The Volume 14
Issue 7
Class Of 2022
2840 E Orange Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035
senior issue | ads
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writing @name | design @name
text here
2 | senior issue
Senior Issue staff | senior issue
127 826 676
photos followers following
Editors in Chief Staff Adviser
design | ava robinson shreya arunkumar kari phillips
writing | sorina larsen
aryan bommena jaylen lewis
kendall cadegan alex lin
Editors lily clark dj pelles
teresa christian achintya perumal
news | alex lin copy editor | gabby raney emma clute gabby raney
sports | eric kiekeben business manager | valeria favila inacua natalia favila inacua ava robinson
culture | shreya arunkumar business manager | teresa christian valeria favila inacua cristhian ropero montoya
feature | emma clute cover story | kendall cadegan connor goudie mazzy seigneur
opinion | aryan bommena design editor | jaylen lewis taylor goudie makenna shrager
copy editor | nick woolard digital editor | emma clute eric kiekeben nick woolard
sorina larsen varsha venkateshwaran
4 5 senior collage names
some nice teacher first row (left to right): connor goudie,
advice farewell gabe runyon, gia fernandez-tirado,
ava robinson, keegan knapp and saket
second row (left to right): brandon fedio,
ainsley robare, tatum lather, katie walcutt,
christopher kraynak, eric keikeben and
pavan inaganti
third row (left to right): valeria favila-
inacua, alex knodel, ben pennells, morgan
powell, (bottom to top) molly strickland,
caroline tong and ava musgrove
7 16 fourth row (left to right): matt hopkins,
jayschuk pandrangi, rose swenson, evan
senior college schultz, and sathvika kasarla
superlatives map
fifth row (left to right): kiera decker,
cody miller, ashlinn riemenschne, dylan
yamasaki, and Sammy Hoyt
sixth row (left to right): meghan moser,
abigail hodgkiss, alaina jones, ava
thompson, dylan radziszewski and dylan
seventh row (left to row): bernadette
burns, ethan dicenso, hannah mccarter,
jackson nelson, jake burre
senior issue | 3
senior issue
some nice advice
tips for the underclassmen
writing @valeria favila inacua | design @varsha venkateshwaran | photos permission to print
ryann allender and sathvika kasarla
Ryann Allender and Sathvika Kasarla have both been students at the high school for the past four years. ey both plan on attending
e Ohio State University, with Allender majoring in marketing and Kasarla majoring in molecular genetics on a pre-pharmacy track.
Senior Ryann Allender Senior Sath
vika Kasarla
college applications extracurriculars
I would recommend breaking down the long to-do list Start getting involved very early in high school. You
so you aren’t scrambling to do everything at the last may regret it when you’re a senior and you don’t have
minute. In a way, these essays play a part in how your enough things to put under activities in your college
future will look like so you should have time to be
thoughtful and express who you are to the colleges application and when you may not get an o cer
you’re applying to! position in a club you like.
general advice academics
Be present! High school is a cool time, because Try not to compare yourself to other students and
a er you graduate there will most likely never be a be content with the e ort you put in rather than the
time that you are all in the same building again. Be
intentional with the time you have here at Orange grades you receive. at’s the right thing to do.
and take advantages of opportunities to make making friends
someone’s day better. at is how you can leave a
Surround yourself with people who make you feel
legacy. appreciated.
4 | senior issue
senior issue
Teacher Farewell
beloved goodbyes
writing @sorina larsen | design @nathan chow
As high school comes to a close for seniors, it is important to remember all the lessons and wisdom that teachers have
taught through the years. Here is advice and well wishes from the teachers for class of 2022!
Spanish Teacher Alex Tony: Math Teacher Bobby Roth:
Congratulations seniors - you have endured some trying Take it one day at a time, and just keep
times, but you have strengthened your resilience - you going. Enjoy!
will be ready for anything.
Science Teacher Becky Hockstok: English Teacher Kari Phillips:
Keep working hard and making us proud! Class 2022 seniors- a word to encapsulate your class is
endurance, you endured. With everything thrown your
way, you persisted and didn't give up. Bring that attitude
to life beyond high school. We will miss your enduring
Social Studies Teacher Jamie Paoloni: Science Teacher Jessica Timmons:
Seniors, best of luck on your next adventure. We will Take the time to celebrate your accomplishments
miss you but expect great things. Don’t allow your up to this point before stressing about your future.
amygdala to override your frontal lobe!
Science Teacher Bethany Janusz: Science Teacher Jamie Gilbert:
I wish all of the seniors the best! Keep learning new Never forget- obstacles are opportunities for
things all your life, and remember to be kind to your- growth- always keep growing! Good luck seniors!
self and others.
English Teacher Andrea Vescelius:
I highly encourage you to not necessarily follow the path other people have traveled. Instead, study their
paths, examine their paths, ask questions about their paths. And then...forge your own path. All the best to
you as you move forward!
senior issue | 5
senior issue
An end to the trends
senior wordsearch puzzle
design @ava robinson
Senior, Dab, Cartoon Network, Beyblades, Crocs, PBS, Ipod, Nerf,
Bruh, Disney, Arthur, Twister, Teletubbies, Scholastic, Max and
Ruby, Chowder, Lol, Spongebob, Oswald, Orange, Yeet
6 | senior issue
senior issue
senior superlatives
writing @emma clute | design @varsha venkateshwaran | photos varsha venkateshwaran and
taylor stewart
Ava Robinson Connor Goudie Sorina Larsen
Jaylen Lewis Eric Kiekeben Varsha Venkateshwaran
Alex Lin Valeria Favila-Inacua Emma Clute Dj Pelles
senior issue | 7
senior issue
Endings and New Beginnings
Paths of the Courier Seniors
writing @alex lin | design @jaylen lewis | photos printed with permission from Courier Staff members
Ava is the design
editor-in-chief of
Courier. In school,
and Art Club.
Outside of school
Sorina is the writing editor-in-chief art and hanging out playing baseball in high school, he had a
of Courier. In school, she participated in with friends. newfound interest in sports photography.
a plethora of clubs such as Science Club, What will she miss: “I will miss all my He takes many photos for various sports
Spanish Club, Interact Club, Women in friends,” Robinson said.
Engineering, the BEAT, WISE, NHS and University for business management.
Spanish Honors Society. Connor was born Plans: “I hope to become a sports
in North Carolina.
What will you miss: “I will miss the In high school, he photographer and eventually start my
people. I have met so many amazing was the captain of own business,” Pelles said.
people throughout my four years and so the volleyball team.
many of them have helped me become
the person I am today.” Larsen said. literature.
What he will
miss: “Even though I will only be 20
Valeria is the Jaylen is the design editor in Courier.
business manager He was born in Longview, TX. In high
in Courier. She was school, he was apart of the volleyball
born in Mexico. team and he hopes to play for many years
Later, she moved later.
to China and lived
What he will miss: “I will miss hang-
Emma is the feature editor in Courier. a half years before ing out with friends inside and out of
She was born in Columbus, Ohio and has moving to Lewis Center, Ohio.
lived here ever since. In school, she is a Alex is the news section editor in
part of Spanish Club, Tri-M and Choir. travel a lot and I hope to live somewhere Courier. He was born in New York City
in Europe,” Favila Inacua said. and lived there for a year. He later moved
like and to start a family,” Clute said. to Chicago, IL and Evansville, IN before
Varsha is moving to Lewis Center, Ohio.
a writer and
a designer in .Favorite High School Memory: “My
Courier. She
was born in favorite high school memory is spending
Minnesota. She is time with my friends at the senior events
a part of Science this year such as senior breakfast and
Club, Spanish
Club, Interact Club, WISE Club, Student
Eric is the sports editor in Courier. Rose.
In high school, he ran track and cross What will you miss: “I will miss all
my friends and teachers who I’ve met
through the past four years. My favorite
8 | senior issue
senior issue
In State vs. Out of State
The Pros and Cons of Leaving
writing @eric kiekeben | design @dj pelles
Acollege education is a path that
many students take following ability,” Simonds said.
high school. Not only is college a example, the situation with cars for fresh- Despite convenience and good prices,
- there are also reasons to regret staying
place for students to go in order to receive dents to deal with. Many schools around in state for college. For Simonds, “the
higher education and pursue certain ca- the country have a policy about freshmen Midwest weather” is one factor that made
reers, but it is also a major change in their not being allowed to have cars on campus, him second guess staying in state for the
way of life. but this can make it harder for out-of- next four years of his life.
For the past 13 years of students’ state students to come home. Helmer, for As mentioned though, both types of
lives, they have followed a similar routine college students have their own likes and
from kindergarten all on all his breaks, dislikes, and as Helmer goes out of state for
the way up until 12th which is one college, there are elements that he knows
students who are still of many extra “I’m going to miss my friends and
only about 18 years old prices to pay on
usually move out of leaving the state said. “I’ve lived here
their childhood homes my whole life, so it will
and live in a new area
on their own in order to Below is listed the uno cial going out of state that I
numbers of 2021 OOHS Seniors will have to adjust to.”
be an exciting step in and their choice to stay in-state or
life, but it can also bring go out of state. So, with these
its challenges.
living, many students
A major determi-
- more worth prioritizing:
styles new college stu- creating a new life and
dents face is whether gaining new experiences
- Students can choose between or having accessibility to
lege in their home state
- more) or travel elsewhere for
school. prices.
jority of seniors at the “In my opinion,
high school this year a pro of going out of
are going to college in-
state, but both types of new experience living
college students have somewhere new,” Helmer
things they like as well as challenges for college. said. “A con is leaving
based on their college location. Regard- family and friends, while
- less of these also having to adjust to a
costs, leav- new area.”
ing the state As students are
-- moving out for college,
ly still bring excitement. However, others it’s important to remember that college
fewer, but these students have their voice also appreciate the convenience of staying
as well. in state.
“I wanted to go out of state to have a will always be there. And while education
new experience,” senior Jack Helmer said. Simonds looks forward to about staying .is of course a priority, college also serves as
- price will be much cheaper, and if you
want to stay close to home, you also get that a rite of passage to adulthood for students.
versity in Provo, UT this fall. “I wanted to worse is up to each individual.
live somewhere new and feel like I’m do-
ing my own thing and living on my own.”
senior issue | 9
story | senior photo collage
The Class of 2022
pg 10 | april/may
senior issue
Then vs. Now
The Courier Staff Grows Up...
design @dj pelles
Connor Goudie DJ Pelles Varsha Venkateshwaran
Jaylen Lewis
Sorina Larsen
Ava Robinson Alex Lin
Eric Kiekeben Valeria Favila Inacua Emma Clute
senior issue | 11
senior issue
reminiscing through the years
writing @connor goudie | design @nathan chow
Although it was only four years
e class of 2022 is leaving its legacy by
donating a portion of its class funds to the
new school mascot project
12 | senior issue
senior issue
Favorite memories
Our Final Farwell
writing @sorina larsen | design @ava robinson & @valeria favila inacua
Mrs. Phillips,
class of 2022
senior issue | 13
design @ava robinson senior issue
class of 2022
14 | senior issue
senior issue
senior issue | 15
senior issue
College Map Virginia Tech
Class of 2022
Elias Dapolito
Gannon University
Emma-Cait Cogan
Notre Dame
Quinn Shannon
Avery Zingg
Camryn Earl
Tehani Foreman
Molly Wheeler
Samuel Rodrigues Silva Costa
Marcos Stefens
Sophia Smith
Malaina Sharapan
Rebecca Tigner
Eastern Michigan University University of Cincinnati Xavier University
Abby Rhyan Serenity Thomas
Ainsley Dean Haley Wright
Alexis Funai Arya Parvin Maggie Lowe
Mercyhurst University Marin Hogue
Bella Homorody Allie Zigmont Ty Miller Jacob Beaver
Thomas Jefferson University Ava Robinson Alexander Deprofio
TRhoYesoMNTeuChoinCcHuorhgtuelmhlisidlgnmtLaCKaaoaaMSAKsauarwanorJaCboyvryMopnrrJebrlanLSeisooghonlyeliIhlIteloaigsnleSxanaSFKibhnhFrinsattsoMrteUSeSaPPStuaaterivtilecosoilntneatUketsCawetUUuecutnnikornevaepeetsinsntnUnnleeleioroellviirnnnrvveooseiervfifrtrseAyTisisrtiemttyiscyytehyrniocalogyAshSlioMnEMLNMSJptNnSEEaKooehLLahaaavlToupallraReaidtleyemkeeryrehtxuinenlaleeeimeyiieArSmlSamnnJyrneWRMttygEzonrneyuRLBeForiihahWeacdneenaBaCuHnitkmmedrtsmrrMyrioosllecardcrleaateyymaenakohouyonctlndsmlnnndil eeiEdACtehERrnJaRMarootRmiinhlicscyeEtoOheccBaylMlnrhoaaJnASGFohyeaoCrEoiLvEnSnltianeDrelrasrohenibeSyniCotneovseeTnhegnpUsDlilhPrsalosiayelrnHaiaoearmncortknYyenmtdrkfieiaesiaevorpowdrrenrssleiorossBAeAsnnoJCrinKMtusLwdaEayelaaivrrrnalyelcaiiysnniCRneRFeGoghoeDSfAaeblfmycGmrrilehlnuciiotrarlsibihanoeninnMei naCdNNeCoMSCaPMEluiAJoyNlhSMcwavrKulennnaahaeeaaraeamnmndcormgsntnfisaaloirladeWaeaKAoaehMrlbrlyilsneiwlnSeeraMmBDuorNhitRSrhSMurBicsBronaFaehroaraeCuahieulwratbsrsSrgorlracanaowotresaetnooiyybBnonllarenneeinrbtceher
Anu Thambireddy Dylan Neville Josefine Manning Kent State
Jordan Rudolph Lauren Massaro Kayla Fisher Grace Deller
Quinn Ross Maia Kaufman Jackson Roark
Cleveland State University Robbie Hauer
Kathleen Eramo Robert Roush Dylan Reda
Dylan Radziszewski Maxine Botchway Zach Leonard Keegan Knapp
Micaela Shelton Dylan Yamasaki Liam Longley
Thiel College Audriana Secrist Kayla Jefferson
Tyler Adams Nick Monago
Tyler Davy Noah Cowin Boris Lozinak Howard University
Mitchell Perdue
New York University Zachary Scott Evan Schultz Imari Duncan
Francesca Zalar Ella Niles Madison Macarthy
Maasha Kennedy
Denison University Purdue University
University of Toledo
Aidan King Ella Kaminski
Ashley George Ian McGill
Arizona State University Mouli Sangita
Katelyn Skott
16 | senior issue | design makenna shrager
senior issue
Miami University Georgia Institute of Technology Oglethorpe University Ohio Northern University
Alaina Jones Alex Lin
CJaaBysldJeKaBaoyEiaenvynMtneleeeGunNSWUohiamLhlildceebrokeniwecsnntrkihdsbaselregrDianOaIsHahCbuioEeahilreolWaawncWyKheaKiisml-loilAaeomryPeaslalAawnmnaoinlsSMBinoegKdsheitdnoidnalUl HnaicvkelerrsiUtynivIeUsBarensbnAiieMvtNnlyleaonicrraokAgsloifnaieltdonDsyfeefKaroMesyofnitnnnToceonelllEreadLsoateyroUnlanKiUveHEKennamalrEitltvemsruyieicWcatMryKkhMsuiyaeoililtlkrilfnyUteeosMrbnCneiinhvseiscorasugitroyi
Pavan Inaganti Murray State University Olivia Upchurch Molly Schomock
Peyton Flaherty Riley Jestadt Paeton Gibson Academy of Art University
Tatum Lather
Becca Mevis Grand Valley State University Kendall Vaughan MusAkiinnsgleuy mRobUanreiversity
Regan Yamasaki
Luke Johnson Connor Kemmerling Florida Atlantic Univeristy Daniel Donovan
Honor Deck Lillian York
Reghan Doyle University of Wisconsin Malia Takenaga Penn State Univeristy
Lilianna Cole
Kaitlyn Rogers Wade Vellky Dixie State University Riley Rankin Zack Groger
John Carroll UniversityEvie Mae Valiulis College of Wooster Southeastern University
Reece Tomechak
Abby Schroff Chloe Hover
Mount Caramel College of Nursing Northwestern Univeristy
Hannah McCarter Jude Mirghani
West Liberty University
Central Ohio Technical College Queens University of Charlotte
Olivia McAtee Kalie Carson Isabella Foster
The United States Marine Corps
Ali O’Leary Julie Skilling Tanner Martin Aashi Sharma David Oluwamuyide Bryan King
Anastasia Bozic Kate Collins Kate Moorhead Rose Swenson
Ashleigh Dersom Katie Holmes Dylan Henry Saijayshuk Pandrangi Samika Pathak
Connor Churan Lauren McCann Leyton Suver Pravana Koyyada
Connor Goudie Lorenzo Ventresca Aditya Thodla Siddhartha Paruchuri Gabe Runyon Owen Walberry
Connor Wiseman Mason Griffin Valeria Favila Matt Hopkins
Max Longstreth Xander Simpkins Alexander Shinn Zlata Wilson
DJ Pelles Monica Paredes Inacua Aiden Thom
Elliot Luman Mudra Patel Emma Clute Remo Ventresca Michael Ward Brandon Fedio
Eve Dickerson Natalie Au Sorina Larsen Kirti Chopra
Irem Yilmaz Pavan Patel Fallon Fuller Wenxin Zhang Josh Hertzfeld
Ishan Naik Ryann Allender Ellie Beck Nandita Gaddam
Jathin Chalasani Sahana Shankar Graycn Messenger Luke Houston Olivia Habel Pranav Ingale
Jayshuk Pandrangi Samantha Myers Joshua Joseph
Jen Kabealo Sathvika Kasarla Caroline Tong Anushka Khedekar Steven Karas Pranara Koyyada
Joseph Kotchkoski Jacob Werling
Hunter Rohrer Olivia Lehmann
Moira Long
Zamir Fuller Amir Tawfik Asha Keerthipati
Deron Daniels
Andy Yu
Sebastian Toot
Brendan Cabungcal
Daniel Aycock
Rami Abdel-Razek
senior issue | 17