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Published by martin, 2019-06-30 17:04:40

I've Got Talent and Ability

I've Got Talent and Ability

Have you ever thought to yourself...

"I've Got Talent, I've Got
Ability, I Know I Could Do A Lot

Better Than I'm Doing Now...
But I Just Don't Know How To

Go About It?"

How You Can Determine Your “Worth” and “Value” To
Your Employer... And How You Can Leverage It To Create

Your Own Business That Rewards You Accordingly

Have you ever thought to yourself...

"I've Got Talent, I've Got Ability, I Know I Could Do
A Lot Better Than I'm Doing Now... But I Just
Don't Know How To Go About It?"

If you have, you're certainly not alone. Fact is, most people in responsible business
positions are overworked, under-appreciated and under paid for the value they provide
their employers. What's more, the majority of them are either not aware of the severity,
or they're okay with it.

The “value” of an employee to a company is measured against the “risk” of having him
or her onboard, and is generally measured in four different areas: Salary, Benefits,
Assigned Budget, and Expectation of Goals.

Value vs. Risk

Let’s say your employer pays you $100,000 a year (Salary) and you have the “normal” 25
percent of salary ($25,000) benefits package (Benefits) that jobs in that range provide.
And let’s assume that you manage a budget of $300,000 (Assigned Budget) that pays for
support staff, vendors, and overhead, and you’re responsible for half a million in sales
(Expectation of Goals).

Your “risk” to the company, then, would be the total of those amounts, or $925,000. In
other words, just to keep you around, you would need to generate $925,000 in sales. Of
course, if you’re in a non revenue generating position, the numbers would work out a
little differently, and your “value” may be determined by other factors such as
efficiency, cost savings, etc.

The numbers we’ve just calculated are “break even” numbers. And most companies are
not in business to just break even. They’re looking for profits. And the more profits a
person can produce, either in the form of additional revenue or reduced costs, the
greater “value” that employee is to the company.

The 10-to1 Rule

Simple math reveals that if you’re paid $125,000 in salary and bonuses, and you need to
generate $925,000 just for the company to break even on what you’re paid, that you’ll
need to generate somewhere in the vicinity of 10 times what you’re paid to justify your
employment with the company.

Now stop for a minute and think about what you know and what you do for your

company, and how you’re compensated.

You’re actually working for 1/10th of your “value” to your company!

Unfortunately, the “value” you bring to your company is not necessarily under your
control. No matter how much you personally contribute to your company, no matter
how much you save them, how much you earn for them, or how many valuable ideas
you develop for them, if the company fails, is sold, or the government, the economy, or
some other force that you have no control over causes the business to no longer need
your services, that “value” can very quickly become no value to them.

It’s important to remember that businesses are in business to make a profit. And a profit
is simply what is left over when you subtract the costs and expenses from the revenue.
If costs and expenses stay the same and revenue increases, the result is more profits.
And conversely, if revenue stays the same and costs and expenses decrease, profits also

Two Ways to Grow a Business

In reality, there are only two ways to grow a business. ONLY two ways. But before we
get into that discussion it’s important to define what “grow” means. “Growing a
business” could mean adding more employees, more facilities or locations, more stock
and inventory, or any number of other things. But for our purposes, let’s define
“growing a business” as increasing the business’s profits. After all, profits are the only
thing that really matters.

So then, what are the two ways to grow a business (or increase profits)? First, you can
increase revenues, or the amount of money that the business generates. And second,
you can reduce expense, or spend less. That’s it. That’s all you can do. Of course, there
are countless ways to accomplish any one of those two goals, and those are a topic for
another discussion.

Young and Cheap

But let’s get back to you and the value you provide your company. Generally, over time,
the amount of money a person a person is paid by the company he or she works for
increases. They get raises, cost of living increases, etc. So the cost of employing that
person becomes greater as time goes by. And if the revenue that they generate or that
is responsible for supporting them doesn’t increase proportionately, profits decrease
and the risk burden to the company increases.

What that means is, the company needs to get more out of their longer-term employees
than they do from their newer hires. The more you make the more you have to produce,
and the more control your employer has over you. If you happen to be a salaried

employee, you can be required to work overtime, on weekends, or even on holidays.
And if you don’t like it, you can most likely be replaced by someone who is younger,
cheaper, and who is thrilled to get the job that you had.

The twist of the knife is that because that employee is younger, more enthusiastic, is
thrilled to have a job that pays them – even though it’s less than what you were making,
is as proportionate to their personal expenses as yours way - they can get the same
work done without the overtime. And if they don’t have the same experience as you? So
what? If you were making (in our example) $125,000, they can probably be had for
$60,000 or so, and their taxes, benefits and other supporting expenses will be
proportionately less, as well.

Your Value to “You, Inc.”

What if you could take the same knowledge you’ve been using for your employer and
couple it with the same amount of effort you’re now putting in, and use it in your own
business? Of course, you may not have the same contacts, connections, facilities or
resources that your employer has, but you also don’t have to provide the same products
or services, the same back-end support, pay for the same fixed and variable overhead
expenses, or generate a million dollars of revenue, either.

The point is, what if you could, with the right training, tools and support, work the same
hours (or even less) and generate half that amount? What about half of that?

And what would your day be like if you didn’t have to start it off and end it in commute
traffic? And in between those commutes you didn’t have to work with people you’d
rather not be around? Or perhaps, not have a “boss” watching your every move, having
to meet deadlines or quotas set by someone else, and paying you what they say you’re
worth based on some arbitrary formula or “industry standard”?

What if your “commute” was down the hall of your home to a spare bedroom where
you clicked on your computer, answered a few emails, wrote an article for your
newsletter and then spent a couple of hours at a client’s business talking to their
employees and giving them ideas that helped grow their business, gave the owner more
time, freedom and income, and at the same time generated a sizeable income for you?

And what if you only did that 3 or 4 days a week and then took the other 3 or 4 days off
to spend doing what you really liked to do? (Spending time with your family, doing
community service, church work or missionary service, working with non-profits or
charities, or just chilling out enjoying your hobbies.)

Can you imagine a life like that?

What I’ve just described is exactly what is possible as a TopLine Business Solutions

Marketing and Business Development Consultant.

Take Control Of Your Own Life

Why, when there are other options available, would a person want to work for an
employer who tells them when to come to work, when to go home, what to do while
they’re on the job and then what they’re worth for doing it? And on top of that have no
control over the economy, what the government does, how the company they work for
is doing, what decisions are being made by someone else about their future, or whether
or not their job is secure from one payday to the next.

It doesn’t have to be that way. And for several hundred TopLine consultants it isn’t.

If you’d like full details on how you can capitalize on your business experience and begin
living the life you’ve dreamed about and provide the financial resources and security
your family deserves, then check out this short video. You’ll learn how some people are
creating some VERY substantial incomes, freeing up their time, and living life on their
own terms. There’s no cost and no obligation.

So go ahead, take a look... and be sure to take notes. Once you’ve done your due
diligence and you’re ready to learn more, schedule a time on my calendar and we’ll get
back to you and make sure to get all your questions answered.

If you determine that this is a direction you’d like to pursue, I’ll let you know the next
steps. If not, that’s okay, too. You’ll have gained some great insight and ideas that you
may be able to use in some other opportunity that may be a better fit for you.

In any case, I wish you the very best I whatever you do!

Martin Howey
Founder and CEO
TopLine Business Solutions

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