Merced City School District
Youth Enrichment Program (YEP)
Subsidized Services
Parent Guide and Program Policies
YEP / Preschool and Child Development Programs Main Office
211 E. 11th Street
Merced, CA
Phone: 385-6737
Services Offered at:
Peterson School Muir School Sheehy School
848 E. Donna Drive 300 W. 26th St 1240 W. 6th St
YEP Phone: 385-6716 YEP Phone: 385-6340 YEP Phone: 385-6341
Table of Contents
Welcome ………..………………………………………………………………….…2
Program Philosophy and Mission Statement……………………………………….....3
Program Goals and Objectives..……………………………………………………....4
Community Resources …………………………………………………………….…6
Admission Procedures ………… …………...………………………………….…….7
Enrollment Process …………………………….………..………………………..…..8
Family Fees…………………………. ………………….………………………..…..9
Attendance ….……………………………………………………….........................10
Days of Operation…….. ………………………………………………………..…..10
Termination of Services..………………………………………………………..…..11
Parent Rights and Child Rights.……………………………………..…………..…..19
Admission Agreement ………………………………………………………………20
Parent Guide and Program Policies Agreement ………………………………….…21
Appendix A-C …………………………………………………………………..22-24
On behalf of the Merced City School District, we would like to welcome you to the Youth
Enrichment Program (YEP). MCSD offers before and after school and some vacation
childcare for children TK to twelve years of age. YEP operates five days per week,
Monday through Friday, for 12 months a year at limited sites. Operating hours are
before school at Peterson from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and afterschool at all sites from
2:15 PM to 6:00 PM on school days and 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM during the summer
program. During the summer program services are provided at Peterson Elementary
and John Muir Elementary. During the school year services are provided at Peterson
Elementary, John Muir Elementary and Sheehy Elementary.
The YEP program strives to provide childcare an atmosphere of trust and safety on
existing school grounds. We want you to have complete peace of mind while you are
away from your child. We try to offer a program of enriching experiences that
complement school learning. We strive to offer a program that goes well beyond
daycare with arts and crafts, music, learning centers, and outdoor activities.
The subsidized services provided by the MCSD Youth Enrichment Program is funded by
the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division. This
handbook will provide information on eligibility of families, rules, regulations and
policies regarding the Youth Enrichment Program.
We encourage you to be active partners with us in your child’s education. We have an
open door policy which entitles parents to enter and inspect the YEP classrooms
without advance notice whenever children are in attendance. Please keep in mind that
visitations and inspections should not disrupt the student learning. We value parent
and community involvement as we all work together to support all children.
We are looking forward to serving your child and meeting your family’s child care needs
for before and after school. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to call.
Melanie Cole Marie Hicks
Director Program Support Teacher
Child Development Programs Child Development Programs
209-385-6619 209-385-6737
Program Philosophy and Mission Statement
The Mission of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to provide
quality child care services to eligible families in a safe and secure environment. The
philosophy of the Youth Enrichment Program is based on the belief that children
deserve the opportunity to develop to their “fullest potential”. Our program is designed
to create an environment, which will stimulate the physical, mental, emotional, and
social development of each child, including the development of self-esteem and self-
YEP Program
o Children enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten(TK);or
o Children ages 5-12
Days and Hours of Operation
o School Days: 7:00 AM–9:00 AM(Peterson Only); Afterschool until 6:00 PM
o Summer Program: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Summer Program only at Peterson
Elementary and John Muir)
Open Door Policy: Parents may enter and inspect the YEP classrooms without
advance notice whenever children are in attendance.
MCSD YEP Program does not provide any religious instruction or worship.
The Youth Enrichment Program does not discriminate upon on the basis of sex,
sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national
origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability in determining which children
will be served. YEP welcomes the enrollment of children with disabilities, and
understands the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to
make reasonable accommodations for such children.
Program Goals and Objectives
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to
ensure that all children are making progress in the domains of physical, cognitive
and social-emotional development.
o For children enrolled for more than 10 hours per week, we use the
Desired Results Developmental Profile, a tool developed by the California
Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division, to assess
the development of children.
o Children are assessed within 60 days of enrollment and every six months
o Parents’ input is a necessary component of this assessment.
o The assessment is also used to plan and conduct age appropriate and
developmentally appropriate activities for children.
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to
collaborate with other community agencies and individuals to support the
quality of the program.
o We solicit support from the community (e.g. donated goods and services); and
provided information to the community regarding services available.
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to provide an
educational program that is age appropriate and developmentally appropriate to meet
the needs of students including those with special needs.
o We implement a child development and education program that promotes each
child’s physical development by providing sufficient time, indoor and outdoor,
equipment, materials and guidelines for active play and movement.
o We provide developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate activities.
o We provide support for children’s social and emotional development by building
trust, planning routines and transitions so they occur in a timely, predictable,
and unhurried manner. We include activities and routines that promote respect
for the feelings and rights of others. We also help children develop emotional
security and facility in social relationships.
o We use various teaching strategies including experimentation, inquiry,
observation, play, and exploration.
o We ensure that plenty of opportunities for creative self-expression through
activities such as art, music, movement, and dialogue are provided.
o We implement activities that promote interaction and language use among
children and between children and adults.
o We implement activities that support children’s development in literacy and
The goal of Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to maintain an
average score of a 5 “Good” on each subscale of the School Age Environment Rating
Scale (SACERS).
The goal of Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to provide
appropriate Health and Social Services to children and families when needed.
o We will support identification of the needs of the child and family for health or
social services.
o We encourage parents to complete a Family Needs Assessment and/or to
contact staff if health services or social services are needed.
o We will make referrals for the child and/or family to appropriate agencies in the
community based on the health or social service needs.
o We will conduct follow-up procedures with the parent(s) to ensure that the
needs have been met.
The goal of Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to include a
nutrition component that ensures that children have nutritious meals and/or snacks
during the time in which they are in the program. Meals and/or snacks shall be culturally
and developmentally appropriate for the children being served and shall meet the
nutritional requirements specified by the National School Lunch program. Monthly
menus are posted in each classroom.
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to
include a parent involvement and education component.
o Parents will receive an orientation that includes topics such as program
philosophy, program goals and objectives, program activities, eligibility criteria
and priorities for enrollment, and due process procedures.
o Parents will receive at least two informal conferences per year to share Desired
Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) data and other information related to
their child.
o We implement an open door policy that encourages parents to participate in
the daily activities whenever possible.
o Parents and the District’s School Board help to advise the program on issues
related to services to families and children.
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to complete a
Program Self Evaluation annually.
o We annually distribute, collect and analyze the Desired Results Parent Survey to
plan and conduct activities to help parents support their child’s learning and
development and to meet the family’s needs.
o We complete an environmental rating scale, annually for self-evaluation and
every three years for program compliance review.
o We complete an annual assessment of the program by staff, parents and our
Board each spring.
The goal of the Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is to have highly
qualified staff.
o We hire qualified staff that hold appropriate permits required by the State of
o We develop and implement a staff development program that identifies the
training needs of staff.
o We have written job descriptions. We provide an orientation plan for new
o We provide an annual written performance evaluation.
o We have a sound internal communication system which includes email, phone
and site visits to provide staff with the information necessary to carry out their
respective duties.
Community Resources
(More available upon request or based on identified need)
Child Protective Services 385-3104
Housing Authority (Housing Assistance) 722-3501
Merced County Human Services Agency 385-3000
Community Action Agency (Food/Shelter) 723-4565
Love, INC (Food/shelter) 383-1265
Merced Rescue Mission (Food/shelter) 722-9269
Adult Education- Merced adult School 325-2800
Merced County Department of Mental Health 381-6800
Merced County Department of Public Health 710-6085
How to qualify for the MCSD YEP Program
To receive child care and development program services, families shall meet eligibility
and need criteria as specified in California Department of Education Title V regulations.
In addition to meeting eligibility and need requirements, to be eligible for services the
child must live within the Merced City School District boundaries or attend a Merced
City School District site.
The first priority of services shall be given to age eligible children receiving protective
services or children who are at risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited. CPS
referrals must include documentation that the family is participating in an official Child
Protective Service plan. After children in the first priority are served, the program shall
give priority to age eligible children; families with the lowest adjusted monthly income
in relation to family size shall be admitted first. If income rankings are the same:
1. A child with exceptional needs that has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
that identifies an afterschool program as being an appropriate placement.
2. Children identified as limited English or non-English proficient.
3. Children from families whose special circumstances may diminish the children’s
opportunities for normal development.
4. Those families that have been on the Eligibility list the longest shall be served
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility is based on documentation and verification of at least one of the following:
1. Family is a current cash aid recipient.
2. Family is income eligible.
3. The family is homeless.
4. The family has a child who is at risk of abuse, neglect, or
exploitation, or receiving child protective services through the
county welfare department.
Need Criteria
Need for service is based on documentation and verification of at least one of the
1. Child Protective Services or At-Risk
2. Parental Incapacity
3. Homelessness
4. Seeking Permanent Housing
5. Seeking Employment
6. Training toward Vocational Goal
7. Employment
9. Engaged in an Educational Program
10. Welfare to Work Activities
Admission Procedure
Complete a MCSD YEP Pre-Application. You will be notified by phone for a date and time of an
Eligibility Appointment. You will need to bring all required documentation to the Eligibility
Appointment to verify current income and family size. Current income for biological, married,
adoptive parents or any other adult living in the home with a child in common will count toward
the gross monthly income.
Income requirements include the month prior to enrollment and may be up to 12 months
prior depending on type of employment.
Total countable income means all income of the individuals counted in the family size:
Refer to Appendix A for Countable and Non-Countable Income
Eligibility and Recertification Income Guidelines
Refer to Appendix B and C- Initial/Recertification Income Ceilings and Family Monthly
Family size- parents shall provide supporting documentation regarding the number of children
and parents in the family. Supporting documentation shall include at least one of the following:
Birth Certificate
Child custody court order
Adoption documents
Foster care placement records
School or medical records
County welfare department records
Other reliable documentation indicating the relationship of the child to the parent; must
include name of child, date of birth, and parents name
MCSD reserves the right to verify all eligibility information that has been provided to
qualify for California Child Care Program Services. This includes but is not limited to
contact with your employer, other agencies, or individuals.
Enrollment Process
Once the State Application for Child Development Services has been completed and
all documents have been submitted, certification will be determined and a Notice of
Action will be given or mailed to the parent stating services have been approved for a
particular site or services have been denied with reason for denial stated. Enrollment at
sites is not guaranteed until the Notice of Action with services approved has been
received. Failure to submit appropriate documents in a timely manner may jeopardize
services. Families are certified and approved for 12 months of care. If services are
denied, appeal instructions and information is provided.
The Notice of Action is issued when:
Certification is completed.
Recertification is completed.
Changes that affect need, fees and eligibility occur.
The family is to be terminated from the program.
Family Fee is delinquent
In summary, the Notice of Action is issued to the parent for Approval, Denial,
Termination, Delinquent Fees and Changes to Services.
How to Continue in the Program
1. Recertification is completed every twelve months from initial certification of services.
For recertification, families are required to provide documentation to support continued
eligibility and need for services.
2. Payment of Fees or comply with fee Payment Plan (if applicable.)
3. Abide by MCSD Youth Enrichment Program policies, procedures and program
Family Fees
Fee Assessment is based on income, family size and certified hours of care. No
adjustment for excused and unexcused absences. (Refer to Appendices B and C)
If family pays for other child care services which eligibility and need have been
established, credit for fees paid to other service providers is for subsequent
billing period (the following month) if proper documentation has been provided.
Receipts or cancelled check is required. Receipts should show name of other
service provider, address and telephone, amount paid and time period services
were provided.
The YEP program has a pay in advance policy. Payments are due on the last
working day of each month. After (7) seven calendar days of due date services
will be terminated within 2 weeks unless fees are paid within the two weeks. A
Notice of Action (NOA) will be mailed or given notifying you that your services
will be terminated if the delinquent fee is not paid.
Plan for Payment of Delinquent Fees: Repayment plan can be made with YEP
office staff. Repayment plan cannot exceed three months. Plan must include
arrangement to bring past due fees current. You must stay current with each
future month in addition to paying the monthly payment amount. Service will
continue if all payments are made. After the second delinquent fee notice a
meeting will be set up with YEP office staff and the parent. Upon the third
delinquent fee notice services may be terminated.
Payment of Family Fees: Exact cash, personal check, money order or cashier’s
check preferred.
If a returned check is received due to insufficient funds (a “bounced check”) the
parent is responsible for any additional fees that are applicable and we will no
longer accept personal checks from the parent.
Payment of Family Fees must be received at Galen Clark Preschool Office, 211
E. 11th Street by the due date before 4:00 PM.
MCSD will make every effort to send a Family Fee invoice 10 days prior to the
due date. However, it is ultimately the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to
meet the payment schedule.
Attendance and Verification
All children are expected to attend Y.E.P. on a regular basis and according to the
approved certification of services (days and hours of need based on parent’s
You must call, complete an absence form or email the teacher if your child is absent. This is the
parent’s responsibility.
Excused absences are defined as absences:
Due to specific illness or quarantine of child, parent or sibling
Doctor or Dental appointments
Family emergencies including but not limited to: death of a relative or close friend;
house fire or flood, illness of close family member or friend that needs care, legal
appointment or court appearance, or any other emergency that prevents a child from
attending school
Time spent with a parent required by a court of law (documentation must be on file)
If the working parent has vacation time or occasional days off, this may be considered
an excused absence and counted as best interest of the child. These absences are
limited to ten (10) days per year.
Absences must be noted on the absence form by the parent with the specific reason written.
If the absence is due to illness, note who was ill and when; and be sure to sign using your full
legal signature.
If a child has been absent five (5) days, without notice from parent or guardian, a Notice of
Action will be sent terminating services due to lack of attendance.
Unexcused Absences may include: child did not feel like going to YEP, child went to a
friend’s house, or any absence that does not meet the excused absences definition.
Summer Request for Zero Services Hours
A family may voluntarily request for zero services hours for the entire summer by
completing the change in services form. A families request will state that their
child/children will not attend YEP from June 10th- August 13th, 2019. The family will
resume services on the first day of school and continue services within their 12-month
Days of Operation
The YEP program operates 220 days per year. The following holidays are observed and
the YEP program will be closed:
Independence Day -July 4th and July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th.
Labor Day -September 2nd
Veteran’s Day - November 11th
Thanksgiving Break - November 25th-29th
Winter Break - December 19th - January 3rd
Martin Luther King’s Birthday January 20th
President’s Week- February 17th – 21st
Spring Break- April 10th- 17th
Memorial Day May 25th
Summer Prep- June 7th
The YEP program will also be closed 3 days prior to the start of the new school year,
August 9th, 12th, 13th.
Termination of Services
Service may be terminated if:
Failure to meet subsidy requirements.
If family income exceeds 85% SMI (Refer to Appendix C)
o Regulations require families to report their income when it exceeds
85% of the SMI within 30 days. Services will continue to be provided
for 14 days after the notification.
Violation of MCSD policies and procedures.
Children continually disrupt the YEP program.
Children are not signed in or out on a daily basis. No initials.
Absences are not noted on sign in/out sheet with reason given and or no
notification of absence is given.
Three (3) late pickups.
Failure to pay monthly fee. Fees are due and payable on the last working day
of the month.
Failure to comply with health and safety polices.
Failure to return registration forms in a timely manner.
Fraudulent information is used on YEP application forms.
The child has been suspended from his or her school of attendance.
Contract funding ends.
Five unexcused absences
Arrangements will be made for a conference if termination of enrollment becomes
necessary. The reason(s) for termination will be clearly stated in writing. Parents must
notify the YEP staff in writing before they terminate services.
Health Polices
Program Participation
Children in attendance are encouraged to take part in all activities, both outdoors and
indoors. It is expected that children will be well enough to attend the program and be
full participants in all activities.
Parents are to keep a child at home when signs of infection or illness appear. This is for
the child’s own welfare as well as the welfare of others. A child is contagious at the
onset of cold symptoms: weepy eyes, coughing, sneezing, running nose, and should be
kept at home until these signs disappear. At no time will a child with a fever, vomiting,
or head lice be allowed to come to YEP. If your child becomes ill during the session, he
or she will be kept safely until picked up by the parent. Parents will be notified by
phone and are required to come immediately or instruct someone on the emergency
release card to pick up the child. Should your child develop a contagious illness, please
notify YEP so other parents can be notified of possible infection.
In case of an accident, emergency numbers must be accessible to the staff. If staff
cannot reach the parents, the child will be taken to the hospital listed on the emergency
card for immediate attention. Continued efforts will be made to reach the parents and
emergency contacts. It is the parents’ responsibility, however, to have an emergency
card on file specifying the hospital of choice. Transportation by ambulance will be the
financial responsibility of the parent.
The Peterson YEP and Summer Program starts at 7:00 AM. YEP staff cannot take
responsibility prior to that time or for children not signed in by the parent. It is your
responsibility to sign your child in each day. The following are STATE requirements:
All children must be signed in and out (No Initials) using a full legal
signature on a daily attendance sheet (unless riding a bus, staff will sign the
child in).
Each child must be accompanied into the room by an adult (18 years or
older). Children enrolled in the after school program can be signed in by
YEP staff, but must be signed out by a parent or adult listed on the
emergency form.
It is your responsibility to sign your child out each day. Children may leave the center only
with a parent or an adult (18 years or older who has parent authorization on the child’s
emergency card). You must notify YEP if an emergency authorization is needed. A written note
is required for your child to be released to someone other than those listed on the emergency
card. The center closes promptly at 6:00 PM. We realize that emergencies and unusual
circumstances do occur which will result in not being able to get to YEP by 6:00 PM. Please
establish an alternate person you can call in that situation to pick your child on time.
Keep your emergency form up to date. Provide names of people who will help you in
an emergency and their current phone numbers. Should you foresee an unavoidable
problem in picking up your child, please phone the center and someone from the
emergency list.
Parent Involvement
We encourage you to talk to the instructors regularly about things happening in your
child’s life. It helps us to better understand your child’s needs. Example: The child is
facing a family separation. Feel free to ask the instructors about the day your child had
at YEP.
Parents are invited and encouraged to observe and participate at any time. Please
schedule an appointment if you would like a conference as instructors cannot stop their
work with the other children for drop-in conferences.
Staff tries to collaborate with parents in providing experiences for the children. It is very
helpful for the staff to know parent preferences and concerns. We encourage you to
either talk informally or request a conference time to discuss any part of the program,
which generates positive or negative reactions. The YEP Site Supervisor is available and
happy to plan a special time to talk with you. Please do not let upsetting circumstances
go without discussion and please give compliments when you think they are deserved!
We welcome your ideas and the sharing of your talents. Parents often have access to
resources the children enjoy.
Your child may be shuttled in the morning from the YEP site to the school of attendance
and in the afternoon from the school of attendance to the YEP site. Transportation is
provided by MCSD transportation department and it is their determination on whether
busing is available.
Homework Policy
YEP offers an opportunity for students to complete their homework daily. Homework is
supervised at a 1 to 14 ratio; therefore, the assistance is not tutorial. YEP staff will
assist in providing a suitable setting for homework, provide materials (dictionaries,
pencils, erasers, etc…) and answer simple questions; however, we cannot guarantee
completion or accuracy of homework assignments. We suggest that you review your
child’s homework with them each evening, this will not only give you one- on-one time
with your child, and it will also keep you updated on what your child is doing at school.
Student Discipline Plan
Young children explore, observe, feel, interact, and learn through the process of being
involved with people and materials in their world. All behaviors, even misbehavior, are
learned. Teachers, in their role of caring for children, model and teach appropriate
behavior. In the YEP program, discipline is the responsibility of the staff. In keeping
with basic regard for physical well-being, corporal punishment is not permitted by the
staff or parents on the school site. In order to maintain positive behavior, young
children need continued support limits; reminders, encouragement, and rewards.
Children differ widely but misbehavior can be lessened by use of a range of discipline
The following are the most common methods of discipline used in YEP:
Diverting the child and redirecting him or her to a new activity.
Removal from an activity.
Providing a related consequence appropriate to the situation and the child’s
developmental level.
Recalling rules to internalize positive behaviors.
Children are taught to resolve conflict by problem solving and discussion.
The following are occasional methods used by YEP:
Limiting access to toys, games or activities.
Contacting the parent with a note or phone call.
Parent conference.
The following are rare methods used by YEP staff:
Parent may be called to pick up the child and / or suspend the child from Y.E.P.
The parent may be asked to repair or replace broken equipment or materials.
The following are not permitted:
Children are not allowed to hurt themselves, adults, or other children.
Deliberate disobedience towards YEP staff.
Inciting a fight or fighting.
Bring knives or other dangerous objects.
Deliberate misuse of equipment, materials, and destruction of property.
Discipline techniques include but are not limited to those listed above. The YEP
program has different expectations for each age group and discipline techniques vary
accordingly. Our goal is for all children to have a good self-image; and one who gets
along well with others.
Miscellaneous Information
Children are active in the YEP program. They may use expressive material including paint,
markers, clay, etc. These may not wash out. Children will also be involved in climbing and
running activities. Please dress your child in comfortable, appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes
that accommodate these activities.
Please label the clothes to prevent lost items. Check periodically to ensure your child’s name
has not been washed off the clothing.
Cell Phones, Blankets, Toys, and Movies
The YEP program has found that blankets and pillows either end up lost or become a distraction
during activities. Please refrain from bringing these items to YEP. Please do not send toys or
games from home. YEP provides plenty of games and activities for your child. If a toy or
personal item is brought from home, YEP and other children in the program will not be
responsible if the item is lost or damaged. Under no circumstances should a movie be brought
to school. The YEP staff keeps a library of age appropriate movies. Movies rated PG are shown
only when it has been previously viewed by the teacher. An exception may be made if prior
approval has been given by parents for the children to view a movie related to a particular
instructional theme. Electronic devices are not permitted at YEP.
The YEP program serves a meal approved and subsidized by the CACFP Supper program. During
the school year an afternoon snack is served. During the summer program YEP provides
breakfast and lunch daily. Children may bring an afternoon snack from home.
Phone Calls
Occasionally, you may need to call your child at YEP. Families are asked to limit phone use to
absolute necessities. A child will be permitted to use the phone with a staff member present
during the conversation.
School Suspension
If your child is suspended from their school it is the policy of Y.E.P. as part of the School
District to not allow the child to attend Y.E.P. on those days.
Late Pick-Up
It is a serious problem when you are late to pick up your child and it creates a problem
of safety and significant inconvenience to the staff on duty. Please do everything you
can to avoid being late to pick up your child.
Please be aware that if you are late more than one half hour on any occasion, a YEP staff
person will have to call Child Protective Services or a Police Officer. Should CPS case
worker or police officer attend to the matter, the child will be placed in temporary
protective care- the location of which will not be known to the YEP staff member. You
will have to call the Child Protective Services at 385-3000 or the Police Department at
Three late pick-ups will result in termination of YEP Services.
SB 1506 with amendment of SB 11161.5, makes it mandatory that all staff report all suspected
child abuse, neglect or exploitation. Any child care custodian, health practitioner, or employee
of a child protective agency, who has knowledge of or observes a child in his or her professional
capacity or within the scope of his or her employment whom he or she reasonably suspects has
been the victim of child abuse, shall report such suspected instance of child abuse to a child
protective agency immediately.
The Merced City School District Youth Enrichment Program is free from discrimination based on
actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, color, religion, age, national origin,
ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, or any other unlawful
consideration. The program shall refrain from religious instruction or worship. While traditional
and seasonal holiday themes are celebrated, the staff refrains from instruction that promotes a
single religious persuasion or favors one belief system over another. Please inform the staff of
restrictions or accommodations you feel are needed for your child.
Merced City School District provides an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to have an
equal opportunity to participate in programs, services and activities offered by the District and
will make reasonable accommodations. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,
if you need a special accommodation to participate, please contact the Director of Maintenance
& Operations at 385-6693 at least 48 hours in advance.
If you believe an action is incorrect, you have the right to appeal, which starts by following the
procedure listed on the back of the Notice of Action. If you appeal, the proposed action will not
become effective until you have exhausted your appeal rights. The reverse side of the Notice of
Action, Form CD-7617 (03/02) explains the appeal process.
Parents who wish to obtain information about their children or other school-related matters
should first consult with the staff member most directly involved. This process should also apply
to concerns or problems, which may arise. The order in which inquiries should be made as
The teacher
Program Support Teacher, Marie Hicks, 211 E. 11th Street, Clark Preschool,
Program Director, Melanie Cole, 211 E. 11th Street, Clark Preschool, 385-6619
The District Office at 444 West 23rd Street, Assistant Superintendent,
Paula Heupel, 385-6671
The Board of Education addressed to the President, Board of Education.
All family records will be maintained in a confidential manner by MCSD. Custodial/enrolling
parents may review their files during regular business hours. All other requests for file access
must be accompanied by a court order. Parents have unlimited access to their children,
including written records concerning their children and to staff caring for their children, during
normal hours of operation and whenever the children are in attendance. The discussion or
sharing of information maintained in the family data file will be limited to purposes directly
related to the administration of the Youth Enrichment Program. Non-custodial parents may only
view or access child’s information.
If a MCSD staff member becomes aware of or has reason to believe that a recipient of Services
has provided fraudulent information to establish eligibility, that recipient will receive a Notice of
Action that services are terminated due to fraudulent information. The recipient is responsible
for reimbursing MCSD for cost of all YEP services provided.
The Governing Board recognizes that it has the primary responsibility for ensuring that it
complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The
District shall seek to resolve complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply
with the laws in consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, vocational
education, child nutrition programs, and special education programs.
The Superintendent has designated the Director of Pupil Services as the Merced City School
District Compliance Officer. All complaints should be filed with the director. The director may
be contacted at 385-6646. A copy of the entire Uniform Complaint Policy may be obtained at
each school office.
The complaint must be initiated no later than six months from the date when the alleged
discrimination occurred or when the complainant first obtained knowledge of the facts of the
alleged discrimination.
Within three days of receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer may discuss with the
complainant the possibility of using mediation. If all parties agree to mediation, the Compliance
Officer shall make arrangements for this process.
If the mediation process is adopted and does not resolve the problem, the Compliance Officer
shall proceed with his investigation of the compliant. The Compliance Officer shall hold an
investigative meeting within five days of receiving the complaint or attempting to mediate the
complaint. This meeting will provide an opportunity for the complainant and for his/her
representative and the District’s representatives to present information relevant to the
complaint. Within sixty days of receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall prepare
and send to the complainant a written report of the District’s investigation and decision.
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the Compliance Officer’s decision, he/she may, within five
days file his/her complaint in writing to the Superintendent. If a complainant is dissatisfied with
the District’s decision, he/she may appeal in writing to the California Department of Education
within fifteen days of receiving the District’s decision.
In addition to the above-described complaint procedure, or upon completion of that procedure,
complainants may have civil law remedies. These civil law remedies can include, but are not
limited to, injunctions and restraining orders. These civil law remedies are granted by a court of
law and may be used, in part, to prevent the District from acting in an unlawful manner. Delay
in pursuing civil law remedies before a court of law may result in loss of rights to those
remedies. Any questions regarding civil law remedies should be directed to an attorney.
As a Parent/Authorized Representative, you have the right to:
1. Enter and inspect the child care center without advance notice whenever children are in care.
2. File a complaint against the licensee with the licensing office and review the licensee’s public
file kept by the licensing office
3. Review, at the child care center, reports of licensing visits and substantiated complaints
against the licensee made during the last three years.
4. Complain to the licensing office and inspect the child care center without discrimination or
retaliation against you or your child.
5. Request in writing that a parent not be allowed to visit your child or take your child from the
child care center, provided you have shown a certified copy of a court order
6. Receive from the licensee the name, address and telephone number of the local licensing
Licensing Office Address: 770 EAST SHAW AVE. SUITE 300 FRESNO CA. 93710
Licensing Office Telephone #: (559)-445-5700
7. Be informed by the licensee, upon request, of the name and type of association to the child
care center for any adult who has been granted a criminal record exemption, and that the name
of the person may also be obtained by contacting the local licensing office
8. Receive, from the licensee, the Caregiver Background Check Process form.
LIC 995 (ENG/SP) (8/02) (Detach Here - Give Upper Portion to Parents)
(Parent/Authorized Representative Signature Required)
I, the parent/authorized representative of ____________________________________, have
Name of Child Care Center
______________________________________________ __________________
Signature (Parent/Authorized Representative) Date
NOTE: This Acknowledgement must be kept in child’s file and a copy of the Notification
given to
Parent/authorized representative. COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS
Child’s Name: _______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name_______________________
An MCSD YEP staff member reviewed the following items listed below. I verify my understanding
of each item listed by initialing each item and signing below.
1.______ I understand that the MCSD Youth Enrichment Program provides subsidized child care
services. I will make sure my child attends unless he/she has an excused absence.
Excused absences must be documented.
2.______ I will notify the teacher if my child is absent. I will specifically state reason for absence
under the appropriate category: illness, “Best Interest,” or family emergency.
3.______ “Best Interest Days” are limited to 10 days per child each school year.
4.______ My child must be signed in and out each day with the EXACT TIME of drop-off and pick-
up and a full LEGAL signature by an authorized person 18 years of age or older that is
listed on the Emergency Information form or staff member. Failure to sign my child in and
out with the correct times will result in termination of services.
5.______ After 5 unexcused absences, services will be terminated. After 3 late pickups, services
will be terminated.
6.______ I understand that the MCSD Youth Enrichment Program does not use any form of
corporal or unusual punishment; and it does not provide any form of religious instruction or
7.______ Changes in home or work address or telephone must be made within 5 calendar days.
Failure to report changes will result in termination of services.
8.______ Emergency contacts must be willing to pick up my child in case of illness or emergency
and their telephone numbers must be kept current. They must show photo id the first time
they pick up your child.
9.______ Profanity, abusive or threatening language or behavior by children or adults will result in
termination of services.
10.______ Animals and smoking are not allowed on school sites.
11.______ A continuing problem with head lice will result in termination of services.
12.______ Failure to pay monthly fee will result in termination of services.
13.______ If I submit a check that is returned due to insufficient funds (a bounced check) I am
responsible for any additional fees that are applicable and I will no longer be able to submit
personal checks for payment of fees.
14.______ At any point, if my family income exceeds 85% of the SMI for my family size, I will notify
YEP within 5 working days.
____________________________________________________________________________ ________________
Parent /Guardian Signature Date
Dear Parent:
Thank you for reading the YEP Parent Guide and Program Policies.
I have read the YEP Program Guide and District Policies established for the YEP
program. I understand and I agree to abide by the YEP Parent Guide and Parent Policies.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Printed Name
Child’s Name
Appendix A
5 CCR Section 18078 (s)(1) – (20) 5 CCR Section 18078 (a)
Countable Income Sources Non-countable Income Sources
Countable Income is all income of the individuals counted in the family Non-countable income is income of individuals counted in the family size that shall be
size that shall be included when calculating the adjusted monthly income excluded when calculating the adjusted monthly income for purposes of determining
for the purposes of determining income eligibility and family fees income eligibility and family fees
1. Gross wages, salary, advances, commissions, overtime, 1. Earnings of child under eighteen (18) years
tips, bonuses, gambling or lottery winnings
2. Loans
2. Wages for migrant, agricultural, or seasonal work
3. Grants or scholarships to students for educational purposes other
3. Public cash assistance (CalWORKs or TANF) than any portion used for living costs
4. Gross income from self-employment less business 4. Food stamps or other food assistance
expenses with the exception of wage draws
5. Earned Income Tax Credit or tax refund
5. Disability or unemployment compensation
6. GI Bill entitlements, hardship or hazardous duty, hostile fire or
6. Worker’s compensation immediate danger pay
7. Spousal support and/or child support from the former 7. Adoption assistance payments received pursuant to Welfare and
spouse or absent parent, or (documented) financial Institution Code section 16115 et. seq.
assistance for housing costs, car payments paid as part of
or in addition to spousal or child support 8. Non-cash assistance or gifts
8. Survivor (i.e. SSA) and retirement benefits 9. Insurance or court settlements for pain and suffering
9. Rent for room within the family’s residence 10. Reimbursements for work-required expenses that include
uniforms, mileage, or per diem expenses for food and lodging
10. Dividends, interest on bonds, income from estates or
trusts, net rental income or royalties 11. Business expenses for self-employed family members
11. Financial assistance received for the care of a child living 12. Non-cash or in-kind assistance
with an adult who is not the child’s biological or
adoptive parent 13. All income of any individual counted in the family size who is
collecting federal supplemental security income benefits (SSI) or
12. Veteran’s pension state supplemental program benefits (SSP)
13. Pension or annuities 14. Adoption assistance payments received pursuant to Welfare and
Institutions Code section 16115et seq.
14. Inheritance
15. Disaster relief grants or payments, except any portion
15. Allowances for housing or automobiles provided as part for rental assistance or unemployment
of compensation
16. When there is no cash value to the employee, portion of medical
16. Portion of student grants or scholarships not identified and/or dental insurance documented as paid by the employer
for educational purposes as tuition, books, or supplies
17. Spousal support and/or child support paid to a former spouse or
17. Insurance or court settlements for lost wages and/or absent parent or documented financial assistance for housing costs,
punitive damages car payments, health insurance etc…
18. Net proceeds from the sale of real property, stocks or 18. Federal Government stimulus income
inherited property
19. Other enterprise for gain (Rent for room within family’s
Appendix B
Schedule of Income Ceilings (85% SMI)
for SFY 2019–20 Child Care and Development Programs
Family Size Family Monthly Income Family Yearly Income
1-2 $5,343 $64,120
3 $5,802 $69,620
4 $6,719 $80,623
5 $7,794 $93,522
6 $8,869 $106,422
7 $9,070 $108,841
8 $9,272 $111,259
9 $9,473 $113,678
10 $9,675 $116,096
11 $9,876 $118,516
12 $10,078 $120,934
Appendix C
Family Monthly Fee Schedule
California Department of Education – Effective: July 1, 2019
State initial enrollment cutoff = 85% of 2017 State Median Income (SMI) from CA DOF (2017 ACS Management Bulletin 19-03).
Monthly Part- Monthly Full- Family Size Family Size Family Size Family Size Family Size Family Size Family Size
time Fee time Fee 1 or 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more
$31 $61 2,452 2,662 3,083 3,576 4,069 4,162 4,254
$75 2,514 2,730 3,162 3,668 4,174 4,268 4,363
$38 $90 2,577 2,799 3,241 3,759 4,278 4,375 4,472
$106 2,640 2,867 3,320 3,851 4,382 4,482 4,581
$45 $135 2,703 2,935 3,399 3,943 4,487 4,588 4,690
$152 2,766 3,003 3,478 4,034 4,591 4,695 4,799
$53 $170 2,829 3,072 3,557 4,126 4,695 4,802 4,908
$188 2,892 3,140 3,636 4,218 4,800 4,908 5,018
$68 $207 2,955 3,208 3,715 4,309 4,904 5,015 5,127
$226 3,017 3,276 3,794 4,401 5,008 5,122 5,236
$76 $246 3,080 3,345 3,873 4,493 5,113 5,229 5,345
$267 3,143 3,413 3,952 4,584 5,217 5,335 5,454
$85 $289 3,206 3,481 4,031 4,676 5,321 5,442 5,563
$311 3,269 3,550 4,110 4,768 5,426 5,549 5,672
$94 $317 3,332 3,618 4,189 4,859 5,530 5,655 5,781
$322 3,395 3,686 4,268 4,951 5,635 5,762 5,890
$104 $328 3,457 3,754 4,347 5,043 5,739 5,869 5,999
$334 3,520 3,823 4,426 5,135 5,843 5,976 6,108
$113 $355 3,583 3,891 4,505 5,226 5,948 6,082 6,217
$361 3,646 3,959 4,584 5,318 6,052 6,189 6,326
$123 $367 3,709 4,027 4,663 5,410 6,156 6,296 6,436
$373 3,772 4,096 4,743 5,501 6,261 6,402 6,545
$134 $380 3,835 4,164 4,822 5,593 6,365 6,509 6,654
$386 3,897 4,232 4,901 5,685 6,469 6,616 6,763
$145 $392 3,960 4,300 4,980 5,776 6,574 6,722 6,872
$398 4,023 4,369 5,059 5,868 6,678 6,829 6,981
$156 $405 4,086 4,437 5,138 5,960 6,782 6,936 7,090
$411 4,149 4,505 5,217 6,051 6,887 7,043 7,199
$159 $417 4,212 4,573 5,296 6,143 6,991 7,149 7,308
$423 4,275 4,642 5,375 6,235 7,095 7,256 7,417
$161 $429 4,337 4,710 5,454 6,326 7,200 7,363 7,526
$436 4,400 4,778 5,533 6,418 7,304 7,469 7,635
$164 $442 4,463 4,846 5,612 6,510 7,408 7,576 7,745
$454 4,589 4,983 5,770 6,693 7,617 7,790 7,963
$167 $467 4,715 5,120 5,928 6,877 7,826 8,003 8,181
$479 4,840 5,256 6,086 7,060 8,034 8,216 8,399
$178 $492 4,966 5,393 6,244 7,243 8,243 8,430 8,617
$504 5,092 5,529 6,402 7,427 8,452 8,643 8,835
$181 $517 5,218 5,666 6,560 7,610 8,660 8,857 9,053
$529 5,343 5,802 6,719 7,794 8,869 9,070 9,272
$184 2,452 2,662 3,083 3,576 4,069 4,162 4,254
$ 5,343 5,802 6,719 7,794 8,869 9,070 9,272
$187 6,286 6,826 7,904 9,169 10,434 10,671 10,908
39%SMI N/A
85%SMI N/A
100 SMI N/A $ $ $ $ $ $
Based on 2017 American Community Survey (2017ACS)
Information provided by California Department of Finance, March 2019
California Department of Education