58
Tespergates (SeaW) ................... ... .............55 Aurora’s Realms Shop Catalogue
Tessalar’s Tower (SeaW) ....................... 54
Counter (DW) ..........................................2. 00
Inns Aurora’s Realms Shop Catalogue

Blackstar Inn, The (DW). ........ ... . .206 Counter (NW) ................................ ... ..........93
Blushing Mermaid, The (DW) . ..193 Aurora’s Realms Shop Catalogue

Counter (SW) ............................................1. 59


Aurora’s Whole Realms Shop Fiery Flagon, The (SeaW).................... .56
Catalogue Counter (CW) .................. 14 Friendly Flounder, The (DW) .....201
Full Cup, The (SW) ..................................1. 61
Balthorr's Rare and Wondrous Gentle Mermaid, The (NW) .............. .83
Treasures (CW) ........................................ 15 Gounar’s Tavern (Sea W) .......................60
Grinning Lion, The (NW) ...................96
Belmonder’s Meats (TW) ................ 120 Hanged Man, The (DW) .................... .202
Gelfuril the Trader (DW) ................ 199 House of Good Spirits,
Golden Horn
The (SW) ......................................................1.. 52
Gambling House, The (TW)......120 Inn of the Dripping Dagger,
Golden Key,
The (TW) .....................................................1..11
The (CW) (locksmith) ...........................15 Jade Dancer, The (SW) ........................ 155
Halambar Lutes & Harps (CW) ......16 Maiden’s Tears, A (NW) ..........................95
Halazar’s Fine Gems (SeaW) ............. 5 9 Mermaid’s Arms, The (DW) ..........207
Halls of Hilmer, Misty Beard, The (NW) ...........................90
Red Gauntlet, The (SW) ......................160
Master Armorer, The (CW)..........17 Red-Eyed Owl, The (CW) ......................25
Hanging Lantern, The (DW) ........ .171 Sailors’ Own, The (CW) ..........................26
Helmstar Warehouse (DW) ............. 173 Ship’s Wheel, The (SeaW) ....................61
House of Pride, Singing Sword, The (CW) ....................28
Sleeping Snake, The (DW) . . . . . . . . .. 202
The (DW) (perfume) ...................... .200 Sleeping Wench, The (DW)............202
Hriiat Fine Pastries (NW) .................. 94 Sleepy Sylph, The (CW) ........................ 31
Maerados Fine Furs (NW) ................... 94 Spouting Fish, The (SW) .....................159
Nueth’s Fine Nets (SW) ........................ 159 Swords’ Rest, The (SW) ........................ 161
Old Monster Shop, The (SW)........ .146 Thirsty Sailor, The (DW) ................... 187
Old Xoblob Shop, The (DW) .......... .176 Thirsty Throat, The (DW) ...............203
Olmhazan’s Jewels (CW) .......................19
Orsabbas’s Fine Imports (TW) ... 121 Unique Sights
Pelauvir’s Counter (SW) .....................159
Phalantar’s Philtres Ahghairon' s Tower (CW) ........................8
Blue Alley (SeaW) .........................................5. 4
& Components (CW) ............................19 Caravan Court
Red Sails Warehouse (DW) .............. 199
Riautar’s Weaponry (TW) ................ 123 (TW and SW) .......... .......................116,135
Riven Shield Shop, The (TW)........123 Court of the White Bull (TW) .......116
Saern’s Fine Swords (TW) ................. 125 Dancing Court (SW) ................................142
Selchoun’s Sundries Shop (SeaW) 60 Field of Triumph (SeaW) ......................51
Serpentil Books & Folios (DW) ....180 Heroe’s Gardens (SeaW) ................ 51
Sulmest’s Splendid Shoes Moon Sphere, The (SW) .....................142
Plinth, The (TW) ........................................1. 05
&Boots (NW) ............................................ 94 Virgin’s Square (TW) ..............................116
Thentavva’s Boots (TW) ......................121 Walking Statue

Taverns of Waterdeep (CW) ..................................9.
Zoarstar, The (TW) ................. ................. 107
Bloody Fist, The (DW) ..........................204
Blue Jack, The (CW) ...................................21 Warehouses
Blue Mermaid, The (DW) ................ .200
Blushing Mermaid, The (DW) .....193 Helmstar Warehouse (DW) ............. 173
Bowels of the Earth, The (TW) ...108 Red Sails Warehouse (DW) ..............199
Copper Cup, The (DW) ........................ 197
Crawling Spider, The (CW) .............. .21
Dragon’s Head Tavern,

The (CW) ..........................................................23
Elfstone Tavern, The (CW) .............. .24
Felzoun’s Folly (TW) .....................125


Appendix III:

Color Map Key

Castle Ward 23. The Crawling Spider Sea Ward
Mount Waterdeep: Harbor 49. The House of Heroes
defense for Waterdeep, 24. The Elfstone Tavern (temple complex of
topped by lookout tower. 25. House of Velstrode the Tempus)

Castle Waterdeep: Four Venturer 50. Halazar’s Fine Gems Shop
hundred feet high at the 26. Halambar Lutes & Harps 51. The Ship’s Wheel (tavern)
highest point, walls 60 feet 27. Hilmer Warehouse 52. Pilgrim’s Rest (inn)
thick, fully prepared to 28. The Halls of Hilmer, 53. The Wandering Wemic
defend and sustain the
population of the city. Master Armorer (inn)
29. Balthorr’s Rare and 54. The House of Purple Silks
Ahghairon’s Tower:
Landmark’ magically Wondrous Treasures (festhall)
protected, unenterable 30. Tower of the Order (HQ: 55. Gounar’s Tavern
ever since its owner’s 56. The House of the Moon
death. The Watchful Order of
Magists & Protectors) (temple complex of Selune)
1. Mirt’s Mansion (Home of 31. The Smiling Siren 57. Tchazzam family villa
Mirt “the Moneylender”) (nightclub) 58. Maerghoun’s Inn
32. Blackstaff Tower (home 59. Dacer’s Inn
2. Crommor’s Warehouse of Kelben “Blackstaff” 60. The House of Inspired
3. The Sailors’ Own (tavern) Arunson)
4. The Yawning Portal (inn) 33. Phalantar’s Philtres & Hands (temple complex of
5. The Red-Eyed Owl (tavern) Components Gond)
6. The Sleepy Sylph (tavern) 34. Guildhall of the Order 61. The Fiery Flagon (tavern)
7. Barracks of the Guard (HQ: The Solemn Order of 62. Ruldegost family villa
8. Smithy of the Guard Recognized Furriers & 63. The Dragon Tower of
9. Bell Tower Woolmen) Maaril
10. House of Naneatha 35. The Jade Jug (inn) 64. Ilzimmer family villa
36. The Blue Jack (tavern) 65. Urmbrusk family villa
Lhaurilstar, Lady of 37. Pewterers’ and Casters’ 66. Moonstar family villa
Waterdeep Guildhall (guild HQ: 67. Assumbar family villa
11. The House of Gems (HQ: 38. Olmhazan’s Jewels 68. Cassalanter family villa
The Jeweller’s Guild) 39. House of the Fine Carvers 69. Zulpair family villa
12. Mother Tathlorn’s House (HQ: The Guild of Fine 70. Husteem family villa
of Pleasure (festhall and Carvers) 71. The Tower of Luck
spa) 40. The Pampered Traveler (temple complex of
13. House of Loene the (inn) Tymora)
fighter 41. The Singing Sword 72. Wavesilver family villa
14. House of Shyrrhr, Lady of (tavern) 73. “Naingate” (tower of Nain
the Court 42. The Market Hall (HQ: The the wizard)
15. The Map House (HQ: The Council of Farmer- 74. Melshimber family villa
Surveyors', Map & Chart- Grocers) 75. Iltul family villa
Makers’ Guild) 43. The Spires of the 76. Shrine of Mielikki (The
16. Fellowship Hall (HQ: The Morning (temple complex Lady’s Hands)
Fellowship of Innkeepers) of Lathander) 77. Shrine of Silvanus
17. Palace Warehouse 44. Usual location of the 78. Emvoelstone family villa
18. Palace Stables Walking Statue of 79. Hiilgauntlet family villa
19. Palace Paddocks Waterdeep 80. The Temple of Beauty
20. The Dragon’s Head 45. Fair Winds (rental villa) (temple complex of Sune)
Tavern 46. Marblehearth (rental 81. Gauntyl family villa
21. The Golden Key (lock- villa) 82. Eltorchul family villa
smith) 47. Stormwatch (rental villa) 83. The House of Wonder
22. The Master Bakers’ Hall 48. Heroes’ Rest (rental villa) (temple of Midnight—
(HQ: The Bakers’ Guild) formerly Mystra)


84. Eirontalar family villa 130. Thorp family villa 166. Ahghairon’s Statue
85. Selchoun’s Sundries Shop 131. Estelmer family villa 167. The House of the
86. Thongolir family villa 132. Maerklos family villa
87. Eagleshield family villa 133. Ulbrinter family villa Homeless (all who do not
88. Dezlentyr family villa 134. Hriiat Fine Pastries merit or cannot buy
89. Tesper family villa 135. The Grinning Lion another tomb)
90. Nesher family villa
91. Brokengulf family villa (tavern) Trades Ward
92. Belabranta family villa 136. Gost family villa
93. Irlingstar family villa 137. Lathkule family villa Virgin’s Square: Traditional
94. Gundwynd family villa 138. Nandar family villa hiring place for mercenar-
95. Tessalar’s Tower 139. Thann family villa ies and legendary
96. Raventree family villa 140. Thunderstaff family sacrificial spot.
97. Bladesemmer family villa
98. Manthar family villa villa 168. The Inn of the Dripping
99. Artemel family villa 141. Anteos family villa Dagger
100. Ammakyl family villa 142. Phull family villa
101. Silmerhelve family villa 143. Snome family villa 169. The Riven Shield Shop
102. Rosznar family villa 144. Helmfast family villa 170. House of Myrmith
103. Jhansczil family villa 145. Roaringhorn family
Splendon (fighter)
North Ward villa 171. Mhair’s Tower
146. Kormallis family villa 172. Dunblast Roofing
104. The House of Crystal 147. Majarra family villa
(HQ: The Guild of 148. Tarm family villa Company
Glassblowers, Glaziers, & 149. Stormmweather family 173. Gondalim’s (inn)
Speculum-Makers) 174. The Citadel of the
105. House of Crystal 150. Jardeth family villa Arrow (HQ: The Fellow-
Warehouse 151. Hawkwinter family villa ship of Bowyers &
152. Gralhund family villa Fletchers)
106. Adarbrent family villa 153. The Raging Lion (inn) 175. Saern’s Fine Swords
107. Agundar family villa 154. A Maiden's Tears (tavern) 176. Costumers’ Hall (HQ: The
108. Kothont family villa 155. The Misty Beard (tavern) Order of Master Taylor,
109. Sultlue family villa 156. The Cliffwatch (inn) Glovers, & Mercers)
110. The Galloping Minotaur 157. Cliffwatch inn stables 177. Thentevva’s Boots
158. Zun family villa 178. The Unicorn’s Horn (inn)
(inn) 159. Ilvastarr family villa 179. Orsabba’s Fine Imports
111. Sulmest’s Splendid Shoes 160. House of Orlpar 180. Riautar’s Weaponry
181. The House of Song (HQ:
& Boots Husteem, noble The Council of Musicians,
112. Meraedos Fine Furs Instrument-Makers, and
The City of Choristers)
(shop) the Dead 182. Patient Fingers Fine-
113. Phylund family villa work
114. The Gentle Mermaid Unkeyed tombs are of 183. Office of the League of
individual noble or Basketmakers & Wicker-
(tavern and festhall) wealthy families. In workers (guild HQ)
115. Maernos family villa several cases nobles 184. Warehouse of the
116. Cragsmere family villa families share a tomb, League of Basketmakers &
117. The House of Healing which usually leads to Wickerworkers
separate crypts beneath, 185. The House of Cleanli-
(HQ: The Guild of and several floors above. ness (HQ: The Launderers’
Apothecaries & Physi- Guild)
cians) 161. Mariner's Rest (those 186. The Old Guildhall (HQ:
118. Amcathra family villa drowned at sea and ship The Cellarers and
119. Lanngolyn family villa captains) Plumbers Guild)
120. Mascalan family villa 187. Thond Glass and
121. Talmost family villa 162. The Hall of Heroes Glazing
122. Piiradost family villa (warriors’ tomb) 188. Belmonder’s Meats
123. Crommor family villa 189. The Zoarstar
124. Brossfeather family villa 163. The Hall of Sages (sages) 190. The House of Textiles
125. Wands family villa 164. Monument to the (HQ: The Most Excellent
126. Hunabar family villa Order of Weavers and
127. Durindbold family villa warriors of Waterdeep Dyers)
128. Hothemer family villa 165. Merchants’ Rest (“The 191. The Gentle Rest (inn)
129. Margaster family villa
Coinscoffin” tomb, resting
place of only those who
prepay for the honor)


192. Gentle Rest Inn stables 222. The Road House (HQ: The Most Diligent League
193. Felzoun’s Folly (tavern) The Fellowship of Carters of Sail-Makers and
194. Surtlan’s Metalwares and Coachmen) Cordwainers)
195. The Guild Paddock (HQ: 252. Arnagus the Shipwright
223. Prestar’s Furniture 253. The House of Tarmagus
The Stablemasters’ and 224. Hlakken Stables (warehouse)
Farriers’ Guild) 225. Metalmasters’ Hall (HQ: 254. The Fellowship of
196. The Golden Horn Salters, Packers, and
Gambling House The Most Careful Order of Joiners warehouse
197. Meiroth’s Fine Silks Skilled Smiths & 255. Coopers’ Rest (HQ: The
196. The Bowels of the Earth Metalforgers) Coopers Guild)
(tavern) 226. Bellister’s Hand (shop) 256. Shippers’ Hall (HQ: The
199. Cobblers’ and Corvisers’ 227. Bellister’s House Fellowship of Salters,
House (guild HQ) (warehouse) Packers, and Joiners)
200. The House of Light (HQ: 228. Orm’s Highbench 257. The Blue Mermaid
The Guild of Chandlers & (trading company) (tavern)
Lamplighters) 229. Athlal’s Stables 258. The Hanged Man
201. Chandlers & Lamplight- (tavern)
ers’ Guild warehouse Dock Ward 259. The House of Pride
202. Stationers’ Hall (HQ: The (perfume shop)
Stationers’ Guild) Waterdeep Harbor: Patrolled 260. The Purple Palace
203. The Plinth (interdenomi- by hired mermen against (festhall)
national temple) invaders, predators, and 261. The Sleeping Wench
204. The Grey Serpent (inn) hazards to shipping. (tavern)
205. Wheel Hall (HQ: The 262. The Hanging Lantern
Wheelwrights’ Guild) 230. Cookhouse Hall (escort service)
231. Gelfuril the Trader 263. Muleskull Tavern (HQ:
Southern Ward 232. The Copper Cup (tavern, The Dungsweepers’ Guild)
264. The Mermaids Arms
206. The Stone House (HQ: inn, festhall) (inn, tavern, festhall)
The Carpenters’, Roofers’, 233. Thomm Warehouse 265. Red Sails Warehouse
and Plaisterer’s Guild) 234. Melgard’s Fine Leathers 266. Shipwrights’ House (HQ:
235. The Butchers’ Guildhall The Order of Master
207. Brian the Swordmaster Shipwrights)
208. The Jade Dancer (tavern (HQ: The Guild of 267. Helmstar Warehouse
Butchers) 268. The Ship’s Prow (inn)
and festhall) 236. House of Jemuril 269. The Thirsty Sailor
209. Nueth’s Fine Nets (adventurer) (tavern)
210. The Spouting Fish 237. Fish Warehouse (belongs 270. Warm Beds (inn)
to the Fishmongers’ 271. Lanternmaker Zorth
(tavern) Fellowship)
211. The Red Gauntlet 238. Smokehouse (belongs to Ulmaril
the Fishmongers’ 272. The Bloody Fist (tavern
(tavern) Fellowship; also used by
212. Pelauvir’s Counter butchers or a fee) [“dive”])
239. Telethar Leatherworks 273. Three Pearls Nightclub
(goods store) 240. Torpus the Tanner 274. The Thirsty Throat
213. The Swords’ Rest (tavern) 241. League Hall (HQ: The
214. The House of Good League of Skinners & (tavern)
Tanners) 275. Serpentil Books & Folios
Spirits (HQ: The Vintners’, 242. Mariners’ Hall (HQ: The 276. The Blackstar Inn
Distillers’, and Brewers Master Mariners’ Guild) 277. The Splintered Stair
Guild and a working 243. Shipmasters’ Hall
tavern and inn) 244. Watermen’s Hall (HQ: (inn)
215. The Redbridle Stables The Guild of Watermen) 278. The Rearing Hippocam-
216. The Coach & Wagon 245. The Sleeping Snake
Hall (HQ: The (tavern) pus (inn)
Wagonmakers’ and Coach 246. Nestaur the Ropemaker 279. The Metal House of
Builders’ Guild) 247. Khostal Hannass, Fine
217. Saddlers’ & Harness- Nuts Wonders (HQ: The
Makers’ Hall (guild HQ) 248. Felhaur’s Fine Fish Splendid Order of
216. House of Kappiyan 249. The Blushing Mermaid Armorers, Locksmiths,
Flurmaster (wizard) (inn, tavern, festhall) and Finesmiths)
219. Builders’ Hall (HQ: The 250. Seaswealth Hall (HQ: The 280. Turnstone Plumbing
Guild of Stonecutters and Fishmongers’ Fellowship) and Pipefitting
Masons) 251. Full Sails (tavern; HQ: 281. Dhaermos Warehouse
220. Nelkaush the Weaver
221. The Full Cup (tavern) 240

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