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Published by Ellie White, 2022-05-13 07:01:53

TB preproduction

TB preproduction

Wendy Kimberly
Doctor Rawya Badreldin – Consultant Gastroenterologist and Endoscopy Clinic Lead – James Paget
She opposed all the odds in first lockdown and maintained the service available for suspected cancer
patients. The care of patients wasn’t compromised by the pandemic, neither was staff safety.

Dr William Nottcutt – anaesthetist at JPUH
Willy sadly passed away during the pandemic. He was an anaesthetist at the James Paget Hospital.
He taught current James Paget staff at medical school at UEA and again throughout their training.
He is well-known for his pioneering work into cannabis in palliative care.

Donna Todd – Student Nurse – Norfolk Community Health Care Trust

Russel Murdoch – ITU Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
It was really difficult wearing PPE for 13-hour shifts.

Linda Davis – Specialist Stroke Nurse - James Paget Hospital
Linda recently retired from nursing after an amazing 47 years of service. She came back again during
the pandemic to be a vaccinator. 2021 was her final year in nursing after 48 years' service

Africa Gomez Rojas - Staff Nurse – Norfolk And Norwich Hospital

Angie Crowe – Nurse – James Paget Hospital
She has lived apart from her husband who is on the road to recovery from an ITU admission. She
asked if her portrait could be dedicated to him and all patients that have either won or lost the battle
with covid.

Laura Jenkins – Community Nurse – Norfolk Community and Healthcare Trust
People don't often notice the nurses that work so hard in the community as they are not always so

Lauren Weyer – ITU Sister – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Lauren is a young mum and had to leave her two boys with her family to go to work each day to
nurse patients in intensive care. Her boys loved to clap on a Thursday for her and her husband Jamie,
who is also a frontline worker.

Ryan Roffey – Oncology Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
He works on a chemo ward which is still giving vital healthcare to cancer patients so their treatment
can continue through this crisis. I worry about him all the time and miss him very much.

Sarah Farrow – Staff Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich University
She has worked tirelessly on covid wards, since the beginning of the pandemic. She works 5 long
shifts every week to help support her colleagues.

Toni Ogogo – Sister / Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Her partner is a firefighter in London and they literally work opposite shifts so they can continue to
support those in need as well as having either mum or dad at home to be with the girls.

Vic Skippen – A&E Sister – James Paget
Vic volunteered to work in our covid red area back in March. She separated herself from her family
and vulnerable husband in order to protect them. She then contracted Covid herself but came back

Abii Leigh, A&E Covid Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Abii is a new mum but because she is working treating patients with suspected Covid she is living
away from home to keep her family safe. It’s a huge sacrifice to make.

Amy Kingston – A&E Doctor – James Paget Hospital

Carolyn Fowler – Director of Nursing for The Norfolk Community Health Care and NHS Trust
She had not been home for many weeks and was living separately from her family to protect them
from the virus. She wasn't sure when she would be able to return home to see them again.

Clare Williamson – Health Care Assistant – Norfolk Norwich University
Since the covid-19 global pandemic she had been unable to see her mother who has dementia and is
in a care home that was 'shielding'. Claire hadn’t been separated from her for 25 years. She found it
particularly hard when she had her birthday. Her mother sadly passed away during the pandemic
early in 2021.

Helen Shreeve – Admin Assistant – Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust

Karen Church – Health Care Assistant Community Nurse
Karen was meant to be going back to Turkey to be with her family and young grandchildren. Instead
she has been stuck in the UK. So rather than just waiting for flights to resume she has come out of
retirement and gone back to look after vulnerable, housebound patients in the community.

Laura Brenner – A&E Doctor – James Paget Hospital

Illona Troiceanu – Endoscopist Nurse – James Paget Hospital

Nurse Morag Wells – Orthopedic Nurse – James Paget Hospital

Rachel Brice – Sister and Vaccinator – James Paget University
She has worked tirelessly through the pandemic. Her husband also works at the hospital but she has
had to separate herself from him and two young boys to be able to work and keep her family safe.
She works non-stop and now is taking extra duties as a vaccinator on top her own regular shifts.

Rebecca Crossley – Learning Disability Nurse JPUH
Rebecca recognised the challenges people with learning difficulties may face when it comes to
receiving their vaccination, such as being in a crowded loud, unfamiliar environment, let alone having
to have a giant needle stuck in their arm.

Theresa Myhill - Community nurse Wymondham NCHC

Nurse Hazel Fyfes – Nurse – Norfolk & Norwich Hospital

Zara – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Sister – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

David Gillingwater
Wendy Kimberly – Nurse – Norwich

Jennifer Gotch-Kane – A&E

Lidia Ignatov – NHS Nurse

Dr Hean Wu – Orthopaedics Junior Doctor – Belfast Nightingale Hospital

Jamie Jones – Ex Military Paramedic, brought back to work in London Nightingale Hospital

Libby Tett – Radiographer – Chelmsford Broomfield, Suffolk

Nurse Laura – Front Line Nurse – Ipswich Hospital

Andrew Dibben
Velda-Sarah, Staff Nurse A&E, James Paget University Hospital

Andrea, Staff Nurse, James Paget University Hospital

Claire Whitehouse, Staff Nurse, Research Dept, James Paget University Hospital

Danni Warner, Staff Nurse, James Paget University Hospital

Kim Hall, Staff Nurse, A&E, James Paget University Hospital

Susan Taylor
Gerry Baldwin – A&E Department - Norfolk and Norwich Hospital

Anthony Bagley
Rhian Cruickshank – Assistant Practitioner at the Oncology & Haematology Unit – James Paget

Hannah Aria
Helen Richer – Recovery Staff Nurse - Ipswich Hospital

Lucy Alexandra
Sammi – Carer
Sammi was working as a carer during the pandemic and struggled to balance the intense workload
plus being herself. She has come out stronger with experience she will have for a lifetime.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
> Sent: 01 March 2022 11:42
> To: Buchan, Ellie (Staff) <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: Getting there!
> Hi Ellie
> I watched the four films last night
> My favourite at this point is Toby.
> But I'll give you feedback on all of them.
> My initial brief was to use the images of the NHS staff, with an
> audio/text of their feelings things like: I didn't see my family for 6
> weeks, the mask cut into my face kind of thing. With a rolling text
> reel at end with artists and workers listed on it.
> Jacob: big block of Wendy images and names (I think it was Wendy's
> name from recollection) to a viewer this wouldn't make sense as the
> images can't be all of her - so maybe 'artist: Wendy' - though I'd
> prefer the images to be mixed up and list at end. Andrew Dibbon is
> Dibben
> Mia P: too quick can't read phrases. Again artist but not NHS name
> Milly: artist name too big and doesn't connect with picture
> Toby: slow & artists not mixed up - which I think would be better as two artists
> have lots, others only a few - would look less one sided. Great to see
> titles at end but they're a bit quick
> Voice overs? Did you get to talk to any of the NHS workers? Or you
> could use the students voicing the phrases some of which were already
> quoted in the original emails
> It might be fun to note that both Kate and Wendy are also NHS workers
> This show opens Friday 11th and I'll be busy with hang next week so
> ideally like to get this sorted this week if possible
> All best
> Sarah

>> From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
>> Sent: 31 August 2021 13:47
>> To: Buchan, Ellie (Staff) <[email protected]>
>> Subject: The Yare Gallery
>> Dear Ellie
>> I am the new curator at The Yare Gallery and keen to work with you
>> all. I understand from chats with my colleagues that your students
>> did a video previously and wondered if this might be something you
>> might like to do again?
>> The project I have in mind is for an exhibition in the early part of
>> next year about Humans. The film bit will be about the NHS Heroes
>> project where artists have created portraits for the medical staff.
>> I'd like a montage of the images with one liner phrases such as 'I
>> worked 48 hours non stop', 'my colleagues died', 'the masks left
> sores
>> on my face' kind of phrases over the top of the slide by of
> portraits.
>> These could be spoken by the medical staff themselves or perhaps by
>> your students.
>> This film would then be shown on a loop at our exhibition in late
>> February/early March (date TBC)
>> Is this something you might like to do?
>> I would also love your students to visit us here at the Gallery.
> Our
>> new public opening hours from next week will be 11-5 Tuesday to
>> Saturday, but I do have an earlier slot on each of those days to
>> accommodate private visits from groups and schools. If this is
>> something you'd like to do - do please let me know
>> I look forward to hearing from you
>> With very best wishes
>> Sarah Young
>> Curator and Gallery Manager
>> The Yare Gallery
>> 26 South Quay
>> Great Yarmouth

Anthony Bagley, Great Yarmouth
Rhian Cruickshank – Assistant Practitioner at the Oncology & Haemotology Unit – James Paget

Hannah Aria – Ipswich
Helen Richer – Recovery Staff Nurse - Ipswich Hospital

Lucy Alexandra
Sammi – Carer
Wendy Kimberly
Doctor Rawya Badreldin – Consultant Gastroenterologist and Endoscopy Clinic Lead – James Paget
Wendy Kimberly
Doctor Willy Notcutt – Anaesthetist – James Paget
Wendy Kimberly
Donna Todd – Student Nurse – Norfolk Community Health Care Trust
Wendy Kimberly
Russel Murdoch – ITU Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Linda Davis – Specialist Stroke Nurse - James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Africa Gomez Rojas - Staff Nurse – Norfolk And Norwich Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Angie Crowe – Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Laura Jenkins – Community Nurse – Norfolk Community and Healthcare Trust
Wendy Kimberly
Lauren Weyer – ITU Sister – Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Ryan Roffey – Oncology Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Sarah Farrow – Staff Nurse – Norfolk and Norwich University
Wendy Kimberly

Toni Ogogo – Sister / Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Vic Skippen – A&E Sister – James Paget
Wendy Kimberly
Abii Leigh, A&E Covid Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Amy Kingston – A&E Doctor – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Carolyn Fowler – Director of Nursing for The Norfolk Community Health Care and NHS Trust
Wendy Kimberly
Clare Williamson – Health Care Assistant – Norfolk Norwich University
Wendy Kimberly
Helen Shreeve – Admin Assistant – Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
Wendy Kimberly
Karen Church – Health Care Assistant Community Nurse
Wendy Kimberly
Laura Brenner – A&E Doctor – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Illona Troiceanu – Endoscopist Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Nurse Morag Wells – Orthopedic Nurse – James Paget Hospital
Wendy Kimberly
Rachel Brice – Sister and Vaccinator – James Paget University

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