Blossoming News Volume 19 Issue 3
March 2019
Greetings Sorors,
Chapter President Spring has sprung! Winter is wrapping up and our days are becoming
Soror Kristie King longer and warmer. The natural transition of our seasons seems to
Soror Verna Hutchinson correlate with the ever-evolving activities of our sorority and chapter
initiatives. I am unequivocally amazed at the depth and scope of the
activities accomplished during this first quarter. I am even more excited
about the planning that’s underway for our upcoming events and
Traditionally, "spring" is a time to purge, clean out, update, rearrange, plan and execute our
to do lists. You know that “to do list” that has grown all winter waiting for the perfect time to
tackle? Well, the time to take A.C.T.I.O.N. is now!
Soror Carla Stinnette- A - Act now! Don’t procrastinate! Share your wonderful ideas with others and put your plan
Miller in place.
Soror Raissa Walker C - Collaborate! We can’t do it alone sorors. Teamwork is essential and what better way to
help others than to support our Target committees and work collaboratively with other
Soror Kristina Fripps organizations like the NAACP, the YWCA, and Big Brothers Big Sisters to name a few.
Soror Margót Goodson T- Time is something we can’t get back. I encourage each of us to find balance in our daily lives.
Let’s place ourselves first on the to do list. Self-reflection is key to self-awareness, and whether
Soror Barbara Nichols you are a leader in this chapter, in your home, on your job or in your community, it provides
mental clarity, direction and focus. This is vital to success without stress.
Soror Alisa L. Oglesby
Sergeant-at-Arms I- The importance of becoming relevant is essential to “Serving All Mankind” in Bucks County.
Soror Maxine Campbell We are making connections, building and nurturing partnerships through our service events
Parliamentarian like our 4th Annual Dress for Success presentation for the clients of A Woman’s Place. We are
Soror Eldrean E. Attaway making an impact in the lives of those we serve through our Community Impact initiatives like
Ivy Leaf Reporter the Heart Health initiative. I received a text message from an attendee who ex- pressed her
Soror Tabitha McKinley gratitude after attending the February event and stated, “Since the session, my husband and I
have recommitted to exercise and healthy eating and as a result have lowered our blood
Soror Kristina Philpot pressure and we are losing weight.”
Member(s)-at-Large O – With an open-mind, our strengths can be leveraged to take OZO to higher heights. We
Soror Trina M. Idrovo are linked by our love of AKA, but we have individual areas of expertise. Let’s share our
knowledge and talents with each other to help OZO continue to grow.
N - Nurture our Ivy Sorors! As women, we have and continue to complete phenomenal work
in our communities, homes, churches, schools, and in our chapter. In addition, we need to
safeguard the vitality and fortitude of our beloved sisterhood by continuing to create genuine
bonds and sincere connectedness with our sorors through sisterly interaction and
As Women’s History Month comes to a close, let us be reminded of the contributions we make
every day as women serving in our purpose driven lives to bring about change. “Here’s to
strong women! May we know them! May we be them! May we raise them!” Liv Meier
Thank you OZO, for your continued commitment, dedication, and service. I am greatly
appreciative and humbly honored.
Sisterly in Service
JulieC. Moore
Chapter President
Chaplain’s Corner
A Prayer for the Women Through the Ages
Spirit of renewal, God of many names, and one transforming and
abundant love, we turn this month, in our nation's life, to reflect on
the stories, the heritage and the struggles of the women throughout
the ages. We seek to learn from all those voices that have been left
May we pause before the silences of the ages, find who has been left
out, and craft new ways of inclusion for every week, and every month.
May this spiritual practice, bring out the voices of all those struggling,
all those left apart.
May we let go of our assumptions and cold comforts, of what is the
normal to live by, unless it be a standard that is rooted in
compassion, in inclusivity, in diversity.
May this month of reflection teach us to search for those stories that
are different from our own. Mother of possibility, in the finding, may
we come to know ourselves changed. Renewed where we are dry,
Hopeful where we are lost, and open where we are shut.
- Rev. Jude Geiger
Soror Tiffani Howard
Protocol Perfect
Are you headed to Atlantic City for the North Atlantic Regional Conference April 3rd -
April 7th? If so there are a few things that you should be sure to pack in addition to your
business attire and Constitution and Bylaws:
Attending the Ivy beyond the wall ceremony?
* Bring conservative white or off white dress, skirt suit with coordinated white blouse
* Flesh tone or white hosiery
* White shoes only (no sandals or boots)
Attending the Rededication Ceremony?
* No pants, sandals or boots
* Hosiery is required
* Only head coverings worn for religious or health reasons are permitted
* Wear your badge on the article of clothing that is closest to your heart. Do you know the
pinky trick?
Generally speaking:
* No Skee Wees during business meetings
* No posting, tweeting anything shared during the plenary
* No walking when the dais is being presented
* Please wait to be recognized by presiding officer before speaking
* Please wear credentials at all times
* Please respect posted designated areas.
* Please wear comfortable Shoes (does not include flip flops, sneakers or house shoes for
official functions) Overall be on time, be courteous, be patient and be sure to have an
AKAawesome time!
Protocol Chairman,
Soror Linda Wood
Tech Tips
Web Browsing Tricks
Jump to address bar:
There are a number of ways to jump right to the address bar from anywhere in brows-
er. Pressing Ctrl + L, F6, and Alt + D all accomplish this goal.
Automatically add www. and .com to a URL
You can shave off a couple of seconds typing in a URL by simply click Ctrl + Enter
after you type the name of the site. Need .net instead of .com? Press Ctrl + Shift
+ Enter instead.
Use private browsing
The uses for not having cookies and history saved are obvious for certain activities,
you know, like shopping for gifts on a shared computer (of course!). Pressing Ctrl
+ Shift + N will launch a new private in Chrome, Ctrl + Shift + P will do it in Firefox
and Internet Explorer.
Is on Target...
Target II:
Autism and You
Did you know April is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Month? Do
you know someone who has autism? What do you know about ASD?
Let's learn a little bit more:
• 1 out of every 100 people have autism.
• Because people who have autism have different
characteristics, autism is considered a spectrum disease.
• People with autism have light and sound sensitivity, problems
being in crowds, and problems reading facial expressions,
understanding jokes and sarcasm.
• They can excel in areas such as: long term memory for certain
details, math, science, music and art.
• Most children with autism are diagnosed by the age of 2.
• Half of the people with Asperger’s Syndrome have average or
above average IQ's.
This is a little about a syndrome that affects 1 out of every 68 children
and is 4 times more common in boys than girls. Scientists are learning
more about the syndrome every year, but diagnosis are increasing on a
yearly basis.
Please take some time to visit and learn more
about this disease.
Soror Linda Wood,
Target 2 Chairman
Target IV
Join Target 4: The Arts!
Saturday, April 13, 2019 @ 6:30pm
Bucks County Visitor Center
3207 Street Road, Bensalem, PA
African American Arts Finale:
Jazz and the Great Migration
Featuring Josh Lee
The African American Museum of Bucks County presents an extraordinary
spotlight revealing local history, up-close and personal by tapping and
enriching your understanding of history.
Josh Lee
This saxophonist, composer, arranger and managing and co-artistic director of
Jazz grew up and teaches in Bucks County.
Tickets $10 see link below
Soror Verna Hutchinson Toler,
Target IV Chairman
Soror Melody Crawford Cannon,
Sisterly Relations Chairman
Target V: Global Impact
Dear Sorors,
Global Impact Day is April 12, 2019. Details are still being worked out.
More information to follow.
• Eyeglasses collection continues at chapter meetings
• If you were unable to attend the “Sewing Bee” on March 30, 2019, do not
despair you will get a second opportunity in the fall.
Target V: Sewing for a
Target V: Sewing for a
The Next
Adopt-A-Highway Event
will be
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 10:00 AM
In association with
PennDot, this is our 5th
Thank you Sorors for your participation.
Our chapter signs are located
at 3340 E. Street Rd,
Bensalem, PA in front of
Michaels Restaurant,
1545 W. Street Rd, Bensalem , PA,
in front of Texas Road House Restaurant.
Additional inf ormation will be sent to the
chapter closer to the event.
Socor Naomi H.Livingston
From The
Sorors, ou
2018 Editions
Per the Documents & Re
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Omega Zeta Omega Chapter Archivists
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these guidelines.
Seventeen (17) Sorors attended the Sisterly Relations Munch and Movie
activity held on Saturday, March 16th, after our monthly sorority
meeting. Sorors laughed, ate, and enjoyed great conversations. Further
bonding occurred when we played the Did You Know game. Sorors
shared and leaned some interesting facts about one another. After
spending three (3) hours together enjoying our Sisterhood, Sorors went
to the movies to see Madea's Family Funeral. The Sorors who could not
attend were thought of and missed.
The OZO – Who What When or Where
The OZO Blossoming News is a chapter communication vehicle used to educate,
inform, highlight, build cohesion, support and bring awareness to the initiatives
of our Sorority and OZO. It emphasizes the journey of OZO throughout the year
in our quest to be of Service to All Mankind in Bucks County, PA. A portion of
every soror’s OZO story is entrenched within the pages. The Who, What, When,
or Where Game provides an opportunity for all sorors to engage in the content of
the Blossoming News each month.
The rules for the Who, What, When, or Where game are as follows:
1. Read your newsletter – questions, statements or inquiries will be based on
information found in newsletter – you must provide the page and or section
where the answer is located;
2. Attend the chapter meeting – you must be present to play/win;
3. Listen for the inquiries, questions, or statements – you must listen
in entirety before attempting to answer;
4. Wait to be recognized – answering before being recognized is an
automatic disqualification – no exceptions;
5. Answer only after being recognized – you get only one chance to
respond – your first answer is your only answer;
• You have only a second or two to begin your response.
• After two (2) Sorors' incorrect responses to the same inquiry
statement or question, no other responses will be sought – No
winner will be declared and the game is over
6. Sorors must answer promptly after being recognized;
7. Game time – one (1) minute including response time;
8. Only one winner per month;
9. The Basileus, Sisterly Relations Chairman, Ivy Leaf Reporter/Public
Relations Committee designee are not eligible to play.
AKA Day at the Capitol
Harrisburg, PA
March 19, 2019
Sorors Raissa Walker, Gia James
and Julie Moore with
Representative Tina Davis
Sorors Carolyn James Weeks, Julie Moore, Raissa Walker,
Carla Stinnette Miller & Gia James attended AKA Day at the Capitol in Harrisburg, PA
AKAs on the House Floor of the General Assembly
Soror Raissa Walker,
Connection Chairman
New Jersey AKA Day at the Capitol
Trenton, New Jersey
March 25, 2019
Sorors Julie Moore, Raissa Walker, Connection Chairman and Barbara Nichols
attended the New Jersey AKA Day at the Capitol
April Birthdays in OZO
Tabitha McKinley April 13th
Carol-Anne Weeks April 15t h
April AKAversaries in
Soror Carolyn James-Weeks (55 years)
Soror Yolanda Armstrong
Soror Alisa L. Oglesby
Soror Kathleen Holt-Whyte
Soror Kristie King
Soror Margot Goodson
Soror Kristina Philpot
Soror LaQueta Sturns-Brew
2018-2022 International Program Overview
IV.Target 4: The Arts!
We are praying for safe travels for all sorors travelling to Atlantic City for the 88th North
Atlantic Regional Conference. We are excited about the NAR Award possibilities and
look forward to hearing all about it as well as seeing the beautiful pictures.
Congratulations to our Golden and Silver Sorors:
Eldrean E. Attaway
Linda Wood
Maxine Campbell
Kathleen Holt-Whyte
Sharon D. Richards
Deborah Selby
Thursday 4/4- Sunday 7/2019:
North Atlantic Regional Conference
Atlantic City, NJ
Friday 4/12/2019: Target V Global
Impact Day (Details to Follow)
Saturday 4/13/2019: Omega Zeta
Omega Adopt a Highway Day (10:00
Michael's Diner)
Target IV African American Arts Finale
Featuring Josh Lee (6:30 pm Bucks
Count Visitors' Center)
Saturday 4/20/2019: Omega Zeta
Omega Chapter Meeting (11:00 am
Bucks County Community College)
Mailing Address
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Omega Zeta Omega Chapter
P.O. Box 127 Lang-
horne, PA 19047
[email protected]
Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month,
11:00AM, at
Bucks County Community College Grupp
Hall, Room 259
275 Swamp Road
Newtown, PA 18940