SEMESTER II 2018/2019
MASA : 8:15 – 9:45 MALAM (1 JAM 30 MINIT)
PART A: Answer ALL questions in this part. Transfer your answers onto the OMR form
(BAHAGIAN A: Jawab SEMUA soalan dalam bahagian ini. Pindahkan jawapan anda ke
dalam borang OMR disediakan.)
1. Which of the following is NOT a homopolysaccharide?
(Manakah di antara berikut adalah BUKAN satu homopolisakarida?
A. Starch
B. Cellulose
C. Glycogen
D. Peptidoglycan
2. Based on this sequence, Arg-His-Gln-Asp, which amino acid is at the N-terminal?
(Berdasarkan urutan ini, Arg-His-Gln-Asp, asid amino manakah yang berada pada
A. Arginine
B. Histidine
C. Glutamine
D. Aspartate
3. Which of these lipids contain fatty acids molecule?
(Manakah antara lipid berikut yang mengandungi molekul asid lemak?)
I. Triglycerides
II. Phospholipids
III. Sphingolipids
IV. Waxes
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
4. Which of these bonds links the nucleotides together?
(Manakah antara ikatan berikut yang mengikat nukleotida bersama?)
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. N-glycosidic bonds
C. 3’,5-phosphoester bonds
D. 3’,5’-phosphodiester bonds
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5. Which is a TRUE statement comparing phospholipids and triglycerides?
(Manakah antara berikut pernyataan BENAR mengenai perbandingan di antara
fosfolipid dan trigliserida?)
A. Both molecules contain a phosphate group
B. Phospholipids are the primary storage form for fats in our bodies
C. In nature, phospholipids occur in fused rings (sterol form), while
triglycerides maintain a straight-chain form
D. Phospholipid molecules have a distinctly polar 'head' and a
distinctly non-polar 'tail,' while triglycerides are predominantly
Questions 6-7 are based on the amino acid below.
(Soalan 6-7 adalah berdasarkan kepada asid amino di bawah.)
6. What is the name of this amino acid?
(Apakah nama asid amino ini?)
A. Glycine
B. Cysteine
C. Histidine
D. Tryptophan
7. In which group does this amino acid belongs to?
(Kumpulan manakah asid amino ini boleh digolongkan?)
A. Non-polar, aliphatic
B. Non-polar, aromatic
C. Polar, negatively charged
D. Polar, positively charged
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8. Which type of lipid is shown by the figure below?
(Apakah jenis lipid yang ditunjukkan oleh rajah di bawah?)
A. Wax
B. Steroid
C. Sphingolipid
D. Phospholipid
9. Which of these is NOT a polysaccharide?
(Manakah antara berikut adalah BUKAN satu polisakarida?)
I. Chitin
II. Starch
III. Maltose
IV. Sucrose
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV
10. Which amino acid can react with itself to form a dimer by formation of disulfide
bond? (Asid amino manakah boleh bertindak balas sesama sendiri untuk
membentuk ikatan disulfida?)
A. Serine
B. Proline
C. Cystine
D. Cysteine
11. What do you call a lipid that contains ceramide and sugar residues? (Apakah yang
dipanggil untuk satu lipid yang mengandungi seramida dan residu gula?)
A. A terpene
B. An isoprene
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C. A sphingoglycolipid
D. A sphingophospholipid
12. Which of the following is NOT found in a nucleoside? (Manakah di antara berikut
TIDAK ditemui di dalam satu nukleosida?)
A. Adenine
B. Guanine
C. Pentose sugar
D. Phosphate group
13. Which of these functional groups can be found in carbohydrates? (Manakah
antara kumpulan berfungsi berikut yang boleh dijumpai dalam karbohidrat?)
A. A ketone
B. An aldehyde
C. Hydroxyl groups
D. All of the above
14. What is the name of the bond that links the fatty acids to glycerol in a
triacylglycerol? (Apakah nama ikatan yang mengikat asid lemak kepada gliserol
dalam satu triasilgliserol?)
A. Ester bond
B. Amide bond
C. Glycosidic bond
D. Phosphodiester bond
15. All of the following are true about DNA and RNA EXCEPT (Berikut adalah benar
berkaitan DNA dan RNA KECUALI)
A. Both contain pentose sugars.
B. Both have deoxyribose sugars.
C. Both have a phosphate groups in their nucleotides.
D. Both are made up of monomers called nucleotides.
16. Hydrolysis of glycosidic bond involves (Hidrolisis ikatan glikosidik melibatkan)
A. Formation of ionic bond
B. Formation of hydrogen bond
C. Formation of glycosidic bond
D. Breakdown of glycosidic bond
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17. Which of the following polysaccharides DO NOT play role as structural
component? (Manakah antara polisakarida berikut yang TIDAK memainkan
peranan sebagai komponen struktur?)
A. Chitin
B. Glycogen
C. Cellulose
D. Peptidoglycan
18. Which of these fatty acids has the lowest melting point? (Manakah antara asid
lemak berikut mempunyai takat lebur paling rendah?)
A. 18:1c9
B. 18:2c9,12
C. 18:3c9,12,15
D. 20:4c5,8,11,14
19. The following statements are true about these polysaccharides EXCEPT
(Kenyataan berikut adalah benar mengenai polisakarida yang dinyatakan
A. Amylose and amylopectin are the types of starch molecules
B. Glycogen basic structure has similarity with amylopectin structure
C. Amylose structure is in a branched form while amylopectin is in a
linear form
D. Chitin plays an important role as a structural component for some
20. The primary structure of protein represents (Struktur primer sesuatu protein
A. Helical structure of protein
B. Linear sequence of amino acids
C. Multi-subunit structure of protein
D. Three-dimensional (3D) structure of protein
21. This protein structure forms when one or more strands of a polypeptide align
parallel to one another with many hydrogen bonds. This statement best describes
which structural organization of proteins? (Struktur protein ini terbentuk apabila
satu atau lebih rantai polipeptida selari di antara satu sama lain dengan ikatan
hidrogen yang banyak. Kenyataan ini paling tepat merujuk kepada organisasi
struktur protein yang mana?)
A. Primary structure
B. Secondary structure
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C. Tertiary structure
D. Quartenary structure
22. Why do saturated fats pack more tightly and have a more solid consistency than
unsaturated fats? (Mengapakah lemak tepu lebih padat dan mempunyai
ketekalan lebih pejal dari lemak tak tepu?)
A. They are heavier
B. They contain more nitrogen
C. Double and triple bonds cause kinks in the fatty acid tails
D. They have no double or triple bonds to put kinks in the fatty acids
23. How many peptide bond(s) in the shown structure?
(Berapakah bilangan ikatan peptida pada struktur yang tertera?)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
24. What is the name of the repeating units in both DNA and RNA? (Apakah nama
bagi unit berulang dalam DNA dan RNA?)
A. Nucleotides
B. Amino acids
C. Nucleic acids
D. Hydrogen bonds
25. Which of these statements describe the -pleated sheet of proteins? (Manakah
antara kenyataan berikut merujuk kepada kepingan- protein?)
A. Membrane sheets composed of phospholipids
B. Disulfide bridges between cysteine amino acids
C. Folds stabilized by hydrogen bonds between segments of
polypeptide chains
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D. Back-and-forth folds of the polypeptide chain held together by hydrophobic
26. A molecule with a structural formula of C12H22O11 is probably a____.
(Satu molekul yang mempunyai formula struktur C12H22O11 kemungkinannya
adalah satu ___.)
A. disaccharide
B. trisaccharide
C. polysaccharide
D. monosaccharide
27. The molecule shown below is a/an _____. (Molekul yang ditunjukkan di bawah
adalah satu _____.)
A. sugar
B. fatty acid
C. amino acid
D. purine base
28. What provides the information necessary to specify the three-dimensional shape
of a protein? (Apakah yang membekalkan maklumat diperlukan untuk
menyatakan bentuk tiga-dimensi sesuatu protein?)
A. The protein's peptide bonds
B. The protein's amino acid sequence
C. The protein's interactions with other polypeptides
D. The protein's interaction with molecular chaperones
29. Which of the following represents a nucleotide of RNA? (Manakah antara berikut
mewakili satu nukleotida RNA?)
A. Phosphate-Sugar-Uracil
B. Phosphate-Sugar-Adenine
C. Phosphate-Sugar-Thymine
D. A and B are correct
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30. Both lipids and carbohydrates are hydrocarbon polymers that contain carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen. What quality distinguishes lipids from carbohydrates?
(Lipid dan karbohidrat adalah polimer hidrokarbon yang mengandungi karbon,
hidrogen dan oksigen. Apakah kualiti yang membezakan lipid dari karbohidrat?)
A. For a balanced diet, you should eat more lipids than carbohydrates
B. Lipids are a type of protein while carbohydrates are a type of sugar
C. Your body can break down lipids but cannot break down carbohydrates
D. Lipids are a more concentrated source of energy for the body than
PART B: Answer ALL questions in this part. Answers should be written on the empty
space provided after each questions.
(BAHAGIAN B: Jawab SEMUA soalan dalam bahagian ini. Jawapan hendaklah ditulis
pada tuang kosong disediakan selepas setiap soalan.)
1. a. State the monosaccharides formed when these disaccharides are
(Nyatakan monosakarida yang terbentuk apabila disakarida ini dihidrolisis.)
i. Sucrose : glucose [1M] and fructose [1M]
ii. Lactose : glucose [1M] and galactose [1M]
b. Carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids are examples of macromolecules.
What is the monomer and type of bond that can be found in each
macromolecule? (Karbohidrat, protin dan asid nukleik adalah contoh
makromolekul. Apakah monomer dan jenis ikatan yang boleh dijumpai dalam
setiap makromolekul?)
Macromolecules Monomer Bond Involved
Carbohydrates Monosaccharides Glycosidic bonds
Protein [1M] [1M]
Nucleic Acids
Amino acids [1M] Peptide/amide
bonds [1M]
Nucleotides [1M]
bonds [1M]
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2. a. Match the following amino acids with its correct side chain structure.
(Padankan asid amino berikut dengan struktur rantai sisinya yang betul.)
Amino acid Side chain structure
b. Give TWO (2) interactions that can stabilize the tertiary structure of a
protein. (Berikan DUA (2) contoh interaksi yang boleh menstabilkan
struktur tertier protein.)
Either 2 of these [2M]: hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions,
covalent bonds (i.e. disulfide bridges), electronic interactions (i.e.
salt bridges)
3. a. List TWO (2) characteristics of lipids that are different from the other
(Senaraikan DUA (2) ciri lipid yang berbeza dengan biomolekul lain.)
Lipids are not polymers, they do not have monomers [1M] and they
are not soluble in aqueous solvents [1M]
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b. Classify the structure shown according to the class of lipid.
(Klasifikasikan struktur ditunjukkan berdasarkan kepada jenis lipid.)
Structure Class of lipid
Wax [1M]
Steroid [1M]
Fatty acid [1M]
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