Family Fun in the Sun
Experience 1 John 4:7 together you have enough people, break
“Love one another for love is of God.” up into two teams for a relay race.
If you don’t have enough people
Have fun trying one of the following for two teams, race against the
activities with your friends or family. clock. Start the race by putting
Enjoy expressing and receiving love. the ball between your knees and
running/hopping a set distance and
1. Start with a warm-up by getting a returning to the start line to hand
beach ball and sitting or standing off the ball to the next person—
in a circle. Throw the ball to one you’re not allowed to hold the ball
person in the circle. While they are with your hands while racing.
holding the ball everyone else in the
circle tells that person what they After playing the game remind
love about them. Then pass the everyone that Jesus healed a man
ball to another person and repeat who was paralyzed and couldn’t use
the process, making sure everyone his legs. Because his friends loved him
gets a turn. Children might say enough to carry him to Jesus, the man
something like: was healed.
• I’m glad you’re my brother. I like Ask each person to think about two
hanging out together. or three people who might need help
and could benefit from the love of a
• I like the way you always say friend. Challenge everyone to think
just the right words when I am about how they might show God’s love
feeling down. to each person. For example:
• I love you because you help me • I think my mom might need more
take life less seriously. of God’s love shown through me.
I could do that by cleaning and
• I’m glad that we get to play on helping put away the dishes after
a team together. You’re a great we eat.
• I think my friend might need more
• I think you’re a great part of this of God’s love shown through me. He
family because you help me with doesn’t know about God’s love and
my homework! I could tell him!
2. There’s Love In the Air: Same set • I think my friend at school might
up as game one but this time use need more of God’s love shown
a balloon and a circle of family or through me. I’ll sit with him at
friends. Object of the game is to lunch.
keep the balloon in the air, but you
can’t hit the balloon until you say • I think my friend at school might
something you like/love/appreciate need more of God’s love shown
about someone else. If the balloon through me. I’ll make sure to stick
hits the floor because you couldn’t up for her the next time other kids
think of something fast enough, start teasing her.
you sit down and wait for the next
round to begin. Close this time of fun by thanking God
for being the source of all this love!
3. Knee Knockers: Take a ball (beach
ball, softball, or balloon) and if