D MEVIOAUbSook of pEoeTtiAc iPdeHasORS
Eclectic poetry and thoughts for humans
On these pages spiders weave Ideas they protect since man began
their silver strands of fate a bid to collect them all
For those willing to receive Trying to stem the rising tide
in silk the truth awaits of mankind’s free-for-all
Spiders weave their latticework The wisdom of a quiet weaver
to integrate ideas through circumstance and time
It is their sacred calling Connecting disbeliever
their mission through the years with mystery and rhyme
In and out the lines of rhyme So when you see a spider busy
they scurry to and fro doing what she’ll do
Knitting wisdom for our time Say a quiet thanks to her
allowing us to grow She’s only here for you
Devious Metaphors Weavers
MEVIOAUbSook of poEetTic AidePasHORS
D by
Eclectic poetry and thoughts for humans
See Author’s Notes for an understanding of the poems
These poems were written and edited in the
period from 2002 to 2019.
In the poems, any resemblance to persons living,
dead, or ... undead, unless noted, is purely
coincidental. The Universe does an extraordinary
job of mixing things up. So ... it could happen.
Layout, Design and Text by John Paynter
Published by Sonic Soup Music & Design
[email protected]
Printed by Sonic Soup Graphics
© 2020 John Paynter all rights reserved
This is a first edition
Set in Gentium Book Basic, Martina, Campbell, Curlz MT, Minion, Monotype
Corsiva, Kozuka Mincho Pro, MV Boli and Calfisch Script Pro. The software used
are Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word.
Devious Metaphors Copyright
This tome is dedicated to the two
most important people in my life
My wife Dawn
My best friend Jeff
Johnny Sonique Dedication
This First Edition is specially dedicated
Jeff Sadowski
who, on countless occasions,
has sung my song back to me
when I have forgotten the words.
An excellent self-help coach and business
author, he works hard to figure out the
Universe and divert its energy to where it
is most needed.
He is here for all of us.
Devious Metaphors Dedication
Devious Metaphors Johnny Sonique
ContentsWhats Where?
Devious Metaphors 10 Contents
About the Author 294
Acknowledgements 286
Afterward 292
Attributions 288
Author’s notes 276
Contents 6
Dedications 10
End poem (The End) 7
First lines 296
Forward 22
Introduction 34
Opening poem (Weavers) 36
Johnny Sonique 11 Contents
Poems 12 39
Another Hit 197
Art Muscle
Bean Wine 215
Beast 216
Birthday 244
Bla 268
Blank Page 198
Blooming 199
Borrowing 245
Brain Dance 176
Devious Metaphors
Brush Stroke 13 247
Cabaret 178
Censorship 52
Changing You 217
Chariot 218
CQ 179
Creativity 201
Cup of Time 56
Currency 234
Day Job 1 248
Day Job 2
Dayjobrant 64
Johnny Sonique Contents
Devious Metaphors 33
Dexterity 250
Diet 251
Digging 180
Dualism 42
Duality 219
Embers 203
Everwar 223
Expired 224
Fall 226
Devious Metaphors 14
Finished Work 68
Fire 202
Fire Bell
Freedom 72
Gold 182
Guitar 183
Heavy Metal 253
I Want To Play 204
Inner World
I Speak To You Contents
Johnny Sonique 15
Jeff Lims 270
Just Like Me 90
Kaleidoscope 94
Last Resort 100
Lessons 255
Life 228
Listen 1 230
Listen 2 232
Love 256
Devious Metaphors 16
Murphy 110
My Reality 184
New Idea 173
Ode To Ele 114
Open 257
Open Mic 185
Out There
Painting the World 126
Pen to Paper 258
Pied Piper
Play 38
Johnny Sonique 17
Politicalrant 136
Ports 259
Punny 260
Quantum 187
Reading 235
Reaper’s Rebirth 152
Recycle 261
Relief 205
Religionrant 262
Rose 236
Safe Harbor
Devious Metaphors 18
Science 188
Sculpting 158
Status Quo 208
Stretch 189
Strings 263
Sweet Revenge 264
Symphony 192
The End 296
The Plug 239
Time 240
Time-Coin 164
Time’s Tragedy 168
Tomorrow 266
Johnny Sonique 19
Weavers 4
Work To Do
Zombie 213
Devious Metaphors 20 Contents
Devious Metaphors 21 Johnny Sonique
First LinesOut of the gate
Devious Metaphors 22 First Lines
A book cover is the present 235
A chariot of white 245
A limerick writer supesrb
Ah distinctly I remember 73
Ah the fiery breath of art 203
An assignment finally came along 216
An idea will bite 188
Any port in a mind storm 259
As the days go by 254
At Wordslingers bar a poet 257
A book cover is the present 235
Brains transcend the daily stuff 181
Can I borrow? 211
Johnny Sonique 23 First Lines
Coffee-the nectar of the gods 215
Captain Rochester 69
Cherish your visions 43
Digging under the rocks of life 180
Dammit Janet 182
Do you have great things to say?
Einstein’s train 187
Epic poetry and the sonnets 226
Eyes overloaded
From the core of time and randomness 83
Give me an idea any day 192
Devious Metaphors 24 First Lines
He bowed to the food machine 251
He painted everything under the sun
Here’s to another 91
His license expired 224
I bring something into being 179
I feel your 1’s and 0’s
I got a good buzz sipping pleasure fuzz 95
I have a habit of hanging out 87
I have a shiny time-coin 240
I have no illusions 185
I keep my mind open 193
I raise my cup of wisdom 228
I reach across the unyielding years 165
I speak to you as a caring friend 273
Johnny Sonique 25 First Lines
I spend my time seeking rhyme 198
I tried to wipe my shadow off 232
I went traveling one dark day
If you really don’t care 101
I’m a mind musician 219
Into your mind insight has flown 184
It was on a young day in almost May 227
I must use my time to write my rhyme 143
I’ve got big plans in lots of lands 246
I’ve got to have my Murphy fix! 57
Jeff was that real kind of guy 271
Johnny had the computer from hell
Left hemisphere feels so dear 176
Devious Metaphors 26 First Lines
Like a rushing freight train 239
My mind is in the fragrant breeze 33
My real day always starts at dusk
Neural-net nannies
On these pages spiders weave 178
Our repartee feels to me
Out of the west came the pest 247
Painting the universe in your mind 213
Please crush the boring 187
Poems spew forth
Einstein’s train
Johnny Sonique 27 First Lines
Reality must have an arc 255
Seeds of doubt sowing 223
Shield me from these revelations 159
Some sculpt in sound 263
Someone’s jerking my strings 183
Sound waves crashing 204
Spending our time before it’s given
Take the long way home 53
Thanks for the readings 202
The artist is out of her element 77
The books gaze down in celebration
The brain is important, that’s true 267
The coldness of the working tomb 199
Devious Metaphors 28 First Lines
The economy tanks 234
The eye buzzing down 121
The large collider as seen by outsider 153
The liquid glass of the timeless sea 220
The status quo is like a tyrant 208
The sting of the bee 258
The unknown is scary 205
There once was a bat named Dean 243
There once was a bla bla bla 268
There once was a candy machine 264
There once was a guy named Cody 253
There once was a Jeff I’m told 271
There once was a Jeff with a brain 271
There once was a Jeff with vision 271
There once was a lady named Rose 262
Johnny Sonique 29 First Lines
There once was a man from Salisbury 260
There once was a man named Jeff (1) 271
There once was a man named Jeff (2) 271
There once was a noise 107
There once was an artist from Mass 248
There once was an artist of worth 249
There once was paper and pencil too 250
There once were two heads named Jeff 271
They tell that my mental reach 189
Thinking blindly, I suspect 266
This form of poetry I’m told 256
To put pen to paper 127
Want a new idea, one that might hurt 173
We have a theory for everything
Devious Metaphors 30 First Lines
We say Hooray! 115
What is the end ? 237
When life’s voyage gets the best of me
When you sigh I want to cry 47
Whether it’s a flam paradiddle 197
Work nights are too short 244
Work on birthdays is a sin
You just have to ask 261
Yo, listen, I gotta say
Johnny Sonique 31 First Lines
Devious Metaphors 32 Johnny Sonique
Devious Metaphors
My mind is in the fragrant breeze
With metaphors and similes
Twisting, turning
Always yearning
For the brilliant mental sneeze
They congregate in secret places
Wearing handsome frisky faces
Mind unbound
Creation found
They feel like heaven’s graces
~ From the Book of Voluminous Thoughts
Devious Metaphors 33 Devious Metaphors
ForwardWhat did he say?
Devious Metaphors 34 Forward
You are about to embark on a quite a marvelous journey.
One that’s full of wit, wonder, and mystery. For this isn’t just
another poetry book, dear reader.
In my 25 years of knowing the author personally, I can hon-
estly say that I’m still amazed and amused by his wisdom, and
his unique way with words. By drawing on the inspiration of e. e.
cummings and Dr. Seuss (with an occasional splash of Walt Whit-
man), Devious Metaphors will take you to places that you’ve
never been, and to places that you didn’t know you needed to go
until you arrived!
By carefully mixing the perfect blend of big ideas, weird but
wonderful words, and ways to put them together that will make
you smile, I’m sure John would agree that any one of his poems
are only here for two very good reasons. To entertain you, and
to expand your mind.
Ever since I’ve known him, we’ve both had the same goals in
mind. To understand life as much as possible, and to enjoy the
experience of sharing that together. And that’s exactly what
he’s done with this book. Through his lens, you’ll see life as the
magical, beautiful, and sometimes dark and ironic place that it can
be, without ever losing your sense of wonder.
And if that’s not a great place to begin any worthwhile ad-
venture, then, what would be?
All that you’ll need to do from here is to keep your mind
and your eyes wide open, and keep your hands and feet safely in-
side, until the ride comes to a complete stop. And with that...
Enjoy the Trip! ~ Jeff Sadowski
“A Place Where we Love To Be”
Johnny Sonique 35 Forward
IntroductionWhat could happen?
Devious Metaphors 36 Introduction
Ahh...the wonderful lyricism of rhythm, words, and ideas.
These playful idea snippets have been circulating in my
overactive brain for decades. I finally had to create a way to
organize them that so they could speak to the world. They
were threatening to burst through my already thin line of
Keeping to a standard poetic format is also an excep-
tional form of mental exercise and, as I’m entering the age
of risk for dementia, a way to possibly gain a few more
protective brain cells. Incorporating a flow to the words is
a holdover from my songwriting discipline and serves well for
readability and entertainment.
A poem should have either rich language, vivid meta-
phors or a rhyme scheme to lend musicality, flow and for-
ward motion. Not having these, the words are merely an
Putting abstract ideas in a coherent form also allowed
me to experiment with communication and the playful con-
cepts my imagination, always waiting under the rug, might
come up with.
May you find something useful to put in your cup of experi-
Enjoy... Johnny S
Johnny Sonique 37 Introduction
Epic poetry and the sonnets
all have their wonderful place
Honored lines are written here
for none are ever disgraced
A playful rhyme, a lazy thought
they do have something to say
Twists and turns of clever words
show a mind at play
Devious Metaphors 38 Poetry
D Mevious etaphors
The Poems
The flow of words mirrors the flow of life
Johnny Sonique 39 The Poems
Devious Metaphors 40 Johnny Sonique
L Fong ormRattling on
Devious Metaphors 41 Long Form
*Dreamship *
For all blessed with the magic of looking forward
Devious Metaphors 42 Dreamship
Cherish your visions
and make the decisions
to be a dreamer now
It’s a magical day
when you can say
you’ve sailed on the creative scow
A ship so fine
that in its prime
finds gold in the minds of men
Sailors on high
reaching a sky
as mighty as the pen
Ideas do flow
as does the crow
from sea to shining sea
We all are joined
and new words are coined
from just our passion to be
Long Form 43 Dreamship
We part the waves
for so many slaves
to the common and concrete
We set a new course
and are a force
for the abstract and new beat
Yes, completing ourselves
like magical elves
is a thing you and I can do
We’re now recovered
and we’ve discovered
it feels so incredibly new
All do the same
we’re never to blame
for the ups and downs of life
We steer by firm hand
until we see land
and the end of our stress and strife
So come on board
and bring your hoard
of wants and hopes and dreams
We are never blind
in this state of mind
it’s all as fun as it seems !
Devious Metaphors 44 Dreamship
Long Form 45 Johnny Sonique
*Art Muscle *
Perfected skills are the ultimate high!
Devious Metaphors 46 Art Muscle
Whether it’s a flam paradiddle
or the voice of a fiddle
artistry is enjoyed
It’s the ultimate toddy
for mind and body
a subtle magic employed
On the music computer
I’m a slick commuter
building my songs to hustle
No time to dare
to find what’s there
and rebuild my lost art’s muscle
The magic was real
fingers were steel
played for days at the Palace
I’d give up a song
for the times long gone
I had more than my little mouse-callous
Now there’s no flow
computer songs grow
building sound upon singular sound
I long to play
songs all the way
body with emotion crowned
Long Form 47 Art Muscle
Why can’t they stay?
and not slip away
skills so hard to keep
The things we learn
midnight oil we burn
still out of our minds they creep
So now I’m rusty
my mind is dusty
flow has gone away
Fingers on strings
are alien things
when I try to play
Being ready to go
And in the flow
Is a wonderful thing
Honing a talent
Is so gallant
Makes my light heart sing
We’re all very special
And sometimes wrestle
With a unique way to be
Spreading my thoughts
With odd little plots
Is the way for me
Devious Metaphors 48 Art Muscle
So I’ll use what I have
And as a light salve
Remember it’s an artist’s pain
We are panoramic
And art is dynamic
I’ve got so much to gain
We learn by doing
But maybe I’m chewing
Off more than I can say
I did it once
And I’m no dunce
Might as well go all the way
They say there’s time
but I’ve projects on line
I won’t disappoint my clients
You may have guessed
I’m a perfectionist
I rise up in stark defiance
Of losing a skill
and unique thrill
once I thought was perfection
Could I do it again?
what would I win?
maybe regain my direction?
Long Form 49 Art Muscle
Now with gray hair
bringing wisdom to bear
I learn from long-past years
I’m so much smarter
I’ll be a self-starter
pushing past the fears
The art lives on
when skills are gone
we are but transient things
But if we’re clever
the work is forever
and gives to others, wings
So, no ‘pology
to young biology
I’ll take my place with the rest
I’ll learn from the older
and mimic the bolder
until I’m at my best
The flame of my focus
has at its locus
the joy of being alive
I may get fried
but At least I’ve tried
art will always survive!
Devious Metaphors 50 Art Muscle