Drinking Bottle Oxygen
DRB-2435 Cylinder Drinking Bottle
Size: 75 x 265mm. capacity: 950ml
Tritan Plastic, BPA free
With screw lid, fashion design
6 standard color available
Own customized color from qty:2500pcs
Min. qty from 500 pcs
Production time: 15 days
Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea
PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000
DDU by sea:USD5.45 4.75 4.18 3.75
For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color
Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color
Standard color: Transparent PMS 186 C PMS 347 C PMS 286 C PMS 312 C DRB-5017 Sport Drinking Bottle
Black Size: 77 x 260mm, capacity: 750ml
Tritan plastic, BPA free
With drinking straw and bite valve
Own customized color from qty:500pcs
Min. qty from 500 pcs
Production time: 15 days
DRB-2436 Outdoor Drinking Bottle Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea
Size: 92 x 220mm, capacity: 1000ml PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000
Tritan plastic, BPA free
With screw lid w/plastic strap holder DDU by sea:USD7.80 6.95 6.35 5.85
With own logo on the silicone bands on lid
6 standard color available For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color
Own customized color from qty:2500pcs Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color
Min. qty from 500 pcs
Production time: 15 days
Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea
PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000
DDU by sea:USD5.95 4.85 4.15 3.75
For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color
Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color
For own silicone bands will add USD0.60/pc (w/1-2 color logo)
Plus set-up cost:USD100
Standard color: Transparent PMS 186 C PMS 347 C PMS 286 C PMS 312 C
Black DRB-2437 Bullet Drinking Bottle DRB-5018 Drinking Bottle With Carrying Handle
Standard color: Size: 72 x 270mm, capacity: 750ml Size: 72 x 220mm, capacity: 600ml
Tritan plastic, BPA free Tritan plastic, BPA free
Black Modern design, with screw lid With drinking straw and bite valve
6 standard color available Own customized color from qty:500pcs
Standard color: Own customized color from qty:2500pcs Min. qty from 500 pcs
Min. qty from 500 pcs Production time: 15 days
Production time: 15 days
Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea
PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000 PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000
DDU by sea:USD4.50 3.85 3.40 2.95 DDU by sea:USD7.20 6.55 5.80 5.65
For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color
Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color
Transparent PMS 186 C PMS 347 C PMS 286 C PMS 312 C
DRB-2438 Drinking Bottle With String Handle
Size: 70 x 228mm, capacity: 600ml
Tritan plastic, BPA free
Modern design, with stainless steel screw lid w/string
6 standard color available
Own customized color from qty:2500pcs
Min. qty from 500 pcs
Production time: 15 days
Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea DRB-5019 Bowling Drinking Bottle
PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000 Size:75 x 260mm, capacity: 750ml
Tritan plastic, BPA free
DDU by sea:USD4.60 3.90 3.25 2.75 With drinking straw and bite valve
Own customized color from qty:500pcs
For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color Min. qty from 500 pcs
Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color Production time: 15 days
Price from qty:500-5000pcs based on DDU by sea
PRICE: 500 1000 2500 5000
DDU by sea:USD7.90 7.15 6.45 5.95
Black Transparent PMS 186 C PMS 347 C PMS 286 C PMS 312 C For 1 color print will add USD0.20/color
Plus printing set-up cost:USD50/color