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GCN Legacy Shift Purpose 1 Connecting SECURITY 2022

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Published by Relationship Press, 2022-07-22 11:46:39

GCN Legacy Shift Purpose 1 Connecting SECURITY 2022

GCN Legacy Shift Purpose 1 Connecting SECURITY 2022


Legacy Shift

Finding Purpose in Connecting

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For more information address Great Commandment Network, 2511 South
Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613.

Session 11—Security Legacy Shift

How am I connecting and showing
Security?—Biblical Perspective

Legacy Shift-Finding Purpose in Connecting-SECURITY © Great Commandment Network 2511 South Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613 1

Session 11—SECURITY Teacher Lesson Plan

I. Introduction: How does God Meet Our need for Security?

During His earthly ministry, Jesus offered Security to those who were close to Him by continually meeting their
physical, spiritual, and relational needs, often in miraculous ways. God continues to meet our need for Security by
promising us that He will never leave or forsake us (Joshua 1:5; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5), pledging that He
will faithfully provide food, clothing, and shelter (Matthew 6:25–34), and reassuring us that those who trust Jesus
as Savior are eternally secure (John 10:27–29).

II. Engage in Community—You Can’t Grow yourself By yourself: Doing life with others helps
free us to grow.

Hebrews 10:25 “…not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one
another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

Spirit Empowered Faith Outcomes:

P2. “Startling people” with loving initiatives to “give first”
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down,
shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in
return” (Luke 6:38). “But Jesus was saying, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are
doing.” (Luke 23:34). See also Luke 23:43 and John 19:27.
P3. Discerning the relational needs of others with a heart to give of His love
“Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification
according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear” (Eph. 4:29). “And
my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). See also
Luke 6:30.

The need for Security is met by establishing and maintaining harmony in our relationships and providing
freedom from fear or threat of harm. This process involves mutual expressions of vulnerability, the deepening
of trust, and the successful resolution of conflict.
Key Bible Passages
Jesus Gives Relational Security to His Disciples
Read the passage in John 13:3–17.
In a world of insecurity, where terrorism and crime are routine news stories, it seems unlikely that anyone
would notice a message of simple peace and relational Security. The dilemma of the leader is how to
teach a noisy culture with a quiet message; and the answer is found, once again, in the example of Jesus.

In the most difficult time of His life, Jesus met with His disciples to humbly serve as He poured water into
a basin, grabbed a towel, and began washing the feet of His disciples. As He so often did, He preached
a sermon on love without actually talking. In the midst of external insecurity, Jesus provided relational
Security. The disciples were astounded as Jesus demonstrated leadership in a way they would not forget.

The Passover was a sacred commemoration, a time when the Jewish nation celebrated God’s gracious
covenant love. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was to be a consistent reminder of God’s redemption of
Israel from bondage in Egypt. Jesus’ Passover meal with His disciples was even more special than usual.
Jesus longed to eat this supper with His friends because He knew it would be the last one He would share
with them before His death.

2 Legacy Shift-Finding Purpose in Connecting-SECURITY © Great Commandment Network 2511 South Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613

Session 11—SECURITY Teacher Lesson Plan Continued

Christ came to the meal with a heavy heart. His remaining days on earth were few, and time with His
disciples was short. Jesus began the meal with vulnerability. He told His friends how much this meal
meant to Him and revealed His destiny of suffering and pain when He said, “I have eagerly desired to eat
this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom
of God.” Jesus then led the disciples through the sacred remembrances of Passover. He broke the bread,
gave thanks to God, and then vulnerably revealed to the disciples, “This is my body given for you; do this in
remembrance of me.” The Savior told His closest friends that His body was about to be sacrificed, given up,
and broken for them. Christ then took the cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is
poured out for you,” further revealing what lay ahead.
How then shall we lead in such a defining way? Let’s consider Jesus’ sacrificial death: the Savior who
watched His disciples run as the accusers mocked, beat, and spat upon Him; the One who allowed spikes
to pierce his wrists and feet; He who watched people cheer and the soldier roll dice for His clothes as He
died. And yet, knowing this would happen only hours earlier, He selflessly communicated one of His final
messages by grabbing a towel.
Discussion Questions
1. Read the passage from John 13:3–17.

2. How does Jesus’ choose to address the conflict which arose among the disciples?

3. After this encounter with Jesus, how do you think the disciples began to view leadership?

4. How is your own behavior positively affected when your relational need for Security is met?
5. How can we become more sensitive to people’s verbal and non-verbal expressions of their unmet needs? How

can we give Security to others around us like Jesus gave the disciples in the Upper Room?
6. Reflect on what Jesus said or did not say that helped meet the need of Security.
7. Reflect on what Jesus did or did not do that helped meet the need of Security.
Prayers to “become:”
Privately, with a partner, or in a small group­—
• Thank God that He gives us Relational Security and for the character He is building in us.
• With a prayer partner, ask God to birth Security and love for others in your heart, and to show you ways that God

gives Security to others so you can give that Security to them.

• Talk with God about those who you may have given insecurity to. Ask Him to forgive you for any times you
used a harsh voice or didn’t resolve an issue with someone. Ask Him to help you to become a person that He
and others around you can trust.

III. Encounter Gratitude—Gratefulness empowers our motivation to grow:
Spirit Empowered Faith Outcomes:

L3. Experiencing God as He really is through deepened intimacy with Him
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your strength” (Deut. 6:4–5). “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore
He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice” (Is. 30:18). See also John 14:9.
W1. Frequently being led by the Spirit into deeper love for the One who wrote the Word
“Love the Lord thy God—love thy neighbor; upon these two commandments deepens all the law and
prophets” (Mt. 22:37–40). “I delight in Your commands because I love them.” (Ps. 119:47). “The ordinances
of the Lord are pure—they are more precious than gold—sweeter than honey” (Ps. 19:9–10).

Legacy Shift-Finding Purpose in Connecting-SECURITY © Great Commandment Network 2511 South Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613 3

Session 11—SECURITY Teacher Lesson Plan Continued

Imagine yourself with Jesus and the disciples in the upper room. The Savior is vulnerable, hurting and soon to be
betrayed, but the disciples are arguing over who is to be the greatest. Christ has just shared that He is going to
suffer, give up His body, and shed His blood, yet the disciples begin to quarrel with one another. As you imagine
this scene, try to feel the insensitivity in their response.
As we consider Christ’s response to the disciples in the midst of His own pain—John 13 reminds us that, Jesus did
something radical. In the midst of the squabble about who would be the greatest, Christ humbled himself, took
a basin of water, knelt before each man and washed his feet. The One who was within hours of His death, knelt to
serve. The King of Kings, bowed to give Security and peace to those He loved.
Now imagine that you are again in that upper room. Perhaps you’ve come with conflict in your heart. Maybe
you’ve had recent conflicts with those you love? Can you identify with Peter? With Philip? With James or even
with Judas? And yet, in spite of everything we bring to the room, our Savior kneels before us and washes our feet.
What feelings do you have for Jesus, the One who is washing your feet? Take a moment to express your feelings
to Him and tell Him how much you appreciate His selflessly giving to you: “Jesus, I’m so grateful that You provide
me relational security. I can trust that You will be with me and will not leave me. Thank you for serving me and
please help me to follow Your example.”

IV. Experience“Becoming”— Daily living of relational principles develops our adequacy to grow:
Spirit Empowered Faith Outcomes:

M1. Imparting the gospel and one’s very life in daily activities and relationships, vocation and community
“Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God
but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us“ (1 Thess. 2:8–9). See also Eph. 6:19.

How Might God Use Us to Meet Others’ Need for Security?
Answer: Experience Romans 12:16,18 as a lifestyle of being grateful and giving Security
“Live in harmony with one another.…If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with
everyone” (Romans 12:16, 18).

Give Security
„ Seek to increase “relational Security” in your closest relationships. For example close friends should
demonstrate a depth of commitment to each other that will prevail through “thick and thin.”
„ Provide financial Security for those to whom you are responsible. As you become more responsible
and get a job, it means operating on a budget, having a good work ethic, developing marketable
skills, providing adequate income, and maintaining a savings account.
„ Let people know that you are aware of their ongoing physical, spiritual, and relational needs and
that you are committed to being used by God to help provide for those needs, both now and in
the future. It is important to note that, though we may be satisfied when our needs are met in
the present, we are truly Secure only when we know that our needs will also be met in the future.
„ Be consistent in how you relate to people. Extreme mood swings will undermine your ability to
establish peace and Security in a relationship. If we are “up” one day and “down” the next, those
close to us will always be wondering, “What is he going to be like today?” Emotional consistency
breeds feelings of Security.
„ Develop self-control, especially with regard to your emotions. A quick temper will hinder others
from experiencing Security in their relationships with you.

4 Legacy Shift-Finding Purpose in Connecting-SECURITY © Great Commandment Network 2511 South Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613

Session 11—SECURITY Teacher Lesson Plan Continued

„ Keep your promises. Always do the things that you have committed to do. “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be
‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’” (Matthew 5:37).

V. Sharing the Good News
Spirit Empowered Faith Outcomes:

M8. Attentive listening to others’ story, vulnerably sharing of your story, and a sensitive
witness of Jesus’ story as life’s ultimate hope; developing your story of prodigal,
pre-occupied and pain-filled living; listening for other’s story and sharing Jesus’ story
“…but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone
who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”
(1 Pet. 3:15). “…because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again” (Luke 11:24).
(Mark 5:21–42). (John 9:1–35).
Given that we are to impart not only the gospel but our very life (1 Thessalonians 2:7–8), often times our
best witness is to:
„ Impart life to others through sharing a specific needed dimension of His grace (i.e.: meeting a
relational need for acceptance, attention, encouragement, Respect)
„ Allowing the Holy Spirit to prompt in the recipient of this grace, the Pentecost response “what is
this?” “they were amazed and marveled…” (See Acts 2: 7–16)
„ To which we are ready to give an account of the hope we have within us - (1 Peter 3:15) by bridging
the conversations back to Jesus…who is our HOPE!

Listen for Their Story
Listen to these sentences that people may say if they need Security:
“I just want a place I can call home!”
“I’m just not sure I can count on you.”
Share Your Story
Complete the following sentences:
I remember missing Security when ___________________________________________________.
I remember receiving Security when __________________________________________________.
Re-Tell the Jesus Story
Finish this story:
“That reminds me of the time when Jesus gave His disciples Security in the Upper Room…”

Legacy Shift-Finding Purpose in Connecting-SECURITY © Great Commandment Network 2511 South Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613 5

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