Essenal School Informaon 2017/2018
School Contact Details
Telephone: 210-6047722/3/4/5 (manned weekdays from 8am to 5:30pm)
Email: [email protected] Fax: 210-6048542
Address: Filolaou 7, Gerakas, Athens, 153 44, Greece
Senior Leadership Team
Managing Director Ms. Penny Koutsantonis
Head of Primary School Ms. Emma Dodds
Head of Secondary School Ms. Helen McCarthy
Assistant Headteacher Mr. Panagio,s Kostopoulos
Business Services Manager Ms. Cindy Koutsantoni
Middle Leadership Team
Head of Assessment Ms. Evangelika Kostopoulou
Head of Crea"ve Arts & Physical Educa"on Ms. Vasiliki Varellas
Early Years Founda"on Stage & Key Stage 1 Coordinator Ms. Agni Dimitratou
Key Stage 2 Coordinator Ms. Kleio Stone
Head of English Mr. George Papaioannou
Head of Humani"es & Social Sciences Ms. Urszula Wasilewska
Head of Maths, Science & ICT Mr. George Monemvassio,s
Head of Sixth Form Mr. Haris Dedousis
School Day The school day commences at 8:40am and ends at 3:30pm
Class or Form Teachers / Pastoral Care Every pupil has a Class Teacher
(Primary School) or Form Teacher (Secondary School). In addi,on to register-
ing pupils and checking absence and lateness, your child’s Form Teacher is
responsible for communica,ng all important no,ces and news. The Form
Teacher assumes a pastoral care role and monitors your child’s academic, so-
cial and personal welfare. If any problems arise, pastoral or academic, then
your child’s Form Tutor should be your/their first point of contact.
Enrichment Programme A<er School ac,vi,es run on weekdays from
3:40pm to 5pm. If for any reason your child will not be a>ending a class,
please ensure that the school is informed in wri,ng, by note or e-mail, to
Ms. Fo,ni Kyriakou [email protected] no later than 2pm, on the day.
Absence from school is acceptable only for medical reasons. It is vital that
parents no,fy the school on the first day of the absence, and any day a<er, by
sending an e-mail to [email protected] in order for the absence to be au-
thorised. Our Aendance Policy is available on our website.
Late If your child arrives to school a<er Form Period commences (8:40am)
they are considered late and must sign-in at the school office. Failure to do so
means your child is considered absent.
Leaving school early Parents must inform the School Office if a child
needs to leave school early. Your child will not be allowed to leave without
parental consent and without signing out at the School Office. No pupil is al-
lowed off the school’s premises during the academic day without permission.
Transport & School Bus Any changes to your child’s travel arrangements
must be sent to the school office in wri,ng by note or e-mail to
[email protected] and [email protected] no later than 2pm, on
the day.
Illness/ Nurse If your child does not feel well during the school day he/she
is sent to the school nurse who will contact you if it is necessary to collect
Textbooks, Books & Supplies Parents are responsible for the purchase
of their child’s textbooks, wri,ng material and supplies. You will be provided
with a list of textbooks, reading books and supplies that should be paid for on
the first day of the academic year. Your child’s class teacher or subject teacher
will inform your child if any addi,onal supplies are required.
Homework Diaries Pupils in Year 3 and above are required to purchase a
Homework Diary from the school every academic year. This diary is intended
to serve as a channel of communica,on between school and home. Parents
are asked to check their child’s planner each week; and sign the appropriate
space. Please feel free to use it as a means of contac,ng a member of the
teaching staff or the Form Teacher.
Mee)ng with the Primary or Secondary Heads of School If you
would like an appointment with one of our Heads of School, please contact
Alexia Sandis [email protected] in the School’s Office.
Mee)ng with Teachers Throughout the academic year parents will be
invited to a>end ‘Parent-Teacher Evening’ mee,ngs as well as ‘Informa,on &
Guidance’ mee,ngs, where appropriate. If you would like to speak to one of
your child's teachers at any other ,me you may arrange an appointment
through the School Office. This mee,ng will need to be held during the school
day when your child's teacher is not teaching.
Prin)ng If your child needs to print a document that they have prepared for
class they must do so at home or in the school’s ICT lab only.
Change of Contact details If you have a change of address or contact de-
tails please let us know immediately, in wri,ng, by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] as it is essen,al we have all of your up-to-date details in
case of an emergency.
Canteen A canteen menu is posted on our website monthly under the Parents
header: Parents are welcome to e-mail
any orders through to our Canteen Manager, Ms. Chris,ana Zografou at
[email protected]
Please ensure that your child has a healthy breakfast before coming to school.
Uniform/ PE kit Uniform items must be ordered directly from ‘The Uniform
Shop’, by either visi,ng the shop (Gymnasiou 12, PeLakia [opposite the train
sta,on PeLakia']), by telephone (210 2717847), online or by e-mail
(lbcrea,[email protected]). Note: If your child consistently comes to school wear-
ing incorrect uniform they will be sent home to change.
Trips Parents are asked to sign a Consent Form for Trips & Offsite Ac,vi,es at
the beginning of every academic year giving permission for their child’s teachers
to take them on excursions outside the school during the school day. In every
case, parents are informed beforehand by le>er.
Website/ Communica)on Whole School Le>ers from the Heads of School
to Parents are also posted on our website under the Parents header:>ers-from-the-head
News & Events regarding our school’s community are updated on a weekly
basis on our Website and Facebook page. Please keep an eye on this sec,on and
let us know if you have any news you would like to share by e-mailing a photo
and details to [email protected]
Re-registra)on Forms for the next academic year are distributed in the
Spring. Please ensure this form is completed and returned to the school if you
wish to re-register your child for the following academic year. Failure to do so
may mean your child’s place is not secure and the place may be given to a pupil
on our wai,ng list.
Visitors to the school are required to sign-in by handing in their iden,fica,on
card at the gate. Visitors must wear a visitor’s badge at all ,mes whilst on the
school premises. Visitors are only permi>ed to walk around the grounds if they
are escorted by a member of staff.
Mobile Technology Use of mobile phones are not permi>ed during the
school day. Your child may contact you if necessary by using the telephone in the
School Office. If your child is not feeling well you will be informed by the School
Nurse. Our Mobile Phone Policy is available on our website.
Lockers Pupils in the Secondary School (from Year 7 and above) are allocated a
locker. A €2 deposit is required for each key, which pupils must return at the end
of the academic year.
Lost & Found Lost and found items of uniform or objects are collected and
stored by our cleaning ladies. Pupils should inform them of any loss.
Extreme Winter Weather Procedures
If the school cannot open due to extreme weather condi,ons, informa,on will
be posted on our Facebook page and on the front page of our website. Please
also keep an eye on our local municipality website as it also an-
nounces the mayor’s decision if schools are to remain closed.
Policies All of our school policies have been published and posted on our web-
site under the Our People header.
House System On joining Byron College all pupils from Year 3 and above are
assigned to a House. Our three House teams are:
Theseas (red), Perseas (blue), Hercules (green). Each academic year the Houses
compete in the House Championship where points are awarded for ac,vi,es,
mainly in the sports.
Parents Associa)on All parents of pupils at Byron College are automa,cally
members of the Parents Associa,on (PA) at Byron, which is a body of parents set
up to support the school. Please contact our PA by e-mail if you would like more
details [email protected]
School Council Our School Council Representa,ves, from Years 3 and above,
are elected at the beginning of each academic year by each Year Group/Form
Class. In addi,on, a Head Boy and Head Girl are also elected.