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Published by mike, 2018-03-19 13:26:45



Interior view of this single example of a PT-6 tender confirms existence of a double stoker screw
with the rear portion clutch activated. Note this extra long stoker screw was used with a slope
sheet having a more extreme angle. This tender was not equipped with a coal pusher. (AHP)

View of the PT-6 tender looking forward, toward the coal gates indicates that two
stoker screws having different lengths were used,, and that the screw nearest the
cab may have had a taper that narrowed approaching the camera. (AHP)

View of PT-6 tender stoker trough under construction at Alco. Shorter front portion of stoker screw has not yet been
inserted into stoker trough. Note square hole immediately behind stoker clutch for water scoop pipe into overflow
cistern at top of tender. Tender slope sheet had to fit between this hole and the stoker clutch. (AHP)


View of the gearbox that drove the rear stoker screw of this tender. Stoker motor has not yet
been applied and would be installed at a right angle to the stoker trough, and be accessible
for maintenance via a door on the fireman’s side of the PT tender. (AHP)


Coaled up and ready for its train, Niagara No. 6009 is at Rensselaer. This image shows the recessed tender
ladder, the choke in the last tender overflow pipe, and the cab taper front to rear, along with the seam in the
cab side sheet for clearance on curvature. Image probably dates from 1952 or 1953. (RB)



One year after stationary boiler tests had been conducted on the original
Niagara, S-1B No. 6023 was used for dynamometer testing on the Mohawk
Division.The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Test Codes
were used for this comprehensive test program. (NYCSHS)

Testing the Niagara

Overview land, or D&H revealed that “give or take a few pounds and
an inch or two, they are practically twin sisters”. A close
The New York Central’s Niagara type steam locomotive ar- look at the dimensional differences and the performance
rived near the end of the steam age. One reason for this of these other 4-8-4 types reveals that this information is in
late introduction was the outstanding performance of the error. The boiler diameter of these three Alco built 4-8-4’s
road’s Hudson and Mohawk type steam locomotives. The is the same, with an inside diameter of 84-1/4”. Two ran at
war delayed the arrival of this 4-8-4 locomotive type on the 250 psi and the D&H engine had a boiler pressure of 285
New York Central, so the first Niagara, officially described psi. In comparison, the inside diameter of the Niagara boil-
as a prototype, was not placed in service until the spring er was 90”and the original Niagara had a boiler pressure of
of 1945. 275 psi. The D&H and the Milwaukee engines, construct-
ed in 1943 and 1944 respectively, were conventional tube
Those principally responsible for the design were the and flue designs that utilized 5-1/2” large flues in order to
members of the railroad’s Mechanical Department, with accommodate a type “A” superheater. Superheating sur-
Paul Kiefer in charge. Kiefer’s design successes included face was a modest 1473 and 1438 square feet. The original
the introduction and evolution of the road’s Hudson type Niagara boiler used a type “E” superheater with a heating
locomotive, and the evolution of the road’s Mohawk type surface of 1977 square feet.
freight locomotive. The builder of this outstanding design
was the American locomotive Company of Schenectady, While almost all boilers built for locomotive use consisted
New York, the railroad’s preferred supplier. of cylindrical and conical sections, the internals of the boil-
er determine the boiler’s performance. Kiefer designed
The Niagara, although smaller in height than 4-8-4 type lo- the Niagara boiler to minimize gas flow restriction, and as
comotives on several other railroads, established several re- a result the Niagara boiler was fitted with 4” diameter flues
cords for performance and reliability that have never been in place of the industry standard 3-1/2” flue set for two-cyl-
exceeded by any other steam locomotive. inder locomotives. This design change resulted in a 30.7%
increase in free gas area through the flues. Additionally, the
The Niagara was extensively tested after delivery. Early larger flue diameter resulted in a reduced flow restriction,
testing of the original Niagara 6000 consisted of static boil- since with the use of a Type E superheater, there were also
er testing at the New York Central’s Selkirk, New York test a pair of superheater tubes within each flue. The flue gas-
facility. This was followed by in service testing of S-1B 6023 ses were extracted by a smokebox design that the New
using test trains and a dynamometer car on the Syracuse York Central patented as a result of evaporation tests at the
Division near Utica, New York. For this testing, the proto- Selkirk Test plant in 1940. These tests increased maximum
cols of the A.S.M.E. Power Test Codes, specifically the Test boiler evaporation almost 10 percent, or, alternately, pro-
Code for Steam Locomotives, was used. vided a similar fuel savings.

Static Boiler Tests Firebox Design

The secret of the Niagara’s evaporation performance/steam The firebox was another area where Kiefer obsessed the
generating performance was the boiler and firebox, and details. The original Niagara used a combustion chamber
the smokebox design. Paul Kiefer used size and science in with a length of 92-1/2”. A combustion chamber was locat-
the boiler design of the Niagaras. A number of years ago ed ahead of, and was also a part of, the firebox. The com-
a railroad magazine editor offered the opinion that a com- bustion chamber was a part of the direct heating surface
parison of 4-8-4 type locomotives owned by NYC, Rock Is- of the boiler. A designer’s goal was to have the maximum


During the boiler tests of No. 6000, a set of shop driv-
ing and trailing truck wheels were used, along with
jacks. The driving wheels were spoked and may have
been used originally on an early Mohawk. The Baker
valve gear was disconnected. Two test crew members
pause briefly for a photo, while a third member on
the elevated platform takes readings. (MC/TRG)

The original S-1A Niagara No. 6000 was tested in
October of 1945 at the Selkirk, New York roundhouse.
These stationary boiler tests were conducted to
determine boiler performance and efficiency,
and the performance of auxiliary equipment
that supplied the boiler. (MC/TRG)

The trailing truck wheels and
journals of the original Niagara
were replaced with an available
set that used friction journals
in this photograph made during
boiler testing. The large and flat
firebox gave the Niagaras enor-
mous furnace volume, and were
one secret of the outstanding
performance. A crew member
installs his earplugs during this
boiler capacity testing. (MC/TRG)


amount of water exposed to the direct heat of the firebox on the Niagaras was the largest open type heater offered
in order to increase steam generation. The Niagaras used by Worthington for locomotive use, and was rated at 270
a combustion chamber length that was shorter than the gallons per minute, or 16,200 gallons per hour.
length of the combustion chambers some other 4-8-4 type
locomotives, and in the production Niagaras Kiefer made Steam Generation Capability
it one foot shorter than that of the original Niagara. The
original purpose of a combustion chamber in a locomo- The result of these careful design decisions resulted in a
tive boiler was to increase boiler efficiency by giving more locomotive boiler that could generate 136,000 lb of steam
time for a particle of fuel, either coal or oil, to burn. On the per hour when fired at the maximum rate with coal having
Niagaras, the largest part of the radiant heating surface was a heat value of 13,800 btu’s per lb. (As information, the
directly over the fire bed where temperatures were high- PRR used coal having a heat value of 14,123 btu’s per lb
est and maximum heat energy was transferred to water with all slack below ¾” screened out when testing loco-
that surrounded the fire bed. This resulted in a furnace vol- motives at Altoona.) This boiler evaporation rate has never
ume of 756 cubic feet, in spite of the fact that the railroad been exceeded by any other two-cylinder steam locomo-
was limited to a vertical mainline clearance of 15’-3” and tive in the world, and resulted in 6680-cylinder horsepow-
a width no greater than 10’-8”. The firebox at the bottom er at 85 mph when tested using the American Society of
was almost horizontal, and the boiler height at the back Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E.) Test Codes.
head exceeded other 4-8-4 designs. For example, the Niag-
ara back head was 8-1/2 inches higher than the boiler used The A.S.M.E.Test Codes consisted of an extensive and com-
by the N&W J class Northern. This almost level firebox prehensive set of measurements that would be taken in
floor reduced the tendency of the fire to “walk” forward order to determine the performance envelope of a steam
as the locomotive traveled down the track, and resulted locomotive. The applicable section for the Niagara over
in a flat and even thin fire that extracted the maximum the road testing was “Test Code for Steam Locomotives”
amount of energy from the coal and reduced the possibil- and specifically “Code for Road Test”. The Code for Road
ity of “holes” in the fire, which would reduce the firebox Test required all of the same measurements as for “Code
temperature under periods of maximum draft. for Laboratory Test” and the addition of those measure-
ments for the RoadTest. The Code received the approval of
This boiler and firebox provided more evaporation capa- the Main Committee of the A.S.M.E. in June, 1926, and was
bility than the New York Central would ever use for pas- updated at intervals until 1949, when it was withdrawn.
senger or freight service. Carlton Hulbert, Supervisor of
Locomotive Performance for NYC Line East,headquartered The boiler was tested at 275 psi. Limited testing was
in Buffalo, NY, told the author that a Niagara on any NYC conducted at 290 psi,which was the design pressure of the
train could never be worked to capacity for more than five boiler. Those results extrapolated to 6900-cylinder horse-
minutes, as “you would be at the speed limit.” He also con- power, and 5300 horsepower at the tender drawbar.
fided that “many times, a Niagara carried half a fire”.”
Dynamometer Test Results
Feedwater Heater
-The Niagara in over the road testing recorded a max-
The railroad was not shy about installing boiler auxiliary imum of 6680 Cylinder horsepower using 275 psi
equipment that would support a boiler with this capabil- steam pressure, the highest horsepower ever recorded
ity. The Niagara boiler was equipped with a Worthington for a two-cylinder steam locomotive.
Type 7SA feedwater heater. A feedwater heater would pre-
heat incoming boiler water using the locomotive’s exhaust -The original Niagara on static test recorded a maximum
steam. The feedwater heater increased boiler performance boiler evaporation of 136,000 lb of steam per hour.
by raising the temperature of the incoming water so that
the boiler did not have to, resulting in a fuel and water sav- -The Niagara in over-the-road testing with a dynamom-
ings of about 10% and at the same time increasing boiler eter car and test train had a combined equivalent
evaporation. The 7SA open type Worthington heater used evaporation of 117,630 lb per hour.


This is the instrumented gage
board that displayed steam
pressure at various points
in the boiler and the auxiliary
equipment. (MC/TRG)

Locomotive No. 6000 undergoing boiler tests at Selkirk, New York, October, 1945. Note the use of jacks
to stabilize the engine, and the large steam pipe that was instrumented to determine the volume and
temperature of steam delivered to the cylinder. (NYCSHS)


-Niagara 6023 recorded a maximum of 5050 drawbar 27 engines ran monthly mileages of 18,000 miles per
horsepower at 62.5 mph with a boiler pressure of 275 month per engine when in service hauling first class
psi,the second highest ever recorded for any two-cylin- trains.
der steam locomotive. (A Santa Fe freight engine of the
2-10-4 type recorded 5660 drawbar horsepower at 40 -The availability of Niagaras was 74%, the highest in the
mph. The Santa Fe Texas type outweighed the Niagara world for a steam locomotive.
by 67,000 lb and ran at a boiler pressure of 310 psi. A
Norfolk and Western streamlined J class 4-8-4 on test -A Niagara could accelerate a fifteen-car air conditioned
developed a maximum of 5028 drawbar horsepower at 1005-ton train from a standing start to 100 mph in 16-
41 mph when tested with a boiler pressure of 300 psi.) 1/2 minutes and 21.3 miles. A 6000 HP 3-unit EMD
E7 diesel required 26-1/2 minutes and 37.8 miles to
-The S-2A Niagara 5500 developed 5000 drawbar horse- achieve this performance.
power at 65 mph, and achieved a coal savings of 16-
18% vs. a piston valve Niagara. In the pages that follow, we have reproduced a portion of
the official records that support the above information. We
-The Niagaras established, in a controlled test of six have also included trade press advertising and correspon-
engines, the highest monthly mileage of any steam lo- dence with other railroads that support the test results.
comotive in the world, an average of 25,300 miles per The New York Central Niagara is regarded by many motive
month per locomotive. One of the Niagaras, number power experts as the best steam locomotive ever built.
6024, ran 288,000 miles in 11 months. As a fleet, these

This rare image shows a NYC EMD FT diesel being used This image during the testing of No. 6023 shows the
as the braking locomotive during the Niagara pull tests. balance scale that was used. Two firemen perched on
The diesel would use its dynamic brake to hold the the tender took turns shoveling coal into this scale,
train at a constant speed so that multiple drawbar pull and when a coal weight of 200 lb. was in the bucket,
readings could be taken, in order to accurately mea- the coal was dropped into the stoker trough, and from
sure drawbar pull in pounds. The drawbar horsepower there it went into the firebox. This process resulted in
at any speed could then be calculated, and a drawbar an accurate measure of coal consumption on each trip.
horsepower curve could be drawn after any corrections (HC/TRG)
for grade and curvature had been made. (HC/TRG)


The tender of Niagara No. 6023 was filled with a clamshell bucket at DeWitt Yard in Syracuse for this testing. The
coal used was subjected to a laboratory analysis to determine its heat value per pound, and its ash content. It was
important for the coal used to be consistent in its properties so that test results were not compromised. (NYCSHS)


















The Divided Drive C-1A

In spite of his due diligence in estimating future traffic pat- 140,000 lb, and the dynamic augment, or rail pound, would
terns, industry trends, the need to minimize motive power be more severe.
investment with a dual service design, and the need to de-
velop an overdesign that had high availability to compete Johnson of Baldwin attempted to divide the steam supply
with contemporary diesels, there was one industry trend with the use of four cylinders of smaller diameter, reason-
forecasted that he probably had not considered. The AAR ing correctly that four smaller cylinders could be filled
identified the need for locomotives to be used in 100 mph and evacuated with steam more easily and quickly. The
passenger service hauling 1000 trailing tons. The PRR led use of four cylinders, instead of two, would permit the use
the way in this regard, and already had two divided drive of lighter main and side rods, which would be easier to
4-4-4-4 steam locomotives that were performing at this lev- balance and more beneficial to track and roadbed due to a
el. Kiefer must have had some doubts whether he chose reduction in dynamic augment, or rail pound.
the correct locomotive configuration in the design of the
original Niagara. At the time that Kiefer had drawn a paper design for a di-
vided drive locomotive, there were several issues with the
The divided drive locomotive concept was an attempt design on the Central. The most serious of these was the
to correct the perceived deficiencies of high capacity, inability to handle the engine at most mainline locomotive
two-cylinder locomotives. The idea belonged to Baldwin terminals. In addition to the greatly increased length, the
Locomotive Works, and specifically to its Chief Engineer, much longer rigid wheelbase might have also been a prob-
Ralph Johnson. lem. New York Central from a facilities standpoint had not
yet caught up with the dimensions of the Niagaras. Only
Large modern piston valve locomotives with high boiler one shop on the railroad could handle them, the Beech
horsepower were handicapped by the spool valve in each Grove, IN Shop. The Niagaras, with a rigid wheelbase of
cylinder that controlled the admission and exhaust steam 20’-6”, were equipped with two sets of lateral motion de-
from the boiler. The valve was of a fixed geometry and vices which would permit them to operate in areas having
was not adjustable. Any adjustment of the steam from the tight turnouts and restrictive locomotive maintenance ar-
boiler into each cylinder also affected the rate and degree eas. The Central had just made a quantum step in locomo-
at which that steam would be exhausted after it had com- tive size and weight, from a 360,000 lb Hudson with three
pleted its work. The standard reaction to the limits of the driving axles and a 12-feet rigid wheelbase, to a 471,000 lb
piston valve was to increase its diameter, and this would Niagara with four driving wheel sets, and an overall length
admit more steam more quickly. However, the weight of in excess of 115 feet.
the piston valve was impossible to balance completely for
the entire speed range of the locomotive since it recipro- The divided drive design that Kiefer drew was a rigid frame
cated, so any weight increase in the piston valve was not locomotive with four cylinders and two sets of coupled
advantageous. With a necessary increase in cylinder diam- drive axles. The design would not use poppet valves; it
eter required to obtain the necessary locomotive starting would use the standard Baker valve gear with lightweight
tractive effort, larger cylinders were more difficult to evac- piston valves having a diameter of twelve inches. Using
uate quickly, and the contemporary thinking was that loco- the railroad’s classification system, the locomotive classi-
motives with large diameter cylinders were handicapped fication would be “C-1A”. (The small 4-4-0 American type
in the higher speed range. These larger cylinders used locomotives with two coupled driving axles used by the
larger and heavier main and side rods in order to meet Central at the turn of the century were Class C, and for-
the necessary strength requirements. On some modern merly Class N.) The diagram of the C-1A was labeled as
steam designs, the calculated maximum piston thrust was “Preliminary”.


Kiefer used this design exercise to identify the need for a total wheelbase of 107’-2-1/2”, exactly ten feet longer than
much larger all welded PT tender. At the end of the day, a Niagara. A tender capacity increase from 55 to 64 tons
that tender would have had a coal capacity of sixty-four would have increased this wheelbase further. With the first
tons and 18,000 gallons of water, and would have required iteration of the PT tender with a 55-ton coal capacity, total
an additional rear guide axle to support a total loaded length of the C-1A would have been 123’-1-1/4”. The eleva-
weight of almost 480,000 lb. tion drawing shows a double exhaust within a single large
casing, and a total sand capacity of 3400 lb. including the
Total engine weight of the 4-4-4-4 road locomotive would capacity of four boxes located below the running boards.
have been 491,000 lb., and a total in service weight for en-
gine and tender of 970,400 lb. The design would have had Railway Mechanical Engineer magazine, in its June, 1945
a rigid wheelbase of 25’-2”. The locomotive was required issue, indicated that the New York Central made a “Loco-
to negotiate an 18-degree 30-minute curve. A review of the motive Inquiry”, with no builder specified, for a single 4-4-
Specification for the engine established a cylinder size of 4-4 type of locomotive, described as “Experimental”. With
20” x 26”, 79-inch Boxpok drivers, and roller bearing main a decision to use 79-inch driving wheels on the production
and side rods. The trailing truck would have used two pair Niagaras, an indicator of their primary use in high speed
of 41-inch wheels, which predated that of the production passenger service, there was no urgent need for a much
Niagaras. The locomotive would have had a boiler pres- longer divided drive locomotive that could not operate on
sure of 290 psi, the S-1A Niagara boiler but with a four foot much of the railroad due to its rigid wheelbase and greater
3 inch longer smokebox, a maximum boiler O.D. of 100 weight. The early success of the EMD E7 diesels in high
inches, and Baker valve gear. The locomotive would have speed high utilization passenger service probably dictated
used multiple bearing guides. An outside bearing front a significant change in motive power policy for increased
truck with clasp brakes would have been used, consisting usage of diesels, at least for passenger service. The C-1A
of 36-inch front truck wheels and a front truck wheelbase remained a paper design, and no divided drive locomotive
of 90 inches. (The Niagara front truck wheelbase was found a home on the railroad.
eighty-eight inches.) The locomotive would have had a



Locomotive and Tender
Historical Record Cards

The late William Edson, the last Chief Mechanical Engineer light and the sealed beam headlight may indicate that both
for the New York Central, had an almost complete collec- wiring modifications might have been made at the same
tion of Locomotive Historical Record Cards for Niagaras. time, and prior to winter operation which would risk fail-
The only two Niagaras for which we have no Locomotive ure of the incandescent headlight bulb during inclement
Historical Record Card are Nos. 6005 and 6015. These re- weather.
cords provide some interesting information regarding re-
gional assignments for each Niagara, back shop overhauls The standard definition of Class Repairs, with dates indicat-
and cost, and at least a partial identification of the changes ed on the Record Cards, is as follows:
made to each engine. Rather than publish the record cards
for each locomotive, we have elected to provide a sample Definitions of Class Repairs for Steam Locomotives
for one third of the Niagaras and a selection of their ten- Effective 1/1/24 reported to the Car Service
ders, and have included the Record Cards for the original Division-Washington, D.C.
Niagara and the poppet valve engine. A Table summarizes Source: Locomotive Cyclopedia 1950-52, p. 894
the Record Card information for twenty five of the twen-
ty-seven locomotives. Standard Classification of Repairs
to Locomotives and Tenders
There are some qualifications to the data presented. There
are differences in dates between the application of a change Class 1 New Boiler or new back end.
and the date it was registered for cost purposes. Where the Flues new or reset.
card listed the actual date of a modification, we used it in Tires turned or new.
theTable. The cards are incomplete with regard to modifica- *General repairs to machinery or tender.
tions made to some engines, when photographic evidence
exists that the change was made but not recorded. Class 2 New firebox, or one or more shell courses,
or roof sheet.
There are also some descriptions that are unclear. For ex- Flues new or reset.
ample, most of the cards contain an entry for the appli- Tires turned or new.
cation of an electric light, and there are also entries for
the application of the twin sealed beam headlight to some Class 3 Flues all new or reset. (Superheater flues
engines. We believe that either a union or an ICC require- may be excepted.)
ment for a light under the cab required that application to Necessary repairs to firebox and boiler.
these engines, and the date this application for almost all Tires turned or new.
engines is November, 1948. The cost of this light is listed *General repairs to machinery or tender.
as $23.00. Those Cards that contain the specific entry “Ap-
plication of sealed beam headlight” are a separate entry Class 4 Flues part of full set.
and the cost was $19.00, and the date of this application Light repairs to boiler or firebox.
is also November, 1948. The entries in the Table for either Tires turned or new.
the electric light or the twin sealed beam headlight were *General repairs to machinery or tender.
based on the cost of either $19.00 or $23.00. The low
cost of the sealed beam headlight may indicate that this Class 5 Tires turned or new.
was a cartridge insert into the existing headlight casing. Necessary repairs to boiler, machinery, and
The completion date of November 1948 for the electric tender, including one or more pairs of driving
wheel bearings refitted.


The largest cost item of the various overhaul classifications Class 3 overhauls. There were thirteen Class 3 overhauls in
is the Class 2 repairs completed on almost all Niagaras be- 1950, including 6006 which was repaired twice during the
tween late 1947 and extending through 1948. These Class year. The year 1951 saw fifteen Niagara overhauls, the year
2 repairs include the cost of replacing three boiler shell 1952 recorded only five. The last year that Beech Grove
courses with a welded assembly. The Record Cards indi- overhauled Niagaras was 1953, with engines 6002, 6003,
cate the fireboxes were included in the replacement pro- 6019, and 6023 receiving Class 2 overhauls and Niagaras
gram. These repairs might have been classified as Class 1 6000, 6018, 6020, 6022, and 6024 receiving Class 3 over-
repairs except that railroad labor was used to insert the hauls. Despite the lack of a record card, we also know that
tubes and flues into the new welded boiler shells, which Niagara 6015 had its last Annual Inspection at Beech Grove
might have been provided by Alco, either at a discount or on August 25, 1955, and was out of service and stored at
under a warranty. The New York Central railroad was Al- Air Line Junction roundhouse in Toledo, OH from May 25,
co’s biggest and probably its most important customer, so 1953 to August 25, 1955, therefore being eligible for a flue
the probability is high that either a warranty or the sale extension.
of welded boiler shells by Alco to the NYC was made at
a discount for these locomotives, which were barely two A reasonable question from the use of this information is”
years old. what was the best Niagara?” in terms of lowest overhaul
cost, and what was the costliest Niagara? If the cost of
There are only a few surprises in the Table, but they are all overhauls is added, the lowest cost engine is 6017, fol-
noteworthy. All Niagara overhauls were made at Beech lowed by 6013, and the costliest Niagara was 6007. Of
Grove, Indiana, except for Niagara 6013. Evidently this en- those Niagaras that received three class overhauls, the low-
gine had recordable maintenance work completed at Col- est cost Niagara was 6022 and the most expensive Niagara
linwood and at West Albany. The nature of that work is not was 6002. There are indications that the earliest Niagaras
recorded. Niagara 6023 evidently used five different ten- might have been either stored or used in less critical ser-
ders during its operational life, while seven of the remain- vice in order to eliminate the need for a third overhaul,
ing Niagaras, including poppet valve 5500, kept their Alco especially after the number of Niagara overhauls was re-
built PT-5 tenders and single PT-6 tender until retirement. duced in 1952. One key point in this analysis is that these
The recorded overhaul dates show what engine numbers engines were routinely operating approximately 18,000
received overhauls in the years 1947 through 1953. Nine- miles per month per engine on selected diagrams in the
teen of the twenty-five Niagaras for which we have Record 1946-1950-time period, which resulted in the need for
Cards received only two Class 3 overhauls. There is no Class repairs almost annually and with individual engine
record of Class 2 overhauls for Niagaras 6002, 6013, and mileages of 200,000 miles.
6017, in spite of the fact that we have boiler shell replace-
ment records. The last Niagara to receive class repairs at Finally, there were nine overhauls performed in 1953, to
Beech Grove was S-1A 6000, which was outshopped on Niagaras 6000, 6002, 6003, 6018, 6019, 6020, 6022, 6023,
December 24, 1953. In 1947, eighteen Niagaras for which and 6024. And we know that at least two Niagaras were in
we have records received class repairs, mostly Class 4. In the shop in August, 1953, engines 6013 and 6015, and there
1948, twenty engines received Class 2 repairs, and twenty were several Niagaras awaiting disposition at Beech Grove
Niagaras received welded boiler shells in a program that in 1955, including Niagaras 6004, 6011, and 6012.
began in December 1947. In 1949 seven engines received














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