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Published by sonicsoup, 2020-03-28 15:44:08

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Keywords: poetry,Johnny Sonique

Long Form 51 Johnny Sonique

*Changing You *

To those who love to play with ideas

Devious Metaphors 52 Changing You

Thanks for the readings

of my brain’s bleedings
as they push and pull the words
I‘d keep them together
in all kinds of weather
but they flap and fly like birds

Thoughts turn and twist
like a magician’s wrist
there is no holding them back
I rein them in
they spin out again
being neither white nor black

I suppose it could be
that I’m trying to see
a picture that’s bigger than I
The act of creating
and never negating
makes my mind really fly

Long Form 53 Changing You

Rough hewn dreams
and particle beams
feed my hungry soul
My mind is burning
I’m always learning
going down the rabbit hole

To my elation
it’s pure creation
I embrace mental anarchy
No inhibition
no inquisition
no need for apology

Will you take part
throw an idea dart
in the game we all can play?
Mind open enough
to play with this stuff?
yes, you can have your say!

Devious Metaphors 54 Changing You

I’ll give up control
and open my soul
if you will do the same
Together we stroll
the bridge of the troll
always to a much bigger game

So thanks for the readings
and on with proceedings
exchanging our bright synergy
Through mutual consent
our time is well spent
changing you as you change me

Long Form 55 Changing You

*Cup of Time *

Dedicated to those who never have enough time

Devious Metaphors 56 Cup of Time

I’ve got big plans in lots of lands

things to do and see
A cup of time would be so fine
to explore possibility

Life is a sea where you can be
a time-weaver of tradition
As we play I show you the way
riding the tide of your mission

What does it cost not to be tossed
on the seas of heaving time?
I’d give my labor, protect with saber
for enough to end this rhyme

My head’s running slow, where does time go?
it always seems to change
I’m way ahead or almost dead
there is no comforting range

And doing less, we must confess
would really feel absurd
Doing nothing is like stuffing
without the rest of the bird

Long Form 57 Cup of Time

I’ve swum many oceans of circular motions
life going round and round
Trying straight lines, not following signs
I end up going aground

Those signs are flow that gives the go
to my creative actions
Yet time pulls me back and off the track
causing frustrated reactions

Daylight savings and other such ravings
try to clean up the mess
Leap years abound, time zones are found
lacking continuity’s finesse

When in the flow, all systems go
congruency does appear
But as I reach that creative peach
obligation’s in my ear

Yet poems I’ll write and fight the good fight
doing the dishes after
Yes there’s laundry, it’s a quandary
I hear their mocking laughter

Devious Metaphors 58 Cup of Time

REALITY FIRST! You must not thirst
for the abstract and inane
Take care of business, don’t think of isness
you just might go insane

But I want to grow, my talent I’ll sow
goodbye normality
You know I must play, it’s the only way
to find the authentic me

And I want some spaces where I’m in two places
my time would surely double
Twice as much done, while having fun
could I get into trouble?

I do have tensions in time dimensions
I wouldn’t want to get lost
Internal traveling can be unraveling
what if time gets crossed?

I’ll take my chance, it’s about romance
traveling the Einstein express
On that train time’s really insane
a game of quantum chess

Long Form 59 Cup of Time

Time doesn’t track the steady tack
of smooth linearity
It skips and stumbles, declares and mumbles
demanding to be free

It’s often said that Time was bred
all things shouldn’t happen at once
But maybe things do and perception’s the clue
that sorts it out and hunts

For explanations among the nations
why we’re are so locked in
Where’s that place that people have space?
and playing’s not a sin

So does time exist? Am I caught in a mist?
a spray of general consensus?
Segmented days, like an intricate maze
can swiftly dull the senses

The truth of the matter is a mind-splatter
we don’t need time to run
If I agree, just to be
I’ll still get everything done

Devious Metaphors 60 Cup of Time

I’ll be dynamic without the panic
life isn’t emergency
I’ll make my plan in the world of man
calm as herbal tea

Between being and doing is inward viewing
imagination will steer
The mind can borrow from past or tomorrow
to widen the creative frontier

As a time-blender, to Caesar I’ll render
enough to be socially correct
But if I fail to weave my tale
this rat-race I’ll defect

I won’t talk weather and other such blether
all kinds of time sucking things
I look to my soul, and a new goal
to fly on creative wings

I’ll cut through the chaff with wit as my staff
ending the nonessential
Priority flows and minority goes
there is no inconsequential

Long Form 61 Cup of Time

So I’d like to borrow a cup of tomorrow
with interest you’ll be repaid
The time-cloud’s vast, there’s plenty to last
you’ve seen beyond the charade

Yes only those trying, and in their hearts dying
to bring something worthy to hold
Feel the keen edge and will always pledge
to use their time as gold !

Devious Metaphors 62 Cup of Time

Long Form 63 Johnny Sonique

*Dayjobrant *

The longest days

Devious Metaphors 64 Dayjobrant

My real day always starts at dusk

I feel just like an empty husk
Of what I really long to be
Please meet me in the dark belfry
Though not a thirsty dead vampire
I’ll tell of what I do aspire

I envy people there at work
who just go home to sit and lurk
In front of hypno-television
and exercise their indecision
Their day is always wrapped up done
they feel complete; they’ve done the run

Don’t think I’ve lost my mental humor
I’m only a crazy long lost boomer
This is all just rant and raving
although sometimes misbehaving
I’ll laugh with all the rest of them
sit back, plan life and wear a grin

Many things there are I want to do
more than just a precious few
Things that give my life some meaning
big ideas looking out and gleaming
But my time is always spent
paying the ever present rent

Long Form 65 Dayjobrant

The day job takes my breath away
I guess I’ll make be no song today
Work my long and precious time
sometimes money is such a crime
I’ll use the sweet song of the lyre
to get my mind out of this mire

I use my talent and ambition
yes I’m on a secret mission
To see beyond the average norm
and weather out the psychic storm
I use my precious focused time
to mold many thoughts into rhyme

Don’t need the usual social crutch
of lawns and sports, gossip and such
They’ll do just fine while on their own
I can easily work alone
Though not a lonely desolate island
I’m surely not all welcome dry-land

But when the job is finally through
and I’m out of the corporate zoo
Sitting in the glowing sun
a fresh clean tasty air of fun
My day perks up and me begins
I open up and my mind turns Zen

Devious Metaphors 66 Dayjobrant

My brain fires up and comes alive
and once again I really strive
To make some sense of this old world
it is a bright and shiny pearl
Busy pushing, pulling, gleaning
drawing out my special meaning

A busy artist’s daily run
is never ever really done
Her mind is always ever turning
always thinking, always yearning
No time left to sit and snooze
need more time with the playful Muse

Devious Metaphors 67 Dayjobrant

*Finished Work *

Are comics ever finished?

Devious Metaphors 68 Finished Work

Captain Rochester

my eyes do fester
with visions of counterfeit things
But the artist who drew
the likes of you
has an authentic ring

He’s as real as can be
and the likes of me
knows from where he comes
We try to be real
and put as much feel
in our bright artistic crumbs

We sit there pensive
in time intensive
disciplines seldom lauded
It would us unfetter
and we’d be better
if sometimes we were applauded

For not being fake
and trying to take
the viewer for all she’s worth
All we are trying
is to keep from lying
and show our real selves from birth

Long Form 69 Finished Work

Uncountable panels
come from the annals
of our dark and fevered brains
Colors to mix
pencils to fix
whether it shines or it rains

With so much work
you could go berserk
I’ll bet you’ve never tried
To birth a plot
and yell Great Scott!
as the Enterprise gets fried

So give us a break
and let us take
the glory where we can
A copy of the finish
really wouldn’t diminish
after all I’m my biggest fan

Devious Metaphors 70 Finiahed Work

Long Form 71 Johnny Sonique

*FireBell *

Thanks Mr Poe

Devious Metaphors 72 Fire Bell

Ah distinctly I remember

it was in the bleak December
And each dying ember
wrought its ghost upon the floor

Eagerly I wished the morrow
vainly I had sought to borrow
Surcease from the sorrow
And a pop screen for yon fire

Now the flames are climbing higher
oh the consumption of the fire
On the floor a great bright pyre
blackening ever more the door

Ah surcease from sorrow
sorrow for the lost Lenore
Sorrow for not buying more
a fire extinguisher for sure

As I nodded nearly napping
suddenly there came a tapping
As if someone gently rapping
rapping at my chamber door

Long Form 73 Fire Bell

Over the black and charred remains
looking for someone yet to blame
Thinking of the burning pain
I stumbled to the sooty door

Face was known throughout the land
cowbell shining in his hand
His demeanor as usual bland
I saw his sunken eyes once more

I pled help me find the lost Lenore
yes, to you I do implore
Money, jewels and much more
to take on this grievous chore

Ah, His voice it never rose
as he leaned in so close
Fireman’s badge striking pose
his whisper rising above the roar

Came the tintinnabulation
as I tried evacuation
Voice raised in cool persuasion
quoth the Walken, nevermore

And more firebell for Lenore !

Devious Metaphors 74 Fire Bell

Long Form 75 Johnny Sonique

*Gathering *

Celebrating a place to share

Devious Metaphors 76 Gathering

The books gaze down in celebration

of the coming feast
Their pages gently fluttering
sun retreating from the east

Eager rainbows line the titles
with the lambent glow of sharing
Adventure peering from their covers
a promise of ageless caring

Imagination fills the air
the embrace can now begin
Breathing life to liquid metaphors
through words of women and men

From generations of the printed word
Calliope’s gold unfolds
But her real magic soon begins
as the tales are being told

Every story begs a stage
a place to show its pride
A poem is a wondrous thing
when allowed to gain its stride

Long Form 77 Gathering

The words rush out so clean and bright
caressing each one’s heart
Profound, with humor close behind
pleading us to take a part

We are now the story’s journey
our lives are now the measure
New directions rise to meet
cavorting in their pleasure

Books listen from enduring shelves
find reason for being written
Our universal mind is there
purring like a kitten

On this breezy mid-week night
many thoughtful voices rise
It’s just the way we play and grow
and show that we are wise

We know the worth of wisdom shared
jousting with the form
Respecting the passion that one needs
to communicate our storm

Devious Metaphors 78 Gathering

We struggle, push and curse the verse
defying the tyranny of grammar
Embracing chaotic caffeine thrill
we demand a bigger hammer!

The pencil is our mighty sword
we sharpen with our wit
Pounding out impatient rhymes
until we humbly admit

It’s not a verbal assault we seek
a demon that must be tamed
It is a subtle and delicate skill
finely wrought and finely grained

Under the smoky microscope
of meter, rhythm and rhyme
Embers take pregnant, glowing shape
as we excavate our minds

We use a broad and earthy canvas
woven in vibrant hope
On which we paint our living story
learning how to cope

Long Form 79 Gathering

Here, the competition is ourselves
free from malice or constraint
Expressing ideas in dynamic splendor
like a splash of fluorescent paint

The curiosity of the artist
a theater in the round
Sings to our deepest inner being
like a balladeer renowned

We collect the past and future
snapshots along the way
As the quest continues for our truth
In this church of the mighty Roget

Our poems call to the tomes above
knowing they belong
The ancient keepers of our culture
look down with kinship strong

We magnify this present moment
everything slows gently down
The frantic world hurtles by
but never us to drown

Devious Metaphors 80 Gathering

Celebrating poetry’s love of life
You and I will always meet
In this cozy little bookstore…
On long and winding Water Street

Long Form 81 Gathering

H* omeosynthesis*

How did it all begin?

Devious Metaphors 82 Homeosynthesis



From the core of time and randomness
Heat. Dust. Exploding celestial artistry
A turbulence of moment, place, and chance
Tumbling matter-energy coalescing and cooling

Evolution playing a timeless game of trial and error
A spark arising from the millennia of dancing DNA
Hacking out existence, becoming strong
Morphing experience into sentience and synergy…

Thought shards swirling in a maelstrom of potential
A murky undefined soup of spiraling relationships,
pleasures, and pain
Quietly screaming to be set free and grow.
Igniting echo after echo after echo in dimly lit halls of cogni-


Long Form 83 Homeosynthesis

Many dark voices rising in a crescendo of confusion
Black and white conclusions ricocheting off prejudices
Mental walls closing in; no space, no breath, no growth
The blade of unanswered questions severing desperation’s

Truth spilling onto paper in a free-fall of ah ha!
Faster than biomechanics can record
Urgency, anxiety, and anticipation playing a metaphoric sym-
Frantically grasping fleeting shadows of thoughts, ideas,
and curiosity

Neural nets hungrily connecting with brain-mates; flashes of
Volcanoes of electro-chemical inspiration releasing wonder
and amazement
The seeking tide, fueled by emotions, washing up on shores of
Opening the Mind’s floodgates; washing away failed assump-


A shazam of organizing magic darts hither and yon
Casting pixie dust on stubbornness and paranoia
Sorting, sifting, focusing; a brilliant beam of perception
Lightly traveled paths reforming into highways of enlighten-

Devious Metaphors 84 Homeosynthesis

Seminal sparks of passion falling from the clearing mind-skies
Raindrops of opportunity plummeting to the ground, nourish-
Warming sun on growing tendrils of new awareness
Mind-space breathing a sigh of openness and expansion

The glow of emerging wisdom forming a soft motherly shield
Playing with kaleidoscopic thoughts in a vast arena
Knowledge parachuting through clear fresh air, settling gently
Waiting for the firm hands of clarity and affirmation


Student and teacher merging in primal realization
Their beingness forming power centers of reciprocating en-
A communing subconscious, becoming The Flow
A vibrant pulsing grid of dynamic sharing

Imagination sculpting the marriage of think, feel and script
Molding symbols into concepts, destined for a hungry world
Cosmic minds weaving the rough melody of pen upon paper
Reaching out to infinity, crystal clarity calling...


A poem is born

Long Form 85 Homeosynthesis

*I Want To Play *

Ahh... to let go and play

Devious Metaphors 86 I Want To Play

I have a habit of hanging out

rooting around and digging about
Being where I should not be
because I actually want to see
Things dismantled for the quirk
finding how they really work

Things are sometimes strangely made
in places where great plans are laid
Behind the winding human scenes
by most unique clandestine means
Ideas are wrestled and finely wrought
bartered, hidden, sold and bought

That’s how it is I know a lot
yet when I look at me I’m fraught
With a twisted oblique tangle
an odd opaque perception mangle
I need some clarity to see
it is so rare to fully be

Everything turns a dusky gray
I’m always in my own slow way
The path I take seems like the one
to get me where I want to run
A race to tune my own fine song
where can I be going wrong?

Long Form 87 I Want To Play

I mix the colors and the sounds
I try to fully make the rounds
But at the end of this long day
I feel that Life gets in the way
It’s the strangely human condition
of my time and long tradition

A tradition of being so unique
and maybe just a tad oblique
I cannot do what others do
my own strong path must be true
To myself I’m locked and married
so I must be not swiftly carried

By little people at my side
who want to take me for a ride
They really all do seem so smug
pushing me under the sameness rug
Want me to be like all the others
A perverse idea my sanity smothers

Perhaps I don’t want freedom enough
being totally me is really tough
I have a feeling of the sort
that could cause me to abort
All my good and timed intention
at first sign of danger’s mention

Devious Metaphors 88 I Want To Play

I find it hard to step off ledge
always holding onto the edge
How is it I never dare
to go and fly without a care?
Drifting off to lands unknown
my damn self-editor gone from home

Perhaps my life isn’t hard enough
does it have to be so rough?
Living has had an easy tone
coma of comfort in twilight zone
Makes me feel like it’s a sin
to break out of my cozy bin

Creation of meaning is satisfying
why then is my mind still sighing?
I thought this way of being flowed
is the Universe in testing mode?
Throwing rocks along my way
to see if I really, really want to play

Play in the celestial, open oneness
in the tradition of laughing funness
The microcosm transcended soon
on a warm and lazy afternoon
All is right with the day
I really, really want to play !

Long Form 89 I Want To Play

*Just Like Me *

We influence one another

Devious Metaphors 90 Just Like Me

Here’s to another

I’ll likely smother
as I rave about this and that
Whining and wailing
and mentally flailing
with ideas that may go splat

He graciously reads
my mind’s odd feeds
all the while pleading for mercy
In my jail of revisions
he’s conjuring decisions
about my dark-artist jersey

In a day job
that’s come to rob
us of our talent and time
We’d rather splash paint
for the patron saint
of artistry and fine rhyme

I aid his struggle
he seeks to smuggle
his talent past the mundane
His skills are great
but it’s only fate
that keeps him halfway sane

Long Form 91 Just Like Me

So I send him rhyme
for passing the time
though now very little helps
I send pricks and pins
and very often sins
then listen for his yelps

They give me pleasure
for in some measure
I know that I’m reaching him
We both are leveled
and soon bedeviled
by constrictions that are grim

Time is sucked dry
wanting to die
for 8 hours every day
How can the mind
ever unwind?
long enough to really play

His eyes are glazing
his mind is lazing
like a warm summertime grass
As he grits his teeth
art bubbles beneath
waiting for hours to pass

Devious Metaphors 92 Just Like Me

And pass they do
like very old glue
or molasses in January
But he reads my stuff
even though it’s fluff
and I think that’s very scary

If the brain does change
and rearrange
with reading that’s a tease
My world will bend
and perhaps descend
into his bright synapses

Shaping his thinking
barriers shrinking
enables him in seeing
My dark point of view
and scary crew
that inhabit my very being

In a coma that’s used
when he feels abused
and his mind really needs to flee
His head will open
he’ll be broken
and end up just like me !

Long Form 93 Just Like Me

*Kaleidoscope *

Dedicated to people playing outside of the box

Devious Metaphors 94 Kaleidoscope

I got a good buzz sipping pleasure fuzz

dancing in a rainbow day
I tasted the sky, tickled a sigh
and hoped tomorrow would stay

To mix and mingle is a fun jingle
an ad for the active brain
Like standing outside to take a mind-ride
in the cool October rain

I refuse to sway to the usual way
of adding two plus two
I put numbers in, give them a spin
and come up with fancy blue

I am unique, if somewhat oblique
but that’s my destiny
To polish my is-ness and get down to business
brings out the best in me

I wish to play in fields of gray
jumping the black and white hedge
I love to make peace with the idea police
and then leap over the edge

Long Form 95 Kaleidoscope

The flash of death from a killer’s breath
brings colors dark and cold
The vampires ache, the scream of the stake
makes me feel so bold

Many colors I fear and rough sounds appear
in the quiet of midnight’s black
But writing of sorrows with borrowed tomorrows
fills where experiences lack

I’m out of bounds and I know that sounds
like anarchy will rule
But I carefully craft what may seem daft
using the perfect tool

Yes I rev up my mind and try to be blind
to my usual mundane habits
I’m a verbal musician and mental magician
pulling out laughing rabbits

There is disorder like the dark of Mordor
in what I try to achieve
But I’ll take my chances with odd circumstances
changing my ways to believe

Devious Metaphors 96 Kaleidoscope

Can one transform a mind in storm
with the alchemy of chance?
Caught in a spiral, with an idea, viral
I do a fantastical dance

I let myself go, to the mystical flow
and heed the call of the wild
It’s my insistence to lessen resistance
and toss the dice of exile

In my brain-weather I do fight a tether
must I be just a pawn?
Of the deviant decree MAKE ALL THINGS PC!
do I need the perfect lawn?

I’m not some hellion seeking rebellion
to shake up the status quo
I just want to play and say it my way
with mental mayhem and flow

What’s done is done, why be the one
to reinvent the wheel?
I’ll strike out for gold and let pen unfold
and above all, be real

Long Form 97 Kaleidoscope

I have to say I am in my way
in taking on my art
But I dare not stop until I drop
to come from that place in my heart

Where I blend the senses and mix the tenses
including the frown and the grin
I want to see, all the things to be
through my kaleidoscopic pen

I want to see, all the things to be
in the kaleidoscope of men

Devious Metaphors 98 Kaleidoscope

Long Form 99 Johnny Sonique

*Last Resort *

Sometimes you just feel this way

Devious Metaphors 100 Last Resort

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