Take the long way home
let your heart roam
go the way of your flow
The fire burns down
but still wears a crown
given a chance to grow
Drinking the Whine 201 Crown
The artist is out of her element
If no one cares about Meaning
If no one asks the Big Questions
If no one is sensitive to Is-ness
If no one appreciates the Joy of Creation
She must rise with passion
to be her own fire
And give meaning to the world
Devious Metaphors 202 Fire
Ah the fiery breath of art.
Though it burns low
It burns hottest when repressed
Breathe deep the gathering Hope
Drinking the Whine 203 Hope
Inner World
Spending our time
before it’s given
Passion in our world
Daydream life
work-weary souls
Fetal position curled
Devious Metaphors 204 Inner World
The unknown is scary
so we do marry
superstition with reality
Many ways to be
many ways to see
are what I want for me
A manger on far
or a five pointed star
is a worthy focal point
Many a philosophy
when bending the knee
our hearts they do anoint
But people in fear
won’t get near
anything with the sign of the beast
Yet give them turkey
they all get jerky
and have a huge pagan feast
Drinking the Whine 205 Religionrant
Every time we pledge
to be on the edge
and really try something unique
Fanatics come
and overrun
the logic with the oblique
Organized religion
is like a pigeon
that doesn’t know how to fly
It tries to see
the way to be
but it can’t tell truth from lie
On many levels
we all are devils
disputing the God Machine
And I too resist
and have to insist
we respect earth’s growing green
Ecology is not
timely taught
as being closer to God
If we’re here to respect
and not neglect
isn’t that just a bit odd?
Devious Metaphors 206 Religionrant
We’re in a wait
for Heaven’s Gate
and the proper use of our talents
But being here now
lets celebrate how
we all strive for balance
Drinking the Whine 207 Religionrant
Status Quo
The Status Quo is like a tyrant
playing the creator surreal
Rock the boat, he’s at your throat
weaving his web of steel
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
something we can’t quite reach
Logic has no place and never a face
just out of reason’s reach
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
putting on a very false face
The magic of distraction and the reaction
killing the creative pace
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
impossibly twisting and turning
His iron command will eventually strand
all on the road to learning
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
causing many to drown
Stealing your years, playing on fears
a dead end road to go down
Devious Metaphors 208 Status Quo
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
a thing of mirrors and smoke
Never bold but still chasing gold
chains for the average folk
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
always quickening the pace
A never ending run under the gun
everyone loses the race
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
fading in and out
No evolution and no solution
sowing seeds of doubt
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
going round and round
His deadly decrees will certainly freeze
anyone seeking their ground
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
a real doom and gloomer
Like Escher’s art we’ll outsmart
the wacky stairs with humor
Drinking the Whine 209 Status Quo
He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
but once you really see
In the design you can define
so much clarity
Use social pressure like an Escher
a voice above the herd
Tour touch is needed and once seeded
humanity is stirred
Devious Metaphors 210 Status Quo
Work To Do
Can I borrow?
Just for tomorrow
your reality and time
My own smooth clone
is out alone
drinking daiquiris and lime
So much to do
I sit here and stew
I haven’t got the time
I need a slave
who will behave
wouldn’t that be sublime
I won’t do the chores
how it bores
I leave them up to him
What’s he for
please wash the floor
he looks at me so grim
Drinking the Whine 211 Work To Do
He doesn’t care
when I swear
I’ll reclaim my DNA
He’s very haughty
and sometimes naughty
although I have to say
He is e a mirror
And it’s become clearer
that I be the one to change
What better way
to see my own clay
than in this dual exchange
Devious Metaphors 212 Work To Do
Poems spew forth
defending my sanity
Use it or lose it
cries my zombie brain
Drinking the Whine 213 Zombie
S TcatteredThe rest of the lot houghts
Devious Metaphors 214 Scattered Thoughts
Bean Wine
Coffee - the nectar of the Gods
the libation of the Muse.
Happiness grows
energy flows
chasing away the blues
Scattered Thoughts 215 Bean Wine
An assignment finally came along
in writing class with with upscale gear
Asked to write a work of wonder
my sweating art I tried to steer
I wrote a poem and put to floppy
thought it would be alright
Little did I know the Mac was strange
and I’d have a losing fight
There is no slot I cried aloud
no place to put the disk
The longer I sat the more I thought
would it be worth the risk?
To drill a hole and customize
this funny piece of gear
If anyone noticed what I’d done
I’d be paying for a year!
So I opted for the safe way out
and wrote another tome
I got the better of this beast
and had a better poem
Devious Metaphors 216 Beast
A chariot of white
parting the cars
Flew through the
shiny wet streets
The soul inside
in need of help
Heart stumbling
Clinging to its beats
Scattered Thoughts 217 Chariot
We have a theory
for everything
including your high CQ*
How do you cope
under the microscope
when everything’s askew?
There are rough edges
and scary ledges
to the lives we lead
We try to measure
and greatly treasure
the numbers we believe
But numbers are numbers
and people are people
and maybe the twain won’t meet
We must be more
than our credit score
or is there no retreat?
*Creativity Quotient
Devious Metaphors 218 CQ
If you really don’t care
you can declare
duality is the king
There is no gray
we’re divided I say
it’s such a
black and white thing
No in-between
nothing unseen
it’s all in front of us
If you want respect
you can’t object
to the front or the
back of the bus
We never learn
and still we burn
crossed wood
on our neighbor’s lawn
No thinking involved
nothing is solved
tradition dominates trust
Scattered Thoughts 219 Dualism
The liquid glass of the timeless sea
comes rolling in to smile at me
Deep blue swells and azure green
much of her remains unseen
Foam crawls, crashes on the beach
just beyond my gentle reach
Dark and light she calls to me
sun diamond sparkles on the sea
The flame of love burns bright and hot
fiery embers we have wrought
Come my lover and be with me
we will end duality
The horizon is a life unknown
into which we all are thrown
Are we separate or one being?
is it just a way of seeing?
Sylvan thoughts bring synergy
creating a life of energy
Spawning a new and thrilling ride
like the push-pull of life’s tide
Devious Metaphors 220 Duality
The flame of love burns bright and hot
fiery embers we have wrought
Come my lover and be with me
we will end duality
Growing things reach out to light
like a swiftly circling kite
Catching wisdom in its wake
never leaving life to fate
Sea and sand can be as one
you and I will have our run
Blue sky clouds speak to me
like the rolling endless sea
The flame of love burns bright and hot
fiery embers we have wrought
Come my lover and be with me
we will end duality
Come my lover and with me run
we are separate and yet one
Scattered Thoughts 221 Duality
I feel your 1’s and 0’s
tickling my busy brain
But I prefer the sound
of gently falling rain
Immersed in so much data
my mind is quick to revolt
Pursue me with what matters
and not a digital jolt
Devious Metaphors 222 Email
Seeds of doubt sowing
evil out-flowing
Good all-knowing
battle on-going
Devils from below
angels do glow
Reap what you sow
now you know
Scattered Thoughts 223 Everwar
His license expired
and now he’s mired
in that dead old registry
Long waiting list
he raised his fist
wasn’t he once, more free?
Filled to the brim
of RMV whim
it sure is a birthday pain
His card’s been nixed
his future is mixed
how to get home in the rain
To drive is a right
they say with a might
and now it doesn’t exist
He’ll fight the damn system
and maybe he’ll dis them
they’ll probably just get pissed
Devious Metaphors 224 Expired
An ID card would
lower their guard
just like a Trojan horse
He’ll the game
sanity regain
everything back on course
Revenge was sweet
his photo complete
he really sent his darts
That icy stare
that deadly glare
sent chills thru their quaking hearts
Scattered Thoughts 225 Expired
Eyes overloaded
brain exploded
what do I see on the ground?
Brilliance bursting
soul-colors thirsting
a thousand treasures found
Devious Metaphors 226 Fall
Into Your mind insight has flown
when your life is not your own
You realize there could be more
Waiting for that celestial door
Too late, your mind is blown
Scattered Thoughts 227 Lessons
Listen 1
I raise my cup of wisdom
to our steadfast gurus
who through the ages
guide us to our greatness
and destiny
Like the eternal sea
this ebb and flow of ideas
gently encircles,
offering up the
treasures within us
There is discovery
in these whispering pages
a power wanting to be revealed
Simple truths hidden by
our careless being
I look into infinite worlds
and see us
going forward in the night
to be the stars
in all our tomorrows
Devious Metaphors 228 Listen 1
As a flame rising
from the embers
our lives can rhyme
with the elemental purity
of the universe
Own the enlightening book
we have only to listen
Scattered Thoughts 229 Listen 1
Listen 2
Yo, listen, I gotta say
dis here book ya hafta play
ain’t gonna do ya no dirt
It’s da real thing
ain’t like bling
ya know it ain’t gonna hurt
So how’s yo life ?
givin’ ya strife ?
nothin’ like it otta be?
Get no respec ?
ya gonna defec ?
it just makes ya wanna pee !
Da shit in this book
give it a look
scan it to the letta
Devious Metaphors 230 Listen 2
I know ya bleed
but can ya read?
don’tcha wanna be betta?
Dis shit’s out dere
juz like the air
now it’s all one place
So quitcher whinin’
startcher dinin’
the truth is in yo face
don’t be a loosa
a low life booza
homies gotta have grit
My man’s done da work
don be a jerk
jus go on en buy it!
Scattered Thoughts 231 Listen 2
I tried to wipe my shadow off
I tried to cool the sun
I tried to steal your heart away
but you were on the run
I tried to slow the time of things
and change the flow of wind
But when it came to changing you
I had no thoughts to send
I greased my tongue and took a breath
hoping to impress
But how to catch your flirting mind
I could not even guess
I grabbed your soul and smothered it
with my wild desire
But you ducked and flew away
like embers in a fire
I thought of love and wondered how
such a thing of mist
Born of subtle thought and ache
could possibly exist
Devious Metaphors 232 Love
It has no width or breadth or depth
no weight or time in space
And yet moves people to wondrous heights
or takes from them all grace
I really should let you come to me
like the tide does for the sea
Trusting the patience of my love
like a slowly blooming tree
Love darts and dances in our lives
and ever mystifies
Waits in the hidden cracks of life
a passionate surprise
I pluck a star from the night
I borrow from the moon
I wait for you with open arms
for I am not immune
Scattered Thoughts 233 Love
The economy tanks
But I give thanks
My currency a smile
With an attitude
of gratitude
Life’s radio I dial
Devious Metaphors 234 My Currency
A book cover is the present
the pages a time machine
A bookmark is your moment
ideas are evergreen
If books could talk I think they’d say
we’re the supreme creation!
Knowledge is gained, you’re entertained
our limit - imagination
Scattered Thoughts 235 Reading
Dammit Janet
let’s blame the planet
for rotating with such abandon
Day into night?
seems about right
for a wolf like Michael Landon
Devious Metaphors 236 Rotation
Safe Harbor
When life’s voyage gets the best of me
and I’m battered by the raging sea
I don’t lose hope; I’m safe from harm
for I have a harbor in your arms
You grant the space that I explore
but if I drift too far from shore
‘Til I am lost and all alone
I know your love will guide me home
You rock my world you sooth my soul
you steer my ship when I’ve lost control
There are rocks in the stormy seas
currents to bring me to my knees
I call up your vision clear and bright
going forward into the night
If I wish to dive beneath the waves
and join the dark and ancient graves
I feel the pull that brings me up
as I drink from your loving cup
Scattered Thoughts 237 Safe Harbor
You rock my world you sooth my soul
you steer my ship when I’ve lost control
I navigate fate’s many gales
my ship of dreams with billowed sails
A silhouette against midnight sky
your love’s the star I steer her by
It matters not how far I stray
I feel your love when I’m away
When my voyage ends I know I’ll see
your harbor lights awaiting me
When my voyage ends I know I’ll see
your harbor lights awaiting me
Devious Metaphors 238 Safe Harbor
Like a rushing freight train
Time passes by
Pain slows the flow
pleasure makes it go
Hold on or let it fly?
Scattered Thoughts 239 Time
I have a shiny time-coin
it takes me everywhere
I travel past or future
it really doesn’t care
I spend it rather freely
going from here to there
I travel darkened paths
that others wouldn’t dare
It is the coin of aging
hard work to truly earn
Experience and my destiny
make sure that I return
Devious Metaphors 240 Time-coin
Scattered Thoughts 241 Johnny Sonique
LimerettesThe silly ones
Devious Metaphors 242 Limerettes
There once was a bat named Dean
who thought everything, he had seen
He flew in a house
was kissed by a mouse
knew that’s his best Halloween
Limerettes 243 Bats
Work on birthdays is a sin
he said with a wide vicious grin
Please be quiet
or I’ll riot
And never ever work again
Devious Metaphors 244 Birthday
A limerick writer superb
who couldn’t think of a blurb
Stole one from another
without any cover
And now he lives on the curb
Limerettes 245 Borrowing
I must use my time to write my rhyme
from ridiculous to sublime
Holding myself back
puts me out of whack
And seems like a hell of a crime
Devious Metaphors 246 Brakes
Brush Stroke
Painting the universe in your mind
you really want to play
Release the tension
into another dimension
You’re only a brush stroke away
Limerettes 247 Brush Stroke
Day-Job 1
There once was an artist from Mass
said day-job, I think I’ll pass
The time travels slowly
I feel very lowly
And there’s nothing here that will last
Devious Metaphors 248 Day Job 1
Day-Job 2
There once was an artist of worth
not meant for day-job from birth
Said this is all wrong
the days are too long
Of Meaning there’s a definite dearth
Limerettes 249 Day Job 2
There once was paper, and pencil too
they loved the artist through and through
He goes into a trance
and makes us dance
look what we’re able to do !
Devious Metaphors 250 Dexterity