Table of Contents
Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What is ACP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Syllabus Snapshot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Student Preparation Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
BOPPPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Orientation email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Introductory email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Registration document (Pearson website) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Divider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
ACP Presentation – Donna R Sitton, Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Divider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Reflective Essay .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
What is the Adjunct Certification Program at Lone Star College?
Purpose: The purpose of the Adjunct Certification Program is to recognize and reward adjunct faculty who
make a commitment to the System and to provide an opportunity to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
Who can participate: Adjunct faculty who have taught at LSC for at least 2 semesters may apply. Participants
are chosen based upon recommendations from their department chair.
Course structure and objectives: The Adjunct Certification Program is structured around 5 components of
successful instruction. After successfully completing this program participants will be able to
Plan for Learning
o Create a syllabus snapshot
o Create a lesson using the BOPPPS lesson planning moel
o Write SMART lesson objectives
o Identify the levels in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
o Employ effective strategies to encourage students to prepare for class
Employ a Variety of Teaching Strategies
o Define teacher-centered, interactive, experiential, and independent learning techniques
o Locate online lesson repositories and resources
o Incorporate at least one new instructional strategy in a lesson plan
o Create questions that address various levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy
Assess Effectively
o Develop an assessment strategy that aligns with the course outcomes
o Utilize various formative assessment tools that are quick, engaging, and informative
o Create effective subjective and objective tools and processes.
o Cite the principles of effective evaluation.
o Develop an assessment rubric
Use Instructional Technology
o Explain how technology can enhance teaching and learning
o Employ at least one new instructional technology to encourage student engagement
o Locate instructional technology resources
Foster a Positive Learning Environment
o Utilize effective strategies for dealing with various student challenges
o Employ motivational theory to structure classes that foster student motivation to learn
In order to successfully complete the program, participants must:
• Attend ALL 5 face-to-face meetings with the initial cohort and complete all on-line lessons. This occurs
over a nine week period with a time commitment of 26-30 hours.
• Actively participate in online discussion topics.
• Present a 10 minute overview of a completely new lesson
• Complete a reflective essay
• Compile and submit an electronic portfolio of all completed assignments
• Score a minimum of 80% on all required elements of the course
Excel 2016 Introduction Feb 22016 Online
Complete detailed syllabus and instructions have been sent to your
Lonestar email account.
Who is your Donna R. Sitton, Ph.D.
instructor??? [email protected]
* 30+ years teaching experience
Contact * Texas Tech alum
information * Northwestern LA alum
* Mississippi State alum
Fun Facts * Married my high school sweetheart
* Great mom to 3 girls
* Grandmother extraordinaire to 5 Donna
Course description
This course provides instruction in theory/uses of electronic spreadsheets, including applications,
fundamental formula creation, model design and modification, formatting features, display
characteristics, editing, moving and copying, sorting, mathematical, statistical and financial functions,
report generation, and other features. This course is designed to begin to prepare students for the
Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Excel Exam.
Class information ***Do not use D2L!***
Course Dates: ***February 15 – March 15, 2019***
Attendance: Progress is self-paced. You may work on the course at any time, but all required
exercises and exams must be completed within the allotted course time (approximately 4 weeks).
Communication: Main communication between instructor and student is via email (one
provided by student in response to instructor’s Orientation email). Instructor will respond to
student’s emails within 24 hours of posting.
Late Policy: NO late policy. All required exercises and exams must be completed within the
allotted course time.
Grading: The passing or ‘satisfactory’ criteria is 90%, BUT you have an unlimited number of
times to complete every exercise and exam. Only your highest scores are recorded. You work
with the exercises and exams until you score 90% or above. “S” (satisfactory) is for
satisfactory completion of all learning outcomes; “N” (non- Mastery) is when learning outcomes
have not been completed.
Course work environment: All required assignments are completed and submitted online via
MyITLab (Pearson) NOT directly from the etext nor D2L. See Required Materials.
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 02/2019) 1
Required Materials
First, log into your designated email address. Read the Orientation and Introductory
emails and the two attachments (detailed syllabus and MyItLab/Pearson registration instructions)
Second, Access to Microsoft Excel 2016 Software or Office 365
(Earlier versions will not suffice). Office 365 is available to LSC
students without cost.
Third, Registration is required at Your access
and subscription for $99.95 plus tax includes MyITLab for Office 2016
with eText for GO! Series and is valid for one (1) year. Registration details
are provided as an attachment with the Introductory email sent to your
Lonestar email account.
Instructional Outline:
Required Chapters Objectives Activities and Assignments
Chapter 1: 1 – 11 List of required exercises and exams are provided
Creating a Worksheet and in the syllabus attached to the Welcome email.
Charting Data
12 – 23 List of required exercises and exams are provided
Chapter 2: in the syllabus attached to the Welcome email.
Using Functions, Creating
Tables and Managing Large 24 – 30 List of required exercises and exams are provided
Workbooks in the syllabus attached to the Welcome email.
Chapter 3: 31 – 38 List of required exercises and exams are provided
Analyzing Data with Pie in the syllabus attached to the Welcome email.
Charts, Line Charts, and What-
If Analysis Tools
Chapter 4:
Use Financial and Lookup
Functions, Define Names,
Validate Data, Audit
Additional Resources
Student videos for MyITLab for Office 2016: .
These short videos will assist you with working in the online environment.
Student Guides: MyITLab for Office 2016 Student User Guide
For Pearson support:
For LSC Support:
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 02/2019) 2
Excel 2016 Introduction Feb 22016 Online
Complete detailed syllabus and instructions have been sent to your Lonestar email
Who is your Donna R. Sitton, Ph.D.
instructor??? [email protected]
Fun Facts * 30+ years teaching experience
* Texas Tech alum
* Northwestern LA alum Donna
* Mississippi State alum
* Married my high school sweetheart
* Great mom to 3 girls
* Grandmother extraordinaire to 5
Course description
This course provides instruction in theory/uses of electronic spreadsheets, including applications,
fundamental formula creation, model design and modification, formatting features, display
characteristics, editing, moving and copying, sorting, mathematical, statistical and financial functions,
report generation, and other features. This course is designed to begin to prepare students for the
Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Excel Exam.
Class information ***Do not use D2L!***
Course Dates: ***February 15 – March 15, 2019***
Attendance: Progress is self-paced. You may work on the course at any time, but all required
exercises and exams must be completed within the allotted course time (approximately 4 weeks).
Communication: Main communication between instructor and student is via email (one
provided by student in response to instructor’s Orientation email). Instructor will respond to
student’s emails within 24 hours of posting.
Late Policy: NO late policy. All required exercises and exams must be completed within the
allotted course time.
Grading: The passing or ‘satisfactory’ criteria is 90%, BUT you have an unlimited number of
times to complete every exercise and exam. Only your highest scores are recorded. You work
with the exercises and exams until you score 90% or above. “S” (satisfactory) is for
satisfactory completion of all learning outcomes; “N” (non- Mastery) is when learning outcomes
have not been completed.
Course work environment: All required assignments are completed and submitted online via
MyITLab (Pearson) NOT directly from the etext nor D2L. See Required Materials.
BOPPPS LESSON PLAN – Donna R Sitton, Ph.D.
COURSE: ITSWC 2102224 – 2002 Excel I
Lesson Title: Registering and Logging into Excel I
Bridge: This is a combination of two emails and two attachments which are sent to the students after they have registered for a CE course at LSC. It provides
the information students will need to read, view, and follow.
Estimated time: 40 minutes (to read through all the information)
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this pre-course lesson, students will be able to access the online Continuing Education (CE) course.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1. Register for the CE course on the Pearson website.
2. Log into and navigate the online CE course.
Pre-Assessment: Students confirm receipt of course information emails and send me an email address for our source of communication. Item
received upon course registration at LSC is the Syllabus Snapshot. Instructor sends Orientation email, Introductory email, Pearson registration
information, and complete syllabus.
Due to the layout and logistics of the CE courses, the Pre-Assessment and Participatory Learning are very closely related and almost integrated.
Estimated time: 20 minutes
Participatory Learning:
During the CE registration process, the student will be asked to provide the preferred email address, either the Lonestar address or their personal address.
This is crucial since this is the primary source of communication between the student and the instructor. This has not been emphasized in the past thus
resulting in a lack of communication between the instructor and the student. Currently and up to this point, the instructor is only given the student’s Lonestar
email address. In some instances, the student is not even aware of having a Lonestar email account.
CAT: Student Opinion Poll at onset of the course. It is in the form of an email and a corresponding response from the students confirming that (1) they have
received the course information emails and (2) they have provided me with an email address for our source of communication.
Technology: has a visual format so you can connect to students not only by name but also by face. It also allows the sharing of computer
screens in real time. This is similar to a product that I used at Aramco called Centra. It was a real-time virtual office tool which allowed you to talk to students
from anywhere in the world in real time.
Questions: They are included in a separate attachment named Questions.
Rubric: Attached in a separate document.
Time Instructor- facilitated Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
20 min Upon registration, students are given the Syllabus After the student has completed the Lonestar CE Syllabus Snapshot
Snapshot. registration process, the student will be given the Syllabus (attached)
Snapshot. Being familiar with the Snapshot, the CE
representative will ask the student to review it. After being
given 10 – 15 minutes to read the Snapshot, the student
will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Once the student is home (or wherever he/she will be working on the course), he/she will access the designated emails sent by the instructor.
20 min Read the orientation email. This is the first email Read the email. Orientation email
sent to the student from the instructor. View the YouTube videos that are included in the email. (attached)
Contact the instructor via email for any questions.
20 min Read the introductory email. This is the second Read the email. *Introductory email
email sent to the student from the instructor. Read the two attachments. *Detailed syllabus
Contact the instructor via email for any *MyItLab/Pearson
questions/problems. registration instructions
Post-assessment: The objectives are met when students successfully register and navigate the course on the Pearson website.
Estimated time: 20 minutes (Will vary with each student)
Summary: Since this is not a face-to-face lesson, the module is finished once the student has successfully registered and logged into the Pearson website and
has confirmed this action to the instructor in an email.
Estimated time: 10 minutes
Attachments uploaded with the assignment:
Welcome to your upcoming online course LSC Excel 2016 Introduction March 2019.
This message includes links to familiarize yourself with your online class which begins
tomorrow, Friday, 3/15/2018. You will receive another email with the registration
instructions and the syllabus. Your course is not in D2L. Contact me via email with your
questions for this course.
Here is a link to student videos for MyITLab for Office 2016: .
These short videos will assist you with working in the online environment. Once you are
registered, you will work only on the assignments online NOT from the etext.
Additional resources:
• Student Guides: MyITLab for Office 2016 Student User Guide
• For Pearson support:
Please confirm that you received this message by responding to this email. Also, if there is
another email address that you prefer using, please let me know.
Donna R. Sitton, Ph.D.
Welcome to Excel 2016 Introduction online…
I am the instructor for your online Excel 2016 Introduction class. Your class is scheduled to begin
2/15/2019 and end by 3/15/2019. You will need access to MS Excel 2016 on your computer in
order to complete the assignments.
I am attaching two documents to this note:
• Instructions for how to register for this course and purchase access to
• A syllabus for the course which will provide the course objectives and expected learning
outcomes as well as some information that we are required by law and/or school policy to
Please follow the instructions carefully, particularly those regarding "Set Up MyItLab" on the
Course welcome page. Your browser must be set up correctly to avoid experiencing problems
running the Excel simulator.
Each Chapter in the Course includes:
• Access to the online Textbook Chapter -- "Go! With Microsoft Excel 2016 – Comprehensive"
and access to the files you will need to complete the chapter projects. How much of the text
you chose to read and work through is up to you. You will not be scored on what you do in
the text.
• Student Videos covering the Chapter (Optional)
• An Excel simulation exercise for the chapter (required)
• One or more "Homework Exercises" (all required) -- These exercises have different names
and instructions. In the chapters you will be completing, these exercises are submitted to an
automated grader.
• An End-Of-Chapter Quiz which is self-scoring (Required)
For all of the graded projects the passing criteria is 90%, but you have an unlimited number of
opportunities to complete the task. Only your highest score is recorded. You should work with the
exercises until you score 90% or above.
Contact me by e-mail when you have questions or need assistance. I normally will respond within
24 hours. Because there have been issues recently with Lonestar’s email system, please use
both of these e-mail addresses – [email protected] and [email protected]. Do not
use the e-mail or message system within MyItLab.
Please confirm that you received this email by responding to both of my emails that I have provided
Donna. R. Sitton, Ph.D.
Continuing Education Syllabus
LSC Excel 2016 Introduction Feb 2019–Online
This course provides Instruction in theory/uses of electronic spreadsheets, including applications, fundamental
formula creation, model design and modification, formatting features, display characteristics, editing, moving
and copying, sorting, mathematical, statistical and financial functions, report generation, and other features. This
course is designed to begin to prepare students for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Excel Exam.
Course Title: Excel Introduction 2016 - Online
Course Number ITSWC 2102224
CEU’s: 1.6
Instructional hours 16 (Actual time spent will vary by student)
Prerequisites Computer Fundamentals or equivalent knowledge, plus access to the
Start/End Date Internet, e-mail and Microsoft Excel 2016 or Office 365
Starts on the 15th of each month / ends on the 15th of the following month
Instructor Donna R. Sitton, Ph.D.
Instructor contact information [email protected] and [email protected]
Class Days and Times N/A
Class Room Location N/A
LEARNING OUTCOMES: 16. Format cells with Merge & Center, Cell
Styles and Themes
1. Create, Save and navigate an Excel
workbook 17. Chart data to create a Column chart and
2. Edit data in a worksheet
3. Construct and copy formulas and use the SUM 18. Print a worksheet, display formulas and
close Excel
4. Format cells with Merge & Center, Cell 19. Check spelling in a worksheet
20. Enter data by range
Styles and Themes
5. Chart data to create a Column chart and 21. Construct formulas for mathematical
6. Print a worksheet, display formulas and close 22. Edit values in a worksheet
23. Format a worksheet
7. Check spelling in a worksheet 24. Use the SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MIN,
8. Enter data by range and MAX Functions
9. Construct formulas for mathematical
25. Move data, resolve error messages and rotate
operations text
10. Edit values in a worksheet
11. Format a worksheet 26. Use COUNTIF and IF Functions and apply
12. Use the SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MIN, Conditional Formatting
and MAX Functions 27. Use Date and Time Functions and Freeze
13. Create, Save and navigate an Excel Panes
workbook 28. Create, sort and filter an Excel table
14. Edit data in a worksheet 29. Format and print a large worksheet
15. Construct and copy formulas and use the SUM 30. Navigate a workbook and rename
function worksheets
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 10/2018) 1
31. Enter dates, clear contents and clear formats 40. Design a worksheet for What-If analysis
32. Copy and paste by using the Paste Options 41. Answer What-If questions by changing
Gallery values in a worksheet
33. Edit and format multiple worksheets at the same 42. Chart data with a Line Chart
43. Use Financial functions
time 44. Use Goal Seek
34. Create a summary sheet with common 45. Create a data table
46. Use Defined Names in a formula
Sparklines 47. Use Lookup functions
35. Format and print multiple worksheets in a 48. Validate data
49. Audit worksheet formulas
workbook 50. Use the Watch Window to monitor cell
36. Chart data with a Pie Chart
37. Format a Pie Chart values
38. Edit a workbook and update a chart
39. Use Goal Seek to perform What-If analysis
Progress is self-paced. Students may work on course at any time so long as all course work is completed
within the allotted 4 weeks.
The student’s accomplishment is measured by mastery of the learning outcomes and a letter grade will be
assigned. “S” (satisfactory is assigned for satisfactory completion of all learning outcomes; “N” (non-
Mastery) is assigned when learning outcomes have not been completed.
Activities and Assignments Objectives Evaluation Methods
Creating a Worksheet and 1 – 11 Excel Chapter 1: Simulation Training (Projects A and B)
Charting Data 12 – 23 Excel Chapter 1: Simulation Exam (Projects A and B)
Excel Chapter 1: Project 1A Simulation Training
Using Functions, Creating Excel Chapter 1: Project 1A Simulation Exam
Tables and Managing Large Excel Chapter 1: Project 1B Simulation Training
Workbooks Excel Chapter 1: Project 1B Simulation Exam
XL Ch 1 Grader Project 1E: Steamer Sales (Assessment)
XL Ch 1 Grader Project 1F: Dispenser Sales
XL Ch 1 Grader Project 1G: Regional Restaurant Sales
Excel Chapter 1: End of Chapter Quiz
Excel Chapter 2: Simulation Training (Projects A and B)
Excel Chapter 2: Simulation Exam (Projects A and B)
Excel Chapter 2: Project 2A Simulation Training
Excel Chapter 2: Project 2A Simulation Exam
Excel Chapter 2: Project 2B Simulation Training
Excel Chapter 2: Project 2B Simulation Exam
XL Ch 2 Grader Project 2E: Dessert (Assessment)
XL Ch 2 Grader Project 2F: Commercial Compensation
XL Ch 2 Grader Project 2G: Condiments Inventory
Excel Chapter 2: End of Chapter Quiz
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 10/2018) 2
Analyzing Data with Pie 24 – 30 Excel Chapter 3: Simulation Training (Projects A and B)
Charts, Line Charts, and 31 – 38 Excel Chapter 3: Simulation Exam (Projects A and B)
What-If Analysis Tools Excel Chapter 3: Project 3A Simulation Training
Excel Chapter 3: Project 3A Simulation Exam
Use Financial and Lookup Excel Chapter 3: Project 3B Simulation Training
Functions, Define Names, Excel Chapter 3: Project 3B Simulation Exam
Validate Data, Audit XL Ch 3 Grader Project 3E: Investment Projection
Worksheets (Assessment)
XL Ch 3 Grader Project 3F: Benefit Analysis
XL Ch 3 Grader Project 3G: Department Expenses
Excel Chapter 3: End of Chapter Quiz
Excel Chapter 4: Simulation Training (Projects A and B)
Excel Chapter 4: Simulation Exam (Projects A and B)
Excel Chapter 4: Project 4A Simulation Training
Excel Chapter 4: Project 4A Simulation Exam
Excel Chapter 4: Project 4B Simulation Training
Excel Chapter 4: Project 4B Simulation Exam
XL Ch 4 Grader Project 4E: Loan Options (Assessment)
XL Ch 4 Grader Project 4F: Formula Auditing
XL Ch 4 Grader Project 4G: Warehouse Lookup Form
Excel Chapter 4: End of Chapter Quiz
Registration is required at Your access and subscription for
$99.95 plus tax includes MyITLab for Office 2016 with eText for GO! Series and is
valid for one (1) year.
REQUIRED: Access to Microsoft Excel 2016 Software
or Office 365 (Earlier versions will not suffice). Office
365 is available to LSC students without cost.
OTHER MATERIALS: Internet and e-mail access
Courses are evaluated in several ways. Students complete an evaluation for each course they take. The college
supervisor reviews these evaluations and may visit an instructor’s class at some time during the course.
Upon course completion, students receive certificates of completion. Certificates awarding continuing
education units (CEUs) are issued to students either at the end of class or by mail. Additionally, the grade
for the course (S or N) is noted on the individual's official transcript.
One CEU is 10 contact hours of successful completion in an organized continuing education experience. CEUs
are recognized internationally as a measure of substantive professional education and training. Official
transcripts are available upon request from the college admissions office and unofficial transcripts may be
viewed online through your student MyRecords account.
Lone Star College is committed to a high standard of academic integrity in the academic community. In
becoming a part of the academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort.
Failure to uphold these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or
projects, cheating on exams or assignments, collusion on an exam or project, and misrepresentation of
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 10/2018) 3
credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course. Cheating includes looking at or copying from
another student's exam, orally communicating or receiving answers during an exam, having another person
take an exam or complete a project or assignment, using unauthorized notes, texts, or other materials for
an exam, and obtaining or distributing an unauthorized copy of an exam or any part of an exam. Plagiarism
means passing off as his/her own the ideas or writings of another (that is, without giving proper credit by
documenting sources). Plagiarism includes submitting a paper, report or project that someone else has
prepared, in whole or in part. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on assignments designed to be
completed independently. These definitions are not exhaustive. When there is clear evidence of cheating,
plagiarism, collusion or misrepresentation, a faculty member will take disciplinary action including but
not limited to: requiring the student to retake or resubmit an exam or assignment, assigning a grade of zero
or “N” for an exam or assignment; or assigning a grade of “N” for the course. Additional sanctions
including being withdrawn from the course, program or expelled from school may be imposed on a student
who violates the standards of academic integrity.
Law strictly prohibits unauthorized copying of software purchased by the college for use in laboratories. The
college administration will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone violating copyright laws.
Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using the diskettes on more than one computer creates
the possibility of infecting computers and diskettes with a computer virus. This exposes the computers of the
college, your personal computer, and any others you may be using to potentially damaging viruses. The
college has aggressive anti-virus procedures in place to protect its computers but cannot guarantee that a
virus might not temporarily infect one of its machines. It is your responsibility to protect all computers under
your control and use and ensure that each diskette you use, whenever or wherever you use it, has been
scanned with anti-virus software. Since new viruses arise continually, your anti-virus software must be kept
current. And, since no anti-virus software will find every virus, keeping copies of data (backups) is extremely
The Lone Star College System (LSCS) provides computing and network resources to students. You are
encouraged to use the computers, software packages, and electronic mail (e-mail) for educational or LSCS-
related activities and to facilitate the efficient exchange of useful information. However, the equipment,
software, and network capacities provided through the LSCS Computer Services are and remain the property
of LSCS. Use of the equipment and networks must be in compliance with LSCS’s policies and procedures.
Access may be denied to any student not in compliance.
Access to LSCS’s e-mail and similar electronic communications systems are a privilege and certain
responsibilities accompany that privilege. All users are expected to demonstrate the same level of ethical and
professional manner, as is required in face-to-face or written communications. Anonymous or forged
messages will be treated as a violation of this policy.
It is the policy of Lone Star College to provide equal employment, admission and educational opportunities
without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Lone Star College strives to
provide an excellent learning environment free from harassment or intimidation directed at any person’s race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
The Lone Star College System is dedicated to providing the least restrictive learning environment for all
students. The Lone Star College System promotes equity in academic access through the implementation of
reasonable accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section 504
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) which will enable students with disabilities to
participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational activities. If you require reasonable
accommodations because of a physical, mental, or learning disability, please notify the office of student
development for complete information about support services available to students with disabilities.
A qualified disabilities advisor will determine if accommodations are required. It is then the student’s
responsibility to bring required documentation from the office of student development to the instructor that
specifies all required accommodations.
Excel 2016 – Introduction Online Syllabus (updated 10/2018) 4
| MyLab | IT
Student Registration Instructions
To register for LSC Excel 2016 Introduction Nov 2018:
1. Go to .
2. Under Register, select Student.
3. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now.
4. Enter your instructor’s course ID: sitton11615 and Continue.
5. Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In.
You have an account if you have ever used a MyLab or Mastering product.
» If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.
6. Select an access option.
» Enter the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased
separately from the bookstore.
» If available for your course,
• Buy access using a credit card or PayPal.
• Get temporary access.
7. From the You're Done! page, select Go To My Courses.
8. On the My Courses page, select the course name LSC Excel 2016 Introduction Nov
2018 to start your work.
To sign in later:
1. Go to
2. Select Sign In .
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In.
4. Select the course name LSC Excel 2016 Introduction Nov 2018 to start your work.
To upgrade temporary access to full access:
1. Go to .
2. Select Sign In .
3. Enter your Pearson account username and password, and Sign In .
4. Select Upgrade access for LSC Excel 2016 Introduction Nov 2018.
5. Enter an access code or buy access with a credit card or PayPal.
Copyright © 2018 Pearson All Rights Reserved.
1. The use of D2L is a crucial component in taking this CE online Excel course. False
Uses the lower orders of Remembering, Understanding, and Applying.
Multiple Choice:
2. In addition to the MyITLab Student User Guide, which additional resource is available
to students for understanding Pearson’s Excel course access process?
a. e-text Correct answer
b. Lone Star College support
c. D2L Support
d. Student-produced MyITLab videos on YouTube
Uses Evaluation to make a judgment on what is the best choice based on the
information given in the syllabus and course information.
3. The following statements are true regarding the Excel online course except for one
statement. Which statement below is not true for this course?
a. The course lasts approximately four weeks in length.
b. The course’s passing condition is 90% on all required assignments and exams
c. Students are given three chances to achieve a passing grade on each assignment and
exam. Correct answer
d. There is no late policy.
Uses the lower orders of Remembering, Understanding, and Applying.
Correct Order Sequence:
4. Put the following steps in the order necessary to complete successful Excel course
registration and access. Correct order shown below; in a quiz, these would be shuffled.
1. Pay registration/enrollment fee at Lone Star College (LSC) Community Education.
2. Open your preferred email account provided during your LSC enrollment and access
instructor email(s).
3. Read instructions provided in the instructors’ emails
4. Download MS Office 2016 from the link given in the syllabus.
5. Register on Pearson’s website to pay fee for MyITLab.
6. Send an email to the instructor confirming your registration to the MyITLab.
Uses Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating orders to put information into steps that best
achieves the scenario given.
Rubric – Following Instructions
The purpose of this rubric is to assess if students have completed what they were instructed to do upon registering
for this CE course. If they do follow the instructions given to them, it will eliminate the majority of issues that have
been seen in the past upon onset of the course.
Following instructions Excellent Average Poor Points
2 points 1 point 0/3
3 points
Student sent confirmation Student did not send
Student sent receipt of syllabus confirmation receipt of
snapshot via email to the syllabus snapshot via
confirmation receipt of instructor after the course email to the instructor
date start (15th of every
Lone Star College syllabus snapshot via month)
registration email to the instructor
by the course date start
(15th of every month)
Instructor’s Student sent response Student sent response to Student did not send a 0/3
Communications to instructor confirming instructor confirming response email to the
receipt of instructional receipt of instructional instructor
emails and the student’s emails but did not confirm
preferred email address the student’s preferred
email address
Pearson/MyITLab Student registered for Student registered for the Student has not 0/3
Registration the course via the course via the Pearson registered for the course
Pearson website and website but has not paid via the Pearson website
paid the subscription the subscription fee nor has the student paid
fee the registration fee.
April 6, 2019
Donna Sitton, Ph.D.
Online Community Education Courses
• Student Preparation Strategy
• Additional Lesson Highlights
• Reflection
• Syllabus snapshot
BOPPPS 4/5/2019
• Bridge
• Objectives
• Pre-assessment
• Participatory Learning
• Post-assessment
• Summary
• Bridge
• Objectives
Student Learning Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this pre-course module, students will
be able to access the online CE course.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to register for the
CE course.
Lower orders (Remembering, Understanding, and Applying) working
the exercise steps in pre-course module; Upper levels (Analyzing,
Evaluating, and Creating) application of registration process
BOPPPS 4/5/2019
• Objectives continued
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to log into and
navigate the online CE course (Pearson MyITLab website).
Lower orders (Remembering, Understanding, and Applying) working
exercise steps in the pre-course module; Upper levels (Analyzing,
Evaluating, and Creating) application of logging in process
• Pre-assessment - Student Opinion Poll (version) where
students confirm receipt of course information emails and send me
an email address for our source of communication (CAT).
• Participatory Learning – Following instructions in the emails
and attachments.
• Post-assessment – Successful registration and navigation in the
course on the Pearson website.
• Questions
• Tech
• Rubric
CAT 4/5/2019
• Student Opinion Poll at onset of the course. It is in
the form of an email and a corresponding
response from the students confirming that (1)
they have received the course information emails
and (2) they have provided me with an email
address for our source of communication.
• Technology –
• Reaffirms what I have been doing professionally
• Confirmation for the need of this course
especially for non-educators
Reflective Essay
Adjunct Certification Program
Donna R Sitton, Ph.D.
Although I have enjoyed the course, I truly don’t think that I am in the
best teaching situation that has lent itself conducive to the ACP course. As I have
tried conveying, the courses that I teach are completely online. There is
absolutely no F2F contact and minimal phone contact and that is only when
necessary. The entire MS Office course curriculum is on a separate website
(Pearson) and 100% pre-developed. The exercises, exams, and requirements for
the courses have already been determined by Community Education (CE). I have
very few, if any, options to interject any additional course development.
Interestingly enough, teaching courses/classes similar to ACP is what I
have been doing for almost two decades. So do I believe in this type process. .
.definitely! Would I recommend this program. . .wholeheartedly! This type
course is especially useful for those who are in subject areas where instructors’
acumen is almost nonexistent. For instance, those in the medical areas probably
are not accustomed or familiar with instructional strategies. They more than
likely teach the way that they were taught. That is not to say necessarily that was
a good or bad thing. It is to say, especially after hearing comments in class from
persons teaching in medical areas, this course provides much needed
instructional guidance and support.
I have not yet had the opportunity to incorporate any of the tools that I
have discovered or created in the ACP course. One of the reasons is that the CE
courses begin and end the 15th of each month; therefore, the timing has not
allowed an opportunity for me yet to use them. Plus, I would need permission
from CE to incorporate the pre-course module into the course.
It has made me a more effective instructor in that it has reaffirmed the
majority of what I have been sharing with other teaching professionals for many
One suggestion I have for the course is for it to be more organized from
the very beginning. Even at the end of the course creating the PPt, I was
struggling with where or how the different pieces fit together, especially trying
to present them in a logical manner.
Regarding future professional development opportunities, it would be great
to have short-term courses/sessions that teach instructors (full-time and adjunct)
about the various technology resources that are available to LSC faculty. Options
like this may already exist; if they do, it is difficult to ‘find’ them with the
preponderance of information that is online.