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2 | april/may
staff | table of contents
Editors in Chief Editors Staff jaylen lewis Adviser
alex lin
design | makenna shrager news | shreya arunkumar shreya arunkumar dj pelles kari phillips
writing | aryan bommena & sports | gabby raney & nick woolard aryan bommena achintya perumal
kendall cadegan culture | taylor goudie kendall cadegan gabby raney
feature | achintya perumal lily clark ava robinson
check out the newly opinion | gabby raney & nick woolard teresa christian cristhian ropero montoya
designed orange copy editor | luna perez, molly sullivan & emma clute mazzy seigneur
media website zion clifton natalia favila inacua makenna shrager
business manager | natalia favila inacua & valeria favila inacua nick woolard shreya arunkumar connor goudie varsha venkateshwaran
cover story | taylor goudie taylor goudie
design editor | teresa christian & lily clark eric kiekeben
digital editor | rachel lehman sorina larsen
Orange’s fastest growing sport
Sexualization of sports uniforms
Prom 2022
15 RADIANT RACHEL april/may|3
A cheaper alternative to the nail salon
cover illustrations/design makenna shrager
editorial | college
anxious acceptances
college does not determine your future
writing aryan bommena | design cris montoya w
F examined the career earnings of graduates Higher education is just that, a higher
ranged from small state schools to renowned form of education. A good student at a
and combating senioritis; much of this stress
High schoolers need to realize that not
become successful and the school someone
their success for the rest of their career. talent will take them further in their career
inclined to hire a worker with more job
education. and how those skills translate to their
out of the classroom will lead to success, not .education.
4 | april/may
news brief’s | news
news briefs
e april/may 2022
writing shreya arunkumar | design cris montoya
r Signing students “Oui” Had an Election Singing Soloists
a The French presidential election, which One of the biggest events of the year for
the choir program occurred on the weekend of
this year. The two candidates were Emmanuel April 29. The choir showcase had the theme
Macron, who served the previous term, and “Out of this World” and was a three-day
t and Meghan Moser signed to continue Marine Le Pen, a lawyer and politician.
It was a close election; with 18,768,639 “Choir showcase is an annual end-of-the-
votes, Macron won the election, while Le Pen year concert that the choir program puts on,”
e junior and featured showcase soloist Loren
dpa-infocom. However, French elections are Geiger said. “The theme is ‘Out of this World’,
structured very differently from American and we are singing a bunch of different songs
elections, as there are two rounds in France. related to all things space and sky.”
From solos to group performances, there
b managed to qualify to run for presidency,” was a wide variety of music being featured
throughout the showcase. “We performed
round was two and a half weeks ago and there three different nights with an arrangement of
were 12 people running in it” songs from each choir group as well as some
r From there, the two candidates with featured soloists,” Geiger said.
the most votes out of the 12 move on to the All choir members put in a lot of hard
second round, and citizens are able to directly work to make this an amazing experience
stood out to me because of their historical elect who they want for president between the for the audience, and they had high hopes for
two. their performances.
“During the second round, the candidates “We worked in class on our songs and
this year were Emmanuel Macron, the current choreography for the past quarter, and the
president of France, and Marine Le Pen,” week leading up to the showcase we had
Haynes said. practice until 6 p.m.,” junior choir member
French citizens living in America were Shannon Barr said. “I hoped that everyone
also able to vote for the president in designated got excited about the showcase and that our
areas. Haynes was able to travel to Cincinnati energy showed on stage and was infectious.”
to vote in the second round of elections, with Showcase this year was a very special
the top two candidates. one, as the choir program had to do a virtual
one last year due to COVID. “This year is
for the second round I felt it was important
to vote,” Haynes said. “I drove to Cincinnati performance since 2019,” Geiger said. “It was
and Aiden Frazier are going to the Marine with my family and we went to The French a really awesome event and everyone put in a
lot of hard work to make it an amazing show.
april/may | 5
sports | boys volleyball
orange’s fastest growing sport
Twriting nick woolard | design lily clark | photos kate moorhead purpose kill and it was like a magic switch
he spring sports season brings volleyball player,” Foy said.
lots of excitement for students to volleyball,” Foy said. “We are starting will enter into the post-season, and take
foundation again this year.” their shot at winning the tournament.
in recent years, boys volleyball has had a And to lead the team through the
“spike” in popularity. Foy expects the team to do well in
challenge this year, two captains were this tournament, and try to earn another
For the past few years, boys volleyball named. Seniors Evan Shultz and Connor district title for the team this season. And
at the high school level was not recognized Goudie were the players named this year.
.with the energy, determination and skill
season, that is going to change.
Starting in the 2022-23 season, the and make everybody feel involved, as well that each player on the team has, a chance
as trying to make sure everyone can have at that title might not be too far out of
along with girls wrestling, according to really the most important thing in sports in my eyes,” Shultz said.
And while boys volleyball was not an While boys volleyball at the high
played throughout the state in high schools school has grown, the sport in general has
– there has even been a tournament run also grown across many other schools.
throughout the state for these programs, With this growth, there are going to be
according to some tough opponents for the team to face
this year.
Along with this growth at the state toughest opponents is be Olentangy
level, the boys volleyball program at the played, they lost to Liberty, playing Liberty
high school has also grown in popularity. once in the beginning of the season, and
From the 2021 season, coming into 2022, again later on.
the team saw an increase of students
joining the team. While these losses may bring down
22 athletes to 41, so at least with athletes hope for the team, there is still hope for
wanting to play we are becoming more the games that still need to be played.
Volleyball Coach Karlie Foy said. Foy also
coaches the girls volleyball team in the “Each game clicks something for
fall. someone or the team; those are my favorite
moments,” Foy said. “We are going to be a
Along with those changes, the team
faced challenges with players leaving as the season so far have been the times
make sure that the team could get back to her players really connected to the sport
places it was in the past. itself, and seeing the growth they make
rebuilding year. Last year, we graduated individually.
nearly all of our starters, and so this a perfect connection with the ball on an
Dylan Stewart gets ready to serve Boys volleyball players celebrate Gabe Runyon gets ready to
a point won serve
6 | april/may
column | sports opinion
sexualization of sports uniforms
writing gabby raney | design lily clark
Wwere held in Athens, Greece
in 1896, it was only men sports bras and tight shirts
is because it makes the sport
participating; but, today women’s sports easier. But if that is true,
continue to prosper next to their male why are the men’s uniforms
counterparts. However, look no further
than the uniforms to see that these Having cheered at the
women’s wardrobes are rooted in sexism.
One such example is the national
Norwegian women’s beach handball team. the men’s and women’s
required to wear. Since these complaints option of knee-length shorts ABOUT THE COLUMNIST
were ignored, they decided to wear shorts and pants while the girls are
in a championship game against Spain in short skirts unless given the Hey guys! My name is Gabby Raney
opportunity to wear warm-
required. up pants. Nothing against year, I cheered for our football and
However, each member of the the cheer program, the same basketball teams here at Orange. In
uniforms are my free time I like to read and was
for going against the rules, according to worn for many involved in Science Olympiad. Follow high schools. me on Instagram @_gabby.raney_!
Catch ya later :)
Some sports like basketball, soccer In addition many all- s t a r
cheerleaders wear spandex. norwegian handball team uniforms then
for competition. Yet, others like tennis and now
normalized in these sports for women to Personally, I love cheerleading- I
wear skirts and tight spandex. Golf is one sport that has odd
restrictions in favor of the men. While
Although it may make the sport easier are prohibited to wear shorts in some
for the women playing, take a look at PGA tournaments in order to appear more
original volleyball uniforms and it can professional wearing pants. Although the
be seen that the women are wearing restrictions, like mentioned in golf, it is a
throughout the years women’s volleyball much more prominent problem in that of
uniforms seem to have adapted to what
is considered acceptable to society and to .women’s sports.
appease the “male gaze”. It is time for a culture change. Women
the sexualization of women by men. It in sports need to be solely judged on their
essentially empowers men and views athleticism instead of their perceived
women in society as the “object” of male femininity.
desire, according to
between Serena Willaims, an American
tennis player and Novak Djokovic, a
Serbian tennis player. Both are or have
been ranked as the No. 1 tennis player
for women and men. However, a single
Google search of each player shows a
knee length shorts and a short sleeved
tight tank tops and skirts, although some
images show her wearing spandex-type
It could be argued that the reason
7 | april/may
cover story | Technology
The Age Of T
the rise of technology
writing gabby raney, sorina larsen, valeria favila inacua and kendall cadegan | design teresa christian
Movies like “Back to the Future” that research and development is largely was still very new and expensive. Now we m
looked into the future to predict the can do some digital art on our phones. l
state of the world now. Flying cars robotics captain of design and junior Kaleb w
were expected to be within society by 2020 margins via technological advancements “We are fortunate in OLSD to have a s
but evidently that didn’t happen. inhibit humanity’s ability to progress.” a
Many expectations were created from Whether one believes in the future or
movies and other forms of media and is becoming more skeptical of what lies
Hopkins said. everyone: there will always be more to come. With the rise of the presence of
for people’s hopes in the future regarding new advances will change the way society come to question its rightful place and p
Technology Department Co-Chair Stephanie operates. whether or not it has become too much.
social media has also come into play. One of
“Technology is a constantly evolving the earliest and most popular social media
game with education; as soon as we get
access to the newest hardware or technology
we can catch things like cancer and r
other diseases or conditions earlier has only continued to expand with sites
for them.” become the most popular social media
environment are growing as well. two billion monthly active users. While
New opportunities are widely it is clear that many people in the world
available to increase the technology
to help reduce climate change.
also hope electric cars continue to that the site has been associated with s
develop because this would not just decreasing mental health a larger issue.
to keep new s
coming for a a
some consistent use
will arise from has been w
the market proven to lead i
associated with to lowered s
technological self-esteem i
advances. issues due to f
my hopes for the viewing of a
the future are largely edited i
8 | april/may photos on the o
influencers- l
people t
with large n
followings who
Technology | cover story
gy in the 21st century
an Creation of apps like
many times their posts about their “everyday Life360 or
e lives” are glamorized and do not show the
whole picture.
senior Macie Smith said. Smith has been an
active user of the social media platform since
d people who follow them.”
regarding the concerns that many parents parents are the ones who found it to be an
a Some parents say it’s on the grounds of it wasn’t noted that their parents did not
protection while teens may argue that it’s an actively monitor them and used it only when
invasion of their privacy and hindering them necessary.
from experiencing the “teenage dream” schoolers and their parents when it comes to
e hiding things from my parents. Life360 makes views on tracking apps. While many parents
d it feel like they don’t trust me to make the
right decisions and are always monitoring high schoolers dislike the apps that allow
their parents to monitor them constantly.
But on its base level is Life360 really a
safe app?
h sense of belonging for some users. to the Gold Membership to see the driving
speed of members in a group and alerts about
similar interests as me. When they post brings about the idea of those who buy the
on the app. since it tracks location the dangers of this are
and it allows for me to sort of feel a sense of
n with easy access to electronic devices and the mind to know that my family members have place if it constantly knows where you are
d internet. While technology is thought of as arrived and are where they are supposed to all the time.”
d some dangers. Cybercrimes have become
m increasingly popular and social media allows Shaw continues that there are both pros
o and cons to apps like these. While it can be
f for widespread easy cyberbullying. a protective measure rather than an invasion
d Since technology is such
e a big part of teenagers’ lives today- parents on the student body of the high school found any freedom.
in particular try to pry into their teens’ lives believe their parents to be the invaders by
on the grounds of protection. Where the
line between protection and invasion lies is that 44.4 percent of students are in a Life360
- group or are monitored on Life360 by their a danger than people want to admit.
e technological advancements have one of the parents. new apps and companies come to light and
e not. of students who had Life360 with their rise in popularity amongst society.
april/may| 9
cover story | technology ago, there’s no way you could use that to do Technology
- Zoom or anything else. Now, nobody ques- in 2020…
changed and the pandemic began to grow, its As technology goes on and on and on, VR and AI
name was soon recognized by everyone. Flying Cars
- Facial
- Recognition
ogy has been most notable over the past two
and each company has evolved to the virtual -
company was not easy, “We have had to do -
them involved seeing patients by telemedi- cantly in the last two years, it will continue
cine (virtual doctors appointments). We had to evolve and develop. As technology im-
- “Research and development will be us-
ing technology to create products that will
operates, many businesses have also had to improved or eliminated,” said the sales man-
- ager.
entered a new age. - However, as much as technology is need-
ed, there are some things that technology
then, other companies use other things and -
somebody else uses it or you use Webex be- tion.
- -
but you have to be ready to use all the other derstand human emotions and how humans
- man connection is still very important. -
tomers. -
munication with both our employees and
common to have virtual calls with employ- every possible technology would change
sales manager at a healthcare company who made using virtual technology mainstream.
wishes to remain anonymous said. “Virtual
technology has allowed us to continue to sales manager said.
conduct business and partner with our cus- Technology will always continue to grow
tomers without disruption.”
and change because it is necessary, especial-
Without technology, companies are not -
and has made business operations much sim- said. -
our phone systems run over the internet. We
is so important to us that now every build-
important and without it, communication
10 | april/may
technology | cover story
44.4%of students
Check in SOS
People Places
april/may | 11
feature | prom
prom in 2022
writing kendall cadegon | design natalia favila inacua
an tehveencoinsgmousnder maalseoxnaknandlotmdealn prom 2022 jalciloyab nbtadarbroorn
Prom is a highly anticipated event loved the planets and the colors,” junior and pandemic,” Martin said.
for highschoolers everywhere. class cabinent member Molly Shannon said. While the decor served as a positive
With COVID-19’s impact, this “I was scared that a space theme could look
year’s prom was the only one for the senior aspect of the night, many people were
Expectations were high for the seniors
the event proved to be memorable for both whose single prom would live in their agreed that it made the night worse and
classes. memories forever. Movies and other stories more awkward overall.
paint a certain picture that people expect to
theme for the night was “An Evening in the carry over into their own experiences. in the middle, and the transitions between
Cosmos,” which was a tribute towards the songs were not too great.”
change in the school’s mascot last year. “Prom was ok. It wasn’t as fun as I
Although some parts of the night won’t
“I was skeptical about the theme because Burns said. “I thought that there would be live up to some of the criteria that was
more dancing.” expected, the night overall was a success,
this school year has been space themed, but I as well as a step back into post-pandemic
must say it did not disappoint. I thought the For juniors, the expectations weren’t as normalcy.
entire set up was really cool,” junior Emelia pressing since they have next year’s prom
Martin said. as well. However, the hopes of a good night prom again my senior year. Although I was
were still present. underwhelmed, it wasn’t a bad experience,
space. Class cabinet was hoping to achieve
a unique and fun environment for people to “As someone who watched a lot of .and I had a good time,” junior Taylor Stewart
dance and enjoy the night in. Disney movies when she was younger, I
did have high expectations for prom in said. “I feel prom is something everyone
general. However, I didn’t really know what should experience at least once in their high
was going to come out of it. None of my school career and it’s not something to miss.”
friends had gone to prom before due to the
12 | april/may
mr smith | feature
saying goodbye to mr. smith
writing taylor goudie | design natalia favila inacua
Principal Trond Smith announced reminder that character is important and unmatched.”
that he won’t be returning as diversity that we see in the world,” Smith Smith has a strong sense of pride in the
principal next school year. Smith
has been an impactful person to the school said. community created at Orange. Smith points
to the students as his proudest
Smith is more than just a principal, accomplishment during his time here.
As principal, Smith made sure that the though. He’s a person with hobbies of his
school ran smoothly. He’s held various roles own outside of the school.
in education in the past 30 years. He’s been a are always what makes me so incredibly
“I am an avid golfer when the weather proud. Every time I see our students perform,
teacher, coach and assistant principal before is tolerable. In the winter, I like to play my compete and achieve great things, I just feel
he became the principal.
guitar,” Smith said. “I’m not great at either blessed to be here and be a small part of their
one, but I love lives,” Smith said
back and positive. He is supportive and to keep improving.”
an excellent listener,” Assistant Principal Smith will be leaving the school, but he
Smith’s involvement in the school, its
activities and sports show his true devotion that he will be taking on in the district this
Being the principal of a high school is no to this community and the growth of the August will be the director of administrative
easy feat. It’s a challenging job that Smith school.
works through each and every day. services.
“Maneuvering through COVID-19 has “Without question, my favorite “I will be supporting the work of all the
part about Orange is Friday building principals across the district, as
complex part of the job. Facilitating Night Football. Our student well as the athletic directors,” Smith said. “It
e new ways of teaching and learning,
e as well as being creative in providing body and our marching .gives me the opportunity to serve the district
band are a force to reckon
opportunities like the senior with, and we have had and allows me to work with so many great
d salute and commencement walk some great seasons on people. I’m truly humbled and excited about
the opportunity.”
ceremonies, presented a great deal been here,” Smith said.
of stress,” Smith said. “In the end, created early in the mr smith's timeline
we were able to successfully do
those things and do them well.” year, the excitement of
Smith has presented change and being back in school and 2010- Dean of Students
n has shaped the school over his past the enthusiasm of our
t will be seen throughout the crowd makes it an
experience 2012- Assistant Principal
that is
c “We have 2018- Principal
changed our
s and logos, 2022- Director for
, we have
Administrative Services
.t a d d e d
h as a
april/may | 13
opinion | astrology
capricorns are ugly
the perfect astrological sign ranking
Twriting achintya perumal | design & illustrations mazzy seigneur
he year’s old saying “never judge a book by its cover” is gone with the recurrent popularization of
astrological signs. I’ve compiled a perfect ranking of each sign based on my personal experience—so don’t
take it too seriously.
6. Pisces Women (Feb. 19 – 10. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
1. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) March 20) Libras are kind of irrelevant: they just
Virgos have always been the sit and do nothing. It’s hard to hate them
backbone of my life that I can’t quite let I need to specify women because because they didn’t do anything wrong, but
go of. I can acknowledge their underlying Pisces men are obnoxious and unfunny. there’s nothing to like either. ey’re more
manipulativeness and issues, but I think Pisces women, on the other hand, are kind of the extra addition to a friend group
I might just be attracted to the toxicity. and supportive. Everyone can always count rather than someone’s best friend.
on a Pisces woman to bring them up when
ey’re like a drug I’m addicted to: I hope things are getting tough.
to one day get over them, but I fear it’ll
never happen.
11. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries have little to no good traits to
7. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) them. Aries try extremely hard to be cool
but end up just embarrassing themselves.
2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Leos aren’t my favorite sign, but I still While I do like some Aries people, their
have a strong respect for them. ey’re astrological sign is my least favorite thing
All Cancers are depressed, but it’s always in the shadows of others; yet they about them.
the aesthetic depression received from carry on strong and persevere through
watching “La La Land.” Sometimes, I wish their unsuccessful lives.
I was a Cancer just so I could t in the
artsy, emo niche and be the next Lana Del 8. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Rey.3. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. Geminis are a hit or miss and there are
two types: the inherently evil ones and the
21) kinder ones. People must go into a new
Sagittarius individuals are the talented relationship hoping they found a good one,
people of the world who everyone looks up but there’s nothing they can do once they 12. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan.
to as superstars, examples including Taylor end up with a bad one. 19)
Swi and Nicki Minaj. ey would be the I can’t even begin to explain my
popular kids in school, but also the nice extreme hatred for Capricorns. e name
ones that people wouldn’t gossip about in itself makes me want to barf. People
behind their backs. with this astrological sign have a lower
value in society purely because of the day
4. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) they were born. I pity Capricorns, but
sometimes life sucks—just more for them
Scorpios have a reputation of being than anyone else.
terrible, evil people; but in reality, they’re
some of the most compassionate people 9. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
in the world. ey’re a group of hippies
that just want peace in the world and their Taurus personalities have little
status is built upon jealousy. meaning to me, so it all comes down to
their looks. ere’s a clear distinction
between attractive Taurus people and the
5. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) ugly ones. Some could be models while
others have the ‘ick’.
I feel bad for putting this so high
since it’s my sign, and I don’t like myself.
But, it’s undeniable how unproblematic .Dates ranges for the astrological signs
Aquarius people are. e astrology fandom
consistently puts Aquarius at the top of its were found through Allure. https://www.
lists because everyone loves them—they’re
a fan favorite! traits-dates
14 | april/may
nails | column
radiant rachel
a cheaper alternative to the nail salon
Lwriter rachel lehman | designer mazzy seigneur
ike a lot of people, I love constantly my other nails to make them all the same
having my nails done. Something length. KISS, which sells a variety of beauty
about being able to match the color products, sells do-it-yourself
and design with upcoming seasons and acrylic and dip powder that
holidays just brings me pure joy. However, comes with instructions and
seeing how much it costs is a real punch all the materials needed to
in the gut. Depending on what service get a salon-quality manicure.
people decide to get, it can cost up to $100 Doing acrylics yourself
just to get their nails done. Gel manicures is de nitely the trickiest
with acrylic extensions are by far the most because it’s so easy to do
popular, but also the most expensive. incorrectly. en, the nails
I started doing my own nails in the end up looking bumpy
summer 2020, when businesses were shut and just at out ugly. For
down due to the outbreak of COVID-19. me, I’m not a fan of acrylic
I grew my nails out naturally and used because the application and
regular nail polish I bought from Target. removal take forever, and the
While my nails were really healthy and the smell is also
removal process was really easy, I hated that really strong.
it took forever for the polish to dry and how I like dip powder a little bit ABOUT THE COLUMNIST
quickly it would chip. better because it’s more beginner-
My mom’s friend who owns a beauty friendly and easier to do. However, Hi, my name is Rachel Lehman and I’ve
shop would do my nails at her house because it involves dipping ngers into been doing journalism since I was a
sometimes and instead of using regular nail powder, it makes a huge mess. freshman and I am a junior this year. Next
polish, she would use gel polish that can be e solution that I found works best for year will be my third year writing for WEB
cured under a UV lamp and harden in just me is buying KISS natural press on nails and and my rst year writing for e Courier.
60 seconds. is inspired me to invest in then painting them myself. e kit includes My hobbies consist of scrapbooking,
my own UV lamp and gel polishes. nail glue and nails of various sizes. It’s then painting and doing fun makeup and nail
On Amazon, customers can buy the cheapest option with the press-on nails art.
di erent gel polishes individually, or in costing about $6 and the application time
bulk. Including my UV lamp, drill set, becomes quicker because all I have to do is All products can be found on
brushes, les and polishes, it at least cost glue the nails on. Amazon
$100, which is not bad considering that the When people do dip powder or acrylic
materials will last a really long time and I nails, sometimes their nails can break in Madenia UV Lamp ($39.99)
have multiple sets of polish. half which can result in them taking their RenoJ Nail Drill ($20.99)
Eventually, les will have to be replaced whole set of nails o . However, I have never MEFA Gel Nail Polish (aprox. $20)
and polish will run out. However, most had this issue with press-on nails. If one Beetles Gel Nail Polish (aprox. $30)
colors will last an extremely long time, pops o , I can simply glue it back on. Also, Modelones Gel Nail Polish (aprox.
and if there’s one color that is constantly if the nails are gently removed, they can $30)
running out or that one may absolutely be reused. Removal is similar to other nail KISS Salon Acrylic Natural Nails
love, it can be bought individually. extensions which include soaking the nails ($6)
One great brand on Amazon is MEFA. in acetone to loosen the glue, making the
ey have many di erent sets of 20 polishes removal easy.
that are di erent colors and shades and I highly recommend this hobby to those
include a base coat, shiny topcoat and matte who enjoy doing their nails frequently.
topcoat so it's a great brand for beginners. .Some days I enjoy turning on a Net ix
Additionally, it’s pretty a ordable with the
prices ranging from $20-30 per set. show and spending time doing my nails.
I’ve found this technique to be the most
While doing my natural nails is nice, cost-e ective and easiest so I encourage
nothing infuriates me more than when one others to give it a try.
of my nails breaks. en, I have to trim
15 | april/may