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Published by thecourierstaff, 2022-10-17 18:46:10

October 2022

October 2022

Roots BehindOctober2022 Volume 15
Issue 1

the Rivalries

2840 E Orange Rd, Lewis Center, OH 43035


Subway on 3200 N High Street and
E. Gay Street, Columbus 43215

2 | OCTOBER Design | Shreya Arunkumar



design - makenna shrager business manager - shreya writers: kari phillips
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sports columnist - justin blevins adam welch
copy editors - zion clifon, luna ava valentik
perez delgado, & molly sullivan nathan staten
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christian & lily clark nathan chow
digital editor - rachel lehman wyatt downey
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lifestyle editor - taylor goudie mackenna miller
news editor - shreya arunkumar hiya patel
projects editor - taylor goudie sophie rogers
sports & opinion editors - nick audrey selsor
woolard & gabby raney lilly wood

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STRIKING DOWN SEXISM............................p.5


ALL ABOUT ASHER............................................p.21

PINK TAX......................................................................p.24




football culture in columbus

ooking out at a crowd of people on e success of OSU football also seems dominant sports team in the state; most
a Saturday morning in Columbus, to be a point of pride for the city’s residents, games are televised nationally and pull
you will likely notice a sea of scarlet whether you are an alumnus, student, or just over 10 million viewers, according to e
and gray. e city of Columbus’s obsession a resident of the city—this culture brings Atlantic. is truly helps put Columbus
with e Ohio State University’s football the community together and gives everyone on the map—Cincinnati and Cleveland
program reaches far and wide. a common interest. Residents can travel don’t have nearly as large of a national
Ohio State football is a staple of Columbus anywhere around the world and yell out an sports presence. Sports Illustrated ranked
culture; it instills pride in the hearts of the O-H into a crowd, and they will likely here Ohio State as the most coveted sports
city’s citizens and brings people together. back an I-O. is spirit extends far beyond university in the country. ey considered
Football is the most popular sport in the football and makes for an overall happier city. multiple factors such as academic ranking,
United States and a er San Antonio, Columbus e people of Columbus are happiest a er a all-sports ranking and total viewership.
is the largest market without a professional win over Michigan. Sports Illustrated also noted that OSU has
football team, according to Interview Area. e Game, the most important time of the produced 87 rst round dra picks for the
But to most Columbus residents, this fact year for OSU football also heavily in uences NFL; that is more than any other university
is irrelevant as OSU football is all they need. the city. One of the greatest rivalries in all of in the country.
e city’s admiration is proven by the fact that sports, it always has every Columbus resident With leaves turning brilliant shades
the Ohio Stadium, colloquially known by fans either glued to their TV’s with friends or in of yellow and brown, this time of year is
as e Horseshoe, has a larger capacity than e Shoe watching in person. e Game is beautiful in Central Ohio, although on
any NFL stadium—in fact, it’s the h largest also usually essential to the post-season fate .a Saturday one likely won’t see anyone
stadium in the world. e money generated of both teams, and this intensity just adds fuel
by the support the OSU football team receives, to ame to increase the animosity between the taking a stroll outdoors—So join the rest
greatly helps both the university and the larger two schools. of Columbus and turn on the TV. A er all,
Columbus economy. this city really is just an overgrown college
OSU football is also clearly the most town.

e Courier is the o cial student-produced medium of news and information published by the Advanced Newspaper Journalism students of Olentangy Orange High

School. e Courier has been established as a designated public forum for student journalists to inform, educate and entertain readers as well as for the discussion of issues of
concern to their audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school o cials, adults or sources prior to publication.

e content of e Courier is determined by and re ects only the views of the student sta and not school o cials or the school itself. e Courier will not publish any
material, determined by the sta or adviser, that is libelous, obscene or disruptive to the school day.

e adviser is Kari Phillips. Readers may respond to e Courier through Letters to the Editor. Letters may be mailed, e-mailed to thecouriersta or dropped o
to room 2213. e sta asks that submissions be 300 words or less and contain the author’s name and signature. Editors reserve the right to edit or withhold publication of letters.

e Courier strives to uphold the Canons of Professional Journalism, which includes accuracy, impartiality, etc. erefore, major errors will be corrected in the next issue.
Distinction will be marked between news and opinion stories.




women facing everyday challenges

BWRITING KENDALL CADEGAN | DESIGN AUDREY SELSOR well as I could. She meant it as a compliment, and I saw it as that at
eing a woman in modern society can be overwhelming. the time. However, now I see the expectation that because I was a girl
“In uencers” impact younger viewers to see women in a certain I shouldn’t be athletic or even throw a ball. At the time, I played sports
way or little comments that are a result of misogyny over time year-round; this was simply overlooked because I was a little girl.
are embedded in everyday life.
Now, when I go on runs, I am warned not to have music playing in
roughout my life, I have been at the punch line of jokes, a both ears, or at all. Women have to be weary of their surroundings at
surprise when I can do more than what is expected of me, and belittled. all times out of fear of becoming a part of another statistic.
All because I am a woman; it is unacceptable.
I’ve been followed on walks with my dog, going up to my neighbor’s
Over the summer, former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate door for help because of my fear of what could happen next.
made a large presence online, largely for his views on how People have banged on my car window trying to get
women should behave in society. He gained a me out. It is terrifying.
large audience, mostly younger men, and the In early September, Tennessee teacher
in uence he has made has unfortunately Eliza Fletcher was on a run and was
shown. kidnapped. Her body was found
several days later according to the
In school conversations about Memphis Police Department.
whether others agree have No matter if a slight
taken place in the halls and sexist comment is made
in classrooms. Personally, or an incident that could
hearing people agree with result in life or death
some of what he says is is going to occur, the
scary. situations women go
through just to live and
Many of his views be human will burden
are centered on older them for years to come.
roles women played in Society has shaped us to
society that we have behave certain in ways
moved past. Knowing and to take precautions
that so many people that aren’t even thought
think this too and have of by men.
begun to embrace it is Un f o r t u n a t e l y,
worrying; I don’t want my this is not just a case for
rights to be taken away. women. Other groups that
are discriminated against face
“I think the women similar fears and comments at
belong to the man,” Tate them all of the time. It is a universal
has said. As well as, “Women problem that is fragile. Making the issues
do certain things, and men do worse may happen in an instant.
certain things. And we live in a Sexism and all other forms of discrimination
world now where the whole idea of are completely unacceptable. People should not need to
the roles has been con ated to the fact
where if I come along and say women are worry for their lives because of who they are.
better with children and men are better at ghting,
I’m somehow sexist when it’s clearly true.” .In order to x these problems, we need to take away the platforms

Tate pushes more radical ideas that would take women back to that in uencers have to prevent sexist ways of thinking from
times in the 1900s when women were unable to have jobs or to even spreading, and we must hold people accountable for their actions. No
vote. I’ve faced smaller bits of misogyny my whole life. Much of positive change will be made by sitting idly by, continuing to allow
it happened while I was in elementary school and didn’t realize the discrimination against women to occur.
impacts it le me until much later.

I was dress coded when I was 5 years old in kindergarten. I took o
an uncomfortable short sleeve shirt over a tank top. In recent years, I’ve
only started to feel comfortable wearing shirts like this again.

When I was in h grade PE class, my teacher came up to me to
say the boys on another team were surprised I could throw a ball as




seniors’ parking wish gets granted

arking at the high school can prove spots because we’ve been here the longest. and I o en found that all spots were taken
to be trying at times, as the property Plus, a lot of us have late arrival, and by the by students that got there rst thing in
has limited space for student parking. time we get to school there are no spots in the morning. I did think that it would be
Whether it be getting to school earlier to nd the main lot so you’d have to drive all the interesting for things to change,” Glass said.
a better parking spot or taking 10 minutes to way to the sophomore lot in the back, which Asher, who was principal at Chagrin Falls
get out of the lot a er school, students have isn't fair. We should have painted parking High School outside of Cleveland, established
complaints about parking. spots because other schools in the district other senior traditions when it came to
Olentangy and Olentangy Liberty high have them,” seniors Michelle Li and Aimen parking.
schools were able to paint assigned parking Chaudary said. “We did not get painted parking spots [at
spots over the summer, making Olentangy my old school]. However, we did have di erent
Orange students feel they deserved the same. lots, like a blue or yellow lot, and seniors got
In movies and on social media, teens see the priority of choosing where they parked.
people painting their senior spots, creating ere’s concern about there being some kind
a sense of anticipation for senior year. is of unintended consequences, and there might
feeling is only accentuated because of the be, but why not try. If there’s a problem, we
competitive nature of getting a decent spot can gure out a creative solution. It was
each day with such a large school population. something that was really important to kids,”
“Parking at Orange is ridiculous,” senior .Asher said.
Ava Hu man said. “We do not have enough The parking lot without parking privileges Making accommodations that t all
spots for all the seniors. ere are more than students can be hard, but students hope to see
500 people in the senior class, and we should more privileges in the future similar to how
invest in reserved parking. Especially at the parking is changing for seniors.
end of the year when the underclassmen start However, the parking situation should
driving, it just gets out of hand.” improve for seniors as new Principal Monica
is wasn’t the case a few years ago Asher and the Senior Class Cabinet e seniors in line to grab the parking spots

though. Sophomores used to have to wait six worked to instill more senior privileges
months a er they got their license to drive to when it comes to parking. In a senior
school because parking was so limited. assembly on Sept. 13, Asher introduced
Now it is a free-for-all, which o en leads new privileges for seniors including
to the youngest students being closer than painted parking spots. Senior Class
anyone else. is frustrates upperclassmen Cabinet member Leila Glass introduced
because they have had to park farther back the initiative.
and feel it is their right to park closer since “It was an idea presented at the Senior
they are older. Class Cabinet’s rst meeting. ere had
“Seniors should get assigned parking been a whisper about it over the past
couple of years, but I felt really inspired
by it and seeing other schools do it.
erefore, I decided to take charge and
make the idea come to life,” Glass said.
Seniors had the opportunity to stay
a er school on Sep. 21 to purchase a
parking spot which they could paint and
have reserved to them throughout the
rest of the year. Many hoped it would
help them get a closer spot, especially
if they weren’t in the school much. e
idea proved incredibly popular, and the
seniors created a line which wrapped
Olentangy Orange High School’s around the commons.
overcrowded parking lot “I only have one period at school,



october 2022


Oct. 10- Fall choir
n recent months, President Joe Biden he rst orchestra concert happened Oct. 11- Field Hockey
passed a three-part plan to help provide this week, and in the spirit of fall Senior Night
student debt relief. is plan known as and spooky season- the concert was Oct. 11- Volley Ball
“Public Service Loan Forgiveness” (PSLF), Halloween themed. Senior Night
aimed to help those in low and middle income •“I hope that all of the students perform as Oct. 12 -PSAT date
families pay o some, if not all, of their debt, well as they can and are able to put together Oct. 13- End of First
according to everything we’ve talked about, make good Quarter
music and have fun,” orchestra director Lori Oct. 14- No School
“Student loan debt forgiveness means that •Cornett said. Oct. 15- Boys Soccer
the government is dropping the remaining She also said another hope is that younger Senior Night
payments that were owed for certain students will come to the concert and get Oct. 17- No School
individuals if they meet certain quali cations,” excited about string music. Oct. 21- Football/
Government Teacher Rebecca Whitney said. •e goal for the orchestra is to play up Cheer/Band Senior
While these individuals are likely already to its full potential according to Cornett. e Oct. 27-29 Out Loud
out of college, this plan does still have an •big challenge is in February where there is a Theater performance
Oct. 29- Blood Drive
President Joe Biden contest in which the orchestra is judged and Nov. 9- Fall Signing Day
graded based upon how well they perform. Nov. 16- Senior
impact on high school students and their “Every year is so di erent that it’s hard to Thanksgiving
families. know things like how di cult the music you’re
•able to play is and what you’re able to do. So I
“ is may directly impact students and think this rst concert will help in seeing what
familie who have current outstanding federal •our potential could be,” Cornett said.
student loans because this would mean they In orchestra there are four sections:
wouldn’t owe this money back, freeing up chamber, prelude, concert, and sinfonia.
more income for their family,” Whitney said. e concert, which took place on Oct.
5, allowed each section of orchestra to show
She elaborates that student loan
forgiveness has become somewhat of a divisive •o its skills. Some of the songs played by the
public issue. While some support the e ort to
help erase the nancial burden to individuals chamber orchestra include: “Day of Wrath”,
or families, others argue that since the loans
were voluntarily taken out, those people •“ is is Halloween”, and the “Legend of Sleepy
should be held responsible to pay them back.
Overall, the PSLF plan has caused extreme
controversy as some argue that it will increase e Orchestra practicing

.in ation; some states have said they may tax •

the amount of the loan forgiven and others •
believe it does not solve the real problem- •
rising prices of college tuition and the overall •
student debt issue.



field hockey in season


After putting in some hard work over the summer, the field beginning of the season in order to overcome any tough opponents.
hockey team is looking to follow up a very successful season “Our biggest struggle last year was not playing hard from the
in which it finished with a record of 10-6 and played for the
state semi-finals. start and throughout the whole game. We were a second half team,”
Susi said.
Offseason conditioning and practice are imperative to any team’s
The players have been anticipating playing since the unfortunate
success later on, and the field hockey steam utilized its offseason very end to last year’s season with a tough 0-7 loss in the state semi-
finals to Thomas Worthington.
“I am most excited, this year, to win against the other Olentangy
Captain senior Autumn Predmore said senior-led conditioning schools and for senior night!” Predmore said.

over the summer and team bonding throughout the off-season has “This season we are most excited to continue to grow our game,
compete in our rivalry games, and of course, win. The hardest thing
helped set the team up for success this season. this season will likely be keeping our focus on how we can improve
our game rather than focusing on our opponents,” Susi said.
Preseason practices can also largely influence how a team will
The team played Olentangy Berlin on Sept. 12th and won 2-0
operate during the regular season. with goals by Haylie Sucharski and Kennedy Voelp. Continuing to
play Dublin Scioto on Sept. 28th the team won 5-1 with two goals
The team prepared for this season in a few different ways. They each by both Sucharski and Megan Shrader.

received a summer training packet which they were asked to complete Some other notable games this season include a 4-0 win over
Kettering and a 3-1 win over Worthington Kilbourne.
in addition to their strength training and summer skill sessions. Many
“My personal goals for this season are to work well with
of them are also members of the local club teams and worked on their my teammates, beat some good schools, and score some goals,”

game in the off-season. In addition, some of those players traveled, Predmore said. Predmore
scored the lone goal in a
attending local and national tournaments to compete against high- difficult 1-7 loss against
2021 state runner-up
level teams,” Head Coach Olivia Susi said. Thomas Worthington on

Predmore said the team lacked the same amount of preseason .September 1st.
The team will be
practices as previous years; this meant that on August first the team playing against Hilliard
Bradley at home on Oct.
needed to immediately 11th for their senior night.

kick it in to high gear.

Although the team

has many talented

athletes, winning

games will not be

easy as the team is in

a very competitive

conference. The

conference includes

the likes of Thomas

Worthington, Upper

Arlington, and

Olentangy Liberty.

Predmore noted

the importance of

quickly learning to

play as a unit at the Olentangy Orange varsity team vs Kettering Fair-
mont High school on Aug. 27th.




watson suspended for 11 games


Flashback to 2020, and Deshaun Watson Columbus Crew SC Fans held signs at a home according to
is known for being a star quarterback game against Nashville SC supporting the However, some Cleveland Browns fans,
from Clemson University where he women who accused Watson.
brought the Tigers a National Championship like sophomore Connor Morrison, have a
and then became a multi NFL Pro Bowler. What some fans of the NFL think is even different view on the case.
However, Watson now faces a very different more shocking is Watson only getting a six-
reality including multiple sexual misconduct game suspension. “The suspension was pretty fair since he
lawsuits and a 11-game suspension yet still wasn’t actually convicted,” Morrison said.
boasting one of largest contracts in the NFL. The NFL shortly appealed this decision
and changed their punishment to eleven While it’s not really a huge surprise that
Going back to the Texans during the games. People have varying opinions about Browns fans are eager to get at least some
2021 season, things were not looking good at whether the decision was the right call. games out of their new quarterback who is
all for Watson. A three-time Pro Bowler, who being paid over $200 million, fans of other
Texans fans thought would be the franchise “THE SUSPENTION WAS teams also have opinions about Watson’s fate.
quarterback and lead Houston to a Super PRETTY FAIR SINCE
Bowl, sidelined himself in that season due HE WASNT ACTUALLY “The suspension was deserved because
to a messy trade request. The result of this CONVICTED” what he did was not right, and he should be
request was a miserable 4-12 season from the punished for it,” sophomore and Packers fan
Houston Texans and landed them the third -CONNER MORRISON Grant Beer said.
pick in the 2022 NFL draft.
Calvin Ridley, wide-receiver for the The final thing fans have noticed about
On March 16-17, 2021, Watson was Atlanta Falcons was suspended an entire Watsons suspension is that he returns in
accused of sexual harassment during massage season for a $1,000 bet on his own team. week 12 of the season facing his former team
therapy sessions, and Attorney Tony Buzbee, Watson, who has had to settle multiple claims the Houston Texans. Many believe that this
who has represented 24 women Watson was with women over misconduct, hasn’t even serious topic of sexual misconduct is being
accused, filed the lawsuits, according to been suspended an entire season. used as a publicity stunt by the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, so that the
Stories of professional athletes NFL can promote some type of “Revenge
The charges have now grown to 20+ mistreating women and being suspended for Game”.
sexual harassment charges, and even so, it isn’t uncommon. Ezekiel Elliot, running
Watson was traded to the Cleveland Browns back for the Dallas Cowboys and former Ohio Beer agrees and said it’s not a coincidence
on March 18, 2022 in the middle of it all State player, was suspended six games for that his first game back is the Texans calling
and signed a massive five year $230 million domestic assault against his former girlfriend, the NFL “fake” and saying Commissioner
deal. This was met with Ohioan backlash as Goodell controls everything.
the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center received
over a thousand donations shortly after, and .While it’s not certain how Watson’s

tenure will turn out in Cleveland, or what this
means for future suspension cases, these cases
alleged against him will definitely affect his
legacy forever.

march 16-18, 2021 march 22- april 14, august 3, 2022

the first seven sexual assault 16 more lawsuits are filed, making a nfl approves request for a six-game suspension
lawsuits against watson are filed total of 23 suits ongoing as consequence


march 18, 2021 june 21, 2022 august 18, 2022

the nfl launches an investigation 20 of the 24 lawsuits are officialy settled nfl alters consequence to 11 game
into watson suspention, $5 million fine, and mandatory




fantasy football is growing quickly


Fantasy football has been growing development of sports gambling in the ABOUT THE COLUMNIST
rapidly the last couple of years. From upcoming years. ere truly isn’t something My name is Justin Blevins,
2018 to 2022, fantasy football has grown an else in the sports industry that is ourishing I’ve been watching and
immense 45 percent. like fantasy football, and it doesn’t seem like playing sports for as long as
that is going to change anytime soon. I can remember. is is my
“ e fantasy sports market is valued rst year in journalism but I
at $21.39 billion in 2021 and is expected Fantasy football is, in a way, its own
to reach $ 44. 07 billion,” according to company with users at the helm, deciding am excited to share my sports which players they want to invest in. e opinions with everyone.
best way of doing this is daily tracking
Technology and sports betting is the players particularly on apps like Fanduel
perfect evolving mix to grow a market like and Dra Kings. Many fans want to display
fantasy sports. If I were to do a survey for their knowledge for the game, and the way
students around the school, I guarantee at they do that is through fantasy football.
least 80 percent of boys would say they have
at least one fantasy football team. With rewards of cash and bragging
rights with friends, fantasy football is an
Sports betting only has the potential to amazing way to display one’s knowledge
go up, and people can’t say that about a lot of the game and have fun doing it. Not to
of things in the world.
.mention the colossal community of the
Senior ESPN NBA insider Adrian
Wojnarowski said, “You’re going to see NFL is perfect for fantasy football to take
more instances of fans being even more o . NFL ratings are growing and are higher
vitriolic toward players in this league, and than ever before and are eclipsing other
it’s an issue they’re going have to deal with, sports such as basketball and soccer.
but it comes with the in ux of gambling
money that everyone is going to pro t o Underrated players for the
of, both players and the league. But it’s 2022 football season:
going to impact the relationship between
fans and players in real time.” 1.Robert Woods
2.Rashod Bateman
is displays the development of 3.David Njoku
gambling to the sports world. At the 4.Gabe Davis
beginning of sports, fans were screaming 5.Clyde Edwards Helaire
rooting for their team to win. Now fans 6.Drake London
are screaming for a player to score the rst 7.Christian Kirk
basket so they can win their money. 8.Breece Hall
9.Adam eilen
It seems crazy, but in a world where 10.Trevor Lawrence
money is the most important, people caring
more about their parlays than caring if their
favorite team wins isn’t all that crazy.

It really has gotten to the point where
NBA league executives have come out to
say in the future it’s going to be an ongoing
issue. ere aren’t many things in the world
thriving like the sports betting industry
and in particular fantasy football at the

With more apps than ever such as
Dra Kings, Fanduel, and many more
to help users make money o of fantasy
sports, it will be interesting to watch the



costumes on a budget

last minute halloween costumes


Sophomore Hiya Patel dresses as Minnie
Mouse and sophomore Ava Valentik dresses as
a cowgirl.

With Halloween around the corner, there
are many parties and occasions requring
costumes. Most people will pre plan and have
a cute costume prepared, but here’s a guide for all of the
procrastinators out there.

Here are some of the most generic last minute

.costumes including a Minnie Mouse, frat boy, scarecrow,

and cowboy. Although these costumes are generic and
slightly overdone they are staple costumes and will never
get old.

Sophomore Luna Perez dresses as a frat boy
and poses with sophomore Audrey Selsor
dresses a bananna.

Sophomore Sophie Rogers Sophomore
poses in an octupus dog Luna Perez dresses as a frat boy and Sophomore
costume. Hiya Patel dresses as Minnie Mouse.

october| 11

cover story | rivalries

roots behind

exploring the comp

Rwriting luna perez, molly sullivan, adam welch, & angela zheng | design lily clark
ivalries have been deeply the sports industry use the idea of various Cobbs said competitors greatly contribute
ingrained into the history of rivalries to excite fans about games. to the continuation of rivalries. ey “certainly
sports. Everyone can feel the “Sport teams, leagues, broadcasters and play a role in the continuation of rivalries but
energy through the anticipation before rival other media partners can leverage rivalries to so do the business partners involved.”
teams play, the intensity in the crowd and the enhance the demand for their sport. However,
explosive celebration a er a team scores. it is important for these business entities to be Di erent regions also experience di erent
Players authentic in how rivalries. “In Columbus, everyone is going
physically and they promote to tell you
mentally train rivalries,” Joe Ohio State and
hard to prepare Cobbs said. Michigan. WVU
to go against Cobbs is the co- (West Virginia
their rival founder for the University) and
opponents. Just Know Rivalry Pitt (University
like the tension Project, a group of Pittsburgh) is
between rivals, dedicated to what I live every
their fans dislike researching and day. Within the
each other just as analyzing data district, you have
much, possibly surrounding what are some
even more…but rivalries. He is great rivalries,
why? also a business and there’s lots of
According to e Guardian, home is professor at Northern Kentucky University. back and forth on
important to fans because, “the feeling of Sports fans tend to pay higher attention to which one can be most important,” Lambert
going to a stadium to cheer on your team is rivalry games, with sometimes even gaining said.
almost always a pilgrimage to some Edenic the attention of non sports fans.
space of safety, comfortably surrounded by “Rivalries are usually good for the sport Stempson said Nebraska and Oklahoma
thousands uni ed by their common emotional and TV ratings. Attendance usually goes up in football “played every year and were usually
connection to the place.” when those teams play. Many consider the the best teams in the conference and played
One of the oldest sports rivalries dates Celtics-Lakers, and many more particularly for the conference title.” When they stopped
back to over a hundred years ago. Reportedly, Larry Bird-Magic Johnson, rivalry to have playing as o en together, the rivalry started to
in 1844, the rst international cricket match saved the NBA in the 1980s,” Stempson said. fade.
occurred between the United States and
Canada. Rivalries have such a deep root in sports
Up to $2 million in today’s money was
bet on the match, and Canada won. In In the 70s, sports entertainment had
following years, Canada and the United States low attendance and ratings, but due to the
repeatedly played against each other, amed increase of rivalries, they blew up in the 80s
by the tensions of competition. and 90s. e heat and drama between teams
“Most rivalries start naturally when two encouraged people to become invested in
teams play every year and are usually playing sports.
for a title (state, conference or national),” According to Cobbs’ research, “Rivalries
Professor of Sports History at University of do not only occur in popular sports. It is a
Nebraska Scott Stempson said. sociological phenomenon across almost all
Although they aren’t required to, rivalries forms of competition.”
greatly bene t sports. “Rivalries are a huge For Lambert, he has experienced the
part of sports, and they make it all the better,” excitement of rivalries as a fan. He is a
Tannor Lambert said. “ ey keep sports passionate Steelers fan and hates “every team
alive.” Lambert is a 2021 graduate; he swam in the AFC North that’s not the Pittsburgh
competitively since he was 5 and was on the Steelers.”
swim team in high school. “As for who is responsible for rivalries
Many forms of media and businesses in continuing, I would say it’s a combination
of media and the fans. e media promotes
them, but if the fans don’t watch, it really
wouldn’t matter,” Stempson said.

12 | october

rivalries | cover story

the rivalries

plexities of rivalries

history and provide people with something to arguing over state borders. Ohioans gave With almost a decade of domination, many
talk about on Monday a er a big rival game. Michiganders the nickname “Wolverines” wondered whether “ e Game” could even be
during the Toledo War because they believed considered a rivalry anymore. However, Park
Although the purpose of rivalries is they were acting wild and rabid. Michigan disagrees.
sometimes overlooked, they are a great source soon embraced this name, taking it to their “For most years, even though Ohio
of entertainment for many people and will football team and thus leading to the rivalry State had a streak against Michigan, the games
continue to bring spice into the lives of sports between Ohio have always been
and Michigan close,” Park said.
fans. over a century So, will fans
One of the later. see another decade
of domination for
widest known e Toledo the Buckeyes in the
rivalries is the War, which 2020s or will they
rivalry between was from see a turning of
1835-1836, the tides of a blue
e Ohio State was a dispute and yellow streak
University and between the with Michigan’s
the University states of Ohio most recent
of Michigan. and Michigan win, prompting
on who had the heartbreak for
e Ohio State rights to the Buckeye fans and payback for the last decade
and Michigan Toledo Strip. e Toledo Strip was a prime of defeats Michigan has been through?
football rivalry is location for agriculture in the 1800s, and each One thing is for sure though with its deep
as old as time for state claimed this area. historic roots, this rivalry will continue to
college fans, and live on in infamy as one of the greatest sports
most people have heard of “ e Game”. e ere was only one casualty in the war matchups of all time.
Big House, e Shoe, the gray helmets and the where a Michigan sheri was stabbed in the Rivalries certainly aren’t reserved for only
yellow and blue helmets: almost everything side with a minor wound. Although tensions college and professional sports. Even within
about this game is iconic. eventually cooled and state borders were high schools, the energy surrounding rivalries
According to Ohio State Football decided, this minor scu e would inspire the can be felt. Arguably one of the most exciting
Historian Jack Park, the teams have played Wolverine namesake for Michigan and li o
117 times, and the record is 59-52 Michigan. the sports rivalry fans have today of the two
Park said that the rivalry goes back to states, according to Park.
the Toledo War between Ohio and Michigan
“ e deep history behind it goes back to
the 1800s when they rst started playing and aspects of one’s high school experience is
even the Toledo War,” Ohio State University school sports. Even if a student isn’t interested
junior Ryan Welch said. in joining a sport, many students attend games
as spectators in the student section.
Even Ohio State University’s students “ e student sections and student body
have taken on the tradition of the rivalry by had a huge e ect on rival games. I remember
blocking out every M on campus the week many times the student sections really getting
before the big game. It has come to the point into the games,” 2013 graduate and current
for fans, whether it be not saying the Michigan business teacher Christian Hipsher said.
name and just saying “ e Team Up North”, Rivalry games in the Olentangy district
that the rivalry has grown into a lifestyle. are some of the most exciting and motivating
games during the season. However, when the
“It’s bigger. Everyone collectively hates district was much smaller, these games were
one thing that we can all unite on, and we very di erent.
go all out, such as blocking out every M on “I remember when I was in high school,
campus,” Welch said. our school’s rivalries were real rivalries, not
just made-up.” Intervention Specialist Miriam
A er an eight-year Ohio State victory Zabonik said.
streak, Michigan nally got its rst win in Zabonik, a graduate of Olentangy High
over a decade with the 2021 victory against School when it was the only school in the
the Buckeyes, 42-27, according to ESPN.

october | 13

cover story | rivalries against, like good friends and colleagues,” wrestling team. In the o season, we would
district, said the school spirit for rival Athletic Director Brett Diehl said. support other sports in the student section,”
Hipsher said.
games has decreased since the newest Since most Olentangy schools
Olentangy Schools were built. Back when Big are within short distances of each other, many Even in the o season, students would
Walnut and Buckeye Valley were our main families have close friends in other schools help work toward the goal of beating the
rivals, students would pack the stadiums full in the district. is usually results in friendly rivalry team by supporting their classmates.
for each and every game, she said. competition and students being excited to see Rival games o en give students a sense of
old friends participating in their sport. community.
“Rival games pump us up and give us more
motivation to be better athletes,” freshman “COVID-19 took away the sense of “I would say that rival games were a
and student athlete Claire Jenkins said.

Student athletes are able to come together community in the school, but I see it slowly fun, competitive addition to the student
and build more relationships when they all coming back. I would say coming together experience,” Hipsher said.
have the same goal to win. is desire only as one and doing activities as a student body
increases when the rivalry games bring that whether it be pep rallies, tailgates or putting Competition is usually strong within the
winning incentive up with a bigger crowd. together special student section ‘stunts’ will district rivalry games. Almost all of the sports
help build the community and increase the teams within the district are at a high level,
“(Rival games) bring a larger crowd to hype for these games,” Hipsher said. meaning these games are fun and exciting to
the games because families and community watch.
members are excited to see the kids they As the COVID cases have been decreasing,
grew up with compete against each other and restrictions have been mostly removed for “To increase the anticipation for rivalry
compete against kids they’ve grown up playing school athletic events. However, even last year games and better support student-athletes,
focusing on cheering on their own classmates,
during the season the student not so much about bringing down the
section was as lively as usual. opposing teams, always helps,” Diehl said.

“As a student, I was on the ere are many things students can
do to support their student athletes while in
“The student sections the student section. Many say even coming up
and student body had a with a good theme for the game can motivate
huge effect on rival games. a larger crowd to show up leading to a better
I remember many times experience.
the student sections really
getting into the games”- According to MaxPreps, the football
Hipshire said team has won against Olentangy and Liberty
once in the past three seasons. Records being
1-9, 4-4 and 10-2.

is year, the Orange community,
including students and student-athletes, will
come together to support the school. Building
back up and being positive despite past losses
will go a long way.

Rivalries are on everyone’s mind,
especially with football season in full speed.
Gossip and smack talk make their way into
conversations through not only hallway talk,
but also social media.

In Olentangy Local Schools, schools
have a long-standing history of rivalries, and

14 | october

these rivalries have become even stronger other face to face. AP Psychology teacher rivalries | cover story
between the past few years. Jamie Paoloni explained how this is an e ect Both of these traits have been frequently
that social media has on people, especially seen in high schools since social media rst
“Going to the games you could tell teenagers. started. Hipsher recounted his experiences
there were rivalries,” Hipsher said. in high school and compared them to today’s
“It creates a sense that you’re anonymous,” social media situation.
2022 graduate and student section said Paoloni “Social media gives people “Twitter was like the wild west; it was newer
leader Lauren Berend saw not only the the freedom to say what they want without and people were less aware of the implications
history between the rivalries but also the necessarily understanding the direct of posting their business online so there were
intensity of it as a school leader. She saw consequences.” some pretty crazy Twitter beefs going on back
this not only re ected among other student
section leaders, but the whole student body However, a sense of anonymity isn’t the t h e n ,”
as well. only thing that gives people the con dence to Hipsher
act out against their rivals. Group polarization said.
“Before becoming a student section is another psychology topic that makes teens
leader, I didn’t really understand the depth act more radically in groups. Back
of the rivalries within our school district. I when
thought we just always hated them for no “Group polarization occurs when you’re Hipsher
speci c reason, but throughout the season with groups of people that you’re similar to, was in
tensions were always high and the student and your beliefs tend to grow stronger,” said school,
section leaders would always talk and kind Paoloni “Whether those beliefs are true or social
of egg each other on,” Berend said. not, they tend to grow stronger and stronger.” media
was new
Berend o en had to use the power of and
the rivalries to encourage students to come people
to school events. Rivalry posts made on the w e r e n’ t
Pioneer Pit Instagram, @pioneerpit2022, as
got more interactions compared to their invested
regular content. in it; it
was just
“We de nitely get a lot more likes, an addition to the ways students expressed
follows, shares, etc. when we post the these rival tensions. Now, social media has
rivalry content. Even more so when it’s become the place to be; everything happens
rumors and drama,” Berend said. online.

ese posts, though it wasn’t their .Sports rivalries have been around for a
intention, would o en lead to more tension
and personal attacks between rival schools. long time, and are something that won’t be
Students would take these posts personally going away. ese rivalries will continue to
and then reply with a direct attack creating bring energy to sports for games and years to
a social media spiral. come.

“Some people take them very “I remember when
personally, especially when the rumors I was in high school,
are not true. So, social media de nitely our school’s rivalries
makes the tension between leaders and the were real rivalries,
student body so much worse,” Berend said. not just made-up.”-
Zabotnik said
Many times, the comments said on
social media are more aggressive than
what these students could ever say to each

october | 15

16 | October


The Scene

Seniors William Butler and Nolan Cameron
look towards the end zone to celebrate a
pioneer touchdown. “My favorite part was
seeing the crowd full of red, white, and blue
and everyone participating in the chants,”
Student Section Leader Butler said.

Photo Credit: Teresa Christian
October | 17


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new gas station on polaris

The bell rings, signaling the end of yet another school day. Friends
are grouping up and leaving school, driving away with plans their menu is the battered Oreos.
to hang out or study together. Students are getting milkshakes, “Sheetz is di erent from other convenience stores with their

innovative style of shopping, such as the self-checkout, the scan and
fries, and other food to talk about their long day at school. e latest go, and the mobile orders,” Indukuri said. “Sheetz is far easier and more
place to be with friends: Sheetz. e cient than other convenience stores.”
Columbus On the Sheetz app, in addition to being able to order
is ever growing food from a phone, customers can also scan their items in
and changing, store and purchase them. is feature makes the shopping
and a prime experience for customers much quicker and more
example of convenient. It’s a de nite step up from just an average gas
this is the station.
brand-new “ e atmosphere at Sheetz is di erent from other gas
Sheetz right stations,” junior Arefa Kapasi said.
on Polaris Since this new location in the area is also in such close
Parkway. proximity to the school—just over two miles away—it
Sheetz is makes it a fun place for students to meet and hang out with
a convenience their friends.
store and “Sheetz is a good place to hang out with friends because
gas station it is so close to where people live and the school,” Indukuri
established said. “It also
in 1952, with has good food
chains in only choices for being
six states in the with friends a er
United States, school or a er
according to football games.”
the Sheetz website. e addition
e six states of this Sheetz
containing the store include Maryland, location also
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, brings jobs to the
Virginia, and West Virginia. area.
e Sheetz, located at 800 Polaris “At Sheetz,
Pkwy., is the most recent addition to I’ve always
the development being seen in the had a pleasant
area. It has gas pumps to ll up cars, e x p e r i e n c e ,”
but also a store to buy goods. Outside, Indukuri said.
there’s tables to sit and eat at. “ e sta there is
“ e environment at Sheetz is always nice and
quite nice,” junior Anvita Indukuri helpful.”
said. “It’s always pretty clean and With the rise
organized inside, and there’s usually in popularity of
people hanging out together, whether Sheetz, it’s likely
it be inside or outside at the tables.” to be a common spot to see other students at,
With the ability to order di erent foods and sweet treats, as well .especially since it “gives more variety and options for people when it
as a self-checkout to buy goods, Sheetz makes it easy for the customer
to enjoy their items. Customers can also order food online and pick comes to gas and food,” according to Indukuri.
it up. Some of the most popular food items at Sheetz include their “I love Sheetz because of how close it is to my house, and it’s a nice,
milkshakes, which have a wide variety of di erent avors, multiple
kinds of smoothies, and their “Burgerz”. A speci c standout food on convenient place to hang out with my friends, or even as a meeting
place,” Kapasi said.


feature | tipping

the tipping point
the culture of tipping

Wwriting molly sullivan | design nathan chow | source reader’s digest
hen people walk into a restaurant, “Many quick service restaurants (McDon- is done to help o set the cost of process-
they only expect to have to tip if alds etc.) have switched to including a tipping ing noncash transactions. ese ‘tips’ don’t
they’re sitting down, getting their screen when checking out with debit or credit actually reach the employees but more of a
food served to them. is has been the norm card. For this reason, I do feel pressured as the slush fund for the restaurant,” Swenson said.
for years, but as of recently, a tipping related screen is there asking me to tip,” Pioneer Cafe “Banks have raised fees to process cards.”
outrage has begun. manager Christine Swenson said. According to bankrates, most processing
A er the COVID-19 pandemic, many Before the pandemic, people wouldn’t fees for credit cards range from 1.5 percent
are angered at how o en they are pressured even think about tipping employees that have to 3.5 percent of the transaction. ere are
to tip at places they had never tipped before. a normal hourly wage. Some occupations, like also fees for having a bank account, called
is could be caused by the new use of touch- restaurant servers and others that rely on tips, annual fees or membership fees.
screens at the register. still make a minimum wage of $4.65. “Since we are a corporate company, our
“I usually watch people use the touch- “At the moment, I can’t think of a situation tips don’t go to individuals. We split it evenly
screen because a lot of times people don’t where I would tip someone in food service between every single worker who’s on shi ,”
know how to properly pay with the screen and that has a living wage. For example, sta at sophomore and Crumbl employee Dua Ra-
I want to see if they give tips or not,” sopho- McDonalds all earn the non-tipping employee him said. “I get about $2-3 extra in tips an
more and Crumbl emloyee Grace Bozic said. state/federal hourly wage,” Swenson said. hour, plus a $10 hourly wage.”
ese gadgets have added a new pressure According to New York Times, tipping e big question is, do these employees
to tip since the worker in front of the custom- rates have been wildly increasing and de- already earning above minimum wage really
er can watch exactly what they do. Nobody creasing since the pandemic. Some restaurant deserve tips for what they do? Many times,
wants to be that person who doesn’t tip, espe- owners even say their tips have increased by servers are working harder than quick ser-
cially right in front of the employee. almost 50 percent. vice employees.
“I think that is low [minimum tipping “I don’t know about other places like
wage]. While it is half of Ohio’s minimum Mcdonald’s or Wendy’s because they have
wage of $9.30, many restaurants pay more to premade food that they give you over the
attract more employees,” Swenson said. “ e .counter, but at Crumbl we make our own
tipped employees should be paid more too
and not rely on customers tipping the di er- dough and handmake every ingredient as
ence.” well as cook. We think we deserve some type
of tip just because we’re doing a lot of work,”
Normally when people tip servers and Rahim said.
bartenders, the tips go straight to the employ-
ee. However, now in recent times, they are ei-
ther split or sent to the restaurant.
“My business sources have con rmed this

Servers and Waiters

Uber & Lyft
15%-20% of the bill

20 | october

ms. asher | feature

all about asher

orange welcomes new principal

Awriting nick woolard | design nathan chow | photo nathan chow
s the Pioneers blast o into a Asher was named the 2022-2023 principal of high school experience it could possibly be,”
new school year, they are greeted the year, by the Ohio Association of Secondary Smith said.
with some changes to the school’s School Administrators.
administrative sta . As students say goodbye “But I love this job, and all of its roles, so Another challenge Asher will face is
to former principal Trond Smith, they when you really, really love something, it’s not the increased number of students that the
welcome a new face, Monica Asher, as the that there are hard days, but the hard days high school has, compared to the number of
buildings new principal. don’t really feel too bad because you love what students she had at her old school.
With Smith leaving the school, the you do,” Asher said.
district went through multiple candidates ere are many feelings that come with a Asher explained the challenges of going
for principal, to nd the perfect t. is big move. ere’s so much to learn, so many from a smaller student body, like her previous
process wasn’t taken lightly, as this role is very people to meet, and many new things that are school Chagrin Falls, with 650 students to a
important to the high school, and the district. to be discovered. much larger student body, of 2000 students.
“ ere are multiple interviews with the “ ere’s so much opportunity here, and She explained that it is hard to remember
district leadership team, as well as other there’s so much excitement. As much as I’ve names and faces when there are so much more
stakeholders in the community. But ultimately, wanted to move slowly, the teachers here are to learn. Yet, she also said that it is bene cial
the superintendent makes the nal decision,” very excited about what they do, that they for her to have much more administrative
Smith said. “Ms. Asher impressed the group just want to go. And that excitement has been sta for her to lean on.
from the beginning, and ultimately was able huge and has been absolutely wonderful,”
to separate herself as the best candidate by the Asher said. It is no question that Asher is a perfect t
end of the search.” But along with this excitement, there also for the schools principal. Too much opinion
Principal Monica Asher was hired at the comes some new challenges that Asher will here…I would bring in more facts from her
school in May 2022, and by the end of June, have to overcome in her rst few months. interview here. While it may take a while to
she was already moved in. “As we begin to come out of the last few get used to the change, the impact Asher will
“ e thing that was nice is that I got to years of school being impacted by COVID-19, leave on the school can already be seen.
do it in the summer, when things were kind reconnecting students to the building is
of calm, so I didn’t feel crazy. So, I got to essential to being able to continuously improve “I will always care about and support
spend some time to get used to Lewis Center and meet our goals of making Orange the best
and explore the area before I started my job,” .the Orange and Blue, but this is Ms. Asher’s

building now. I have tremendous con dence
in her ability to make the best decisions for
Orange High School now and in the future,”
Smith said.

Asher said.
While it did take Asher some time to
get familiar with Lewis Center, the city of
Columbus as a whole, was not a new sight.
“During the middle of last school year, I
started to think about moving to Columbus,”
Asher said. “I do some work with the Ohio
Department of Education, and I also sit on
the board of directors for OHSAA. So, I was
coming down to Columbus quite a bit.”
Asher has been in an educator’s job
for the past 18 years, and has had a job in
administration for 14 years.
“My rst year of teaching I taught in Las
Vegas, but the cost of living was really high,
so I moved back to Ohio,” Asher said. “And
then I became an athletic director, an assistant
principal at Avon Lake, an assistant principal
at Rocky River, and then became a principal
at Chagrin Falls, which is where I was the last
ve years.”
According to e Columbus Dispatch, Principal Monica Asher in her office.

october | 21


Lewis Center 614-505-3579
1234 East Powell Rd., Lewis Center,

OH 43035



Go To:

Design | Shreya Arunkumar


the festival of lights

The festival of lights is a phrase used
to describe the popular religious churches. the various prayer ceremonies, helping
celebration Diwali. “Diwali is a part of my Indian identity with the preparations, and re ecting on my
actions to improve upon myself,” Patel said.
and I will always be proud to celebrate it,”
Diwali is a ve-day long religious sophomore Dhruv Kapadia said. Celebrating Diwali doesn’t have to be
holiday celebrated primarily by Hindus, Diwali can be celebrated anywhere and a serious ordeal though. Sometimes it just
Jains, and Sikhs. Occasionally, some everywhere, but most people who celebrate means having fun.
Buddhists celebrate Diwali as well,
according to “Diwali is a part “I celebrate Diwali because it is a fun
“It begins on Oct. 23 and ends on Nov. festival that I can celebrate with friends and
2. It’s always this time period because that of my Indian family,” Gala said.
is around the time it happens on the Hindu
ere are many reasons why people
identity and I willcalendar. It is the holiest time of the Hindu celebrate Diwali. e most common answer
calendar,” sophomore Aarav Gala said. always be proud is the celebration of light over evil.
Although Diwali takes place at the
end of October, preparations need to be “Diwali is a time of good triumphing
made before the celebration happens. to celebrate it” over evil and the meaning of this is the
Preparations may include cooking and/or main reason I celebrate Diwali. It also helps
baking food and decorating houses and/or -Sophmore Dhruv me grow closer to my Hindu roots as well
Kapadia said. as allows me to spend even more time with
religious buildings. my family, community, and those who
“We start planning weeks, sometimes attend my Mandir with me,” Patel said.
months, in advance because there is so this holiday choose to celebrate it at their
much excitement surrounding the festival! houses and at various religious locations. Diwali is also a major event in the year
We all are so eager to begin preparing to be “I celebrate Diwali at my home and at for Indian-Americans who are looking to
able to celebrate it with utmost festivities,” my Mandir,” Patel said. show o and embrace their culture and
Columbus BAPS youth coordinator Sakshi Celebrating Diwali has di erent heritage in a fun way. No matter the reason
Patel said. meanings for di erent people. For some for celebrating the holiday, Diwali is a fun
Over one billion Hindu people celebrate people it’s a time of pure celebration and joy
Diwali, according to Some ways while for others it’s a period of giving back .time with lots of value for many people
to celebrate are eating food, having house and introspection.
parties, and celebrating at temples and “I celebrate Diwali by participating in around the world.
“To me Diwali means joy, community,

a sense of belonging and just overall having
a good time,” Gala said.

Rangoli peacock from BAPS Chicago Hindu Mandir Fireworks from Diwali 2019
Diwali 2019


opinion | pink tax


what women pay for products


The controversy of the even ignored. these negative stereotypes
overturning of Roe One of the main things that the pink tax and taboo, more women
v. Wade this summer have begun to speak out
has brought light upon many a ects are the large di erence in prices in against the injustice that is
other controversial women’s hygiene products marketed for men versus the pink tax.
rights issues. Among these women, with women’s products being the
issues is the pink tax. more expensive ones. Despite many of these Women in New York
items having the same production cost, have stood up against the
e pink tax has been women’s products are more expensive just pink tax, and succeeded.
harming women in the because they are marketed for women. As of Sept. 30, New York
United States since 1994. governor at the time
For example, the average cost for shampoo Andrew Cuomo set a ban of
e pink tax is the extra and conditioner for women is $8.39 compared the pink tax into e ect. e
money that women have to to men’s which is only $5.68, a 48 percent price ban prohibits goods that
pay for products, usually di erence, according to Business are marketed to di erent
hygiene and toiletries. Other products with less signi cant price genders from having
di erences, include razors, razor cartridges, di erent pricing; this goes
It’s estimated that and lotion which all have 11 percent higher for services as well, not just
women spend over $1,300 cost for women compared to men. goods, according to wkbw.
annually more than men com.
because of the pink tax. Even though recently many women have
Women pay more for begun to speak out about the issue, for many is ban is proof
products 42 percent of the the issue is still largely ignored. is is because that speaking out against
time compared to men’s 18 of the connotation that women’s menstrual injustices in one’s world
percent according to e products have in the United States. promotes change. Reach Overall, the out to representatives and
pink tax is just unfair, and Talking about menstruating and encourage them to ban the
there is no reason why it feminine hygiene has always been considered pink tax as well, because
should still exist. e pink largely taboo in the United States. Women so far, only New York has
tax makes women seem have been encouraged to avoid talking about o cially banned it.
their biological functions because people
nancially inferior to men, around them, mainly men, were never Here in Ohio, reach out
setting back tons of progress educated on women’s bodies and therefore to local and state o cials
made in the ght for equal felt uncomfortable hearing about the things such as State Representative
rights in the past few years. women need to keep themselves clean. Kris Jordan and Gov. Mike
DeWine. Another thing to
But if the pink tax is e sad reality is that because of this,
so problematic, why is it s women are just stereotypically expected to be .do is call brands in which
overlooked? Well, long born clean and pretty, an unrealistic standard
story short, women’s rights that no one would ever be able to meet, there is evidence of the pink
and inequalities have always making it hard for them even to bring up tax and encourage them to
been overlooked or issues about their own hygiene. Despite modernize in the name of
justice for women.

24 | october

fall activities | opinion

zoombezi gets ready for halloween


Iwas running as fast as I could possibly go as a person with a the fright level a notch higher, as it is the longest haunted house they
chainsaw chased me. Although my heart rate was high, I was only have. In this one, visitors enter a mysterious sleep research facility
mildly frightened as this is what I signed up for when I came to named Pleasant Dreams with patients at every corner.
the horror theme park, Zombiezi Bay.
roughout this one, there are tables with mannequins and a few
Over-run with zombies, patients, and clowns, there were screams scare actors at each turn who are dressed as mental patients. ere is
heard at evey corner. a lot of torn clothing, red dye to represent blood and towards the end
there are some obstacles to get through, such as hanging mannequins.
Zoombezi Bay had its debut of Zombiezi Bay last fall, and the
event is continuing this fall. I had the opportunity to visit the park is is one of my favorite haunted houses because it is de nitely
with a friend and experience its haunted houses and trails on Sept. scarier than the others, and I never expected when the people were
17. 2022. going to jump out at me. It was also the most realistic as there were
actors in cages and tables that were climbing and chasing a er our
e park opens at 6 p.m., and when I arrived at 6:30 p.m., there group.
weren’t many people in the park, but as it started to get closer to 7p.m.
it became more crowded. I would recommend getting there at 7 p.m. e last haunted house, Eternal Darkness, is my other favorite. is
as only two of the haunted houses are open at 6 p.m, and the rest open one is di erent than the others because there are not many scare actors,
at 7 p.m. and dusk. as the focus of this is to nd one’s way out in the dark.

ere are four haunted houses: Pleasant Screams, Sinister I expected there to be some lights, but I actually could not see
Sideshow, Eternal Darkness, and Catacombs. ere are also two trails: anything once inside, and we had to feel around for the exits into the
Photosynthesis and Devastation, which is new this year. following rooms, which was very entertaining. e rooms were not only
dark, but also very foggy which really made the experience of getting
Sinister Sideshow is the least scary in my opinion. Visitors get a lost in a haunted house come to life, making this enjoyable even if there
pair of 3-D glasses to experience all the e ects, and the theme is evil weren’t many explicit scares.
clowns and their acts.
e haunted trails weren’t as scary as the houses but added to the
Clown laughter can be heard everywhere, and there are bright spookiness of the night as I had to walk through Photosynthesis many
lights in dark halls. Unless someone has a fear of clowns, Sinister times to get to the other side of the park. One of my favorite things
Sideshow is the best house to start at because it is open early and the about Zombiezi Bay was that the scare actors aren’t only con ned to
other haunted house build up from there. the houses, but some of them actually roam around and sneak up on
visitors, so no place was safe!
Catacombs is slightly more spooky than Sinister Sideshow, and I
enjoyed the jump scares throughout this haunted house. Scare .I went into Zombiezi Bay thinking it would be a mild fright level,
actors in this one are dressed as zombies.
but I was de nitely screaming at certain sections so it is de nitely
As described in the map I received upon entering, worth giving a try if you are interested in haunted houses. I
Catacombs allows visitors to “visit the realm of the undead, would rate it 4 out of 5 stars as it isn’t extremely terrifying, but
and the corpseladen corridors of those who came before perfect for a spooky night with family or friends.
you!” is was the shortest haunted house, and it is
promising for a quick scare.

e Pleasant Screams haunted house takes

october | 25



a list of the best reality tv shows

hether in a get-together rooting
for a favorite contestant or crying

Walone on a Sunday night, reality
3TV captures the overdramatic culture of a
TV, and it set a harsh precedent on how somewhere.
impeding the internet can be on irrelevant Dance Moms (9/10)
individuals’ lives. at doesn’t disregard that A small dance company in Pittsburgh
the show is irrelevant. Part of this could be features young girls shooting for
person’s pain for the entertainment of many because no one’s wasting their money on high-level dance competitions along with a
teenagers and middle-aged moms. I’m going 6Paramount+. very problematic, yet entertaining, coach.
to rank some of the most popular shows that RuPaul’s Drag Race (6/10) A TV classic that grew with generation Z,
Local and renowned drag queens from Dance Moms supplied social media with
10can add drama to an otherwise lackluster life. around the nation come to drag queen a plethora of memes and videos for just
Naked and Afraid (2/10) RuPaul’s show to showcase their talents in about every situation one could think of.
Two unconnected individuals are makeup, performance, and drama. Icons like Jojo Siwa, Maddie Ziegler, and
given the task of surviving in the the extraordinary Abby Lee Miller came
jungle—with the unnecessary e aunting personalities and extensive out of the show, making it easy to rewatch
catch of also being naked. looks of the show have people rooting for repeatedly. e show is a guilty pleasure of
their favorites. But with overproduced visuals mine: I never thought I’d enjoy watching
e dramatic nature of a reality TV show is an and repetitive competitions, viewers will start children cry and ruin their stability of their
art, and Naked and Afraid does not pull it o . to feel like they’re watching grown-ups act
2lives so much.
e shock factor of extremely incompetent, 5like self-entitled children. e Bachelorette (9/10)
naked individuals not understanding basic Chopped (7/10) One woman on the quest to nd
survival skills lasts about 10 minutes before Four chefs are given a random array of love hands roses and picks through a
ingredients to creatively combine into plethora of men, one being her soulmate—
9someone decides to switch the channel. di erent dishes for a panel of judges to review. sometimes.
America’s Got Talent (3/10)
Irrelevant people from across the Not many see this show as reality TV, No one can go wrong with e
country come to perform their talents in but that doesn’t disregard it as one of the Bachelorette. One girl being chased by
front a group of popular, usually not talented, most interesting things to watch. Still, the a group of frat guys with no emotional
judges). contestants have no personality, and the intelligence skills makes Monday nights
judges try so hard to be Gordan Ramsey worthwhile. e competition becomes
Every person has sat down to watch at when they never will. It just lacks the sense ruthless as the boring men are le without
least one performance from this show; but of drama that comes with the other shows on a rose and the inept men are purposefully
most of the performances are so uninteresting kept to annoy the audience. Why these
that watching the 10-minute commercials 4the list. individuals decide to ruin any future
doesn’t feel worth it. Also, no one cares about Too Hot to Handle (7/10) relationship in their lives, I have no clue;
any of the performances except for the singers, Short-term sex-obsessed adults act but I’m willing to put hours of my life into
so they should take a hint from American Idol like teenagers going through puberty
as they attempt to form normal, romantic 1their terrible decisions.
8on that. relationships with a cash incentive. Keeping up with the Kardashians
1000-LB Sisters (3/10) (10/10)
Amy and Tammy project their weight- Filled with a combination of high-school e iconic family of American pop-
loss journey to the world, and the bullies and college dropouts, this show turned culture, with absolutely no reason to be
charismatic aspects of their personalities is the casual jerk into an internet personality. famous, broadcast their lives in every
what gives the show its rep. Ignoring the people that got cut early on, aspect a er almost 15 years of airing.
both seasons featured couples that everyone
e clips of this show are genuinely funny, lusted over with relationships that no one e ultimate classic, magnum opus of
the girls putting on a show as they laugh could predict the ending of. While none of reality TV, the Kardashians have cemented
about their struggles. However, that’s all the it materialized into anything, I still like to fakeness, drama, and stupidity as staples of
show amounts to—clips. Be serious, when has think that Harry and Francesca are together today’s TV shows. It’s so painfully obvious
anyone watched this show, or any TLC show how fabricated every single episode is,
for that matter, outside of YouTube or TikTok? but it’s produced in a way that makes

7Big Brother (4/10) .it seem important. No one cares that
A group of strangers are placed in a
house together where they’re lmed Khloe’s boyfriend cheated on her for the
24-hours a day. What loser would attend to thousandth time, or that millionaire Kim
that is beyond me. lost her diamond earing, yet I will continue
to defend that family till the day I die.
is show is one of the originals of reality



cool cafes around columbus

y go-to place to study is usually 3.
the library especially if I have Right o the bat, Co eeology is a bit farther
an important project or paper away from all other cafes listed. It’s about a
to write. Although the silence and bland 20-30 minute drive, which is inconvenient,
walls are nice if I really need to focus, but it is unique as not only a cafe but also
sometimes it can be a little depressing too. an art center that supports local artisans and
Sometimes a change in scenery is needed, small businesses. Similar to Java Central,
so luckily, I found some of the best local it’s located in Uptown Delaware so parking
cafes to not only get a tasty treat but also can be a pain. e interior is spacious with
have a comfortable place to get work plenty of places to sit. ey have a very large
done. menu of drinks as well pastries and toast.
Visit during o -peak hours because it can get
1. crowded with people browsing.

Java Central is located in Uptown Rating: 3/5 co ee cups
Westerville has a very comfortable
atmosphere. e sta is very welcoming,
and it o ers seating inside or also shaded 4. Hi, my name is Rachel Lehman
places outside. e menu consists of Sweetwaters Co ee and Tea originally is and I’ve been doing journalism
in-house made scones and pastries, very similar to Starbucks and has its own since I was a freshman and I am
sandwiches, salads, drinks. I’m particularly specialty drinks such as frozen Ice Dragons. a seinor this year. is year will
a fan of their matcha lattes and blueberry Sweetwaters is located at the Pointe at Polaris be my third year writing for WEB
cheesecake scones. Although, some and is surrounded by other very popular and my rst year writing for e
limitations are the lack of parking spots restaurants so while there is parking and Courier. My hobbies consist of
close by and limited places to sit inside. even a parking garage available, parking may scrapbooking, painting and doing
Also, Java Central is popular with locals so be di cult to nd especially on weekends. If fun makeup and nail art .
there are times when tables are completely Starbucks becomes overdone, Sweetwaters is
full, and outlets to charge are limited. the alternative I’d recommend instead.
Rating: 4/5 co ee cups Rating: 3/5 co ee cups

2. 5.
Roosevelt Co eehouse is a part of the Mr. Bean Co ee has my favorite interior of
Olentangy River Brewing Company. I will any cafe. With lots of plants, it’s super cozy
admit, the atmosphere is a little bit more and instead radio music, they have relaxing
intimidating because it’s more popular with spa music playing. It’s located in Liberty
adults, but it’s very common to see other Township but has its own hassel-free parking
people working on their laptops. ere’s lot. ey have food such as bagels and mu ns
plenty of parking available and a large and beverages such as co ees and teas. One
variety of places to sit including couches, big downside is that it’s only open until 5 pm
individual tables, and benches with plenty on weekdays, 6pm on Saturdays, and 4 pm
of outlets. ere are also places available to
sit outside with umbrellas so there is some .on Sundays. Additionally, the tables are very
shade. e menu for beverages and food
is limited and when it gets busier in the small, and there are limited outlets. is is
evening, it can get quite loud and crowded. likely not the most ideal place to sit and work
Rating: 4/5 co ee cups for a few hours unless it’s Saturday.
Rating: 2/5 co ee cups


1. willbutler 2.redwhiteandblue 3. halloween 4. seniorthanksgiving 5. sinsterslideshow 6. courier
7. pinktax 8. ies 9. chopped 10. doordash 11. co ee 12. diwali 13. drakelondon 14. fall 15.
kariphillips 16. rivals 17. een 18. octopusdog


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