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Science For Thought - Vol 5 (2019) - No.3 Psychology world

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Published by YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM (YSF) NEWSLETTERS, 2021-11-23 10:33:17

Science For Thought - Vol 5 (2019) - No.3 Psychology world

Science For Thought - Vol 5 (2019) - No.3 Psychology world




The mind has a voice of its own.
It is what creates the thought.


Mental Health Issues: Why Do People
The Causation, The
Symptoms and The


Criminal Minds Stop Being Someone
Are Different Else Because You Are
Not You In That Way
From Yours, Brain
Scans Reveal

May June
Awareness Day


The Causation, The Symptoms and The ‘Cure’

article by: Zarif Danish bin Yazid Imran (L6-2), Aniq Faris Masyhadi bin Masalisah (L6-4)

Disclaimer: Over the years, we often look over the fact
that mental health is a concerning yet
Hello readers. The topic for hidden issue that some people suffer each
this article is a very sensitive day, either if it’s visible or not. Just like
issue that is regarding physical illnesses such as fevers and
mental health issues. The headaches, mental health issues like
symptoms that will be depression and anxiety may also affect the
explained below should not overall health of a human being.
be used to self-diagnose Thankfully, awareness has been brought up
yourself. Any inconvenience in various ways to the public, such as
will not be held accountable. campaigns, talks, forums and quite frankly,
Thank you. - Zarif & Aniq social media. On the contrary, however,
some people tend to mistake mental health
What’s inside? issues such as depression and anxiety as an
aesthetic or a trend rather than a disorder
• depression that requires a cure. So the question is, how
• anxiety can we differentiate between people who
• schizophrenia are pretending to be ill and people who are
• autism actually suffering from it?


Depression can be defined Symptoms of depression may vary from mild to
as a mood disorder where a severe, and may include:
patient feels a persistent ❖ Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
feeling of sadness and loss ❖ Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that
of interest. It is also called
‘major depressive disorder’ was once enjoyed
or clinical depression, ❖ Changes in appetite - weight loss or gain
whereby it negatively
affects how they feel, think that is unrelated to dieting
and behave. It can lead to a ❖ Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or
variety of physical and
emotional problems and sleeping too much
can decrease a person’s ❖ Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small
ability to function, whether
at home, school or work. tasks require extra effort
❖ Agitation or restlessness
❖ Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death,

suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or
❖ Unexplained physical problems, such as
back pain or headaches.

The death of a
loved one, loss of a
job or the ending of
a relationship are
situations which
are difficult for a
person to endure.
It is normal for
sadness and grief
to develop in
response to such

But being sad is not the same as Depression can affect anyone - even a
having depression. They are person who appears completely normal and
also different in important fine. Several factors can play a role in
ways: depression:

❖ In grief, emotional pain ❖ Biochemistry: Differences in certain
come in waves and often chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin
intermixed with positive may contribute to symptoms of
memories of the deceased, depression.
whereas in major depression,
mood and/or interest are ❖ Personality: People with low self-esteem,
decreased for approximately who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or
a fortnight (i.e. two weeks). people who are generally pessimistic
appear to be more likely to experience
❖ Self-esteem is usually depression.
maintained when in grief,
while in major depression, ❖ Genetics: Depression can run in families.
feelings of worthlessness For example, if one identical twin has
and self-loathing are depression, the other might have a 70%
common. chance of having the illness sometime in

The ‘Cure’

Depression is among the most treatable of mental
disorders. Before a diagnosis or treatment, a health
professional should conduct a thorough evaluation.

• Medication - As mentioned earlier, brain chemistry
may contribute to an individual’s depression. For this
reason, antidepressants might be prescribed to
regulate the imbalance.

• Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy” is
sometimes used alone for treatment of mild
depression. For moderate to severe depression,
psychotherapy is often used in along with
antidepressant medications. Cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy focused on the
present and problem solving. It has been found to be
effective in treating depression.

• Self-help and Coping up - For many people, regular
exercise helps create a positive feeling and improve
mood. Getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet
can also help reduce symptoms of depression.

ANXIETY The Symptoms

Anxiety is defined as “an emotion While a number of different diagnoses
characterized by feelings of may include anxiety disorders, the
tension, worried thoughts and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder
physical changes like increased (GAD), or anxiety, will often include the
blood pressure.” It is a feeling of following:
unease, such as worry or fear that ❖ Restlessness, and a feeling of being
can be mild or severe.
Anxiety exists at some point in “on-edge”
anyone and everyone’s life; ❖ Uncontrollable feelings of worry
whether you have waited for a ❖ Increased irritability
job or school application, or you ❖ Difficulties in concentrating
have been anxious about sitting ❖ Difficulties in sleeping, such as
an exam. During times like these,
feeling anxious can be perfectly problems in falling or staying asleep
normal, but some people find it
hard to control their worries. The ‘Cure’
Their anxiety is more constant
and can often affect their daily There are several exercises to help a person
activities. cope with anxiety disorders, which
Anxiety Attacks or ❖ Stress management: Learning to
Panic Attacks
manage stress can help limit potential
Brief or sudden attacks of triggers, such as practicing organizing
intense feelings of apprehension any upcoming deadlines, or commit to
may indicate a ‘panic disorder’. take some time off from study or work.
These attacks can lead to ❖ Relaxation techniques: Simple activities
shaking, dizziness, confusion like meditation, deep breathing
and breathing difficulties. exercises, and especially yoga may help
soothe the mental and physical signs of
Anxiety attacks usually occur anxiety.
after frightening experiences or ❖ Support network: Talk with familiar
prolonged periods of stress but people who are supportive, whether it
may also occur without a trigger. is a family member or friend.
Then tend to occur and escalate ❖ Medications: Medicines such as
rapidly, peaking after minutes, antidepressions, tricyclics and beta-
but may also last for hours. blockers may control some of the
physical and mental symptoms.


First things first, what is While there are a variety of
schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a symptoms, we are going to only list
frightful mental health issue that out the symptoms that are typical
affects how a person thinks, feels and recognisable.
and behaves. It will, surely but
slowly, lead to an imprecise ❖ Apathy
perception, inappropriate actions ❖ Social withdrawal
and feelings. Symptoms of ❖ Hallucinations
schizophrenia such as ❖ Inability to experience pleasure
hallucinations and delusions ❖ Difficulty in paying attention
usually begin at an early age,
therefore we can take necessary
actions to prevent them from
fully developing schizophrenia.

The ‘Cure’

Unfortunately, there is no cure at the moment, BUT there are plenty of ways to
reduce lessen the likelihood of someone developing schizophrenia.

❖ Avoid social isolation
❖ Don’t stress your mind and body
❖ Deal with your emotions

AUTISM The Symptoms

Autism is a developmental There is a plethora of symptoms,
disorder, that affects people but the common giveaways are:
since they were born and is a ❖ Poor or avoidance of eye
long-lasting effect, and
people who are diagnosed contact
with it suffers tremendous ❖ Difficult to put themselves in
challenges such as difficulty
in communicating, non- other’s ‘shoes’
verbal communication, ❖ liking a strict daily routine
repetitive behaviours and
speech. and getting very upset if it
❖ Not talking as much as other

The ‘Cure’

Regrettably, there is no cure for
autism, but the least we can do for
people with autism is improving
their quality of life. It has been
before and it is currently
happening right now as you read.
Some of them are:

❖ Assign them to jobs that has
straightforward but strict

❖ Stick to a schedule

❖ Reward good behaviours

❖ Look for nonverbal cues; look
for gestures or sounds they
make when something does
not go their way


To the readers,
Whether you are someone currently in a stressful situation, or a student
burdened with a huge sum of workload, or just simply someone who is curious,
we want to let you know that it is okay to stop for a while to take some rest.
Take a day off. Rest your mind. Look at pictures of cats or clouds, anything to
make you feel better.
If you ever feel depressed, anxious, or you may require an emergency help,
please do know that you can always seek help. There are several ways that you
can do it:
i. Let out to someone who you trust the most
ii. Go for some jogging or exercise
iii. Maintain a healthy diet.
iv. Seek medical advice if your condition worsens

Alhamdulillah, earlier this year, the National Mental Health helpline “Talian
Harapan 145” has began its operations on February 12, 2019 in Brunei Darussalam.
It will operate on extended hours from 8 am to 11 pm, where they can be
contacted through the hotline ‘145’ for anyone who requires assistance.

article by: Abdul Muizz bin Awang Taib (L6-1)

People these days are very well known to this word ‘Hallucination’, but do they
know what hallucination meant? Hallucination is a sensation that appears to be real
but is only created by our mind. Hallucinating affects all our 5 senses which are the
sense of touch, vision, taste, smell, and hearing.
Do you know that there are 6 main types of Hallucinations? Hallucination has a
variety of effects depend on the sense that it affected, which are:

Visual Hallucination TYPE OF HALLUCINATIONS Gustatory (Taste) Hallucination

This hallucination affects our vision. The This hallucination affects our sense of
hallucinations may be of objects, taste. These tastes are usually strange or
people, light and visual patterns. For unpleasant.
example, you are seeing people that are
not there. Tactile (Touch) Hallucination

Olfactory (Smell) Hallucination This hallucination involves the feeling
of touch or movement in the body. For
This hallucination affects our sense of example, this person might feel that
smell. For example, you might feel that someone is touching them and insects
your body smells bad but in reality, it crawling on or under their skin but in
does not. reality, it is just a part of the illusion.

Auditory (Hearing) Hallucination Temporary Hallucination

This hallucination affects our hearing. This type of hallucination is not
People that hallucinate usually hear permanent or severe. It may occur if
things that they were not supposed to. someone dear to the person has
For example, they could hear voices passed away. This person might hear
that are talking to each other or telling for a moment the voice and briefly
them what to do. Aside from that, he caught a glimpse of the image of
might also hear things that are not their loved one. This hallucination
there such as sound or footsteps in the typically disappears as the pain of the
attic and even tapping noises. person’s loss goes away.


On the internet, we usually saw many videos about these people that are
undergoing hallucination do silly things. Speaking of which, have you guys ever
wondered why and how does the person get to that stage? There are a few
reasons or causes why hallucination occurs which are:

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can also lead to
hallucinations. Lack of sleep for
a few days or for a long time
can cause the person to
eventually develop the
symptoms of hallucination.

Substance abuse Mental illnesses

Substance abuse is the act of Mental illnesses are common
abusing alcohol or drugs. causes of hallucinations. A few
Abusing hallucinogenic drugs examples are Schizophrenia,
such as LSD (Lysergic acid Dementia, and Delirium.
diethylamide) or cocaine.
Aside from that, drinking an Schizophrenia
excessive amount of alcohol It is a long-term mental disorder of a type
will lead to hallucination. involving a breakdown in the relation
between thought, emotion, and behaviour,
leading to faulty perception and also
inappropriate actions and feelings.
Dementia is a general term for a decline in
mental ability severe enough to interfere with
daily life. It develops over time, with a slow
progression of cognitive decline. It occurs
abruptly and the symptoms can fluctuate
during the day.
Delirium is an acute confusional state. It often
is unrecognized by healthcare professionals
because changes in behaviour in persons with
dementia (such as agitation or sundowning)
may be attributed to the dementia disease
process, versus an acute problem.


Do you know that hallucination does not last forever and it can be treated? Some
ways of treating this hallucination are:

Medications Psychological Counselling

Hallucination can be treated by using Hallucination can also be treated by
medication but it depends entirely on attending counselling but it depends on
their underlying cause. For example, if a the underlying cause of your
person drinks too much alcohol, the hallucinations. Speaking with a
doctor might prescribe medication that counsellor can help you get a better
slows down your nervous system. understanding of what is happening to
you. This can help the person that
hallucinating develop strategies to
overcome his or her hallucination,
particularly when you are feeling scared
or paranoid.

article by: Muhd Khairi bin Haji Jefri (L6-4)

IS there really any biological evidence

THE CRIMINAL MIND which shows that the real structure of the
criminal’s brain is different from us!? Well,
In one recent study, scientists there is, and, it presents intriguing
examined 21 people with antisocial evidence that the brains of certain kinds
personality disorder, which is a of criminals are different from those of
condition that characterizes many the rest of the population. Although it
convicted criminals. Amongst those could improve our understanding of
with the disorder have no regard for criminal behaviour, they also raise moral
right and wrong, and often violate the quandaries about whether and how
law and rights of others. society should use this knowledge to
There was a comparison of brain scans combat crime.

between anti-social people with individuals without any mental disorder, showed on
average an 18 percent reduction in the volume of the brain’s middle frontal gyrus,
and a 9 percent reduction in the volume of the orbital frontal gyrus, which are both
sections in the brain’s frontal lobe.

Another brain study, published in the September 2009 Archives of General Psychiatry,
compared a group of psychopaths with non-psychopaths. In the psychopaths, there
have been deformations present in another part of the brain called the amygdala,
with the psychopaths showing a thinning of the outer layer of the cortex and on
average, there was an 18 percent reduction in volume in the amygdala.

"The amygdala is the said research team member Adrian Raine, chair of the
seat of emotion. Department of Criminology at the University of
Pennsylvania, at the annual meeting of the American
Psychopaths lack Association for the Advancement of Science in
emotion. They lack Washington, D.C., a few years ago.
empathy, remorse,


In addition to brain differences, people
who end up being convicted for crimes
often show behavioral differences
compared with the rest of the population.
There was a long-term study that Raine
participated in consisting of 1,795 children
born in two towns from ages 3 to 23. The
study measured many aspects of these
individuals' growth and development and
found that 137 became criminal offenders.
Furthermore, another test was applied to
the participants at the age of 3, whose
response to fear were measured, calling it
fear conditioning, by associating a stimulus,
such as a tone, with a punishment such as
an electric shock and measuring their
involuntary physical responses through the
skin when hearing the tone. In this case, the
researchers found out that there is a lack of
fear conditioning in the 3-year-olds who
would later become criminals.
Overall, these studies and many more like them paint a picture of the significant
biological differences between people who commit serious crimes and people
who do not. Whilst not all people with antisocial personality disorder or all
psychopaths ended up breaking the law and not all criminals meet the criteria for
these disorders, there is a marked correlation.
According to Raine, there is a neuroscience basis in part of causing the crime.
What’s more, the study of the mentioned research has shown that many of these
brain differences can be measured early on in life, long before a person might
develop into actual psychopathic tendencies or commit a crime.
Criminologist Nathalie Fontaine of Indiana University studies the tendency
toward being callous and unemotional (CU) in children between 7 and 12 years
old. She explained that children with these traits have been shown to have a
higher risk of becoming psychopaths as adults.

“We're not suggesting that some children are
psychopaths, but CU traits can be used to identify a
subgroup of children who are at risk," Fontaine said.

However, her research does show that these traits aren’t fixed and may develop
a change in children as they grow. So, if psychologists identify children with
these risk factors early on, it may not be too late.
“We can still help them,"
Fontaine said. "We can
implement intervention to
support and help children and
their families, and we should.”
However, the field of
neurocriminology also raises
some philosophical quandaries
such as the question of whether
revealing the role of brain
abnormalities in crime reducing
a person’s responsibility for his
or her own actions.

vandalism “Psychopaths know right and wrong
cognitively, but don't have a feeling for
what's right and wrong," Raine said. "Did
they ask to have an amygdala that
wasn't as well functioning as other
individuals'? Should we be punishing
psychopaths as harshly as we do?”
This reasoning has been argued in a court
of law. Raine recounted a case he
consulted on a man named Herbert
Weinstein, who had killed his wife. There
were brain scans revealing a large cyst in
the frontal cortex of Weinstein’s brain,
showing that his cognitive abilities were
significantly compromised. Eventually,
these scans were used to strike a plea
bargain in which Weinstein’s sentence was
reduced to only 11 years in prison.

article by: Angel Chia Pei Wen (L6-2)
Ainamizana binti Awang Bongsu (L6-2)


The word ‘imposter’ is basically used on a person who pretends to be someone
else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent* gain. While the term
‘syndrome’, as most of us have already known, is a type of negative behavior or
mental state that might be developed by an individual with negative mindset
over a long time ̶ which can also be considered as an emotion illness.

So, what exactly is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome, also known as This appellation* was first coined in the
Imposter Phenomenon (IP), is a late 1970s by psychologists Suzanna Imes
psychological term that explains a group and Pauline Rose after identifying the
of people who doubt their achievements characteristics in therapeutic sessions*
and have internalized fear of being with high-achieving women. It has now
exposed as a fraud*. However, in this been recorded that 70% of high-
case, it is not a disease or abnormality achievers have suffered from imposter
but a feeling as it is a phenomenon (an phenomenon at some time in their lives.
experience) that occurs in an individual. Despite of that data, we all are suffering
from this syndrome without actually
“Although Imposter syndrome realizing it.
People with imposter syndrome often
affects men the same way it think that they do not deserve the
affects women, it occurs more success they have accomplished. They
predominantly* in women than conclude their luck is what makes them
men!” succeed and would only dismiss the fact
that them being better and more
intelligent than the others.

What are the types of people with Imposter Syndrome?

The Perfectionist
They often set extremely high goals for
themselves, and if they fail to fulfill
those goals, they will suffer from major
self-doubt and worry about measuring
up. This group can also be labelled as
‘control freaks’ due to their extreme
enthusiasm towards their aims.

The Superwoman/man
They usually push themselves over
their boundaries to give their best
effort to measure up in order to cover
up their insecurities. However, this act
could harm their mental health and
also their relationship with others.
The Natural Genius
This group is almost the same as the
perfectionists as they have to work
intensely hard to achieve their
objectives. But if they fail, they would
think they are not good enough.

The Soloist
These people are sufferers who likes to
work alone. Aside from that, they do
not usually seek help as doing so will
make them feel as if they are weak.

The Expert
Experts estimate their ability based on
“what” and “how much” they know or
can do. They fear being exposed as
inexperienced or unknowledgeable if
they do not know enough.

How can Imposter Syndrome bring harm to us?
Imposter syndrome can be debilitating*, causing stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, shame
and in worst cases, even depression. Perhaps the most limiting part of dealing with
imposter syndrome is that it can limit our courage to go after new opportunities,
explore potential areas of interest, and put ourselves out there in a meaningful way.

How can people overcome Imposter Syndrome?

Be open and explain their problem Stop comparing ourselves to other
to others. people who are better than us.
So that people can understand their Despite the success they have achieved,
difficulties in being confident. Voicing each individual has struggled as well! In
their fears in coaching, with a mentor, or a order for us to fulfill our goals, hard work
peer group can help to normalize the is the number one recipe because no one
feelings and ensure that they are not is born perfect without effort.
Do not ever feel down if you have
Focus more on the VALUE we made experienced imposter syndrome.
rather than the perfection. Most people including us have suffered
The reason why the value is more from this problem. Surely, you are not
important is that it motivates us to keep alone.
going and encourages a mindset of
learning. ‘Giving the best is not the same Do not be afraid to step out as your
as being the best.’ true self
Taking the first step usually will be the
“The only way to stop feeling hardest but the rest will be easier
like an imposter, is to stop afterwards.
thinking like an imposter”
There are various Appellation: An identifying name or
well-known individuals title.
who have reportedly Debilitating: Tending to weaken
experienced this something.
phenomenon and one Fraud: A person or thing intended to
of them is Michelle deceive others, typically by
Obama, the wife of unjustifiably claiming or being
Barack Obama and credited with accomplishments or
former First Lady of the qualities.
United States. Mrs. Obama has published Fraudulent: Characterized by,
many books over the years and one of involving, or proceeding from fraud,
them is "Becoming". Described by the as actions, methods, or gain.
author as a deeply personal experience, Predominantly: Mainly or mostly.
the book talks about her roots and how Therapeutic session: A space where
she found her voice, as well as her time in you do not have to worry about
White House, her public campaign, and her hurting anyone else’s feelings.
role as a mother.

Awareness Days

for May and June

article by: Aniq Faris Masyhadi bin Masalisah (L6-4)

Alright so, before we begin, we first have to ask ourselves, why? Why do we
have specific dates for certain events or illnesses? What is the purpose of
those dates? What makes awareness day special to celebrate or even
acknowledge them for what they are for?
Well, I’m glad you asked. Awareness dates are, but is not limited to, bringing
attention for various different types of health conditions, illnesses and
cancers. Aside from that, it also helps to educate the public about these
illnesses, ranging from why it happens to ways to prevent it from happening
from the get-go. Most, if not all, illnesses are life threatening, regardless of
each type. They have taken countless of lives, both in the past and present.
But we can still prevent these illnesses from happening, or at least, lessen
down the number of victims, for a better future. In the end, awareness days
are for appreciating those who are currently fighting their battles, survivors
and last but not least, those who didn’t make it.

“The future influences the present just as much as the past” -
Friedrich Nietzsche


• National Children’ Mental
Health day (May 6th)

• International Nurses Day (May


• National Cancer Survivors Day
(June 2nd)

• Dravet Syndrome Awareness
Day (June 23rd)

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