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The February 2020 edition of the Courier Online, a segment of Olentangy Orange High School's Courier Newsmagazine.

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Published by thecourierstaff, 2020-02-03 09:54:59

The Courier Online - February 2020

The February 2020 edition of the Courier Online, a segment of Olentangy Orange High School's Courier Newsmagazine.

the courier online
volume 3
issue 5

black history month

olentangy orange high school 2840 east orange road lewis center, ohio 43035

february 2020| table of contents

table of contents

designer athena heckman

3 Staff Editorial
5 dating as teenagers
8 Trending
10 what to give on feb. 14th

hacking into ring doorbells

Cover Story

black history month


how sports are funded


valentine’s day then


midterm recovery


ineffective elective

web staff:

editorial board: staff:

courier online writing editor-in- Carissa Long
chiefs: Samantha Amonette

Raymie Shields & Molly Schomock
Tatum Bardash Tyler Reed
courier online design editor-in-
Olivia Lehmann
chief: Morgan Kubetin
Athena Heckman Caroline Schattschneider
2 | the courier online Cole Patterson

editorial | february 2020

dating as teenagers
writer raymie shields

Gdesigner morgan kubetin and a movie, automatically means we spending time with someone who interests
rowing up, I formed a vision of are seriously involved with someone. us. Someone who makes us laugh.
what I thought high school would So, a good portion of us just don’t date Someone who keeps us on your toes.
be like. Was I incorrect about some Someone who brings something positive
things? Sure. No one breaks out in song at all. Instead, we do this fun thing called into our life that we haven’t had before.
at various unplanned points throughout “talking” or have a “thing” because calling It isn’t scary. It’s not something to avoid.
the day. Freshmen do not get shoved it what it really is, dating, sounds far too It should be embraced as an experience
into lockers or hung by their underwear. serious. vital to growth. When it doesn’t work out,
However, I was mistaken about one of The last area of confusion is that if and it often doesn’t, we’re guaranteed
the most stereotypical high school ideas: we are dating someone, it means we are to leave the relationship with at least an
dating. looking at them as a potential husband
Now don’t get me wrong, insight as to what to do better
there are some lucky ones next time.
among us who have it figured
out and I hope I have too, but In 1976, 33 percent of
the majority of us have got it teens reported they dated
wrong. frequently and in 2015 it
There are a few myths we dropped to 14. This is because
are unconsciously following as more and more teens are
adolescents of the 21st century thinking that dating in high
that must be addressed. First school has to be marriage
off, to care is to be weak, potential when it doesn’t,
thus approaching life with an according to
insensitive and nonchalant dating.
attitude is always preferable. So
often I hear my friends, or even If we continue to avoid
myself, talking about avoiding it like the plague, we will
doing something because it will miss out on the exceptional
make us seem like we are caring experiences dating has to
too much or trying too hard, as offer. We should be taking
if that is a bad thing. We are in a constant or wife. While in some cases this can be advantage of this time when
fight with our emotions. Rather than just true but after all, this is high school. Dating dating isn’t expected to lead
being honest, we suppress how we really right now doesn’t mean you and your to marriage, because before we know
feel in order to get the upper hand with significant other are in it for the long haul. it, the goal will shift and then it will be
a possible girlfriend or boyfriend. Forget Actually, it probably means the opposite. serious.
taking chances and putting yourself out It isn’t about looking for someone to Be a high schooler. Stop acting like you
there. Love today is a chess match, except spend our whole life with. That would be don’t care and take a chance on someone.
maybe even a little more complicated, an absurd assumption seeing as though Make connections that mean something.
and there is rarely a winner. we have yet to mature into who we will Learn from each other. And most of all,
In addition to this, there is a popular be for the rest of our lives. We are still quit making things so complicated. More
misconception that a date, let’s say dinner kids. Instead, dating should be focused on often than not, that person you’re dying to
editorial statement: get to know wants to know you too. Just
go for it.

The Courier is an official student-produced medium of news and information published by the Advanced Newspaper Journalism students
of Olentangy Orange High School. The Courier has been established as a designated public forum for student journalists to inform, educate and
entertain readers as well as for the discussion of issues of concern to their audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials, adults
or sources prior to publication.

The content of The Courier is determined by and reflects only the views of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself. The
Publication will not publish any material, determined by the staff or adviser, that is libelous, obscene or disruptive to the school day.

The adviser is Kari Phillips. Readers may respond to The Courier through Letters to the Editor. Letters may be mailed, e-mailed to thecourierstaff@ or dropped off to room 2223. The staff asks that submissions be 300 words or less and contain the author’s name and signature. Editors
reserve the right to edit or withhold publication of letters.

The Courier strives to uphold the Canons of Professional Journalism, which includes accuracy, impartiality, etc. Therefore, major errors will be
corrected in the next issue. Distinction will be marked between news and opinion stories.

the courier online | 3

february 2020| trending


the most popular gifts for valentines day

writer molly shomock Jewelry is the most
designer molly shomock popular gift with
illistrator molly shomock a projected total of $4.3
billion and each order is
More than one million on average $350
people will get engaged

on February 14th

55 percent of people in
America celebrate Valentine’s

64 percent of people who

buy gifts are men

America is projected to spend over $19 billion in 2020 on Valentines


of Valentines gifts include flowers is the average cost of each flower order
4 | the courier online

news | february 2020


the increasing issues with new technology

writer tyler reed owner of Ring Doorbell and former Liberty With the advances in technology there is
designer tyler reed parent, Michelle Osmond said. always an opportunity for hacking. The
benefits at this time outweigh the potential
Aphoto tyler reed If this hacking issue continues, their risks,” Osmond said.
Ring Doorbell is not an ordinary company is going to stop doing well;
doorbell. It connects to a home they’re going to have to find a way to fix A lot of people live without Ring
Wi-Fi network and sends real-time the hacking issue. Doorbells. Most people in this world just
notifications to the users’ smartphone have regular doorbells.
or tablet when someone is at the door. “I feel like if they’re getting hacked,
Ring Doorbell can alert the owner when then they probably should figure out a “We like the Ring doorbell. It provides
someone presses the button on your way to stop this or else no one will buy us with knowledge of who is entering our
doorbell or when motion is detected. them anymore,” sophomore non-user of property and home and also provides a
Ring Doorbell, Ava Thompson said. sense of security as it could deter potential
Consumer Reports said that recently thieves,” Osmond said.
people have been hacking into them A lot of people are confused about the
which leads to accessing someone’s Ring reason people hack into these products. Showbiz CheatSheet says,” Unlike
app and being able to see live camera a traditional doorbell, it can send push
feeds and recordings, phone numbers and “I would assume they are hacking into notifications directly to your phone —
home addresses. WiFi accounts. They may also be hacking whether you’re home or away — acts like
into the camera to observe the coming a surveillance camera so you can view
According to The Guardian, an and going of individuals in the home for activity outside your door, and has a two-
example of ring doorbells being hacked potential to break in,” Osmond said. way talk feature that allows you to interact
into was a family in Alabama was harassed with visitors.”
through the camera by an unknown voice. The reason people have Ring
The children were playing basketball when Doorbells is to see who’s at their door at They can be really helpful for families
a voice came on through the camera’s two- all times whether they are home or not for and seem to be a good investment. So
way speaker system. The unknown person safety purposes. many people have a Ring Doorbell or
engaged with their children commenting cameras and only a few thousand got
on their basketball play and encouraging “If your Ring Doorbell is being hacked hacked. Even though that seems a lot,
them to get closer to the camera. into, there is no longer a purpose for but Ring says it has “millions of users”
them. If they’re for safety purposes, they worldwide. Ring said, “The issue in the
Ring Doorbell is a new technology that shouldn’t be easy to hack into,” Thompson Ring app was previously fixed and we
can have a very good use, but people are said. always encourage customers to update
less likely to use them if they’re getting their apps and phone operating systems to
hacked or afraid they’ll be hacked. If the company wants to keep Ring the latest versions.”
Doorbells safe and protected, they’re
“This started not too long ago, and I’m going to need to make a change in the
sure with how fast changes can be made easy access to hacking into them.
in technology the company will protect
people choosing Ring Doorbell,” home “It does not affect our thought on Ring.

Pizza man captured
on Ring Doorbell
delievering food
to the Lehmann
resistance. “It was
easy to see that it
was the piza man
because I looked off
the Ring app on my
phone,” said Olivia

the courier online | 5

february 2020 |cover story


history and orange’s impact during february

writer tatum bardash
designer athena heckman
illustration athena heckman
source history channel and pbs

Black History Month is celebrated History Week. By the late 1960s, thanks “There has been a debate as to the
throughout the month of February in part to the Civil Rights Movement and relevance of Black History Month and
and was created after the Civil Rights a growing awareness of black identity, should there be a month devoted to
Movement. In an effort to grant African Negro History Week had evolved into the history of Black Americans. I think it
Americans more rights, this holiday was Black History Month on many college important for students to understand the
established to ensure that these individuals campuses. President Gerald Ford officially ‘why’ of Black History Month. There is a
were given the recognition they deserve. recognized Black History Month in Black History Month, because there is a
This month of acknowledgement 1976, calling upon the public to ‘seize need to continue to increase awareness
started off much different Our goal is to educate of the accomplishments and
from the way it is today. achievements of Black people
Throughout the years, only in America. To also bring a
a week of observing black people on the other positive voice to a group of
history has evolved to people in our society who have
become an entire month. a history of marginalization,
“Known today as the side of history. People said. poor access to education and
Association for the Study other societal resources,” Lewis
of African American Life
and History (ASALH), the need to understand thousands of different history,
group sponsored a national Throughout

Negro History week in 1926, that American history individuals have influenced and
choosing the second week of improved the lives of African
February to coincide with the Americans. These people and
birthdays of Abraham Lincoln is comprised of more their accomplishments are
and Fredrick Douglass. The recognized throughout the
event inspired schools and month of February as well.
communities nationwide to than martyrs with “African Americans have
organize local celebrations, powdered wigs. made many, many contributions
establish history clubs and to the history of America in the
host performances and sciences, engineering, business,
lectures,” Business teacher education, the arts, drama,
and Diversity Liaison Stephen athletics, medicine and politics.
Lewis said. Therefore, it is important that
With more and more students learn more about all
appreciation for the week, - senior Khameron Macarthy of them and not just during

individuals began to propose Black History Month! It is
the idea of celebrating helpful to understand that the
the achievements throughout an entire the opportunity to honor the too-often advancements within our society and
month. City leaders created an initiative neglected accomplishments of black within the world were not and are not
to strengthen the impact that the holiday Americans in every area of endeavor limited to one group of people in our
would have. throughout our history,’” Lewis said. society. When attention is given to all who
“In the decades that followed, mayors However, some individuals disagreed have made this world, our society a better
of cities across the country began issuing with the act of creating a month solely place, then we all stand to have a common
yearly proclamations recognizing Negro dedicated to appreciating black history. sense of pride in who we are as a people

6 | the courier online

cover story | february 2020

and as Americans,” Lewis said. Formerly named Black Empowerment “Preparation has been composed of
The month of February was also Club, recently changed their name to our new three step method: research,
created to continually raise awareness the L.I.F.E Movement. The morals of the specialization and compilation. This year,
of the way that African Americans were club are still the same, but the new name participating students were divided into
treated. With each progressing year, the encompasses the bigger goals of the club. the committee of their choice: stage, script
respect and recognition they receive “Black Empowerment Club has been or marking. We are grateful to Mrs. Swain-
increases because of the movement to put renamed L.I.F.E Movement to be more Abrams and the theater department for
an end to racism. inclusive to all students who have a desire their tremendous aid in introducing our
“Black History Month alone is to end racism and the overall hate here in members to the stage,” Macarthy said.
a constant Macarthy
reminder of is one of the
how far we’ve main leaders
still got to go in Black History Facts for the Black
the struggle for History Month
true equality Assembly
in our nation. Carter G. Woodson created Negro History Week in because of
We’ve made his leadership
great strides 1926. This was not changed to Black History Month qualifications
in our society. for 50 more years in 1976. and

People for the credentials.
most part are not “I am
openly proud president of
of racism and the L.I.F.E
hatred,” senior Movement,
and president First African First African First African so any club
of L.I.F.E. dealing,
Movement American Senator: American Supreme American President: activity,
Khameron Hiram Rhodes Revels Court Justice: Barack Obama statement or
Macarthy said. 2009-2017 act, I am in
1870-1871 Thurgood Marshall
At the high
1967-1991 charge of.

school, Black I facilitate
History Month is our weekly
honored during From 1664 to 1967 interracial marriage was banned meeting and

the Black History in the United States. Penalties for breaking this law try to maintain
Month assembly. a friendship
This school included enslavement, exile or imprisonment for with my
year, L.I.F.E the caucasian perpetrator members. Real

Movement and leaders stand
Face2Face have with those they
decided that lead, not sit
the theme of ‘above’ them,”
the assembly Macarthy said.
is African Students
Americans and staff look
and Women’s forward to the
Suffrage. 1 out of every 4 assembly that
these clubs put
“The primary cowboys were African American on each year.
event that the
despite what popular movies and

high school books show This year, the
conducts in assembly will
recognition of take place on
Black History Feb. 7.
Month is the Black History Month the United States and the world. “Our goal is to educate people on
Assembly. The assembly occurs over the Students within the clubs are the other side of history. People need
course of one school day in the schools’ passionate about promoting and accepting to understand that American history is
auditorium during periods two, three, diversity within the school. With this comprised of more than martyrs with
11 and 12. The assembly is developed, dedication to creating change, students powdered wigs. All we wish to do is inform
scripted and put on by the students of the work hard on the assembly and put much people about who else had an impact on
L.I.F.E. Movement and Face2Face diversity of their time and energy into making it the our history. Nothing more and nothing
clubs,” Lewis said. best it can possibly be. less,” Macarthy said.

the courier online | 7

february 2020 |sports


finding out where your money goes

writer carissa long
designer carissa long

Playing a sport for school is something offset the cost of transportation, so paying Sponsorships really help because without
more than 1,220 students for fuel for buses, paying for bus drivers them, schools most likely wouldn’t have
participated in last year. Doing a sport because we have to pay them as well. enough to buy certain equipment for
is something that gives students something It also helps offset the cost of coaches’ teams.
to do after school and something to focus salaries. It doesn’t pay for everything, but
on. it helps offset those costs,” Diehl said. “For the district funds, I set the budget
for the teams based off of their needs. First
Each sport needs to have a fee paid The athletic department has also thing I make sure all officials are paid,
before athletes can play to cover expenses gained company sponsorships or and then, each team is given a certain set
such as uniforms and gear. The prices are donations. If a company or franchise is amount for supplies depending on the
the same for each sport. Every athlete’s to sponsor the football team, it’s because needs of those teams’ requirements,” said
family is charged an $80 pay-to-play fee, they believe the team is good and worth Diehl
pert sports per student athlete. spending money on so the students can
get the equipment they need. The first thing the director will look
Sports happen year-round. High for is the safety of each team. The safety
schools nowadays offer a variety of sports “Sponsorships are mainly all run aspect of the sport has to be covered first.
including,12 sports for boys and 13 sports through the booster organization, and the The uniforms can come after the gear
for girls. booster organization helps supplement because the fundraisers and boosters can
athletics. Therefore, a lot of times those cover the uniforms, according to Diehl
The pay-to-play fees for each sport at boosters will help pay for extra equipment
the high school level can certainly add up that teams want and help pay for uniforms, “For booster money, it isn’t really
if a student athlete is playing three sports. just basically new items that teams need to associated with the school as far as school-
Those pay to play fees cover tournaments, help offset some of their requirements and controlled funds so the booster money is
buses and coaches’ salaries according to costs.” Diehl said. distributed off of what the teams raise.
Athletic Director Brett Diehl Certain teams raise more money and have
Very few of the sponsorships are run more fundraisers and will, therefore, have
“The money goes to the school so we through the district as far as coming to the more money to spend on extra stuff that
can continue to participate in the athletic actual district’s athletic accounts. If those they would like to have,” Diehl said. This
competitions we play in,” sophomore and do come into the district athletic accounts, money helps the team with equipment
track runner Noah Cowin said. those help pay for supplies for the and any supplies that are necessary,
teams, and that’s where most of the stuff including safety gear and uniforms.
While that is partially true, it’s not 100 comes through the boosters,” Diehl said.
percent correct. The money for pay to
play fees “goes to the district and it helps

8 | the courier online

feature| feburary 2020


out with the old and in with the new

writer olivia lehmann
designer olivia lehmann
illustration olivia lehmann

Valentine’s Day is a day for couples, centered on the celebration of love and traditions society once had are gone.
young and old, to celebrate their happiness, dating apps seem to become Many couples in this century now don’t
happiness and love for each other. increasingly popular around this time.
For many generations, people throughout feel as if going out with your significant
the world have celebrated this special These types of apps give people a other is as important as it has been in the
holiday. But in time the effort people new world of opportunities and ways past to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
devote to making this day special, just to approach situations, such as finding
disappeared. Overtime, our society has lost a significant other around the holidays. “Most of the times we will go out and
beloved traditions through modernization These dating apps allow individuals to celebrate, but last year we stayed in,”
and the development of new technology. not worry about what could go wrong sophomore Ava Colucci-Baker said.
because they have the “protection” from
When it comes to modernization the screen. Acknowledging the real reason why
and the development of new technology, Valentine’s Day is celebrated is becoming
whether it’s new dating apps or cheap “We definitely have lost traditions more and more important because society
gifts, our society has started to forget throughout the last couple decades. With is losing traditions through modernization.
the old traditions. Although having a this generation coming from more of Society is losing traditions that our relatives
new perspective over something isn’t technology, everything nowadays seems held near and dear to their hearts. The
necessarily bad, it often takes away from to be focused around that,” twentienth society needs to realize that having change
the original traditions. However, with century born, Kim Faber said. is not a bad thing; it is taking away from
modernization and new technologies, the old cultural traditions such as large
society needs to embrace the older ideals Making new advancements with festivals, parades and other celebrations
associated with cultural traditions like technology also has some effects that come from the past.
Valentine’s Day. with it. Our overall effort when celebrating
holidays like Valentine’s Day is tending to “I would usually just go out and see
Even when having a new perspective majorly decrease. In the past, society was the newest movie out, or go out to a nice
on this holiday isn’t a bad thing, it still at its peak when it came to the celebration dinner,” Faber said.
continues to take the focus off the real of Valentine’s Day, a day filled with
meaning of the holiday. According to love and happiness for everyone. There The meaning of celebration of, Valentine’s Day which were such traditions as the exchanging Valentine’s Day in past generations is a
is also called St. Valentine’s Day is when of Valentine’s Day cards and festivals to lot different compared to the present.
“lovers express their affection with make this day special. Overtime people According to,
greetings and gifts”. have resorted to a simple card, flowers when this holiday was first created it was
and not having many fun activities to go in celebration of the sacrifice for love. The
Advancements such as technology and and celebrate this holiday. While this isn’t article even states that “ due to a couple of
online dating apps are slowly beginning a terrible thing because society still has misinterpretations and loss of core details
to take the focus off the real meaning of traditions and norms when it comes to as the story was transmitted down”. It has
Valentine’s Day. With this holiday being celebrating Valentine’s Day, it is clear the become too noticeable to other people
that through time things such as the simple
details about this holiday are able to be

Bringing back old traditions and ways
of celebrating would allow people who
were born in the twenty-first century so
experience what those did in the twentieth
century. The traditions that society once
had made this holiday memorable for
everybody, but it also allowed those
people to look forward to next year’s
Valentine’s Day.

the courier online | 9

february 2020 |feature


bringing up grade after midterms

writer sam amonette
designer sam amonette
illustration sam amonette

After three stressful days of midterm confused,” English teacher Amanda routine.
testing, students wait anxiously over McCleary said. Overall students shouldn’t let a poor
winter break for their test grades.
Some students may be very satisfied with Another way to work towards making midterm grade discourage them. Rather,
their grades, while others may be very up for a poor midterm grade is to identify they should find it as a way to encourage
discouraged by their grades. where there is confusion and where the them to work harder so they don’t fail the
student struggled. Finding out where final for the course. Making sure to stay
However, if a student gets a bad one needs the most help can allow them healthy, limit stress and get enough sleep
grade on a midterm exam, the last thing to talk to their teachers and use any before the next final will enable students
they should do is dwell on the bad grade. resources they have at their disposal. to improve their grades in the course.
Through their studies in the following Teachers can help explain the material
semester, they have many opportunities to that wasn’t understood on the midterm to REPORT CARD
make up for their exam grade. help prevent students from failing in the
same class again. ENGLISH/ A
“Not all universities require mid-year LANGUAGE ARTS
grades but those that do will want to know According to The Princeton Review,
how a student is doing their senior year. It “If you’re overwhelmed by homework MATH/ F
will not look good if a student has D’s or F’s stress, this may be the perfect time to get ALGEBRA/
and could definitley impact an admission some extra help. A tutor can help you save GEOMETRY
decision,” said guidance counselor Pam your grade and help you make a plan for
Otten. the rest of the semester.” HISTORY/ A
According to The Washington Post, It is also very important for students to
37-50 percent of high school students have a system to keep track of homework GOVERNMENT
fail exams. Since there are no retakes on and notes so they can be successful in their
midterms, there is no way of changing this studies at the high school. With a system SCIENCE/ B
grade once it is received. The best way to set in place, it can be easier for them to CHEMISTRY
recover from a failing midterm grade is to reach out for help, such as possibly hiring BIOLOGY
work towards a higher second semester a tutor, because they are knowledgeable
grade. about what needs to get done and when it
needs to be done.
“I would say that grades aren’t
everything, and there’s always the chance According to,
to raise your grade with finals,” junior teenagers should get eight to 10 hours
Lyndsey Griffin said. of sleep. Oftentimes, students are either
unable or choose not to sleep from eight
Not being discouraged after failing a to 10 hours, so they should at least take
midterm is very important. It is helpful care of their mind and body by eating
to keep persevering after a bad grade by healthy.
coming to terms with the mistakes made
and developing a plan to receive a higher A healthy diet is extremely important.
grade the second semester. According to, eating breakfast
before attending school will help to
“The first step to getting your grade up improve teens energy level and improve
is to not be O.K. with doing poorly, but concentration which could then help to
to be willing to see what you did wrong improve their grades.
and making sure you go back and fix it. “Try to go to bed at a good time and
You can also ask the teacher questions, remember to eat and drink water,” Griffin
make a study group, use online resources said. Griffin has never failed a midterm
and be prepared when you walk into because of her consistent study habits and

1cla0ss|evtehryedacyotoureinesruroe nyoliunewon’t be

opinion| february 2020


the effects of a weighted gpa scale

writer cole patterson
designer morgan kubetin

There’s a lot of numbers that can help shape the interests of a when it comes to all the stresses
throughout today’s world. particular student. This was the case students face with their grade point
For students, numbers can for me personally. I had no idea what average. It pressures them into classes
represent a variety of things, like I wanted to do until I choose to take a that cause high stress levels instead of
money, number of friends, and so on. dive into the field of journalism at the classes that they may find interesting,
There’s one number that seems to high school. like electives.
be more important than any other, a
number that has taken control of some However, that’s not the case with The school needs to find a better
student’s lives. That number is one’s many other students. There has been solution to this problem. Whether it’s
grade point average, or GPA. plenty of cases where students were scratching the weighted GPA system
driven away from trying something in favor of an unweighted system, or
Aside from the stresses that new and taking an elective in fear simply just grading electives as a pass
maintaining a healthy GPA causes, of lowering their GPA. One former or fail, a solution needs to be found
there is one problem that has become student even turned down continuing to encourage students to take more
a major headache for many teachers, in The Courier because they didn’t electives.
especially those who teach a variety want it to hurt their GPA.
of elective classes. With the rise of Electives at Orange
advanced placement, or AP classes, The fact that students are choosing
the standard 4.0 GPA scale has been not to try new things and take certain AP Psychology
shattered, as students now have the electives because they don’t want it to Ethmology
ability to earn up to a 5.0. lower their GPA is ridiculous. Electives Advanced acting
can actually make a student look better, Engineering 1
To achieve a GPA above a four, even if it doesn’t show in their GPA. Photography
there are some hefty restrictions a Electives make one well rounded, and AP art history
student has to follow. Taking classes this is a trait colleges love looking for. AP computer science
that aren’t branded as advanced Writing about the electives one took On your own
placement can actually drag down in their resume and essays is just one French II
one’s grade point average. The district way to help further show colleges who AP Spanish
follows a weighted GPA scale, which prospective students are as a person. Sociology
means getting an A in a lower level Taking electives can also actually Personal finance
class such as an elective can only earn provide one with a more in depth AP seminar
a 4.0, whereas achieving an A in an look into the interests they might Adv studies ceramics
advanced placement class can earn a want to pursue as a career. For Health
5.0 example, cooking classes can help one CAD I
interested in culinary arts more than Basic wood technology
This is where the big problem any advanced placement class can. Creative writing with style
lies. Students are now shaping their Broadcast
education to equip them to simply look Having a weighted GPA scale is Newspaper journalism
better for college, instead of focusing less beneficial to students. It turns AP music theory
on classes that may really interest them them away from taking more classes Design
and make them more well-rounded. that could help them in the long run. ROTC Aeroscience
It’s a problem that desperately needs Students are more likely to remember Yearbook journalism
a solution. a class that was fun and interesting, Personal finance
rather than a class that was not
At the high school, we are entertaining, and caused a lot of stress AP physics
fortunate to have such a diverse and extra work.
variety of elective classes to take. We Weighted GPA scales are to blame
are lucky to have amazing programs

the courier online | 11

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