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Published by sgardner, 2019-04-08 10:29:45

Go Wyoming_Final spring 2019

Go Wyoming_Final spring 2019

The Official Newsletter of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Office

6th Edition / April 2019 /

Photo by Rocco Laurienzo WTTahygoolniimInsPneingCIsg.os6Cin!sdoteuuesnttey :


Glen Iris Arcade & Attica
Inn Railroad

Letchworth State Park


2 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Much to see, taste and do at Glen Iris Inn
The Glen Iris Inn is locat- and family celebrations at the two-story frame house near the any other part of the valley.
ed in scenic Letchworth State Rocco Laurienzo/Daily News/File Inn and throughout Letchworth remains of the burned-out lum- Inspired by this, Letchworth
Park, which was voted the Smoked trout is the signature dish at State Park. ber mill. chose the word ‘Iris,’ a syno-
No. 1 state park in the United Glen Iris Inn nym for ‘rainbow,’ and named
States. The Middle Falls, which William P. Letchworth was Owned by Michael Smith, the his estate the Glen Iris.
is the tallest of the three major line’s Dining Room opens each looking for the perfect site for a house had been built by Alva
waterfalls within the park, is year on Good Friday of Easter country retreat where he could Palmer in 1828. The view was William Pryor Letchworth
located steps from the Glen Iris weekend, and serves breakfast, entertain his family and friends. spectacular, and as he gazed to- was born in 1832 to a Quak-
Inn, formerly the home of Wil- lunch and dinner daily through One morning in the spring of ward the South overlooking the er family of high standing. As
liam Pryor Letchworth who do- the fall season. During the peak 1858, he stepped off a train as falls, he knew he had found his a humanitarian and historian,
nated the house along with the season of fall, dining reserva- it slowly approached a bridge country retreat. “Letchworth his desire was to have the Glen
founding thousand acres that tions are strongly recommend- high above the Genesee River. acquired the house in February Iris, with is scenic grandeur,
started Letchworth State Park. ed. Caroline’s also offers ca- Standing on the bridge, he was 1859 and immediately began preserved in its natural state so
tering services for weddings, touched by the natural beauty renovations. The local Indians future generations could enjoy
Today, the Inn offers over- corporate meetings and picnics of the powerful river rushing had named the area ‘An-de- the beauty so dear to his heart.
night accommodations ranging below. Gazing at the falls, he ka-gakwa,’ meaning the place Before his death on Dec. 12,
from Victorian style guestrooms noticed that the sun shining on where the sun lingers,’ and it 1910, he made provisions for
and suites at the Inn, modern the spray below formed a per- has been said through Indian the Glen Iris and surrounding
lodges and luxury townhouses fect rainbow. While walking lore that when the sun pass- property to be a gift to the peo-
at Pinewood, as well as fully along the left bank of the riv- es over the glen, it pauses a ple of New York State to be
appointed rental homes. Caro- er, Letchworth found a large moment longer there than at used as a permanent park.

Glen Iris Inn
Letchworth State Park

Open Daily through November 3rd

Spring Retreat Packages

Sunday through Thursday evenings from April 21st through May 23rd
The packages include dinner for two

(garden salad, rolls & butter, entree with accompaniments)
and breakfast for two with packages starting at $199/couple

Spring Gourmet Dinner &
Inspire Moore Wine Tasting

Friday, April 26th - 6:00pm Reception - 6:30pm Dinner
Make your reservations now for this popular event!

Friday Haddock Fish Fry

Every Friday! Lunch 11:30am-3:00pm • Dinner 5:00-8:30pm

The New Lofts at Pinewood

River’s Edge and Eagle Hill Lofts offer a living room with gas fireplace, flat screen satellite TV,
kitchenette, full bathroom with two person whirlpool tub and walk in shower, furnished patio area,

loft bedroom with king bed, $310 per night plus tax.
New for this season: The Lofts are included in the Spring Retreat Package for $350/couple!

Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY 14427
Phone: (585) 493-2622 Fax: (585) 493-5803 •

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 3

Adventures in Quality, Achievement at

Hilltop Printshop

“Every day is a new adven- same when your list of busi- non-disabled staff work side- Marlin Troyer Submitted Photo
ture,” Marlin Troyer answers ness offerings includes manu- by-side to deliver rapid turn-
with a smile, when asked what als, booklets, newsletters, bro- around on high-quality proj- “Marlin is also our spokes 4pm, Monday through Friday,
it’s like to work at Hilltop chures, letterhead, stationery, ects. guy,” she says. “He’s always at 3 East State Street in Mount
Printshop, a full-service de- raffle tickets, and more. But willing to give a tour.” Morris, or call 585-658-2828
sign shop and pressroom op- the words also apply to the Marlin’s own adventure at ext. 201.
erated by The Arc of Living- overall inclusive, prob- the Printshop began in July of Visit Marlin from 8am to
ston-Wyoming. lem-solving philosophy of the 2006. He had been working
Printshop team. various janitorial jobs through
It’s a mantra that was started The Arc, when the Job Coach
by Graphics Manager Amy “Whenever a challenge who supervised him recom-
Woodhouse, who supervises arises, we just use that phrase mended that he take a shot at
Marlin and five other employ- and then teamwork to solve an open Printshop job. The
ees at the Printshop, which is the problem,” Amy says. “It rest is history.
part of The Arc’s Hilltop Busi- really is a key thing here, to
ness Services campus in keep it positive instead of any Today, Marlin is one of the
Mount Morris. self-doubt or frustration.” most tenured employees, and
he serves as Team Leader.
“New adventures” arrive The Arc is the area’s largest Among his responsibilities:
daily in the form of custom not-for-profit agency that sup- setting up machines, keeping
projects that range from sim- ports persons with develop- the areas clean, and being a
ple 3.5 x 2 inch business cards mental disabilities. The Print- mentor to others.
to brilliant 3.5 x 10 foot color shop is an Integrated Busi-
banners, and everything in be- ness, where individuals who On top of all of that, Marlin
tween. No two jobs are the receive Arc services and plays a key role in customer
service, according to Amy.

4 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Cedar Street Makes Buying Fun & Easy

Since 1993 Cedar Street Submitted Photo
Sales and Rental has been
the place to go for all of your and encourage reservations about our money saving We have been locally
lawn & garden equipment and require no deposits. Ask 5-hour rentals. owned & operated since 1993.
needs. We have been a Top
50 Cub Cadet dealer in the Celebrating 26 Years 1993-2019
nation for 24 straight years.
Buying a new mower does • Best Cub Cadet Prices FREE TEST DRIVES EVERY • Exceptional Financing Offers*
not need to be painful. Make • Service & Parts After the Sale DAY IN OUR TEST DRIVE PARK • Authorized Factory Warranty Center
it fun by taking a variety of • One of N.Y.'s Largest Inventories • No Pressure Non-Commissioned Staff
mowers for a test drive in our • We Make Buying Fun & Easy • Locally Owned & Operated
unique test drive park. Our
laid back, non-commissioned 2019 Lawn Tractors XT1/XT2 Series 2019 Residential Steering Wheel Zero-Turns
sales team’s sole objective
is to ensure that you find the LX 46 RZT SX 42 KH Award winning Zero-turn
right mower for your appli- • 46” twin-blade cutting deck • 24hp Kohler 7000 Series OHV engine w/Smart-Choke riding mowers let you easily
cation and your budget. You • Optimized steering system • Full-pressure lubrication w/spin-on oil filter • 22 HP Kohler 7000 Series V-twin OHV engine mow around obstacles and
will never feel pressured to • Deluxe hydrostatic transmission w/enhanced automatic traction control • Four-wheel steering with steering wheel control cut down your mowing time!
buy nor hurried to make a • New tilt steering column with LED headlight
decision. Buying from Cedar
Street is like buying from a LT42 XT1 Series $1699 RZT SX 42 22 HP Twin Kohler 7000 - Dual ZT-2200 - Tilt Steering - Arm Rests - 42” Stamped Deck $3199
trusted friend. You won’t be LT46EFI 18 HP Single Kohler 5400 - Hydro Foot - Manual PTO - 42” Samped Deck $2199 RZT SX 46 23 HP Twin Kohler 7000 - Dual ZT-2200 - Tilt Steering - Arm Rests - 46” FAB Deck
disappointed. LX42 547cc EFI Cub Cadet Single - Hydro Foot - Electric PTO - 46” FAB Deck $3499
LX46 RZT SX 54 21.5 HP Twin Kawasaki FR651V - Dual ZT-2200 - Tilt Steering - Arm Rests - 54” FAB Deck $3899
We are one of Western New LX46EFI XT2 Series
York’s largest STIHL dealers. SLX50 22 HP Twin Kohler 7000 - Hydro Foot - Manual PTO - Bumper - 42” Stamped ZF S 48 24 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin PRO - Dual ZT-2800 - Tilt Steering - 48” FAB Deck
Our extensive inventory in- GX54D 24 HP Twin Kohler 7000 - Hydro Foot - Electric PTO - Bumper - 46” Stamped $1999 ZF S 54 25 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin PRO - Dual ZT-2800 - Tilt Steering - 54” FAB Deck $4399
cluding a dedicated cordless ZF S 60 25 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin PRO - Dual ZT-2800 - Tilt Steering - 60” FAB Deck $4699
section will ensure that you 679cc Cub Cadet Twin EFI - Hydro Foot - Electric PTO - 46” Fabricated $2199 $4799
find the perfect STIHL prod-
uct to solve your lawn and $2499
garden needs. Check out our 679cc Cub Cadet Twin EFI - Hydro Foot - Electric PTO -Brush Guard - Fast Attach Blades 50” FAB $2899
interactive touchscreen dis- 26 HP Twin Kohler 7000 - GT Hydrofoot-Diff Lock-Electric PTO-Brush Buard-Fast Attach Blades 54” FAB $3899
play that helps guide you to 2019 PRO-Z 100 Commercial Zero-Turns
the perfect STIHL product for
your needs. 2019 Shaft Drive Garden Tractors XT3 Series PRO Z 148 L EFI • 12cc commercial-grade transmission
• High-back suspension seat for all day comfort
Yanmar is one of the larg- Choose Your Tractor & Your Deck • Commercial grade 25 HP Kohler EFI engine
est and most innovative diesel • 48” 10-gauge steel commercial deck
engine manufacturer’s in the
world. Their compact tractors XT3 GSX • 25 HP Kohler Command twin horizontal engine PRO Z 148 L EFI 25 HP Kohler Confidant Twin EFI - ZT3400 - 48” FAB - ROPS - Lap Bars $5999
are second to none. You will • Shaft Driven Cast Iron Transmission with Diff-Lock • LED lights PRO Z 148 S EFI 25 HP Kohler Confidant Twin EFI - ZT3400 - 48” FAB - ROPS - Steering Wheel $7149
not find a faster starting nor
smoother running machine GS 22.5 HP Twin Kohler Command - Hydro - Electric PTO - Manual Lift - LED Lights $4499 2019 PRO-Z 500 Commercial Zero-Turns
anywhere. Every model is GSX 25 HP Twin Kohler Command - Hydro - Electric PTO - Electric Lift - EPS - Diff Lock - LED Lights $5499
bottom-line priced on our lot.
No games or no gimmicks. 42” Stamped Deck - $599 50” Stamped Deck - $799 54” Stamped Deck - $899 PRO Z 554 L KW
Stop in any time for a test 54” FAB Deck - $1099 60” FAB Deck (GSX ONLY) - $1299
drive. 48” FAB Deck - $999 • 27 HP Kawasaki FX850v (852cc) engine and 12cc Parker HTJ transmission
• 54” triple-7-gauge fabricated steel cutting deck with top, bottom and side reinforcements
Cedar Street has been rent- 2019 Residential Lap Bar Zero-Turns • 3-year limited commercial warranty (no hour limitations)
ing tools and equipment since
1993. We are constantly up- ZT2 50 PRO Z 560 L KW 27 HP Kawasaki FX850V - 12cc Parker HTJ - 60” FAB - ROPS - Lap Bars $8999
grading our modern fleet of PRO Z 554 S KW 27 HP Kawasaki FX850V - 12cc Parker HTJ - 54” FAB - ROPS - Steering Wheel $10699
equipment. Save time and • Premium 23 HP 726 Kawasaki FR 691 Series Twin-cylinder OHV Engine
money by renting the right • Ideal for mowing slightly rolling hills, up to 5 acres. 2019 PRO-Z 700-900 Commercial Zero-Turns
tool for the job. Give us a call • Open frame design and hinged/removable floor pan for easy maintenance
to tell us what your project • HD 11-gauge 50-in. fabricated triple-blade (high lift) deck PRO Z 960 S KW
involves and we will suggest
the proper tool. We accept ZT1 42 22 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin - Dual EZT 2200 - LED Light - 42” Stamped Deck $2699 • 35 HP Kawasaki FX1000v (999cc) engien and 16cc Parker HTG transmission
ZT1 46 22 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin - Dual EZT 2200 - LED Light - 46” Stamped Deck $2899 • 60” triple-7-gauge fabricated steel cutting deck with top, bottom and side reinforcements
ZT1 54 24 HP Kohler 7000 V-Twin - Dual EZT 2200 - LED Light - 54” FAB Deck $3099 • 3-year limited commercial warranty (no hour limitations)
ZT2 50
ZT2 54 23 HP Twin Kawasaki FR691 - Dual EZT 2800 - Arm Rests - LED Light - 50” FAB Deck PRO Z 760 L KW 31 HP Kawasaki FX921V - 14cc Parker HTG - 60” FAB - ROPS - Lap Bars $10699
ZT2 60 23 HP Twin Kawasaki FR691 - Dual EZT 2800 - Arm Rests - LED Light - 54” FAB Deck $3699 PRO Z 760 S KW 31 HP Kawasaki FX921V - 14cc Parker HTG - 60” FAB - ROPS - Steering Wheel $11399
24 HP Twin Kawasaki FR730 - Dual EZT 2800 - Arm Rests - LED Light - 60” FAB Deck $3899 PRO Z 960 L KW 35 HP Kawasaki FX1000V - 16cc Parker HTG - 60” FAB - ROPS - Lap Bars $11699
$4199 PRO Z 960 S KW 35 HP Kawasaki FX1000V - 16cc Parker HTG - 60” FAB - ROPS - Steering Wheel $12649

* Product Price — Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. Specifications and programs are subject to change without notice. Images may not reflect dealer inventory and/or unit specifications. Prior sales excluded,
while supplies last only. *Restrictions apply. See store for details. † As rated by Kohler, all power levels are stated in gross horsepower at 3,600 RPM per SAE J1940 as rated by engine manufacturer. †† As rated by Kawasaki, horsepower tested in accordance with SAE J1995 and rated in accordance with SAE J2723 and certified by
SAE International. Δ^ Commercial products are intended for professional use.

Owned & Operated by Your Friends & Neighbors Snce 1993 Professionally Serviced,
Set Up & Delivered in Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-2 Genesee County for
Sunday...Closed but we
will see you in church Only $39

Go Wyoming tracked was up to $564,809 April 2019 • 5
an 18% increase over last
President’s Message year. invite visitors to come to Wy-
oming County. If you would
“Spring is the time of plans Scott A. Gardner remains strong into the New We welcomed a new class like a copy of the guide,
and projects.” Tolstoy states Year with over 530 members, of Leadership Wyoming stu- please contact us and we can
in Anna Karenin, and that is President & CEO and we are always excited to dents in March, and will en- mail one to you – be sure to
true of our work at the Wyo- welcome new businesses into joy working with a new crop invite your friends. You will
ming County Chamber and taking that big step forward. the organization. This year we of future leaders through the find even more information
Tourism office. The sight of The Chamber membership have scheduled some fun net- 10 month program. Also at on the website at GoWyo-
sun, and the hope of warm working opportunities, and the beginning of March we
weather brings an optimism have a variety of seminars celebrated our Ag industry at
that we all look forward to af- to help our members in their the annual Pride of Ag Dinner We were also pleased to un-
ter a long winter season. day to day operations on top- welcoming over 320 to rec- veil the newly updated “Eat
ics ranging from marketing to ognize agri-businesses, farms Fresh - Buy Local” initiative
We ended the year with human resources issues. and individuals who are con- with Wyoming County Coop-
several ribbon cuttings and tributing to the success of our erative Extension. Under the
start 2019 in similar fashion In February, we announced farming community. tagline “A County of Boun-
with more planned in the fu- the winners and results from ty,” we have a new logo and
ture. It is always heartening the annual Shop Wyoming The official 2019 Wyoming web presence to invite local
to welcome new businesses and Win promotion. The good County Visitor Guide was re- residents and visitors to enjoy
to our communities and we news is that participation was leased at the beginning of the the great bounty available in
collectively thank them for up, and the dollar amount year and we have been send- Wyoming County. Most re-
ing them out in the world to cently we were able to enjoy

(Continued on next page.)

6 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Wyoming County Tagline Contest

To celebrate National Tour- take all of the entries and nar- most importantly – well-de-
ism week this year May 5 - 11, row them to three finalists. served bragging rights!
2019, the Wyoming County The top three will then go out
Chamber and Tourism office to the public for a week of vot- Entries can be made by
is kicking off a fun contest to ing via social media and the mailing them to Wyoming
come up with a new tagline winner will be announced on County Chamber and Tourism
that will help brand, identify, June 10, 2019. The Wyoming at 36 Center Street, Warsaw,
invite and welcome people to County tagline contest winner NY 14569, emailing them to
Wyoming County. will receive a $50 Wyoming info@gowyomingcountyny.
County Visa gift card – and com, or on the web at www.
“We have all heard those
unforgettable company and
travel taglines like Nike’s not need to be a resident of they make you feel, then come Staff Directory
“Just Do it” and travel market- Wyoming County to enter. up with a great tagline that
ing campaigns like ‘Virginia evokes those feelings. Scott A. Gardner, President and CEO
is for Lovers,’said Scott Gard- The tagline should describe
ner, Chamber and Tourism the best of Wyoming County. “There are so many things
President and CEO. “Now we It should convey how we rep- that make Wyoming County a Kelly Ashcraft, Director of Member Services
are inviting everyone to help resent our home to visitors. memorable place to visit,”
us come up with a great tag- The tagline should paint a pic- said Eric Szucs, Director of
line that best describes the ture of what is being de- Tourism. “Our goal is to cap- Eric Szucs, Director of Tourism & Marketing
home we all know and love so scribed, the experience of the ture the uniqueness of our
well.” place, or the uniqueness of home and share it with tourists
Wyoming County. The tagline to get them excited adventures 36 Center St., Suite A, Warsaw
The entry period begins on should try to avoid being too we offer. We know the com- (585) 786-0307
May 5, 2019 and runs through trendy or seasonal in nature, munity is incredibly creative,
5:00PM on May 20, 2019. The as we would like to use it for so we can’t wait to see the en-
tagline should be no more the entire county all year long. tries we get.”
than ten words to make it Try to make it memorable, for
quick to read and catchy. example, would it look good Following the close of the
Three entries are allowed per on a poster or a billboard? Be entry period, a committee will
person, and all ages may par- inspired, think of things in
ticipate in the contest. You do Wyoming County, and how

President’s considered for an award. Offers a full line of collection services with a proven
Message These are just a few of the track record that often meets and exceeds the
national average in recovery.
From previous page. positive things happening at
the sweet tastes of the Chamber and Tourism of- Do you want to increase your daily revenue and streamline
our great maple fice and more is yet to come your business document flow? Contact Amy Hope to schedule
industry, and a demo that will show you how to improve efficiency utilizing
will look to as the year progresses. secure, flexible, and compliant management tools offered by
even more For more informa-
outstand- tion on anything Outsource Realm.
ing locally you read about
produced in this publi-
offerings cation, please
as the year contact the Phone: (585) 496-5090 or 877-470-1087 261 Main Steet
progresses. Chamber Arcade, New York 14009
at 585-786-
The orga- 0307.
nization’s annual Once again,
awards ceremony will be thank you to all of
coming up in May, which is a
great time to celebrate several the advertisers, cham-
Wyoming County business- ber member businesses, and
es. The public is always wel- readers of this news section.
come to let us know if there We hope you enjoy your
is a business that should be spring and summer, and ask
you to support the local busi-
ness community by shopping

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 7

Sivue Farms to Host 2019 Agri-Palooza
The Wyoming County time this year, Agri-Palooza farm to learn more about their Chamber & Tourism is the
Chamber and Tourism is tion, one of the largest in the will include a tour of the on- agricultural neighbors. Visi- leading membership organi-
pleased to announce the 2019 area. They have 245 Angus site maple syrup facility. Erica tors will get a chance to view zation for local and regional
Agri-Palooza will be held at cows on their farm and sell the & Joe Jr have been active ad- educational displays; take growth, advocacy, and con-
Sivue Farms, 2520 Pee Dee majority of their beef locally vocates and supporters of ag- tours of the farm; and enjoy nection for Wyoming Coun-
Road, North Java, NY. This is “farm to freezer.” They crop riculture events in the com- children’s games and activi- ty’s business community. The
the 9th year of the award-win- farm just over 1,000 acres of munity in recent years. ties. Agri-businesses and re- Chamber & Tourism’s mis-
ning daylong Sunday event, land on which they harvest lated organizations will also sion is to serve the members
which highlights agriculture corn, soybeans, wheat, oats “Our family believes that be on-hand to show their work and community; promote and
in Wyoming County and wel- and hay. In addition to their educational opportunities for and the importance of agricul- grow the area’s economic and
comes the public to a working cow herd and crop land, they consumers are key to pro- ture to our local economy. Lo- tourism assets; and work col-
farm. The free event takes maintain and tap a 10,000 tree gressing agriculture in the fu- cal vendors will be available laboratively to create an envi-
place on Sunday, June 9, 2019 maple woods. For the first- ture,” said Erica Siler. “We at the on-site Farmers’ Market ronment that leads to the suc-
from Noon until 4:00 PM. welcome the chance to give with hand made goods and lo- cess and economic prosperity
the community tours and talk cal products for purchase. For of Wyoming County. For
Sivue Farms is owned and with folks about what happens more info and updates follow more info or to become a
operated by Mary & Joseph on our farm.” Agri-Palooza on Facebook at member please call 585-786-
Siler, Sr., and Erica & Joe 0307 or visit the website at
Siler, Jr. The main feature this Agri-Palooza is a free edu-
year will be their beef opera- cational event that invites the The Wyoming County
public onto a real working

The Cloisters

“Your Home Away From Home”

• Trained staff on Duty 24 • Comfortable. spacious resident
Hours a Day dining room and lounge

• Supervised medications • Individually controlled room
• Planned Activities and social temperatures
• Assistance with personal care • Garden Walkway - 500 foot
• Laundry of linens and sidewalk provides outdoor
personal clothing exercise, fresh air and a
• Housekeeping beautiful view of nature and
• Three meals daily perennial gardens
• Beauty and barber shop
• Use of workout facility at Step
by Step

• Registered Nurse on staff

• Cable TV and private phone access

An Adult Residential Care Facility

171 North Maple Street, Warsaw • 585-786-8727

8 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

‘Shop Wyoming and Win’ Results
Three area residents won land, Wethersfield; Doug Ber- to everyone who shopped lo-
big after entering the Wyo- wanger, Arcade, and Jerry Da- cally this holiday season, Jan. 11. For every $50 worth
ming County Chamber’s vis, Covington, drew the win- placed a drop box in their of purchases made in Wyo-
“Shop Wyoming and Win.” ning tickets. business, or supported the ming County, the shoppers
This year marks the eighth program in some way.” were eligible for one entry in
time the chamber has spon- “On behalf of the Chamber the drawing.
sored the holiday promotion and the community, we extend The prizes were made pos-
as part of its “Buy Local” pro- congratulations to all the win- sible by Ace Hardware of Atti- This year’s promotion gar-
gram. ners of this year’s “Shop Wyo- ca and Warsaw, for the dona- nered a record-breaking 756
ming and Win” buy-local pro- tion of the Char-Broil gas shoppers participating, total-
Dave Hensen, of East Auro- motion,” said Scott Gardner, grill, and Harding’s Attica ing purchases at $564,809 - an
ra, won the Char-Broil Grill, chamber president. “This year Furniture and Flooring, Atti- 18 percent increase over last
Addie Edwards, of Java Cen- was another record breaker ca, for its donation of the rock- year. During the 31-day pro-
ter, won the rocker recliner, and we again exceeded local er recliner. motion, an estimated $45,184
and Carol Kirsch, of Varys- shopping revenue goals over was brought into the county
burg, won the $100 Wyoming last year. “These two businesses were via sales taxes.
County Visa gift card. generous participants and we
“Thank you to the many lo- hope that shoppers will stop in For more information about
The drawing was held cal businesses who participat- to support these outstanding the promotion or to become a
during the Board of Supervi- ed, and all the shoppers for local family run small busi-
sors Feb. 12 regular meeting. making this event another nesses,” Gardner said.
Town supervisors John Cope- success. Thank you especially
During the promotional pe-
8th Annual riod, participants were re- Submitted Photos
“SHOP WYOMING & WIN” quired to save their receipts
from purchases made in the chamber member, call 585-
2018-2019 RESULTS county between “Black Fri- 786-0307 or visit www.wyco-
“A Win for Wyoming County” day,” and Christmas Eve. 
They then submitted the re-
Success by the Numbers: ceipts by mail, in-person, or in
756 Shoppers Participating drop boxes by the deadline of
30 Business Box Locations
$564,809 in Total Purchases
18% Increase over 2017-18

Special thanks to these businesses for their strong support
and prize donations.

Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!


Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
Cell: 585.749.8951
Office: 585.409.2133 • Fax: 585.343.8502

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 9

Wyoming County Job Fair a Success
Matching job seekers with GCC, Warsaw campus, 115 local manufacturer, small resume writing and interview courage everyone to bring
employers is critically import- Linwood Avenue. Forty-two business, or a dairy operation, skills from staff at Communi- their resume, be enthusiastic,
ant, says Scott Gardner, presi- businesses were present and it is a great way to promote ty Action for Wyoming Coun- ask questions, take notes,
dent and CEO of the Chamber almost 100 job seekers attend- your business and attract job ty and the NY Dept of Labor. dress appropriately and thank
& Tourism Office. Subse- ed looking for opportunities seekers.” the business representative for
quently, several “It’s always recommended their time.”
agencies in- from a variety of The job fair was free and that job seekers treat the event
cluding, the companies. open to all those seeking em- as if they are going to an inter- For more information about
Chamber, “ Wo r k - ployment opportunities, with view,” said Beth Caton, pro- the Chamber call (585) 786-
Com- force de- some interviews taking place gram manager of the Employ- 0307 or visit www.wyco-
munity velop- on site. Participants were also ment and Training division at
Ac- ment able to receive assistance with Community Action. “We en-
tion and the
for search
Wyo- for
ming em-
County, ploy-
Genesee ees re-
Communi- mains a
ty College, top priori-
the Department ty,” Gardner
of Labor, the Wyoming
County YMCA, and Sen. Pat- said. “As we look
rick Gallivan, partnered to for ways to serve the
bring the Wyoming County business community and offer
Job Fair to Warsaw. solutions, this type of event
provides opportunity for busi-
The annual event was held nesses and potential employ-
March 15 at the YMCA & ees to connect. Whether
you’re a seasonal employer, a

Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
2018-2019 Board of Directors

CHAIR: Norbert Fuest, Appletree HR & Safety Consultants
VICE-CHAIR: Hans Kunze, Steuben Trust Company
SECRETARY: Colleen Kennedy, Warsaw Penny Saver/
Perry Shopper
TREASURER: Nicole White, Freed Maxick CPA’s

Amber Williams, Arcade & Attica Railroad
Andrew Stang, PrizmTech Document & Technology Solutions

Ashley Hamilton, Complete Payroll
Hon. Becky Ryan, Town of Warsaw

Brock Beckstrand, Upstate Door
Hon. Daniel J. Burling, Rivellino Realty
Jackie Hoyt, Arts Council for Wyoming County
Jacqueline Blujus, Beaver Hollow Conference Center/

Biggest Loser Niagara
Jenifer Bannister, DeLaval Direct NY

John Wheeler, Bank of Castile
Lisa Seewaldt, Ash-Lin’s Elegant Rose
Megan Burley, Burley Berries & Blooms
Michael Hardie, Tompkins Insurance Agencies
Pilar McKay, Silver Lake Brewing Project
Tim Brick, Pioneer Credit Recovery

10 • April 2019 Go Wyoming


Agri-Business of the Year

The Wyoming County continued commitment and drains and sewer lines. The Chamber & Tourism Submitted Photo
Chamber & Tourism, and service to Wyoming County,” “Whether it’s tiling, spe- office annually partners with
event sponsor WCJW Radio, said Scott Gardner, chamber Cooperative Extension, the presented Breezyhill Dairy
recently announced WYCO president and CEO. cialized Jetter-Vac services, Wyoming County Farm Bu- with the Good Neighbor
Construction, 4608 Liberty septic pumping, sand, stone, reau, and the Soil and Water award and Roxanne Duep-
St., Warsaw, as the 2019 Throughout its 46 years, lagoons, ponds, site work and Conservation District to host pengiesser with the Friend of
Agri-Business of the Year. WYCO Construction Inc. has more, they look forward to the recognition event. Agriculture award. CCE also
The honors were given during seen much growth and contin- serving all their customer’s presented its first Friend of
the Pride of Agriculture Din- ues to move forward. The needs,” says Gardner. Other awards presented in- Extension award to Hans and
ner held March 2 at the North company offers on-site con- cluded: WCSWCD presented Leslie Kunze, of Wyoming.
Java Fire Hall. More than 320 sultation, and excavation de- “Mark and Matt Herman the annual Conservation Farm
people attended the awards velopment for agriculture, believe their customer’s needs of the Year award to Fontaine The annual agri-business
event. commercial and residential come first and instill this be- Farms, LLC of Strykersville; award is given by the chamber
projects. They also haul stone lief, along with a sense of the Ronald P Herman Sr. Con- to a business that exemplifies
Bob and Arna Herman stat- and gravel for culverts, roads teamwork, into employee servation Partner of the Year any or all of the following cri-
ed WYCO Construction Inc. and driveways. Subsequently, training. to Victor DiGiacomo, Associ- teria: contributions to the eco-
in 1979, then called Bob Her- they have expanded the over- ate Environmental Analyst, nomic vitality and quality of
man Excavating Service. all business with the startup of “It is through this type of NYS Soil & Water Conserva- life of Wyoming County, capi-
From early on, their sons, M&M Aggregates LLC, dedication that they have been tion Committee; and the Agri- tal investments, business ex-
Mark and Matt, took an active which offers a variety of sand, able to maintain high-quality cultural Environmental Man- pansions, job growth, com-
interest in the business. washed and crushed stone, work. WYCO Construction, agement award to Pankow munity involvement, or for
along with gravel. along with its sister company Farms, of Castile. their contributions that
For the past 33 years, the M&M Aggregate, and their strengthen their industry sec-
brothers have honed their Critical for today’s Ag com- employees know the value of CCE and the Farm Bureau tor.
skills to include every aspect munity is WYCO Construc- today’s Agricultural Commu-
of the operation. Following tion’s use of the Super Vac nity.” Robinson & Hackemer
their father’s retirement in truck. This apparatus, which Funeral Home
2011, Matt and Mark took can reach long distances into WYCO Construction has
over the business. lagoons, is utilized to clean continued to flourish since its
manure-clogged pipelines. founding by Bob and Arna,
“We are very pleased to Other uses for the machine in- more than four decades ago.
give the Agri-Business Award clude clearing blocked storm Today, it is frequently recog-
to WYCO Construction for its nized by its company motto
‘We’re #1 in the #2 Business.’

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Go Wyoming April 2019 • 11

Wyoming County is “A County of Bounty”

Updated Eat Fresh Previously published as a The see where our bountiful har- breweries, cideries, and
Buy Local Grown initiative. paper directory, the new on- platform now includes over vest grows and then take restaurants who include local
line platform builds on tour- 100 local growers, who pro- something home to enjoy.” products in their dishes. Visi-
The Wyoming County ism’s existing interactive duce everything from apples tors and residents will also
Chamber and Tourism office to zucchini, and it can be up- Wyoming County growers find trees, plants, flowers,
in collaboration with the Wy- website directory, guide and dated very quickly to add new and producers work very hard farm crafts and gifts.
oming County Coopera- map features with the new and take great pride in produc-
tive Extension is web address www.BuyWyo- products or services. Visi- ing high quality items includ- The website directory is al-
pleased to announce tors are invited to explore ing a wide variety of maple ways being updated. If you
a newly updated the map directory and and honey products; dairy know of producers that are
Eat Fresh - Buy shop at our seasonal products and artisan cheeses; new in business and would
Local grown ini- farmers’ markets or fruits and vegetables; farm like to be featured in the on-
tiative. The new buy products direct fresh eggs, poultry and meats. line directory, please call 585-
program was start- from the producers We are also proud of our local 786-2251.
ed last fall and is when possible.
designed to more “The number of lo- Real Estate Services
effectively pro- cal farms and pro-
mote and highlight ducers that sell di- Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
our diverse agricul- rectly to consumers
tural community in a continues to grow in NANCY CROCKER ARD HA
digital format. The logo abundance and variety, HOW
and brochure were unveiled RANTEE
at the Pride of Ag Dinner in and we are pleased to be Licensed Real Estate Salesperson NNA
March to a capacity audience supportive of those efforts,” 100%
of the agriculture and business said Scott Gardner, Chamber MONEY BACK GUA
community. President and CEO. “We in-
vite everyone to travel through 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
our scenic countryside, and
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12 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Chamber Releases 2019 Visitor Guide

In the beginning of January, 2019 Official Visitor Guide “On behalf of the member- Park and at local attractions, arrange to have a visitor guide
the Chamber & Tourism of- ship and Board of Directors, I government offices, restau- mailed free to friends or fami-
fice announced the release of Letchworth State Park would like to extend a special rants and retail locations ly who may be interested in
the official 2019 Wyoming Wyoming County, NY thanks to Eric Szucs for his throughout Wyoming County. Wyoming County. 
County Visitor Guide. This Home of the Grand Canyon of the East hard work to deliver a great
year’s guide features a new looking product for the 2019 Guides may be picked up at Area businesses who would
cover photo donated by local season,” said Chamber CEO the Chamber office located at like a supply of visitor guides
resident photographer Christy Scott Gardner. “I would also the Wyoming County Ag and at their location are encour-
Hibsch, depicting a sunset like to thank all the businesses Business Center, 36 Center aged to contact the Chamber
scene of the new Genesee and advertisers in the guide, Street in Warsaw. Area resi- at (585) 786-0307 or info@
Arch Bridge over the Middle and the following who assist- dents are encouraged to call,
Falls. The cover shot once ed with their time and talent stop by the Chamber office, or
again beckons readers to visit Your this year: The Warsaw Penny
the “Grand Canyon of the adventure Saver for the design of the
East” and the many adven- 1-800-839-3919 awaits ... guide; Christy Hibsch for the
tures that Wyoming County beautiful cover photo, and to
has to offer. Submitted Photo community members who Who We Are:
Cover of the 2019 Visitor Guide continue to share great photos
The 2019 visitor guide of- with our organization. The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
fers readers an engaging visu- “We are excited about the The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism office is a not-for-profit,
al experience, while providing 2019 visitor guide,” said Di- The Chamber & Tourism membership organization comprised of more than 500 businesses in
valuable travel and hospitality rector of Tourism & Market- office printed 100,000 copies and around Wyoming County. We bring together representatives from
information to tourists and ing Eric Szucs. “This compre- for distribution this year, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and tourism to promote Wyoming
residents, and the 700,000 vis- hensive tourism marketing which will be handed out at County as a health, economically stable place for residents to live, work
itors to Letchworth State Park piece is engaging, informa- nationwide trade and travel and play.
each year. The visitor guide is tive, and depicts everything shows, and sent to informa- MISSION: Our mission is to serve the members and community;
also linked to the Wyoming that makes Wyoming County tion centers and rest stops promote and grow the area’s economic and tourism assets; and work
County Tourism website a premiere tourism destina- across New York, the North- collaboratively to create an environment that leads to the success and tion for visitors worldwide. eastern United States and economic prosperity of Wyoming County.
featuring an interactive and The visitor guide highlights Southeastern Canada. Visitor VISION: The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism is the leading
fully mobile platform, a new our many diverse tourism guides will also be available at membership organization for local and regional growth, advocacy, and
Letchworth State Park infor- businesses, attractions and the gates to Letchworth State connection for Wyoming County’s business community.
mation section, travel itinerar- events. It tells Wyoming CORE VALUES: The core values of the Wyoming County Chamber and
ies and trails, events calendar, County’s unique story and in- Tourism are Leadership, Excellence, Integrity, and Responsiveness.
maps and business listings. vites visitors of all ages to ex-
plore and have an unforgetta-
ble family friendly adven-

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Go Wyoming April 2019 • 13

April 28 - May 4

Wyoming County Restaurants Week

If you’re looking for great which could include anything event and thank the restau- site www.wyomingcoun- Restaurants specials can al-
food and warm hospitality from a single entree to a multi- rants for being involved. What or so be found on Facebook by
close to home, then Wyoming course meal. better way for our restaurants www.gowyomingcountyny. searching Wyoming County
County Restaurant Week to showcase all of the great com or by calling the Wyo- Restaurant Week.
is for you. The Wyo- “We’re very excited to be ming County Chamber at
ming County Cham- partnering again on this fun menu items that they have (585) 786-0307.
ber and Tourism available,” said Scott
has again part- Gardner, Chamber CLEANING
nered with local president. “We have
media outlets to some of the best Experts in Commercial Janitorial Services
host the fourth an- restaurants in West-
nual restaurant ern New York right (585) 786-5610
week in Wyoming here in our backyard,
County. The event and this is a great way
runs from April 28 to celebrate all that
through May 4 at they have to offer and
restaurants in every encourage diners to try Jenn Meidenbauer | Owner Since 2012
corner of Wyoming something new. Thank
County. Participating
restaurants will offer unique you to all the event partners
dishes throughout restaurant and everyone who works to
week at the special price of make this event a success.”
$20.19. Each restaurant will
have its own special menu, More information, weekly
specials, and the full list of
participating restaurants can
be found by visiting the web-

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14 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Tourism = Economic Development
other European nations. This Streets as they enjoy our at- We build programming based is a critical component in the
Eric Szucs is done in partnership with tractions and participate in on people’s interests – like the local economic development
New York State’s “I Love events. Wyoming County Barn Quilt engine. As tourists come to
Director of Tourism for New York” Program, market- and Geocaching Trails. We tie Wyoming County, they visit
Wyoming County ing and public relations firms, How do we accomplish all in the beauty and adventure of our attractions and accommo-
travel agents, tour operators, this? By promoting Wyoming the outdoors through initia- dations. These vital tourism
When I say I work for Wyo- media & news outlets and ma- County throughout the US tives like our ‘Lakes to Letch- dollars help our businesses
ming County Tourism, people ny more organizations. and Canada via many differ- worth’ campaign. This initia- succeed, expand, develop and
often ask me if that means I’m ent avenues. We diversify our tive promotes our proximity pay employees. These em-
a travel agent. No, I say, Wyo- Have you ever noticed the messaging by putting out to the Great Lakes and the ployees in turn invest their
ming County Tourism is a col- busloads of tourists visiting 100,000 copies of our Visitor Finger Lakes and how Wyo- wages back into the local
laborative economic develop- Letchworth? Wyoming Coun- Guide, which engages and in- ming County and Letchworth economy – be it on a house,
ment organization dedicated ty Tourism is working hard to forms interested tourists at in- State Park is the outdoor epi- car, a night out on the town or
to bringing visitors and tour- bring those tourists here. Be it formation centers, travel center of Western New York. at any of the businesses in our
ists to Wyoming County. Beijing or New York City – shows and events. We adver- All of this is just a sampling of community. This cycle helps
That’s quite the mouthful, so we want people visiting Wyo- tise to hundreds of thousands what we do – and much of this sustain and grow our commu-
let me explain! ming County and exploring of users digitally through isn’t obvious to the local com- nities – and we’re proud to say
our many attractions. Facebook and other social munity because we’re target- the work we do plays an im-
I’ll begin with how we mar- media outlets, by promoting ing would-be tourists who live portant role in economic
ket to tourists at an interna- But our work doesn’t stop events, attractions and accom- hundreds of miles away. growth!
tional level (yes, we promote there. We also market exten- modations on our website
Wyoming County internation- sively in the US and Canada. ( Wyoming County Tourism FAX 237-5521
ally!) It starts with strong re- Our primary goal is to gener-
gional partnerships with Liv- ate overnight stays. The more
ingston, Genesee and Orleans time tourists spend in Wyo-
counties. We work closely ming County, the more money
with one another by promot- they invest into our economy.
ing the similarities we share as By eating at our restaurants,
rural communities filled with purchasing gifts at our shops,
unique Mom & Pop shops. To buying gas at our stations and
do this, we have networked renting rooms at our inns &
with travel organizations, lodges, this supports all the
partnered with businesses, de- businesses that call Wyoming
veloped itineraries and put to- County home. Our secondary
gether promotional materials goal is to entice day-trippers
targeted towards tourists from to spend money on our Main
the UK, China, Germany and

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Go Wyoming April 2019 • 15

Tourism Events: May-July Submitted Photo
Our unique rural culture is ning vistas and waterfalls. have an endless variety of Wy-
the perfect reason to spend a Hiking, biking, swimming, oming County products to (Continued on page 17.)
day, weekend or week enjoy- white water rafting and hot air check out, taste and purchase
ing affordable family-friendly ballooning are just some of including chips, cheese, milk,
adventures that connect you the activities at Letchworth. maple products and more!
with nature, handcrafted Witness the majesty of the
crafts and farm-to-table food, Letchworth State Park gorge Want tasty farm fresh pro-
beverages and products. as hot air balloons soar over- duce and baked goods? Visit
Whether an overnight retreat head during the Red, White & the Warsaw Farmers’ Market
at one of our inviting accom- Blue Balloon Rally at the each Thursday from 2-6pm, or
modations or camping under Letchworth Archery Field in Perry every Saturday from
the stars, we are ready to wel- May 24-27 at 6AM and
come you to Wyoming Coun- 6:30PM.
Agri-Palooza, a fun-filled
We are the home of Letch- day on the farm, will be held
worth State Park, the “Grand June 9, from 12-4pm at Sivue
Canyon of the East” voted the Farms in North Java. In addi-
#1 State Park in the USA and tion to educational displays,
#1 Attraction in New York farm tours, and children’s
State! It’s a beacon for those games and activities,
seeking the splendor of stun- Agri-Palooza visitors will

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16 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

FastTrac: Empowering Entrepreuers
Every successful entrepre- full scholarship to attend the
neur knows that the “big idea” Foundation for support. This plan. Jennifer Tyczka, Pro- Submitted Photo professional FastTrac training
is only as good as his/her abil- program has proven results, gram Manager, states “The program. The “Wyoming
ity to execute it. Access to the and we look forward to seeing FastTrac Program allows en- identify business locations, County Business Center, Inc.
right resources and knowl- its continued success.” notes trepreneurs to express their available resources and other Entrepreneur Scholarship”
edge at the opportune time is Pierce. ideas openly and create their guidance. applications are available and
often the key to a successful business plan in a confidential young entrepreneurs are en-
launch and building a world The Wyoming County environment. The motivation An exciting opportunity is couraged to apply.
class company from the start Business Center, Inc. offers of the classroom setting accel- available to high school and
up stage takes education and the FastTrac training program erates entrepreneurial devel- college students who live in The Wyoming County
motivation. twice a year in the spring and opment and growth.” Wyoming County that are Business Center, Inc. is great-
fall. The current cycle started thinking about starting a busi- ly appreciative of its generous
In Wyoming County, the March 5th and will continue 10 Additional assistance is ness. In collaboration with the program sponsors Tompkins
FastTrac Program is helping weeks on Tuesday evenings provided from the Wyoming Wyoming County Business Bank of Castile, Complete
entrepreneurs transform their from 6-9 p.m. at the Wyoming County Business Center, Inc. Education Council, the Wyo- Payroll and Robert D. Stras-
innovative business ideas into County Agriculture and Busi- to help with financing options, ming County Business Cen- sel, Esq. and the workforce
viable career options, creating ness Center located at 36 Cen- ter, Inc. will provide two moti- development resources avail-
jobs and supporting economic ter Street in Warsaw, NY. The vated, responsible students a able to participants through
growth. fall class begins September 3, Community Action for Wyo-
2019. ming County.
The Wyoming County
Business Center, Inc. offers a The program consists of 10 To learn more about the
renowned entrepreneurship classes. The first few classes Kauffman Foundation’s Fast-
development program called are devoted to determining the Trac Program or to register for
FastTrac that provides entre- viability and market potential a class visit www. wycoida.
preneurs the necessary tools of the business concept. The org/FastTrac-Entrepreneur-
to refine their business idea remaining classes help build ship-Training or www.face-
and start their journey. Since the framework for a solid .
its inception, the program has business plan. The classes, You may also contact Jennifer
educated more than 150 entre- which are intentionally kept Tyczka at the Wyoming Coun-
preneurs and assisted 78 busi- small in size to personally en- ty Business Center, Inc. at
nesses get established by en- gage each participant, are fa- (585) 786-3764 or email jty-
abling them to overcome bar- cilitated by two local experi-
riers and challenges common enced entrepreneurs. FastTrac
in starting a new business and participants work on their
helping them build a strong, own business endeavors
solid business plan. throughout the course. The
program is fast-paced and en-
“Providing the FastTrac ergizing, using guest speakers
Program, through our partner- and interactive activities. Par-
ship with the Kauffman Foun- ticipants build a unique net-
dation, has proved immensely work with one another help-
helpful to entrepreneurs look- ing to build their business
ing to either start or expand
their business in Wyoming
County,” said Jim Pierce,
President of the Wyoming
County Business Center, Inc.
“The Wyoming County Busi-
ness Center, Inc. Board of Di-
rectors and the Wyoming
County Board of Supervisors
support the FastTrac Program,
recognizing that entrepre-
neurship and new business
startups are a primary source
of job growth. FastTrac is a
great tool to implement this
strategy plus it has the re-
sources of the Kauffman

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 17

Tourism Events parlor, full food service and Spend a beautiful summer an adventure not to be missed cache will require you to find
nightly entertainment provide afternoon riding through the by kids of all ages. At the end a container with a secret pass-
Continued from page 15. enjoyment for all. Classic car nature park at Hidden Valley of the tour, enjoy a delicious code inside – with enough
8:30am-12:30pm. For year- shows are held every Thurs- Animal Adventure and come dinner of exotic wild game code words you will be re-
day. face to face with some of the meats at the Lodge at Hidden warded with a collectible
round information on over world’s most exotic animals; Valley. coin!
100 local producers ranging Celebrate July 4th at Jam in
from breweries, cideries, the Valley at Buffalo Hill Vil- Love the outdoors and want For more information or a
restaurants, maple products, lage in Varysburg on July 11- to explore Wyoming County? free visitor guide call 1-800-
farm crafts & gifts, cheese, 13 with national country re- Spend this spring and summer 839-3919, email info@gowy-
honey, fruits & vegetables, cording artists – followed by experiencing our geocaching or on the
farm fresh eggs, meats, trees, massive fireworks! Local fire- trail – a hi-tech treasure hunt web at GoWyomingCoun-
plants, flowers and more – men’s picnics and fireworks, that utilizes your smart phone
visit BuyWyomingCoun- Ring of Fire at Silver Lake, or and sense of adventure! Each! a train ride on the Arcade &
Attica Railroad round out the Marisa Helenbrook ©2018 62nd Annual
Wholesome family activi- holiday activities. The excur-
ties are in full swing all sum- sion train runs weekends Attica Championship Rodeo
mer at the multiplex Charcoal through the summer and its
Corral outside Perry. Two steam-powered locomotive is
drive-in movie theatres, pizza a hit for nostalgic passengers.
parlor, mini-golf, ice cream

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18 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Byrncliff Announces Renovations
Byrncliff Golf Resort & Ban- overnight stay, golf outings, Byrncliff, @byrncliffgolfresort
quets, widely known for its golf banquets and weddings. or sign up for email list to re-
course and winter activities, ceive $10 off at your next visit.
recently announced its new For the latest information, Contact Info: Lindsay Eddy VP
Banquet Facility Renovation news and consumer offers, Sales & Marketing (585) 535-
project completion. The beau- please visit:, 7300 –
tiful new facility has already follow us on
welcomed a number of guests
and is available for a variety of of its customers. memorable experience for our Byrncliff Golf Resort and Banquets
special occasions to meet cus- The Wi-fi enabled facility guests to enjoy Byrncliff with 2357 Humphrey Road, Varysburg NY 14167
tomer needs. friends and family and we’re The Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism hosted a rib-
now holds brand new carpet very excited about both the bon cutting ceremony celebrating the new renovations to the
Byrncliff, just 35 minutes and lighting, with added doors banquet and hotel renovation to banquet hall and hotel rooms at Byrncliff Golf Resort and
south of Buffalo, 15 minutes between the Sierra Room and complement our beautiful golf Banquets on Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 5:00 PM with
from East Aurora and Warsaw, the Banquet Room to create course”. a reception and tours until 7:00 PM.
was founded in 1967. It has one large space for groups of
grown to be one of the best golf all sizes and any event up to About Byrncliff Golf
resorts south of Buffalo with 200 people. Resort & Banquets
an 18-hole par 72 golf course,
hotel and restaurant, banquet In addition to the beautiful A golf resort with a 18 hole,
facility catering both to out of setting, what makes Byrncliff par 72 golf course, hotel, bar
town golf visitors as well as special is the fact that it is a full & restaurant, heated pool and
local patrons that enjoy Byrn- resort, with 25 hotel rooms so winter activities (cross country
cliff’s great food and outdoor that customers can truly enjoy skiing) nestled in the rolling
activities in a beautiful setting. a golf or winter getaway. In hills of Wyoming county, Var-
2018, Byrncliff renovated half ysburg, NY 35 minutes south
For many years, Byrncliff, of its 25 hotel rooms creat- of Buffalo. For daily and/or
formerly called Byrncliff Golf ing a total of 12 new “Deluxe
Resort & Conference Center, Queen” rooms and upgraded
has held banquets, weddings, all of the traditional rooms with
family, business and non-prof- new furniture, flat screen TVs,
it events in its banquet facility. mini-fridges and bedding also.
This past fall, Byrncliff refur-
bished its Sierra Room, ban- Byrncliff’s purpose, Scott
quet room and upper hallway to Meidenbauer CEO says, is “to
meet the ever changing needs delight consumers, create a


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Go Wyoming April 2019 • 19

Business Organizations Oppose Repeal
er cost energy from ESCOs terms of higher energy costs.
On March 22, the Wyoming reputation as a state that is utive Budget’s own estimate, because energy costs are one The coalition of organiza-
County Chamber of Com- inhospitable to business and this proposal would require of their most significant oper-
merce joined a coalition of economic growth. these businesses to pay $128 ational expenses and one for tions and the thousands of
business organizations led by million in new taxes each which savings can be found in businesses represented, have
Unshackle Upstate, in send- “New York’s businesses al- year. a competitive energy market. strongly urged that this pro-
ing a letter to state leaders in ready pay too much in taxes Accordingly, this proposal posal be rejected in the 2019-
strong opposition to the pro- and for energy costs. Adding The letter points out that would have negative con- 20 Enacted State Budget,
posed repeal of the sales tax an additional $128 million this is not a tax on ESCOs, it sequences for businesses in which was due on April 1,
exemption for gas and elec- in taxes would make it even is a tax on New York’s busi- 2019.
tric service purchased from more difficult for our econo- nesses. There are thousands
an energy service company my to thrive and grow,” said of commercial customers Real Estate Services
(ESCO). Scott Gardner, President and - from corporations with a
CEO of the Wyoming County substantial employee base, Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
The proposal in the 2019- Chamber and Tourism office. to smaller operations run by
20 Executive Budget and ac- “It would result in less money only a few workers, and fami- MICHELLE DILLS ARD HA
cepted in the Senate, and the for workers and less ability to ly businesses – who buy low- HOW
Assembly one-house budget control the costs for the goods RANTEE
bills, would require commer- our businesses produce and Licensed Real Estate Salesperson NNA
cial and industrial customers the services they provide in 100%
to annually pay over $128 New York and abroad.” MONEY BACK GUA
million in new taxes to New
York State. The coalition Specifically, the Executive 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
feels strongly that this move Budget proposes to require
unduly raises costs for busi- business customers of an Cell: 585.314.7269
nesses that are already strug- ESCO pay a 4 percent sales Office: 585.409.2141 • Fax: 585.343.8502
gling in New York’s high tax and compensating use tax
and high energy cost environ- on their energy delivery bill,
ment. This proposal would eliminating the tax exemption
further reinforce New York’s that has existed for nearly Arcade & Attica Railroad
twenty years. By the Exec- 278 Main Street, Arcade, NY
2019 Special Events

May 25th 1:00pm Memorial Day Remembrance with
a speech given by Abe Lincoln at Curriers Station

June 1st & 2nd Come learn about life on a dairy farm!
Hosted by Edelweiss Farm Inc. Cows, Petting Zoo, Displays
and Tractors!! Fun, informative day for all ages!

June 8th & 9th Visit camps, see military displays, meet
and talk to WWII reenactors, witness demonstrations.


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Phone: (585) 786-3170 Fax: (585) 786-3223 July 12, 13 & 14 Ride the train and enjoy a
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20 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Charis Salon Celebrates Opening
With family, friends, and business Charis Salon, based
supporters looking on, the on their mutual ideal of the Charis Salon
Wyoming County Chamber word “grace” and what it
and Tourism was pleased to means to them. The word 108 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569
host a ribbon cutting ceremo- Charis comes from the Greek
ny to celebrate the grand and is pronounced “Kares” leading membership organi- laboratively to create an envi-
opening of the newly opened and means showing compas- zation for local and regional ronment that leads to the suc-
Charis Salon with new busi- sion and kindness to others. growth, advocacy, and con- cess and economic prosperity
ness owners Sarah Flint and The new salon atmosphere is nection for Wyoming Coun- of Wyoming County. For
Breanna Salamone, on Friday, designed to be a welcoming ty’s business community. The more information, or to be-
October 26, 2018. and safe place for clients to be Chamber & Tourism’s mis- come a member of the Cham-
pampered and to feel at home. sion is to serve the members ber of Commerce, please call
After working together at The owners want their clients and community; promote and 585-786-0307 or visit the
another salon for the past two to feel special and know that grow the area’s economic and website at
years and dreaming of open- they come first in the busi- tourism assets; and work col- or
ing their own salon, Breanna ness. Breanna and Sarah are
Salamone and Sarah Flint dis- accepting new clients and en-
cussed the possibility and de- courage everyone to visit their
cided to set out on their own. website www.charissalon.
They agreed on the new ven- com and to follow them on
ture based on their shared val- Facebook and Instagram. In-
ues, and similar backgrounds, terested customers may also
and a mutual understanding email: contactus@charissa-
and respect for one another. or visit the salon on
Sarah Flint is the salon’s nail the web: www.charissalon.
technician, graduating from com
the Continental School of
Beauty in 2017. Breanna Sal- The Wyoming County
amone has been shadowing in Chamber & Tourism is the
local salons from an early age
and graduated as a cosmetolo-
gist from the Continental
School of Beauty in 2015.

They decided to name the

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Go Wyoming April 2019 • 21

2019 Leadership Wyoming

Class’ Ten-Month Journey Started
Wyoming County and repre- tion for Wyoming County;
sent diverse personal and em- Brian Eddy from Byrncliff
ployment backgrounds. They Golf Resorts and Banquets;
are: Mary Gibson from Java Melissa Wolcott from Morton
Farm Supply; Amanda Myers Salt; Sarah Carlson from Cor-
from Partners for Prevention;
Kari Sears, Community Ac- (Continued on next page.)



This year marks Leadership think and act in Wyoming Submitted Photo 268 Liberty Street,
Wyoming’s 12th class and a County, their professional Arcade, NY 14009
new journey for a group of in- lives and in the community. Wyoming County.
dividuals who recently spent Through the 10 month pro- The class participants, who 877-496-5050
two days at the opening retreat gram, participants will exam-
held March 25-26, 2019, at ine and experience major as- will take part in the 10 month
Asbury Retreat and Confer- pects of life, culture, and edu- long program, are from across
ence Center on Silver Lake. cation; agriculture, business
and industry; governmental Orthodontists for Children & Adults
Now in its 12th year, Lead- systems; and community re- We specialize in Invisalign,
ership Wyoming aims to sources, and volunteerism in
change the way graduates traditional & ceramic braces.

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22 • April 2019 sional endeavors, and greater Go Wyoming KM Dance Center
community. A new, class iden-
Leadership tified, developed and solved sonal tour of one of Wyoming 12 North Main Street, Perry, NY 14530
Wyoming community impact project has County’s most famous land- The Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism hosted a rib-
been added to the program this marks, Attica Correctional Fa- bon cutting ceremony celebrating the grand opening of the
From previous page. year. cility; checking out the latest KM Dance Center with new business owner Kaeleigh Car-
technology being employed michael, on Monday, October 1, 2018.
nell Cooperative Extension of The program begins in on local farms; and taking KM Dance Center specializes in both recreative and com-
Wyoming County; Kim Harl- March with the two-day re- time to be tourists - exploring petitive classes which include tap, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, lyri-
off and Julie Marshall from treat focusing on team build- all that Wyoming County has cal, cheer and musical theater dance styles. Classes are open
Pioneer Credit Recovery/Na- ing and personal discovery. to offer. This year’s class will to students age 3 and up in group and private lesson settings.
vient; Brenda Kelly from Each person is given the Mey- be exploring different busi- For class information follow KM Dance Center on Facebook
Tackbary’s Trophies; and Jes- ers-Brigg profile assessment nesses from previous years and Instagram or call the business at 585-245-1569.
se James Guldenschuh from and then led through a person- and taking part in exciting Before taking over the business, Kaeleigh Carmichael
the East Hill Inn. ality discovery process where new leadership development served three years as manager and instructor at the location
they begin to understand activities. and took over the business on July 1, 2018, officially open-
“These are always interest- themselves as individuals and ing on September 10, 2018. She is both the business owner
ing people that come together how they work within a group The class will also be re- and dance instructor. Kaeleigh has been dancing since she
to take part in the Leadership dynamic. Then on day two, quired to sit-in on a local gov- was a very young girl and studied dance at SUNY Brockport
Wyoming program. They will Sandy Pirdy, from Living ernment meeting and attend a earning a bachelors degree in Childhood Education. She has
certainly rise to the challenges Your Unlimited Potential, Wyoming County Board of performed with several professional dance and cheer teams
ahead as we begin this pro- based in Arcade, NY, facilitat- Supervisors meeting. The including as a Buffalo Jill with the Buffalo Bills; Rochester
cess. It is always exciting to ed a discovery session and class will learn about the Rhinos; Rochester Razor Sharks; and Rochester Rattlers.
listen to their discussion right SWOT styled analysis of Wy- Courts system during Govern-
from the beginning, and to see oming County and how the ment and Criminal Justice
how they develop and begin to group perceives the areas Day, and will see our legisla-
collaborate with one another,” where they live and work. tive body in action. “It is im-
stated Chamber Leadership They also heard from past portant to see our County gov-
Wyoming Program Coordina- graduates who recount their ernment at work. We all know
tor, Kelly Ashcraft. experiences and offer advice that these are our elected offi-
on what to expect. cials, but many have never
Through participation with seen them in action,” Ashcraft
guest speakers, panel discus- The next nine months will said.
sions, site tours, leadership include exploring the offer-
and strategic training, public ings of Main Streets and “Our purpose is to create a
presentations, as well as, downtown centers in Wyo- Leadership Wyoming pro-
group problem solving and ming County; taking tours of gram that offers a transforma-
team building exercises, the local manufacturers; talking tional experience for the par-
program will develop leaders to the County’s economic de-
who have a new perspective velopers; an up close and per- (Continued on next page.)
and a greater sense of purpose
in their personal lives, profes-

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 23

Leadership Submitted Photo

From previous page.

ticipants. We seek individuals Chamber & Tourism is the seminars; leadership develop-
from all walks of life who leading membership organi- ment; business assistance and
want to develop new skill sets zation for local and regional guidance; cost-saving oppor-
and learn more about Wyo- growth, advocacy, and con- tunities; advocacy; recogni-
ming County,” said Wyoming nection for Wyoming Coun- tion, networking, exposure
County Chamber CEO, Scott ty’s business community. The and promotional opportuni-
Gardner. “Leadership Wyo- Chamber & Tourism’s mis- ties. For more information or
ming will educate, inform, sion is to serve the members to become a member please
and reshape the participants and community; promote and call 585-786-0307 or visit the
thinking on where they live, grow the area’s economic and website at www.wycocham-
and how they can involve tourism assets; and work col-
themselves in the future of our laboratively to create an envi-
county. The mission is to cre- ronment that leads to the suc-
ate leaders who will possess a cess and economic prosperity
strong sense of ownership, of Wyoming County. The key
trustworthiness, responsibili- programs and services of the
ty, and commitment to im- organization are educational
proving themselves, their
businesses and community.”

Applications are no longer
being accepted for 2019, how-
ever, interested parties can
call the Chamber office at
585-786-0307 or email kel- to re-
quest more information for
next year’s class.

The Wyoming County

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24 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

New Coalition Aimed at Development & Growth
Nearly 50 business, build- IDA, Unshackle Upstate,
ing, affordable housing, con- present and future economic Don’t Block NY Building Long Island Association, Northeastern Subcontractors
struction, health care and eco- development initiatives Coalition members include: Long Island Builders Insti- Association, Wyoming Coun-
nomic development groups, screeching to a halt and hob- Business Council of New tute, MACNY (Manufactur- ty Chamber of Commerce,
including the Wyoming Coun- bling the efforts of local gov- York State, Real Estate Board ing Association of Central and and Seneca County Chamber
ty Chamber of Commerce and ernments that are working to of New York, Associated Upstate New York), National of Commerce, among many
others, have joined forces to strengthen their communities. Builders and Contractors – Federation of Independent others.
create Don’t Block NY Build- Empire State Chapter, Ameri- Business – New York, NYS
ing (dontblocknybuilding. Simply put, projects would can Council of Engineering Builders Association, NYS “This bill undermines the
org), a new coalition aimed at be too expensive to complete. Companies of New York, Economic Development state’s efforts to promote pri-
supporting economic devel- American Institute of Archi- Council, New York State As- vate sector capital investment
opment and encouraging job Negatively impacted proj- tects New York State, Associ- sociation for Affordable throughout New York, espe-
growth in New York State. ects would include those that ated General Contractors – Housing, Steuben County cially upstate where many
rely on public funding to pro- New York State, Association counties continue to see flat
As its first initiative, Don’t vide a community good – af- for a Better Long Island, Buf- economic growth. The state
Block NY Building is oppos- fordable housing, brownfield falo Niagara Partnership, needs new investments to help
ing legislation – S.1947 (Ra- redevelopments, historic pres- Business Council of West- grow and sustain jobs. Driv-
mos) / A.1261 (Bronson) – ervation, health care, renew- chester, Capital Region ing up project labor costs will
that would artificially inflate able energy and nonprofits, to Chamber, Center State CEO, hamper many employers, in-
the cost of future construction, name but a few examples. Cortland County Chamber of cluding for-profit businesses
while also discouraging pub- Commerce, Greater Bing- as well as non-profit service
lic-private partnership Additionally, the bill would hamton Chamber of Com-
throughout New York State. mandate that the off-site fabri- merce, Greater Rochester (Continued on next page.)
cation of products and materi- Chamber of Commerce,
This legislation would un- als be included under this ex- North Country Chamber of 5261 State Route 39 Castile NY 14427
necessarily expand the defini- panded definition, harming Commerce, Habitat for Hu- owners- Bryan Geedy & Trish Gilbert
tion of public work to include interstate and international manity NY, Healthcare Asso-
nearly all future construction commerce and putting New ciation of New York State,
projects, including those that York companies across a
receive even minor incentives range of industries at a major
or assistance from local gov- competitive disadvantage.
ernments, and as a result sub-
ject nearly all economic de-
velopment projects in the
State of New York to prevail-
ing wage. The effects would
be immediate and devastating
to all of New York State,
bringing billions of dollars in


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Don’t Block NY likely would not happen with- Go Wyoming late economic activity, and in- April 2019 • 25
out such programs. These in- crease quality of life. Redefin-
From previous page. centives are necessary in the tainly not it,” said Mike El- ing public works to include economic activity, stifle job
providers that our communi- first instance because of the mendorf, President & CEO of any project that receives pub- growth, and reduce the num-
ties rely on,” said Heather C. high cost of building and de- the Associated General Con- lic incentives will increase ber of projects across New
Briccetti, Esq., President and veloping in New York, mak- tractors of New York State. cost by 20% on average, far York State,” said Ryan Silva,
CEO of The Business Council ing it ironic if not laughable outweighing the value of any Executive Director of New
of New York State, Inc that the Legislature would en- “Imposing prevailing wage incentive and make projects in York State Economic Devel-
tertain adding significant on all projects that receive New York State economically opment Council.
“This legislation represents costs and burdens as a result state funding would be a death unfeasible. The NYSEDC
a death knell for most private of accepting them. Well be- sentence for Upstate econom- strongly opposes these pro- “Regardless of what people
sector development in New yond the construction indus- ic development initiatives. posed changes that will halt think, it’s not the weather
York, particularly affordable try, community based not-for- Under this mandate, efforts to that’s driving businesses
housing projects. Good wages profit organizations, brown- revitalize neglected areas in
are important, but this legisla- field and environmental reme- our communities would be far (Continued on next page.)
tion imposes wages and bene- diation, affordable housing too expensive to pursue. This
fits more than two times what programs, historic preserva- includes critical community We have been Servicing
a typical construction worker tion, health care, renewable development projects like af- Harley Davidsons for
is paid,” said John H. Banks, energy, and other sectors fordable housing, non-profit over 60 years!
President, The Real Estate would all be hurt by this deep- facilities, hospitals and other
Board of New York. ly flawed public policy. The construction important to a HARLEY-DAVIDSON
private sector can do math, higher quality of life. If our
“This bill would establish and it will not spend $6 as a leaders in Albany are truly More Than Just a
an overly expansive and illog- condition of receiving committed to growing the “Motorcycle Shop” Since 1958
ical definition of ‘public struggling Upstate economy,
work’ to include any project $2. We need to make New they will scrap this
that receives economic devel- York more affordable and short-sighted proposal and Hours: Mon.-Wed.: 9-6; PARTS & ACCESSORIES
opment assistance, tax credits friendly to job creation, not work on serious solutions to Thurs: 9-8; Fri: 9-6; Sat: 9-4;
or even the most basic IDA as- less. Yes—there is a need for a get Upstate growing,” said Closed Sun. Full Service Department
sistance. The stark reality is clearly defined and logical Michael Kracker, Executive
that it would kill many of definition of public work to Director of Unshackle Up- 4425 W. Saile Dr., Batavia, NY (585) 343-9598
those critical, job-creating protect labor, the private sec- state.
projects, particularly in Up- tor and taxpayers—but this
state New York where the vast scattershot approach is cer- “Economic Development in
majority of such development New York State is costly, re-
quiring public-private part-
nerships to create jobs, stimu-

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26 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Don’t Block NY crease purchase prices, and and New York State we cannot ing wage mandate to private ing and economic develop-
force affiliates to serve fewer afford to create a new state- projects will be a death blow ment remains on track in the
From previous page. families,” said Mary Robin- wide program that would dra- to private investment in Buf- Empire State. The diverse co-
son, Chief Executive Officer matically increase the cost of falo Niagara and the rest of alition includes business, eco-
away. It’s the anti-competi- of Habitat for Humanity of building new public and pri- Upstate,” said Dottie Gallagh- nomic development, building,
tive nature of our government New York State. vate projects. Implementing er, President & CEO of the construction, health care and
that’s the driving force of our prevailing wage would be put- Buffalo Niagara Partnership. affordable housing groups.
job and population loss. Now “As New York continues to ting another unfunded man- The coalition urges lawmak-
we have an ill-fated attempt to face a statewide affordable date on the back of businesses Don’t Block NY Building ers to support competitive sal-
redefine public work that will housing crisis, the proposed and in turn make New York consists of nearly 50 state- aries and sustainable econom-
only heighten our states noto- prevailing wage expansion even more costly and less wide, regional and local orga- ic development. Learn more at
rious reputation as being un- would make it even harder to competitive and essentially nizations aimed at ensuring
friendly to business and con- build and preserve homes for drive businesses to other New York remains competi-
tinue to negatively impact the low-income families across states,” said John Ravitz, Ex- tive, New Yorkers keep work-
quality of life for all New upstate and downstate com- ecutive Vice President and
Yorkers. As one of the highest munities. We will not forget COO of the Business Council Arts Council for Wyoming County
taxed and overly regulated the families, children and se- of Westchester. 31 South Main Street, Perry, NY 14530
states in the nation, New York niors who rely on affordable The Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism hosted a rib-
lawmakers can ill afford to housing – and the Legislature “Expanding New York’s bon cutting ceremony at the Arts Council for Wyoming
make our state less attractive must not forget them either. prevailing wage mandate to County on December 8th to celebrate the lives and careers of
for job creators. Yet that’s ex- We urge lawmakers to recon- private projects will stall Buf- artists Art and Aggie Tamrowski and the formal dedication
actly what they’ll do if they sider this bill and recognize falo Niagara’s momentum and of the Members’ Gallery being dedicated in their memory.
attempt to place prevailing that rushing to unnecessarily stymie progress and job cre- The event started with a ribbon cutting at 10:00 AM, while
wage on private projects,” increase construction costs ation throughout Upstate. Youth Film Festival winners are screened. Afterward, a clas-
said Brian Sampson, Presi- will also take homes away Given Upstate’s anemic busi- sic movie was played.
dent of the Association of from those who most need ness climate, most private de-
Builders and Contractors – them,” said Jolie Milstein, velopment – including
Empire State Chapter. president and CEO of the New non-profit, affordable hous-
York State Association for Af- ing, historic rehabilitation and
“New York’s antiquated fordable Housing (NYSA- brownfield projects - do not
prevailing wage mandate is a FAH). materialize without some
major contributing factor to form of public support. Most
the high cost of public con- “The Business Council of of these projects can already
struction across our state. Westchester, the county’s only be described as break-even
From roads and bridges up- business membership organi- and a dramatic increase in to-
state to crumbling subways zation focusing on economic tal project costs will dramati-
downstate, New Yorkers are development and advocacy, cally overtake the value of any
already paying too much for has always opposed prevail- incentive turning the whole
too little in return. Expanding ing wage legislation. As we project financially upside
this broken, costly, and ineffi- look to recruit and retain more down. Expanding the prevail-
cient mandate to private sec- jobs in Westchester County
tor development will cripple
investment and growth, and TREES TREES
further shut out New York’s
small businesses from bidding TRIMMED CABLED
and winning work by putting
them at a greater competitive Tri-County
disadvantage,” said NFIB’s 3rd Generation Family Owned & Operated STUMP REMOVAL
New York state director, Greg 4449 Sage Road, Warsaw • 585-786-5684 Tree Service
We Make and Sell 100% TREE CUT
“Habitat for Humanity cur- Pure Maple Syrup FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES
rently opposes any legislation
expanding the definition of Limited Batch Call Any Time
“Public Works” to include all Bourbon Barrel
construction projects with Aged Maple Syrup (585) 567-2638
state subsidies. This change
would include affordable • Maple Syrup • Maple Cream • Maple Fluff
housing projects and enforce • Maple Coffee and Herbal Tea
prevailing wage for Habitat • Granulated and Hard Maple Sugar
homes across the state. Habi- • Maple BBQ Sauce and Hot Sauce
tat affiliates are at the fore- • Maple Syrup Cook Book • Gift Baskets
front in combating our state’s
housing crisis. This proposal “Boiling No Matter What”
could slow production, in-

TIM BARLOW 7960 Trall Road
Freedom, NY 14065

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 27

Alert! NYS DOL to Let Proposed

Call-In Pay Regulations Expire

Last year, the New York lowed to expire. was not appropriate for every tries.” oming County Chamber of
State Department of Labor had The Department of Labor industry. Revised rules, issued Special thanks to the Wy- Commerce partner, the Busi-
proposed new rules that would in late 2018, were praised by ness Council of NYS, for
have required employers to said in is ruling, “Following a opponents and criticized by working so hard on this issue.
make additional payments to series of public hearings in late supporters. At this time, due to The organizations opposed will
employees for canceled shifts, 2017, the Department of Labor the constraints of the regulato- continue to monitor the issue as
unscheduled shifts, on-call issued proposed regulations ry process, the best course of the legislative session progress-
shifts and more. This was to to address what is common- action is to let this process ex- es.
be accomplished through the ly identified as “just-in-time,” pire and re-evaluate in the fu-
regulatory process without “call-in” or “on-call” schedul- ture, likely in concert with the
going through the legislature. ing. Based on extensive feed- Legislature, which would have
The Business Council, industry back in the subsequent com- a broader authority and better
groups, and Chambers of Com- ment period, it was clear the legal standing than Department
merce had fiercely opposed Department’s initial intent to of Labor regulations alone to
these rules that would have support workers while being balance the various needs of
added additional costs and ad- fair to businesses was viewed as workers, businesses and indus-
ministrative burdens on New a one-size-fits-all approach that
York employers.

Fortunately, in late February
2019, the Department of La-
bor issued a statement that the
proposed rules would not be
implemented and would be al-

28 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Protecting N.Y. State Farmland
Joan Sinclair Petzen for water quality, and will help productive agricultural lands
& David Bojanowski Conservancy, and towns in the Submitted Photo the family continue adopting in the town, but deliberately
Genesee Valley within which new technology to increase excluded lands within the Vil-
Farmland is the heart and the farms are located. A com- farmland protection a priority their efficiency and improve lage of Perry to ensure the
soul of Wyoming County Ag- petitive pre-screening pro- to help with this transition. soil health and productivity. community has other eco-
riculture. The Wyoming gram run by the county’s Owned by Stanley and Mi- nomic development opportu-
County Agriculture and Farm- farmland protection board chele Klein and their son Rus- True Farm (Perry) nities available and that future
land Protection Board identifies the most likely sell, their farm includes one of The True Farm, also a work- development may be located
(WCAFPB) together with the farms to be successful, when just two undeveloped proper- ing dairy, is located on the within the Village near exist-
Genesee Valley Conservancy applying to the State program, ties along the 7.4 miles of northern edge of the Village of ing utilities and services.
(GVC) has successfully won and ensures the farms selected shore on Silver Lake. Perry. Owned by the True
New York State Farmland match local conservation family, this project is a demon- The WCAFPB will accept
Protection Grant Awards to planning goals. Gary Swede Farm stration of carefully planned pre-applications through May
protect three farms in the most (Covington, community development. The 3, 2019 at 3:00pm. Pre-appli-
recent round of competitive Silver Meadows Perry, Leicester) project protects the highly cations can be obtained from
grant applications. In antici- Farm (Castile, the Wyoming County Plan-
pation of the next round of Perry) The Gary Swede Farm proj-
NYS Purchase of Develop- ect includes land in Perry, (Continued on next page.)
ment Rights (PDR) Grants, On the three generation Sil- Covington and Leicester.
Cornell Cooperative Exten- ver Meadows Farm, overlook- Owned by Gary, Sharon, Ja- Jessica Best, Real Estate Salesperson
sion (CCE), GVC and WCAF- ing Silver Lake, the Klein son and Ryan Swede and Tra-
PB will offer informational family is also working to tran- cie Cole, this working crop Cell 585-409-8734 • Office 716-324-2300
seminars in February and sition their operation to the farm adjoins existing protect-
March. All owners of farms next generation and identified ed farms, has land along the Serving the GLOW region and beyond
who wish to be considered for Genesee River that will have
application are required to at- special riparian protections
tend one of the informational
meetings. Stay, Wine, and Dine Couple’s Escape

Three Wyoming $249 Weekdays • $269 Weekends
Farms in Wyoming County
will protect 2,390 acres of Fireside Dining, Soft Music, Linen Draped Tables, Crystal Stemware, Fine China, • Pizza & Subs
farmland in the most recently Incredible Food, Four-Course Fixed Price Dining from 5:00 until 8:00 Nightly. • Beer & Pop
completed round PDR Grant TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence • Select Registry Distinctive Inns of North America • Lottery & Tobacco
applications. Gary Swede Member Bed and Breakfast Diamond Collection Boutique Hotel • 2018 Top Ten Most • Fuels & BBQ Propane
Farm, Silver Meadows Farm • Deli & Mini-Grocery
and True farms applications Romantic Inn in America • New York State Country Inn of the Year 2018 • Farm to Table Meat Market
were selected by New York
State to receive grants to pro- Book Your Holiday Party Now — Reservations Are Required OPEN
tect highly productive farm- 5:30 AM -
lands. These farms will work RIVER SPRING LODGE 8:00PM
with the GVC over the next 1961A Church Road, Darien Center, NY 14040 |
two to three years to complete
their projects and bring almost 585.708.4212
$6 million dollars in state re-
sources to Wyoming County
to be used to complete the
land protection projects and
enhance their farming opera-
tions and conservation goals.

Last year’s success was the
result of long term partner-
ships created between Wyo-
ming County Farmland Pro-
tection Board, Genesee Valley

Go Wyoming April 2019 • 29

Farmland Contact us at (585)786-0307 or go to to join today!

From previous page.
ning Office, CCE or Wyoming
County Soil and Water Con-
servation District. If you have
questions about the program
either prior to or after the in-
formational seminar, you may
contact Dave Bojanowski,
Farmland Protection Special-
ist with GVC, daveb@ gene-,
585-243-2190; Bill Daly, Wy-
oming County Director of
Planning and Economic De-
velopment, wdaly@wyo-, 716-450-4744;
Joan Petzen, CCE Agriculture
Department Program Leader, or 585-
786-2251; or Allen Fagan,
Wyoming County Soil and
Water Conservation District
Manager, afagan@frontier.
com or 585-786-3675. Collab-
oration among our local part-
ners, municipalities and farm-
ers will help continue to bring
valuable NYS resources to
Wyoming County to protect
our most valuable farmlands.

We are celebrating our 43rd year in business! PARTS & SERVICE
New Wiring  Troubleshooting  Lighting Installations
Electrical Upgrades  Phone, Cable & Internet Wiring • CUTTING EDGES & TEETH -
For all makes & models
Smoke & CO2 Detectors  Surge Protection
RIGHTThe Fabricated to your specific
mean EVERYTHING the larest selections of
hoses & fittings in the area.
Member of the
Wyoming County Chamber • UNDER CARRIAGE WORK TO
BBB A+ Rating Regardless of brand
585.493.5709 585.493.2426
150 West Mill Street, Castile, NY

30 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

Welcome to our Families, Brides, Babies, & Seniors Light House Station
new members...
Love to come to Carlson’s. Don’t put it off any or (585) 237-8644
Alyssa N. Cutclife, longer, Call Carlson’s today to discuss your The Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism hosted a rib-
Licensed Massage needs and soon you will have a beautiful bon cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of Light
Therapist, Warsaw portrait on your wall. One you will be House Station, on Friday, November 16, 2018.
proud to display. Light House Station is a maternity home serving western
Dudaworks, New York by providing young women experiencing an un-
Cowlesville Celebrating 69 years in business! Wyoming 585-786-2871 planned or crisis pregnancy short-term, immediate residen-
Howard Hanna, Making memories for a lifetime. tial assistance. Women can come to live with us at any point in the pregnancy and stay for up to 9 weeks following the
Batavia birth of their child. They are stop in life’s journey to direct,
KM Dance Center, Perry We’ll keep you warm with quiet empower, and equip through the guiding light of Christ.
comfort and low operating costs Their goal is to encourage positive changes through leader-
King Bros with a 95%+ natural gas furnace. ship, collaboration, focused attention, education and love in
Construction LLC, Natural gas heating is clean, a Christ-centered home, so women will be prepared for a
dependable and cost-efficient. new life for themselves and their children.
North Java
Markin Tubing, Natural Gas, Your For Computer Service, Repair, Upgrades,
Best Energy Value! Virus and Spyware Removal, or
Old Souls Catering, Heating 72nd Residential NEW Custom Built Computers with
Cooling and Windows 7 or 10
Perry Refrigeration ANNIVERSARY
Pioneer Library 1947-2019 Commercial Please call Ken at...

System, Refrigeration Co. of BATAVIA, INC. KCS Computers
Canandaigua 26 Cedar St., Batavia, NY 14020
ReCollections Wellness Phone: 585-343-2678 225 Wyoming St., Warsaw NY
Center, Arcade
Silverlaken LLC, 585-943-9786
Silver Springs
Strassel Law, Warsaw
TCCT Inc., Warsaw
The Basics,
Letchworth State Park Over 25 Yrs. Experience. Repairs starting at $30.
Yeah! Pierogi, Varysburg
In-Home Service available in WNY. Windows 7 or 10
No trip charge in Wyoming County. Laptops Available!

Save 5% off Any Repair Work
or $2500 off Any New Computer

Must use code CHAMBER2019


Go Wyoming April 2019 • 31

2019 Wyoming County Maple Weekends

It truly is Springtime in unique each of our maple pro- family with these maple pro- celebrated our 24th year! syrup, candies and more year-
Wyoming County when you ducers are. They vary in size duction fun facts: For more information, vis- round from many of our local
first catch the sweet smell of from large producers who producers – just visit BuyWy-
maple syrup! sell goods at Taste of NY lo- N.Y.S. produces the 2nd it!
cations along the New York most maple syrup in the Unit- You can also purchase maple
The very best way to em- State Thruway, to small sugar ed States – and Wyoming
brace the end of winter is houses that produce 25 gal- County produces the 2nd BUILDING SUPPLIES
New York State Maple Week- lons of syrup a year and sell most maple syrup in N.Y.S.!
ends which took place March locally from their roadside (585) 786-2510 100 ALLEN STREET
23-24 & 30-31 – and no one stands. Each stop on the Wy- On average, a maple tree (585) 786-8660 WARSAW
celebrates the scrumptious- oming County Maple Week- will produce 10 to 20 gallons
ness of all things maple like ends trail is a completely dif- of sap per tap. • KITCHEN & BATH
Wyoming County. ferent and exciting experience • HARDWARE
– one we encourage everyone It takes approximately 40 • SIDING
This year Wyoming Coun- to enjoy each and every year! gallons of sap to produce just • LUMBER
ty had 20 participating ma- one gallon of fresh sweet ma- • PAINT (Ben. Moore)
ple producers, the most in Amaze your friends and ple syrup. • WINDOWS
New York State! Locations • DOORS
featured a myriad of fam- Maple Weekends started in • ROOFING
ily-friendly fun, including 1995, which means we just • CEMENT
tastings, delicious maple • DRAINAGE PIPE
products for purchase, pro- NMLS#29600 • STEEL SIDING &
duction demonstrations, sug-
ar house tours, all-you-can- R oss P. B owman ROOFING
eat pancake breakfasts with
fresh maple syrup, games and Mortgage Consultant MLO#407608
much more. Cell 716.989.7794
Office 716.654.5626
What makes Maple Week- Fax 716.651.5640
ends in Wyoming County so Toll Free 888.500.9733
special is how diverse and
6000 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14221

Licensed Mortgage Banker
NYS Dept. Financial Services

32 • April 2019 Go Wyoming

2019 Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism

Community Investors

Thank you for the Substantial commitment to the advancement of the Wyoming County business
community and the mission of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.

FreedMaxick, CPAs, P.C. Byrncliff Golf Resort & Banquets Upstate Auto Wyoming County Industrial
FreedMaxick, one of Western and Up- Byrncliff is a year around resort nestled Upstate Auto sells new and pre-owned Development Agency
state New York’s largest public account- in the rolling hills of Wyoming County Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram
ing firms and a Top 100 firm in the U.S., in Varysburg, NY. It features an 18 hole & Toyota. They service all makes and A public benefit corporation that pro-
FreedMaxick provides audit, tax and par 72 golf course, recognized as one mod-els. Unbeatable tire prices. Quick
consulting services. of the best public golf courses south of Lube and Automatic car wash with vides incentives such as tax savings
service appointment.
and financing programs for qualifying
Buffalo, a full service bar and restau-
economic develop-ment projects in

Wyoming County.

rant, overnight lodging with heated

pool, cross country skiing and banquet

facilities for all your social occasions. WCJW Radio Solar Liberty
WCJW has been Wyoming Coun- Solar Liberty is committed to promoting
Attica Auto & Hardware, Inc. ty’s most listened to radio station for energy independence through wide-
the past 40 years. Western NY’s CJ spread installation of solar electric
Operating in five counties in Western Country plays today’s favorites and the systems with a focus on engineering
legends across 5 frequencies (1140 for system optimiza-tion. This grow-
New York, Attica Auto & Hardware is a AM, and 100.9, 103.7, 104.3 and 105.5 ing company was recognized by Inc.
FM) other popular pro-grams include magazine on the list of Fastest Growing
whole-saler and retailer of auto parts Creative Food Ingredients Tradio (Monday– Saturday 9-10 am), Private Companies in 2008, ranking 92
and supplies with six CARQUEST stores NASCAR racing, and Section V high in the country and 5th among energy
conveniently located in Attica, Batavia, Creative Food Ingredients is a com- school sports broadcasts. campaigns.
Perry, Medina, Brockport and Wellsville. mer-cial bakery based in Perry, NY
Also part of the group Attica Ace Hard- supplying baked ingredient products
ware and Ace Hard-ware Warsaw are throughout the North American market.

full service retail hardware supply stores

ready to serve the community on any

project no matter the size. Koike Aronson, Inc.

Koike Aronson, Inc. is a manufacturer R&R Precision Construction, Inc. Upstate Door, Inc.
of cutting machines, welding posi- Upstate Door specializes in unique,
tioning equipment, oil tank automatic R&R is your one call contractor for con- one-of-a-kind fine door solutions. We
girth welders, portable welding/cutting crete and general contracting, commer- build custom hardwood exterior and
Complete Payroll Processing, Inc. products and gas apparatus. cial, residential and agricultural buildings. interior stile and rail doors, MDF doors,
Complete Payroll Processing provides They cover all aspects of the building
pay-roll processing, tax management, and screen/storm door solutions for en-
process. No job is too big or too small. try-ways and porches. With locations in

HR services, time and attendance and NYSEG Warsaw and Castile, Upstate Door ser-

much more. NYSEG is a Rochester-based subsidi- vices locations within a 12 hour radius.

ary of Energy East Corporation provid-
ing electricity and natural gas across Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Inc.

more than 40% of upstate New York. Tompkins Insurance provides a full

range of personal and commercial

Five Star Bank insurance and employee benefits prod- Wyoming County Community
Five Star Bank is a local community bank ucts and services. With roots dating Health Systems

that assists businesses and individuals Pioneer Credit Recovery, Inc. back 100+ years, their team of profes- Wyoming County Community Hospital’s
with all their banking and investment Handling billions in portfolios, Pioneer
needs. recovers a broad spectrum of debt for sionals delivers quality products and (WCCH) mission is “to provide outstanding
all levels of government: from federal
agen-cies, to cities, to hundreds of unrivaled, 24/7 customer service to help healthcare services and to have a positive
families and businesses in our commu- impact on the health of our rural community.”

nity protect what they value most. WCCH has over 500 dedicated and skilled

employees serving the needs of our 50 bed

acute-care hospital, 12 bed behavioral health

unit and an attached 138 bed skilled nursing

facility. WCCH provides a broad range of

Morton Salt, Inc. Tompkins Bank of Castile Warsaw Penny Saver & Perry Shopper services including women’s health and
Morton Salt, Silver Springs Facility, is a maternity, adult day health care, therapy and
Tompkins Bank of Castile is a local com-mu- Award-winning weekly advertising rehabilitation, imaging/radiology, emergency
manufacturer of food grade salt, agricul- nity bank that has been assisting individu- publica-tions whose sister company and ER express, behavioral health, orthope-
als, families and businesses with all their Appearances provides graphic design dics, and cardiac services.
tural salt, industrial salt applications and and in-house printing services.
financial needs for over 145 years.
products for water systems.

For more information on how to become a Community Investor, call us at (585) 786-0307.

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