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Published by sonicsoup, 2020-03-28 15:44:08

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Keywords: poetry,Johnny Sonique

Long Form 151 Johnny Sonique

*Recycle *

Is the Universe is circular?

Devious Metaphors 152 Recycle

The large collider as seen by outsider

would be the end-of-the-world
Many in dread, everyone fed
by the media flag unfurled

Black holes are painless, Fears are aimless
you just won’t be, after all
It’s only a theory, don’t get all teary
you can still shop at the mall

Someday we’ll die, No need to cry
we really cannot choose
Have to make room for the people boom
after we’ve had our great cruise

Particles big, Particles small
it’s all a part of the soup
What we do, is finally renew
as part of another group

We’re made of star-stuff, it isn’t that rough
been going on for all time
The world’s dynamic, no need for a panic
it’s all really quite benign

Long Form 153 Recycle

Destroy energy? Break synergy?
it only changes and melts
Do you stand ready, primed and steady
to morph into something else?

There’s no way in hell, anyone can tell
what they will become
So make your mark or stay in park
and please pass the rum

The best you can do, is wrestle the flu
and enjoy your reality
The universe won’t ask for too great a task
just be the best you can be

Man always needs the blossoming seeds
of some great and grand intention
He thinks he’s best, above all the rest
but this is his own invention

The vine slowly creeps, rust never sleeps
everything returns to the fold
Entropy’s hand can be quite grand
remaking plans so bold

Devious Metaphors 154 Recycle

The concept of change can seem quite strange
why have I come to be?
If only to change and rearrange
on to infinity

The super collider is a provider
of layers of Big Bang knowledge
Things we can know will help us to grow
and use more than we learned in college

It’s really sublime for non-linear time
to stir your destiny
This quantum machine can open your dream
and expand the way you see

It’s no surprise, through lots of lies
That we cling to our ways of being
From the beginning of time and primordial slime
we’re taught one way of seeing

There’s this rumor, Said with humor
of a laughing universe
The questions are given, the answers are hidden
isn’t that a bit perverse?

Long Form 155 Recycle

Making dark matter quickly go splatter
is a headlong rush to the answer
We look in the grooves of life’s flowing moves
like a fluid fellow dancer

There is far more than we can explore
from our limited point of view
It’s a real strain for our tiny brain
to fathom the cosmic glue

So I’ll bet a quark you’re in the dark
as to how it all does work
The Universe has plans That are not man’s
and that’s where the answers lurk

Devious Metaphors 156 Recycle

Long Form 157 Johnny Sonique

*Sculpting *

Shaping thoughts

Devious Metaphors 158 Sculpting

Some sculpt in sound

some dance around
some shape things in odd ways
I sculpt ideas
and prick up my ears
when I hear a thought that strays

From the usual talk
of weather and stock
and the Great Bambino’s curse
I want to go,
where they don’t say no
to the edge of the Universe

Ideas have colors
like no others
they light up the face of reason
Fold the words in
add discipline
and a dash of teasin’

Bright Words combine
like gems in the mine
they will describe anything
From the breath of a flower
to the whores in the bower
and even a Lord of the Ring

Long Form 159 Sculpting

But symbols they be
not the real me
not my true love and delight
They must be adjusted
to be trusted
until their meaning is right

So sculpt I must
my dreams and lust
combed with a smooth metaphor
It’s hard to convey
what I want to say
can I really open your door?

How I do wish,
I could lightly fish
in your mind and reveal
That the words I’m playing
are really saying
what I so want you to feel

I do appreciate
the way that fate
has laid you in my arms
You’re subject to
my sly word glue
that has so many charms

Devious Metaphors 160 Sculpting

What a thrill for you
in using that glue
your weave will quickly fine tune
See what you find
in your mind
or the far side of the moon

The binding force
at its source
will give your soul a shiver
A Finely wrought word
with judgment deferred
will mesh like a smooth flowing river

Put word after word
then add the absurd
oh what a wonderful soup!
Explore the divine
if you’ve a mind
far ahead of the religious group

It’s good for art
to become a part
of our reality
Don’t limit yourself,
no brain on the shelf
in life’s numbing neutrality

Long Form 161 Sculpting

I play life’s tunes
like ancient runes
listening for major keys
Between the lines,
is where truth dines
a meal for Diogenes

The potter’s wheel
spins a feel
of grit and gloss and squish
Creating new
out of the blue
is my ultimate wish

So take the clay
of what you say
push and pull the texture
Are you reflective
in your perspective?
always room for conjecture

Chisel away the
unneeded clay
your words hold strong and true
Polish and shine
it’s just the right time
for a new reflection of you

Devious Metaphors 162 Sculpting

Long Form 163 Johnny Sonique

*Time’s Tragedy *

Inspired by the movie - Somewhere in Time

Devious Metaphors 164 Time’s Tragedy

I reach across the unyielding years

though destiny tells me no.
I look through my lonely blurring tears
to my ever radiant beau

To once again meet your eyes
and feel your warm moist breath
To hear your breathless cries for me
I will not ask for less.

I knew your smile was mine alone
in blurred vignette so rare
Your Mona Lisa mouth had called
my heart stripped gently bare

I grabbed at time to push it back
your song rang in my ears
Soul wrapped in layers of timeless need
I flew on through the years

Your magic touched my willing heart
our souls played once again
We blended as though not worlds apart
we shared as you were then

Long Form 165 Time’s Tragedy

It could have been forever
our magical passionate rhyme
I thought myself so clever
through dark and restless time

The copper coin stared back at me
the year engraved was wrong
Time swept forward to fill the hole
like a mighty promethean gong

My soul screamed NO as her world receded
through her fading vision I stared
Give me back my heart I pleaded
gone is she for whom I dared

I am now a faint and dusky gray
my colors all have flown
Why are things of time and shadow
always out on loan

I will find you past the veil of death
I will not endure this strife
I join you now and evermore
as I gently give up life

Devious Metaphors 166 Time’s Tragedy

Long Form 167 Johnny Sonique

*Tomorrow *

To all those who will... do it later

Devious Metaphors 168 Tomorrow

He painted everything under the sun

from far away planets to herds on the run
African tribes didn’t bother him
he was always on the volcano’s rim
If they said it had never been done
all the more reason to try, for fun

Whether a battlefield or silky weasel
he was the first to set up his easel
But soon he tired of zombies drooling
despots ruling and farmers tooling
Worms and werewolves were passé
the great Frankenstein had had his day

One night it came right out of the blue
sitting around with nothing to do
Hit him like a choir on speed
the smallest idea, the tiniest seed
His biggest quest fell into his lap
one that would put him on the map

It was a project many had tried
and some had given up and died
Spending their fast short lives in vane
at this unruly no-win game
But what else did he have to lose
other than boredom and the blues

Long Form 169 Tomorrow

To paint the ultimate procrastinator
the one with the richest since of later
He’d have to inject some do-it-now
though wasn’t really quite sure how
Where would he find the one to sit
could they get around to it?

He looked forever far and wide
for someone that would kindly provide
The subject for his greatest quest
he really thought he’d done his best
But all this time the universe
was doing its best to be perverse

Soon his quest became quite famous
but they said you cannot tame us
We do things very off the cuff
we don’t care for that ordered stuff
Tomorrow will surely do just fine
we’ve really got lots of time

A simple truth in time emerged
and so with it he was purged
Of his headlong rush to find
one of them whom time could bind
Tomorrow is the perfect time
is it really such a crime?

Devious Metaphors 170 Tomorrow

He lays out in the bright warm sun
realizing things won’t get done
To special people time is treasured
not all beaten nor over-measured
They rejoice in final delay

because tomorrow becomes today!

Long Form 171 Tomorrow

D Iancing with deasMind choreography

Devious Metaphors 172 Dancing With Ideas

New Idea

Want a new idea, one that might hurt

could be Einstein or Ernie & Bert
Got to grow my brain, add a neuron too
making new connections in the world-zoo

I grow a lot stronger with every new thing
don’t need old stuff, it’s just mind bling
They say nothins’ new under the sun
there’s infinite possibility and I want to run

Want a new idea, one to take apart
hammer my head, give me a kick-start
The ability to solve the problems of the world
grows each time my brain is unfurled

Lets explore the atom or how your mind works
take a starship ride where the Bandersnatch lurks
Give me an idea I can kick around
bounce it off you, catch it on rebound

I keep my ears open for that which is spoken
to hear a bright ring of truth…
Wisdom usually comes from saints or bums
and doesn’t surrender to youth

Dancing with Ideas 173 New Idea

Want a new idea, it’ll bring pleasure
knowing what I don’t know is the real treasure
Prove me right or wrong that isn’t what matters
the only way to learn is pick up the tatters

The sharp, unruly pieces of my thought shards
go together better after shufflin’ the cards
Deal the deck anew, fresh combination
stir the soup of time, lay a new foundation

Want a new idea, no confining box
how can I be me if I don’t break the locks?
Locks of dark constraint some put there by my fear
my evil twin tries to grab the wheel and steer

In thinking and behaving I always follow bounds
respect my neighbor’s thoughts and look for common
Don’t owe an apology for my thoughts so grand
everyone’s ideas are shared, nothing should be banned

I keep my ears open for that which is spoken
to hear a bright ring of truth…
Wisdom usually comes from saints or bums
and doesn’t surrender to youth

Devious Metaphors 174 New Idea

Want a new idea to challenge my belief
to share with you my friend without a lot of grief
If others feel the same, I spread my inner sight
shared ideas in the dark will bring some needed light

They shine in dusty corners of my agile mind
sweep away the cobwebs that tend to make me blind
I want to see the visions in your lifelong journey
fix your broken dreams before that final gurney

So I want a new idea to help us rendezvous
stretch, grow, and flower, to a new point of view
I grab my evil twin and whisper in his ear
give me a new idea or get the hell out of here !

Dancing with Ideas 175 New Idea

Brain Dance

Left hemisphere feels so dear

trying to sort things out
But the right of the gray likes to play
and sometimes wants to pout

The left side guy gives a sigh
when the right gets spatial
Right asks why do we work with pi
and can’t we be interracial

I wish for each side to go on a ride
and see how the other half lives
A mingling of nerve they both deserve
to see what their talent gives

Our problems require that we bring new fire
to the usual way of solutions
For the future clone or the warming zone
and all of our many pollutions

Let brains go dancing, the ideas prancing
to a better way of thought
Two working together can grab the tether
to guide our unfolding plot

Devious Metaphors 176 Brain Dance

That plot of being that deepens our seeing
new twists and turns at the bend
Spread your bright colors and watches for others
who have a similar trend

I have two heads under my dreads
I’ll take this brain and style it
One says yes, one says guess
am I on autopilot?

Dancing with Ideas 177 Brain Dance


Our repartee

feels to me
like colors bright as day
Gives me a thrill
a makeover pill
all just a way to play

Ideas intertwine
so divine
it’s all really shades of gray
We may not agree
but that’s to be
in our savvy cabaret

Doing a spin
ideas reeled in
minds in over-drive
Passion runs high
let it fly
eye to eye we arrive

Devious Metaphors 178 Cabaret


I bring something into being

that didn’t exist before
The supreme act of a creative mind.
reaching out with its own reality
Shining in vulnerable
multicolored splendor

Dancing with Ideas 179 Creativity


Digging under the rocks of life

I see glowing eyes of pale ideas
Staring silently out at me
Waiting to be loved

Devious Metaphors 180 Digging


Brains transcend the daily stuff

Too wonderful for dishes
My clone worries ‘bout the time
I’m free as the fishes

Dancing with Ideas 181 Freedom


Do you have great things to say

at the computer day by day
Are words you want
hidden in the font
with which you so eagerly play

When you approach the screen
are the layouts what they seem
Is your great art
doing its part
for you and your wonderful dreams

Be playful and unfold
experiment and be bold
chaos breaks form
energy’s born
and you reap the creator’s gold

Devious Metaphors 182 Gold


Sound waves crashing

upon my drum
Nerve signals running
with a thrum

Neural nets flashing
as they hum
A song is born
from just a strum

Dancing with Ideas 183 Guitar

My Reality

I’m a mind musician

and brain metaphysian
playing my thoughts
like a melody

The arc of the moth
and the great god Thoth
are my reality

Asking the questions
that have no answer
Mind spinning fast
like a quantum dancer

Abstracting divinely
thinking it’s timely
To be a neuromancer

If you have an answer
That has no question
You just have to wait
For the mind’s progression

Devious Metaphors 184 My Reality

Out There

I have no illusions

about my confusions
and various anomalies
Brains are genetic
so I’m frenetic
going on thinking sprees

I wish I was better
could unfetter
my poor little limited brain
But this physical realm
is an under-whelm
all my ideas constrained

I use what I can
from the mind of man
my hand-me-down legacy
But over and over
they talk about Rover
and other inanity

Dancing with Ideas 185 Out There

I need to find
outside my mind
a really new point of view
I would traverse
our universe
if I but had a crew

Who’d seek to know
how they know
finding a truth that’s true
An alien test
putting minds at rest
out in the starry blue

I have much to gain
by changing my brain
seeing through cosmic eyes
With a mental twist
I would not miss
ideas with no earthly ties

There is no dearth
on this earth
of questions people pose
And new ways to dream
along a moonbeam
would mean anything goes!

Devious Metaphors 186 Out There


Einstein’s train

is good for the brain
but I want to go faster than light
Time need stretch
and then I’ll catch
the express to unlimited sight

Idea buccaneers
faster than fears
will meld with the cosmic design
Ideas should be
totally free
and more than one place in time

Dancing with Ideas 187 Quantum


An idea will bite

no good to fight
the sting of the thought will stay
And the fever that comes
is like the sun
burning resistance away

The virus will grow
oh so slow
until it reaches fruition
You’ll toss and turn
theories confirm
until no further cognition

Will yield the response
that science wants
to rigorously foretell
When you can claim
and gladly exclaim
that wonderful cry, Nobel !

Devious Metaphors 188 Science


They tell me that

my mental reach
is not quite broad enough
I should daydream
and fantasize
even if it’s rough

To stretch my brain
and use it like
I never have before
Seems a lot of trouble
and must be
quite a chore

One and one
are usually two
isn’t that enough?
The rest of life
doesn’t need
all that other stuff

Dancing with Ideas 189 Stretch

Quantum physics
hurts my mind.
I’d rather watch TV
If Homer Simpson
gets real weird.
I can always flee.

But the big ole world
keeps pushing me
to learn all that I can
The earth sure needs
a helping heart
So maybe I will plan

To open up
my overview
and enter the big soiree
As I flood
my puny brain
with all the shades of gray

To think about
the things I do
and how we interact
It’s exercise
for the brain
could be good, in fact

Devious Metaphors 190 Stretch

I’ll delve deep
and bring out colors
that I have inside
With imagination
it could be
quite a ride

Yes, I’ll try this
for a little while
and notice how it goes
I’ll push myself
just hard enough
to shake my status quos

Devious Metaphors 191 Stretch


Give me an idea any day

Aerodynamic and totally free
Gliding smoothly over life
To play like a symphony

Devious Metaphors 192 Symphony


I keep my mind open

for that which is spoken
to hear a bright shiny ring of truth
Wisdom usually comes
from saints or bums
and does not surrender to youth

Dancing with Ideas 193 Open

D WBroionhokoing thehine

Devious Metaphors 194 Drinking the Whine


Please crush the boring

I’m always imploring
with alacrity
Why do we listen
to such an old system
there’s so much new to see

Abstraction’s divine
now is the time
to warp reality
make some leaps
and come to peace
with 1+1=3

To talk of people
is a steeple
I do not wish to climb
Nor do I care
for her latest affair
happening time after time

Drinking the Whine 195 Again?

Get from under
the media plunder
of your valuable mind
Ask your being
is what I’m seeing
best for my life’s novel rhyme?

This tells of tomorrow
and less of sorrow
a happier avenue
If only to pause
and get your claws
into a new point of view

I turn TV off
and like to scoff
at cycles of fear and dread
A familiar ring
same old thing
brains are almost dead

To be alive
and really thrive
we must have novelty
Search your brain
for a new refrain
bright thinker that you be

Devious Metaphors 196 Again?

Another Hit

Work nights are too short

Work days are too long
How can I finish my song?

For my psyche I fear
Toward the weekend I steer
Maybe another hit on the bong?

Drinking the Whine 197 Another Hit

Blank Page

I spend my time

seeking rhyme
they cannot stop me now
My pen is crazy
but I’m not lazy
I’ll get through this somehow

The brilliant white
stares back tonight
longing in its eye
I want to be smashing
write something dashing
breathes the page with a sigh

The blank page burns
and my heart yearns
To fill it up with meaning
Our contract bloomed
my mind consumed
chained to a table screaming

Devious Metaphors 198 Blank Page


The coldness of the working tomb

takes warmth from an artist’s womb
O to have the time and room
where once again to bloom

Drinking the Whine 199 Blooming


Neural-net nannies

catching idea fish
and throwing them back

Devious Metaphors 200 Censorship

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