The PsycholoVolume 4
gy of Fear
letter from
the editor
written and designed by Ambria herring ‘22
The leaves are turning, the weather is cooler and Playoff season is coming in hot as the temperatures shift.
everything pumpkin is the talk of the town. This only With the end of the season creeping in, tournaments are
means one thing; fall is back and Halloween is coming our kicking off before we know it. However, winter sports are
way. gazing upon from afar.
shows their spirit in an alternative way from the double
blue. Haunted houses, pumpkin painting, and apple The spirit is as bright as the jack o'lantern sitting on
picking are just three timeless fall activities nobody plans your porch. The pride is alive and Halloween is in full
for these activities. Fall brings out the best of fashion in swing this 2021.
which trends spiral through. Layering pieces, knits, and
the pumpkin patch. “Today you are you, that Is truer than true. There Is no
are going to see our performing arts program shine. With one alive who Is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss
the play showcased in early October and the traditional
“Under the Lights” performance slowly approaching in Sincerely,
November, our performing arts program will not skip a
beat this fall. Ambria Herring
Cover design Ashley Mallon ‘23
Policy Statement:
The Berlin Bulletin is an independent news magazine, created by the Advanced Newspaper Journalism students, as
well as other student contributors at Olentangy Berlin High School. The views expressed in this publication are solely
writing process.
The Berlin Bulletin may be purchased seven times a year, for $1 per issue. It may also be purchased by subscription for
$12, or $25 for an extended subscription (mailing to place of residence). Advertisements may be purchased by emailing
the staff at [email protected].
Additionally, letters to the editor may be emailed to the sta . All letters must be signed. Opinion pieces re ecting
the view of a student sta member will be clearly marked as such. All opinions will contain bylines.
e Berlin Bulletin is a member of the Journalism Education Association, Ohio Capital Conference Academic
League and Ohio Scholastic Media Association. e journalism adviser is Erin Bush.
The Bulletin| PAGE 2
Table of Contents
4-5 News designed by ambria herring ‘22
6-9 sports
10-13cover story The Bulletin Staff
14-15 feature Senior Editor:
16-21 lifestyle Ambria Herring ‘22
22-25 studleifnet Junior Editor:
26-27 interactive Emmy Bush ‘23
Online Editors:
The Bulletin| PAGE 3 Laci Strouse ‘22
Ella Walls ‘22
Sports Editor:
Rileigh Glassburn ‘22
Photo Editor:
Brooke Henrey ‘24
Business Manager:
Elizabeth Koeppen ‘23
Social Media Manager:
Phoebe Durst ‘23
Design Team:
Jessica Hagge ‘22
Ashley Mallon ‘23
Mackenzy Shoemaker ‘24
Rileigh Glassburn ‘22
Jessica Hagge ‘22
Ambria Herring ‘22
Laci Strouse ‘22
Ella Walls ‘22
Emmy Bush ‘23
Phoebe Durst ‘23
Jocelyn Franz ‘23
Elizabeth Koeppen ‘23
Nina Krupar ‘23
Ashley Mallon ‘23
Ava Vaught ‘23
Teresa Barger ‘24
Rachel Bjorkman ‘24
Megan Friece ‘24
Sallie Gerich ‘24
Brooke Henrey ‘24
Jocelyn Lawson ‘24
Reese Manley ‘24
Hannah Marsh ‘24
Mackenzy Shoemaker ‘24
Audrey Tartaglia ‘24
Erin Bush
Gabby Petito found dead
in national park
G written by Sal Gerich ‘24 designed by Iva Horman ‘24
abby Petito, a 22-year-old woman from Florida, became a crucial clue. One family spoke up about it,
was found dead in Bridger-Teton National who happened to be at the same park when Petito and
Forest, located in Wyoming.
with her husband, recalled seeing the van and searched
(23), took a trip to the park during a road expedition. through old footage.
The couple arrived at the park in the last week of “I got chills all over my body and ran right straight
August, based on texts exchanged between Petito back to my laptop, got my GoPro footage, and lo and
and her mother. The couple vlogged their trip on behold, Gabby’s van was on there,” Bethune said,
their YouTube channel “Nomadic Statik”. By the according to the New York Post.
content of the video, their audience assumed the trip On Sept. 30, another update was given on the case.
was enjoyable and romantic for the two. However,
evident that something was wrong. on a hiking trip. The phone was left behind and is now
The last phone call Petito made before disappearing under investigation by the FBI.
was on Aug. 25, according to the “Find Gabby”
timeline created by the Petito family in an effort to
Another text message was sent on the thirtieth, but Autopsy results are inconclusive as to his cause of
Petito’s family believes she wasn’t the one who sent it. death. The investigation continues.
The message read: “Can you help Stan, I just keep
getting his voicemails and missed calls,” according
to CBS. Stan is the name of Petito’s grandfather,
This was a major cause of suspicion in the Petito
reported Gabby as missing. During this search,
was being viewed as suspicious by authorities. His
whereabouts are unknown as of late September, with
the case not fully closed.
The couple had left with their white Ford Transit
The Bulletin| PAGE 4
news feature
the circleville letters:
A True Crime Murder Mystery
written by sal gerich ‘24 designed by iva horman ‘24
Ireceived anonymous letters that exposed their a heavy drinker, which raised suspicions of the cause
personal information and even their darkest of the wreck. However, his death was overall ruled as a
secrets. Have we found the culprit? car accident.
An anonymous author often referred to as “the into Mary’s life. They left threatening signs along
Circleville Writer” began to stalk multiple community the road of her bus route. When Mary went to rip
members and gather their information. down one of the signs, she discovered a failed booby
“For nearly two decades, an anonymous letter writer trap with a pistol, intended to shoot her. The serial
terrorized the town of Circleville, Ohio, by sending numbers on the pistol were vaguely visible, and after
threatening letters,” according to CBS News.
Mary Gillispie was one of these victims. She had recent ex of Ron’s sister.
received multiple notes from the Circleville Writer Freshour denied all allegations and said his gun was
that claimed to expose her for an affair that she claimed stolen, according to the Unsolved Mysteries website.
After extensive handwriting tests and house searches,
one after the letters were sent. Gillispie’s husband, he was charged with attempted murder and arrested.
Ron, received a letter himself soon after, instructing Although when Freshour started to receive letters
him to stop his wife’s affair, or his life would be in from the anonymous writer himself, along with other
danger. Circleville residents, a wrench was thrown into the
Both Gillispie’s had some ideas of who the writer case. The letters were still postmarked from Columbus
might be, so Ron wrote every one of the suspects an as they were previously, but Freshour was imprisoned
individual letter, falsely claiming he knew that they
were the anonymous author. After their messages were The search for the writer continued. Other suspects
sent, the anonymous letters stopped for a year. The included the superintendent’s son, one of Mary’s
couple assumed one of the suspects they wrote to was
guilty and the problem was solved. Although in August case remains unsolved. So, we asked some of Berlin’s
students who they thought could be the murderer.
“I think it’s the sister-in-law. Mary might have had
He left with a gun in his pickup truck and no more an effect on the divorce and the sister-in-law could’ve
than a few minutes later was found dead. His truck gotten the gun from Paul,” freshman Emma Erikson
had collided with a tree off the side of the road. Yet said.
when investigators looked into the scene, they found “I think maybe the sister-in-law because the only real
evidence to take away from it is that the gun belonged
his blood-alcohol level was at twice the legal limit for to her ex-husband,” senior Collin Mulvaney said.
Ohio. The Gillispie family claimed that Ron was never
The Bulletin| PAGE 5
tournament talk
written by jocelyn franz ‘23 designed by emmy bush ‘23
The Bulletin| PAGE 6
SPORTS preview
Boys Wrestling written by nina krupar ‘23 designed by emmy bush ‘23
girls basketball
boys bowling
The Bulletin| PAGE 7
FallSports sports recap
Compiled by Rileigh Glassburn ‘22
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The Bulletin| PAGE 9
cover story
The Psychology
of Fear
What constitutes a fear?
what creates the feeling of fear?
how are fears developed?
is it truly possible to conquer a fear?
The Bulletin| PAGE 10
cover story
are there different types of fears?
what is your biggest fear?
12.9% death
The Bulletin| PAGE 11
Halftime highlights
designed by ambria herring ‘22
Photo courtesy: Rileigh Glassburn ‘22, Sarah Butler
The Bulletin| PAGE 12
The Bulletin| PAGE 13
Humansfeature of Berlin
written and designed by Jess Hagge ‘22
WHAT IS YOUR Biggest fear and why?
Thomas Dalchuk ‘22 Mr. Spinner
“Death.” “Snakes. The
sliminess... they can
kill you. Scorpions are
in there as well.”
Amani Alahmad ‘22 KC Troxell ‘23
“I’m claustrophobic “The deep ocean.
and have 95% of the ocean is
trypophobia as well. unexplored, and what
Trypophobia is like we do know about it
anything with holes is that everything in
in it. Freaks me out.” it can kill you. Giant
squids. Giant sharks.”
ms. ubry Check out
“I don’t like bats. They come com for fears, frights,
at you so fast! One time when I and interviews from Mr.
went on vacation, I came back Fannin, Fina Davy, Tejas
and there was a bat in my house.
It was really scary, so I was just Patel, and more!
hiding in the bathroom because
I didn’t know how to get it out.”
The Bulletin| PAGE 14
What’s your favorite feature
spooky creature?
Do you believe in ghosts?
hayden van horne ‘25
avery sexton ‘24
“Yes, I believe in ghosts;
I feel like the spirits can
come back to Earth and
visit people. How do we
know if they are real or
not? Why not just believe
in it because it’s fun?”
Aaron Nelson ‘24
“I don’t believe in
ghosts. I think they’re
too scary to be real.”
Alex Donnenwirth ‘25
“It’s more of a folkloric creature, but
windigos. They’re interesting creatures.
And if not a windigo, a skinwalker.”
The Bulletin| PAGE 15
Berlin’s top
halloween picks
Hwritten by Jocelyn Lawson ‘24 designed by mackenzy shoemaker ‘24
alloween is just around the corner, calling for fears and cheers or candy and terrors. To get into
Country. Maybe you’re toeing the line and can’t decide, then let these choices be your guide.
Candy picks
Reese’s dominated the competition at 21.6%,
followed closely in suit by Twix (9.8%) and
Kit Kats (7.8%).
Fun fact: Reese’s was created in 1928 and since
it’s boom in popularity in 1969, Reese’s have been
captivating people with their inner peanut butter
and creamy outer chocolate.
movie picks
There were many different picks for movies,
although in this case, the “other” choice was the
The Conjuring Series was by far the most chosen
at 16.3%, followed closely by The Nightmare
Before Christmas (11.6%). On the other hand,
there were many interesting picks that didn’t make
it to the chart. Our staff’s favorites included Saw,
Hereditary, Frankenweenie, Scream, and the
original Candyman.
The Bulletin| PAGE 16
Costume picks
“Other” held the majority of votes in this case with
an astounding 34.1%, though Ghostface seemed
to be the most unanimous vote (17.1%). Classical
Monsters (14.6%) and Animals (9.8%) came close
after Ghostface. Some of the The Bulletin’s favorite
picks from voters included Squidward, lumberjack,
cowgirl, and Michael Myers.
heard in the halls
written by Megan Friece ‘24 and Audrey Tartaglia ‘24 designed by mackenzy shoemaker ‘24
The Bulletin staff has worked hard as they have listened all around the double blue halls.
Bears have said both weird and interesting things.
• “The sausage is bussin bruh.”
• “Oh I noticed last year but forgot to tell you that you’re balding.”
• “Starbucks is not dinner.”
• “He has like a full eight pack.”
• “He’s marrying his sister?”
• “You’re really hot,” “And you’re really prepubescent!”
• “Put your tongue away.”
• “My donkey ate my cat food.”
• “I just realized I don’t know what the meat in this meat sauce actually is.”
• “Do you want death?” “Of course, I asked for his hand in marriage.”
Reach out to the bulletin staff to share any other interesting
things “Heard in the halls!”
The Bulletin| PAGE 17
through the years
written by Ashley Mallon ‘23 and ava vaught ‘23 designed by Ashley mallon ‘23
Every year Oct. 31 rolls around and people of all ages dress up to celebrate Halloween by trick or treating
with friends and family. Take a look at these throwback photos of fellow Bears dressed up when they were
Alyssa Zuesi ‘23 Caitlyn Darnell ‘25
Davis Vaught ´25 and Nolan Vaught ´25 Adison Chorey ‘22
The Bulletin| PAGE 18
Grace Dahlke ‘23 Charlie Thacker ‘22 Megan Ward ‘23
Isabella Phipps ‘25 Katie Reinard ‘23
Angelina Lanasa ‘25 Jake Brewster ‘22 Matthew Sheehan ‘22 and Jensyn
Sheehan ‘23
The Bulletin| PAGE 19
Fall Fashion:
the Bears’ Take
written by Phoebe Durst ‘23 designed by Ashley mallon ‘23
As the year transitions into Photo courtesy:
October and the feelings
of fall begin to truly set
this Fall at Berlin.
in, there are many exciting things the option between their go-to Pphinottoerceosut.rctoemsy:
just around the corner of fashion. sneakers or chunky boots. Out of
With many options to incorporate
into the wardrobe this season, the 80 total responses, sneakers came
Berlin student body took a survey to out on top with 64% of participants
share their Fall go-to’s they will be saying they are more ready to
sporting throughout this season. break out their Converse or Nike’s
over boots. While boots will most wPhisoht.ococmourtesy:
pieces that the Bears voted on were this Autumn, you are more likely
chunky sweaters or sweatpants and
sweatshirts. The results showed that to catch your fellow Bears sporting
60% of Berlin students who voted their best fall sneakers through the
chose the chunky sweater over the halls.
other 40% comfy sweats. Lastly came the layers. Berlin
“I honestly love both fall trends students had the opportunity to PPihnotetorecsot.ucortmesy:
but I feel like chunky sweaters are choose between an original Fall
just more of a timeless look. When jacket that your mom or dad would
paired with jeans, they create an have worn in the 80’s, jean jackets.
Another classic that is making a
can also be spiced up with use of reappearance is the blazer. While
color, pattern and texture,” senior blazers did have a good run at the
Delaney Callison said. beginning of the poll, the iconic
Beanies have proved their jean jacket beat the blazer by 30%
statement over scarves by being a in the end. Pair it with your favorite Pvhsocoto.ccoomurtesy:
Fall time fundamental from the start. sneakers, a sweater and a beanie
On the other hand, scarfs do have and you are set for the perfect Fall
the ability to elevate a look, but from
The Bulletin| PAGE 20
2000’s nostalgia: lifestyle
Fall Edition
compiled by Ella walls ‘22 and rileigh glassburn ‘22 designed by ella walls ‘22
“Arthur’s Halloween” book Plastic fangs “Trixie the Halloween Carving pumpkins
Fairy” book
Halloween pretzels “The Berenstain Bears” “Halloweentown” movie “Calling All the Monsters”
Halloween book song from “ANT Farm”
Pilsbury pumpkin cookies Monstober on Disney Channel “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie
The Bulletin| PAGE 21
Club spotlightstudentlife
written by reese manley ‘24, Hannah marsh ‘24, teresa barger ‘24 designed by ambria herring ‘22
Environmental club:
This club’s mission is to help the environment and educate people
starting with the Berlin community. Environmental club helps with
recycling and participate in a variety of different projects to aid their
surroundings. One of the projects of Environmental Club is the native
“I am quite passionate about the environment. I think climate change
is real and it is quite important to address. Especially for our generation,
since this is the only world we’re given to live in. So, I am very passionate
about the environment and so I want to help improve it,” newly elected
HOSA, or the Health Occupations Students of America, is a club
designed to empower students who wish to pursue a profession in the
health professionals and participate in state-wide competitions that have
topics for competition fall under the general divisions of Health
Science, Health Professions, Emergency Preparedness, Leadership, and
have a similar goal,” senior Angelina Giannetto said. “All the members
Student Council is an association of strong student leaders who are
incredibly active in various school affairs. They help with major events
around Berlin in addition to being involved in community service. The
club strives to make our school a better place overall.
“Student Council is a group at Berlin that is completely run by
students in all grades. We help out with events around the school like
Homecoming, go out and serve in the community, and run our own
events like babysitting night and drives,” senior president Elise Brown
said. “Student Council is a great way to get involved within the school
and meet other student leaders!”
“I love how active Student Council is within the school. It’s also fun to
collaborate with other students to make change at Berlin and make our
school the best it can possibly be!” Brown said.
The Bulletin| PAGE 22
student life
lettuce club:
Lettuce Club is a relatively new club that includes all aspects
surrounding lettuce. The club does not focus solely on eating lettuce, but
its impact on the environment as well. It is an incredibly inclusive group
and welcomes anyone who wants to expand their knowledge on lettuce.
“Our club is pretty new and it started last year. We focus on the
environmental aspects of growing lettuce and not just eating lettuce,”
expand the kind of lettuce we’re growing.”
table top gaming club:
Tabletop Gaming Club is a club unlike any other at Berlin. The club
meeting. All are welcome to Tabletop Gaming Club to play games with
other students and have fun.
“Tabletop Gaming Club is a place for people who enjoy playing board
games with friends. This includes but is not limited to games like Uno,
Chess, and Dungeons and Dragons,” sophomore Gavric Herring said.
“I really like how our club is accepting of people from every background.
At the end of the day, we are all there to have a fun time playing board
Art Club meets every month to create crafts and other artistic activities
to decorate the school with artwork. This is a club for everyone to
embrace their creativity to help brighten up Berlin.
“I love that all the art kids as well as the kids who can’t be in art classes
can come together to celebrate our collective love of creativity and
see the connections people make between sketches and doodles.”
“Our plans for the future of Art Club are to continue to spread the joy
halls to [bring] a sense of community and brighten up student’s time in
Diversity club:
Diversity Club encourages students to share and express their culture
to further unify and inform the Berlin community. They work to promote
various heritage months celebrated to make sure every student feels
like they belong and matter in the halls. During meetings, members
discuss ways they can improve our cultural diversity while learning about
different backgrounds.
“Diversity Club is a safe place for anyone that wants to discuss issues
sophomore Nia Coats said. “We also learn about the traditions of other
cultures each month.”
The Bulletin| PAGE 23
student Life
Performing arts students
define dedication
written by Elizabeth Koeppen ‘23, Rachel bjorkman ‘24, mackenzy shoemaker ‘24 designed by Jess Hagge ‘22
erforming arts students at
Berlin spend countless hours heatre students also work
late nights to engross
P Tperfecting their art. Although their audiences in another
Anyone who knows Akey knows
what a hardworking and amiable
student she is. Her personality plays
their talents are captured under into her ethic as a performing arts world. After their fall play, The
the bright lights of the stage, their student because it’s necessary to Wonderful Wizard of Neverland,
personalities are sometimes left in put full effort into band in order to Berlin thespians took a short
the shadows. produce the spectacular shows they break before preparing for the
In order to recognize and do. upcoming winter play. Sophomore
Gracie Harding has been a vital
comprehend the skill that goes into part of the theatre program at
Berlin productions, we decided to
highlight just a few of Berlin’s stars. Berlin.
“There’s a lot going on
Berlin’s marching band, the backstage and a lot of work put in
Pride of the Bears, is often to make shows the best they can
recognized as the heart be,” Harding said.
In the recent play, Harding was
and soul of the school. Junior cast as a lead and played Alice
Hailey Akey is a clarinetist for
the marching band, as well as from Wonderland. Outside of
school, Harding is quick to take
a trumpeter for jazz band. The any theatre opportunities she can
marching band in particular spends
a tremendous amount of time after get her hands on.
“I do theatre at Columbus
school practicing for shows. Children’s Theatre and other
“That’s why it’s so gratifying to
perform in front of the screaming places. It’s a fun chance to
meet other thespians around
crowd on Friday nights - we know Columbus,” Harding said. “I
just how much work we put into it,” am also in the advanced treble
Akey said. Bears can look forward
Band has also given Akey a to Under the Lights, ensemble and show choir at
Berlin, and it’s a really good and
chance to grow as a person and a an immersive performance fun way to connect with more
performer, interact and connect
with her peers, and make of fan favorites from performing arts students around
the school.”
life-lasting memories. the Pride of the Bears, on “It’s an easygoing environment
“I was super shy my freshman Nov. 5 through Nov. 7 at
year,” Akey said. “Band really too, because everyone develops
seven p.m. bonds and gets close with their
brought me out of my shell. It’s cast mates. It’s really fun to make
such a fun group to be around,
and I couldn’t be more glad that I memories and perform with
friends,” Harding said.
joined.” The Bulletin| PAGE 24
student life
get tickets for the competitions and concert dates. interests together for one goal-- to
“Orchestra has made me more sing and perform. Through this
winter play, The Holiday class, Brown has been able to grow
Channel Christmas Movie appreciative of the community we not just as a singer, but as a person
have here at Berlin since there’s through his experience in choir.
Wonderathon, something here for everyone, and
said. “Choir has opened me up to
with performances different types of people and ways
In orchestra, students come of life and how to interact with
BDec. 4 through Dec. 6. from various backgrounds, friend others,” Brown said.
erlin’s orchestra has made groups, and interests, but the love
themselves a crucial part of of music brings them together. Brown is involved as a student and
our school’s musicals and is part of the Berlin Lacrosse team
performing arts, but the dedication Balakrishnan is involved in the and theatre. Although he was not in
and time put into the program can Berlin community by participating the fall production, he hopes to take
sometimes be overlooked. in Model UN, Environmental Club, part in the winter musical.
and Student Council. However,
“Many people don’t see how much she enjoys orchestra the most A part of choir since sixth grade
work we put into our performances, because of the stress-free and fun at Berkshire Middle School, Brown
starting with rehearsals. We work environment. advanced into Tenor Bass choir.
hard every day to build relationships Coming so far, he still believes
with each other and improve our “Do what you love and try not that perfecting the music is not
skills as musicians,” junior Sanjna to care about what other people the most gratifying thing. Instead,
Balakrishnan said. say or think since there is a whole
community here ready to welcome whole choir, even with “bumps
With a limited amount of time you no matter what.” Balakrishnan and bruises” is his favorite part
each day spent practicing all of the experience of a song. The
together in the orchestra room, Tsaid. sound of the whole choir is the most
students dedicate themselves in and he choir department of impactful. He suggests that you
out of school to their instruments, Berlin leads the school when hear it for yourself.
working hard to perfect songs for singing the Alma Mater, but
not only do they unite the school “Choir and all the arts, all of them
together to create a group in which have something unique and special
affects the entire ensemble. This to them and you should try one of
makes the Berlin choir spectacular them out,” Brown said.
on its own.
you think you just, oh, listen to it the choir program has
on the piano and do it all as a choir, a concert on Oct. 24,
but there’s more homework and We hope to see you
things you do by yourself to advance
the whole choir,” freshman Jacob there.
Brown said.
The arts, especially choir,
combine people of different
The Bulletin| PAGE 25
A “Bear”y
Spooky madlib
written and designed by Iva Horman ‘24
Once upon a time, ______________ was walking through a(n) _____________
teacher name adjective
alley. The clock was about to strike _________ o’clock. ____________ felt a
time teacher name
shiver run through their body. All of a sudden, ____________ began growing
teacher name
___________ all over their body and ___________ out of their hands and feet.
noun noun
_______ fell on all fours and began _____________. ______________ had just
pronoun verb with -ing teacher name
become ____________. _______ started to roam the streets of _____________.
monster name pronoun city
People saw the creature and began _____________ and _____________. After
verb with -ing verb with -ing
seeing all the commotion, __________ ran into _________. _________ saw a
teacher name place pronoun
bunch of other teachers and they begin to recognize who the monster is.
“OMG! Is that ____________?” _______________ said. The monster
teacher name other teacher name
__________ and darted towards the alley where they were cursed.
past tense verb
“WHY? WHY ME?” ___________ cried. Turn in your completed
MADLIB for a Halloween
teacher name
The Bulletin| PAGE 26
Community sponsors
The Bulletin| PAGE 27
Olentangy Berlin High School 3140 Berlin Station Road Delaware, Ohio 43015