Saturday 14th September 2019
Samuel Kings School, Alston
Admission by Donation
Open to the public at 2.00pm
All exhibits to be staged by 10am Judging at 10.30am
Exhibits are not to be removed before 4.00pm
Entries would be appreciated as soon as possible but certainly
no later than Tuesday 10th September 2019. All classes are
open to people living in CA8 & CA9 postcodes
The Committee wish to thank Sponsors, Advertisers and
all the members of the Public for their kind donations
Hello and welcome to the Alston & District Flower, Craft and Produce Show
A very significant year in the shows history, with a whole host of new flower
show Committee members. So with that in mind on behalf of everybody, I
would like to thank all the retiring committee members for their work and
sheer dedication over the many many years, that they have been on the
committee . Also a very warm welcome to all the new committee members,
and hope that they make this as successful and as pleasurable as the retiring
committee have. After discussions and meetings with the new committee, we
have decided to try to change things around just a little bit, ”NOT A LOT”
but just to try and freshen things up a bit. So there will be some changes.
Hopefully people won’t be too disappointed if their favourites aren’t in. But
we felt with a new start, a new look for the flower show.
I have felt for some time maybe we could add some catering for the flower
show by providing teas, cakes and sandwiches. So thank you to the WI for
providing this service. Hopefully this will prove a success. This is part of the
reason we have cut down on some of the entries to make more space for
seating and tables. Another large change is due to the lack of entries from
off moor, we have closed the Open section so all entries will now be from
Alston Moor, CA9 and Slaggyford, CA8 postal code areas.
We look forward to seeing you and as a reminder that you are the most
important thing to the continuation of the flower show, everyone’s support
is vital for another 50 years. Thank you your continued support.
Steve Hattersley, Chairman.
Please note no more than 2 entries per person per class
1. Arrangement in a basket using Foliage Only. Not to exceed 40cm width &
height. (No Flower)
2. Arrangement of Flowers in a tea cup and saucer.
3. Tall All White Floral Arrangement with foliage. Using a tall container, this
arrangement must not exceed 30cm in width.
4. Modern Asymmetrical Floral Display. Not to exceed 50cm width & height.
5. Button Hole for a Gent.
6. Miniature Floral Arrangement. Not to exceed 10cm width & height.
7. Bowl of Floating Flower.
8. Three HT Roses.
9. Bowl of 6 Roses, any type must not exceed 6 buds.
10. Four Calendulas, shown on a board.
11. Six single Fuchsia heads shown on a board.
12. Six double Fuchsia heads shown on a board.
13. Four Pansies to be show on a board.
14. One Cactus or Succulent plant.
15. One House Plant flowering.
16. One house plant foliage
17. Two Gladioli spikes
18. Two sprays of Spray Chrysanthemums
19. Three Dahlia under 17cm either ball, decretive or water lily.
20. Three Pom Pom Dahlia under 32mm
21. Three Dahlia under 17cm either Cactus or Semi Cactus.
22. Vase os single shade Dahlia (One variety only with Dahlia foliage).
23. Vase of mixed Dahlia using foliage for effect
24. One Large Giant Dahlia.
25. Vase of three Anemone flowering Dahlias.
26. Vase of mixed garden flowers
Please note no more than 2 entries per person per class
All Onions must be dressed
27. Three Onions, grown from Sets, clean, freshly pulled, shown with tops on.
28. Three Onion grown from Seed (Dressed).
29. Three Onion grown from Sets (Dressed).
30. Collection of Four Vegetables, one of each type.
31. Four Kidney Potatoes, White
32. Four Kidney Potatoes, Coloured
33. Four Round Potatoes, White.
34. Four Round Potatoes, Coloured.
35. One Exhibit Potatoe under 6oz.
36. Four Pods Runner Beans.
37. Four Pods of Peas.
38. Three Beetroot, Round, shown without tops.
39. Two Stumped Carrots, shown without tops
40. Two Long Carrots, shown without tops.
41. Two Parsnips.
42. Four Tomatoes.
43. One Cucumber (Shown with flower, if possible).
44. Two Trench Leeks (Length)
45. Two Pot Leeks (Girth).
46. One Round Summer Cabbage.
47. One Cauliflower.
48. Four Shallots, any colour.
49. Collection of Vegetables, One Leek,One Onion Set & One Onion Seed all
50. Large Marrow, Length
51. Longest Runner Bean.
52. Any Single Vegetable not listed in schedule.
53. Heaviest Onion Dressed.
Please note no more than 2 entries per person per class
54. Four Flapjack Squares, Any Ingredients.
55. Three Ginger Biscuits.
56. Four Cheese Scones
57. Victoria Sponge Using Set Recipe Only ( Found at the back of
the schedule). 8inch/20cm Tins
58. Large Treacle Tart. 8 Inch/20cm Tin.
59. Gluten Free Cake.
60. A Savoury Pie, Any Savour Filling.
61. One Loaf of Bread made in a Bread Machine.
62. One Savoury Loaf of Bread, Handmade.
63. Four Homemade Cup Cakes Decorated.
64. Homemade Chutney in a 8oz jar.
65. Any Homemade Jam in a 8oz jar.
66. Homemade Flavoured Spirit.
67. Home Produced Honey (Judged on taste only)
68. Four Home Produced Hen Eggs.
69. Four Home Produced Duck Eggs.
Please note no more than 2 entries per person per class
70. One Pair of Babies Booties with Knitted or Crocheted.
71. Any Handmade item using the technique Quilting.
72. Any Handmade Felted Item.
73. Using Recycled Material, Make Something New ( Can be
Decorative or Useful)
74. Handmade Shopping Bag.
75. A Hand Drawn Drawing using any pencil medium.
76. A Handmade Greeting Card to celebrate “Harvest Festival”.
77. A Handmade Painting using any medium.
78. A Piece of Handmade Jewellery.
79. A Photograph “We Are Family” (Thinking outside the box)
80. A Photograph “Alston Moor”
81. A Photograph “Black & White”
82. A Photograph “The Year 2019”
Please note no more than 2 entries per person per class
Pre School
83. Two Handmade Decorated Cupcakes (Cakes can be shop
84. A Painting done with Potatoes or Vegetable Stamps.
A4 in size
85. A Decorated Cress Seed Head.
86. An Animal made from Kitchen Rolls.
Primary School
87. Two Homemade Cupcakes Decorated.
88. A Healthy Pack Lunch in a box no larger than 15cm x
89. A Poster “Dog Poo Prevention” (The Winning Poster will
be used around Alston Town)
90. Computer Generated Drawing, Printed A4
Secondary School
91. Computer Generated Drawing, Printed A4.
92. A Homemade Bird Feeder, “Be Inventive”.
93. Four Chocolate Brownies.
94. A Digital Collage using images to recreate an Animal.
Printed A3
All Entries Must be Childs Own Work.
Please state age on entry which will be taken into
consideration when judging.
1. The Society will exercise care but will not be responsible for
accident or injury, or loss or damage which may happen to any
person, property or exhibit in the Show Venue or exhibit sent to
the show.
2. No exhibit will be allowed to leave the Show Venue before
4.00pm unless the Exhibitor has obtained leave from the
Secretary and any Exhibitor breaking these Rules shall forfeit all
prizes which have been awarded to them.
3. Judging to commence at 10.30 am
4. A Steward will attend each section with the Judges. It will be his/
her duty to see that no obstruction is offered to them and the
space reserved for them is not encroached on; to communicate to
the Secretary any questions that may arise for the consideration
of the Committee; to complete the judges reports and hand them
over to the Secretary at once; and to ticket the exhibit.
5. No Exhibitor or other person, except the Stewards, will be
allowed to go near the Judges when making their awards.
6. The Society will not be responsible for any accidents.
7. First Prize money in any class will be withheld unless there are
more than three entries in any class.
• 1st takes 1st Prize Card and 2nd Prize Money
• 2nd takes 2nd Prize Card and 3rd Prize money
• 3rd takes 3rd Prize Card Only
8. All exhibits shown in All Classes must be either Grown by the
exhibitor or Produced by the exhibitor in post codes CA8 & CA9.
9. Any Exhibitor breaking the rules is liable to be debarred from
exhibiting for three years.
10. Points awarded; 1st = 5 points 2nd = 3 points 3rd = 1 point
11. The Judges decision is final.
For the most points in classes 19 - 26
For the most points in Classes 1-69
For the most points in classes 19-26
For most outstanding pot plant.
For the most points in classes 1-26
For the best arrangement in classes 1-7
For most points in classes 27-53
Overall Best Exhibit in classes 27-53
For the most points in Classes 54-69
For Classes 54-69
For the most points in the Handicraft Classes 70-82
For the best bottle of spirt class 66
For most points in Children's Classes Pre School
For the most points in Children's Classes Primary School
For the most points in Children's Classes Secondary School
Guidance for Exhibitors
The idea behind these notes is to assist the inexperienced exhibitor to prepare
their exhibits and show to their best advantage. By no means are these notes
exhaustive and any member wishing assistance or further guidance should
approach any member of the show committee who will be happy to pass on their
knowledge and experience.
• Please don’t mix up Onions (from seed) with Onion sets, Onions are to be
grown from seed uniform appearance is the key to these classes
• Onion classes, class 27, should not be stripped back and should still have tops
on but flaky skins removed. Roots should be left on to show they are fresh.
• Class 28/29The term Dressed, means stripped back to clean skin, More points
are normally awarded for a good ripened skin (brown)
• Class 1 heaviest Onion, should be stripped back to remove flaky skin then cut
off at the neck and sealed with electricians tape and the roots cut off.
Appearance will only be taken into account if 2 onions have the same weight. A
piece of toilet roll centre will help to balance the onion on for display.
• Leeks should be striped down to a clean flag and the roots cleaned and left on.
• Shallots should be as dressed onions, however care on sealing the top of the
stem, with maybe thread instead of tape.
• Summer cabbage is always a problem, many exhibitors in the past have put in
large spring or Savoy cabbage, please note these will be disqualified.
• Cauliflower should have outer leaves stripped back to reveal the crown, but
should be left attached.
• Vegetable Marrow, a common fault here is that many exhibitors place large
courgettes instead of Marrow, in this class we are looking for the longest
Marrow from tip to tip.
• Beans and peas should be uniform in size and as straight as possible with the
tip of the stalk still attached.
• Cucumbers should still have the flower attached, however this is difficult and
you should not be deterred to enter if your flower is not attached.
• Potatoes, should be uniform in size and should each be between 4 and 6oz in
• Tomatoes should be uniform in size, shape and colour with stalk attached. A
small paper plate with dry sand will assist in display.
• Truss of tomatoes needs to be on the most part ripe, however it is permitted to
have some green tomatoes.
• Beetroot, Parsnips and carrots should be cut tops, but at least 4” left on, this is to
show they are fresh and also not shop bought.
• Collection of 4 Veg, the judge is looking for the display with the most pleasing to
the eye and uniform veg, however past experience would show that, large onions,
leeks, marrows, parsnip and carrots, seem to be favoured.
In Flower classes of Chrysanthemums, Dahlia, Gladioli and Roses, the Judge will
give preference to entries were the blooms are of the same variety and colour,
however this should not deter you from entering mixed varieties in any particular
class. This advice is only to allow you to understand, why an apparent exhibit of
less quality may win over other mixed blooms, due to the fact the blooms are from
the same variety, which are in theory more difficult to produce.
• Please note where the entry states Single colour, you can have many varieties if
you prefer, however they must all be the same colour or shade of colour, the
judge however will likely favour same varieties over same colour where blooms
are of similar standard.
• Dahlia’s where size is mentioned, are tested by use of a ring, either 32mm inches
or 170mm and your blooms will be disqualified if you exceed the stated limits,
except in class 24 where there is no size limit.
• Single variety Dahlias, mean that they should be the same variety and colour.
• Gladiolus should only have one spike and all side spikes removed for showing.
• Soft fruits should be displayed on a paper plate.
• A general comment on exhibits, is that where more than one item is displayed
the judge will usually select veg and flowers of same size and uniformity, over
large misshaped veg and flowers, so concentrate on getting uniformity and
quality over size.
“The WI has been invited to
provide refreshments at this
years show and there will be
delicious tea coffee, cakes
and sandwiches available
from 2 pm.”
‘The Women’s Institute has been in Alston since 1924 with its home
in the Masonic Hall. You may have seen us at Gala day parading
down the street dressed as WI through the decades. We meet on the
second Monday of the month and our next meeting is Monday, the
14th of October, where you are warmly welcome to come to visit and
see what we do and enjoy our monthly speaker. You will also have tea
and cake afterwards! A program of our speakers will be available to
look at . Hope to see you then.
If you would like any more information please contact
Jocelyn Hattersley on 381012. ‘
Kindly supplied by the Alston WI
8oz (225g) Soft Margarine or Butter
8oz (225g) Caster Sugar plus extra for dusting
4 Eggs Beaten
8oz (225g) Self Raising Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp Milk
Raspberry Jam
2 x 8 inch (20cm) sandwich tins, greased and lined in the base
Beat all the ingredients (except raspberry jam) undivided
between the 2 prepared tins.
Bake at 180C, Gas 4, for 20 minutes until golden & cake springs
back when pressed in the centre.
Sandwich cakes together with raspberry jam & dust with cast
Number of Class £p
Entries to: Mr R Hampshire
Live Well Contract Interior
Alston Town Hall
Tel 01434 382902