VOL V | MAY 2021
Betterment of Leoism
• My Story
• Embrace the Reality
Passion into Profession
Humanity into Action
• Nenasara Athwela
• Aruthbara Hetakata - Panhinda Seya
• Femina
• Graceful Heart
• Grateful Givers
• First Aid
• Green Hearts
Future Expeditions 24
• Sanhida 27
• Adventure Awaits 29
• Don’t Be An Ant
• Breath For Growth 3
• Extravaganza
• Helping Hands
• H20
• Sangabisheka
• Soul
Editors’ Note
Team Behind
MY Story
The inaugural project of the Youth enthusiastic audience.Also, when
Development Avenue of Leo Club of the audience requested Mr. Ma-
University of Kelaniya for the term hinda Prasad Masimbula to write a
20/21,“MY STORY” is a very impactful new novel and he was so happy and
virtual project conducted with the aim of stated that “it gave the encourage-
empowering the youth in Sri Lanka.The ment to start another novel”. Mrs.
Organizing committee of MY STORY Raini Charuka Gunathilake, being
shared and translated 5 inspiring stories an amazing personality, sang a song
of well-known successful personalities in for the delegates to appreciate the
the world inorder to motivate the youth; active engagement of them. She was
Jack Ma, Barack Obama, Emma thankful to the organizing com-
Watson, Michael Jackson and Muham- mittee for conducting projects like
mad Ali.Simalteneously, a competition this to share their stories and also
was organized for membership in the to let at least one person learn and
Youth Development Avenue to share their empower something from others’
life stories and gifting the top 5 experi- stories. MY STORY is another suc-
ence sharing with the sponsorships we cessful project of Leo club of Uni-
raised from Gift Mart. Further, the open versity of Kelaniya with immense
space for the public to share life stories good feedback by multiple leos and
using the Padlet, paved the way for many external stakeholders.
beautiful life stories which helped to em-
power aspiring young leaders. There was
an enthusiastic participation by Leos and
non-leos and the organizing committee
managed to send certificates to the top
10 experience sharings on Padlet as well
as a token of appreciation.
Moreover, MY STORY conducted a vir-
tual session with three famous person-
alities in Sri Lanka to share their stories
to motivate and inspire others and it im-
mensely assisted Youth Empowerment
and Public Relationships management of
the club. Mr. Ajith Mohan Perera who is
famous for pottery, Mrs. Raini Charuka
Goonatilake, the famous singer and Mr.
Mahinda Prasad Masimbula, the veter-
an writer, helped youth see their lives in
different perspectives and motivated the
audience to be an outstanding individual.
During the event,each guest speaker got
half an hour to share their stories along
with a question & answer round with the
Embrace the
Realit y“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me.
Because humans want to save things that they love.”
Steve Irwin
Being an organization, which mainly consists of youth, LEOs of University of Kelaniya are very
conscious and aware of the problems faced by Sri Lankan youth. Moreover, as a responsible
group of young people, they are keen on finding solutions for the problems that exist in Sri
Lankan society, especially among the younger generation. Therefore, the LEOs of University
of Kelaniya identified that in Sri Lanka, many young people and adults face various difficulties
due to the lack of awareness related to sexual education as discussing about sex is considered a
taboo by most of the Sri Lankans.
Project “Embrace the Reality” was organized with the initial intention of reducing the knowl-
edge gap which exists related to sexual education in Sri Lanka. Since there is an insufficient
knowledge on sexual education, it leads to various other problems like sexual, mental, and
physical abuse. Moreover, since there is a lack of proper methods to receive correct and valid
information on sexual education, many Sri Lankans get educated in indirect ways which leads
finally into creating misconceptions and myths about sex, sexuality, and reproductive health.
As a result, many people face gender-based violence and harassment, sexuality- based discrim-
ination, early and unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV AIDS,
and other social issues. Therefore, the project aimed to serve the young generation to develop
and strengthen their ability to make conscious, satisfying, healthy and respectful choices re-
garding sexuality, emotional and physical health.
Firstly, a poster campaign was organized to spread awareness about sexuality, sexual health,
myths, and misconceptions related to sexuality, and laws related to sexuality. The poster cam-
paign was held during seven days through major social media platforms covering a vast range
of topics such as sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights,
safe sex, and birth control.
Next, a webinar was organized to educate the public mainly on sexuality and sexual health
with the participation of a guest speaker to educate people regarding issues on sexuality, and
sexual health with proper medical guidance. Dr. Kamal S. Jayasekara, Psychiatrist, Training
Consultant, and a promoter of health, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He gave his con-
mtrie6bduitciaolngtuoideadnuccea.tHe iisndinivteidlluecatlus arlegcaaprdaicnitgy issues on sexuality, and sexual health with proper
thing regarding sexuality, and health. and firsthand experiences helped to clarify every-
Finally, another webinar was conducted to share the legal as-
pects of sexual issues which was conducted by Mr. Nalin De
Silva, Attorney – at – law, of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka,
Treasurer at Bar Association of Sri Lanka, and former Assis-
tant Director of Bribery Commission. He clearly defined the
laws relating to sexuality and how individuals should protect
themselves from illegal sexual behaviors and sexual harass-
ments, and further discussed sexual and reproductive health
rights, harassment laws and age of consent.
This project was carried out with the objectives of educating
youngsters about sexuality, sexual health, myths, and mis-
conceptions while empowering individuals to comprehend
their sexual responsibility and prevent crimes and abuse
that take place in the current society. At the end of the proj-
ect, the project was greatly appreciated by the people who
participated for the webinars. Many participants mentioned
that the webinars were a platform for them to be open, re-
laxed and comfortable with the topics discussed, and they
further emphasized that it was vitally important to have
proper knowledge about sexuality and sex related issues,
and specifically the legal aspect of sex related issues to create
an abuse and crime free society. Eventually, it was identified
that sex education is an important dimension of education
which is as important as other dimensions such as social,
rational and moral education.
The project activities of the project “Embrace the Reality”
were conducted during the 10th of January 2021 and 19th of
January 2021 with the participation of more than hundred
and seventy young people from across the country. The proj-
ect was organized by the Crime and Accident Prevention,
and Quality Education and Literacy avenues of the LEO
Club of University of Kelaniya. LEO Hasanjale Gunaward-
ana, LEO Rusini Athapaththu, and LEO Vinuri Nisansa hold
the positions of the Project Chairman, Project Secretary, and
Project Treasurer, respectively.
PA Passion into
Ms. Otara
In your opinion, who is Otara Gunewardene?
A citizen of Sri Lanka on a journey to help bring pos-
itive change to people, animals, the communities and
the environment of Sri Lanka.
Passion into VOL V | MAY 2021 ISSUE
You are a renowned entrepreneur, and an 9
animal rights activist in Sri Lanka. Could
you tell us a bit about your career journey?
My career has been unexpected to what I
imagined it to be but I believe it is a path I
have been made to follow. From a biologist,
to entrepreneur, advocate and more but at
the end of the day I am doing what my child-
hood dream was , to help protect nature and
animals and to provide the people with op-
Have there been any moments where you could change
the perception that you had about your life goals?
My life goals or life’s path has been the same from as far back as I
can remember. As a child I wanted to create a safe country for peo-
ple and animals and for nature to thrive. Nothing has changed with
that vision. Things that I have been involved with along the way has
given me the opportunity to do this by providing employment for
thousands, helping the economy by bringing in foreign investments
to my business, making people see the suffering we cause to ani-
mals, the need for environmental protection etc..
What are the major obstacles that you have faced when
turning your passion into your profession? And how have
you overcome them?
When you have a new idea many don’t see it as something that will
work so it is often a lonely journey to create and make the vision a
reality and to make it work. After it gets going of course there are
many supporters and then many who follow and do the same thing
too. The beginning of everything I have started has always come
with this challenge. I am lucky though to have a family who has
supported me with what many parents could have seen as “ mad-
ness”! I was always encouraged and supported to be who I am.
How do you handle criticisms, especially when you are
faced with negative criticisms?
Well of that there have been many, especially when you try to bring
change to age old practices of animal abuse which have been nor-
malized in society. I myself have been a victim of this. We used
to think it was ok to keep animals in cages and pay to go and see
them, to ride elephants, to watch them dressed up and paraded. We
are virtually brainwashed into believing many things and almost
always it has a monetary value behind it for those doing it. We have
to start looking beyond what we have been taught. So many things
are wrong even if they are legally correct. I don’t want to live a life
where I cause harm to animals or people. From what I eat, to what
I buy to any of my actions. That’s how we all should be. No animal
wants to die or suffer or live in captivity on chains and in cages. Hu-
manity is being human to both animals and people.
What would be the one advice that you would give
to a young person out there who is hesitant to turn
his/ her passion into profession?
It is your life, it is your vision. Only you know deep
down what you should be doing. Parents , friends ,
advisors are all people who say things based on their
experience and knowledge. Of course there are things
to learn from them but the life journey is yours.
What motivates you, and is there anything you
want to tell to the youth who might be struggling
Don’t have expectations based on what you see of oth-
ers. You can of course have a goal to achieve some-
thing similar but your path may be different. The big-
gest struggle comes when we really want something
that we don’t have. Be grateful for what is in your life
however small it may be. Gratitude brings abundance.
In this world with social media I feel the “ desire” has
increased and along with that the personal struggle.
What is one other job you would have pursued, if
it weren’t for entrepreneurship?
I wanted to be a park ranger in a wildlife park like
Yala, wilpattu or somewhere in Africa! I actually ap-
plied for a job when I was 17 in Kenya and was given
the job but never went.
What are three qualities that you think that one
needs to have to turn one’s passion into profession?
Love for what you do, dedication, wanting to help oth-
ers. To serve for the greater good of all.
What is one quote that you live your life by?
“Be grateful. A grateful heart can make miracles hap-
First AID
“foOruoruorswenlvessafferotymisthtehaecbciedset nptr.”evention
- Ravi Sathasivam
‘Hadisiyakata Sumithuru – Prathamadara Suruvi- yÈiaishlg iqñ;=re VOL V | MAY 2021 ISSUE
ru’ is a service project focused on Crime and Acci- m%:udOdr iqrúre 13
dent Prevention in Horahinella Sumana College in
Rathnapura. The school is situated in a rural area
and the school playground is unsafe for students as
it is not well built. Therefore, there is the risk of ex-
periencing accidents which might lead to simple in-
juries, serious wounds or fractures.The project was
conducted with the aim of serving 100 students who
are studying in grade 8-11 and the school teachers
of R/H Sumana College by conducting an awareness
program and a donation program of first aid box
with the motive of preventing accidents and ensur-
ing the safety of students.
Furthermore, the awareness program and first aid
training was done since it was crucial for the staff
and students to be well equipped with first aid skills
in order to contribute to enhancing the safety of the
school. Since the school playground was not well
built and the first aid box was not well-maintained,
it tends to be dangerous when an emergency occurs.
With the awareness program to enhance the knowl-
edge on first aid, it was hoped that the victim can
be given initial assistance until the doctor arrives or
the victim is taken to the nearest hospital.The de-
tailed session by Mrs. Jayanthi Premathilake who
is a Public Health sister and First aid instructor of
St. John Ambulance Service was immensely helpful
and covered the areas such as the role of a first aid-
er, safety precautions,introduction to first aid, basic
life support, wounds and bleeding, medical emer-
gencies, and bandages and dressing. Also, at the
end of the training and awareness program the Leos
donated a first aid box and medicine to the school
health teacher, Ms. Dulmini to ensure the safety of
students of Horahinella Sumana College.
The school staff and the students were very appre-
ciative of the thoughtful gesture done by the Leos in
University of Kelaniya.
keKir w;aje,
“Education is the most power ful weapon keKir w;aje,
which you can use to change the world.”
– Nelson Mandela - keKir w;aje,
Education is an investment which is crucial for eliminating gender inequality, reduc-
ing poverty, creating a sustainable planet, preventing needless deaths and illness,
and fostering peace. ‘Nenasara Athwela’ is also one such initiative to educate the
O/L students amidst a global pandemic. Since the schools were closed to control the
spread of COVID-19 specially, in Sri Lanka. Remote learning was encouraged to avoid
the disruption of education.
‘Nenasara Athwela’ is an online seminar series by Quality Education and Literacy
avenue which was conducted for the GCE Ordinary Level students. This seminar series
was focused on 7 main subjects; Science, Mathematics, History, English and Sinhala.
Since it was seen that the students’ exam stress was affecting their performance,
a motivational seminar was also organized to improve the positive attitude of stu-
dents. Hence, by gathering the necessary information for the project, coordinating
the speakers for the seminars and bringing in monetary donations, Leos managed
to maintain the continuous flow of the whole project on a virtual platform with a
remarkable amount of participants.
Further, our own Leos and undergraduates of University of Kelaniya gave their
support by preparing the students for the exam with past exam papers and mod-
el papers discussions. The 3-hour long tutor programs were conducted by Harshana
Sandakelum, Leo Kasuni Perera, Leo Saliya Bandara,Leo Navod Dunusinghe and Leo
Sasantha Indrajith.The project was an immense success since the organizing com-
mittee had to organize another Science seminar before the exam upon the request of
the students.
Also, Motivation is an important predictor of learning and achievement. Therefore,
Mr. Terrance Weerawardena who is a Personal Skills Development tutor and English
Language Lecturer was invited to relieve students’ stress and to motivate them to
study and perform better at exams. In conclusion, the project ‘Nenasara Athwela’
which helped more than 100 O/L students to improve their education,was a remark-
able project that gained multiple positive feedbacks.
Green Heart
“Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it
and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You
are just talking”
-Wangari Maathai-
Sri Lanka has been named as one of the VOL V | MAY 2021 ISSUE
25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. This
indicates the richness of its biological di- Mr. Samarakoon, the chairperson of the
versity manifested by the wide range of project who was appointed by the Forest
ecosystems and species therein. However, Department supported us to select a place
clearing forests by setting fire to it, has be- for conducting our project. The Leos were
come a serious challenge to protecting the required to conduct following in order to
forest cover in Sri Lanka. According to the ensure the project was impactful ; selec-
statistics, during the last four years, the to- tion of a ground which is spread over an
tal fire damage is 5,619.18 hectares. These acre for the tree planting, identification
forest fires have caused serious adverse ef- of the plants which are grown well in the
fects to the biodiversity in mountainous area and the climate of the relevant area,
ecosystems. recognition of the animal kinds who are
Green Hearts, which is a tree-planting a threat for the newly planted plants and
campaign under the project category of getting to know about the solutions for
Environment Wildlife and Life Below Wa- protecting the plantation from those
ter, was carried out at the area in which threats. Also,it was required to learn about
wildfire erupted in the Hanthana Moun- the standard planting steps which was ex-
tain range. Hanthana hill is a home for plained by the advisor, Mr. Samarakoon.,-
many animals such as120 different species discover the invasive bushes and plants
of birds, wild boars, hares, monkeys, leop- which are declining the growth of other
ards, foxes, hedgehogs etc. The freshwater plants.Also, 2 follow-up visits were done
springs on the western end of Hantha- after the project to track plants’ mainte-
na feed the waters of the Mahaweli river. nance. Amidst many challenges, the time-
Therefore, an awareness program on En- ly and thoughtful project was conducted
vironmental Conservation was conduct- successfully,while achieving the key ob-
ed with the support of the Forest Depart- jectives of the project.
ment, Central Environmental.
As responsible citizens, the Leos of Uni-
versity of Kelaniya, took steps to conserve
the environment by planting 200 plants in
Hanthana mountain with the support of
the Forest Department and Janatha State
Development Board..
The ‘FEMINA’ project is a one-day service pro- The funds that are necessary for the do-
ject which was organized by the LEO Club of nations and other activities of the proj-
University of Kelaniya, on the 06th of February ects were collected mainly through a
2021 at the Gramaniladhari Division of Ihala social media campaign which was car-
Puliyankulama, Puttalam. This project was held ried out on prominent social media plat-
with the intention of empowering the young forms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and
girls, both physically and psychologically, to Instagram. As a result of the social media
win the challenges they will be experiencing campaign, the LEOs were able to collect
in their daily life. The project was successfully Rs. 41,000 worth monetary donations
conducted as four programs as follows: and Rs. 6756 worth material donations.
• An awareness program on woman hygiene As the first program of the project, an
and sex education awareness program was conducted
focusing mainly on women’s personal
• A donation program of sanitary napkins hygiene, sex education, importance
and masks of maintaining cleanliness, diseas-
es related to women such as womb
• A counseling session cancer. Furthermore, awareness on
• An entertainment program mental and physical harassment was
also shared with the audience while
Since Puttalam district is one of the major areas educating them on the importance
in Sri Lanka which has a higher rate of women and ways of standing against the in-
related problems, Ihala Puliyankulama village was justices that are caused to them. Next,
selected which is in fact an underprivileged village sanitary napkins were donated to this
with low-income families. The LEOs of University group of young girls with the inten-
of Kelaniya visited this village and gathered infor- tion of promoting a healthy lifestyle
mation about the concerns in the area, especially by improving their personal hygiene.
about the low-income families who will be bene- Parallel to the donation of sanitary
fited through the project. With the support of the napkins, N95 high quality face masks
Grama Niladhari of the village, 30 girls were se- were also donated.
lected as the beneficiaries of the project “Femina”.
First, several issues and challenges that women
in Sri Lanka face usually were identified. Among
them, the most prominent issues faced by wom-
en are, lack of awareness on sex education,
ignorance of personal hygiene due to financial
difficulties, ignorance on sex education, physi-
cal and mental harassments, and child marriages.
Also, it was found out that most of the time, the
young girls in rural areas are challenged by the
As the third program of the agenda, a counseling program was conducted by the LEOs of
University of Kelaniya focusing mainly on education and future career opportunities. The LEO
members personally engaged with them and shared their experiences while listening to their
problems related to education. Finally, an entertainment program was conducted with the aim
of providing the girls with a space to relax and express themselves through different ways.
In conclusion, it can be mentioned that the LEO Club of University of Kelaniya could mark the
end of yet another successful project by uplifting the personality of the young girls and the qual-
ity of their lives by empowering them both physically and mentally. Moreover, project “FEMINA”
was a very empowering, and interactive project that gave the LEOs a memorable experience.
This successful project was chaired by LEO Chamodi Wickramasooriye while LEO Nipuni Anu-
shika Lowe and LEO Kaushalya Fernando hold the positions of the Project Secretary and Proj-
ect Treasurer, respectively.
The ‘Grateful Givers’ project is a two-day ser- “Giving is not just about making a donation.
vice project which was organized by the LEO It is about making a difference.”
Club of University of Kelaniya, that was con-
ducted on 26 of February 2021 and 6th of - Kathy Calvin
March 2021 at the Surasa Special Education
School and Home for Girls with special needs,
Moratuwa with the main intention of uplifting
the quality of life of the differently abled chil-
Surasa Special Education School and Home for
Girls with special needs was the home for 30
girls with special needs, and the LEO members
of University of Kelaniya identified that there
are several problems that these children face
daily. Among those, lack of necessities to cover
up the daily need of food was the most prom-
inent issue which prevailed in the Surasa Spe-
cial Education Centre. Another issue that was
noticed was the lack of medicine and dry ra-
tions for children. The pandemic situation has
made their situation worse as the donors were
unable to visit the center physically and donate
the necessary items
As the project name suggests, this project was
all about giving, sharing, and showing appreci-
ation and love for the people who are really in
need. Therefore, to spread the message of the
importance of giving, and getting the support
of the general public towards making this pro-
gramme a success, the organizing committee
of the project started a social media campaign
through main social media platforms such as
Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. As a re-
sult of the campaign Rs. 17, 800 worth mone-
tary donations, and Rs. 24, 764 worth material
donations were received.
The project commenced on the 26th of Febru-
ary and all the donations were handed over to
the Surasa Special Education School and Home
for Girls with Special needs, Moratuwa. The
donated goods were given as per the request
of the management to relieve their hunger and
improve the wellbeing and the quality of life of
the children with down syndrome. Then, some
of the LEO members visited the home on 06th
of March 2021, to spend some quality time
with the differently abled girls as uplifting their
mental wellbeing is as important as taking care
of their material necessities.
In conclusion, ‘Grateful Givers’ project was a
collaborative, and impactful project organized
by the LEO Club of University of Kelaniya,
through which the Leos were able to enrich
and support a needful group of young girls in
Sri Lankan society. This successful project was
chaired by LEO Roshenka Fernando and LEO
Rusini Gunawardena. LEO Dumindu San-
daruwan and LEO Imesha Pramodi hold the
positions of the Project Secretary and Project
Treasurer, respectively.
Graceful Heart
Sri Lanka generates 7000 MT of solid waste
per day with the western province accounting
for nearly 60% of waste generation. Each per-
son generates an average of 1-0.4kg of waste
per day. According to the Waste Management
Authority and the Central Environmental Au-
thority, only half of waste generated is collected
in Sri Lanka. Therefore, responsible disposing
of waste has become a huge problem faced by
Sri Lanka.
Project “Graceful Heart” was conducted by the
LEO Club of University of Kelaniya in order to
find a sustainable solution for the problem of
proper waste management and make the pub-
lic aware of the importance of responsible con-
sumption and waste management. The project
was successfully conducted as three programs
as mentioned below.
• A donation program of dry rations, san-
itary products, medicine with a healthy
lunch packet to the sanitary workers
• A beach cleaning program
• A garbage bin establishment program
The project was conducted on 23rd of March
2021 in Borella city and the beach area in Well-
awatta from 7 AM to 3 PM. A social media
campaign was launched in major social media
platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and
Instagram, mainly to spread awareness on the
project, through which the project organizing com-
mittee was able to receive Rs. 34, 250 worth mone-
tary donations, and Rs. 32, 000 worth material do-
Considering the low nutritious level and the strug-
gle of the sanitary workers to overcome poverty,
the LEOs prepared dry ration packs with the most
essential daily items. Also, the essential medicinal
items such as sanitizers, face masks, and other es-
sential medicine were gathered to ensure the health
and safety of the sanitary workers of the Borella
area. In addition, each worker was provided with a
pair of sandals and hand gloves as a measure to en-
sure their safety. As the final activity of the project,
a healthy lunch was given to the sanitary workers in
appraisal of their hard work.
Then a cleaning program was conducted, and
dustbins were placed in the Wellawatte beach by
the LEOs of University of Kelaniya, to encourage
people to dispose of their waste in a proper man-
ner. Furthermore, a waste collecting programme
was also conducted. Therefore, through the project
“Graceful Heart”, the LEOs of University of Kelani-
ya were able to improve the standard of waste col-
lecting services by lending a helping hand to those
city cleaners who are committed in their services.
Furthermore, a positive message was transmitted to
the society on the importance of responsible con-
sumption and waste management.
This successful project was chaired by LEO Chami-
ni Lakshika, and LEO Maheshi Pavithra while LEO
Ishini Sithumini and LEO Vinuri Nisansa hold the
positions of the Project Secretary and Project Trea-
surer, respectively.
AURORA MAGAZINE Throughout the project, we hope to renovate their
resources, upscale their facilities, conduct motiva-
FUTURE tional sessions and make good educational envi-
ronment for students.
The Leoism of the Leos of University of Kelani-
ya is so inspiring due to their resilience and pas-
sion to do greater good. This movement of young
leaders who have envisioned a vast impact and
change in the world.Being really committed to this
good cause, they have well-thought out plans and
well-defined set of goals to change the world for
the better. The farsighted and agile Leos have been
flexible and thoughtful in identifying community
needs and building an impactful project around it.
They have been engaged in creative and impactful
initiatives to do greater good in the community
and have planned multiple stupendous projects for
the future as well.
Here is a glimpse into the future expeditions of
the resilient LEOs of University of Kelaniya. It is
evident that these young Leos will turn their fu-
ture-forward visions into actions and make a pos-
itive change in the world amidst these challenging
Project Sanhida is one of the best and biggest ser-
vice projects conducted by Leo Club of University
of Kelaniya. As Leos, in the contribution towards
the community with an emphasis on the develop-
ment of Education and Literacy, there is an obliga-
tion to conduct something meaningful and fruitful
rather than just flowing with the current trends
and project Sanhida is one of the best examples for
this. Project ‘Sanhinda’ will be conducted at Ala-
kolamada Vidyalaya, Matale for three days.
The project “ADVENTURE AWAITS” is the 2nd SOUL
project which will be done by the Youth Develop-
ment Avenue of Leo Club of University of Kelaniya “Donate blood, Save lives”
for the term 20/21. This is going to be a physical ‘Soul’ is a service project, which will be conducted
project with many activities in which the youth are at Dharma Shasthrodaya Piriwen Viharaya Pili-
given an opportunity to take up a challenge and to yandala on 11th of April 2021. This project will be
face it bravely. This project is going to be an educa- consisted of three programs namely, an awareness
tional trip where the Leos are taught self-guarding session on eye care and an eye screening program
tactics while bonding with fellow Leos. We hope to along with a blood donation campaign.
motivate our Leos to take up more challenges and We generated the idea when we saw a post circu-
to face them with courage through this project. lating in social media that the blood bank is facing
a huge problem due to lack of blood in the bank.
BREATH FOR After that, we decided to implement this project
GROWTH together with an eye testing campaign.
"Breath for growth" is a project aimed at the bio-
diversity of Sri Lanka's mangroves and associated
ecosystems, as well as the protection afforded to
coastal areas by a mangrove ecosystem. We hope
to plant 500 mangroves at the Rathgama Lagoon
Sanctuary and release 5,000 baby prawns into the
lagoon under the guidance of the Department of
Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Man-
agement and The National Aquatic Resources
Research and Development Agency to make this
more effective and accurate. We also intend to
conduct a social media awareness campaign on the
importance of the mangrove ecosystem to prevent
rapid mangrove destruction.
We are expecting to provide mineral water filters to
10 low income families in Sangilikanadarawa area of
Medawachchiya. One or two members of each family
is suffering from kidney disease due to the unsafe and
unclean water consumption. However, as they have not
got enough financial support, they cannot afford filters
and they are drinking unclean water daily. This has a
negative impact on their health and therefore, we’ve
decided to conduct project ‘H2O’ and make available
of clean water for them.
The project “EXTRAVAGANZA” is the final project
which will be done by the Youth Development Ave-
nue of Leo Club of University of Kelaniya for the term
20/21. This is going to be a virtual talent show which is
organized in order to enhance the talents of the youth.
This project will provide the opportunity for the par-
ticipants to show their talents in different categories
such as singing, dancing, instrumental playing, draw-
ing and crafting etc. through videos and images of
them performing their talents. Performances will be
uploaded to a Facebook page, where selected contes-
tants will be awarded for their talents
It’s with great pleasure and humble pride that
we present you the 5th volume of AURORA,
the official newsletter of Leo club of university
of Kelaniya.We, as the editor panel has aspired
to capture the unwavering commitment of the
astounding Leo members of University of Ke-
laniya.The resilient Leo family of University
of Kelaniya has proven their excellence once
again through the multiple projects that were
conducted throughout the year 20/21. This
newsletter is also a testimonial of the ardent
passion of the Leos of University of Kelani-
ya to do greater good and strive for excellence
by adapting and overcoming all the obstacles.
We also extend our heartiest gratitude to the
empowering and inspiring Ms.Gaia Kodith-
uwakku for accepting our humble invitation
and taking her time for the second interview
of the “ Passion into profession” interview
series and thereby adding much more val-
ue to the newsletter with amazing insights.
Hiruni Udumulla Arachchi
Leo club in University of Kelaniya
It is with great pleasure and honour that we
present to you the fifth edition of “AURORA”;
the official newsletter for the year 2020/2021.
We, as the editors panel, aspired to capture
all the inspiring stories of brave and futur-
istic members of the LEO Club of Universi-
ty of Kelaniya who, despite all the challeng-
es that they faced since the beginning of the
last year, tried to bring out positive change
towards nature, society and its communities.
This is also a testimonial of their unwaver-
ing commitment and kindness blended with
flourishing creativity and innovativeness that
illustrated the true potential and necessity of
people who are passionate about the well be-
ing of the society while adapting to challeng-
es caused by a crisis situation with optimism.
Therefore, we would like to welcome you all to
witness the journey and visions of our brave
warriors throughout this new leoistic year. To-
gether let’s go on a journey of hope and positivity!
Thilini Mediwake
LEO Club of University of Kelaniya
Team Behind
Leo Chethiya Galkaduwa
Leo Club of University of Kelaniya
Leo Thilini Mediwake
Leo Club of University of Kelaniya
Leo Hiruni Udumulla Arachchi
Leo Club of University of Kelaniya