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Published by nhanisahz, 2019-07-10 04:20:41

contohTentative programme-formatted

contohTentative programme-formatted


Twenty-sixth Meeting of Ministers of Health
New Delhi, India, 8–9 September 2008

4 September 2008

Tentative Programme

Day-Date-Time 0900 – 1215 hours** 1215- 1315– 1730 hours**
hours 1315-1350 hrs
Briefing on International
Monday, Meeting of the Ministers of Health Partnership (IHP)
8 Sep 2008 Health:
4. Millennium
0900-0930 hrs Registration Development Goals

0930-1030 hrs 2. Introductory Session 5. Climate Change and
Venue: 3. Follow-up Actions on Lunch break
*Cocktail the Decisions and 6. Any other item
Lounge (Third Recommendations of
Floor), Hotel the Twenty-fifth
Ashok New Meeting of Health
Delhi Ministers

1030-1045 hrs Tea/Coffee

1100-1150 hrs Joint Inaugural Session of the
Twenty-sixth Meeting of
Venue: Ministers of Health and Sixty-
*Banquet Hall first Regional Committee
Hotel Ashok
(Third Floor)
New Delhi

Day-Date 0900 – 1230 hours** 1230 – 1600 – 1730 hours**

Tuesday, (Regional Committee Session) (Adjourn Regional
9 Sep 2008 Committee and reconvene
Meeting of Ministers of
Venue: Health)
WHO South-
East Asia 7. Adoption of the
Regional Report
New Delhi 8. Closing Session

* Hotel Ashok, Diplomatic Enclave, 50-B Chankyapuri, New Delhi 110021, Tel 00-91-11-26110101/ 26116161,
Fax 00-91-11-26873216, E-mail – [email protected]; [email protected].

** Timings would be flexible.
Coffee/tea break 1030-1100 hrs and 1530-1600 hrs.

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