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Microeconomics 8th Edition by Perloff

Microeconomics 8th Edition by Perloff

244 13 Business Process Improvement

Our designer capability maturity model (DCMM) characterizes the design
focus and the proficiency required of the process designer. It reflects the scope of
process–process alignment and interaction; end-to-end process chains; business
goals and performance metrics along the organizational hierarchy; organizational
involvement in Business Process Management at various levels; and the nature
and extent of IT support at the local and enterprise levels. The designer must be
fully responsive to the design environment: within which organizational grouping
or unit s/he functions (e.g., working alone as an expert or advisor, or in a team as a
member of the Enterprise Process Authority); and what requirements and con-
straints must be taken into account when setting design strategies and parameters.
It is up to the designer, on the one hand, and enterprise management or the
Enterprise Process Authority, on the other, to ensure that the designer has acquired
the required qualifications and has been granted the necessary access and authority
to carry out his mission. We define five levels, based upon Fisher’s Business
Process Maturity Model (Fisher, 2004) and a widening perspective of enterprise

• Level 1 Silo – focus on a single process
• Level 2 Department – focus on all processes within the department
• Level 3 Function – focus on all processes within the function
• Level 4 Enterprise – focus on all processes within the enterprise
• Level 5 Network – focus on all interfacing processes along the supply chain

We identify eight contextual dimensions which have to be considered by the
process designer in order to attain the goal of an improved business process:

(1) Authority: who else beside the designer has a say in process design, redesign
and authorization?

(2) Integration and coordination: what other processes within the enterprise have
to be considered by the designer?

(3) Management: who is the process owner and who is responsible for managing
the process?

(4) Metrics and evaluation: how is the process performance evaluated; and how
does this impact the process design?

(5) IT support and fit to process: what IT support is available for the process; can
the process and IT work seamlessly together; does available IT support place
limitations on the process?

(6) Process alignment: what features of what processes must the designer take
into account: inputs, outputs, database content and status, knowledge base
content and status, inter-process dependencies and relative execution sequence,
triggering; collaboration in process execution?

(7) Strategy and goals: what department, function, enterprise and inter-enterprise
goals influence or dictate the process strategy and goals?

(8) Improvement management: what are the driving forces for process improve-
ment and who or what is behind these forces?

13.12 Designer Capability: An Example of Design Focus Maturation 245

The DCMM is detailed in Table 13.11. The maturation of each dimension is
expressed by moving along each row from the “silo” level through the “networking”
level. For example, the “authority” dimension expresses with whom the designer
has to consult in order to specify and obtain approval for the process. Such contact
is essential not only to ensure that improvements are correctly integrated within
the process suite, but also that cooperation is achieved when enacting end-to-end
process chains. Accrediting and endorsing a process specification and design
progresses through five levels:

(1) Silo: the designer alone is responsible for designing and approving the process
(2) Department: the designer is part of a department team and must take

departmental policies into account in his/her design; the team is responsible
for approving the process
(3) Function: the designer is part of a function team and must take function
policies into account in his/her design; the team is responsible for approving
the process
(4) Enterprise: the designer acts within the framework of an Enterprise Process
Authority, which is ultimately responsible for all process maintenance and
(5) Network: the designer acts within the framework of a collaborative inter-
enterprise process authority, which is ultimately responsible for maintenance
and approval of all inter-enterprise process interfaces

Insight into the design frame of reference progresses in the following way:

• As the dependencies between processes are better understood, the designer

must consult a growing circle of designers and approvers who may influence
modifications and improvements in the process

• In particular, as the localized perspective gives way to an ever-widening

cross-department, cross-function, cross-enterprise and lastly trans-enterprise
perspective, the designer needs to pay more and more attention to the nature of
inputs, outputs, database updating, knowledge base updating and process-
process interfaces to ensure consistency along the end-to-end process chain

13.12 Designer Capability: An Example of Design Focus

To illustrate the idea of design focus maturation we utilize a simplified enterprise
model for the Wholesale Industry based on the corresponding SAP business
solution (SAP 2004). The Wholesale capstone model and its decomposition for the
“Sales” functionality are given in Table 13.12. From a consideration of our basic
process to be redesigned: “Outbound order acquisition” (including “Availability
check”) we distinguish the interdependencies – linked processes or sub-functions – to
be considered at each of the subsequent four levels (Table 13.13).

246 13 Business Process Improvement

Table 13.11 A capability maturity model for the process designer (based on Fisher 2004)

Level Silo Department Function Enterprise Network
(design focus: (design focus: (design focus: (design focus: (design focus:
single process) cross-function) cross-enterprise) supply chain)
department) Inter-
Authority Subject matter Departmental Function-based Enterprise process
(specification) expert: process team: process team: process specifies and
maintains all
understanding understanding understanding authority: interface
and of cross- of cross- specifies and Processes are
maintenance of department function maintains all collaboratively
specific process process needs process needs core processes partners
and and integration
within partner
dependencies dependencies domain
(suppliers &
Integration Processes are Processes are Processes are Processes are customers)
and performed Inter-
coordination independently; performed performed performed enterprise
each performer process teams
does cooperatively cooperatively collaboratively Supply chain
something management
different within the within the within the system in
department function enterprise
Integration Integration Integration metrics tied to
within within within partner
departmental functional enterprise
Supply chain
domain domain domain management
(SCM) system
Management Process owner Departmental Functional Enterprise- Full alignment
authority and with interface
autonomy authority and authority and wide enterprise processes and
autonomy autonomy process enterprise
authority Total trans-
(EPA) interface
Business alignment



system in place

Metrics and No metrics Metrics tied to Metrics Metrics
evaluation (or: metrics
tied to process departmental institutionalized institutionalized
Evaluated by performance and tied to and tied to
process owner
Evaluated by functional enterprise

department performance performance

level Evaluated by Evaluated by

management function level the EPA


IT support Independent Independent Function-based Enterprise-
and fit to or legacy
process systems systems ERP system based ERP
No alignment
with process Poor module system

alignment with Some Full alignment

processes alignment with with all

processes processes

Process No alignment Alignment Alignment Total cross-
alignment with other with other with other enterprise
processes departmental function process
processes processes alignment

13.12 Designer Capability: An Example of Design Focus Maturation 247

Table 13.11 A capability maturity model for the process designer (based on Fisher 2004)

Strategy and Process goals Departmental Function goals Enterprise Business
goals No alignment partner goals
with other goals Some goals All processes
Improvement goals aligned with
management Some alignment alignment with All processes business
partner goals
with function enterprise aligned with
goals goals enterprise goals process team
leads in
Limited Department Functional EPA leads in process
concept of management management process improvement
process leads in leads in improvement
improvement process process
improvement improvement

Table 13.12 Wholesale industry capstone model and function decomposition for the “Sales”
function (based on SAP 2004)

Capstone Sales

Enterprise management Sales planning and account management
Strategic enterprise management Sales planning and forecasting
Corporate governance Account and contact management
Managerial accounting Credit management
Financial accounting Opportunity management
Business analytics Incentive and commission management
Pricing, discounts and rebates
Sales Showroom management
Sales planning and account management
Customer service Customer service
Field sales Return processing
Telesales Complaint processing
Internet sales
Stationary sales Field sales
Business partner management
Sourcing and product management Activity management
Supplier management Contract and agreements
Product management Inquiries and quotations
Product safety Order acquisition
Procurement Product recommendation

Supply chain planning Telesales
Strategic planning and optimization Account and contact person
Demand and supply planning Interaction history
Distribution planning Inbound order acquisition
Transportation planning Outbound order acquisition
Call list processing
Order and service management Customer alerts
Order management Product proposal
Value-added services Inquiries and quotations
Global trade Availability check
Legal services
Internet sales
Supply chain execution Shop and catalog management
Inventory management Personalization
Assembly Online quoting
Warehouse management Online ordering
Distribution and fulfillment Price management
Credit check

248 13 Business Process Improvement

Table 13.12 Wholesale industry capstone model and function decomposition for the “Sales”
function (based on SAP 2004) (continued)

Business support Availability check
Order status and tracking
Fixed asset management Product recommendation
Employee transaction and life cycle Collaborative selling

management Stationary sales
Financial supply chain management Store inventory management
Customer order and billing
Staff management
Store controlling
Promotion management

Table 13.13 Design focus levels for the process “Inbound order acquisition”

Level 1: process Level 4: enterprise (“Wholesale”)
Inbound order acquisition (linked functions and sub-functions)
Availability check (included in process)
Level 2: department (“Telesales”) Sales planning and account management
(linked processes) Customer service
Field sales
Outbound order acquisition Telesales
Product proposal Internet sales
Inquiries and quotations Stationary sales
Sourcing and product management
Level 3: function (“Sales”) Procurement
(linked processes) Order and service management
Order management
Sales planning and account management Supply chain execution
Credit management Inventory management
Opportunity management Distribution and fulfillment
Pricing, discounts and rebates
Customer service Level 5: network (suppliers and customers)
Complaint processing (linked functions and sub-functions)
Field sales
Inquiries and quotations Sales
Order acquisition Field sales
Product recommendation Telesales
Telesales Internet sales (“Collaborative selling”)
Inbound order acquisition Stationary sales
Outbound order acquisition Sourcing and product management
Product proposal Procurement
Inquiries and quotations Supply chain planning
Internet sales Demand and supply planning
Online quoting Distribution planning
Online ordering Transportation planning
Price management Order and service management
Credit check Global trade
Stationary sales Supply chain execution
Promotion management Warehouse management
Distribution and fulfillment

13.13 Summary 249

At level 2 (Telesales, as a whole) the designer should, for example:

• Ensure that inbound and outbound sales are consistent in the conditions offered

to the customer

• Note that customers may have made previous inquiries about the sales item
• Note that customers may have previously received a proposal for the sales item

At level 3 (Sales, as a whole) the designer should, for example:

• Be acquainted with credit conditions and how they are administered and


• Be acquainted with pricing and discounts, how they are formulated and updated
• Note that customers may have previously registered complaints
• Ensure that the various channels – telesales, field sales and Internet sales – are

consistent in the conditions offered to the customer

• Make sure that gridlock does not occur on checking availability when the same

item is offered at the same time to different customers by more than one agent
or through more than one channel

At level 4 (Enterprise, as a whole) the designer should, for example:

• Ensure that all sales channels are consistent in how products are promoted, how

inquiries are handled, how credit is appraised and what delivery terms are
offered to customers

• Be acquainted with conditions under which items being procured can be con-

sidered as available to promise

• Be acquainted with conditions under which orders are dispatched and dis-

tributed to customers

At level 5 (the supplier-wholesaler-customer network) the designer should, for

• Ensure that the methods through which orders are recorded, confirmed,

authorized and transferred for execution are consistent for all sales channels, as
customer may submit inquiries or order items through more than one channel

• Determine how demand and supply planning can be integrated with the

delivery dates promised to customers

• Determine how distribution and transportation planning can be integrated with

the delivery dates promised to customers

13.13 Summary

Business process improvement – often termed business process re-engineering – is
an ongoing activity vital to the well-being and progress of a process-centered
organization. In this chapter we have concentrated on the three aspects directly

250 13 Business Process Improvement

involved in improving a business process: (a) the process itself; (b) the process
performer; and (c) the process designer. We have described and demonstrated
several tools in these three areas:

(a) Process redesign: the redesign procedure is based upon the responses to three

• What can be modified (the process, inputs, outputs, organization, data,

information, knowledge, automation, interfaces)?

• Why should it be modified (decreased operation time, reduced cost,

increased quality, augmented flexibility)?

• How is it modified (stimuli: needed process improvement, needed perform-

ance improvement, ideated process improvement; response: find and apply
a BPI pattern to achieve the required objective)?

Our central mechanism is the novel BPI pattern, introduced by Forster (2006a;
2006b): a set of generic transformations of one or more of the modifiable elements
in the process.

(b) Enhancement of process performer capability: specification of the capabilities
demanded of the process performer is based upon the responses to three

• What capabilities are required (responsibilities, skills, expertise, decision

making, training)?

• When are these capabilities required (staged and heightened awareness of

the importance of the process and the skills required to execute it)?

• How is the performer to obtain these capabilities (individualized training

program based upon capability gaps)?

Our central mechanism is the capability maturity model, which recognizes that
organizations are not “ideal”, that capabilities are acquired incrementally, and that
competence should be aligned with the demands of the task at hand. Many
business process capability maturity models have appeared in the literature (see,
for example, Fisher (2005); Hammer (2007)), but their emphasis is on the process
context, rather than on the process itself or those concerned with its execution.

(c) Enhancement of process designer capability: specification of the capabilities
demanded of the process designer is based upon the responses to three

• What capabilities are required (access, authority, teamwork, strategy,

integration, management)?

• Where are these capabilities required (focus on a single process through

focus on intra- and inter-enterprise processes)?

• Who must provide these capabilities to the designer (the designer, the

enterprise process authority, enterprise management)?

Problems 251

Our central mechanism is again the capability maturity model, which has been
adapted to the idea of design focus – the scope of enterprise business activity to be
taken into account when redesigning an individual process. It recognizes that
processes are, to a lesser or greater extent, interdependent, and that competence
should be aligned with the demands of the various departments, functions and
business partners interacting inside and outside the enterprise. Many explicit or
implicit enterprise or inter-enterprise maturity models have appeared in the
literature (see, for example, Hammer (2007); Santana Tapia et al (2007)), but their
emphasis is on the total organization, rather than on the process itself or those
concerned with its redesign.


1. In Sect. 13.13 we have illustrated a four-level design focus maturation
analysis for the telesales process within the framework of a Wholesale enter-
prise, starting from the process being redesigned: “Outbound order acquisition”.

(a) Carry out a four-level design focus maturation analysis for another
process from the “Telesales” main function.

(b) Carry out a four-level design focus maturation analysis for a process from
another main function within the “Sales” major function.

2. In Sect. 13.13 we have illustrated a four-level design focus maturation analysis
for the telesales process within the framework of a Wholesale enterprise.

(a) Select a process from the “Hotel Front Desk” reference model (Table 3.2)
and perform a two-level analysis: (1) process within main function;
(2) process within major function (“Hotel Front Desk Management”).

(b) Repeat the exercise selecting processes from different main functions.
(c) Select a process from the “Purchasing” reference model (Table 3.3)

and perform a two-level analysis: (1) process within main function;
(2) process within major function (“Procurement/Purchasing”).
(d) Repeat the exercise selecting processes from different main functions.

3. In Sect. 13.8 two examples have been given of a redesigned neighborhood
within the telesales process flowchart and process activity table (PAT).

(a) Carry out an independent redesign of the relevant process neighborhood
for each of the improvements detailed in Tables 13.4, 13.5 and 13.6.

(b) Is it possible to incorporate all the improvements together into the
telesales process?

(c) Would this create an unnecessarily complex process?
(d) Do some of them create contradictions when redesigning a process


252 13 Business Process Improvement

(e) How could improvements be prioritized if it is felt that not all of them
can be implemented at one time?

(f) Ultimately, could this lead to the creation of more than one telesales

4. We have termed one of our change foci “Informatics” (Sect. 13.3 (a)),
covering data, information and knowledge. The number of definitions of the
terms “data”, “information” and “knowledge” is almost as large as the number
of authors contributing to the field (Allweyer 1998). In the context of business
process informatics we utilize the following definitions:

– “Data is a set of discrete, objective facts” (Abecker et al. 2002).
– “Information is data that has been organized or given structure – that is,

placed in context and thus endowed with meaning” (Glazer 1991).
– “Knowledge is information combined with experience, context, inter-

pretation and reflection … that is ready to apply to decisions and actions”.
Moreover, “knowledge is best understood as the capacity to take effective
action … the action is effective when it produces the anticipated and
desired results” (Davenport et al. 1998).

(a) Would you regard these as three separate concepts? If so, what is the

(b) Is there a difference between a data base and a knowledge base?
(c) Is there a difference between data management and knowledge manage-

(d) Is there a difference between IT support for data and IT support for

(e) Would a process performer be trained differently to deal with data,

information or knowledge?
(f) Is there a difference in approach to the following three actions? Do they

dictate different approaches to handling data, information and

– Filling out a form (e.g., a customer order)
– Reviewing past history (e.g., previous sales to a customer)
– Deciding which path to take in a process (e.g., whether to increase the

customer credit limit above the standard amount)

5. One of the measures of process performance is time (Sect. 13.3 (b) (1)),
comprising service time, queue time (no resources available) and wait time
(lack of synchronization with other processes). If we study the first three
suggested improvements to the telesales process (Table 13.4) we have:

• “Obtain immediate confirmation from warehouse management that the
order has been received”

ƒ Although this is intended to improve quality, it adds wait time as the
process now waits for the warehouse to confirm

Problems 253

• “Have a customer agent on immediate call to personalize the credit limit
depending on the current situation – customer and items to be purchased”

ƒ Although this is intended to increase flexibility, it adds wait time as the
process now waits for the customer agent to respond

• “Escalate the conversation if the customer does not accept the suggested
delivery date or price”

ƒ Although this is intended to increase flexibility, it adds queue time if
the supervisor is not available to take the call

(a) Examine each of the improvements detailed in Tables 13.4, 13.5 and
13.6. Determine their impacts on one or more elements of cycle time –
service, wait and queue.

(b) Repeat this with quality as the process measure.
(c) Repeat this with flexibility as the process measure.
(d) Repeat this with cost as the process measure.

6. One of the measures of process performance is flexibility (Sect. 13.3 (b) (4)).
However, one of the aims of process maturity is standardization (Table 13.8:
dimension: process execution; level: systematic). Each has different objectives,
often contradictory.

(a) What are the aims of process flexibility?
(b) What are the aims of process standardization?
(c) When is one approach preferable to another?
(d) Can the two approaches be reconciled?

7. The five maturity levels (Table 13.8) in our process performer maturity
model – “unaware”, “aware”, “systematic”, “refined”, “innovative” – are based
on the LESAT model (see Sect. 13.8). Other published business process
maturity models provide other names for these levels. For example: “siloed”,
“tactically integrated”, “process driven”, “optimized enterprise”, “intelligent
operating network” (Fisher 2004); “initial state”, “defined”, “repeated”,
“managed”, “optimized” (Harmon 2005); “initial state”, “managed”,
“standardized”, “predictable”, “optimizing” (Weber et al. 2005).

(a) Use an Internet search to find these and other business process maturity

(b) Examine and discuss the maturity levels proposed in each model.
(c) Try to define the maturity concept behind each of these models – i.e.

what specifically is “maturing” in each model?
(d) Does there seem to be a consensus about what constitutes business

process maturity?
(e) Does there seem to be a consensus about what constitutes a business

process maturity model?
(f) If not, what is the contribution of each model to the concept of “process


254 13 Business Process Improvement

8. Cochran (Sect. 13.9) states emphatically that “once competency needs have
been determined for the full range of personnel performing work affecting
quality, the organization must compare individuals to the competency needs
for their functions and identify where gaps exist. Training and other actions
are then applied where they are actually needed, based on the gaps in

(a) Do you agree that individual training is the most effective way to mature
the capability of a process performer?

(b) What are the drawbacks of this approach to training?
(c) Would modularization of training topics, as illustrated in Table 13.10,

constitute an effective compromise between individuated and group

9. Business process improvement is often referred to as business process
“optimization”. Local optimization implies that an individual process is
brought to the level of “best practice”; whilst global optimization implies that
the end-to-end chain functions at its best, even though some of the constituent
processes may be sub-optimal. For example, the process incorporating
“Obtain immediate confirmation from warehouse management that the order
has been received” is sub-optimal, as wait time has been introduced; however,
it increases the reliability of the process chain in delivering a customer order.

(a) Does global optimization always imply sub-optimality in some con-
stituent process(es)?

(b) Does local optimization always imply sub-optimality in the process chain?
(c) How is local optimization, versus global optimization, linked to design

focus maturity (Table 13.11)?

10. In the process designer capability maturity model (Table 13.11), the design
focus ranges from a single process, through cross-department, cross-function
and cross-enterprise processes, to the supply chain. Design thus involves
process, the performer, various levels of management, IT, and IT personnel.
This raises the following question: should the designer best be:

– a member of the department staff (e.g., telesales)?
– a member of the function staff (e.g., sales)?
– a member of the enterprise staff (e.g., EPA – Enterprise Process

– a member of the IT staff?
– an external consultant, expert in the industrial sector with which the

enterprise is associated?
– an external consultant, expert in business process modeling and management?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each affiliation.

Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles:
Serious Games as Teaching Aids

A.1 The Use of Simulators for Training

Simulations are recognized as an efficient and effective way of teaching and
learning complex and dynamic systems. Using simulators as a teaching tool is
widespread, both in academic areas and in business areas. The gaming approach,
utilizing interactive media and/or simulation, has been shown to be effective in
improving teaching and learning of various subjects (Hsieh et al. 2004). A simulation-
based teaching environment creates the conditions that give the user the ability to
acquire experience and consider the previous results (Nahvi 1996). There are some
well-known advantages in using simulations as a learning means (Thompson et al.
1997). Simulators are characterized as tools enabling the acquisition of practical
experience and acceptance of an immediate response of the learned system to the
user’s decisions and actions. The nature of an online device yields a higher level
of efficacy than traditional lectures (Nguyen and Pascal 2002). The advantages of
using simulation-based training include the reduction of the gaps between the
learning environment and the “real” environment, and the availability of training
in situations that are difficult to obtain and practice in the “real world.” Simulations
promote active learning, especially at the stage of debates that arise because of
the complexity, interconnectedness, and novelty of decisionmaking. Additionally,
simulations develop critical and strategic thinking skills. The skills of strategic
planning and thinking are not easy to develop and the advantage of simulators is
that they provide a strong tool for dealing with this problem (Wolfe 1993).
Commercial simulators are commonly used (Wankat 2002).

In previous chapters we have described several aspects of the operations and
process viewpoints: in particular, integrated production and order management
(Chaps. 9 and 10). In this appendix we study the lifecycle of operations and pro-
cesses through the medium of an interactive educational game.

A.2 The Order Life Cycle

The order process lifecycle comprises the following main steps (compare
Table 10.1):


256 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

1. Strategic planning and control (management view)
2. Sales cycle management (marketing view)
3. Purchasing/procurement cycle management (purchasing view)
4. Operations cycle management (production view)
5. Inventory cycle management (material view)
6. Delivery cycle and BPM management (delivery view)

A.3 MERP™-Background

The Dynamic Case Study Simulator – MERP™ (Management Enterprise Resource
Planning) – is a teaching aid designed to facilitate the teaching of integrated
operations of a business organization, with a focus on corporate performance
management. It is based on the ERP concepts of a model base, a data base and
integrated functions. The model base contains well-known models such as
exponential smoothing, MRP, inventory management (reorder point model),
rough-cut capacity planning, scheduling and sequencing. These models can be
applied at any time or can be used in an automatic decisionmaking mode.

The simulator operates in the following way: customer orders are generated
from a “virtual” market and are registered automatically. They are then transferred
to the production department and work orders are generated. These permit the
automatic release of appropriate materials to the shop floor and assign the relevant
machines to work on them. In parallel, the purchasing department has to maintain
the inventory levels of the required materials. The machines or work centers
process the orders; and on completion, orders are stored until the delivery (due)
date. The orders are then shipped automatically to the customers who pay upon

Unlike the usual static, written case studies, MBE Simulations provide
students with a Serious Game product named: Dynamic Case Studies Scenarios
(DCSS™), reflecting a live business environment, and computerized scenarios
that they must manage and thereby control the destiny of their own business
operations. Students participate in a virtual organization made real and dynamic as
minute-by-minute business events and conditions unfold. They must respond and
make complex managerial decisions in real time based on the big picture view.
While traditional strategic business games deal with results on a periodic basis
(i.e., monthly, quarterly or yearly), the MERP™ experience involves real-time
execution of strategies and their results, reflected in Corporate Performance
Management (CPM). Students can integrate theory into practice while they learn
to test, retest, think and rethink constantly, while dealing with various real-life,
dynamic situations.

A.4 Functional Views 257

A.4 Functional Views

The simulated company is driven by five main functions or views through which
the user can access information and set or change policies and procedures. Each
view represents a department within the simulated company and contains
information about that department: marketing, production, purchasing, finance and
management. Similar to an ERP or IPOM system, all views have to be coordinated
in order to obtain the best results.
• Marketing view (Fig. A.1): This is where linkage to customers is maintained.

The market is usually noted for the critical importance of maintaining an
adequate due-date performance and clearly favors faster response time and, of
course, reduced prices. Marketing policy is based on the commitment to ship
every order within a quoted lead time. Demand is increased when the quoted
lead time and/or the selling price are reduced. Uncertainty is introduced
through market demand: the number of orders received is random.
• Production view (Fig. A.2): This incorporates the shop floor, where trans-
formation of raw materials into finished goods takes place. There are four work
centers. Production planning and control is provided by an internal information
system, which produces work-orders based on the exact order quantities
received, and the planning parameters as set by the user. Operations policy is
based on make-to-order, without safety stock. Uncertainty is introduced through
the exact timing of the production machine operations.

Fig. A.1 The Marketing functional view

258 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

Fig. A.2 The Production functional view
• Purchasing view (Fig. A.3): Here raw material control is performed. Usually

there is more than a single vendor. The faster vendor is typically more
expensive. Purchasing policy is based on purchase-to-stock and managed
according to maximum-order levels. Uncertainty is introduced through
response time of suppliers.
• Finance view (Fig. A.4): This tracks the financial status of the company. It does
not incorporate policies or actions. Customers pay upon receipt of goods;
suppliers are paid on delivery. Interest is earned on the cash held at the bank. A
monthly profit and loss statement informs the user how well (or badly) he/she
is doing financially.
• Management view: Here overall performance is displayed through three main
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): reputation, cash and profit. The importance
of reputation (percentage of on-time orders) is that customers are unhappy if
they receive their orders later than the promised date. When orders are late or
missed the company’s reputation declines. When the reputation is low, future
market demand declines. More detailed KPIs in various business processes
(Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Management) are dynamically
presented in various graphs (see Fig. A.5).

A.4 Functional Views 259
Fig. A.3 The Purchasing functional view

Fig. A.4 The finance functional view

260 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

Fig. A.5 Management SCM KPI screen example

A.5 DCSS™ Scenarios

MERP™ consists of a whole suite of differing scenarios covering practices at
various levels of complexity and scope. Focusing on individual departments (such
as Production, Purchasing and more), different industrial business processes
(Make-to-stock versus Make-to-order), and the fluctuation of customer orders and
client contracts, allows the use of different management models for inventory
purchasing and replenishment (e.g., Materials Resources Planning (MRP) or
“Order-up to inventory with order level policy”).

These DCSS™ scenarios illustrate aspects of integrative IPOM and ERP and
(a) Department-focused DCSS™ scenarios

• Production orientation (TSCProduction): This focuses on the shop floor
where users manage a one-product, four-machine production line. The
setup allows them to experience production efficiency with various random
characteristics and the basic concepts of balancing a production line.

• Purchasing orientation (TSCPurchasing): Here users have to contend with
a stochastic demand for two raw materials (with limited shelf life) from
one supplier to meet the material requirements of a single final product.
The goal here is to make supply meet demand while keeping costs down.

A.5 DCSS™ Scenarios 261

• Operations orientation (TSCOperations): This scenario combines production
and purchasing through the manufacture of two final products. Users need
to develop policies for dispatching, MRP scheduling, run frequencies and
alignment between purchasing and shop floor needs.

(b) Organization focused DCSS™ scenarios (see Fig. A.6)

• Marketing-operations orientation (TSC): Marketing demand impact is
added to the production and purchasing aspects. Users may change market-
ing policies to increase customer demand. The challenge is to obtain
maximum profit without hurting the company’s reputation. The scenario
incorporates all the TSC Operations scope with additional marketing
demand impact. Students may change marketing policies to increase
customer demand. They are challenged to balance the whole organization
value-chain resources aimed at increasing profit. The challenge is to obtain
maximum profit without harming the company’s reputation.

• MRP orientation (TSCMRP): This scenario enables the user to switch from
the “reorder point purchasing model” of the TSC scenario to the MRP
inventory replenishment mechanism. It enables students to practice the
mechanism, and to learn how to understand and gain control over the
various fluctuating events that affect this sensitive mechanism.

• ERP/MRP orientation (ERP/MRP): This is a real semi-complex environment
with a fairly good integrative information system. The company sells three
different products, based on four raw materials and produced by six
different machines. It faces a highly uncertain market demand, with a big
seasonal peak.

DCSS™ scenario Purchasing
The TSC Production Marketing
The TSC Purchasing Customers
The TSC Operations
The TSC demand
The TSC MRP Client
The ERP MRP Contracts
TS 100 Complexity
level (1–3)


Fig. A.6 DCSS™ scenarios

262 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

In all these DCSS™ scenarios the user needs to ask three critical questions:
How should he/she set the information system parameters for optimal results? What
information supports the planning process? What information is needed to support
the control process? Another critical element is how effectively the information
and coordination help make decisions that follow high-quality principles of pro-
duction planning and control, such as pull production, lean manufacturing, and
constraint-based flows. For example, if the marketing manager wants to increase
sales, he/she has to first consult the production manager to check whether there is
enough resource capacity to handle the increased production orders. He/she also
needs to consult the purchasing manager to determine whether there is sufficient
raw material inventory to handle this potential increased production on time.
Finally, the financial manager will have to evaluate whether sales are indeed
increased in the longer term, and, if they are, whether they generate more profit
and a better market reputation, or only increase costs and diminish customer
satisfaction. The user may prefer to increase short-term sales by sacrificing
reputation. In this case, the company may generate large profits in the short time,
but at the same time, lose customers.

A.6 How MERP™ Provides Value

MERP™ is based on the following principles:

• A case study scenario approach – MERP™ is based on simulation by case
studies. Details of these case studies are built into the simulation and all the
data required for analysis and decisionmaking is easily accessed through the
user interface.

• A simulation approach – MERP™ simulates an actual IPOM system. Models
of job shops and flow shops are built into it. The simulation is controlled by a
simple user interface and no knowledge of simulation or its languages is

• A model based approach – A decision support system is built into MERP™.
This system is based on the ERP concepts of a model base and a data base. The
model base contains well-known models: exponential smoothing, MRP,
inventory management (a reorder point model), rough-cut capacity planning,
scheduling and sequencing. These models can be consulted at any time or can
be used in an “automatic” decisionmaking mode.

• A suite of evolving decision case studies (DCSS™) – MERP™ provides seven
different scenarios. Three of them are aimed at zooming into a specific
department: Production, Purchasing and Operations. The other four provide a
holistic, simple view of more complex situations of an integrated ERP system.
The scenarios can be used as a curriculum for learning, either individually
or all together.

A.7 Benefits to Students 263

• Dynamic decisionmaking and reflection – A Web-enabled business simulation
allows the student to make continuous decisions; effects of market and external
responses are immediately invoked through a dynamic dashboard of various
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) outcomes.

• Integrated cause and effect – Relationships between the various decisions
across all departments are described. Four functions and a management view
are represented in the MERP™: Marketing, Production, Purchasing and
Finance. The four functions are integrated by the simulation, the data base and
the model base. Thus, decisions made by any of the four functions affect the
state of the simulated system and the data base.

• Effective execution atmosphere – The dynamics of modern competitive
business is reflected here. A random effect is introduced to simulate the
uncertainty in the environment, and decisions made by the user cause changes
in the simulation.

• Easy to learn and run – MERP™ is designed as a teaching and training tool.
As such, its user interface is friendly and easy to learn. Although quite
complicated scenarios are simulated, and the decision support tools are
sophisticated, a typical user can learn how to use the MERP™ within a few
hours, as only the most important features of a real ERP system are available.

A.7 Benefits to Students

• Practical real world insights – Better positioning students to compete in the job
market and bringing academic business theory to life.

• Combining operational management models with actual practice: forecasting,
inventory replenishment management, dispatch policy management, applied costing
theory, and more.

• Macro and micro understanding – Viewing the big picture of a global
organization, as well as coping with detailed operations management issues.

• Uncertainty is the truest business reality – MERP™ enables students to dictate
the managerial policies for running a manufacturing company in the face of
uncertainty, as in real business life.

• Cause and effect thinking – Students see the big picture and truly understand
the effects of their operational management and collaborative business policies
on their business results.

• Realistic dynamic decisionmaking – Based on daily events that affect the
organizational outcomes. Students must choose when and which decisions to
make in parallel with the evolving KPI status.

• Reinforced learning – Unlimited practice runs, enabling testing, and retesting,
either at the university or in free time at home. Students can log in and run
scenarios repeatedly, always learning from mistakes and thus improving their
business acumen.

• Competition based on shared online results (optional) – Students compete in
random scenarios reflecting turbulent daily business life.

264 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

A.8 Tools Available to Students and Professors

The reader of this book is referred to the following link:
or the enclosed CD, which details how to access and use the MERP™ simulator.
Those in need of more information or wishing to purchase the full package, may
contact MBE-Simulations Ltd. directly at [email protected].

A.9 How to Get to Know the MERP™ Tool and the Various

The MERP™ solution provides very effective videos and flash tutorials, enabling
students to learn in less than an hour how to run the virtual organization, although
their time devoted to learning OM and increasing CPM results will take much,
much longer.

For supporting quick takeoff, it is suggested to first explore the videos. These
five demo videos, varying from 2 to 9 min each, will demonstrate the flow as well
as examples of dynamic management. We highly recommend watching the
videos; viewing time is about 24 min for all five videos. We recommend first
going through the flash tutorial “MERP Essential Tutorial” that lasts about
13 min; and then, the scenarios – specific tutorials that you will practice. This will
add about 10 more minutes to each scenario. Figure A.7 demonstrates a screen
from the flash tutorial.

Fig. A.7 The board room

A.10 The Registration Process 265

The videos and the tutorials can be accessed from within the MERP™-Guide
portal. The MERP™-Guide portal link is available at each of the pull down menus
in the MERP simulator.

A.10 The Registration Process

A.10.1 Licensing Agreement

Please read and agree to the following before installing the simulator (MERP™

By installing or using the MERP™ program you acknowledge that you have
read and agreed to the following terms and limitations. In the case that you do not
agree to any part of the agreement, do not install or use the software.

MBE Simulations Ltd. grants the owner of the book “ERP: the Dynamics
of Supply Chain and Process Management,” by Avraham Shtub and Reuven Karni,
a limited featured license for one installation of the MERP™ program on one PC
only, to be used only once. The coupon inserted in the book by the publisher
involves a total of up to 4 h of use or a maximum of a 3-month period of times,
whichever is reached earlier.

The simulator is a web-enabled program; and as such it requires an Internet
connection as well as enabling the communication of the simulator program
with the MBE simulation server. It is the user’s responsibility to remove all
communication obstacles caused by the PC (such as firewalls, etc.) that prevent
the communication between the PC and the server. The usage time will be
monitored by the MBE simulation server.

Use of the program is limited to personal learning only; and as such it is
forbidden to copy or reproduce it through a LAN or other network system or
through any computer subscriber system. Any commercial use of this version of
the software is strictly prohibited. Use of this version of MERP™ in any kind
of workshop, in class or through a classroom presentation, or any other public
presentation, is forbidden unless a special license from MBE Simulation Ltd. is
obtained in advance. Universities, consultants, management learning centers and
educators who wish to use MERP™ as a tool in courses, workshops, or commercial
presentations are encouraged to obtain a license from MBE Simulations Ltd. at
[email protected].

MBE Simulations Ltd. retains all copyrights in the MERP™ software
protected by copyright laws. The user may not modify the software or the compact
disk label in any way. The user may not reproduce, distribute (including but not
limited to locally on a network or over the Internet), reproduce for sales, con-
figure, or modify or create divertive works, reverse engineer, decompile, list, or
print, transmit, or transcribe the software in any form or by any means whatsoever
or cause this action to be done by others without the permission of the authors.

MBE Simulations Ltd. does not and cannot warrant the performance of the
results that may be obtained by using the software. MBE Simulations Ltd. hereby
specifically disclaims any and all expressed and implied warranties with respect to

266 Appendix: Simulating Process Life Cycles: Serious Games as Teaching Aids

the software, such as, but with no limitation, that the use of the software will not
infringe any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. MBE Simulations
Ltd. shall not be held to any liability with respect to any claim by licensee, or a
third party on account of, or arising from, the use of the software. Under no
circumstances shall MBE Simulations Ltd. be liable to the user or any other
person for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, without
limitation, lost profit or lost data, loss of other programs, or otherwise, and whether
arising out of breach of warranty, breach of contract, tort (including negligence),
or otherwise, even if advised of such damage or if such damage could have been
reasonably foreseen.

A.10.2 How to Start?

The MERP™ is a Web-enabled technology – therefore, you should be connected
to the Internet while using it and you should also install a part of the software –
the client part – on your PC. (Apple/Mac versions are not available.) Please allow
sufficient time when switching scenarios, or any other activity that might require
the communication for transferring data. It might take a number of minutes to
establish proper communication each time such activities are required. The time
delay varies depending on the Internet traffic and the speed of your Internet

Please follow the instructions in the following sections carefully. Note that
these instructions are also available on the CD as soft copy.

A.10.3 Registration

Step 1 – Go to the following link:
Step 2 – In the first registration page enter the unique user key from the CD or

the coupon provided in the book, and type the letters that are written on
the verification image.
Step 3 – In the second registration page fill in the required personal details. You
will be able to assign a personal log-in username and password. The
log-in username and password are used for activating the program.
Step 4 – You will receive registration confirmation. Later, you will receive an
e-mail confirming your sign-on data.

Note: This process can be performed only once. This promotional limited license
is limited to up-to 4 h of use or a maximum of 3-month period time, whichever is
reached earlier. The license is provided for one installation only.

A.10.4 Installing the Client and Running the Simulator

(a) Install the Setup program by double clicking on merp_setup.exe file in the
attached CD; or download the program from the following URL: www.mbe-

(b) Follow the instructions to install the program. At the end of the installation, a
MERP™ icon will appear on your desktop.

A.11 General Notes 267

(c) Now run the program by clicking on the MERP icon. The software will open
a window asking you to register yourself. As you have already done so, close
this screen and provide your personal ID and your password.

(d) Choose the scenario you would like to run.

A.11 General Notes

• Today, most organizations restrict access to their network from a distant site
by protecting themselves with firewalls. As passing these firewalls is
difficult if not impossible, we suggest allowing the firewall to access our pro-
grams and server. Please note that the simulator will NOT work through any
firewall, including personal firewalls. If you have more technical expertise, you
should only enable the following programs to access the internet: MERP.exe,
MerpUpd.exe, Appwiz32.exe as well as allowing ports 20 and 21.

• Please remember that this is a Web-enabled technology; therefore the server
might be busy at certain points. As we are committed to constantly improving
our product and services, we might need to update our program from time to
time. Should you be unable to log on, please try again after a few minutes.

• For the MERP™ guide, we recommend that you use the Internet Explorer
browser, as some features might not function properly on other browsers.

• The simulator runs under Windows XP. The recommended screen resolution is
1024 × 768 and normal font size.


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A management, 191–214
Accounting system, 63–65 shop floor order creation, 37, 147
Action, 33, 35, 126, 127, 132, 145, Business process design, 125–147
Business process engineering (BPE),
147, 172, 174, 175, 177, 186–188, 196–197
196, 202–214, 265 Business process improvement (BPI),
identification, problem, 177–178 217–249
order-fulfillment process, 177 definition, 218–219
problem solving approach, 178 dimensions, 219–222
Action attributes, 132–133 motivation, 217–218
Activity perspective, 124 procedures, 222–226
Agent, 34, 36, 53, 127, 134–136, 144, telesales process, 227
145, 218, 220, 221, 225, 226, 231, three-phased approach, 240–241
241, 242, 249 training, performer, 241–243
American productivity and quality Business process improvement
center (APQC), 51, 52 pattern, 219, 222, 223
Architecture of integrated information Business process management
systems (ARIS), 9–10 (BPM), 191–214
action analysis, 205–208
B enterprise process master
Bill of material (BOM), 152,
planning, 192–205
154–157, 160, 161, 165 motivation, 191–192
Break-even analysis, 89 Business process model, 34, 123
Business domain, 36 Business process re-engineering
Business function, 31, 32, 34, 51, (BPR), 35
Business process training, 240–241
151, 196
Business functionality, 31, 32, 51, C
Capability maturity model (CMM),
Business-oriented functions, 44 233, 235, 236
Business process, 31–35, 44, 51, 53, Capstone model, 34, 44, 49–51, 53,

54, 56, 60, 63, 101, 151, 182, 258, 245, 247, 248
260 Communication, 34, 54, 80, 81,
actions and decisions, 151
components, 35 126–127, 152, 153, 169–170, 181,
design, 123–147 193, 195, 213, 265, 266
enterprise process modeling, Concurrent engineering (CE)
approach, 25, 170
improvement, 218–219


278 Index E
Economic order quantity (EOQ)
Context-dependent process, 145–147
Contingency perspective, 124, 125 model, 97–101, 114, 161, 162
Control, 19, 28, 32–36, 54, 60–64, Engineering creativity, 227–231
Enterprise, 87, 125, 134, 136, 145,
77–80, 82, 83, 87, 89–93, 96, 110,
111, 115, 116, 119, 120, 123, 127, 151, 152, 207, 213, 217, 220, 243,
132, 135, 152, 154, 160, 164, 166, 245, 250–251
170, 174–178, 181, 183, 191, 206, Enterprise functionality, 36–44
208, 211, 218, 220, 222, 231, 233, Enterprise modeling, 31, 53, 193,
256–258, 261, 262 196–198, 205, 207, 208
decisionmaking, 175 organizational requirements, 192
monitoring system, 176–177 principles, 35–36
order-fulfillment process, 176 uses, 36
Coordination, 19, 20, 25, 28, 54, 93, Enterprise process master planning,
127, 169, 174, 181, 182, 184, 197, 192–205
206, 208, 211, 212, 244, 262 function, 199–205
Cost, 24, 29, 59, 66, 73, 85, 87, 101, model coordination, 197–198
106, 118, 144, 152, 178, 183, 188, specification, 192
191, 221, 250 Type II gap analysis, 194–196
Cost-based competition, 82–85 Enterprise process modeling, 31–56
Cross-enterprise process, 169 concept, 31–35
Cross-functionality, 206, 208, design procedure, 44–53
212–214 functionalities, 36–44
Customer perspective, 29 principles, 35–36
reference model approach, 31
D Enterprise process suite, 124, 218
Data and knowledge attributes, 125, Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system, 152, 182
132, 136 Enterprise-specific model, 44, 45,
Data base information system, 61–63 54–56, 205
Decision attributes, 88, 133 Enterprise-specific process model,
Decisionmaking, 59–61, 64, 65, 44–53
Enterprise-specific process model
78–80, 82, 95, 117, 153, 175–178, design, 44–53
182, 186, 189, 255, 256, 262, 263
Decisions, 21, 28, 32, 35, 59, 66, 73, F
85, 87, 102, 110, 118, 124, 147, Feedback, 124, 186, 187, 212, 216,
151, 164, 176, 177, 181, 184, 206,
218, 252 217
Deliverable perspective, 124, 125 Flexibility, 29, 36, 61, 63, 73, 74, 77,
Designer capability, 218, 243–249
levels and goals, 244–245 81, 87, 111, 116, 144, 145, 170,
maturity model, 245–247 173, 186, 218, 222
process levels, 248 Flowchart, 34, 123, 126, 132,
process specification, 245 135–136, 198, 225, 231
Design focus, 243, 245–249, 251 Flow shop, 26, 27, 111–113, 115,
Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) approach, 119, 262
80, 118–121

Forecasting, 66–71 Index 279
Functionality, 31, 32, 35–47, 51–54,
152, 181, 193, 196, 197, 217,
126, 136, 142, 152, 169, 193, 197, 220–222, 232, 234, 243, 244
198, 205, 206, 208, 245 Integrated production and order
Functional organization, 20–23, 25, management (IPOM), 61, 73, 77,
28, 61, 169–170, 181, 182, 184 181, 182, 185, 187–189
Function-based vendor models, 45, 51 Interface process, 198, 215
Function decomposition model, 34, Internet-based models, 41–43, 45
45, 53
Function perspective, 124, 125 J
Job shop, 25–28, 105–111, 113, 117,
Gap analysis, 34–35 262
Goals, 19–25, 31, 77, 80, 116, 123, Just-in-time (JIT) approach, 78, 95,

124, 134, 144, 169, 170, 172–178, 100, 113–116
184–187, 198, 218, 219, 234, 244
Group technology, 25–28 M
Main level function, 44, 53, 54
I Major level function, 44, 51, 54
Idea generation, 227, 230 Manufacturing functionality, 48, 51
Ideation, 230, 231 Manufacturing-oriented function, 44
Improved business process, 218, 220, Manufacturing policies, 73–76
Marketing perspective, 73–85
244 Master production schedule (MPS),
Improvement-invoked procedure,
73, 76–78, 105, 106, 116, 119,
222, 230 154, 155, 157–159
Improvement measures, 219, 220, Matrix organization, 23–24
Mean absolute deviation (MAD),
227, 230 70–71
Improvement pattern, 219, 222, 223, Mean squared error (MSE), 71
Measure-invoked procedure, 225, 231
230 Model-based decisionmaking, 262
Individual learning curve, 182–184, Model base information system,
Industrial domain, 36 O
Industrial functionality, 36, 197 Operations management, 28–29
Industry-based vendor models, 45, Operation time, 112, 250
Order-fulfillment process, 59–62,
Information and decision making 81–83, 88, 100–102, 105, 113–
116, 118, 151–167, 178
perspective, 60–61, 125 Organizational attributes, 132
Information domain, 5, 124 Organization perspective, 124, 125
Information perspective, 59–71, 124,
125 Pareto analysis, 95, 96, 206, 213
Information quality, 65–66 Pareto list, 207, 209
Information systems, 28, 31, 59–63, Pareto principle, 96, 121, 207, 209

66, 78, 79, 82, 124, 153, 154, 173,
181, 261, 262
Information technology (IT), 31, 45,
51, 59, 123, 124, 132, 133, 145,

280 Index 208, 218, 221, 222, 233, 241, 250,
Pattern-invoked procedure, 222, 225, Quality-based competition, 25, 81–82
Performer capability, 218, 232–240, Reference model, 31, 34, 35, 41–47,
51–56, 169, 171, 172, 205, 208
Performer competency, 232–234, 250 Requirements, 26, 31, 34, 35, 76–78,
Problem solving approach, 178
Process action, 206, 213, 232 90–93, 95, 105, 119, 125, 127,
Process action analysis (PAA), 135, 144, 152–157, 159–163, 165,
174, 182, 192, 193, 221, 222, 224,
205–208, 213 240, 241, 244, 260
Process activity table (PAT), 136, Resource utilization level, 87
Role, 22, 33–35, 75, 76, 78, 124, 127,
140, 225, 231–232 131–133, 136, 142, 151, 153, 155,
Process-centric organization, 217 158, 169–173, 181–182, 185, 186,
Process classification framework 188, 196, 220, 226, 228, 231,
234–238, 240–242
(PCF), 51–52, 205
Process comparison, 75, 144–145 S
Process descriptor, 130, 206, 207, Service functionality, 36
Service-oriented functions, 44
209, 213 Specialized function-based vendor
Process designer, 217, 219, 244, 246,
models, 51
247, 250 Specifications, 90–92, 123–125, 133,
Process design evaluation, 131–132,
192, 208, 211, 245, 250
136, 142–143, 228 Supplier management, 88, 90–93
Process flowchart, 126–127, Supply chain management (SCM),

135–136, 231–232 45, 122, 152, 260
Process management, 191–214 SWOT analysis, 132, 133, 143, 228
Process modeling rules, 130 System dynamics approach, 10–12
Process performer, 133, 217–221,
232–233, 235–240, 250 Team building and performance,
Process perspectives, 123–124,
128–130, 138–139, 192 Time-based competition, 78–81, 89,
Process redesign, 217, 219–227,
94, 105, 115, 170
231–232, 250 Trigger, 32, 33, 35, 73–76, 78, 123,
Process usage analysis, 125, 134, 136
Process viewpoint, 31, 51, 123–124, 124, 126, 132, 244

233, 255 V
Professional consortium model, 51 Vendor models, 35, 45, 51, 192–194,
Project organization, 19–25
Purchasing management model, 197


Quality, 20, 25, 29, 31, 39, 44, 46, 48

65–67, 70, 73, 79, 81–82, 87,
89–93, 113, 114, 116, 132–134,
144, 145, 155, 174, 176, 198, 206

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