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Published by sonicsoup, 2020-03-28 15:44:08

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Devious Metaphors 3-27-20

Keywords: poetry,Johnny Sonique

I went traveling one dark day

knew I had to get far away
Go where I’d never been before
one last trip out Heaven’s door

I came upon a scary place
Stephen King writ on its face
Seemed the usual tourist trap
it wasn’t on life’s messy map

It isn’t me
it isn’t fun
Pull the trigger
under the gun

Checked therein from desperation
soul’s untimely decimation
Sound of those old heartbreak blues
nothing to look forward to

On a cold and long dead journey
from nothing to a body gurney
Little left for me to lose
asked them for their numbing booze

Long Form 101 Last Resort

It was a stately regal wine
off the strangling twisted vine
Sent me back to days of hope
before the black when I could cope

It isn’t me
it isn’t fun
Pull the trigger
have I won?

Staying at the Last Resort
where through their lives lost people sort
Sometimes hearing hearts that break
drowning in their lover’s wake

One of many murky sites
where the future bravely fights
Against the desolate lonely cry
of the infinite Long Goodbye

Don’t sing my song back to me
done with drugs and therapy
Fog comes in so dark and thick
transition’s blade is lethal quick

Devious Metaphors 102 Last Resort

It isn’t me
it isn’t fun
Pull the trigger
no more sun

Sanity gets bravely tossed
after many loves are lost
What is lost you blindly ask
“meaning” in life’s many tasks

Tried to create the special “I”
that which money and time can’t buy
The deepest, bravest part of me
which in turn helps soul to see

Life’s revolving distant order
now I’m trapped at Death’s vile border
Watching the collapse of steadfast try
breathing a ragged lonely sigh

It isn’t me
it isn’t fun
Pull the trigger
I’m no one

Long Form 103 Last Resort

Hammered hard and hammered long
by the stark reality-song
Energy all gone to ground
no more juice for another round

Now my skull is always grinning
and my steady reason’s thinning
Things slow-turn an ugly red
comes Big Sleep in an earthy bed

Everything melts to dark surreal
used up all my God appeal
Swirling Hell around my being
hopes and dreams finally fleeing

It isn’t me
it isn’t fun
Pull the trigger
all is done

I bow out gracefully

Devious Metaphors 104 Last Resort

Long Form 105 Johnny Sonique

*Motto *

We need heroes

Devious Metaphors 106 Motto

There once was a noise

that bothered the boys
when all of them tried to work
It buzzed and hummed
rattled and drummed
walked around and jerked

But one such guy
who was very spry
finally said that’s enough
I’ve had it to here
he cried with a leer
I’m really going to get rough

He cut and pasted
his time not wasted
he built a mighty box
Foam on the side
made with pride
they said he was such a fox

To have figured out
without a doubt
a way to give people pleasure
Loved the new sound
which wasn’t around
all said he was a treasure

Long Form 107 Motto

People then came
to honor his name
to marvel at the silence
His reputation grew
what else could he do
they could all use some guidance

He took their fears
from all their years
and left the people reeling
They felt so light
and felt so right
it was such a wonderful feeling

His fame was strong
and he knew all along
he would finally open a business
Clearing their heads
getting off their meds
enhancing people’s is-ness

No Head voice chattering
no monkey mind clattering
the money came pouring in
On trips to the banks
he gave many thanks
The coins made quite a den

Devious Metaphors 108 Motto

Just like the noise
that bothered the boys
they worshipped what wasn’t there
Their heads were hollow
so they follow
take all the gold, we don’t care

His motto was strong
it sang like a song
it certainly served to embolden
You want to live well
and be clear as a bell
Remember - Silence is golden

Long Form 109 Motto

*Murphy *

The trickster in the shadows

Devious Metaphors 110 Murphy

I’ve got to have my Murphy fix!

it’s one of those lifelong things
And seeing beyond the truth of it
the logic deeply rings

What can go wrong will go wrong
is part of those Murphy chants
He floats like shadow through my life
mocking my daily trance

The loops and turns of life are many
the roads are curved and long
Murphy does his twisted dance
and finds what can go wrong

I’ve tried to skirt his caustic bliss
and have my perfect day
But in the end he’s always right
so I let him play

I let him play with my mind
and turn it upside down
Hoping when conundrums clear
I’ll be on firmer ground

Long Form 111 Murphy

But Murphy turns the ground to Jell-O
with his twisted humor
I end up even more confused
reality’s just a rumor?

The more I live the more I know
Murphy’s laws run deep
He sees the illusions in my life
while my brain is fast asleep

He laughs at my pathetic fling
to control the flow of life
Sharp wit piercing all my goals
like a laughing switchblade knife

I’ve come upon a basic truth
over many tasty beers
Not caring what others think of me
it gets me through the years

Throw away the boring shoulds
the rule books and the guides
Look to Murphy’s rare insight
to enjoy life’s tangled rides

Devious Metaphors 112 Murphy

I’ll dance on through his metaphors
mud, wet feet, and all
As I search for meaning
and my life tumbles free-fall

Into the looking glass I go
common sense and humor cries
Murphy’s Laws are the Truth!
all the rest are lyes leis lies

Long Form 113 Murphy

*Ode To Ele *

Celebrating a birthday

Devious Metaphors 114 Ode To Ele

We say Hooray!

it’s another B-day
a fun celebration of Ele
With her sense of humor
there is a rumor
will she soon be on the telly?

Her electric cart
Ghost of Walmart
zooms on down the aisles
Key lime in a sack
E T on the back
Caribbean tunes on the dial

She’s the bees knees
and can tickle the keys
sending the piano humming
She eats her mangos
and dances her tangos
with sounds from munchkin plumbing

Long Form 115 Ode To Ele

Ask about a movie
she’ll tell you it’s groovy
to watch a great big classic
With Errol Flynn
and all those men
and even things Jurassic

Who cast a spell
on her doorbell
and spooky detectors of smoke?
The lights are blinky
the wiring’s kinky
she’ll find that Freddy bloke!

She wants to play
but her vertebrae
give her some cause to pause
But TV comes through
with movies too
and Idol and Oprah and Oz

Devious Metaphors 116 Ode To Ele

Her mind isn’t fallow
although much tallow
adorns her birthday fun
She loves her jokes
and almost chokes
when someone spills a pun

When Jeff comes through
out of the blue
she’ll have a radio station
Talk of food Chinese
and celebrities
on “Ele Across The Nation”

Her photos were bold
and jewelry she sold
to many a handsome banker
Now the chiro squeezes
Roland cat she pleases
and dumbbell muscles thank her

Long Form 117 Ode To Ele

Gymnastic mice
isn’t that nice
she doesn’t live alone
With all her watches
and different scotches
and a pharmacy of her own

Many years of living
many decades of giving
have polished a life so dear
Around a good while
with her shiny new smile
we’re all so glad she’s here

So we won’t tarry
here at Ferry
on this anniversary
We’ll give a big cheer
have a beer
and toast her longevity

Devious Metaphors 118 Ode To Ele

Long Form 119 Johnny Sonique

P W* ainting the orld *

A fable

Devious Metaphors 120 Painting the World

The eye buzzing down

looked around
spotting its slippery target
Authority was pissed
their most wanted list
told him to forever park it

Bad for society
and general sobriety
this man was put on hold
Had steely eyes
that brooked no lies
he, was wildly bold

He’d been an artist
and worked his hardest
to be a man unseen
With a laidback air
and lots of hair
he had a mystical sheen

Stories in the Graybar told
he would give some inner gold
to every Doubting Thomas
Behind the scenes
he’d paint their dreams
a pallet of hope and promise

Long Form 121 Painting the World

He couldn’t leave
or get a reprieve
he’d only paint again
Those heretical works
which all the jerks
felt were the depths of sin

Skeletons he had
Made him rad
He was a big time danger
Fashioned guns of wood
Could maim if he should
To most he was a stranger

The inmates liked
the way he psyched
the big guards at the gate
Their shield not down
when he was around
his reputation so great

His infinite vision
caught indecision
in a guard one day
They should have watched
but they botched
security in the bay

Devious Metaphors 122 Painting the World

Chromatic karate
and a fit body
brought the first guard down
An airbrush spray
ended the fray
with a beautiful shade of brown

When the rainbow cleared
he’d disappeared
with nary a hint of fear
Doors were rent
bars were bent
the inmates raised a cheer

He’s out there again
with a new spin
twisting the laughing world
Ever on his toes
where the wild wind blows
keeping His freak-flag furled

In shadow he’ll hone
a power on loan
from the Ultimate Arranger
Handing wisdom down
without a crown
keeping us out of danger

Long Form 123 Painting the World

He might kill with a brush
his paints would gush
all over a tyrant’s cries
He wasn’t a saint
but preferred to paint
the colors of compromise

He fires guns of truth
at all the youth
to keep them safe in the hood
He cleans up messes
from people’s excesses
watching for the good

Forming worlds with art
everyone’s a part
of his Universe
Earth can’t exist
without being kissed
by his magic so diverse

His one grand scheme
it would seem
is having us work together
He paints a flow
that helps one grow
A life as light as a feather

Devious Metaphors 124 Painting the World

In timeless mist
with a velvet fist
he executes works of wonder
His golden dawn
and sunset drawn
to rent the dark asunder

In devious ways
he colors the days
watching the world of man
On celestial breeze
with never a tease
shaping the cosmic plan

He’s watching you
and what you do
he’s gonna see you soon
Lives he’ll shape
there’s no escape
your pattern on life’s loom

Long Form 125 Painting the World

*Pen To Paper *
Dedicated to all those who scribe their visions

Devious Metaphors 126 Pen To Paper

To put pen to paper

is such a grand caper
I stand in awe every time
To see talent surge
and figures emerge
is really a very sweet rhyme

As the lines come together
I bet you’d rather
do this more than any old thing
Putting rhyme to color
is like the good mother
teaching her children to sing

You see in my eyes
the sweet surprise
of perspective coming alive
Through your adventures
there are no censures
into them I will dive

I’ll swim in your visions
forget televisions
and things of mass production
Yours are one of a kind
and I’m not so blind
to the worth of their seduction

Long Form 127 Pen to Paper

I know there are nights
when it seems like a fight
to get to the magic table
The demons of doubt
I’ll help you rout
and you’ll find yourself more able

Show me your world
in hues unfurled
I really want you to see
That what you show
is where I go
to bring out the best in me

I want to relate
to all my fate
and see it through your eyes
I bring to your table
my own special fable
be it my truth or my lies

So please keep on going
and do your great showing
for as long as it all may take
Through your blood, sweat and beers
and all of the tears
my thirst I gratefully slake

Devious Metaphors 128 Pen to Paper

Long Form 129 Johnny Sonique

*Pied Piper *

Counterfeit twist

Devious Metaphors 130 Pied Piper

Out of the west

came the pest
they said it was California
Signs were there
in the air
don’t say we didn’t warn ya

Charlie was first
while slaking thirst
to see the hole in the box
What a surprise
large fist size
what happened to the locks?

Some said greed
some said need
although it doesn’t matter
The evil tide
took a ride
market for chips went splatter

Their eyes glowed red
and you were dead
you new it was an error
To get between
those jaws so mean
silicon eating terror

Long Form 131 Pied Piper

Had to watch out
and give a shout
if you were a receiver
One look in those eyes
the unnerving cries
made you a firm believer

Out of the east
A man who could feast
on many kinds of evil
Could fight without moans
and break all his bones
sort of like Evel Kneivel

Captain R came
spread his fame
the people need their heroes
In his tights
he won the rights
to preserve their ones and zeros

Captain Rochester
fought the fester
but they hid well from him
LED’s glowing
acid breath flowing
the situation was grim

Devious Metaphors 132 Pied Piper

But he made sense
of the pestilence
we knew he had great skill
Did find out
without a doubt
counterfeit parts could kill

Those chips were wrong
with bad silicon
the evil hoards got sick
Meals on wheels
we heard the squeals
they did the job so quick

*Counterfeit parts
came by the carts
were needed everywhere
Box or reel
no holes to seal
finally the menace was rare

Everyone would pay
and look the other way
to have bad parts on the side
Had them sent
to prevent
return of the bit-eating tide

Long Form 133 Pied Piper

If you feel
they look real
Keep those bad parts coming
You never know
when they’ll show
Hear angry distant drumming ?

Devious Metaphors 134 Pied Piper

Long Form 135 Johnny Sonique

*Politicalrant *

Metaphors against muskets!

Devious Metaphors 136 Politicalrant

Shield me from these revelations

lofty thoughts from all the nations
working hard with short term fixes
And all those complicated mixes
keep the next celebrity
from pushing shallow charity

Ask the artist and open your ears
on how to keep the world from tears
Along with sending short term rations
they must feed one’s inner passions
Make people happy at their core
respect is the key that opens the door

An inner glow
and free to grow

Artists see beyond the words
people’s hopes and dreams they merge
Keeping power struggles out
they look for ways to soothe the doubt
The artist’s way will free the mind
new ideas on which to dine

Use those brains
free from reigns

Long Form 137 Politicalrant

When people see the need for change
everyone has much to gain
Power comes from a fire within
when respect is not paper thin
They look toward a future secure
lead them away from being poor

Long term solution
no mind pollution

People will use the proper tools
never call them simple fools
Yes it is a Third World thing
but let their ideas loudly ring
The rest of us could learn a lesson
from the have-nots of oppression

Share technology
without apology

We all are really only one
even under the smoking gun
Billions of dollars go for killing
think of all the life we’re spilling
Creative talent going to waste
where’re we going in our haste?

Devious Metaphors 138 Politicalrant

Pursue a fate
free from hate

An open mind can plant the seed
rendering an end to greed
Share again our greatest power
the people need not cry and cower
Under the political tug-of-war
we want to hear the people roar!

What helps you
helps me too

Sharing is life’s greatest gift
opening eyes to see the rift
Spreading positive energy
brings a flowing synergy
Which builds and builds upon itself
magnifying mind, body, and wealth

Creating possibility
increases probability

Long Form 139 Politicalrant

For centuries we have had delusion
where peace has been a bright illusion
In the mind is where it starts
bursting out of people’s hearts
Give the artist an ending rhyme
will we get it right this time?

Open your heart
a place to start

Devious Metaphors 140 Politicalrant

Long Form 141 Johnny Sonique

R R* eaper’s ebirth *

Down with idea killers !

Devious Metaphors 142 Reaper’s Rebirth

It was on a young day in almost May

when first we heard of the Joon
They say she gormished and possibly tormished
by the light of a pale blue moon

She used to be seen and was quite bleen
in and around the square
The spin and turns of her little egg-yerns
stirred up the bright morning air

She was old magic, a little tragic
this favorite of the Muse
Her alluring eyes full of dark surprise
inspiring us all to cruise

Was fated to be, we all could see
to fight the blackening blight
Book burning blokes and non- thinking folks
hide novelty, truth and light

On streets of desire we’d never tire
using our talents, we flew
Four together in all kinds of weather
watching for the Maloo

Long Form 143 Reaper’s Rebirth

The subtle Maloo with its quivering crew
of rigidly held belief
Clings to the mind and makes it blind
as a sneaky night-time thief

On a great white horse with gentle force
pranced the knighted Neemes
Sworn to protect and never neglect
all young and glorious themes

Neemes came along, sang his song
like a loud early-morning birth
What we don’t understand and don’t demand
may have something of worth

They made a grand pair, the Joon and her heir
routing evil shadows together
They fought stale thoughts and mind numbing plots
that smelled of dust and old leather

The Muse soon joined and sometimes coined
new phrasing to guide us ahead
Like innovation and inspiration
variety being our bed

Devious Metaphors 144 Reaper’s Rebirth

The Muse and her sisters, like gentle twisters
orchestrate a grand design
They come forth to route, the darkening doubt
of the deep artistic mind

By the heart we were lead and never did dread
to find the new and gripatious
By the Muse we were backed, though odds were stacked
ideas soon went pallatious

Spreading grand notions enjoyed over potions
enforced our growing worth
We soon realized we weren’t Sanforized
brains could shrink to smurth

To stop the drains and increase our brains
with the Joon we delved even deeper
Ideas were flying that sent hearts sighing
we shunned the Censoring Reaper

The Censoring Reaper isn’t your keeper
though you may feel so safe
In your ear he’ll coo and target you
jet fighter coming in to strafe

Long Form 145 Reaper’s Rebirth

He has sharp words for all the birds
who stray between the lines
He demands compliance and much reliance
on the status quo, he dines

He’ll use social pressure like an Escher
playing on our fears
Magic of illusion, increasing delusion
forward motion disappears

Hearing words right requires subtle flight
to have them make good sense
We learned from the Joon, under the moon
and balanced on the fence

Ah, the fence, and don’t be dense
seeing gray is really quite fine
Not made of blacks, and white it lacks
a softly murmuring mime

There are great things that have odd rings
we’re often not sure about
We go where they lead, follow the seed
and delve into wonderful doubt

Devious Metaphors 146 Reaper’s Rebirth

We were assailed and almost jailed
for thinking out-of-the-box
Dark clouds were growing, evil and glowing
we moved as smooth as a fox

The battle was fated but we were rated
number one on the creative turf
Life’s small stuff with confusing fluff
we parted with lots of mirth

The Reaper appeared but no one cheered
the night as dark as rain
Men won’t grow, when all things they know
no new ideas to gain

The light of the new, out of the blue
gave the Reaper shocks
Neemes’ noble skill swooped in with a will
tossing back whiskey on rocks

The Reaper’s eyes lit with surprise
focusing for the kill
His poison-pill ways and hell-raising gaze
stifled our fiery free will

Long Form 147 Reaper’s Rebirth

Neemes has a way of saving the day
just when boredom sets in
Creating brain-dazzle and razzamatazzle
sends bullets of love with a grin

The Reaper was down, on the ground
too long in the world of sequential
Little utility and no flexibility
his world without potential

Visions of beauty, a new-found duty
kept the reaper from doom
He gained perspective, a new directive
the Big Picture starting to bloom

Points of view were wrought anew
as we all fought to survive
The Reaper’s frown turned upside down
bringing him fully alive

Neemes and the Muse, how could we lose?
fighting on creative seas
Awareness rewards, lest the swords
bring us to our knees

Devious Metaphors 148 Reaper’s Rebirth

The truth of these pages brought by the sages
dancing through the years
Is clearly unfolding as we are holding
the fruit of those word mutineers

The questions of life are really quite rife
sometimes you need assistance
The Joon’s ideas play with your ears
soothing inner resistance

Our brains will grow a wonderful show
a multi-dimensional world
The ins and outs of our neural routes
around new ideas are twirled

The wonderful brain on the thin lane
between unrealities
Gains exercise, and throws out lies
creating a fresh new breeze

The Censoring Reaper was a keeper
now a part of the play
He fights steadfast for things that will last
protecting the Mind Cabaret

Long Form 149 Reaper’s Rebirth

So remember Neemes when you have dreams
and the going gets so tough
Remember the Joon when you have a tune
with a melody that’s rough

Remember the Muse when you have used
all your forward motion
She guides you along, singing your song
like a gentle soothing lotion

We speak in rhymes and play our mimes
enjoying a nice cold beer
Now we’ll wait, anticipate
the sun of a new idea !

Devious Metaphors 150 Reaper’s Rebirth

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