November 2022 B Volume 15
Issue 2
Money MakesBthe
B World Go ‘RoundB
B 2840 E Orange Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035
2 | november Design | Shreya Arunkumar
design - makenna shrager business manager - shreya writers: kari phillips
writing - aryan bommena arunkumar & natalia favila inacua darius agbotui
& kendall cadegan columnist - rachel lehman rebekah richter GUEST WRITER
sports columnist - justin blevins adam welch
copy editors - zion clifon, luna ava valentik marshall medley
perez delgado, & molly sullivan nathan staten
design & photo editors - teresa designers:
christian & lily clark nathan chow
digital editor - rachel lehman wyatt downey
feature editor - achintya perumal lincoln hake
lifestyle editor - taylor goudie mackenna miller
news editor - shreya arunkumar hiya patel
projects editor - taylor goudie sophie rogers
sports & opinion editors - nick audrey selsor
woolard & gabby raney lilly wood
Check out e Courier’s online
site! All your favorite writers and
designers go digital. Scan the code
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directly there!
THE CONTROVERSIAL CUP.........................p.9
FALL FASHION..........................................................p.18
THE SCENE..................................................................p.16
MUSIC AT MIDNIGHT......................................p.25
staff editorial | cost of gaming
getting good at gaming
how much money gamers invest
Iw2ga2aedmgpstbla00opvarloemo22ueemrmci21unnsccAteaoWnoe.,hotitstichpnsanenOrnic$itcoeogesitniof6nscngohwmoicoenreo0eelerirdcaRnte.renimd4teetiodeotsnedirsfuicstobdawmy)bgnhitcmtcelitigtiowohhnaalttatolohisxteehnvtriaoieodota,sersyhsnht,tnasofopswim,ittstrwppanphemrapih(pdnoeeogeelieoiegennnnsencnCios.rsttwdcbhtnttoio.phDcOlisbtousslool.osilwreusVdd,lannaiisevienotInstmerriisvDuugeetedkdioiuram.sed-ecsctmnnc1dooooea|eefhd9sondomordgdltsbtarlasaataeoeg.eypicirtmcsnlamcgokteseoimketanenaiendodvvmsdgfedfiiohrwsiawddenotnwoinrheenamiiagwsnnndooyels-,. illbsb“ctoaatqitsiynmhhhtpfvaruuueeoeeeenaehtticamrwyctn’“eigtreAaoigknldrafarepaepootdtawimamturaneeafrpohiirenrcigeinsoltemettnedlc.aiussymuec“Wrkisuiaetsmsigsnt”nfapncsosaogeidrtoohiiiaotnttarfhennheetrwumenaetaargiiofyhge-ns’ut“rtuegitsheioedRnhi.n,atsyenuiteompo-rbteoctaoasbern”auteirtephnnlnr,cyegsotbpotedfe”ndihapxaoern’iiioigteipnrngnanstwaonmsughirkptmmpoeaagrehtaemclnhantfetpeehnhhrmitee-aooeeidcaenwbntaaennewusyiiegvpnesieekrthl,yosnpogaryliw”teed.gnr.t.oamddtneesiAhdloottcalaobemhvewwyndcnrseade,eednnvuicneusfraarallyristitsoodnpvnuaoiaaeonaaegpecmitsrrnnddogyaeeees- poor investment.
concluded that 52 percent of Although an argument is that video games
top games in the u.s. 2021 the 10-12 year age group spend
o er interactive entertainment. However, they
pc/console mobile money on video games and a don’t o er anything physically tangible for
close second of 51 percent of purchases made. We are not disagreeing that
13-27 year age group spends video games might o er entertainment, but
rank title rank title spending money on “video game currency” or
other in-app purchases seems pointless.
on video games according to
1 call of duty:vangaurd 1 candy crush saga e past has shown that video games
In terms of economics, not quickly become popular for an allotted
2 call of duty: black opps: 2 roblox only spending money in video time and then a er a short while fade out of
games causes users to lose popularity quickly, for example: “Minecra ”,
cold war “Roblox”, “Fortnite”, “Call of Duty: Modern
Warfare”, and “Fall Guys”.
3 madden nfl 22 3 coin master money, the time spent on them
Now, we are not saying that these
4 pokemon: brilliant 4 garena free fire does, too. is time could be games cannot be played still, but they’ve all
diamond/ shinning pearl spent doing more productive experienced a peak in popularity and have
things, but o entimes video since fallen o , as all fads do. erefore,
games are made to be addictive, spending money on a video game that not
5 battlefield 2042 5 pokemon go roping users into playing them. only doesn’t produce a tangible reward and
will also fade o a er a short while doesn’t
Roblox is a popular game among kids If a person spends money on appear to us as a good investment.
that can encourage them to spend money a video game, it is likely that they already play
on the video game currency “Robux”. Such it a signi cant amount of time; it has become We, as a sta , have concluded that
tactics are used to make people feel like they a monetary investment. Spending this money spending money on video game currency
doesn’t produce anything tangible and is a is a waste. ere are so many more real-life
opportunities that o er more than what
people can buy within games.
e Courier is the o cial student-produced medium of news and information published by the Advanced Newspaper Journalism students of Olentangy
Orange High School. e Courier has been established as a designated public forum for student journalists to inform, educate and entertain readers as well
as for the discussion of issues of concern to their audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school o cials, adults or sources prior to publication.
e content of e Courier is determined by and re ects only the views of the student sta and not school o cials or the school itself. e Courier
will not publish any material, determined by the sta or adviser, that is libelous, obscene or disruptive to the school day.
e adviser is Kari Phillips. Readers may respond to e Courier through Letters to the Editor. Letters may be mailed, e-mailed to thecouriersta @ or dropped o to room 2213. e sta asks that submissions be 300 words or less and contain the author’s name and signature. Editors reserve
the right to edit or withhold publication of letters.
e Courier strives to uphold the Canons of Professional Journalism, which includes accuracy, impartiality, etc. erefore, major errors
will be corrected in the next issue. Distinction will be marked between news and opinion stories.
4 | november
work-life balance | editorial
perfecting productivity
keeping a good work-life balance
Nwriting aryan bommena | design lilly wood one to accomplish more of one’s goals in a shorter amount of time,
early the entire senior class is currently dealing with the same according to Having a snack, going on a walk, or even
issue—college application induced stress. With students’ busy taking a power nap can boost productivity and improve creativity.
lives, it is incredibly important that one still takes the time to
relax. ese short breaks should be taken whenever one feels overworked
or a has a lack of motivation. I choose to play a game on my phone or
Separating one’s workspace from one’s relaxation space can be an even read a chapter of a book.
e ective way to both reduce stress and be more productive. is became
evident with the large increase in employees working-from-home Focusing on one’s physical health can also bene t one’s mental
following the COVID-19 pandemic. Work and home lives were blurred, health and productivity. Physical activity produces endorphins that
creating the feeling of a never-ending workday. help to reduce stress, maintaining a healthy diet also has a positive
e ect, according to
Students and adults can avoid this by creating a speci c space to
do their work. In the absence of an o ce setting, creating a spot in Setting some goals for each day can create consistency and
one’s home purely for work organization. Although, one should set
provides the separation just a couple of goals that are realistic
needed. Students can also and attainable as to not overwhelm
consider other locations such themselves. Check o these goals as
as their local library or even they are met, this will clearly show that
a co ee shop. Neuroscience something has been accomplished. I like
has shown that people tend to make a to-do list on a piece of paper
to be more productive in a every day. Although, at rst I didn’t
setting with some background always meet my goals, now I regularly
noise—this has been coined accomplish what I set out to do.
“ e Co ee Shop E ect”, Many high school students tend to
according to I have get distracted by their phones as well.
been to numerous co ee shops is can set you back as you try and get
in the area but have ultimately work done. To combat this problem, I
frequented the Olentangy either put my phone on do not disturb or
River Brewing Company the place it out of my reach. is removes the
most. Finding a location that urge to constantly check my phone and
works for you can allow you to will allow for a consistent work ow.
be more productive while also Creating a schedule and utilizing
supporting local businesses.
these techniques will allow one to save time while also getting more
Blocking out time in one’s schedule to take a break or do work done. Once one nds what works for them, they will be more
something enjoyable is also vital to a good work-life balance. In fact, productive. Most importantly, this will leave time for one to spend
taking breaks can actually improve one’s overall productivity and allow more time with their friends and family.
-take breaks -create a schedule
-go to a library or coffee -set phone to do not
shop disturb
-maintain physical health -set goals
november | 5
news | scotus
supreme court’s new term
The Supreme Court of the United 6-3.” admissions process, alleging that the process
States started its new term last month, violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
as it is always set to begin on the first With a new, term, the court has by discriminating against Asian American
Monday in October. Each term lasts a year, applicants in favor of white applicants,” oyez.
but the court is typically not in session from opportunity to take up a lot of case appeals. org stated.
late June or early July until the following
October. According to, the number Harvard admits that it uses race as one
of many factors in its admissions process
The Supreme Court has a significant of cases that are filed to the Supreme Court but argues that its process adheres to the
role in the government of the United States. requirements for race-based admissions
According to, the job of the has been increasing from the last century, outlined in the Supreme Court’s decision in
Supreme Court is “to interpret the meaning Grutter v. Bollinger.”
of a law, to decide whether a law is relevant and there is a process
to a particular set of facts, or to rule on how Moore v. Harper is an upcoming
a law should be applied” but it doesn’t that is important case to watch for, with
usually hold trials. its argument date as Dec. 7. After
According to, the gaining another seat in the House of
Supreme Court is established in Article Marbury v. Madison (1803) Representatives, North Carolina’s had to
III, Section 1 of the Constitution. Each Schenck v. United States (1919) redistrict and their Republican-majority
justice must be appointed by the president Brown v. Board of Education (1954) state legislature manipulated the new
and approved by the Senate, and they Miranda v. Arizona (1966) map to favor their party.
usually hold office for life. Roe v. Wade (1973)
“The map was challenged in state
“The Supreme Court is made up of eight undergone to decide court, and in February 2022, the North
associate justices and one chief justice,” Carolina Supreme Court struck down the
senior and Secretary-General of OMUN Josh what cases will be heard. map for violating the state constitution’s
Layne said. “They act as the final say in the ‘free elections clause’ and other provisions,”
judicial branch and are also in charge of “Approximately 7,000-9,000 cases are stated. The legislators asked the
overseeing the judicial circuit.” U.S. Supreme Court to review based on an
appealed to the court each year and if four argument that the Elections Clause of the
Ketanji Brown Jackson was appointed U.S. Constitution gives state legislatures
by President Joe Biden to the position of the justices vote to hear a case (rule of alone the authority to regulate federal
of Associate Justice on Feb. 25, and her elections—the so-called Independent State
nomination was confirmed on April 7 by a four) then the case is heard by SCOTUS,” Legislature theory.”
bipartisan group of senators. Jackson is the
116th Associate Justice of the United States, Carmichael said. Throughout the term, the Supreme
the first African American woman to serve Court takes up cases of varying origins and
in that role. One of the biggest cases that was on the strives to interpret the law according to the
“Jackson’s nomination won’t have an fall docket for the court was Students for
effect on the final vote, but her inclusion “They (Supreme Court) have the final
will give others her unique perspectives” AP Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of say on whether a law is constitutional,” AP
Government teacher John Carmichael said. Government teacher John Carmichael said.
“Conservative appointed judges, appointed Harvard, which was from an educational “This is an extremely important power.”
by Republican presidents control the court,
standpoint. According to,
this case was granted on Jan. 24 and the
argument date was Oct. 3.
“Petitioner Students for Fair Admissions
(SFFA) sued Harvard College over its
6 | november
news briefs | news
november 2022
There is a vast array of clubs to join at S MTWT F S With Thanksgiving break right
the high school, with many of them around the corner, many students
catering to specific student interests. 12 3 4 5 are looking forward to spending
Clubs such as Black Empowerment and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 time with family and eating good food. With
Between the Lines are among the many 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
opportunities to interact with other students 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 the amount of diversity at Orange, not all
who share similar interests. 27 28 29 30
celebrate this holiday.
Black Empowerment Club discusses KEY:
For some who celebrate, the holiday is a
Students at a Black Empowerment Club meeting. = event
time for families to spend together.
black history and situations African = no school
Americans face in today’s society, while “I usually go to my great-grandma’s
preparing for their assembly in February. NOVEMBER EVENTS:
house with my family. When we get there,
“Basically, we have been getting to know 11/17 - 11/20: Friday Night Live
each other and designing new logos for our 11/21: NHS Induction she is cooking literally everything: noodles,
club shirts,” a member of the club, Diamond 11/23: No School
Agioubu said. “The theme for the assembly 11/24: Thanksgiving Break mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing. Then,
this year is black resistance.” 11/28: No School (Teacher Work
Day) before we eat, she says a prayer and then
Additionally, a new club called, Between 11/29: Girls Basketball vs Liberty
the Lines, was founded by senior Eleni Rores. we just hang out the rest of the time,” senior
“ I want to create a space for readers at Kendall Edwards.
orange to come together and discuss books
that they are actually interested in reading. “My family and I
We have snacks and baked goods at the clubs
and just chat; it’s a place of comradery.” usually gather at my
Rores said.
aunt’s house,
Between the Lines meets in room 2217
once every two weeks. and we
just cram
down and
have a good
time. We have
turkey, stuffing, and lots of desert. We also
practice a tradition of giving each other gag
gifts. I got a water balloon thrown at me
one year. Most times, we usually watch the
Thanksgiving parade to wind down after,”
senior Sophia Bobay saod/
For others, their holiday plans might be
When asked about thanksgiving plans, “I
usually just relax at home. It’s like summer
break but in November,” junior Roma Yadav
november | 7
three volleyball commits
his was it. e moment that she to Gonzaga University to play volleyball. to get to the place where they are in their
nally made a decision where she Cugino set huge goals for herself at a young careers. ey have had the help of their
was going to play volleyball. is age and is achieving them due to her love coaches and other teammates along the
one Instagram post was going to decide her for volleyball. way.
future as a volleyball player. She was going “ e goals I set for myself were to play “One person that really inspires me to
to post her verbal commit to the college of division 1 volleyball at a competitive level keep playing is Chelsea [Assistant Varsity
her dreams. and make the U.S.A. N.T.D.P. [National Volleyball Coach at the high school]. e
ree juniors apart of the high Team Development Program] training time she takes in coaching me really means
school’s volleyball team went through the roster,” Cugino said. “Volleyball is my love a lot and she always shows how much she
college commitment process and decided and passion. I wouldn’t be the person I am cares about making me better and going
to commit to Division 1 schools. ese today without volleyball, and it makes me out of her way to make sure I am at the top
three students recently posted their verbal express myself in a totally di erent way that of my game,” Cugino said.
commits on Instagram. I love.” Coach Chelsea Conklin is an assistant
“I’ve known since a pretty young age Cugino’s goals and hard work, since volleyball coach at the high school and was
that I wanted to play volleyball in college. she started club volleyball at Mintonette in brought on to the sta this year. She played
e idea of becoming the best player I 2017, led her to the place in her career she volleyball in college and knows what it
could be and playing with the best of the is in today. She is supported everyday by takes to perform at the best level possible.
best in college was my goal,” junior Lily her teammates and coaches. “I have helped prepare future student
Barron said. Another one of these teammates is junior athletes with what the process looks like
Barron will be playing volleyball at the Angelena Greene who is committed to play and what to potentially expect as they start
University of Houston. She worked hard to beach volleyball at Boise State. their search,” Conklin said. “I train student
get to this point in her career—putting in “I picked Boise because I fell in love with .athletes to perform at their best level and
hours of dedication to achieve her goal. She the environment and people surrounding
has played club volleyball for Mintonette the campus!” Greene said. encourage them if they are interested in
since 2016. playing any level of college athletics.”
Greene chose beach volleyball over
“When I was younger, my main goal indoor volleyball. She has worked hard Multiple people put time and e ort into
helping these three athletes achieve their
was to be on the top team and then, a er I in both beach and indoor volleyball goals of playing Division 1 volleyball. e
achieved that, my goal changed to being the throughout the years, playing beach athletes have all achieved their goals and
most hardworking player on my team and volleyball for Elite, but decided to continue earned the college commitment.
strongest player in the gym,” Barron said. with beach volleyball in college.
A teammate of Barron’s, who plays on “I picked beach volleyball because of
both her club and school volleyball team, is the people in the community. On the beach
junior Maddie Cugino. Cugino committed every athlete has their own sense of self
control and over the years I fell in love with
that aspect of the game. Indoor and beach
are two di erent games and the people
involved with the beach community helped
me realize that it was the best t for me,”
Greene said.
ese three girls have worked hard
Junior Lily Barron getting ready to hit the Junior Maddie Cugino serving Junior Angelena Greene about to
ball mid-air jump to hit the ball
world cup | sports
questions arise ahead of qatar
Every four years, the Titans of Soccer
around the world gather in one spot Stadium, which holds 80,000 people, and
to take home the prized possession will host the cup nal. Visitors coming
to Qatar will nd it rather easy to move
every player longs for and dreams of since around getting to each stadium for it’s
they were children. To win a World Cup roughly about the size of Connecticut and
Trophy solidi es players’ careers amongst half the size of Whales, according to ESPN.
the greats and crowns them as kings of their com is estimated that thousands have died in
home country. And while fans will nd the new connection with the construction works
is year, in Qatar eight glistening stadiums marvelous and breathtaking, for the 2022 World Cup, and it is that
stadiums have been built to showcase and where are the people who built them? information that we focus on. We can see
house thousands of fans to watch their Qatar’s government hired 30,000 that our take on the situation has sparked a
country go for glory, eight stadiums, almost workers to come and build the World new global debate. We see this as a positive
100 hotels, even a new glistening city. Cup stadiums, and almost 7000 of those thing”, PR and Communication Manager at
However, all have been built on the backs of migrant workers, assigned to construct the Hummel Nicolai Johansen said.
thousands of dead workers. buildings from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan,
In 2010, the FIFA Board o cially and Nepal have died since 2010, according Johansen also clari ed that its goal isn’t
announced the hosts for the two next to the Guardian. at is an average of 12 to create a PR and marketing stunt to sell
World Cups;Russia in 2018, and Qatar in workers dying each week. is fact means more jerseys and said they have succeeded
2022. Immediately, people wondered how since 2010, 21.7 percent of migrant workers in selling national team jerseys without
a small tiny desert state even won the bid have died in Qatar. messages behind them.
to host the world’s biggest sporting event However, sophomore soccer player
to begin with. A yearlong US prosecution Jacob Sensel thinks these deaths weren’t So while the masses will crowd into
case accusing the FIFA Board of accepted purposeful. Qatar stadiums this November from all
bribery and corruption ensued, and “I don’t think Qatar could’ve possibly
according to the New York Times,three known that these deaths would happen .over the world to see the biggest sports
South American o cials, according to the from the stadiums being built beforehand,”
indictment, received payments to vote for Sensel said. spectacle on earth, the people who helped
complete those stadiums will be nowhere
to be found, le to be forgotten and hidden
by Qatar.
Qatar. While Qatar’s Government denies these
One of the eight stadiums hosting the accusations and says there have only been
World Cup games is the biggest, the Lusail 37 labor deaths in Qatar, the International TOTAL MIGRANT WORKER
Labor Organization pointed out that DEATHS
Qatar’s government does not recognize
heart attacks and respiratory failure deaths
as work-related and those can be common NEPAL
in heavy work in the hot temperatures of 1,641
Qatar, according to the BBC.
Hummel International, a Danish INDIA BANGLADESH
sportswear brand who made the Denmark 2,711 1,018
National Teams Kits for the World Cup
this year, based their design choices with
a simplistic look, with one base color
surrounding the entire shirt, even the
country’s badge was placed in a way to SRI LANKA PAKISTAN
SH55R7 I LANKA 824
protest Qatar by not being visible in support
of the migrant workers.
“ e most important thing for us ese numbers are the numbers of the
is that human rights have been abused migrant workers who died while working
with regards to migrant workers in Qatar. on the world cup stadiums since 2010,
According to Amnesty International, it according to e Guardian.
count on cleveland
The Cleveland Cavaliers is a much year, and that he can be a dominant player
di erent team than it was a few years on a championship team. He was a big
ago. e Cavaliers have made great factor last year and the 7 foot forward has
trades and done a very good job dra ing, shown no sign of a decreasing role.
bringing tons of talent to the Cavaliers With how good the Cavaliers stars are,
roster. I believe that the Cavaliers can be you would think that the team does not
a great team and contenders for years to have much of a bench unit or even good
come. role players for that matter. But that is
e Cavaliers acquired Donovan actually not the case.
Mitchel in a trade with Utah this o season. Cleveland has Jarret Allen at center,
is blockbuster trade sent Donovan who was an all-star last season. It’s kind of
Mitchel to the Cavaliers for Lauri surprising to say that he isn’t one of the best
Markkanen, Collin Sexton, rookie Ochai three players on this Cavaliers team as he
Agbaji, three rst round picks, and two pick would be for pretty much any other team in ABOUT THE COLUMNIST
swaps according to ESPN. e Cavaliers the league, but he is beat talent wise by all
certainly did give up a lot, but Mitchell is three of these players. My name is Marshall Medley. I am
not a player that is going to be given up an 11th grader. I enjoy watching
e Cavaliers’ good role players include
easily. Issac Okoro, Cedi Osman, Ricky Rubio, and writing about sports. I am in
Mitchell played ve seasons with the and my two personal favorite players, Caris
Utah Jazz and in those ve seasons, he was Lavert and Kevin Love. All the players are my 2nd year of WEB journalism.
a three time all-star. He nished his career known as very good role players across the In my free time, I like to spend
with the Jazz averaging 23.9 points per league, have lots of experience and some time with my friends and play a
game, 4.5 assist per game, and 4.2 rebounds even have nals experience. variety of sports.
per game according to ESPN. One of my favorite Cavaliers role
Donovan was the star of the team ever players is Caris Lavert. Lavert is arguably an
since he arrived, and the departure is going all-star caliber player on a di erent team. Cavalier’s schedule for November
to hurt the Jazz signi cantly. But for the Laverts best year came in the 20-21 season
Cavaliers, he could be the nal piece to what where he was traded from the Brooklyn • (FRI, Nov. 18) vs. Hornets
the team needs to go on a championship Nets to the Indiana Pacers. Once he arrived
run. in Indiana, he averaged 20.7 points per
Cleveland has done a good job dra ing game, 4.9 assist per game, and 4.6 rebounds
the past few years, Acquiring Darius per game according to ESPN. • (SUN, Nov. 20) vs. Heat
Garland in the 2019 dra and Evan Mobely It is important to note that those
in the 2021 dra . ese two players were averages came a er getting a cancerous
dominant last season and were a huge mass removed from his kidney mid-season. • (MON, Nov. 21) vs. Hawks
reason why the Cavaliers had as many wins A er seeing what Lavert did a er coming
as it did. back from this adversity, it really shows
Last season, Garland averaged 21.7 how much of a love Lavert has for the game • (WED, Nov. 23) vs. Trail Blazers
point per game, with 8.6 assists per game of basketball.
to go along with that according to ESPN. .With the new look Cavaliers, fans
Mobely averaged 15 points per game and • (FRI, Nov. 25) vs. Bucks
8.3 rebounds per game last year according have very high expectations. With this • (SUN, Nov. 27) vs. Pistons
to ESPN, a very impressive year for a rookie. talent stacked roster, there is only one big
question still to be answered. Can they take
Garland was an elite playmaker last a trip to the NBA nals?
year and the addition of Donovan Mitchell
just makes this team even more deadly. You
never know whether Garland will shoot or • (MON, Nov. 28) vs. Raptors
pass, and this unpredictability is something
that every team in the NBA could use.
Mobely has a chance to prove this • (WED, Nov. 30) vs. 76ers
year that he should have won rookie of the
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11 | november Design | Shreya Arunkumar
cover story | money
money makes the
the past, present, and
t’s spring 2020, and sophomore Dancan and got about $200 and that’s how it started,” entrepreneurship, you focus more on starting
Mutai sits scrolling on his social media, Mutai said. your own business whereas marketing you’re
looking for something to spend his running a business. So de nitely taking
For two years now, Mutai has continued
endless time doing, when a TikTok about to successfully run his business. ough classes in school, and seeing if it’s an interest
reselling sneakers shows up on his feed. successful, it’s not at all obstacle free. for you, it would be a great starting point,”
He clicks on the pro le of the person who “ e biggest obstacle has been taxes Gellenbeck said.
posted the video to learn more. because I have to keep track of all of my Senior Luke Border, another student
As entrepreneurship among youth begins sales and every single shoe I get. I have to entrepreneur, went through the process
to ourish, many high school students are record all of that in spreadsheets, so tracking of becoming an entrepreneur like Mutai.
becoming entrepreneurs. According to that, but in the beginning that wasn’t a big Border, a part-time photographer, was
Business Teacher Teresa Gellenbeck, an problem though,” Mutai said. already interested in photography.
entrepreneur is “anyone who has the passion e process for becoming an “I’ve always enjoyed photography, and I
and drive to pursue an idea and start a entrepreneur like Mutai can be challenging saw a way to further develop that passion and
business to obtain a pro t.” And for students but simple if students are willing to take the also make some money so I decided to go for
like Mutai, this de nition meets the mark. risk, according to Gellenbeck. it,” Border said.
Now in 2022, Mutai (now a senior) runs “It is risky because you’re risking your Border currently sells his portraits by
a shoe dropping business, which means he money for sure, if you invest money. Also, charging a at rate per portrait session.
buys and resells sneakers. Mutai’s business your time because you could pour all your Border specializes in portraits but hopes to
wasn’t just a spontaneous decision though; heart, passion, and soul into hours and hours soon focus on sports photography.
he was already interested in reselling shoes and it could not work. e statistics do show “Right now, in terms of what I make
when the pandemic struck, and with all of that the majority of small businesses fail in a pro t from, I sell mainly portraits, but I
the extra free time, Mutai decided to take his the rst ve years, so the odds are kind of would love to venture more into the realm of
chance. stacked against you. But, I feel if you know sports photography,” Border said.
“In quarantine, I didn’t have much to do, that going into it, you have an idea, and you Unlike Mutai, Border hasn’t experienced
and I was scrolling through social media and have persistence and passion, then you can many obstacles within his process of being an
saw a lot of videos of sneaker conventions. I overcome those obstacles,” Gellenbeck said. entrepreneur.
was already interested in sneakers, so I sold ere are many great resources within “I haven’t faced a lot of obstacles; things
my rst pair of shoes that I got for Christmas the school to get started as a student for me are still very much in the preliminary
entrepreneur. stage, and I’m taking
“De nitely take entrepreneurship them at a pace that
class and or marketing. In Junior/Senior is manageable for
Marketing, we actually run the school me,” Border said. “I
store do plan on
business. e Shekel Coin was the growing soon,
With actual rst currency so obstacles
will have to
be dealt with.”
650 BCE ough
entrepreneurship can seem like
Bartering was one of the e rst U.S bil
rst forms of currency to as gre
1600 BCE 17
12 | November
money | cover story
e world go ‘round
d future of currencies
a land of its own, it’s always been much especially in the United States, was because times in American history.
more than selling something for pro t. “In society now, there is no gold backed
Entrepreneurship has in fact been part of the country needed to trade goods and
services. is process was hard to do without standard, which is why maybe we’ve seen a
history since before currency was created, bartering and guring out how much of one little more in ation. e goldback standard
according to ended in 1971. Richard Nixon announced
As the United States has evolved and item was worth compared to another. that we would no longer use the gold
“You can’t simply take half of a chicken standard for currency, and you’ve seen
changed, so has its currency. From the Shekel that you grew on your farm and trade it for in ation rise even more since then,” Hipsher
to online banking, the development of money something speci c that you need, because said.
is continuously improving. the other person might not need a half of
As times change, so do humans’ needs. In ation, in simple terms, is the rate of
a chicken. Instead of trading one good for increase in prices of goods and services over
Originally, money was just needed for certain another, it is more bene cial to sell that half a certain period of time. For example, if one
tasks and trading, but now, people’s lives of your chicken, receive the value from that bought something for $1 in 1922, that same
revolve around it. item would now cost $29.92.
chicken in the form of money, then use it to
“Originally, you learned in history class purchase the things that you need,” Haynes “In ation, whether it be 20 years or 100
that the way goods and services were traded said. years, it’s always going to have an impact on
was through bartering and that there was Although this was hard to get used to, it your money. When you look at in ation,
no money. But money was introduced about was such a huge bene t for everyone around especially in the last year, we have seen those
5000 years ago in Mesopotamia,” Economics the world. People could now sell what they in ation rates increase,” Hipsher said.
Teacher Christian Hipsher said. had in abundance instead of just letting what
Although the Shekel, the rst currency, was unused rot away. As in ation continues to rise, especially
existed around the world starting in 650 B.C., In 1834, the United States developed a a er the pandemic, so do exchange rates
in the United States, the rst $1 bill didn’t from country to country. Exchange rates
come around until 1775. e rst paper new form of currency, just in time for the are the rate at which one currency will be
gold rush in early 1848. e name of this new exchanged for another currency.
money that was issued by the government currency was the Gold Standard, according
was called “demand notes”, also referred to as to “Each country has its own currency,
“greenbacks’’. “As far as U.S. currency goes, and in and each one has its own value. While each
“Money came about due to humans country’s currency and the value of the
modern world currencies, for a long time it currency is di erent, they are used in the
having the need to trade and to store value,” was backed by the Gold Standard meaning
Social Studies there was actually physical gold for the
Teacher Kevin
Haynes said. Money dollar bill that was out,” Hipsher said.
e Gold Standard lasted until World
didn’t just War I. While
sprout out of U.S currency changed to the there were
nowhere; it ‘Gold Standard’ at the start still some
came about Gold Rush nancial
for very
particular crises while
reasons. the Gold
1848 Standard was
e used, it was
main reason that money was needed, still one of the most economically stable
ll was referred 56 percent of American
eenback adult own some form of
775 cryptocurrency
November | 13
cover story | money is just starting to take o . is newer currency money. is means that the government
your money. When you look at in ation, is known as a form of digital money that cannot manipulate the value of this money
people can buy into with paper money to hold and how much of it they own. ey have no
especially in the last year, we have seen those the value of their current paper money. control over when the value is peaking or
in ation rates increase,” Hipsher said. decreasing in value.
“ ink of [crypto currency] as digital
As in ation continues to rise, especially gold. You would buy gold by taking your “We saw the all-time high for the value
a er the pandemic, so do exchange rates from money and exchanging it for the gold. Is the of bitcoin last November. Last November,
country to country. Exchange rates are the gold still valuable—yes. If a dollar ceases to Bitcoin peaked at around $61,000,” Hipsher
rate at which one currency will be exchanged exist, someone would most likely accept gold said.
for another currency. as a means of payment,” Hire said.
e value of Bitcoin has never stayed
“Each country has its own currency, Governments are starting to invest in constant and has changed just like the value of
and each one has its own value. While each this online currency more. Unlike crypto money always does.
country’s currency and the value of the currency, governments do not have control
currency is di erent, they are used in the same over the value of paper money and how much “Bitcoin is now around $20,000, so it has
manner, which is to buy goods and services,” is printed. gone down 66 percent,” Hipsher said.
Haynes said.
“Fiat is when the government says When a government starts buying into
Some examples of other countries’ a currency source, its citizens follow. is
“Whatever people care
about, wherever they
want to store their value,
is what money will look
like in the future,” Hire
Senior Luke Border said.
currencies are the Euro, the Indian Rupee, the this is worth a dollar because we say so. Our newfound interest in the government of
Mexican Peso and the Egyptian Pound. ese Federal Reserve can print money whenever investing in crypto currency might have an
currencies are just a few of many, and all of they want. However, every dollar becomes less e ect on citizens causing them to invest in
them deal with in ation. and less valuable every time more money is crypto.
printed,” Hire said.
When it comes to the value of these “ e concept of crypto currency trying to
currencies compared to ours, “our currency A at is when the government makes a make this decentralized currency isn’t going
is as practical as any other country on Earth. decree about how much something is worth, to be a ected by the government’s actions.
However, ours is usually worth more due and it is not backed by any raw material. However, especially with globalization the
to the economic power that the United Governments are buying into crypto currency acts the government takes will probably
States has, due to our size and success in because eventually this source of money can always have an impact on whatever currency
entrepreneurship and business,” Haynes said. run out, so there can’t be more money added we are using as a society,” Hipsher said.
to the set values.
Paper dollar bills are what most people A fad is the concept of a short-lived
think of money as. ey think of it as a “So other governments are saying that enthusiasm for something. Citizens are trying
currency that the government regulates and instead of us having to print more money to decide for themselves if crypto currency
can print more of at any time it is needed. and causing higher in ation, they are buying will just be one of these fads or will become
up Bitcoin and saying this is the basis of our more than that.
ere is no set currency for money. Money is income,” Hire said. “Bitcoin has a nite supply;
simply anything people use to store value in. there will only be 21 million ever.” “I would not view it as anything more
than a fad— although the same could be
“Money is anything you can use to store Bitcoin is categorized as a form of hard said about the internet so I could be wrong,”
value to exchange for goods and services,” AP
Economics Teacher Adam Hire said.
Crypto currency is a form of money that
14 | november
Hipsher said. .is key to know about when running a business. money | cover story
Scams occur through the online use of
crypto currency that lead some people to
believe that crypto currency’s fame will be Abv: INR
short-lived. Coins have vaule of 50 paise, then
“Right now, we see a lot of under the 5, 10, 25, 50, 1 and 2 rupees
table occurrences leading to scams and the
destabilization of these crypto currencies. It’s
not a stable asset at least right now,” Hipsher
On the opposite side, some people like
the use of crypto currency. ey view that it
is an easier system to use than paper money
because the value of crypto currency can be
transferred in second“Using crypto currency
Junior Dancun Mutai Euros
@stealsohio Abv: EUR
One Euro is made up of 100 cents
more is good. I like using it. It is way easier to with coin vaules of 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c,
use than regular paper money,” Hire said.
20c, 50c and then 1Euro and 2
e government always tends to set
fads for people and have a huge in uence in Pounds
what they invest in so if the government starts
to move all of their money digitally citizens Abv: EGP
will most likely follow, but citizens will still One pound is made up of 100
choose for themselves where they want to Egyptian piastres with coin vaules
store their money.
of 5, 10, 25, and 50.
“Whatever people care about, wherever
they want to store their value, is what money Pesos
will look like in the future,” Hire said. “From
the government’s perspective though, I bet it Abv: MXN
will be digital and not paper anymore.” 1 peso is made up of 100 centavos
Crypto currency has become more with coin vaules of 20 and 50
popular as greater numbers of people start to
use it. Whether people choose to trust crypto november | 15
currency or not it is taking o in the world
e concept of money is signi cant to
society, with value commonly changing, and
The Scene | designed by lily clark
16 | november
designed by lily clark | The scene
november | 17
what’s in this autumn
WHAT’S IN? CHUNKY HEADPHONES W .ith cold weather coming in hot,
fall fashion has taken the stage.
NEUTRALS Whether you follow the trends or not,
these are some classic staples that can
be worn with just about anything.
18 | november
the history of the arena district
The crowd goes into silence as the
Blue Jackets move the puck down “That part of downtown had for years has been ever since. The baseball stadium
the ice. The puck is shot from the as a literal toxic cesspool after the state can hold up to 10,100 fans according to the
point, it goes in top top right and penitentiary that was there previously MiLB’s official website.
was torn down. It was a wasteland and an
The Columbus Crew was founded in
the Jackets score! The crowd erupts as the eyesore. Who would have thought what an 1994. The Crew play in the Major League
Soccer and have won two MLS cups in the
cannon blasts, the horn sounds, and a remix amazing hub of activity it would become,” franchise’s history.
of “Those About to Rock” by AC/DC plays. Murray said. Despite the success of the Columbus
Crew, the team almost got relocated to
Nationwide Arena in the Arena District, Nationwide Arena was the catalyst Austin, Texas in 2017. For months, Crew
fans protested the relocation online with
within downtown Columbus, is home to that started the growth of the Arena the #SaveTheCrew movement before
Jimmy Haslam, owner of the Cleveland
the NHL’s Columbus Blue Jackets. District. Around one year after Nationwide Browns, took ownership of the franchise in
2018 and kept the team in Columbus.
“My favorite thing to do is go to Jackets Arena’s debut, KEMBA Live had its grand
However, with new ownership, came
games. They are my favorite thing to do opening on October 2. 2001, according to new branding. In 2021, the Columbus Crew
attempted to change their team name to the
because I play hockey and am a big fan of Columbus Soccer Club. Ownership took
note of the backlash and kept the name as
the team,” sophomore Devin Parker said. At the time, the concert venue was still the Columbus Crew.
Sophomore Ethan Wilkoff travels to named directly after its parent company, The one thing that didn’t receive much
backlash from fans amongst the rebrand was
the Arena District to watch his favorite PromoWest, as PromoWest Pavilion. the new stadium. In 2021, The Columbus
Crew moved from Mapfre Stadium to the
music artists perform live. PromoWest would go on to rebrand the newly built Field.
Field has a capacity limit of around 20,000
“My favorite things to watch are name twice before settling on KEMBA people according to
concerts because I love concerts and how Live at the end of 2021. Other previous All these stadiums, concert venues, and
buildings were built around Nationwide
loud it is,” Wilkoff said. names included Lifestyle Communities Arena to form the Arena District.
Greg Murray is the in-game announcer Pavilion and Express Live. “Take some time to walk around the
arena district and the arena itself. There’s
for the Jackets and attends every single one KEMBA Live is an outdoor and indoor
.so much more to the experience than just
of the team’s home games as a part of his live music venue that can hold up to 2,200
the game on the ice. Appreciate what we
job. guests indoors and 5,200 guests outside. are blessed to have in Columbus, there are
only 32 cities in the whole world that are
“The atmosphere at a CBJ game Being a dedicated live music venue, lucky to have what we have,” Murray said.
is always fun, energetic, spirited and KEMBA Live holds significantly more
competitive. Sometimes, the product on the concert events than Nationwide Arena.
ice isn’t the best and fans get a little testy, KEMBA is on pace for its highest number
but that’s because they love their team,” of concerts in a single year with 92 concerts
Murray said. in 2022.
NationwideArena finished construction The Columbus Clippers are a Minor
in 2000 when the Blue Jackets became an League Baseball team with affiliations
NHL expansion team. The stadium doubles to the Cleveland Guardians (previously
as a concert venue and holds up to 20,000 known as the Cleveland Indians) and have
people according to been around since 1977. Up until 2008, the
Nationwide Arena has held concerts for Clippers played in Cooper Stadium.
famous music acts such as Britney Spears, In 2009, Huntington Park in the Arena
Def Leopard, Khalid, and many others. District became home to the Clippers and
overview of black friday
Doors y open as the lines of people
waiting outside stream in. People also be less stressful and more convenient. hype but also can be very overwhelming,”
and shopping carts push and run 43 percent of shoppers switched to online Jenkins said.
shopping in 2020 according to
into each other. And all this chaos is just for While Black Friday is enjoyable for most One way to avoid unnecessary stress
a few sales. shoppers, the employees at these stores have on these days would be to have a plan of
Black Friday has been an American very di erent opinions. what stores to go to and gure out when
tradition since 1869, according to usatoday. “If I had the choice not to work, I they open and close. Having traditions to
com. is iconic holiday takes place the day wouldn’t, but we are required to work that follow and shopping with friends are also
a er anksgiving and is the o cial kicko day. It’s very stressful and working long hours fun ways to reduce stress.
to the Christmas shopping season. in that condition is a lot,” Cook said.
While some families prefer to pay full Many of the workers at popular stores “My favorite Black Friday tradition
price for products just to avoid the lines, are very young and paid the same amount is probably getting up early with my dad
there are a few who go all out. to work on stressful days like these. Stores and getting Starbucks before we start
“I’ve been going Black Friday shopping are not required by law to pay their workers shopping,” Jenkins said. “I go shopping
since I was 11, so four years now,” sophomore more for working holidays. with my dad and one or two friends.”
Claire Jenkins said. Some shoppers even feel the stress that
e most popular place on Black Friday can stem from days like Black Friday . .Taking place on Friday, Nov. 25, this
for shoppers is the mall. While some stores “I would say the sales are worth the
do have notable sales, like Hollister which is year’s Black Friday will be just as crazy as
o ering 50 percent o store wide, and Kohl’s in years past. Having a plan and people
which is o ering their lowest prices of the to go with will make your shopping
season, others just use this day as an excuse experience both safer and more fun.
to rope customers in.
With that in mind, there de nitely are select items
a few stores that have sales worth beating
the crowds. A few of these are Macy’s, select coats
Kohl’s, Walmart, and Best Buy where Apple
MacBooks are up to $150 o and customers Airpod Pros
can save $500 on Samsung TVs, according to WAS $179 NOW $159
“I de nitely don’t think the sales are
worth the hype. ey are good, but so are the
ones we have all year round. Since the general
idea of Black Friday has been good sales, storewide
the pressure to go out and buy stu is high,”
junior Ava Cook said. Cook is employed at
Aerie in the Polaris Mall. Amazon tablets
WAS $110 NOW $55
While there probably are some stores that
use this tactic, if someone does some digging
they can nd the ones that are truly worth
going for.
“Usually, the sales will be online too so
that’s always a good reason to shop if you
don’t want to go into the crowds. And the
deals last for a bit before and a er Black
Friday,” Jenkins said.
Since COVID-19, many people have
switched to shopping online. Not only is it
safer and easier for many people, but it can
marching band puts on a show
TWRITER LUNA PEREZ DELGADO | DESIGNER NATHAN CHOW For a lot of band members, this show is
he crowd is waiting expectantly as she first, so the most important thing I can do is extra special since it’s their last show before
waits anxiously behind the curtain. to really just make sure everyone is relaxed they graduate and maybe even forever.
One wrong move or note results in and ready to have fun,” saxophone-player Because of this, they are given a special
complete humiliation. Hariths said. feature in the show.
Her friends and family didn’t come all However, the moments before the Hariths said that the seniors have “a
really touching tribute.”
this way just to see her freeze up and fail. performance are only a fraction of the actual
But as far as the show as a whole goes,
However, it’s her first performance, and she moments of preparation prior to the show. this year’s theme is said to be inspired off a
viral TikTok trend “What Are You Listening
has never been more nervous. Band Director Dr Ishbah Cox explains the To?”. The theme includes music fit for all
members of the audience with songs from
Luckily, her section leader notices her large amounts of effort and preparation the the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s.
nervous pacing and talks to her, calming band takes weeks before the performance After grabbing inspiration from the
TikTok video “we decided to go with that
her down right before the show begins. The in order to give the best experience to their and decided to hit decades that we think the
majority of people would enjoy,” Cox said.
curtains draw back, and it all comes back to audience.
This year’s Friday Night Live has come
her. The crowd cheers, and she has never “Even at games, just reviewing music with a lot of preparation and effort from all
parts of the band. The marching band would
been happier. because it’s the capstone of our entire love for everyone to attend one of its four
This is what many band members, season,” Cox said. .performances between Nov. 17 and Nov. 20.
“It’s a really fun environment and
especially new ones, experience before their Where Friday Night Live differs from the hearing the music up close and personal is so
much different than any way you’ve heard
yearly showcase at Friday Night Live. The band’s typical football performances are the it,” Hariths said.
band has taken copious amounts of effort and purpose and the venue. Friday Night Live is
practice to bring a fun and vivid experience an opportunity to highlight the band and its
to the audience. hard work throughout the season in which it
Senior Neil Hariths is both a band performs in the theater, contrary to the usual
member and section leader this year after football field.
three years of performing in Friday Night “We’ve prepared for FNL throughout the
Live. Hariths makes new member’s first season by playing our shows and practicing
Friday Night Live experience as calming and for hours every day, but in the weeks leading
fun as he can by reassuring their minds. up to it, we’ll have hours of rehearsal every
“Playing so close to so many people for night and really make sure every last detail is
the first time can be a little nerve-racking at perfect,” Hariths said.
Band does a runthrough of their show
language throughout the generations
lang—the social phenomenon and terms. A “knuckle sandwich” is code aw shucks LOL
that builds a sense of community for a punch to the face, and “gnarly” is a yuppie! slayyyyyy
between people with mutually reworded version of “cool.” While much of
understood sayings or phrases. As the Gen X slang is outdated, repeated use i’m ROFL
noted by Nature magazine, slang is a sort by elders and the media has cemented this
of cryptic language that is only understood language as common communication. take a chill pill
by certain groups in society, varying by
occupation, ethnicity, age, or any other “I say some older slang words myself, no kizzy, no cap
discerning factors. but overall, a lot of the slang words
Spread either by word of mouth in the from past generations t their era’s With respect to Gen Z’s slang,
past or social media in the modern era, aesthetic better. Growing up now, those much of the language is spread between
slang allows communities to collaborate slang phrases wouldn’t t in day-to-day communities. AAVE (African American
on shared experiences. Recognizing conversations as they did back then,” Vernacular English) is a dialect that
similarities in language from one person junior Katy Martin said. established a lot of trending phrases, one
to another provides a reason to start being “ nna” which means “about to.”
conversations and relationships. As the millennial era began in the ‘80s
“I think people create slang to help and ‘90s, many of the latest technologies Social media platforms Twitter and
them identify ‘in’ groups as opposed produced catchy sayings and abbreviations TikTok contribute to the spread of these
to ‘out’ of groups,” AP Spanish teacher to capture innovative ideas. Words such words as well. In uencer James Charles
Alexandra Tony said. “If you use the slang as “woke” characterize individuals whose prompted the use of “kitty girls” as a
I use, I can tell you’re probably around my views align with relevant civil rights feminine substitute for “bro.” e 2019
age, have similar interests or likes, and movements. Acronyms were created for VSCO girl trend popularized “SKSKSK,”
might have similar beliefs or generational quick communication within mobile also known as a keyboard smash, to
commonalities.” devices: “LOL” (laugh out loud) and illustrate hysteria.
roughout the ‘60s and ‘70s, jargon “ROFL” (rolling on the oor laughing) are
consisted of gurative expressions that sent when reacting to a funny moment or “TikTok is the main way I see slang
rephrased already recognized language message. spreading in our generation. My friends
and I would see something and then
“A lot of my generation’s slang came gradually incorporate it into how we talk
from AIM (AOL Instant Messaging) to each other,” senior and Gen Z member
where we’d chat online with each Laura Felderean said.
other. Much of that became a
precursor to texting language, e sharing of communication is
which we ended up using later re ective of generational trends and
on,” Gen Y member Tony said. cultures and has become an essential
As the current Gen Z era implementation into the English language.
started in the early 2000s, the
new generation rede ned words .Whether perceived as the bee’s knees by
and created new meanings to previously
established phrases: the term “slay” can baby boomers, or high-key cray-cray by
be used as a noun, adjective, or verb and wannabe zoomers, slang has de ned how
conveys the message of amazement; the we speak and will continue to connect
term “ op” means to fail or be bad at communities for generations to come.
something—also able to be used in all
three parts of speech.
“It de nitely makes my writing
informal when texting or posting on
social media. Slang has also a ected verbal
communication: my friends and I tend to
not have a lot of serious conversations
and use improper English when we are
talking,” Gen Z member Martin said.
opinion | fall foods
the best of thanksgiving foods
Thanksgiving food is for many, the high 8Dinner Rolls Thanksgiving must, although, it only hits
of the year. From traditional staples Next up we have dinner rolls. Dinner rolls when topped with crisp mini-marshmallows.
like turkey, macaroni and cheese, are consistently delicious; therefore, nothing Like sweet potato pie, sweet potato casserole
and sweet potato casserole to more modern can really be said about them unless they’re has a bit of an interesting texture, but its
selections like peach cobbler, baked potatoes, burnt. Because dinner rolls are the safest gooey marshmallow top and delicious taste
and bacon wrapped asparagus, it’s safe to option I can devour this holiday, they earned totally make up for it.
say Thanksgiving gives everyone a little eighth best on the list.
something extra for taste buds to look forward 4Mashed Potatoes
to. Although the holiday guarantees delicious 7Sweet Potato Pie On any other day, mashed potatoes
treats for all celebrating Americans, some of While it hasn’t always been, sweet potato are easily ranked No. 1 in my heart, but on
the foods are obviously less significant than pie is a delicious classic. I’ll always be sure Thanksgiving, they’re No. 4 as there are still
others. This is my official ranking of the to get a slice of it by the end of Thanksgiving other things that are better. Don’t get me
worst to best thanksgiving foods people might dinner. While the texture has much to be wrong, a bowl of cheesy mashed potatoes
indulge in this Year. desired, sweet potato pie is still a delicious always sounds delicious, but so does a slice
Thanksgiving staple, earning it seventh on the of honey baked ham on Thanksgiving day.
10 Dressing/Stuffing list.
Dressing is by far the least appetizing 3Ham
food Thanksgiving has got to offer; sadly it’s 6 Deviled Eggs I’ve always wondered why ham isn’t
a must-have for the holidays in my household. Deviled eggs are quite literally the only the main course of Thanksgiving; it’s just
Dressing is a mixture of cornbread, herbs, eggs I’d willingly eat. Maybe I’m just a picky so much better than turkey. When cooked
chicken/turkey broth, butter, and eggs. So, it’s eater but there’s something about whipped egg correctly, ham is delicious no matter what. I
essentially a mound of mush my mom forces yolk, mayo, and paprika that makes an egg can eat it alone, I can eat it in a sandwich,
onto my plate every year, and even though the taste absolutely delicious. The fact that it’s and I could probably eat it in a soup. Ham is
taste isn’t that bad, the texture is absolutely part of Thanksgiving dinner adds even more delicious.
horrendous, earning it a spot as the worst food pizazz to this Thanksgiving dish, placing it at
Thanksgiving has to offer. number six on my list. 2Peach Cobbler
Peach cobbler is definitely No. 2 as it earns
9 Turkey 5Sweet Potato Casserole perfect scores across the board. With a perfect
Turkey is one of the least delicious Sweet potato casserole is a delicious texture, a deliciously peachy cinnamon taste,
and most over rated foods families could and amazingly buttery crust, it’s the perfect
have this Thanksgiving. While it is a desert for an after dinner feast.
Thanksgiving staple, it’s also one of the
most, in my experience, bland foods on the 1 .Mac ‘N Cheese
plate. Turkey has consistently been a miss
every Thanksgiving, reasons ranging from This ranking should be self-explanatory.
it being incredibly dry to just something not Whether it’s baked or not, mac ‘n cheese is
appetizing enough to even place on my plate. perfect.
24 | november
album review | opinion
review of taylor swift’s new album
Taylor Swift finally announced an official date for her 10th studio me, hi / I’m the problem, it’s me” almost comical. While the lyrical
album during an award speech earlier this year at the Video meaning of the song is significant, the repetition of this line ruins
Music Awards (VMAs), and I was ecstatic. it for me.
Being a lifelong fan and a lover of music, I look forward to the
release of new music Swift puts out. Her latest studio album My hopes weren’t fully gone for the album though. The fourth
was “Evermore”, which was released in 2020, and since then song had a feature with Lana Del Rey, another artist who I
she has just re-recorded older songs, making her new
album “Midnights” her first fully new album in nearly enjoy, leading me to hold high hopes for their song together.
two years. While Rey doesn’t have her own verse which was a
On Oct. 21, I stayed up until midnight waiting let down, hearing she and Swift harmonize was more
to hear the new songs. Some fans suspected that the than enough, making the vocals in this song one of
album would fit into the rock genre, which I was hoping my favorites off the album. Hearing Rey say “Are we
for. Others assumed she would continue with indie-folk falling like” is more than a heavenly experience and the
music like “folklore” and “evermore”, while many were angelic sound blesses my ears each time I listen.
guessing she would go back to pop music.
The more I listened to “Midnights” that night, the
When the clock struck midnight, I swiftly began more I began to enjoy it. The latter half of the songs
playing the songs and at first I was let down. In my were some of my favorites.
mind, I was expecting a completely different sound
than what she had produced. “Karma”, the 11th track, is easily my favorite. I
accepted the fact that the genre was going to be pop
The album began, and electric sounds were emitted at this point and went along with the catchy chorus of
from my speakers. I truly do enjoy all genres of music, the song. I have had it on repeat since the album was
but, I realized that I was not going to fall in love with released. I am obsessed.
this album on the first listen.
At 3 a.m. on Oct. 21, Swift had what she called a
The opening song, “Lavender Haze”, sounded eerily “chaotic surprise” for her fans where she released an
familiar to “I Think He Knows”, a song off her previous additional seven songs. They are equally as good as the
album “Lover”. While still being a good song, I went original 13, if not better, with my favorites being “High
through a period of shock at first just because of the Infidelity” or “Would’ve, Could’ve Should’ve”.
sound that I was not expecting.
After I reached acceptance of the album’s sound,
The third song on the album, “Anti-Hero”, the I loved it. While still not necessarily my favorite
lead single now holds the record for most streams within the first day
of being released on Spotify. To me, this is the worst song off of the .album of Swift’s, it’s new and still has time to grow
album and some parts of it seem almost childish. I find the lyrics “It’s
on me.
As of now I would rank the album as a four out of five stars. I
don’t love everything about it and I am willing to admit that, but the
parts that I enjoy are nothing short of amazing.
november | 25
the outdated laws of voting
TWRITING MOLLY SULLIVAN | DESIGN SOPHIE ROGERS | SOURCE CENSUS encouraged to take a stand against these
he year is 2014, and West Virginia are a ected by the government, meaning issues. is is more important than
teen Sara Blair takes her successful they should be able to represent themselves ever with the COVID-19 pandemic and
campaign for state legislature to beat a through their votes. increasing political tensions within the
sitting state delegate running for a third term According to Youth Rights, many teens country.
in o ce. Blair is just 17 years old, still months under the age of 18 are already making their
away from being eligible to vote, according to political voices heard through activities other In the United States, the largest age
CBS. than voting. Young people are starting to join group of voters was aged 65+ in recent
According to Harvard, Blair was elected protests, contacting their representatives, and years according to e United States
at age 18, and had to split her time between some, like Blair, have even created campaigns Census. If young people were allowed to
taking classes at West Virginia University and for mayor and state legislature. vote earlier, there is a chance they could
working in o ce. She ran for o ce while still Many would argue that minors are not establish good habits in going to the polls
attending her senior year of high school. politically informed enough to vote. However, on election years.
In 1971, the legal voting age in the United this can be proved untrue by these teens.
States was lowered from 21 to 18 years of age With the growing accessibility of Studies in countries that allow teens
according to Rock e Vote. However, it is still information on the internet, young people to vote at 16, such as Austria, Scotland,
a debate about whether it should be lowered are becoming well-versed in many important and others, have shown that voter turnout
even further. social and political issues. is higher for the 16 and 17-year-old age
e minimum voting age should be ere should be a wider range of young group than the 18-22 age group according
lowered to 16. As shown by Blair and many people able to vote on these previously to CBS. is further suggests that making
other teens, most 16 and 17-year-olds have the mentioned issues such as climate change, good habits while still living at home will
potential to be just as prepared and intelligent public education, and poverty. ey will overall increase the voting percentage
enough to vote as anyone over the age of 18. have to deal with it for longer than the older throughout the whole country.
e age of 16 is already a milestone in our generations.
culture, according to fairvote. When a person is generation will ultimately shape With a clear positive e ect on political
reaches the age of 16, they are able to drive, the future, and young people should be participation, there is no reason 16 and
17-year-olds shouldn’t be able to vote for
the leaders of their government.
Voting By Agepay taxes, and work, all of these activities
Ingredients & Measurements:
- 1 cup salted butter RADIANT RACHEL
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 egg
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
(different than baking soda)
- ½ teaspoon salt
let’s stress bake together-3cupsall-purposeflour
ver heard of stress baking? It’s baking but hey, if you just grabbed it out of
while stressed instead of doing the the fridge, I’m not here to judge you. ABOUT THE COLUMNIST
thing that you’re actually stressed Pop it into the microwave for in 15
about. Now, I am NOT encouraging people to second intervals if needed, but make Hi, my name is Rachel Lehman,
ignore their work or not take school seriously, sure it’s not all liquid. Add the butter and I’ve been doing journalism since I
BUT I am saying the transition from fall to in a bowl and then gradually add was a freshman. I am a senior this year.
winter is the best time to do stress baking. the sugar mixture until it looks like
For example, the weather is extremely a thick paste and mixed evenly. You is year will be my third year writing
crappy and cold, the trees start to look ugly could use a mixer, but I usually do it for Web and my rst year writing for
and sad, and then there’s midterms. Ew. e by hand. A er combining the butter
combination of these is the epitome of stress. and sugar, the vanilla extract and egg e Courier. My hobbies consist of
Although, on a more serious note, can be added and mixed in. scrapbooking, painting and doing fun
November is the bridge between two of the makeup and nail art.
best holidays: Christmas and Halloween. In a SEPARATE bowl,
Baking sugar cookies from scratch and combine the baking powder,
then decorating them according to holidays
and seasons is one of my favorite activities, our,
especially with the craziness that is the second and salt. is is because the
quarter. Life can get overwhelming, so my
advice? Bake! dry ingredients will be added into the
e reason I like making sugar cookies wet ingredients gradually so that it doesn’t get
from scratch is because: A. they taste better, too dry. en, you’ll add some of the our
(duh). B. they won’t turn into a blob of mixture and mix it into the butter mixture.
dough and will keep their shape perfectly for
decorating. en, you’ll add more our and repeat the
To start, it’s best to have the ingredients process until the our mixture is all mixed in.
at room temperature, especially the butter,
is part is best done by hand especially once
it starts to look like a dough.
Sometimes, the dough ends up being
too dry and crumbly, but this can be xed by
wetting your hands and kneading the dough
on the countertop. e consistency
should resemble clay and should be
drier. If it sticks to the rolling pin, then
it is too wet and some our needed to be
sprinkled in.
Lastly, I preheat my oven to 350
while I’m rolling out the dough and
doing the cookie cutouts. I personally
like my cookies so so they are about
¼ inch thick when I cut them, but they
can be thin and crispy too if that’s what
you like. e cookies only need to be put
into the oven for six to eight minutes
although it may vary depending on
the oven. ey are done if the bottom
of the cookies is a golden-brown color
and the tops don’t look wet, although
they should have a slight glaze to them.
Poke them with a toothpick to be sure.
Let them cool for a bit before adding
decorations so the icing doesn’t melt,
then enjoy!